Grilled Bone-In Pork Chops On The PK Classic

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[Music] hey this is Emily from swan-like barbecue today we're gonna do a bone-in pork chop recipe this recipe is what got me first place at the World Championship at Fort Worth Texas we're gonna start with the best pork rub on the market Mississippi grime we're gonna cook it today on the pique classic with grill grates those grill grates are just going to help us get those really beautiful grill marks then we're gonna finish with a sizzling hot brown butter that we're going to pour over these pork chops it's going to bring a whole nother layer of flavor to this recipe let's get started so we stopped by our local butcher and picked up bone-in pork chops we're gonna season today with Mississippi grind and we're gonna do a medium to heavy coat on both sides and then we're gonna give them some time to sweat and really let those flavors sink in we didn't do any trimming on these pork chops today there's a thin layer of fat and outside of those loins but that's just gonna get good and crispy and add a whole lot of flavor and you know Marc loves that crispy fat and before we turn it we'll make sure they get the edges now that we've got these pork chops seasoned we're gonna give them time to sit here and sweat and really soak in some of that flavor from the Mississippi grind we're gonna go out here and get this peak hey fire it up and give it time to get up to temp and then we'll be ready to start cooking so to get this PK fired up we're gonna start with one chimney full of royal oak lump charcoal we're gonna put two tumbleweeds underneath it get it lit and we're gonna give it about 20 to 30 minutes to get going then we'll dump the charcoal into the piqué set the grill grates on top and then we'll be ready to cook all right so our chimney is ready to dump now we're gonna cover the whole bottom then we're gonna top it off with a little more unlit so for the PK we have two pieces of 18-inch angle iron that just helped to hold our grates in place so we're gonna go great in all right so the bottom vents are wide open on this PK and then we've checked the top fits like about half we're gonna give it time to come up to temp and then we'll be ready to put our pork chops on so we're ready to get these pork chops on our grates are in about 550 so we're gonna put these down for about a minute and a half and that's gonna give us time to get those good grill marks on there while we have those go in we've got two sticks of butter and a cast iron pan this is going to get our brown butter go in we're gonna put it in the back and just let it melt you want to keep a close eye on that butter you don't want it to burn but that's just gonna give it some time to start melting and start browning while your pork chops are cooking it's been about a minute and a half so we're ready to give these a twist we're gonna pick them up and give them a twist to give them those good-looking crosshatch marks can we press them down and we're gonna go another minute and a half now we're ready to flip them those have some awesome grill marks and that missed me grind really gets that really good red color so impress some day on give our butter a little stir let that keep browning or let these go for a few more minutes we're looking to get them to about 145 and then we'll take them up alright so we're gonna give them a final twist it's been about a minute and a half once we get the final twist we're gonna start checking doneness go right in the middle here and there about 137 so we got just a little bit to go where again we're gonna try to take them to about 145 and then we're gonna get them off and let them rest once we get these pork chops off we're gonna put them in a preheated cast-iron skillet to keep them warm then once our brown butter gets finished we're gonna pour our brown butter over these chops alright so now we're gonna check and see if they're ready all right this one's done this one's ready we're gonna call it we're gonna go ahead and get these up we have our pre hitit preheated cast-iron skillet here and we're just gonna stack them up we're gonna let them rest now we're gonna move our butter to the hot side see it's getting good and bubbly so we're gonna watch this butter really close because this is the time where it goes from really good to burn fast so you want to keep her on it make sure that it doesn't get too dark and once you kind of get that nutty smell and that light brown color you're gonna go ahead and pull it off we're gonna go ahead and get the pork chops in let them rest while we finish the butter all right so we've gotten the pork chops off the grill they've been sitting here resting we finished up our brown butter and we're getting ready to pour it on top just a quick recap we had bone-in pork chops so we got from our local butcher we cooked them today and the PK classic we use just medium to heavy coat of mississippi grande got him in the PK about a minute and a half minute and a half flipped and another few minutes we brought him up to 145 got them off let them rest and now we're getting ready to pour our brown butter on top all right so let's get this brown butter poured on top so be really careful because this pan is super hot and I don't know you can tell if you come in a little close you can see kind of the amber color of the butter that's really what you're looking for when you're brown and butter so we're gonna just lightly pour the butter over each pork chop you can always save the rest of that butter for sauce later it makes a really good addition to the pork chops or your mashed potatoes that you may be making with your pork chops all right so now it's time to taste it so I'm gonna grab one of these remove this pan so y'all can see it oh yeah that is a good looking pork chop look how juicy that is okay mm that is a good pork chop that misfeed Grande really brings out all this natural flavors at the port without overpowering it you're picking up on that brown butter which just tops it all off perfect that is an awesome awesome pork chop do a little extra dip here that brown butter gives a really great flavor to that pork and brings a really sweet element along with that salty flavor that you get from the meat that's our out for us today it's my life this is an awesome pork recipe we hope you enjoyed the video thank you for checking us out as always remember to Like and subscribe to our Channel check us out on Instagram and Facebook and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Swine Life BBQ
Views: 18,416
Rating: 4.9526629 out of 5
Keywords: porkchops, pork, grilling, pk grill, swine life, how to, grill grates, brown butter, bone-in pork chops, cast iron cooking, bbq, grilled, chops
Id: iFDhmo5uvO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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