Greyhound dog racing - Track race 480m

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they look good um i know they've been extensively  tested by the gbg but a number of tracks there's   going to be wheeled out a number of other  tracks this is the first time i believe   in the uk they're going to be used but they look  snug they look most importantly safe and you can   see the sponsorship on there as well sponsorship  opportunities so star sports underneath the number   uh grand board of great britain on the front there  could open up a whole world of opportunity for   sponsors indeed indeed quickly on the card tonight  andy of course you're going to be called in   all the races for us a very first i'll be final  for yourself i'm sure you're looking forward to it   absolutely yeah um listen the occasion's fantastic  and uh i don't think carol was available so   that's in but uh unless i'm very much looking  forward to it and the action of course getting   underway in less than three minutes time  then for the over this star sports derby   into track there's your favorite on screen now  then ashley kiran certainly looks well there's   ashley karan says electric and he's that 407  split and a red hot favorite here to kit kat   proceedings off with a winning favorite certainly  wouldn't put it past her some uh lightning   form over the sprint trips one of the four  bend distance here at toaster is actually kiran   and that certainly looks well on parade yeah i  mean andy this of course is over the 480 meters   the the slightly shorter four bend trip here  but if you're with us all evening you'll see   the dogs run over four bends two bends six bends  eight bends over the hurdles as well variety is   the spice of life and that's exactly what we've  got this evening right we're going to throw back thank you just one minute to the off then on this  first race of the night here at toaster   strap yourselves in it's going to be one heck  of a ride here at toaster tonight less than a   minute till post time on the up this star sports  darby into track i'm loving those jackets clarky   second thoughts on those still still liking them  yeah they look really good i mean you mentioned   that you were interested in them you've never seen  them before i'm i bet odds on that you've been in   a bit of a spot like for yourself before andy so  i'm not surprised you're interested well closer   they do look a pair of ladies knickers close up i  get i'll give you that and uh especially trap six   i mean aren't these bloomers but uh no i'm like  i'm local look certainly look look the business   um be interesting how the grounds go here in the  opener yeah and also conditions just quickly we've   seen the bowser go around a couple of times the  tracks watered good to go nice and safer polly   the vet as well checking the surface so we are  good to go everything's a1 down there then yeah   and looks like we're loading up for race one  tier's our start of this evening she's a lady   in the top hat and tails around the front of  the boxes she's just making sure everything's   a-okay down there how did this start support style  being to track for which they're all loaded now stand by fraction then here on star sports english  ground derby final night let's tear with the flag   thanks to up the low six hair is on the move for  ranks number one the star sports darby into track   red hot favorite two then ashley karan  stand by everybody good luck with your picks   we're off at the race in the way and ask around it  is that shows first one up inside oh yes yes yes in the opener here on derby final night yeah the blue jacket was left in front  odds on backers off to a good start   and we found a little forecast as  well to keep us off as well good start those rules are fantastic plenty more local  wins potentially to come tonight but uh mark   wallace wins the opener here with ashley kiran  2-6-1 in the opener this last sports derby   into track ashley karan makes all and  she's on screen there trotting back proudly yep godzilla favorites um sort of a  good start there look at that time 28-11 we thought the track looked good got a 28-13  best 28-11 here i guess they're going to normal well i i don't know about you hobbs i love the  roar it took a little while to get going but once   uh i think everybody knew asha karan was out in  front there were a lot of people off to a very   good start now 28-11 as well it's a really big  run here for mark wallace fantastic if you if   you watch the boxes you can see certainly it's a  a run you know cracking bench he's got huge speed   she's got sprint successor as well and and she's  got that early pace that's sealed the lead you   can see the cue just forming i've been at keith's  stand at the moment he's pitched there and i think   the bookmakers have taken a hit in the first but  you're right as soon as the lids were open there   was that raw that just built up and uh certainly  has blown i think those cobwebs away in terms of   the big crowd that's here tonight  they packed into the terraces here and   hopefully we're gonna get more cheers perhaps the  cheers and aren't quite gonna be well received by   uh ben keith and uh and all the toaster bookmakers  here but nevertheless the pandas are happy   the puzzlers are happy absolutely presentation is  taking place just over to the far side there is   asha karan format while it takes the star sports  derby into track and uh let's get a little more   reaction at the presentation with julie collier  well a wonderful run there listen i'm loving these   australian style racing jackets they look very  sort of the way forward mark very modern yeah it's   another great idea not just the jackets but  bringing this into track um competition back it's   another first for toaster it used to be one of  the highlights on the card the um the tony morris   um into track at wimbledon so uh it was a good  idea to bring it back and uh fabulous win for   a great start to the night absolutely and for  anybody in the crowd who doesn't know who this   man is this is mark wallace champion trainer many  times over dual derby winner and going for his   third derby win tonight with two finalists he has  truck one bombs bullet and trap two bruises bullet   how are they both first of all yes fantastic uh  all the teams arrived here in great commission   and uh you know we've had a probably enjoyable  week and we can't wait to get the the action   going tonight and it's good to get the night off  to a great start of course on this night last year   we saw bruises bullet absolutely flash out the  traps and run a spectacular race the fastest time   of the night last year can we expect a sort of  improved performance from him tonight on last week   well we hope so because he you know both of our  dogs were very tired after the riggers of the   three runs in inside the week and uh you know  that's the nature of the derby we know that but   they were tired um we've had a great week  with them and they look refreshed and fit   for action if he does what he did last year  then the other day honestly you know he's one you and me both so let's head back to  dave and andy and get their thoughts   on that performance by ashikiran well  thank you julie um we're gonna have it in early speed and um a 401 401 split on being  told here which is absolutely lightning from the   favorite four to six was the last show we'll  try and get that sp for uh mark wallace there   who's could be set for a huge night tonight  mark he's obviously got two in the derby final   i am the breeze in that durando fine uh durando  as well over the eight bends be a wall order there
Channel: JerseyGroovyFilms
Views: 10,781,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: greyhound racing, dog race, track race, British greyhound racing, JerseyGroovyFilms, greyhound derby, greyhound dog, greyhounds as pets, carrera de galgos, The sport is banned, american greyhound racing, greyhound racing usa, australian greyhound racing, irish greyhound racing, Animals in Sports, cheetah vs greyhound speed, dog racing competition, dog racing video, greyhound racing derby, fast running animals, Sports with animals, fastest dogs, fastest animals in the world
Id: 2dKCBcRehFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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