Greenworks vs Sun Joe Dethatcher Head to Head Comparison

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okay so today we're going to be doing a product comparison between the Green Works dethatcher and the Sun Jody Thatcher scarifier so let's go [Music] okay in today's video we're going to do a product comparison between the Green Works dethatcher and the Sun Joe dethatcher scarifier we're gonna use these in my backyard and main reason is because I've got a long stretch that I can use it one on one half and one on the other being able to get a really good comparison as to which one does the better job and what they claim to do so my backyard has never received any sort of debris removal by either detaching power raking I have not done any aeration I do know that I have a small compaction problem in some of my areas of my yard both front and back and along the side on the most trips so we're gonna be doing that later on but today we're gonna find out which one of these bad boys can beat the other one on a side-by-side comparison first up the Green Works dethatcher this machine has one dial to set all the height settings that you'll need it's super simple you pull out on the dial set it to the correct setting that you want this one is set at 2 which is the medium setting just a quick turn and it'll be set at 3 but we're going to set this one down and you can see it drop we're gonna set it to 1 right where we want it I've lost the video footage of going underneath the Green Works dethatcher so I took a screenshot off their website the cylinder with the tines on it looks exactly as the picture above next up is the Sun Joe dethatcher scarifier there is a difference and mainly just in the cylinders but I'll get into that here in just a few minutes both are electric and both weigh just about the exact same the Sun Joe has a super simple adjustment you simply push in select the height that you want and it will snap into place to go down or up is the exact same we're going to go with the lowest setting okay let's talk about the two cylinders that the Sun Joe dethatcher scarifier have the first one is a timed one that's already in the unit currently that's just like the Green Works the next one is a heavier duty scarifier like you can see in front of this the difference between these is that the scarifier will then as it comes down and makes contact with the soil create a trench that will allow for an over seeding to happen and will also help in the process of doing this of getting any excess thatch that is down low and a heavier cleanup of debris that needs to be done now to replace these two cylinders you simply undo the bolt pull them out and remove the cylinder that's in the machine and then replace it with the one that you're going to be using at the current moment you simply put the bolts back in and then tighten the bolts down please be careful to not it's so much pressure on the bolts that you strip out the threads this can create a huge problem for you and get probably Shane to not work properly okay so now one of the things I wanted to say about the they are super light maybe they are they feel like a like a he's a just lightweight plastic and they almost feel like kids toy but you see what they do alright first up the Green Works one thing that I am going to make sure that I state is that when they start up they sound just like a banking cleaner you have to mind the dogs [Music] just like a back [Music] [Music] so after having done that as you can see there's some debris I do get a couple heavier spots here where I do turn when it makes a turn it seems that it it puts a little bit more pressure on it it does seem to grab some of the really from just looking at this I can't really tell other than the stripes that it left left better stripes than the right here that's about as thick as it got but as you can see there are some good grass there some good grass and there's also some debris probably because this area is in the shade and this is about the heaviest I've ever got was right here again got some good grass in there but definitely what we're looking for is to pull up the dead debris and so now it's time get Sun Joe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're done and there is a tremendous discrepancy between the two now just so everybody understands both of these D factors were both set at the lowest height and using both cylinders attorney I didn't I use the scarifier with son Joe that is available and I was looking to do an oversee that's probably what I would use but the results are just crazy I mean you can see right down the dividing line right here that there is way more debris pulled out I will say that the Green Works does a great job at stripe in your yard but there's way more debris takes out and that's what you're looking for you want some of this dead debris and that's all that is this is not really fetch if it were to decompose and get down into your fast layer then it would then be considered - but this is just dead debris now that we've got this out we're going to be able to allow more air to the roots and more nutrients and water because when this happens just like what happens in and I'll go into this in another video but I take all my clippings at least in the spring and then the fall and I put them in my flower bed you have to mind the trampolines in there without you know any place else to put it but this is the kind of stuff you don't want choking out all the water all the nutrients all the air so now that that's either but because the Sun Joe did such a tremendous job in comparison to the green works I'm gonna go back over this again and finish it up and I think son Joe's the winner by a mile [Music] okay so backyards done now we're gonna hit the front since we know which one is the more productive and more efficient machine let's get to it [Music] well I hope you found the video interesting and helpful with being able to see the cyber side comparison I know that for me being able to see the two side by side and how they performed it was very eye-opening and unfortunately Greenworks didn't quite measure up just ain't got the MOX or the Moxie as it were hashtag ain't got the mocks the Sun Joe over handle her fist was way better second to none in comparison its ability to get up all the dead debris and really get get it up and do an efficient job at that probably that's a five to one in comparison that's it for the video today hope you enjoyed watching if you liked it hit the subscribe button even like and comment down below I always love the comments good or bad there's no such thing as a bad comment in that I can only get better with a little bit of help from you and resistance builds strength so see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Highlander Lawn
Views: 53,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sun joe dethatcher, sun joe vs greenworks dethatcher, sun joe dethatcher vs greenworks, greenworks dethatcher, greenworks vs sun joe dethatcher, lawn care, power rake, Which dethatcher is best
Id: pKnPV8OggAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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