Sun Joe 15 inch scarifier review Vs Version 1 13 inch scarifier dethatch

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gotta love it when it feels like christmas in springtime you'll never guess would just showed up on my door that's right guys it is the sun joe the 15 inch or the second edition now the interesting part about this is it's still 13 amps and the original deck size on the version 1.0 was 12 and a half inches wide so they're claiming that this is a true 15 inches wide i'm really excited to dive on in and figure out what this thing looks like well the world am i gonna do how am i gonna open this thing up tell you what that's not a knife this is a knife yeah buddy son joe what you got buddy what you got mr jones ah that's pretty easy crap another useless bag so set up took me all but about five minutes and just true to the sun joe brand they made some uh changes on the exterior looks pretty decent i mean all in all the amperage seems the same it runs at 13 amps and they're really smart about the shipping i mean these things don't weigh too much if the motor's the same i'm anticipating that everything else is going to run and operate the same way that version 1.0 did when we come around this back side this is where you're going to set your height so typically when you're dethatching it's going to be on the zero and when i'm scarifying i'm doing negative 10. that's just kind of my go-to on this style machine now underneath they have the same quick setup where you take an allen wrench and you remove it here and this whole assembly comes off makes it really really easy now the ultimate question is is the additional two and a half inches going to make this worthwhile and is it going to run as reliable and consistent as the first version let's change this out just to see how fast and easy it really is but over the years i've been super impressed with how this goes ready tidy lefty lucy pretty simple oh oh that's not gonna work so it turns out i was way off it's a uh it's a 10 millimeter socket let's get this out here we've used this a lot and it's time to replace these tines out of the factory here's the biggest difference between the two and you can see one's 12 and a half and one is 15 inches and pretty impressed i mean the spacing of the tines is actually just about the same uh when it comes to it but pound for pound they almost feel the exact same weight uh obviously this one is longer uh but i think that the design change has helped them save a little bit of weight i think one of the only concerns that i have is if the grass is actually going to get caught in these channels which i highly doubt it shoots out the back no problem from the top view you can see the center channel has to deal with the brand new one that i bought and the outs the exterior ones are the version 1.0 now the ultimate question is does that two and a half inches really make a big difference that's what she said but in my opinion yes it's going to make a huge difference on the lawn it's going to save you a lot more time now that doesn't sound like it will but i'll tell you what with mowing when you go from like a 17-inch deck to a 21-inch deck it makes a big difference now for those of you that aren't too familiar with the sun joes the dethatcher which is this one right here is to get rid of surface debris now that's going to get rid of all the dead grass now a lot of you guys have a lot of dead over the winter because you didn't do your mow short enough and that grass ends up matting downward and sometimes forming snow mold so this is a perfect tool to get rid of that now this other tool that comes with it is called a scarifier now this is going to rip through the actual thatch a lot of you guys get that confused debris is not thatched thatch is a root ball it's slightly above the surface and below the surface now when that thatch gets out of control it makes it difficult for you to get brand new blade growth coming out of it so i use this to encourage new blade growth and to kind of rip and tear through that thatch now this is great when it comes to overseeding a lawn it's great where you have a dry spot where you have verified that the sprinklers are 100 covering which you can do with a water output cup test but ultimately the best solution that i've found scarifying the lawn now these units the brand new one comes in at 179 dollars of memory serves me right and they've got a super sale on model one or version one for about hundred and nineteen dollars now is the extra two and a half inches worth the extra money for a guy like me where time is money i just don't have a lot of time on my plate the second version hands down is a no-brainer now the most important part to this dethatcher is the extension cable now i got this one from harbor freight i want to say it was like 75 bucks i've got links in the description of the video but you have to have a 100 foot 12 gauge cable now if you go 50 feet and get by with a 14 gauge cable but i still don't recommend it these draw a lot of amps now when it came to version 1.0 you're probably wondering how long did it last well i ended up dethatching my lawn and about 10 others before i started loaning it out then i started loaning it out aggressively i ended up blowing it out about 15 times now you have to understand when you loan it out every lawn is commonly a virgin lawn where you are pulling a ton of debris just a ton and you're putting it through the ringer now this thing just kept on trucking now my suspicion on why it broke is because the second to last time that i loaned it out they didn't take my extension cable now i've read through all the reviews and most of them again like i said before people burn these out real quick and my suspicion is they don't have the right cable for it the second last guy didn't take my cable then the last person used it said right out of the gates it just wasn't running right and i felt really bad because literally my mission was just to break this thing you know that was it i wanted to see how many times it could last and ultimately it was about 25 virgin lawns that we got out of it now how many square feet was that probably averaged about four thousand square feet of lawn i had a couple of these lawns that were ten thousand fifteen thousand square feet managed it like a boss so if you have any hesitation don't this is a fantastic product to buy but let's get the new one on the lawn let's see how it feels and go from there now my first impressions are actually really good it feels a little bit higher quality there's something about the way that the drum is shaped that it feels like it's grooming a little bit better um just to show you on the lawn um you can see the stripes that are occurring in it you know it's getting in there really really well now what i want to do is i want to show you in the bag what's happening because it's picking up a lot of debris now traditionally i'm not going to recommend that you use the bag very often unless you're just picking up surface debris now one thing i didn't notice but they put this little handle here that's very convenient but i'm still pulling out a lot of good live tissue a lot of good dead tissue but you can see all the debris in here it's pretty significant like just most of it is just wood chips and again all those seeds but it needs to come off the lawn because i'm going for golf course quality here and we want to make sure that we get everything out so everything has a really good chance of forming new growth and getting this material out of the way but so far very very pleased i got about half a trash can full of just debris now a lot of this is good soft tissue but that's just kind of part of the process it's gonna happen uh there is a significant amount of dead in here i've got a little bit of thatch i have a little bit of thatch which we would call the crown that's where uh the top of the thatch is reaching the surface and that is totally okay to remove i'm really excited to jump into this sun joe 2.0 or the 15-incher i've gotten really addicted to using the sun joe it's just teeny tiny it's easy to move around but i think we need to test out the scarifier so let's get to it let's see how it runs on the lawn a common question i get asked all the time is can you dethatch and scarify on the same day and in what order now you can absolutely do both services the same day um i prefer to dethatch first because you want to get rid of all that topical debris so it doesn't get in the way and a lot of you guys logical thinkers you're thinking okay well what if i just scarify is that a one and done type scenario the answer is no even some of the high end reps of alet they're recommending that you dethatch four days in a row because as you get a lot of the debris out and as the grass is growing you're going to be loosening debris and then pushing it upward when the grass grows so that's why they're recommending to do that but me i prefer to get the debris out of the way first then scarify keeps a little bit cleaner but could be wrong just the preference i've been very pleased with this machine you can see i ran the scarifier it's pulling a ton of debris i pulled out i don't know half a dozen or more little tiny pebbles that could potentially get into my real mower and the scarifier is pulling thatch like you can see now it is a little bit of a pain in the butt to clean off my suggestion is to use a backpack blower because raking it takes so much longer and it's not as effective good old sun joe out in the sun with the sun joe i'll tell you what it does a good job like this second version has just reinforced my love for that scarifier dethatcher i'll show you it it just does a bang-up job now it's hard to capture on camera but you can see the grooves as if you took a bow rake through here but when we start getting close you'll notice now there's no debris like whatsoever and we've actually cut into the thatch layer and kind of exposed the crown or the top of the thatch layer which is awesome um the the machine just does a good good job it really gets the debris up okay so i'm kind of excited with a little bit bummed but i found a design flaw in the sun joe 2.0 right this 15-inch and it almost shocked me let's take a look so i got to say everything was going really smooth but one thing i noticed is you've got these vents and i think they're to both cool the machine off but look at this one completely caked this one completely clean now what i can't tell is there's a cowl in here and then the airflow goes off to the side but this got so plugged up there's no airflow coming out of this side so the pain in the butt about this i got to remove all four of these screws just to get this off and to clean it okay so here's the thing when we peel this back let's see if i give you a sneak peek it's got the motor in it right let's see here okay get the motor but those two pillars the green pillars i don't know if they're glued or how they're sticking on there but you can't get this off which is kind of crazy because that is an air filter but i don't think it's that big of a deal because there's not a ton of debris in there i'm kind of wondering if that's just by default so but i don't think squirting with water is gonna do much back to the fisher price toy this news at nine i'll tell you what ultimately i'm actually really happy with it this thing is super portable super light the nice thing is that maybe i haven't hammered home yet storage super super simple if you just take these levers off it takes two seconds well i don't know not two seconds longer than two seconds but this thing breaks down so that way it doesn't take up a lot of storage space you can technically take it off from here to here but there's a little bit more hassle on that but really breaks down the way that you'd wanted to i mean there's just not a lot to it i'll tell you what you guys have any questions comments or concerns hit me up in the comments below you know i'd love to help you guys out until next time guys it's the pest and long did you this is the sun joe 15 inch and it's a good buy see ya [Music] you
Channel: Pest and Lawn Ginja
Views: 145,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sun joe 15 inch, scarifier, dethatch, thatch, scarifier lawn, sun joe review, lawn care, lawncare, lawn dethatcher, power rake your lawn, greenworks dethatcher, thatching grass, sun joe dethatcher, power rake dethatcher, lawn care for beginners, dethatcher lawn, scarifier review, lawncare for beginners, lawn care tips
Id: fLk154A_jsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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