Greenwood Park Mall Shooting Destroys Gun Control Narrative Exercising Constitutional Carry

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so this one story just destroyed the entire gun control narrative her granddaughter was in the food court traumatized but safe thanks to shea's boyfriend elijah dicken the 22 year old from seymour took down the mall shooter investigators say eli within seconds stopped the suspect pulled out the pistol he was carrying under the constitutional carry law steadied himself against a pole and fired 10 rounds from 40 yards away the suspect tried to go back in the bathroom but instead fell to the ground his actions were nothing short of heroic he engaged the the gunman from quite a distance with a handgun was very proficient in that very tactically sound and as he moved to close in on the suspect he was also motioning for people to exit behind him we could not find that he had a permit he was carrying legally under his constitutional carry law many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen that took action very quickly this hero stopped the shooter in seconds and saved an untold number of lives and you want to know what the response was from the gun control groups who claim they're not against the second amendment that they just want to save lives with common sense gun laws so shannon watts the founder of mom's demand action the nation's largest gun control group immediately tweeted this i don't know who needs to hear this but when a 22 year old illegally brings a loaded gun into a mall and kills a mass shooter armed with an ar-15 after he already killed three people and wounded others is not a ringing endorsement of our implementation of the second amendment however after she tweeted this she immediately got called out on twitter now you see now you know [ __ ] up you know that [Music] as a result shannon watts eventually deleted her tweet then there's chris brown no not that chris brown this chris brown chris brown is the president of brady another large gun control group here's what we're not gonna do continue to uplift the nra myth of a good guy with the gun let me be clear if more guns made us safer america would be the safest country in the world we need sensible gun laws not vigilante safety nets vigilante he was eating food at the food court with his girlfriend he wasn't riding around the mall on a segway looking for bad guys to shoot he was minding his business living his life until someone came in and started shooting and he protected himself his girlfriend and countless others and you're calling him a vigilante but they have to do this because stories like this terrify them because it destroys their narrative and the one thing they cannot afford to lose is their narrative they don't care how many people actually are saved they don't care how often people use firearms to protect themselves they must protect the narrative the only problem is like i said at the beginning of this video this video this story destroys their narrative let's start with the gun-free zones in 1990 joe biden introduced the gun-free school zones act which prohibited any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a loaded or unsecured firearm at a place that the individual knows or has reason to believe is a school zone but here's the question did the gun free school zone act stop the uvalde school shooter greenwood park mall where this shooting happened is a gun free zone this moronic gun-free zone policy didn't stop the shooter from bringing his gun in to kill a bunch of people but if eli had obeyed this dumb gun policy that the mall had the shooter would have killed way more people and no eli did not break the law by ignoring the no gun policy in indiana it's not against the law to ignore a no firearm sign at a private business you may commit a criminal trespass however for entering a business after they have been denied entry or have been asked to leave pro-gun control people like to point out that civilians stopping mass shootings are rare and they like to cite an fbi report that has since been corrected for the period from 2014 to 2019 the fbi had missed additional cases once those cases are included there were 25 cases out of 162 that's 15.4 percent where people with permitted concealed handguns stopped the attacks the fbi reports excluded cases where shooting attacks have been stopped by concealed handgun permit holders to put it differently while 36 percent of active shooting attacks have occurred in places where guns are allowed almost half 42.3 percent of those were stopped by people who legally carry concealed handguns now let's talk constitutional carry constitutional carry or permit list carry became legal in indiana on july 1st of this year this shooting took place on july 17 of this year and eli didn't have a concealed carry permit he was carrying based on the constitutional carry law that india passed just 17 days prior if not for indiana making it easier for good people to carry firearms for protection eli likely wouldn't have been carrying that day and a whole lot of people would have died here's the crazy thing you remember shannon watts who posted and deleted that tweet her gun control group released a statement after indiana governor eric holcomb signed the permit-less carry law that said this by signing this bill into law governor holcomb has made it clear that he would rather stand with the gun lobby than support and protect the law enforcement leaders who put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities permit-less carry will put hoosiers in danger and our communities will bear the toll of governor holcomb's choice to ignore law enforcement's opposition to this bill we cannot let this attack on public safety go unanswered and must hold our leaders accountable at the ballot box the only problem is constitutional carry allowed this citizen to keep other citizens safe because law enforcement couldn't get there in time to stop the attack there is so much irony here i'd need three videos just to unpack it magazine capacity the house right now is trying to pass a bill that will limit law-abiding citizens to only have 10 bullets in their guns it took eli 10 shots to stop the shooter imagine if eli was limited to 10 rounds and he needed one more to stop the shooter there's no evidence that 10 rounds makes us safer it's literally an arbitrary number that they made up hell even new york at one point was trying to pass a law that limited people's magazine capacity to seven rounds magazine limitation laws hurt the good people while empowering the bad people because bad people don't obey magazine limitation loss but good people do because they're law-abiding i did a video about a decade ago titled how to stop mass shootings where i said this you want to stop mass shootings and i mean stop them in their tracks put people in a position to put these bastards down the moment they open fire or show up intending to do harm these guys are corner campers they want an easy body count not a shootout you destroy the mass shooters fantasy real quick by sending bullets in their direction right then the fantasy stops and the reality kicks in and that's when they take their lives then celebrate the heroes who stopped the mass shooter 10 years later that's exactly what happened here the only difference is the shooter didn't get a chance to take his life a hero did it for him finding a place where there are a lot of people with guns ain't that hard in this country if mass shooters wanted a gun fight they know exactly where to go instead they go to places where people are most defenseless you don't stop mass shooters with laws you stop them by removing their motivation it's hard to kill a lot of people when those people are shooting back at you that's why mass shooters don't shoot up police stations that's why mass shooters don't shoot up gun shows or gun ranges there's no motivation to because they know they won't get to kill a lot of people before they're killed by other people like i always say at the end of my videos you are your own first responder how many more people do you think would have died if eli didn't take action and instead waited for the cops to show up cops with guns can't be everywhere but you can have a gun everywhere when you exercise your right to keep him bare arms just like the second amendment intended that's the meaning behind my shirt and hat design called i am the militia the militia in the founding era was the body of ordinary citizens capable of taking up arms to defend not only the nation but yourself and your loved ones i just want to say that eli is a hero nothing more nothing less and anybody who tried to subvert that or take away from that by trying to make it seem like this is the reason why we need to have more gun control laws is disgusting the people who fight to protect the second amendment or fighting to protect their lives you may not agree with it but you have every right not to carry a firearm you have every right not to own a gun but what you don't get to do is tell me i can't have one you know we talk a lot about empowerment in this country except for when it comes to the second amendment however i can't think of anything more empowering than having the most effective tool to protect you and your family so help me spread this message by liking and sharing this video with everyone you know and don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment because the second amendment when it said militia it wasn't talking about the government it was talking about you also if you want to know where to find the i'm the malicious shirt and merchandise click the i am the militia link in the description section of this video and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and most importantly make sure you hit that bell symbol
Channel: Colion Noir
Views: 895,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colion Noir, MrColion Noir, Concealed Carry, 2nd amendment, second amendment, 2a advocate, the right to keep and bear arms
Id: 8I_6TPWcFu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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