Pyrography feather and wood dye for water color look

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hey everybody this video is just gonna be a pile fee of this feather on the bowl I turn this bowl earlier in the day it's a camphor I just picked up the wood this past weekend so it's pretty fresh anyways put it on the lathe turned it I dried it with my heat gun on the lathe and then sanded it to 400 grit here i'm using a photo i printed off the internet and carbon paper i think you can get the carbon paper on amazon I'm sure I think that's where I ended up getting it from a pack of like 50 or something for you know five bucks or less probably I'm using a ballpoint pen because it's a lot easier to roll and get the enough pressure to help transfer that image I did learn on this bowl that you don't want to have your tape over top of your image because it dampens the pressure and the pen and causes it not to transfer completely so even though I outlined it completely wherever the tape areas were it was a little harder to see the outline in some areas it didn't transfer at all so you'll see me kind of drawing it on with the pencil so as far as your supplies you obviously made the image you want to trace or copy the other picture of the feather on the counter there is just a shading reference I was kind of wanting to go for that image that I put on the bowl but kind of shaded like the one on the table it didn't end up like the one on the table but it still turned out alright as far as your supplies so obviously I need your picture you're going to transfer your transfer paper some tape so you can tape it on your wood burner whichever one you're going to use mine I got from Hobby Lobby I'll put the link to the description in the description below of what burn are used and I'm using the I don't even know what kind of tip it's called but it's a sharper point e'er tip it was a little tough to get used to it first night it and practice with this tip before I started this ball so it was a little tricky getting used to but it was able to create the lines I needed for those real fine lines that are in feathers so it worked out and worked really well and after getting used to a little bit adjusting you know how I how I burned the feather you want a piece of steel wool or I just have you know I'm one of those scrubby things you get from Walmart for dishes to help get any of the burnt wood off of your tip because that will keep you from being a little burn well because it does get built up on there a little bit and then of course just a real comfortable seat and I use the towel to hold my hands up you could leave whatever project that you are gonna burn attach the check and bring your check in or some people like to do it right while it's on the lead it's just too hot outside for me to do that plus I like to be able to turn it upside down and you know go with different directions and and sit comfortably while I do it so you do whatever you feel is comfortable for you and keep in mind if you don't line your Chuck jaws back on to your project you may experience some wobble or at around this this particular bowl was turned green so it was you know in other words wet so I didn't and it concerned it wasn't a concern for me because it was already kind of warped from drying it on the lathe with the heat gun so it it went on just like it came off wobbly you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so for this feather I really debated on using dyes on it because I wasn't really sure look I used this wood in fabric ultra dye cut it at Michael's comes in a pretty good size I think it was about six bucks and I got I don't know it's like eight or ten different colors I'm using cool color so you know Purple's pinks and blues for this project I wanted it to look like a watercolor like a water painting so I have next to me a little bowl of water and just a kind of a fine tip brush to paint it on there just watering them down so they won't be so strong making sure that I'm dipping in between with water to get plenty of water on the brush and to get it saturated so it's kind of tricky because I wasn't sure how the wood would absorb it and how it all turn out or if it was just snapped it sand it all off but it turned out pretty good in between the colors I would take just the wet brush with just water on it and kind of like try to blend them together nice finished and then take the water just on the brush with that color and run it across the highlighted areas just to kind of really dilute it so that way the highlighted areas and the image would be light as well this dye is a water-based I am sure I have used it with alcohol to help speed up the drying process so you just mix a little dye with a little bit alcohol and use it that way but it wasn't necessary for this piece it turned out pretty good you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like I said I wasn't sure exactly how these colors would they're gonna be too dark or we're not dark enough but this particular would not know if this is with all of them and because I burned it the color doesn't soak in you know I guess as well I don't know I'm not I don't do this much so I guess during my learning curve eventually doing it all probably come to the understanding as white but the color ends up not being as bright or I would say is saturated which is fine because it was kind of the look was going for I wanted to look like it was water colored right first finished I was like oh it just might be too much but after going over it with some abrasive paste and just doing a food-safe finish on it it diluted it a little bit the color another is soaked in and dry do any of course this is water-based that's water amusing so it looks a lot dirtier which was fine for this particular project but I said cuz I wanted to get the watercolor look but if you're looking to have more of a saturated type effect maybe allow that to dry before you put a finish line of course I did allow it to dry before the finish but I was happy with the results of it looking diluted as you can see I'm kind of just using the water to spread out the colors to make it look like it's so just keep that in mind when you put a finish on there yeah we'll make the colors pop sometimes it causes them or maybe because of the wood soaked up that's marvelous wasn't as vibrant as it is now and you'll see the pictures towards the end it's not as the colors are not as vibrant [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm using just plain water to dilute the colors we try to spread them out a little bit and accentuate the highlighting area so they'll blend a little better make it look more like you know makes kind of watercolor so I'm just using some of the paints on the brush thank you so much for watching my video and my progress or my process I should say it's not something I normally do is my very first try and trying to do a watercolor over a burn so I hope that it gives you guys some ideas maybe spark some creative flow and young and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with so if you like to email me those images of things you might have done on your other projects check out in the description below I'll have an email address I pray you guys have a blessed week and take care [Music] you
Channel: Kim Tippin Wood Turning
Views: 7,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pyrography, water color wood, wood dye
Id: U7BakSEvK1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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