Green Day: Worst to Best

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[Laughter] another something completely different yes you read that right I'm doing something completely different I am going to be reviewing or ranking Green Day's albums according to my taste if you disagree with my ranking let me know I would love to know if you agree with it great also let me know I love discussion you may be surprised at some of my opinions you know it's amazing you are 100% wrong I mean nothing you've said has been right this is something completely new that I'm trying and if you like it and great let me know because then I can continue and if you want me to rank the albums of some of your favorite bands then let me know anyways let's get into it and see how it goes for the two of you who don't know who Green Bay is Green Day's of pop punk band formed in 1986 in Berkeley California by lead vocalist and guitarist Billy Joe Armstrong bassist Mike Dern and drummer tré cool the band gained wild popularity with the release of their 1994 instinct cult classic do peace and have been a major influence to the pop punk shower ever since just a disclaimer here are some honorable mentions that don't make the list because they're not technically Green Day albums but they are performed by Green Day the network's money money 2020 does not count because it is technically not a Green Day album also the Foxboro hot tubs stop drop and roll will not make it on this list because it is technically not a Green Day album and finally I'm not going to include shenanigans because it is a b-side album and it does not technically count as a studio album alright let's get it in the list number 12 [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah yes adolescent Green Day I put 39 smooth at the bottom of this list because there is still finding their sound the production isn't the best a lot of the songwriting isn't the best the guitar work is pretty damn good as far as the lyrics go it's it's mediocre mediocre I don't really have too much to say about this album as of course it's my least favorite [Music] did anyone obviously not see this one coming trey is it's the third album of an already prolonged trilogy that just went on for too damn long a lot of the songs on here are super mediocre and if you listen to the first two albums that come before it uno and dos right before listening to this one this one's gonna feel like a buzz kill a lot of the songs in the trilogy follow the same formula once you get to the third one it's just it's just tiresome there are some pretty good tracks in here like dirty rotten bastards and my favourite ex kid then there's just songs like a little boy named train also the Forgotten is a nice little piano ballad but it just doesn't fit the aesthetic of the rest of the album [Music] at number 10 we have uno the first of the trilogy now I feel like this one sounds the most true to the Green Day sound of the trilogy there's a lot of pop punk hits on it like nuclear family let yourself go kill the DJ but of course like all the records in the trilogy it has its downsides as well when I heard oh love when it first came out I was just confused it's slow Billy doesn't sound like his normal angsty self and it just doesn't fit the Green Day aesthetic it's not very good if I had to say when my favorite track on this one is it's probably let yourself go I like the anger in it it has a very unique sound and that's all I have to say about that at number 9 we have dos my favorite of the trilogy some people go to say that this one is actually the worst of the trilogy and I can kind of see why they'd say that I think they say that because it sounds different I believe Green Day said somewhere that it was a Foxboro hot tubs album that was disguised as a Green Day album and honestly I can see that it's very crazy it's very wild and honestly I like that about it that's why it's my favorite of the trilogy it's different it's experimental but it's the good kind of experimental some great songs on here or [ __ ] time it's got a great guitar solo lazybones is a pretty good one I like the drums makeout party is another wild one where you get to hear it Billy screaming which is pretty nice and my favorite song in here is stray heart and I'm sure a lot of people agree with that as it's just a catchy tune but let's not mention nightlife at number eight we have their latest album revolution radio now when this thing was coming out I didn't really have too high of expectations the last four albums they released before it I technically count them as two the urges they seemed to be following the same rock-and-roll formula that they're trying to adapt from American Idiot or the American Idiot sound but it just doesn't work as well I feel like this revolution radio album is the epitome of that I do like some of the experimentation on it like trying to sound a little bit like The Who in some parts my favorite track on here is forever now I think that has the most classic aesthetic as far as a Green Day song goes I like the way the album opens I like somewhere now I think Bang Bang is also a pretty good single as well as revolution radio revolution radio the song sounds like it came directly from American Idiot which I love but there's also just a lot of songs in here that just didn't stick out at all to me say goodbye is one of those songs Outlawz is one of my favorites on the record but the lyrics are just still breathing doesn't even sound like a Green Day song it sounds like something Daltrey would make in like 2006 but just more upbeat don't like the song Youngblood to Don the dies finishing song ordinary world I think it's a I think it's a nice tune but I feel like they were trying to pull good riddance and in that case it just didn't work number 7 we have 21st Century Breakdown now this album it's a tough one for me I really like some of the songs on here I think it opens really well with song of the century I like the song 21st Century Breakdown know your enemy is pretty good although a little repetitive viva la gloria before the lobotomy this album really does have a great streak of songs on it last of the American girls as catchy as hell viva la gloria question mark is fantastic restless heart syndrome had a lot of potential but I feel like the songwriting as far as lyrics goes just it's not very good I love peacemaker 21 guns is exactly what I want to hear from Green Day it's fantastic it's such an anthem it was such a popular song and for good reason and I just can't get enough of that song this album does have a lot of tracks that just kind of blend in and don't really stand out like murder City East Jesus know where you know what actually there aren't a lot of bad songs on this album now that I'm reviewing this I think that's pretty good it's better than I thought however it still stands at the same place on my list I think the biggest problem I have with 21st Century Breakdown is that it tries too hard to be American Idiot like I said with revolution radio they just kind of follow the same formula and it just kind of gets old 21st Century Breakdown it's just a lesser American Idiot but still great still great at number 6 we have kerplunk I actually don't have too much to say about this album this was when Green Day really found their sound departing a little bit from the sound of 39 smooth they really found the formula that made green day green day this was also the album where welcome the Paradise was first introduced the production is very raw sounding it's definitely not as heavily produced as they're following albums some just some great songs on the same like christy road who road holden caulfield and obviously welcome to paradise number five we have insomniac now I love insomniac and here's why I don't remember the full story but I believe Green Day was pissed off like very pissed off and they show it with this record now following their 1994 hit Dookie was a challenge but I believe they pulled it off I don't really think there's a bad song on this record some of the songs just kind of sound like scraps from Dookie like the song 86 but is that really a bad thing I love the way the album opens with Armitage shanks I love brat who doesn't love geek stink-breath brain stew is also one that I've loved for a long time the walking contradiction video is hilarious and one of my favorite music videos of all time and panic song is just free I don't understand how anybody can play bass that fast I don't understand all anybody can play anything that fast anyways this deserves the number five spot on my list [Applause] [Music] boy let's go in [Music] now this one's a shocker now some of you may be wondering how the hell you can place warning above insomniac I'll let you know now a lot of people don't like warning because it really symbolizes a departure from the original Green Day sound but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing if you do the same thing for too long it starts to get stale and I believe because they change their sound is why they're still so damn popular today and I understand that sometimes changing sound can be really bad but I think this time it just works I like that they were experimenting with folk instrumentation I also think that this is the best produced Green Day album very clean sounding anyway some awesome tracks on here the opening track warning is great even though some people would consider it a ripoff the following track blood sex and booze also a fantastic song deadbeat Holliday is really nice waiting was also one of my favorites growing up minority is a punk anthem that sticks a finger up the ass of the patriarchy a Macy's Day Parade is a great finisher but I think the highlight of this album the one song that I feel like is the most underrated green a song of all time is misery misery is definitely one of my favorite songs by then and I'll tell you why it's completely different than any other green a song I've heard take take the guitars throw them out the door you like violence you like big bass drums and theatrical sounds well we got them you like dark themes we got them you like mandolins we [ __ ] got them this song is just so strange and dark and different it's just fantastic if you haven't listened to the song misery go check it out it's awesome [Applause] [ __ ] kidding me [ __ ] joke now calm down calm down I can explain now I think the majority of people would agree that Dookie is Green Day's best album it's arguably their most influential it's definitely one of their most popular and it definitely has a lot of classics on it you already know how great it is so I'm just gonna tell you what I don't like about it now the thing is all the songs on Dookie they just kind of blend together but not in a good way a lot of times when you mentioned Green Day somebody in the room is going to say all their songs sound the same and I believe this album is the epitome of that it's a good sound don't get me wrong but it's just an album that you just can't listen all the way through the songs just get too repetitive with maybe the exception of longview which is my favorite song in the record now I understand that this was a completely new sound that no one's really heard before and that I give it props for maybe I just don't understand it because I didn't experience it as it was happening anyways I'm not gonna completely hate on Dookie I love the album it's of course at my number three spot I just wanted to say what I think is wrong with it because everybody loves it including me but I feel like everybody's heard enough praise about the album so I just wanted to criticize it a little bit not even number two not even number two [Music] [Music] ah yes the last Green Day album where you can barely understand what Billy's saying now Nimrod it's definitely one of my favorites in fact my second favorite Nimrod was really the beginning of grenades experimentation into new sounds in some ways it even sounds confused with its own identity some songs sound just like classic Green Day like Dookie and Sami a carrot Green Day but also some songs sound more like modern Green Day they were really transitioning from Punk into alternative the beginning track nice guys finish last a great Green Day tune just classic Green Day sound throughout very catchy the garage is another great song redundant scattered worried rock platypus and I just love the experimentation of certain songs like last ride in walking alone fun fact Billy learned the harmonica just for that song and of course king for a day which is their most fun song life believe me I've seen it now of course I'm not gonna forget good riddance or time of your life it's overplayed like hell it's played it like every graduation every wedding you've heard it before if you tell somebody you like Renee and they say they don't know who it is you can sing that song and they'll be like oh I know that song and it's misunderstood it's not supposed to be a happy song it's supposed to be a [ __ ] you song it's literally called good riddance if you listen to the original b-side version in my opinion it's a lot better because it's angrier I like to call the Nimrod version time of your life just because it's very light-hearted it's just strange that the song is just used so much but it's just so misinterpreted and of course I'm not gonna forget my favorite green a song ever hitching a ride hey Chan a ride I load the violin I love the verses I love the chorus it's sludgy its angsty it's a little bit theatrical and oh my god when it drops it freakin drops right now actually no right now finish the video first then go look up the bullet and a Bible performance of hitching a ride when Billy screams the hairs on your neck will stand all right let's boo-boo sure [Music] [Music] did I even have to say it this was the era when they look their best they sounded their best and they were their most popular seriously I remember that you could not go anywhere without hearing boulevard of broken dreams are wake me up with September ends and you would see hard hand grenades literally everywhere I seriously think this is one of the most influential and one of the best rock albums of the naughties if not of all time this was the album that got me into Green Day way back in 2004 when I was just in first grade American Idiot was the first song I heard by them and I instantly became obsessed when I got my first flip phone in 2006 I remember recording the song American Idiot on the little phone microphone and using that as my ringtone there are just so many things I love about this album the songs have a consistent sound to them but every song has its own character like it's fantastic to hear the upbeat miss of holiday slow down into the ballad that it's Boulevard or to hear the anthem of we are the waiting gets suddenly picked up by Saint Jimmy every song has its own character which is just something I don't really get from an album like Dukie also the story behind the making of this album it's just a fantastic underdog story the master tracks from their 2003 album they were recording called cigarettes and Valentines which was supposed to be a return to form after straying from their sound with the poorly received warning those tracks were stolen keep in mind that at this time the popularity that they gained from the mid 90s was starting to wane they needed to make their new record fantastic one that would sell millions and by god they did it instead of rear according the songs they decided to completely start from scratch and win a completely new direction that nobody had ever done before they made a punk rock opera and this punk rock opera was a gigantic hit the whole album tells a story which I just think is awesome because I love concept albums and although I think warning is their most experimental record sound wise conceptually American Idiot was definitely their most daring and don't even get me started on how beautiful and heartbreaking the song waked me up with September ends is if you don't know the meaning behind the song when Billy was 10 his father died he left the funeral Orly and ran home and locked himself in his room when his mom knocked on the door and asked him if he was okay he said wake me up with September ends now Billy's voice on this album is the perfect mix of their old sound and their modern sound it's just sludging enough to where you can hear the angst in his voice but you can also understand what he's saying he sounds vocally like he did before but for once you can actually understand what he's trying to say you can understand the message well actually you can actually you can say that forewarning too but let's just forget about that one after this album you don't really get the same angst in Billy's voice that he once had his voice just becomes a little bit nasally hell this thing even had a Broadway musical adaption which I saw it was fantastic American Idiot is still my favorite album of all time and it's the album that made Green a my favorite band of all time well that just about settles that remember if you disagree with me let me know what you disagree with and if you want me to review another band let me know that too I'm not sure if this is something I'm going to continue as it's pretty different from what I've been doing but I'll let the jury decide all right so that's that and um Godspeed
Channel: Billy Cobb
Views: 152,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, song, green day, american idiot, dookie, time of your life, boulevard of broken dreams, warning, uno, dos, tre, revolution radio, 21st century breakdown, 21 guns, album, ranking, rank, list, countdown, top 10, insomniac, kerplunk, nimrod, anthony fantano, brad taste in music, artv, theneedledrop, worst, best, live, funny, comedy, commentary, meme, memes, idubbbz, h3h3
Id: yzqeP0Y2WeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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