Weezer: Worst to Best

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hi everyone were City best you know here the Internet's busiest music nerd and it's time for another edition of our worst - best series where I go over what albums I am ranking essentially from the worst to the best in a particular artists discography this time it's Weezer the legendary 90s alternative rock band yes they have quite a lengthy discography still adding to it but I felt that now was a good time to maybe go over and reassess what exactly the highlights in the band's discography are up until this point from the blue album to the black album I will be going over every major studio release from Weezer here we go for some people it may seem kind of premature to put one of Weezer's latest records as the worst record in this list but I don't think that's the case I mean for Weezer certainly could get worse from here but in my cold dead reviewer heart I do firmly believe this album should be in this spot I think this album perfectly exemplifies what Weezer fans are complaining about most of the time when it comes to the turn the band's music has taken over the years instead of sticking to their guns and embracing the sound and the ethos of the music that got them to where they are today Weezer is completely content to embrace whatever awful cliche ideas are trending in the mainstream Matt whatever moment and Pacific daydream sees the band doing that essentially with the bright shimmery mostly synthetic sounds of millennial pop what's worse is Rivers Cuomo is very strange and unique system of syllables and spreadsheets when it comes to songwriting yeah it's led to quite a few really impersonal and formulaic songs that don't really have much substance to them it's like I'm listening to random ideas cobbled together but tied up in a very nice bow like on Lamantia Screwjob or on get right which is a pretty exuberant and righteous rock song but doesn't really feel like it's getting to the heart of anything from the sunny atmospheres to the slick beats and the whoa choruses Weezer really has nothing to do on this album then play catch up with the likes of Foster the People and imagine dragons I will say there are some fans out there that I think are a little too dismissive when it comes to rivers as he ages wanting to write pop music for a pop audience I mean how many artists are in the mainstream and over the hill but essentially still want to write songs for young audiences not that many I mean there's Pharrell I guess what I'm trying to say is that in concept I'm fine with it but I don't think Rivers is particularly good at it as it results in some sickeningly sweet cuts on this records such as feels like summer and happy hour there are a couple of very admirable ballads in the tracklist here that features some quality songwriting the rich and triumphant weekend woman is great also I love the very sad and acoustic QB blitz River songwriting when it's good it still shines even when he's dragging Weezer sound through the dregs of mainstream pop trends that are gonna go stale in three years in hindsight I do respect the band's attempts on this album at trying to create a true-blue pop album that embraces modernity that embraces California that embraces the sound of a new generation it is well-intentioned but ill-conceived [Music] Weezer's 2005 album make-believe is my next album in this list it marks the band's first big collaboration with Rick Rubin and even though at the time this record did chart higher than any Weezer album previously in retrospect by a lot of hardcore fans it is seen as the group's real fall from grace it's actually a miracle that the Weezer fanbase had any goodwill toward the band left within it after the release of this album and that's not to say that make-believe doesn't have its tolerable tracks doesn't have its emotional moments like the other way but the memory of this album is more defined by the plethora of radio friendly pop punk and alternative rock tunes that feature these obnoxious earworm choruses that just churn my stomach like Beverly Hills or we are all on drugs tracks whose negative qualities actually contribute to them getting stuck in your head and not in a good way but when make-believe isn't being flat-out irritating it's just kind of going in one ear and out the other with some of the most soulless pop rock the band has ever recorded the sound of this thing is squeaky clean it's low impact which is unfortunate given the band's knack for pop songwriting on green and blue given how heavy and hard-hitting much of maladroit was clearly Weezer's continued bid for mainstream attention panned out and make believe financially but in retrospect it's easy to see why many look at make-believe as one of the Bands most stylistically bankrupt albums [Music] Weezer's 2009 record rata to dwell ong time fans consider to be their worst just the worst and yeah it's for good reason it's hard to imagine a more effective way for Weezer to jettison their original fanbase than to do a hip hop crossover with little Wayne v-line okay [ __ ] it's Weezer and Weezy suggests that the creative thrusts behind the track isn't that much different than those nerdy t-shirts that mash together two pieces of pop-culture because they can be punned and given the track is called can't stop partying you would think the band would at least have the decency to bring on Andrew W K but no all that being said though R attitude does climb up a bit higher on list here because I do see it as a somewhat riskier stab at pop songwriting than its predecessor make believe was it also reflected a pretty extensive batch of collaborators and up to this point Weezer had been a pretty insular act so in a way I do kind of admire the commitment and sheer audacity that Weezer and rivers showed on this record the opening track and lead single from this record is kind of cute though and for the most part what R attitude lacks is execution and even if rivers approach to mainstream pop on this record is little tongue in cheek which it might be the lyrics are still far too dumbed down and annoying it's really a no-brainer that this album would end up so far down the list [Music] Weezer's latest record at the recording of this video there 20 19 album black and it's essentially one of the biggest whatever's the group has ever recorded point-blank period certainly not the worst album they've ever put out but a totally forgettable mixed bag that really has no defining characteristics about it whatsoever despite the kind of bold direction the band took on the cover art here I was excited for this album originally especially given teasers like can't knock the hustle which felt like a nice 90s throwback to a hodgepodge of rock and pop and hip hop packaged into a really sharp song that reflects Weezer's creative trajectory over the years but despite a promising first half this album essentially just turns into make-believe part 2 with the band dishing out another helping of the most soulless pop rock imaginable tracked so cleanly that the instrumentals on this thing just sound like music from feel-good beer commercials not to mention some of the band's worst songs ever turn up on this record - like the prince who wanted everything whose lyrics I really just can't stand also the band's totally out of left field attempt at writing like some Island pop on a Byzantine this thing is mostly just a forgettable dud from a band who really could be taking more risks at this point in their career at least when they were doing things like this on make-believe there was like an audience and a radio market for exactly this at this point what or who an album like black serves I'm just not sure the next album in my list here also came out in 2019 it is Weezer's fifth self-titled album the teal one I would say this point in the Weezer worse to best is where the album's start getting tolerable in fact I would say most of the tracks on this album are pretty enjoyable despite this album not containing any original songs and not a whole lot of creative liberties outside of filtering these tracks through their usual Weezer sound that kind of heavy chunky nerdy power pop inspired alternative rock sound there are some tracks on this thing where the band lays on the attitude or the fun really thick like on their stadium-sized version of happy together or their take on TLC's no scrubs but for the most part Weezer's takes on these tracks are kind of unimaginative still though even that works out most of the time because their performances and the recordings on these tracks are pretty great especially on their version of Africa especially on their version of take on me and I guess I do appreciate the band's attempt at drifting away from some of the more obvious rock choices that I think a lot of bands would have made if they were doing a cover album themselves as Weezer's choices tend to focus more around synth pop and pop in general on most of the tracks here rivers deliver some quality vocal performances but the quality of those and this album in general does tend to falter in the second half like his attempt at singing Michael Jackson's Billie Jean is is laughable to put it nicely nor is Bryan Bell's attempt at singing an old-school Black Sabbath song that gray either also the instrumental progression of the Bands attempt at playing the song stand by me is is utter trash as they have no appreciation whatsoever for the instrumental subtlety of that song this thing is sweet its listenable if you're a hardcore fan you most likely should give it at least a try and honestly it's just funny that this covers album beats out quality-wise a good chunk of Weezer's discography next in our worst to best we have Weezer's 2008 record red which is why we written off by many fans of the band or ignored maybe because it's coming out of an era where Weezer wasn't at their best no matter the quality every album Weezer does these days does seem to suffer from some kind of original sin that I guess they haven't quite answered for yet but as someone who just enjoys the band's knack for nerdy ear worm pop rock red does deliver some decent tracks it's a flawed album for sure but it's certainly not Weezer trying to be something that they're not and the sound of this album wasn't totally lacking in bite like make-believe was still there are more moments on this thing that make me go yikes than I would like like the band's decision to have Brian Bell write and sing a song on here the track thought I knew which is easily one of the worst tracks Weezer has ever recorded it sounds like an awful boring run-of-the-mill 90s alternative rock single that would have been dead on arrival at the desk of any radio programmer at the time then the band goes full beatles and lets the drummer sing one yes Patrick Wilson has his own track on here the track automatic which is kind of a hard rocking but still completely substance list pop rock tune with her if eclis awkward chorus hey it's automatic lyrically rivers also runs a master class on cringe on the track cold dark world but I see the girl that you are deep inside won't you allow me to give you a ride I can console you and give you a kiss show you that you can do better than this I wish I was making these lyrics up but I'm not the band continues to lay on the melodrama on the track the angel in the one but this song as well as dream ins see the band overextending the length of their tracks past the point to where they're even entertaining now I could see why some fans recoiled at the sound of tracks like everybody get dangerous everybody get dangerous but if Weezer taking themselves seriously isn't a requirement for you to enjoy a Weezer song then you should have no problem getting into this track I also have heavy respect on this record for the track the greatest man who ever with its multiple musical and instrumental changes it's one of the most ambitious things the band has ever recorded it's kind of like their happiness is a warm gun the opening track on this thing is really good heart songs is easily one of the band's best ballads and honestly pork and beans will forever remain one of my favorite Weezer singles period and not just because of its incredible riffs and it's thick production and its really sharp songwriting and I do like the ethos of the track stating the band's creative freedom and that they're gonna do what they want to do taking a shot at haters and critics who are trying to push the band into being the group they want them to be when that's just not gonna happen and yes that is a theme that is an idea that the band has touched down on in song many many many times at this point but pork and beans is maybe one of my favorite examples of it I guess certainly not the worst album in their discography obviously in my opinion but a record still where I think I appreciate what they're trying to do more than what they actually did and read does feature some of the best musical highlights from Weezer of this decade as well as some excruciating tracks as well that's why it's falling kind of in the middle of this list [Music] honestly despite its dumb cover silly name and extremely flaccid promotional rollout Hurley is a pretty good album for Weezer I liked it upon release and in retrospect I see this album as being a part of a miniature streak where the band was kind of getting the ball rolling once again on putting out less sucky album kind of a miniature return to form from here to the White Album and this thing is just a bunch of no-frills pop rock songs that see the band just kind of getting back to basics while also inviting on a lot of guest songwriters people who have a track record for making hits individuals like Mac Davis and Linda Perry and I would say this album is the first instance where Weezer inviting on these other songwriters to help make the record really paid off the quality really showed in how good the Tunes were you have the exuberant and celebratory memories which is an amazing opener memories make me wanna go back there back there the amazing song ruling me which is this track about being essentially a slave to desire and lust the driving guitars the harmonious background vocals and the undeniable chorus on this thing are great you also have the dysfunctional and heart-wrenching train wrecks even rivers only solo songwriting outing on this thing unspoken is incredible it feels like a youthful raw acoustic throwback to the days of Pinkerton in a way if only this track could have been recorded in a more low Fife action it would have fit right in on that album yes there is nothing truly new or exciting for Weezer on this record but when it comes to either putting out an album that isn't total trash that's excitement enough for me with one catchy and rocking and passionate and well produced track after another on this record I can't not walk away from Hurley pleased there are a few goofy moments in the tracklist like smart girls as well as where's my sex which sounds like a weird warped demented take on 90s grunge but honestly even though these tracks are my favorites they do add to the personality of the album and do prevent it from being totally one-dimensional unfortunately I think Hurley will continue to be looked at as more footnote in the band's discography than an admirable moment but this will forever remain one of the group's more solid records in my opinion and will also serve as a reminder that album covers matter please pick a good album cover you know like try just try the next installment in our worst to best is Weezer's 2001 record green which came after a pretty long stint of studio album silence after their 96 record Pinkerton liked their first LP it was produced by the cars Ric Ocasek and it was clocking in at just over 28 minutes yes back in 2001 Weezer was already on that short album wave this thing was also Weezer's most poppy and polished record at the time too obviously the blue album had its share of big singles but green with one track after the next you can tell the band was really trying to deliver here a lot of very throttling and catchy pop punk and alt rock just go really simple and meat-and-potatoes with it don't get too tied up into difficult emotions and sadness like they were on Pinkerton much of the songwriting on this thing is rooted in a pretty bold catchy vocal melody or a crunchy guitar riff like on maybe the biggest single from this thing hash pipe Jun Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin and the band's more impersonal approach to songwriting and lyricism did seem to pay off as Green did kind of kill it on the charts of course the popularity of this album was bolstered by Weezer returning with some huge singles like Island in the Sun and hash pipe that I mentioned earlier which believe it or not is actually one of my least favorite Weezer songs to this day I just think the lyrics of that track are so dumb but overall in this album the band did do a decent job of streamlining and simplifying their sound for a more pop centric audience there are some tracks on here that I think are instantly enjoyable maybe even a little addictive and even the more mediocre tracks on this record they don't go too deep into the weeds they don't overstay their welcome given the brevity of green overall and even if this album sketchiest does any of it really as good as Buddy Holly not really so then [Music] despite its initially lukewarm reception Weezer's 2002 record maladroit has actually gained a bit of a cult following amongst the band's fanbase even though rivers on this album wasn't penning songs that were as personal or as revealing as the tracks on Pinkerton maladroit is a bit of a return to that heavier nastier edgier sound the band forged on that record the unsurpassed heaviness from Weezer on this record is enough to place it higher than green in this ranking and the fact that this record was so successful with its placement in the charts that sort of showed that Weezer didn't necessarily need to tone down their sound to see success unfortunately not every bad habit is broken on maladroit one of the lead singles dopes knows is just as hard to stomach and just as vapid lyrically as hash pipe and just like on green there are a handful of tracks on here that are pretty forgettable and breezy the heavier production and guitars can really only do so much to mask that still though there are some great highlights like the crushing opening track the seemingly post-rock inspired death obstruction even though mallet Rory is not a super substantive record from Weezer and a lot of the tracks on this thing really delivered just simply an instantaneous thrill this is definitely a small return to form from the band at this point in their career and unfortunately they didn't continue to improve on or work with this sound on to their next record make believe maybe maladroit would be looked on more positively in retrospect if the band had sort of built up the momentum they created here [Music] the next release in this Weezer worst to best is their 2014 record everything will be alright in the end which in my opinion is a really enjoyable bounce back from a few of the most disliked albums in the band's discography hurley and r attitude as i said earlier in this video to me hurley was the band kind of going back to basics embracing what put them on the map in the first place just dishing out good pop rock songs and everything will be alright in the end is just another helping of that the chunky guitars the youthful energy the very hooky choruses they're all here on this record Weezer essentially sounding like their old selves on an amazing opener ain't got nobody plus it's interesting to hear the band go down memory lane at a point in their career where they can kind of recall their career before this point like on the track back to the shack keep in mind at this point in the Bands career this is kind of a recurring theme that they've been touching down on one album after another on Hurley they were just talking about it on memories take me back back to the shack back to the strap with the lightning strap kicking the door more hardcore rocking out like it's 94 this track is like an amazing anthemic demand for Weezer to retake the mantle that they once held and simultaneously on this record there is acknowledgement that things have changed and are most likely not going back to the way that they used to be on eulogy for a rock band personally I think Weezer really in their element on this album they're not laying the sugar on too heavy they're not desperate to appeal to a crowd of people who never really messed with their music in the first place they're also dishing out some of their best and most unique songwriting in years Cleopatra whose hook has a really strange groove to it there's also da Vinci with its quirky acoustic guitar leads and quaint whistles also the hook on this thing is fantastic DaVinci good easily some of the cutest lyrics that have ever been laid down on a Weezer record there's also some surprising ambition on this record to like be queen inspired vocal harmonies on I've had it up to here and the closing future scape trilogy is one of the oddest things that Weezer has ever put on any of their records it's like a miniature rock opera at the very end of this album this album that I think overall is a very solid record features some good guest songwriting great product and Weezer just doing what they do best [Music] next in my worst to best list here is Weezer's 2016 White Album which yes is one of the Bands more recent releases but I actually think is is one of their best I think it's the closest they've come to rekindling the pop prowess of blue but with some more anthemic ambitions throw it into the mix and the many faces of Weezer that we know all too well up until this point are looking pretty crisp on this album you have sweet and sunny tracks like the opening California kids or windowsill you also cannot forget the heavily Beach Boys inspired girl we got a good thing probably one of the brightest and most unabashedly lovey-dovey songs that Weezer has ever recorded and it's actually pretty great as they achieve this vibe without having to cross over entirely into a super sterile super squeaky clean territory there are moments on this thing that are angsty and dark and utterly obsessed with the opposite sex like thank God for girls Rivers also gets personal and kind of on a power trip on king of the world where he imagines himself as being in a position where he can just basically protect his significant other from any kind of sadness from having to shed a tear despite the state of the world and despite the trauma that she suffered as a kid we also see Rivers trapped in kind of a weird Peter Pan state delivering a good song but still feeling the audacity to tell LA girls to act their age even though he at this point in the band's career is a man who's close to pushing 50 the album ends off with a few quality low-key cuts the forlorn jacked-up as well as the acoustic Beach rock number endless bummer this album is certainly not Weezer's most lyrically dense or substantive unfortunately the band's first two records are going to forever sit in that position but as far as albums go that are in this post Pinkerton era where the band is more focused on straightforward pop rock this is definitely a high point [Music] Pinkerton Weezer's 1996 album is the next release in this list as we get closer and closer to the best spot and it is often regarded by hardcore fans to be Weezer's magnum opus nowadays that is but when it initially dropped this record was met with mixed reviews pretty widespread dislike amongst audiences and even unhappy fans it was considered a commercial disappointment I think there were multiple factors playing into this one of which may have been the band's decision to produce the album themselves it did come out kind of rough as a result certainly not as clean or as catchy or as straightforward as blue even in blues most difficult moments and you have to keep in mind the band's success after that record was overnight and where you go after overnight success when your discography is is so short it can be difficult going far left so suddenly may not necessarily pay off instantly and a drop in recording quality could mean everything especially given blue was pretty pristine for the time that it was released Pinkertons mix was decidedly way more abrasive as evidenced by tracks like tired of sex the blaring feedback the vocals the guitars the drums are all hot as hell but still grunge and various forms of metal had already introduced a lot of these sounds into the mainstream really it was rivers TMI lyrics that were turning a lot of fans off the record is pretty sad it is pretty dark it is sex-obsessed also features a track that finds rivers fetishizing a letter written to him by like an 18 year old japanese fan so how exactly did this album go from total dud to perceived masterpiece I'm not entirely sure maybe these days were just more open to hearing emo Harvard boys whine about the trials and tribulations of being a rock star as well as wanting to get laid or not wanting to get laid or whatever because honestly there are moments on this album where the lyrics aren't really any less cringy than they were when it was originally released but I guess there is something scorchingly honest about the way that rivers sings about what he does on this record so I guess if you're looking for an album that analyzes maybe in an unhealthy way but still analyzes male sexual desires in current culture this is certainly it all the songs hit pretty hard they each have very intense performances and despite all the messiness and emotional insanity on this thing the songwriting is is still pretty solid the progressions are relatively straightforward the hooks catch pretty hard Pinkerton may be a flawed album but it's a record that where's those flaws has kind of a badge of honor because cringe-worthy confessionalism and all Pinkerton deserves its recognition as an emo and a power pop masterpiece okay and here we are at the best spot in the Weezer discography list and and that is blue if you've been watching my reviews for years and you have seen my video talking about how I like blue more than Pinkerton you may have seen this coming but yeah blue is amazing and in my opinion is easily one of the best alternative rock and power pop records of the 90s thanks to the grungy and kind of punchy production rivers boyish but very well executed lead vocals the amazing and sweet and anthemic guitar soloing and the band's generally perfect bittersweet sound and style I know a lot of us like to look at and argue over Weezer now versus Weezer then but honestly on this very album in the tracklist we see a lot of the same ideas sounds and themes being explored that Weezer has been kind of recycling throughout much of their career truth be told the band has not changed that much we have rivers looking back on his past that brought him to this point before he even really had a career in music to look back on before he was going back to the shack he was in the garage we have the band in rivers showing their love of West Coast and Beach culture to the point of pure absurdity on surf wax America we have rivers difficulties tangling with relationships even if they are familial or platonic ones on Sadie and so and rivers is also carefree and playful and in love on Buddy Holly and of course having a hard time functioning when it comes to romance and women as evidenced by the incredibly catchy but also disturbingly controlling no one else even the band's love of taking ideas vintage pop songs and filtering them in a somewhat corny fashion through this heavy grungy alt-rock lens was well-established on holiday truly the most tumultuous thing about Weezer's progression past this point in their discography is just the drop in quality of their songwriting and just kind of neutering their sound sadly the band is never going to come up with a better songwriting metaphor than what they did on undone the sweater song but to be fair very few 90s bands did and it does sound cliche at this point I know to say something like we Weezer's early stuff is their best their first album is the best but Weezer is part of the reason that cliche exists Weezer is the ultimate they used to be good band which is partially reality yes but also kind of an optical illusion for anybody who's actually willing to give anything they put out post Pinkerton a fair shake not to say the band didn't reach some point of perfection on this album because they did but rivers Cuomo's honesty his vulnerability his authenticity that he showed on this record it could have only continued to exist in obscurity in a bubble which is especially true when you consider the way that he reacted to the band's sudden popularity on Pinkerton the way that he then reacted to Pinkertons lack of success on the band's subsequent records and now with every new album there seems to be at least one track where he is reflecting on you guys are telling us what you want us to do but we want to do what we want to do if you could use Weezer as a prime example for anything it's it's definitely how Fame and attention and the music industry can destroy or even poison the creative process because as soon as you throw somebody into the spotlight the last thing you're going to get from them is authenticity and it's even funnier to think how performative it is for other artists out there to try to recreate that same sense of authenticity off of a Weezer or like a Nirvana album but that was kind of the shape of rock to come in the 2000s as all of the emo and indie acts that hit the mainstream during that era were far more interested in relating than they were rocking out which is not inherently a bad thing but I still do think it comes from a weird place to see this sea change of rock stars out there that aren't really trying to sell fans on these grand shows of excess and stardom and are instead trying to offer listeners more of like this display of emotional credibility so if there's truthfully anything that Weezer's early work has that there later works don't it's it's that and it's something that unfortunately is never really going to return especially since that Weezer continues to be one of the biggest rock acts out there today and as somebody who's enjoyed Weezer's music for a long time I don't think this popularity shift for the band from 94 to 2000 was a complete loss certainly at this point there's nothing stopping the band from writing another my name is Jonas but they most likely never will put out another only in dreams not just thematically speaking but also given how patient and raw the sound of that track is to I know I'm talking about blue at this point more in context of everything else and even rock music at large then about the album itself but make no mistake I do think this record is fantastic the production's amazing the flow of this record is fantastic to the songwriting is top-notch super catchy super enjoyable the singing is really passionate every track and the track list is pretty substantive and comes through with a very focused topic overall just amazing album and really happy to put it at the top of my worst best list here and that that has been the Weezer worst to best feel Mike I got a weight off my shoulders now so so yeah transition have you given these albums a listen and how would you rank them let me know I want to give a quick shout out to Austin for helping me co-write this episode of worse to best over here next to my head is a another video that you can check out hit that up or the link to subscribe to the channel Anthony Fantana music Weezer worse to best but forever
Channel: theneedledrop
Views: 900,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: album, review, music, reviews, indie, underground, new, latest, lyrics, full song, listen, track, concert, live, performance, update, the needle drop, anthony fantano, vlog, talk, discussion, music nerd, weezer, worst to best, ranked, pop, rock, emo, rivers cuomo, list, blue, pinkerton, self-titled, green, maladroit, make believe, red, raditude, hurley, everything will be alright, white album, pacific daydream, teal, black album
Id: GXetnBHF1oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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