Green Beret 2014

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I can't wait to be a 25 year old MSG.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/1800BOTLANE 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2015 🗫︎ replies

Didn't know Ryan Gosling was SF.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CZ-Jack 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2015 🗫︎ replies

Can't watch it atm because of work, but anything about Gant in here?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mastranios 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2015 🗫︎ replies

Needs more Go Pro footage

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/welder550 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2015 🗫︎ replies
hey watch your shine Toder what do you got let me extreme braised different from the rest of Special Operations community my personal opinion is our errands to the fact that we require professionals buffer for the final phase it's going to be dark when we move into the trees I want to keep it tight so that way we're spending those little mountain towns possible as we get in the trees to get a good accountability I'll make sure they know the building and then they're gonna lead out from there and I'll pick up the rear no I don't think that makes the embrace difference from everybody else in Special Operations that were very adaptive there is no there's no no in our vocabulary I guess what I would like to say is we it's rare that we can fail because we find another way around our biggest thing is to try to do everything we can buy with the through our partner force and we're very well-rounded making it to where adapting is easy for us because we've done it all determination I would say that refusal to quit I mean you get that lot and soft but we really try and live by it you know we're a pretty humble group of guys real technic of community that's why I don't really like talking us up too much but yeah I say it's it's that determination that's what got me through selection through the Q Corsa like my dad told me before I was selected he's like whatever happens just don't quit so and that's the one thing that got me through I'm not the big bulky Navy SEAL dude or I'm not the biggest guy left the most weight but I got the same qualities that you'll find in everybody on my everyday sometimes people don't know about the Green Berets well it's quite a bit one we get umbrella under just in terms of Special Forces as a whole throughout the community which Green Berets is a very specific piece within the Special Operations community we were a Special Forces tab but that term is generally used for all elements within us so calm Green Berets specifically our US Army Special Forces we have five major set mission goals which may include unconventional warfare for internal defense special reconnaissance direct action and counterterrorism operations we have a multitude of sub tasks that we take part of but we are the department offenses lead for unconventional warfare operations I would definitely say that our best quality is being adapted to it it gives us is it hey I got him you get covered for Jake calm camp over that door nice tbilisi solution i what kind of blood is it is it squirting yeah you I'd say the commando mission is it's an ability to affect an area that is hard to reach in the best way that to describe the commandos is all the other forces can't get there or reached that area they're able to bring a large force fly them into deep into enemy territory and effect some of the higher-ups and be able to get a you know multiple enemy ka and disrupt a large network with just one night so I mean to describe that the effective when in Special Forces first pick up the commando mission ah really it first got picked up in 2006 will realize that throughout our combat FID focused mission that we're conducting here we needed deliberate direct action dedicated units to support what was growing into the AAA started off at the model that was kind of used in Iraq was staying at the ice ETF and so it's engine about 78 commandos which came the command attorney Cadbury to Jordan with 3rd Special Forces Group members and random through my rating and their that group came back in 2006 and started training up of the first three actually Fork and X that went operational by 2007 and then sensin were now and X as a whole under aniseh I hope that the commander's in the NA out of the Train that would give them kind of get that warrior mentality that we try to push on the enemy we try and push that aggressive level man just that hopefully they see how we act as soldiers or as a team guy and it kind of motivates them to be aggressive when they need to be because they're going into harm's way just as much as any other if not more than any other na SF unit so they're they're essentially the unit that the government's going to call when a district center is overrun or there's a bad situation developing in a not so good part of the country so they need to be prepared for that type of thing and we hope that during our training we do prepare them for that because we're fighting right alongside them and if we can't depend on the guys that were fighting with to act like we act or at least the modicum of how we act and where the training so out of the training aspect of it you try and make it realistic because these guys are about to go into harm's way right after that training the points of focus that I Drive in a training when commit training to commandos and Nene SF at the tactical level members of my detachment work that level now I'd say company level down and they were colored on the on the tactical side of house the basics be masters basics like everyone should be who wants to be a high level operator land navigation day and night weapon emplacement marksmanship close quarters combat try to focus centric on the mission that they have at hand and generally it's half operations to conduct a delivery Claire with the possibility of IEDs and knowing that we're going to be hit from strong phone positions one side up so defensive perimeters accountability of personnel OEE detection and mitigation internet cleanroom proper SSC these are things that we were in on heavy efforts after level Chuck staff surgical mission said that we have currently trying to train them into operating by themselves is unlike them to have more capabilities we had situations where they are very dependent on our airlifts and they're very dependent on doing certain things certain ways I'd like them to be go back to the basics and understand how to shoot move and communicate and not lock themselves down in one area and hope that the Air Force drops bombs on people I would like them to be able to understand how to maneuver again and get after the enemy as well as branching out and utilizing their armored package and driving places trying to get inventive with their mission sets so that you know they learn that adaptiveness that we're trying to convey upon them that hey just because you don't have something doesn't mean you can't make it work conducting missions with the operation with commands and ASF can be pretty interesting at times so a lot of guys honestly can relate it it depends on the batoon or the sake of going out with if you have a bad sock or they can say it's the best mission you get on if you have a do soccer but soon it just depends on who you guys work with in the amount of training and effort to build a pour that you put into it yourself I've had great experience with both commandos na na SF any SF to me are as close to on American OTAs you're going to get in Afghanistan as far as partner force goes they got they got diehard their lightest aggression which is awesome and the guys take ownership of their working and off the mission I've been pushed back in stack by na SF members and same thing commandos if you fight valiantly or if you display to them the courage needed to face the enemy they'll go wiki they just need a bit more encouragement than BNSF guys which usually are in some cases dragging us and that Egon to have the a NSF and the commandos working together is a lot like trying to have SF work with a range of the time the range of a time is great at what they do and they are very regimented they have I would say a straight line kind of mentality and we try to work outside the box and like I said we if something comes up we try to adapt to it or workaround so I believe the NSF we're kind of the same in that part goes so to have them underneath the commandos command it makes it to where the they have issues as far as like you have any time you have special operations work together I think it can be great potential that because in previous missions that we've done since we've been here we've had a NSF and commandos mixed in to the same unit part of it so like our support element we had NSF and commandos with each other the commander seemed to feed off of the MSF energy move out a lot better and they they wanted to go out and fight the other stuff but to have that capability to work together they really have to work through a lot of egos which i think is just like any Special Operations community you got to put your ego aside sometimes and trying to get that together but I really see a lot of potential coming a lot of good things in the future as long as they can keep those egos out of it and start pushing each other so I can see the MSF taking our role that when we leave and being as mentors for the commandos and the leaders don't camp collector hey hey grazing no arterial please all right last year summer gunshot shall we do Megan laughs you know I'm gonna die off honey bucket dude it was the turn while we could sorry I just - huh - so is this dude he's like he doesn't want to turn his head okay we got to egress out of here he's [ __ ] but I mean I'm good we got a [ __ ] hey man if you get out all right I just like you're like turning the corner all I should try to just snap a picture that you'd like all right same thing man I get a money shot on it mental preparations we do a pretty good job I think of when we go into a reverse cycle of utilizing every single waking moment we have toward rehearsals and preparing our equipment and going around that everyone stays mission focused and that the element leaders of them their their additional members us decide and walking through the plans over and over and over again it so that once we get off the aircraft we already know exactly where azmuth we need a head toward we already know the first bill and it's going to be uses a strong point and wherever additional bill and goes from there we are already mentally preparing for once contact stake and how we're going to move to support that contact how we're going to get to a casualty how we're going to get that casualty back or close to Seychelles these are by phase these limits or whistles are going down constant to the guys heads especially mine you know kind of be in the teams are nagoya when it comes to a mass cow situation or something like that like that that's my main focus so I'm always exactly I'm thinking my phase by element if crisis happens here how am I getting there Who am I taking with me what's my fastest route where's my couch closest HLZ and if I get hit on the way there Who am I calling to reinforce me how are they going to get to me and then how we starting to push forward of that crisis site and get that casualty out it's happened more than a couple of times so far since we've been here we'd have successfully resigned made it to the wounded or the dead partner for soldier and we have successfully medevac them out every time knock on wood we have a couple laps left but that has worked out across the board mints I think everybody does something will different some guys'll write rightfully get on the helicopter again you'll see the guys kind of pull off to the corner and you can see them going through a mental checklist at the head and making sure that they know they got a recount the number of those recount allegro charges we can't remember special equipment that's with them we don't over gr peels under while we're out there hoz posture just we're definitely going through that and I have just preparing for what we know because that is that is the one now at this mission we don't fly in a softball targets we know we go in it's it's going to be a fight there's a lot of obstacles of this phase in the war right now a lot of American people I'll give you a couple different aspects of this thing through the eyes of the American people when I deployed Afghanistan I was told by a family member they're still fighting run on there in the eyes of the American public I'd say their war weary and a lot of them don't know what's going on over here don't have good pictures going on over here so some of the challenges are you know feeling like you have to support back home well we definitely have to support the people that know us personally but it's it's the public opinion that you know I value and I just it's as difficult because I don't feel like there's a proper picture of what's going on over here at this stage in the war like I had mentioned before what we have we are in a situation where we're leaving soon and the next teams that come in are going to be strictly advisor roles so we are trying to balance the independent operations of the commandos and ASF and doing our partner operations as well but the partner operations we're starting to become a little more hybrid where it's we provide them with a mission sooner they have a lot more saying that they have a better understanding and help at times we have in the past there was no issues with using demolition there was no issues with entering compounds once you got into an area you can figure out which though is the best compound strong point in and set up shop and then as far as air to ground ordinance it's become a big issue you know we don't want any civilian casualties because that's not where we're here for but the Taliban have such a good campaign against us and propaganda against us that any time we use our ground even if there wasn't any civilian casualties they will spin it too that there was and then basically whoever gets the word out first is the one that everybody's going to believe how does the constant change in our way you constantly affect our operations that can be a two-sided question I would start off by saying I understand or something Autoweek considerations come in at this phase of the war we are trying to minimize unneeded civilian casualties a put center large restraint in the way of supporting us when we get hit from an overwhelming force who is smart enough to barricade himself and with civilians they also know this our way and it it dangers us now when it comes down to it it were pinned down unable maneuver etc will they drop in support not if they see the civilians I don't think so that that puts us in inhairent bums so that that's the biggest way the only FX's is mostly in the way of Cass as I see it and the enemy has capitalized on that the enemy knows not to move in the open with weapons you know now they moved to cash eight points they know why the helicopter in that ice our platforms cannot see them down the green zones negative lies that and they get in the buildings and they utilize the innocent by standards essentially as human shields from air-to-ground fires so what does that do to us that Casas either directly trying to engage them while they're already 45 causing more casualties or causes to have to pull back and and try to draw them out essentially which which rarely works past the healthy are we you know it's kind of always remain the same as far as right to self-defense that I had no issues with that that's a good thing life in the force ratios that go back and forth I meant that doesn't really follow under roee but it kind of does that always kind of affects things because it puts a higher risk to the forces on the ground you know my opinion it's either I take my food package with me that's capable of sustaining and fighting and set by itself if maybe or I take no package it shouldn't get some down package because you never really know what's going to happen to the whole important force and real bad way and what's going to happen if there's an overwhelming force that masses on them and start smashing on our overwatch position if I'm sitting there with a slimline band force because they don't want to have too many of us post on the ground then I I'm setting myself up for for for failure on that one hey Masood hey be in the middle with us so we can drive both elements let's do it hey well I'm in that building right yeah well I want to strongpoint this Dylan so we can overwatch them corners Corner scope J keep me updated far south spot that lay this out alright brother that's all of us I don't wanna go it's one big [ __ ] ambush hey let's go push let's go what did I go no no hey hey save your energy let's go yeah good good all right Kevin or damn let's go come on go why does it alright Commandos hey commanders over there cough okay get up son of a [ __ ] he's got are you ready to [ __ ] do this are you on command yeah Dan this is Jim Rogers that your own engaging can you see the enemy shooting at us yeah there I push up to the river man I got some guys moving towards your direction right now covering our egress huh go first we go last hey gun down man I got your whole I'm holding down back here oh we got one over here commando commando sound by actual we're on a break contact right now we're going to find a great contact right through [ __ ] British position I got seven commandos and I'm gonna move with them Scotty all right [ __ ] okay guys head count goes you guys one two three go hey hey where'd you guys take Hawk from they see from our six o'clock yeah hey let's go let's get the [ __ ] away from this open era come on just [ __ ] targets right here come on every check hey we're making our way down into the [ __ ] riverbed right now fire check fire that is ice moving down the [ __ ] River go come on this black dollar credit I did go down here well I gotta go the FOA who are they shoot at Hey we're close enough we can push back yeah hey let's go let's start pushing back this rotation being the last rotation not only to connect matter operations with the commandos but possibly last combat rotation I Gowanus is a strange problem static contemplate and I spent the lat I spent one third of my life either in Afghanistan or preparing to go to Afghanistan and lost lot of guys along the way people that knew my name they're still guys over here fighting and you know we got brothers on both sides the American side and part of force side I've had I owe my life to Afghan soldiers or policemen that fought for me and after America leaves they'll still be here fighting so it's this a strange problem set to consider you know it's what uh I've become used to this what I've gotten accustomed to is training for Afghanistan training for combat going to Afghanistan fighting and you know what's next that's a hard one to swallow I think guys that have lost brothers and you know been injured and stood by you know our partner force for years it's very difficult to let that go not many people that haven't been at war or in Special Forces understand what I'm saying right now but it's difficult to we want to be with our families we want to be a home and playing with our kids but at the same sense we're torn because we want to be here standing by the brothers that are still here fighting and fight for the ones that we lost because they're no longer with us and honor them I pretty much spent my entire adult life doing this job in the Army and it's all been spent in this country to be trip six for me I seen it go from its infamous intimacy stages to where we're at right now and the amount of progression that the Afghan government and military as a whole has made is phenomenal and spending that much time over here and dedicating as much of my life as I had to it and as many friends as I have lost in this fight it really bothered me if we don't allow this to finish correctly if we allow this to return back to the way it was before we got here within a short amount of time because we pulled out a little prematurely really the big question is like how do we adapt how do we reintegrate back into you know the American populace there's gonna be a lot of guys with a lot of issues adapting and a lot of guys are going to talk about it a lot of guys gonna be too proud to talk about it so we just really need to have the support of American people home family and friends just understand that there's gonna be a lot of people dealing with a lot of problems and issues that they may or may not be willing to talk about just because they're adjustable from what they've become accustomed to what they're used to so it's it's you can always less that saying uh you can take the dog out of the flight but can't take the fight out the dog so it's not that we're bloodthirsty we're not war mongers it's just we're war fighters and we got that mentality and without outlet or means to do what we're trying to do it's gonna be it's gonna take some adaptation so yeah that's the best way I can answer that question is I don't know I don't know how to I'm just gonna do what I can while I'm here and cherish this rotation that again and do what I can you know to keep the fight going just to make it better for the guys that will be here after relief and the guys that we've lost so to tell us that it's over now is it's tough so it's definitely not easy but like I said I feel that the training and the stuff that we were able to provide to Afghanistan they can stand and they'll be okay Heavenly Father I come before you tonight and first of all it's an honor to standardise man as I'll be prepared to go into possibly a very kinetic situation god I just thank you so much and we can come to you for all things I think you that and be men of God and yet hard warriors that we don't have to choose between one or the other I pray father tonight that you will instill us with just supernatural insight that you'll help our eyes to see our ears to hear our mind to think and to conceive things that normally we wouldn't be able to do God may we glorify you and all it's done I pray that should tonight be one of our last God that you will allow us to go out with honor God should we be put in the position to take another human's life tonight father I pray that you help us to do it with honor and according to a code thank you so much for this opportunity protect us we love you you
Channel: Jon Oda
Views: 3,161,710
Rating: 4.8312254 out of 5
Id: JYQtV0zwvJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 17 2014
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