Greek Chicken & Potato Bowl - Food Wishes

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aight ima make it

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/chinpopocortez šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m going to make a vegetarian version of it!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/banoctopus šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Update: I made a vegetarian version of this using soy curls and it was AMAZING! One of my all-time favorite salads (I think it counts as a salad) - will go into regular rotation for sure.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/banoctopus šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello this is chef john from with greek chicken and potato bowl that's right how do you make our big fat greek salad even bigger and even fatter well that's easy just add some amazing garlic lemon and herb chicken plus some crispy and crunchy pan dripping soaked potatoes and yes we could have called this greek chicken and potato salad but it's come to my attention that these days people really enjoy eating things called bowls so that's what we're going with and to get started the first thing we're going to do is marinate some boneless skinless chicken thighs and as usual when you buy these at the store for some reason they like to package all different sized ones together which might be a problem with some recipes but this is not one of them so we're fine and then for our greek style marinade we're going to go ahead and add some salt and we'll be doing one teaspoon of kosher salt per pound of meat we will also need some freshly ground black pepper plus apparently one whole peppercorn which somehow got through our defenses and then we're definitely going to need a whole bunch of dried herbs including rosemary thyme and oregano and then we'll go ahead and spice this up a little bit with some aleppo chili flakes as well as a few shakes of cayenne just a stain shape we will also want a generous amount of finely chopped garlic followed by the freshly squeezed juice of one large lemon which would be my acidic liquid of choice but you could also certainly go with wine vinegar if you wanted and in fact we're going to use some of that in our dressing later and then we'll go ahead and finish this up with some oil of olive and yes extra credit if it's from greece and then once all that's in there we'll go ahead and give this a very thorough mixing which i'm going to use tongs for but do me a favor if you're not filming a video just go ahead and use your hands which do a lot better job all right as you know chicken thighs are famous for their nooks and crannies and don't even get me started on the crevices and folds so we really do want to make sure we mix this very thoughtfully so that our thighs are coated evenly and completely with the marinade at which point we will wrap it up and marinate that in the fridge for a minimum of six hours or even better overnight and then the next day before we cook it we're going to go ahead and prep our potato and that's going to start by having them lengthwise but so that we get two nice flat halves we are going to cut into the more narrow side which can be a little more dangerous so we're going to go very slow and the reason we want two nice flat wide pieces is because of what we're going to do next and that would be to slice each of these halves into three pieces and yes equal pieces if at all possible at which point we'll turn them and cut across into hopefully some fairly uniform cubes and by starting off with some nice wide flat halves i find this to be a lot easier and hopefully when we're done we have some pieces that resemble this and i went ahead and did two nice big potatoes total at which point we can briefly set that aside while we pull our chicken out of the fridge and transfer it onto a foil-lined baking sheet which we've greased generously with olive oil and not that it matters too much but i generally like to have the smooth side up with the nook and cranny side down and also let's try to space that out as evenly as we can and you're gonna see why in a moment and then next up we will transfer our potatoes into this still deliciously dirty bowl we will add a nice big splash of olive oil and we'll also give that a nice big pinch of salt and then we'll give that a quick mix until our potatoes are evenly coated at which point we're just going to dump all that over the top of our chicken and then using our tongs or hands we're basically going to scatter those potatoes in and around the chicken sort of filling those spaces in between the thighs and yes this pan is going to be kind of crowded but that's okay because what's going to happen here is this roast the water content in the potato is going to keep our chicken nice and moist while at the same time the fat and drippings coming out of the chicken is going to beautifully flavor the potatoes and that is what we call in the business a symbiotic relationship so we'll go ahead and distribute everything as evenly as we can at which point this is ready to transfer into the center of a 475 degree oven for about 35 minutes or until our chickens cook through and while we're waiting so as not to waste time we can go ahead and mix up a quick dressing with which to finish our bowl and for me that's going to include some red wine vinegar some greek olive oil as well as some freshly squeezed lemon juice and yes of course if you want to use all vinegar or all lemon juice go ahead i mean you guys are after all the nick rolls of your greek chicken and potato bowls but personally i really do like to mix the two but either way we'll go ahead and finish up with a pinch of salt and pepper at which point we will whisk this together and then of course give it the customary taste to see if we might need to adjust the level of acidity by adding more vinegar or oil and if we're happy with it that's pretty much it for the base dressing the only other thing we would whisk in would be some fresh herbs which for me is going to be some italian parsley and fresh oregano which we always want to do right before service which for me is going to be pretty soon so i'm going to whisk that in and by the way this type of dressing is not going to emulsify which means it will separate as it sits so we'll go ahead and whisk and taste it now but before we use it we're going to want to give it another very very thorough whisking and that's it by now our chicken should be done and if it is we'll go ahead and remove that to a plater dish and we will set that aside and then what we'll do to finish these potatoes off in spectacular fashion is we'll sort of gather them together and we'll toss them together with all those beautiful pan drippings and equally gorgeous fat and i should mention if you use a silicone baking mat instead of the foil you will have less problems with potential sticking which we're going to discuss in a moment but i do find the foil results in a much crustier potato and then once those have been shamelessly coated in that goodness we will go ahead and spread those back out at which point we'll put them back in that nice hot oven for another maybe 10 or 15 minutes or until beautifully browned and very crusty and by the way when these first come out do not try to peel one off the foil with your fingers first of all it's going to burn you but secondly it's going to be stuck and you're going to tear it apart but if you let these rest and relax for a few minutes the moisture in the potatoes will actually work its way down and if you use the spatula and are fairly careful you should be able to turn these over to reveal some absolutely perfect crustification oh yeah those are going to be good just don't start snacking on them because that entire pan will disappear in like three minutes and i should mention waiting doesn't always work and a few might stick but in fairness there's nothing that always works which is something you don't learn until you get older but anyway our potatoes are set and as far as our chicken goes we could just serve it like that but i do like to cut mine up in bite-size pieces except not with a knife on a cutting board i like to scissor them while they're right in this dish oh yeah you heard me we're gonna scissor them and not only is this pretty fast and easy and will very much amuse anyone watching but this way all the accumulated juices are gonna stay in this dish and not be lost on a cutting board that we will then have to clean and of course don't forget about maintaining a high level of quality control and that's it once our chicken and potatoes are ready to roll we can move on to composing our bowl which means combining our cucumbers tomatoes and red onions with some beautiful cubed up feta and then to whatever veggies we're going to use we'll go ahead and add as much chicken as we want which of course we've tossed with those accumulated juices and by the way chicken thighs are very forgiving and not super easy to overcook so if you want to reheat that so they're warm like the potatoes go ahead speaking of potatoes let's go ahead and throw a nice big handful in at which point we'll add a few spoons of our dressing which as i mentioned we want to whisk very thoroughly before we use and that is basically it we will give this all a quick toss before transferring this on top of some optional greens which i probably should address first but i didn't although you probably should and then i finished up with a little more freshly chopped herb and that's it my greek chicken and potato bowl was ready to enjoy and for me enjoy was really an understatement i just absolutely love everything about this dish sorry i mean bowl all right we got that super savory lemon garlic herb chicken which is always a treat plus those incredibly flavorful crusty potatoes that absorbed all that amazing flavor from the pan drippings and then just a plain greek salad is always enjoyable but here combined with the chicken and the potato it becomes a different even more magical thing altogether and not only are we enjoying contrast and flavors and textures but also with temperatures okay we got those cool crisp vegetables mingling with those warm potatoes and possibly still warm chicken which just seems to make everything a little more interesting plus besides all the stuff i just mentioned about the taste and texture and contrast and temperatures this is just a beautiful bowl of food but if for whatever reason you don't enjoy randomness you can if you want to arrange this like a cobb salad with all the individual ingredients in their own little section okay some people might consider that a little fancier but to me it just doesn't seem very greek and i don't even know what that means but the most important thing here is not how you present this it's that you do present this in any which way you think looks good which is why i really do hope you give this a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 232,548
Rating: 4.9722419 out of 5
Keywords: Greek, Chicken, Potato, Bowl, healthy, easy, recipe, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking
Id: VQnrYEnFfWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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