Stuffed Pasta Wheels - Food Wishes

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with stuffed pasta wheels that's right if i'd known these were gonna come out as good as they did I would use much more impressive ingredients for the filling then frozen spinach and can beans but despite the fact that I went full quarantine cuisine on these it's actually the technique for how to make these that I want you to focus on which really did work out incredibly well so with that let's go ahead and get started with a very simple pasta like dough and that'll begin with some all-purpose flour plus some salt and then into the middle of that we will crack one large egg plus a small splash of cold fresh water and then what we'll do once we have everything in the bowls go ahead and take a spoon and we will stir this until it comes together to form a shaggy dough oh yeah you heard me a Shaggy dough and as usual once we do have a shaggy dough formed we will switch to our hands and press everything together and then once that's almost happened we'll go ahead and dump everything onto the table where we will need it for just about a minute or so and yes most pasta dough's are made with all eggs but I was attempting to make the exact amount of dough I needed and one egg was not gonna be quite enough moisture but two eggs was gonna be too much so I simply solved that problem by adding a little bit of water and of course if it feels a little bit sticky go ahead and sprinkle some more flour on and like I said we will give that a quick kneading until it kind of smoothes out and we're left with a relatively firm but still pliable disc of dough and then once that set we'll go ahead and wrap it in plastic and we'll pop that in the fridge to rest for at least an hour before we try to roll it out okay we never want to rush a dough always give it time to rest and that will always make it easier to work with and while that's resting we can go ahead and make our filling which I pretty much did with zero fresh ingredients including one can of wild pink salmon which isn't pretty but it's pretty good for you in pretty good tasting and what we'll do is break that up with a fork before very quickly how do you knit with breadcrumbs oh yeah that's better and then to that we will add a whole bunch of freshly grated Parmesan cheese at which point we'll take a fork and give this a very thorough mixing before we add our wet ingredients and by the way regarding the cheese I normally implore you to use the real stuff the parmigiano-reggiano but I did this time I actually used a primer Jean from Wisconsin which I'm happy to report was pretty nice but anyway we will give that a very good mix before adding one package of frozen chopped spinach that we thought first then squeezed out all the water I also tossed in a large egg as well as a couple of crushed garlic cloves and then we'll want to season that up with some freshly ground black pepper a few shakes of cayenne and of course some salt at which point it was ready to stir together and I wasn't really sure if I was gonna need one or two eggs and whenever we're not sure of that we always wanted to start with one and then if it seems too dry we can always add the other one which this did so I tossed that in and kept stirring eventually ending up with this soft and spreadable filling I was hoping for which reminds me to remind you this really is just a technique video and you get to make any filling you want I mean you guys are after all the Daniel Steel's of your pasta wheels and speaking of trashy content well they can't salmon have frozen spinach did come out pretty nice any and all of your favorite ravioli fillings would work perfectly here and that's it once our filling is set we'll just wrap that up and pop it in the fridge until we're ready to use it and then assuming our dough's rested long enough we'll go ahead and pull that out and we'll unwrap it and transfer it onto a well floured surface and then before we start rolling we'll use our hands that kind of form this into a rectangular shape and then once that happens we'll go ahead and switch to the rolling pin and then using just enough flour so it doesn't stick we will attempt to roll this out into a fairly squarish rectangle about an eighth of an inch thick and if I have to give you a measurement it's probably something close to 14 by 12 but as I'm doing a fine job demonstrating it does not have to be perfectly shaped so this is what I ended up with and I was pretty happy with it or at least that's what I told it and then one little trick here once that's rolled out is to take our rolling pin and sort of flatten out that far edge a little more okay that's going to be the edge that we roll towards and I think this is going to seal a little better if that's a little thinner along that edge and then once that said we'll go ahead and transfer on our filling pretty much going all the way to the edges except for about three or four inches long in that edge we just spoke of and we'll attempt to distribute that and spread it out as evenly as possible and then before we roll this up we should probably take a pastry brush or better yet a couple clean fingertips and we will slightly dampen that exposed dough before very carefully and very confidently rolling this up and we definitely want to roll it fairly tight so we don't have any big air pockets but we also don't want to smash and press that filling too much either so take your time and try to roll this up as uniformly as possible okay we really do want to try to end up with a very consistent girth and once we have that almost all the way rolled up because we didn't have a perfect rectangle it's always a good idea to kind of stretch out those corners a little bit before we finish the roll and because our dough along that edge was damp this should seal very nicely and then what we'll do once we have that rolled up and sealed with of course the seam on the bottom and we've done a little bit of fine-tuning if needed as it will dust the table with a little more flour since we're gonna move to the trimming cutting and shaping stage and this part is optional but if you do have a little bit of extra dough at the ends that you don't think has any filling in it you can go ahead and trim a little bit off which I did and yes in case you're wondering I'm using a very cheap and dull knife but anyway whether we trim down or not we're gonna want to cut this into eight equal pieces oh and see how I just cut that by pressing down that's probably not the best way okay it's probably better if you use a little bit of a sawing motion as you go through to get a little bit of a cleaner cut without smashing everything and then what we'll do once we have that successfully section is give these a little light pressing with some floured fingers to sort of flatten them out a little bit and to make that a little bit easier I'm going to go ahead and spread these out so we have a little more room to work with and that's it once we have those cut and flattened down a little bit we'll go ahead and brown those up in a non-stick pan set over medium heat in a little bit of olive oil which is probably only gonna take a couple minutes per side but you'll know because both sides will look golden brown oh and if you're into multitasking while those are browning up we can go ahead and prep our big dish or pan which I've done by adding about an inch of a very thick marinara sauce to the bottom and then to that I decided to add some cumin and some smoked paprika along with a splash of water and I went with those ingredients because I thought they would pair nicely with my spinach and salmon and they did but of course like the filling you go ahead and use whatever kind of sauce you want and then what we'll do once that set and our stuffed pasta wheels have been beautifully browned is go ahead and transfer those in using the old two one two one two positioning method oh and definitely feel free to add more liquid if you want all right I intentionally wanted this to be sort of thick after it roasted so that I would end up with almost like a tomato chutney but if you wanted you could make this a lot sauce here and these will be fine even if you cover them completely and speaking of covering well great a little more parmesan over the top and that's a once cheesed these are ready to transfer into the center of a 375 degree oven for about a half-hour or so or until they look like this and I've made a lot of stuff pasta recipes in my day baked and otherwise but I've never seen anything that comes out looking quite like this so these really are truly unique in appearance but anyway I'm gonna let these rest for about five minutes before serving them up and in the meantime if you want to clean up some of the splatters from the edge you can do that very carefully with a damp rag but don't press too hard or you will burn yourself and I'll get blamed so I did a little bit of cleanup and then went ahead and serve these up and I'm gonna go with two wheels per order along with of course my cumin and smoked paprika scented tomato sauce or as I'm calling it on the menu roast tomato chutney and in a perfect world I would have finished up with some freshly chopped to tell you parsley but we are far from being in a perfect world and I didn't have any but I did have some beautiful extra-virgin olive oil so I drizzled some of that over the top and I actually thought this dish liqueur giuse in its own unique provocative way so I grabbed a fork and knife and dug in and I was absolutely thrilled with how these came out and not only with how they tasted which was fine especially considering the unremarkable ingredients I used but what I really enjoyed about this technique the most was the tremendously enjoyable texture of the pasta okay you know how when you make lasagna there are those parts of the pasta and the edges and corners that get all crusty this had a lot of that going on and then to contrast that on the inside we had wonderfully tender perfectly cooked pasta so texturally speaking I thought this was an absolute triumph and if I'd known it was gonna come out this well I would have thrown on a mask and got out and got some fresh meat and vegetables and cheese and pretty much any filling you enjoy and a ravioli or tortellini or cannelloni would be absolutely perfect used with this technique which is why no matter what you use I really do hope you give these a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amounts a printable written recipe and much more info as usual and as always you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 298,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stuffed, Pasta, Wheels, rolled, pinwheel, salmon, spinach, greens, chef, john, food, wishes, recipe, baked, cheese
Id: c-l0ooPGeaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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