Gravity Falls Season 2 Episode 18, 19, & 20 GROUP REACTION

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beautiful ass people y'all ready finale series finale finally happening looking what the [ __ ] mind if I do no he becom an organic and [ __ ] what just happened he got played this is bad what the [ __ ] happening to Mel this is real guys we've got a situation time to change the future oh God does that mean the time control is going to help too yep they have to you one lifespan threedimensional 5 Master for all of eternity oh [ __ ] now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and Nightmares I call my friends oh [ __ ] eightball kryptos the being must never be said what the heck it's Zar then of course there's also teeth key heph shap ponica what the [ __ ] this is our town now boys bro that could be a whole of season yeah now see here you Unholy triangle fella as mayor I strongly urge you to get oh hell no look at your shorts dog things with one eye are weird we don't like Out of Towners we punch what we don't understand I would just like to say that as a uh Horseman of the Apocalypse dad not talking oh wow that's a great offer how about instead I shuffle the functions of every hole in your [Music] face holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] that's dark oh my God it's time we do little redecorating I could really a castle of some kind I didn't think it'd be this [ __ ] up and how about some bubbles of pure Madness dude how are they going to beat this this party never stops time don't go through that bubble has no meaning existence is upside oh [ __ ] Godzilla dude [Music] damn oh [ __ ] oh D it changed yeah they said the last four oh [ __ ] oh a oh look it's a new cast dead [Music] Dipper that's crazy oh [Music] oh yeah that's the best day of my life this is the end [Music] oh world ends not with a bang but with a we the [ __ ] my nuggets I got Gravity Balls got my best bud shattered Bill's world is spilling into ours and every minute I have to go find herel come in mael oh [ __ ] there's more in danger BR we can find your sister soon but first we have to stop but you also might want to step inside W this is probably where all the weirdness came from too I got me thinking all the weird [ __ ] that they found in the books that are still out here was after Madness just went over us such an imagination I don't know maybe you turned into a chair why don't you have a seat and relax but what about you and my friends I'll be fine you go help the others when the YY man can fix it I'm Coming For You friends time for a nap hey that's it does he not know shit's happening threw you off this property for good oh no second thought I'm going to run like a coward now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay inmates time to review your finger oh Gideon Gideon good nice Gideon does this look like someone who's ready to re-enter Society Gideon appreciated in his time oh G St you're making me makes prison life worth living what the hell he got it like that that's a culu bro oh my bill came through ready to cause some hav boys get has to help come on now dance to take this shot a going wor steady steady oh no oh [ __ ] well well well and here I thought today get any better no ho [ __ ] Dipper take my turtles listen way to defeat bill it's I've been waiting in eternity to have aat face he's going to die damn bro everyone this Armageddon wouldn't be possible without help this this what it oh [ __ ] turn into a bronze statue scratcher what the [ __ ] that's enough hand over my uncle or else you're [ __ ] up dude isn't this interesting I uh I uh you should have left and studied kid do some brilliant thing that takes me down right now bu oh [ __ ] that's right okay this is what happened heroes in my world just let his emotions take the best of them J not much of a threat now are you that's right VIP party at the fyid oh and eight B teeth you've earn a treat have the kid for a snack huh roll out what the hell kind of Autobots this is Saints Row in a nutshell bro want to eat him or something oh definitely let damn we day three in this strange weirdmageddon or the odd pocalypse weather today calls for black clouds blood rain and frequent Showers of eyeball bats turning people into St I'm Shandra Jimenez and I for dinner it's me so far I have a looted capture able to find you or St anywhere I don't know if you can hear me but wherever you are whatever happens I'm going to find you oh maybe holy [ __ ] [Music] [Laughter] dude God Dam oh no hey hey you hey I want to talk to you want to me that seriously rude to just ignore like [Music] this oh maybe at least I can get something to eat you better stop help the nachos tricked me not Dipper Wendy oh [ __ ] I know you've been transformed into some sort of tree monster it's just camouflage apocalypse training every year instead of Christmas guess it's sort of cool their paranoia paid off nice bat meat let me get that for you Wendy I'm so glad to find you I thought everyone I knew was and Toby determined who I accidentally Mook for a monster Toby determined oh that useless we shouldn't stay out in the open for too long let me show you my Hideout you got a hideout bro this is the resistance yeah we were playing truth or dare in the when it happened the eyeballs froze Nate Lee tambry and Thompson Robbie Almost got away but had to pause Toby you watch the camp don't call me Toby anymore call me bod sassy girl let's go this guy's a fail [Music] dude oh my goodness dude end of the world man those death met there's like nothing you two can't accomplish you just need to make up and team up and save the universe how I think Wendy's best girl the shooting star from Mabel sweater she's in there I know it whoa is that like twin ESP they're having a time of their lives yeah go nuts guys when we're done partying I unveil Phase 2 open up this police time police police just play cool get let me do the talking oh oh [ __ ] you are in violation of the rules of SpaceTime and possessing the body of a Time officer my body is a temple how dare you this is crazy time baby if your continues it could destroy the very fabric of existence surrender now or face my tantrum oh no a tantrum whatever will I do about that how about this he destroy he just what the [ __ ] baby oh man this has gone from bad to [Music] worse boss the P Tre we can eat him are you worried he might try to cause some trouble yeah trouble with autoart free cars right for the hot wireing Wendy working for Bill I wonder if they have a tank I've always wanted to drive a tank I can't believe this place is just Steely Steely huh it's take more than one Dart to keep me from oh my God Tony what is it I can never remember his name yeah who the [ __ ] oh well well looks like we got ourselves a pair of ground Walkers ground Walkers what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] listen Discount Auto Warriors we just want to make it to that bubble out east we have no quarrel with you oh under the authority of Bill CER I'll place you too under arrest oh [ __ ] Wy have we formly met this is no look with the apocalypse the only key wrapped around my well I wouldn't call my neck exactly wrapped around this little pocket of fat under my head Gideon you have no right to keep her in there Bill explained it to me n now that I have her a cage she'll learn to love me I hav to wait ghost ass ready to escort our friends beat his ass Dipper no this isn't going to work Gideon oh and why is that butt on my foot like a rhinestone slipper and what makes you think you can do all that cuz I'm a flipping corduroy oh [ __ ] hell yeah my hch angel yeah why vill reveal their kick their plans and [ __ ] like he didn't have to reveal that key ever guess what we already did Wendy you're the cool I know dude tell me about it later hell yeah them you want your baby seat yes please oh hell no we you're not letting them get Mel discount AO War okay all we have to do is outra Gideon's henchman unlock the bubble save Mabel sa did you ever get your driver's license definitely not are oh [ __ ] oh [Applause] [ __ ] I can't let him free mael remind me why you're keeping your girlfriend in me she just doesn't know it yet now quit the philosophy sorry it was my M wow weirdness bubbles blocking the path in there oh no oh man this bubble no no not that one what the heck that was horrible here comes another one dude race yourself oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [Laughter] hell my [Music] God that's amazing ohy we're almost there we just have to make that jump total lack of drivers training don't fail me now oh Dam so close able I'm almost there Zeus that's SE yeah hey Dipper how's it hanging s SE handyman of the Apocalypse At Your Service s h I've been wandering the planes like a Desperado helping strangers I guess there's some folk songs about me now let me see what the damage is here well the good news is bad news is we're surrounded dudes oh [ __ ] who else do we have to help you almost had the jump on me there for a second me say your Gravity Falls anymore oh yeah stand still around Stanley yeah Stanley hope he comes out somehow bill hitback will be here any minute to retrieve y'all's M now that dude remember that dude in that pterodactyl man he can do some [ __ ] did she well yeah I have her trapped ARG go that happens what you're scared to Bill no I just it's a complicated situation I mean scared [ __ ] if all this then ask yourself heally God in this [ __ ] world he killed the time baby exactly while Gideon turn a new Leaf will you tell her what I did of course those minions are going to be on us in seconds but I'm not going to let that dumb TR be the warden of me y'all ready for a good oldfashioned prison brow behind you for life damn he turned a new Leaf for love I'm sure he didn't want this [ __ ] this is the end of the world like this is my world too it's like when Piccolo helped by RIT okay remember guys this is a prison bubble designed by Bill we let's see [ __ ] in there oh that was a quick ass episode got wait till next week big I'm a big I'm a big hungry monster here D four God damn times are here folks only way to Salvation is to embrace the Triangular ways of our Overlord any object with more than three sides sh's dead that's it that's living alive that was too easy that was too easy what happened to all that training bro friendly faces whoops what the [ __ ] happed you go there but Gravity Fall the beginning it's time to take our got some kind of magic with all right boys to the cor of the Earth the world flame with your weirdness this Dimension is [Music] our they're tra oh [ __ ] did they use the moonstones and [ __ ] compated I think I broke something walk it off wow I like that opening dude that's so sick how it's [Music] changing they made it faster this one yeah time Patrol the entire ground of B do you hear 8s music does the air smell like childlike Wonder this is what this Mabel's mind bro this is prison yes definitely absolutely o00 everyone today's weather calls for she must be happy here bro if you're the owner of a unicorn with a top hat please come to the ice cream Beach Wiggles I wouldn't mind what is this new world shining shimmering splendid shining shimmering spel land mayel land this is worse than the apocalypse dude this place hurts my eyes oh that's simp creepy dream guys we're not here to party okay we just need to find Mabel and get her out of here where is she our home girl Mabel lives at her next stop our home girl R rats now I'm so hungry bro don't that's [ __ ] except for part of my hat for the last three days I love it dude can you guys just hold on a second let the weird mdon happen I want to this world was created by Bill that punches hand me some syrup the moment we trade for never guys Dam this is a rescue holy [Laughter] [ __ ] there she is SE grab her Wy BARC the door your sprinkles not for out of this but Dipper I don't want to leave this is her world yeah I don't want to be saved Dam sorry no worries bubble bear once she knows how it is outside she'd want to look after you said you wouldn't dud no way I would feel some type of way wiggity wiggity what's up dude Bros and punctuating every sentence with a high five hell no oh don't mind to fire that's a cooler difference oh sorry I can't leave him hanging yes you're dead to me seus trust me you guys are going here this world always knows what you want oh my God no way guys you're safe we've got a monster fireworks fake IDs and pranking supplies want to drive this truck to the high school and glue this plunger to the principle oh no yes yes I do sorry guys I've always wanted to do that I'll be back in just a few minutes this place is amazing bro don't worry dude there's nothing in this world that could break for Mission I have returned it's dead wo wo Dad no F way look like so I have the body of a pro wrestler and they face you once I okay this has gone too far think these fantasies are good for anyone you can't argue with the results people are happy here does it really matter if it's real or not for once stop listening nope not looking not looking what is I want to see I want to know I want to see what kind of smut all right can anybody explain to me why even with our new found infinite more interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dam even my ston SK are perfect who am I kidding maybe Mabel's right it's a horror River oh hey Wendy what's up thought you were busy wrecking the school or maybe that's yeah that got old quick and this music is really starting to get on my nerves I think that stuff you said about this place is right really well everyone else it's kind of funny this is what he wants old you'd be like my God this is not the real Wendy dude wait a minute and this oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] why it have to be cockroaches have done that hey seriously was [Music] him who's the judge serious you're letting them take our argument to court hey I didn't make the rules in of you making the rules all rise for the honorable Judge kitty kitty meow meow face Schwarz Stein kitty kitty meow meow meow [ __ ] this trial begins right be fresh dippy come on out flip a di oh no I hate him much the final decision will be made by a jury of your peers hi there I love your headband T your mouth I love your headband we're all wearing the same biased as [ __ ] headband look Mabel this whole lovely my case is simple this very unrighteous dude thinks that reality is better than fantasy photo ever and how do you like my new PCT have F what the [ __ ] what do I doel that's so [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] Mabel's fantasy was having a great School Penny February 14th fourth grade Valentine come on man you can't are we Brothers I don't know well I think we're ready for a wait I haven't even presented my case do you even have M uh OB I'll allow it those cats are famously curious meow meow [Music] razor what the [ __ ] wow so now he looks just as bad there we go a they created a good memory and then she Dam we've always been there for each other for's apprenticeship we've traveled to heck and back to get you we're going back together leave this fantasy world let's in the dang it why is this Hammer squeaky me it you really coming home with me yes hug a don't do the [Music] Pats everything's getting destroyed oh [ __ ] is Bill made those guys oh [ __ ] leave we got to get out of here Ze Paradise is those guys didn't change I wonder why bro it's turning into hell Waddles yeah yeah Wiggles Waddles take us to Freed wles so hold up that's the actual real Waddles how' they get so big are you ready for me that's the real one it has to be it's time to burst your [Music] bubble yeah bu oh wad is staying big you all good everyone good a we go Ain them that bad right damn boy let's see if we can go hide out he won day one what the [ __ ] yes it's in shambles just like we left it oh man it's the first time I've ever felt happy going away hello house hello porge hello gum I left stuck to the couch [Music] I should be standing right let's get them dudes should be oh the resistance even the GN just so everyone knows we're out of toilet paper what the did I miss [Laughter] something w we survived but where where are we were they actually real people is this reality John Paul bro I know these dud oh my [Laughter] God wait even the Unicorn is there kids yeah believe I thought I lost you two you you old coder hey a miss good to have you back so what's everyone here yeah there's moners and gnomes and hey even in a look better than you it's King's disembodied head wants NOS we're trying to R it's happening again hey everyone is it I B keep it down get the lights you would think this is the first place bill would go to like destroy it what the [Music] [ __ ] yeah welcome to What's Left of normal oh [ __ ] it's the the boy band ow we have several injuries a ah my liver girl they went to the forest Rumble do not be afraid weird mageddon has taught me there are some battles I cannot am now humble MC Skirmish exp how'd this all happened so I was hammering signs out but didn't expect was what happened next they're protected turns what you and my brother did to the shack with your unicorn boot Place Invincible weirdness myself deao Chief the plan's to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out then I vote we eat the Gnomes hey I'm short not deaf stress will make you chewy Uncle Stan we can't all just hide inside the shack there's a town in need of saving me and full powerful space demon was his worst one yet trust me we have everything we need right here it's not the Ritz but at least the monsters inside know how to m taking some classes so you're really just going to let go look kiddo we got a good deal here besides this is Shandra Jimenez reporting live from the Bill's castle images of what's happened view viewers are advised to look away if they see their turned into a twisted Throne of human Agony mom and dad my family Deputy darling is there no one who will save the people of this town I'm Shandra Jimenez and I'm being turned into stone by a flying eyeball damn oh no my are bad but even they don't deserve to be turned to stone you take everything we love don't you see our friends need us but we can only save them if we we combine all of our strength our smarts oh yeah dude whatever to Skirmish is going to be powerful ases then we just might be able to rescue Ford learn Bill's weakness and save Gravity [Music] Falls wo have you all forgotten who's in charge here bake the Mystery Shack to Bill who holy hoot Nanny flapjacking fiddle banjos sorry sorry got a little excited he he would know right what I meant to say is I think I figured out a way to fight Bill and rescue Ford but we're all going to have to work turn the house to a spaceship something like that you just you would know the secrets of the house too we're coming for you place the House of Hope he going to transform forward into a demon [Applause] [Music] bro put the game cyer if I'm still alive you must want something from me I'm here to liberate yours there's just one hitch as it turns out my weirdness can't escape the magical confines of this town there's something keeping me in incredible Gravity Falls natural studied this years ago and did you find a way to undo it of course there's a simple equation that could collapse the barrier but I'd never tell you listen for it be possible I would even say it's possible I'll remake a fun world a better world a party that never ends with a host that never dies no more risk I'm insane either way Brainiac but have it your way I'll just fish around and get that equation directly out of your mind no so fast you know the rules bill it needs to be everyone has a weakness T guy I'll make you talk it's only a matter of time oh hell no you should have just lied and said it's not possible all right I've made some thing midiculous Robo migs in my day but this is incredible McGucket this is your most amazing invention yet any gun swords I watch a lot of anime and trust me gun swords what's an anime we have much to discuss disuss are a bunch of cockamamy boulder dash excuse mych and where would you even find gr Stan you're looking at those idiots idiots [Music] yeah for everyone schul yeah exactly total load of shulock something wrong you're acting gruner than usual screw up for's the hero well maybe people think because he didn't want to hide in the Mystery Shack well maybe if he hit it happened again those weird cow monsters are I feel that I have the same problem [ __ ] let's hope this turns out better than my other inventions every oh [ __ ] dude that's crazy this ship alone oh that's not even a ship that's a [ __ ] robot flamable merchandise is the only thing keeping me going oh what wow ready to talk now ouch I won't I won't let you into my hey do you hear that oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what I just fixed that door how the [ __ ] [Music] it's the shakron dude they made the house into a robot fascinating so The Mortals are trying to fight back huh adorable H them out I'm just waiting for the time Patrol to come back yeah are they ever coming back that guy went back this was a bad idea is this thing on test H uh I just wanted you monster dudes to hand over four I have butchered Millions on countless moons w i likeed you better before you talked we we bring down this oh [ __ ] he got [Music] nipples you know if they knew about that magnetic field around the city they could just leave it right it's only restricted to Bill Cipher and his crew Gravity Falls Gravity Falls would still be uh it be [ __ ] up whoa that actually affects the like the generals and [ __ ] oh [Music] [ __ ] that [ __ ] look like a loaf of bread brox damn look at that power this actually working how powerful is that shitel well would you look at that can [ __ ] that [ __ ] up in a second about you and you care about them don't you what are you a no perhaps torturing those kids will make you talk wait he's protected though only the house not the robot itself wait what no it went everywhere oh damn attack holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you have any idea how long it takes to regenerate that we've got him distracted now's our chance this is awesome [Music] dude all right oh yes all right okay everyone we get in res so we're clear if I die I'm suing all of you hey on second thought maybe we can come up with a plan that doesn't involve us plummeting to our certain death oh man oh [Music] [Music] man oh man it looks even worse up close oh no gon what half dances in his cage for all eternity so tired of being that sucks how do we undo this mayor Tyler he's the l oh my mouth tastes like nightmares I think I dark and tortured for reals now this will forever scar Tad strange more was that I don't know he was some regular guy some random regular guy in previous [Applause] episodes Dam don't you ever scare me like that again I ship them bro kids that sh is more wholesome than any other relationship in this show ha fiddleford I I haven't seen you be parted ways you must hate me a I've tried forgetting maybe I should come here old friend hey good to see you too bro now let's get out of here huh listen Uncle before you were frozen that you knew Bill's weakness yeah a secret way to defeat him I I do now does anyone have a pen pencil anything go on the floor well he's lost his mind my mind is fine there is a way to beat him but this what the [ __ ] what the world's most confusing game of going to make a deal no a prophecy Dipper everyone pine tree yo oh everyone has it's like super saiyan God in [ __ ] they have a heart to play that one's easy you've been rocking that dumb hoodie since the seventh grade what Robie Destiny hoodie the T of T sign that must be gide hell yeah oh no nice work with the heel it's over hold hands everyone this is a mystical human energy Circle who's the fish bro ice who's ice the symbols needn't all be to be someone cool in the face of danger Wendy Wendy Wendy yeah buddy [Music] much like spectacles need to be someone scholarly guys up freaky now hold hands everyone e I'm not touching that do it sweetie one thing no one in our family has ever done touch [Music] the oh what the [ __ ] what is this what's going to happen though maybe fish dude maybe it'll sumon I don't know I'll go for I think it's working maybe it's going to something like a a good this is it the rest of you get out it's too dangerous huh like an anti- Bill Cipher need one more person Stanley Stanley get over here only one left you realize this is a bunch of hogw you really think some caveman graffiti is going to stop that monster dang it old man now not the time come on yeah stop being stupid hands this all and I am very uncomfortable whoa hey I'm not the enemy just do one thing say thank you watch I'm about to slap the [ __ ] out of him D bring you back into this Dimension and you still haven't thanked me you want thank you ah see between me and him I'm not always the bad twin it was kind of his fault he got trapped in that thing anyways yeah grammar Stanley oh grammar Stanley you you stuck upe this you idiot everything's on theine are you [ __ ] serious bro are you [ __ ] serious we trying to save the world over here we trying to save the world right [ __ ] stupid Gideon why aren't you dancing Chop Chop huh damn [ __ ] hate Stanley dude the [Music] [ __ ] this is [ __ ] creepy though oh last episode previously on gravity fals the Mystery Shack crew banded together to try and stop Bill and there was some mad action Bill needed Ford to take damn wow this is every threat to my power together in one easy to destroy who know you've gone too far Cipher yeah we're not scared of you oh but you should be what the hell what the hell no oh no why is it so easy this Castle could really use some decoration looks like it's way too easy Stanford family last chance tell me how to take weird mageddon GL M and I'll spare everything out not again why every time Nice Shot pumpkin I just regenerated that eye I know that hurts because I've aced to myself multiple times uhoh hell yeah run we'll take care of Bill what Bill small dude trust us we beat him before and we'll beat him again no it's to dangerous not so fast you right here got some children I need to make into corpses that is creepy as hell I love it dude I need to get me a Bill Cipher a hoodie or a shirt right disassemble your molecules oh [ __ ] you've tricked speak to the last time to my mind he'll be able to take over the Galaxy and maybe even worse but at least he might let the kids free goes into my mind my brain isn't good for anything oh swi the look in your mind he wants it has to be me we need to take going to make good on that deal what other choice do we have a but they're twins though they can just switch the the the look yeah I'm starting to think there's no way out here clothes pretend when one door closes choose a nearby wall and Bash it in with br oh [ __ ] that's dear third now let's round up the town folk and together we can pass the block D I've got the kid I think kill one of them now just for the heck of it they probably did me miny I Surrender good choice I hope they switched bro don't do it it'll destroy the universe it's the only way oh even when you're about to die you Pine swi just can't the [ __ ] beard the 5:00 shadow that for does only have is that you let my brother and the kids go fine no G I think I hope they switched [Music] Jesus Christ oh I'm here I'm finally here look at this place a perfect brly void got to hand it to you Ford you really know how to clear your they switched what do a pretty [Music] good something's going to stop from happening though yeah dude what the deal's off memory gun pretty clever huh that is crazy don't you realize you're destroying your own mind too let me out of here let me [ __ ] why isn't this working really way turn around demon you're a real guy but you made mistake you messed with my family you're making steak I'll give you anything money Fame riches infinite power your own Galaxy please it is a good Redemption for Stanley though it is sacrificing himself oh [ __ ] that was sick that was sick okay I [ __ ] with that but he's ah he's not going to how far does it go how much does he erase guess I was good for something after [Music] all oh [Music] [ __ ] oh they getting sucked in oh oh [ __ ] smul [Music] loock damn okay [Music] wow oh the [ __ ] the Terminator thing [Music] yeah oh my God Stan you did it oh uh what's your name grungle St damn what who you talking to come on it's me oh [ __ ] wow this is a real nice place you got here oh no place grle Stan don't you remember even a little nope but this chair hugs my butt big guy crying in the corner a did we really win what's the point Uncle Stan's not himself anymore there's [Music] he doesn't know time we went fishing that summer we we spent together don't quit it Waddles I'm trying to remember my life's story hey what did you say he remembers Waddles wles off of it's working keep reading scrip to my page he needs to remember our boss employee relationship hey just cuz I have amnesia don't go trying to give yourself a raise Zeus it's happening keep going okay stay tuned Uncle St stting he told us a lot about being a businessman in the a [Music] damn God damn good morning Gravity Falls it's another beautiful day but EMP is over get out of here you ordering Critter oh [ __ ] they're still still weird ass [ __ ] good is new yeah oh looks like you've got dear and get us the saw off shotgun fine whatever and so forth nope none of that thank [Laughter] you noral want to that's why I'm passing the never mind all of the last few days what do we say never mind that mind all that and if you break the rules we'll go in other news the Northwest family has broke your ship came to preserve his family fortune you're only going to have one pony now come on now but fortunes have also turned for local Maniac fiddleford mcguckett who after regaining his sanity has made Millions overnight submitting his patents to the US government I'm going to buy me a bigger shed hey that one's for sale in other news Town Hero Stanley Pine has fully recovered his memory and will be throwing a party to celebrate his niece and nephew's 13th birthday and final day in town but other than that death [Applause] ball hey candy and grindle are here just to throw a p for us after all the Pines family has done for the on this skating board more like busting your pants loser what the [ __ ] he he still got it like that though dude make a wish dog you know that's in my pocket but since that's impossible is that impossible since that's probably impossible my only wish is for everyone to sign my scrap you guys wait a now I'll never forget you guys strange new anomalies near the Arctic Ocean I want to go inves but I think I might be too old to go It Alone are you saying you need someone to help you sail around the world piure of a lifetime someone to come with me Stanley I want it to be you I'm thinking okay give it to Seuss everyone I have an announcement to make my n bro over here have some catching up to do we're going to be away for down your mouth for good I'm sorry Mr Pines it's just that this Shack is the most magical place off but sown to a monkey carcass it's a marvelous creature that makes us believe that anything is possible you shut down this Shack and you at least my dreams SE take over come on yeah I'm sorry Seuss it's just there's no one around to run it at least there wouldn't be if I hadn't just found the perfect [Music] replacement Gentlemen The Mystery Shack is on a new manager that's the best day of my life you mean it Mr Mystery you're Mr Mystery now no more janitor bro down I'll move in immediately [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] damn oh [ __ ] still so much we hav't done together Summer's over candy it's time for us to grow up but not too much oh I hate my dumb heart for making me feel things cut it out hard hey can you punch my heart too no mine punch my feelings away damn thank you for being my people you'll always be my best friends unle Stan thanks for wearing my goodbye sweater H it's cold out I had to what but it's like 80 something degrees out today you mean a lot to me man you a all these goodbyes oh [ __ ] something Remember by oh and this next up Waddles oh I don't know how to explain this but let me bring a pig home to California so stays with SE have to stay here come on come on I have to go I'm I'm sorry Waddles bus guy this pig is coming with the kids now hold on a second bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by what the Yeah [ __ ] he welcome aboard P damn you KN nothing but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of you damn we miss you too unle Stan head into the unknown nope let's do it nope now a for you this feels like a true ending dude it does man everything's ah are good and [Music] happy D called Gravity Falls OH the Gnomes well I've moved in it's not on any maps and most people have never heard of it some people think it's a myth wait take a trip oh oh oh damn find it and a War 2 uhwhere in the woods waiting what's it say what is it see you next summer [Music] a damn a movie credit scene [Music] damn hey [Music] damn oh look that guy oh [Music] whoa welcome to P [Music] mons what the hell is that [ __ ] real well I know Gravity Falls is based on a true thing that that happened in Oregon oh my God that's intense damn I'm so sad it's over
Channel: Quirky Quota
Views: 27,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravity falls, first time watching gravity falls, gravity falls season 1 reaction, reaction to gravity falls, 3 katanas react
Id: vqC8nbPtkyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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