Gumball Season 1 Episode 1, 2, 3, 4 GROUP REACTION

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you guys wanted it we are doing it finally Gumball baby this has been on like the most polls almost winning finally won I never even seen anything of this at all this isn't my generation I mean I'm not old a that's the vibe oh no it seems I can't put them on I'm afraid we can't go to the ready to go damn hi I'm here to sit on the baby what well done I'm the babysitter on the internet where am I going to find a babysitter at this time you'll be responsible I promise to be the most responsible kid and will handle my responsibilities and the most responsible yeah responsible you have no idea what responsible do you nah it means acting like a grown of your little sister what can I trust you guys to do that come on Mom we were boring reprehensible responsible responsible dude put your pants on we're off no Richard on that's a dad dad a bunny oh God scared me bro oh [ __ ] oh god oh I'm putting a lot of trust in you kids don't worry momy you won't be disappointed wife like that animation's kind of weird responsible like real life a man a responsible man [Music] Dam you doing 79% of stair accidents happen on sitting here okaycome to the hell you doing in here mes you're deciding where to go for a h now this is a show I can get behind responsible thing to do oh my even though you said on fire it's not on fire dude they're [Laughter] failing she's more responsible than themo Emergency Services yeah of course but ours was a responsible demonstration of what how could mom put you in charge right what is wrong what the [ __ ] was that bad for you ridiculous and look at the mess you're making it's a small price to pay for your safety who helps you with your homework you so I should be in charge wow but who did Mom put in charge who has to do what we say oh are they Brothers I feel like I'm in one of those dreams the where you go to school naked oh come on Richard stop being so dramatic where's his pants now there's nothing she can do to you you he just went almost Commando the why was the monkey fighting with the bananas are you aware that your husband isn't wearing any pants wpy little face up how about I walk in the par yeah I guess that could be [Music] okay look at that what the hell oh isn't she lovely how old she she's now you want to B you want what the [ __ ] show is [Music] this dessert dude of course the food is way too chunky for a little baby like her she could I know what to do God damn dude how come you don't do that for me bro all right you asked for this you don't pay me enough okay bath time just right is it f dangerous fine get out of hereu they grow up so [Music] fast thanks now be a big girl there's no way I'm wearing a diaper get back here oh no oh no come back and I the house is getting [Music] [ __ ] she's not in there she window God damn oh what's mom going to think we're in so much trouble window really walked into that and I let us in babysit yourselves on the roof Mom and Dad come back what they get look a book I myself a paper cut oh no no diaper I surely hope oh hell no what the [ __ ] you know what I'm going to have water oh wor are you kidding me look at the Bell how do you set fire to a swimming damn do something get on the bed are by any chance would you oh damn what are we going to do go through the drain hell no [Music] bro yo what the giveing him air he's a fish [Laughter] okay hell hey how's it going I don't know how do you think it's [Applause] going yeah what the what the hell fish [Music] food oh no the [Music] chimney [Music] what a oh my god oh no you're look going to be in big ass [Laughter] trouble God damn God damn see honey they fixed nothing bro that is [Laughter] ruined God thank heavens you're safe a that's all she cares about for trashing the house oh no Angry doesn't begin to cover it he hey how do you burn a TV underwater who is responsible [Applause] this it's once in his life it was her thanks scumball he's going to be like it was her mom Godwin what it was her I thought you were going to take the rat anyway it was she was the one who left Gumball in charge Well's fault for not finding a proper babysitter well none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you uh who are you here the internet okay good enough [Music] what damn okay a weird ending song yeah DVD the hell is a DVD Gumball don't forget to take that DVD back today or damn can't you do it you're the one with the car I wasn't the one who watched alligators on a train two times but technically you your money the money I had to to feed you kids the kids you decided to have DN he's a smart ass yep no problem mom I'll take it back oh very kind of you honey and don't forget to put on some bye-bye Darwin have you seen that DVD anywhere I oh hell no what are you doing I'm using the pizza cutter not the pizza cutter that's a DVD I'll give me that man you really have to these things the slightest scratch and they ruined forever Gumball I am fed up with your Darwin this disc utilizes Las techology you have to treat it with respect they're using the wrong side of the well now it's gone no what we got to do face the consequences of our actions and tell Mom don't be silly I've got a much better idea there you can make anything with cardboard and no one will notice the difference really it looks kind of and still no one's noticed everyone's noticed that walk though really you look like you went to the back dude it's a letter from laser video oh so what put it with the others no this one meanion red envelope or red writing for the TVD what are we going to do face the consequences of our actions and tell mom no no no no no just give me a little money it took you two days to think of this less complaining more begging I'm crying what the [ __ ] the reason you guys are on the streets is to pay a DVD find yeah I know it's crazy how hard our life is D those strangers look sucks hey yeah go D you dude SP [Laughter] change y there thaty Darwin sometimes in life you have to realize that there are now I'm a millionaire that's great so4 back oh sorry got change he's J the change damn son hi laser video here hello it's to skip my messages I think we need to get a job can you cook what is he saying can you provide inspirational toe of 30 people covering both National and international markets no for the Cosmetics industry what does that mean it means I'll put makeup on us and see if it looks nice kind of like modeling yeah oh there are the [ __ ] you boys 18 uh does it count if I've been both eight and 10 I suppose so now step into the makeup boo I suppose so please relax look into the Red Dot oh damn Darwin W better that's not bad look good what happened to you God Dam what are you doing here how come you look so good I don't know maybe it has something to do with my perfect skin I think off what happened hey D he that f [ __ ] facts the test go more get on the [Music] bus damn dude just for DVD huh oh man more letters from spend more money on mail in so much trouble we have to hide these before what shall we do shall We Tell the Truth and face consequences of our action what is it with you and trying to be honest all the time no we need a copy of alligators on a train I know I'm going to download it you wouldn't steal a car you wouldn't stealing woman's purse you would to py is stealing I know what the fu dud sorry anyway I got a better idea is this oh no get the laser video before Mom kicks our butt what did you do this time stop right run oh [ __ ] where do you think you're going oh [ __ ] run away from your mother hell no your mom crazy oh holy [ __ ] that's some anime [ __ ] she godamn [Music] ninja what the M are you okay are you okay what was that oh no oh hell no gbba we ar creature attacking our mother we need to First the she's probably playing her out yes I'm I'm sorry you're right wait a minute oh [Laughter] [ __ ] right [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] now she don't deserve that stop the letters H stop the letters the water uh-oh alligator on a train oh no this alligator's on this train hell off this train thank you so much for saving us from all the Alligators on this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] train Ching best [Music] boy we pizza and we scratch it with the side of the scrub and we thre it in the disal please don't tell our M I already know how much is the DVD Larry $25 what you for $25 but we were scared to tell you oh silly there's nothing you can do loving you come here a now let me pay for that see Darwin you should always tell the truth and face the cons of your actions like probably come on let's go troublemakers uh just a minute there's also the lateness fee oh yes of course how much is it please let me see 3 months and 3 days damn that will be $700 if you really have to face the consequences of your actions and sometimes you oh [ __ ] damn that's a bad bomb at $100 [ __ ] [Music] that and wet and wet I know it's time to play maybe we're bored of each other don't say that it begin it's the truth Darwin and you know it and the sooner we what the bring someone else a third person that's it we need to find a third best friend three best friends M won't that be a bit weird it's only weird if we make it weird do you find it my cookie school is full of people and all we've got to do is to be our new best friend yeah they got to get a girl dude how about her oh my God God damn how about [Music] not creepy peekabo hey hell no peekabo you want to play with us for a bit Yeah guys are crack dude seen this no d a it wait look at this [ __ ] see that I slipped over myself what do you think he's a this exactly why you shouldn't do drugs yeah let's go okay Joe um oh so how do we play this game pun cheese it's easy you just get your turn has terminated commencing my turn oh [ __ ] dude finding a friend is harder than I thought that weer looks cool in the back third yeah but it'sing a little stop looking on am well we're having pizza let's sit together I'll go in the middle oh this is so much fun from now on we can do everything together damn dude lost him finding a friend is really hard yeah like to protect us from bullies Rich so we can play with their toys have a colorful personality and most of all be sh a dong W you know what guys I'll be your friend really uh-huh for 20 bucks what I'll give you a moment to what I don't know about this darwind be awesome hey hey guys wait up guys damn third wheeling and then Tobi I know you are but what am I and everyone laughed oh Dar going to love him oh yeah and then Tobias showed me this really cool thing where you shake your arms behind your back and say nice to meet me and everyone laugh he's guy well he's okay but he what do you mean it's not like you've played with him your whole life I feel like I've known him for Gumball I'm sorry I must to just FL off my Fork anyway the funniest oh damn dude Darwin hey Gumball Tobi was just you're not even out yet let's play tonight sleep over at your sleep over 20 bucks 10 bucks I'm not coming you're not Alex Alan Alan we're going to play Dodger dare all night you are great look like it all worked out then see you later oh he don't give a [ __ ] some BX thanks wait for me oh come on Adrien roll the dice roll the dice I can't I got no hands fine I'll do it for you six pick a card I still have no hands still no hands number this is going to be the most fun You' ever for just 10 bucks you had to pay for his friendship though catch that's so sad what are you doing no hands someone who's rich athletic multicolored and a good listener he'll never play dodg or Dare with you again they'll be best friends forever and I'll just be a memory I have Adam Andrew Alice a please let me your I'm about to lose my best friend okay 50 bucks God damn 70 what he money yeah what the what get out of the way I can't hey what's with all the oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] fail I wish i' L for that [Music] ouchies I feel like I'm missing something ah never mind I already [Laughter] forgot oh [ __ ] damn power of friendship oh man damn stupid hands in their stupid cookie this is all their fault damn dude where this guy live stupid oh [Applause] [ __ ] oh hell no oh his license plate are you bu [Music] hold where's that what did you do my friend uh he's in the garden I think he misses Gumball Gumball dude I'm outside [Laughter] oh I can't believe you were going to [Music] play hell yeah hey guys should I plug in the third controller or what [Music] [Laughter] no ass [Music] damn the Deb Mr Robinson's headlining but it doesn't start for another 10 hours and you're not invited I don't care tonight the bigest night of Mr Robinson have to be there tonight's the night old Gaylord Robinson what can you ever be happy for me there is what the hell sa yourself it's too late for me just over here on the sidewalk dude please remember me guys so I'll always be alive in your heart oh we're crying out loud all life is before my eyes and it's boring it's a boring life darn kids life Mr Robinson I didn't save your life I just didn't run you over now get out of my way no way I am not leaving your sight until I have saved your life in return get off my car I'll never [Music] your let me shout at you I got to save my voice for tonight yeah man don't [ __ ] with Gaylord oh dear Universe above me thank of Mr Robinson I swear on my life say I don't know whose turn is it anyway yeah mine I spy with my at Li me me me me me me me me well Margaret the cough drops my what are you doing here I'm here to save your life not today of all days here they are antiseptic action what's this hazardous object doing in the middle of the floor don't move it [ __ ] trip over it there safely out of the way oh [ __ ] he's out cold he's going to kill this man now's my chance to save St aside Kyo CPR oh oh [ __ ] damn right get it coffee vending machine that's cool I old job we used to have one of those oh wow but it was free that's my heart eat that [ __ ] Bro use that tongue damn bro the hell so I save life right Eat Your Heart Out ended it now leave me alone a a healthy glow will make me look my best oh hell no from Final Destination [ __ ] Mr Robinson I wasn't here to save you why stop Gumball no I refuse to let you go what the you look so peaceful clear h no [ __ ] where did you get that I'm bringing you alive but I was alive oh my Lord welcome home Mr I booby trapped your front door gay Lord Robinson's like Squidward I feel so bad have to just like SpongeBob and Squidward so why would are you listen kid this is the most important yeah man just leave him alone SpongeBob I mean gball Robinson I failed you Universe I said throw it near him not that's so painful oh that hurts I'll try to walk it off oh bad idea D damn o there's a note TI to it see Mr Robinson will be a assassinated what the hellin sated Jo this is terrible no wait for me tonight what do you mean you coming to see me fail but Mr Robinson you you're going to be D dude he's so brave oh that creepy old man bro wake up oh [ __ ] okay here no one's clapping we drop heavy sandbag there's no one there what the notice oh just in time to he going to push him into the sandbag mron said no we don't actually hit Mr Robinson Now ladies and gentlemen would you please welcome to the St and final ABC D ACDC good luck dad that is Dad up till W wanted to be free and now I think the time is right to show you what I want to sing I want to Dan I want to touch sing it free d dud he wear them short shorts Dance danceing I'm going to give it it almost sounds like I need a hero our chance to assassinate [Music] hero you hear the course sounds like Wing aose In theing Like A ganger in like fish like AET with no string like an English he has another side to him that he's never shown before show yourself a and fight like a man let's try that's what I'm talking about Gaylord the [Music] seats that's what I'm talking about we all need to let our inner Gaylord out once in a while bro oh dude she left mid show yeah left right when it began Mr Robinson please come with me now not sa here no go away oh damn you from ruining my performance [Applause] damn thank you everybody thank you H yeah dude so much I don't deserve all of this thank you infinite universe for sending us a very own Star Mr Robinson thank you everybody I love you you put me where I am today I think we squished Mr Robinson he seems dead it's okay let's go [Music] home what the [ __ ] oh my god dude okay first impressions of Gumball that last episode was my favorite like had had more
Channel: Quirky Quota
Views: 24,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gumball reaction, the amazing world of gumball reaction, amazing world of gumball reaction, the amazing world of gumball
Id: 5J8mAskdR_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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