Grasshopper Tutorial Part 3c: List Manipulation with Cull Pattern

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hey everyone today we're gonna go over part three C which is the coal pattern so in the last one we looked at list item and call index but today we're gonna learn called pattern instead of using the points instead of using the just getting one point or just eliminating one point we're gonna eliminate a series of points through a pattern so we only took out one point and use that one point and this one and then this one we took out a point just one single point so well you're gonna start this is we're going to start the same way I'm gonna type it all out I would highly recommend not to copy and paste the script it is the same but it does get confusing so I wouldn't copy and paste it so please don't copy and paste it just makes it's harder for you to learn and if you type it again over and over you're eventually gonna learn and you're gonna learn very it's gonna be very beneficial just trust me this is how I learned and I'm glad I didn't copy and paste it because it really confused other people that we're trying to learn other students copy and paste it and they always we're very confused so this is the way I learned in I would try it just for the sake of learning this program so construct so you got X Y Z point move move in the x-direction all right and then just do a series one and then just plug it into here and it's already set to ten and one like by default so I'm just not gonna plug it in for here but if you do have different numbers and ten and one up here then change it to change just always do is let me just drag it all the way down there I'm just not gonna do it cuz for the sake of this video so we're gonna do move again we're gonna move it in the y direction and we're gonna move it the same amount of times five plug in this and plug in this so as you can see and ended up being basically the same as this kind of first half we have right here so now we're gonna learn is coal pattern so basically if we want to eliminate things in a pattern we can do that now so we're gonna do a call as you can see a cold pattern looks a little different than the other one I'd be - this one has a list indices and a rap this one also has a list index and routes so it has three components this one only has two as you can see so it has lists like normal and it has coal pattern and right now if we hover over it it says false false true true and you're like what does that mean that I don't understand what I mean so if we look at a panel real quickly so we'll just throw a panel here and actually reuse - just for the sake of this plug this in here throw it down plug this in here scroll this down it'll be 0 through 9 as you can see so let's say we want to eliminate right now if we read off of this a false false true true right see it false false true true so if you look at this panel I'm gonna zoom in real quick it's basically saying all false true true now what does that mean false means basically eliminate and true means keep so basically saying it's eliminate this eliminate this keep this and keep this and then it rear apps again so basically does the same type of command over and over so false false true true that goes back and false false true true false false so by the time so when we plug this in it's going to only have four points so let's check that out real quick we'll just throw a pan on here and as for as you can see 0 through 3 this one it has 9 so so that's how it works so we're gonna basically do a pattern of just instead of doing this false false true true condom we're going to do a true/false pattern and then I'll repeat itself by doing true false true false and etc so let's do that right now okay so in order to sorry in order to change these false false to true or it responds in a series of just two numbers being one is true and zero is false so let's do that real quick in order to insert these numbers you want to insert them in a Wattana way through panels so we're going to bail and we're going to plug this in not yet actually we're not going to plug that in yet so we're going to set double click to edit panel contents so let's double click it so let's do 1 enter 0 so it reads does the one being true right here and the 0 being false so right now we have our 1 in 0 when we plug it in it should be good right no it's gonna turn red it's going to not understand what's going on because the text is not reading correctly so it's gonna be like data conversion failed from text to boolean so let's we're like okay I don't really know what to do after this I put in the numbers it should it worked right well sort of so let's check out the panel let's right-click it and it has all these other features what you want to do to fix this is you want to make it look something like this like it has a branch like these have branches and then a series of numbers so let's do that so what we all we have to do basically is just uncheck this multi-line data so all I can do is click this I don't work then it creates as a branch so you can see it's not working instead of it'll be true false true false true false so it's working for that so that's the cool pattern for that now I did this for the top part and I want to my goal here right now it's just to make this zigzag pattern so just this type of zigzag articulation happening right here sorry like this so basically it's that's basically just the inverse of selection points so basically I want this point to be selected this point to be green this point to be green at this point to be green and so and so on and so forth so it creates a sig sag pattern so let's do that real quick so I have the bottom geometry done and I just want to talk to you no sir I have the top you know what you're done and I want the bottom geometry so let's do that real quick or the top points bottom points whatever you want to call it so call pattern I always do is plug in this bottom part into the list we'll throw in a panel okay double click to edit panel content and then we'll do 0 1 so it's just the inverse of 1 0 and make sure to turn off your multi-line data and plug this in so now you we have I'm just going to move this here so now we have our 2 done so you can see they're inverse of each other ok cloak ristmas lights I plug in the panel it's literally the inverse of this so it actually includes the 1 this one only includes the even numbers this one will includes the odd numbers just having a coincidence like that so so what we can do now is do we if we draw a line right now so you're like okay let me just draw a line real quick it's going to just do this because a line only works from start to end point so it's only going to do those diagonals which is not what we want that's like half of it let's say we wanted these two technically you can draw two lines you can start with this point in this point and it will draw those points but it's not I mean we might as well do it you can do that way but then you have to join the lines and it gets a little confusing so I we can actually just do a polyline that goes through all of these so you're like okay let's just try a polyline or if like right let's just try following a line right and let's just put them in here well you see it just draws a straight line it doesn't really do anything and also and you're thinking okay when we just plug both these in here so actually start to work but as you can see it just kind of only accepts one input and the way for a note to accept two in for an input to accept two of them all you have to do is hold this drag the arrow into here lazy and see it just kind of rejects it so we want to do is hold shift while you're clicking on this part hold shift as you can see it turns green so the dnc is turning green and I got my sticky keys because that's when they shift to long and all you have to do and you see it turns green and all I do is hold shift keep holding shift and let go the click and then like oh and of course I have my sticky key so I'll tell them nothing's wrong but it still doesn't really do it like look it doesn't even work right it just make this weird z we don't want this this is not what we want right that's not we want we want to make a zigzag so even though things I could start with Z but anyways we're gonna delete that polyline and we're going to now basically reorder the reorder the points into a way that it creates the zigzag so instead of reading through top part and then Bonaparte will read as top bottom top bottom top bottom top bottom and the way to do that is we're gonna do something called a we've come in so this is it ask for a pattern the patterns already established and it's usually what you would want so it's to locally to find values at 0 & 1 oops no what I meant to do it says 0 & 1 we can change these via panels but there's no point since it's already what we wanted at that's asking for a stream zero and stream 1 so it's basically asking for streams here on stream 1 which is basically one set of points and another set of points so right now it's just saying what a weave does if we read this real quick is we leave a set of input data using a custom pattern so our basically using a pattern in order to where the lines will kind of be guided so let's do that we're gonna do top part first into zero and the bottom part into one and it's reading see now it's reading like this now it's weaving them all in there so it's really weaving this this this this this this and so and so forth so it is working when we click on it it's actually highlighting only the points that are there so it's basically reading that correctly now so even if we throw in a panel we can see it's actually working so let's throw in a panel so as you see it starts from zero five one zero and two five so it's reading it like that which is exactly what we want to ask now you can change the pattern like I said before but just leave it the way it is that's exactly we wanted out we want to add zero one and the pattern usually is defined by the points that you've already selected so it should be fine so now always do is do that polyline now we said before and just plug this in and now it's making that zigzag which is exactly what we wanted just that nice zigzag so yeah guys um that's pretty much it if we look at panel through that polylines just says one polyline curve because it's just that one curve we created so yeah guys that's pretty much it for this part of the tutorial we're gonna go over one more thing it's gonna be a partition list so go over that in the next video so you guys think you guys for watching hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you guys on the next video thank you
Channel: KineticArchitecture
Views: 2,697
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: Rhino, Grasshopper, CAD, AutoCAD, Autodesk, Architecture, Rhinonest, Rhino5, Google, 3dsMax
Id: AdGgYCo-fvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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