Path Mapper using Grasshopper 3D

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hello and welcome to my channel if you've been here before welcome back my name is Alfonso Peluso and I'm a studio associate professor in the college of architecture at IIT the home of the legendary Mies van der Rohe hope everyone is doing well today I'm doing great and today's video is gonna look at path mapper a few days ago actually on New Year's Day I made a video on sharp gills and we see that right here shark gills using grasshopper and that video really took advantage of what is called a path mapper and I'm gonna go ahead and place a path mapper out on the canvas here you see this mysterious capsule hair with the exclamation point so we're gonna dive into the basics of path mapper and also what that's gonna get you more equipped with is more equipped with using data trees or understanding how data trees work in a grasshopper a little bit better so we're gonna look at that in today's video Before we jump into it I want to remind you if you haven't subscribed to my youtube channel go ahead and click on subscribing once you click on subscribe go ahead and click on the little belt or receive notifications trying to get 5,000 subscribers very close about 200 subscribers away if you haven't subscribed please do if you have go ahead and tell a friend that might enjoy the channel also connect with me on Instagram at my first name Alphonso underscore Peluso see what I'm up to see what videos I put out see what my students are producing lots of good content on there I'd love to connect with you alright let's jump into this tutorial and we're gonna look at path mapper now with path path mapper we're gonna look at to simplify flatten graph flip matrix remove or add a blanch or what's called a half and then we're gonna look at a special item here called a cherry picker look at that I can't wait to show you guys the cherry picker alright so we need some geometry on here to start with so I'm going to make a rectangular grid because I know a rectangular grid is going to give me an output of that is an output where the data is organized as a data tree so let's dive into that so couple things from the very start which should alert you that you have a data tree is you have a dashed wire connecting from the rectangular grid capsule to our best friend the panel I say our best friend is the panel because it really is because the panel gives us so much information so it's very good to us maybe your best friend isn't good to you but the panel will always be good to you okay so let's look a little bit closer at this panel and start to define some things here how much of this panel that I want to show please use that much because what is a data tree let's let's define that to begin with I'm going to use some scribbles and put on a scribble okay so a data tree a data tree equals a list of Lists multiple lists a list of Lists so this is this is a list but within it is multiple lists okay so here is one less zero to four here's a second let's zero to four and so on I believe there's a total of ten lists here so we start counting at zero so this is the tenth list of four items and so if data tree is a list of Lists so that's one thing we wanted to find I wanted to find a few more things here as we go another thing I want to do is I want to drop my bifocals if you haven't downloaded the bifocals plugin go ahead and do that because what that will do is if you're using draw icons you'd place the name of the capsule of X but you guys can see that okay so let's define some other things here so I'm gonna use a little draw tool so this here this zero semicolon zero semicolon zero and it's actually inside some squiggly brackets okay what is that so that is something called a path so let's bring out a scribble and we're gonna say that this is our path and a path is also equal to some we'll call it a branch a branch and a tree data tree so we're going to call that a branch if equal to branch okay we also have these items here so we're gonna make sure that we want to define those those actually there's a might said that was for with the section 5 because it's 0 to 4 so we'll add a scribble over here and these are going to be our items ok so to get started that's that's all we really need to know and that a data tree is a list of lists these are the paths and these are our items okay so let's let's get started with the path mapper okay the first thing we're going to look at is we're going to look at simplifying ok so I'm going to add a scribble out here and we will label this one simplified okay now grasshopper these first these ones that we're looking at David peffer I just want to point out that graphic grasshopper has these options for instance if I right-click and I go to simplify here you're gonna see what you're gonna see is you're gonna change you're gonna see this path structure change from zero semicolon zero semicolon zero to just one one zero in it so I'm gonna just go ahead and do that okay so now you see so that's something simplifying it I'll put a link at the end of this video why simplifying is very important especially when you're using a law okay so if these things are available why are we using a path mapper well the path mapper can do much more but I just want to introduce you guys to the path mapper and there'll be another video following this at some point that dives in deeper so let me guys let let me know what you think if you want to know more about path mapper just let me know in the comments below and the night I see how important it is to you guys okay so let's let's go forward with a simple fire so we need a panel so this panel it's gonna show us the same thing as above but we want to see things change for us okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna double click on the path mapper and the way this editor works is it wants a source and a target so for the source I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna mimic basically what we have here with the branch of path structure so I'm gonna put in and make sure it's uh it's a squiggly bracket so I gotta use the shift key above the regular brackets so we're gonna put in 0 semicolon 0 semicolon 0 okay so that that matches that original what's shown below what's shown here okay alright and in this next one we're gonna put in a squiggly bracket and I could just put in 0 okay so it's flattening or simplifying the branch structure so I'm gonna click OK and you see there what's happening okay now it's done something a little bit more than just simplifying it it's actually simplified and flattened this down and let's uh let's talk about what happened there okay so what's missing in my structure right now I'm going to change this for us is I pay for I for item or I for index and next riff I need another item out here okay and that's done something a little bit even more different for us are that's good this let's get this simplified working the way that it should give alright so here's the way that we're gonna make this work okay so we're gonna put in our we're gonna put in our variable and we'll have some fun with us I'm gonna type in here I'm gonna type in path because we've been calling this path and I'm gonna change this to that okay all right so here we go that's what we that's what we needed so what it needed was it needed the variable in there and needed to identify something called all say path now this could be anything this could be cat it's not gonna affect this it's still gonna work so you can have some fun and I don't want to leave out our dog lovers out there so this could be dog and then this would have to be dog so that's that simplify and I think for now since we're learning the best thing is just to call that path because that's that's what it is simplifying it is simplifying the path structure okay so there is our simplified all right so let's let's go ahead and look at flattening so I'm gonna copy and paste this call this flatten we're now another path mapper go ahead and plug this in get our best friend the panel okay so what are we looking for with flattened so flattened is going to make one single list not a list of list but one single list so if I go ahead and right click on the cells output and she's flattened you'll see now this is just one single list with all all the 50 items in it okay so that's what we're trying to do okay so we're gonna go ahead and do a flattened okay so let's look at doing this I was gonna do it from this simplify we can do it both ways alright so let's go ahead with a flat so put our brackets in zero semicolon zero semicolon zero and we'll close our screwy bracket and then just as we add before we're going to flatten that down and let's go ahead and click OK on that so that's that's flattened and it's also simplified it for us as well because I passed structure as to 0-0 all right so let's look at this let's look at this from the simplify mode after we simplified it we're going to plug this in and we're gonna type in I'm going to type in half that's that's our variable path okay and that also has flattened it before us there's no a couple ways to do that let's see now who plug this directly in we need our original original path structure to 0 semicolon 0 semicolon 0 okay so there is our flat ok now what if I want to graph the tree so what does that mean what is graphing a tree so that is taking a single list and turning it into a list of lists so let's take that [Music] we're gonna use our path mapper and so I need one single list which is what happened after I flatten it and we're going to go ahead and we're going to graph this it's gonna panel so that we can see the result all right so what are we taking into our graph so our source text I'm gonna use the squiggly bracket and then I'm gonna use 0 semicolon and then my variable which is going to be path and it's squiggly bracket and then I'm gonna introduce item and our item or index I forgot what I call that up above but problems we call that item an item equals index okay and then or our target we're gonna make this squiggly bracket and this is gonna be 0 semicolon path and now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to move my item inside and which tell us to take every item and turn it into its own individual list of steps and craft a tree from it ok so now I'm gonna type in item and then the squiggly bracket now I might not need the zero semicolon that might actually throw it off because it's already been simplified but let's see what happens there okay just as I thought so this is already simplified this should do the trick okay so that is graphing it and it's taking each individual one and making its own list so let me double click and just take a look at that again so path item is outside the path now we're moving the item inside the path to each one of those is no so that's crap okay we want to look at something called flip matrix do I have yeah I have it okay so we're almost done here so flip matrix so what is that exactly okay so that's the organization of our cells whether they're organized in rows or columns and we can take a look at this so at the moment they're organized in four are actually 5 right 0 to 4 is 5 so here's 1 2 3 4 5 ok so right now they are organized in columns what if I want them organized in rows okay and let's look at this a little bit see ya it's the best way to look I was gonna I was gonna go to that cherry picker I know I'm gonna show you guys that one but let's uh let's actually just do this do this through a another another panel so now if I was to organize this in rows all right there was gonna be the however many I guess there's 10 here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ten so I would have ten items and then I would only have one two three four five Pat's okay right now I have right now I have five items but I also have ten pass okay so we're gonna swap that we're gonna swap that so that we have ten items five packs and you would do that by flipping the matrix okay so let's let's copy scribble here put that out here we'll call this flip matrix okay that's gonna be our flip matrix and let's get out another madmapper okay so here's our path matter so let's go ahead and plug that in and how am I gonna flip that matrix all right let's take a look at that so I'm gonna double click on this now I want to keep this simple so I'm gonna use the squiggly bracket and I'm gonna type in path and then this squiggly bracket and then I'm gonna used my parentheses and type in item and then close parenthesis so I should be able to just to swap these variables okay so over here and my target let me squid me bracket item flipping the matrix item and then my parentheses and then hat and my close parenthesis all right so we need to you need a panel so see if I need to simplify this or not all right so I'm gonna have to simplify that coming in so we already have our simplify so let's let's go ahead and plug that into our flip matrix okay all right there we go so now we have our ten items and we have five past zero through four so we flip that matrix the way that this data is organized know it is organized in rows of data versus columns of data alright last thing before I show you guys that cherry picker okay what if I want to add branches is right now this is simplified it's down to zero one two three now there are times where and I'm gonna put a link to my loft video using data trace tool off at the end of this there are times where we need to add and remove a branch so let's look at that copy and paste this add or remove branch and the path mapper and panel let's take what's coming out of this foot matrix so we can compare these okay remember we're trying to add to this branch structure so right now it just says zero inside the squiggly brackets so if I need to match another structure maybe I'm doing a lot for loft all structures need to match so for here I can put in squiggly brackets 0 3 bracket and I could put in squiggly bracket 0 comma 0 okay so now that branch structure is gonna change and if I need to add more I can keep that anymore sometimes you want you'll see and you'll notice in grasshopper sometime sometimes the branch structures are fairly deep 4 or even 5 depending on what capsules have been plugged in so you'll see the target is gonna match that okay and now if I want to remove sometimes you have to remove removing is like simplifying but instead of bringing it all the way down to 1 0 maybe I want that to be 3 zeros okay all right so hopefully you found this useful and this will introduce you to path mapper oh I almost forgot cherry picker all right so let's bring our cherry picker down let's take a look at that alright I found this to be awesome so I'm gonna plug this in okay so we're gonna see on the screen you have all those red rectangles alright I want to highlight those red rectangles okay so here's the first rectangle alright so I can I can scroll down or that's gonna be the first one now I can start to look at these different paths so let's look at path number 4 and so there's pathway for those read came to say hi she's barking away their it so that's Path number four that's index zero now if I use the scroll tool here you see it moving live on the screen hopefully you can see that so that's picking item zero to four so this is our understanding this is one this cherry picker is a great tool and you wouldn't really know how to use it if you didn't understand what an item is or what a path is so it's change this to Path number eight we can go through and I can select either one any one of those rectangles so there's cherry picker hopeful hopefully that's gonna be helpful for you in the future alright so if you found this video helpful go ahead and click on a like below if you have some comments you want to give me some of your input I love learning from you guys I learn from you guys I learn from my students if you know someone that will find this channel helpful suggest it to let them know what's there alright I will see you guys next time
Channel: Alphonso Peluso
Views: 1,428
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper, grasshopper3d, rhino, rhino3d, computational design, tutorial, grasshopper tutorial, architecture tutorial, architecture student, parametric design, 3d model, 3d modeling, architecture school, path mapper, cherry picker, data tree
Id: 1u57B99WKAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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