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I'm in a grass field we've got some grass equipment today's video is not a normal video I'm over in irand doing some filming for uh Sammy at lucky day where they're making a package of a load of grass land equipment that's getting raffled off in a few weeks so they said can you come over and we'll do some filming so they've basically written a storyboard and um it should be funny it won't be ready till the end of the week but you're going to see a little bit of the behind the scenes now so here it is Sunday night clouding over it's going to rain good job of going reck we get on one of the other planes that's going somewh hotter rainy Island it's Monday morning we're in island and it's raining again i' every time I come to Island it's raining and we got a deer climbing up the hill here let's have a look oh he's biking in now bit of a traffic jam behind it up a tanker that in it yeah so we're just walking for our lift see this come out of a side road sideways this must be Sammy Wells this morning all right how's yours fantastic yeah do you know you were in a bin last night yeah I B juice all over my good be fact oh bin juice all over me good be than we're on our way to the yard and look there's four houses all the same and what was it it was four he had four daughters H yeah the he had four daughters and he built a house for each of them all you tell the story you know and they all look at each other one of them got a tree though tree well one one of them moved out lots of things she wasn't the favorite daughter mad isn't it on this big Crossroads it's called slain slain Cy ma Ireland I think it must be early potatoes because there's a bit of a ridge around there I don't think it'd be maze you'd normally put that over plastic this is either potatoes or ma potatoes potatoes potato to potato that's a weird angle we can make sage in the rain can't we yeah we can I so the plan was we were going to come out here we're going to mow some grass Ted some grass rake some grass and bail it and that clutch I can smell noed smells like clutch to me it's it's uh it's it's it's weighing down it's perfect weather for cotton grass well we'll have a go I had to call the English in to give me have you got a tow chain in case we get stuck uh yeah actually we had to tow the one90 out the other day so one I can still smell the clutch last time we were here they were raffling that and the guy took the cash alternative cuz he was building a house so the hog L loader is ready to you going to auction it again um yeah maybe I don't know I don't know we it's actually a great way low loader so you've been using it yeah we've been using it age is making that all day Friday who made it Lan suits you that Rob matches your coat nice I just England I just don't get the attraction with Land Rovers cuz you just when you shut the door you can't steer like there's just no width to them yeah but you can go like Samy there getting this Evo out that we're going to be using for uh arriving so they've made a storyboard for what what they want to film so they're going to put dpd stickers on that is it an EVO 7 or an EVO 8 have a look at the back of it is it a seven an EVO 7 that so this Evo they were like Rivals to Subaru but it's amazing how similar all the Interiors are oh Beast [Music] [Music] to seat work out a donut that but couple of tractors here getting shot blasted and ready to be refurbed a 11090 I I don't see the attration them whatsoever but they love them over here and is that like a 761 or something maybe actually all [Music] right camera's ready chau's got the wrong hat on Rob's got his Shades off bodyguards ready it's all about the camera angle so they're now trying to play musical instruments and I'm Sting the back of the car it's all part of the story that they're doing big for Rob Rob nearly took a trone to the face they're just acting the [Music] professionals B [Music] power it's classic Corner Rob don't get the obsession with the twin cams give me one of them any day if out flat out it's TI in it oh yeah you can get these four-wheel drive ones now can't you try it again oh flat battery gve steps reing the outcome from the Factory like that it's nice same gearbox that we had in our xylon sixspeed with the fourspeed power shift and then the Tor and the hair on there so everything on that gear stick what if you got 6 x 4 is um 24 plus them got 48 gears on one gear stick you got the master WR there what are six fours 24 24 then high and low yeah yeah 48 gears on one gear stick so ahead of the time weren't they for was RSE Rob's found a deu and Digger matches your hair [Music] up now these like I said before I don't I don't see the attraction to them but out here they love them so they got to squeeze in there no handle is it just hold the frame so this has got five gears on that stick and three ranges you got good Vision now you know cuz you got so much glass pass do feel like you wear it though 6,000 hours I would say that's pretty low it's not terracotta though it's blue this is a big oven that they can use for painting stuff don't know what it gets but itd be all right for doing a loaf of breading would it [Music] 78 seven no I don't know that' be the 78 10 rims I would say don't touch it wet paint dogs are licking it just on a quick Zoom meeting about the tractor on this year um they're actually planning in case they need a parade for one of the football clubs in Liverpool so that's quite helpful really because if they need to do a parade we might be able to copy some of the sort of risk assessments route even get an estimate off the police to pay them to escort us whether they make it into the final or win or whatever so that they do end up with a parade is another thing but it's certainly good that the council are already planning it just in case because it means that they're already tuned in to a parade type of thing so we've got another meeting now in three weeks about it it's stopped raining now so we're back out in the field and we're going to play with some grassland equipment right I have a feeling that that tther is not going to work so that's today's quiz question why won't it I don't think he's realized he's got another two mowers on the back you going to tell him he's got three mowers are they not all working there no no how can you tell cuz they don't put them down oh then bad Bo at the back yeah yeah should be down as well yeah it's quiet that is it grass smells amazing as well that is all for the most random day that you've probably seen anyway sami's done the birthdays here they are thanks for watching and I'll see you tomorrow we're hiding out the wind so that we can do the birthdays we've just been mowing some grass and we've got this massive trailer so Samy's written the numbers on in huge letters so she's going to read out the birthday bumper okay so happy birthday to Poppy Pritchard who is 16 arwell Don Hughes who is 49 Tim Bond who is 49 Simon redrup Callum kuen H Kevin tagel Amaya hanen is five today Nikki Turner James Foster Johnson is 29 Kevin Grimes is 39 Seth Bonnet who is six Charlie mclaughin who was born today so what's that happy zero birthday just congratulations on the birth congratulations on the birth of Charlie mlin Joe Roswell who four I think we got a picture of him at the end actually oh really he's the outro yeah okay uh so Joe Rothwell who's four and Neil Ford who's 36 and today the total the figure is 65,8 163 raised so happy Birthday everyone on there and thanks Sammy for reading them out on this massive trailer happy birthday first time ever it's not raining isand is just stopped now anyway that is actually all for today but before we go Sammy just wants to say a few words hello um H please please please follow me on my new YouTube channel which is called Sammy Lucky Day comps she's got massive two subscribers so I'll put the link below if you want to subscribe I don't have two followers I have three three three three three three followers so I would love some more three no three the number three random day sorry about the content today but you know it all just doesn't go to never goes to Planet lucky day yeah no we had a bit of an issue before because if one of the shafts was stuck together so anyway they have to fix that before we can mess with the machines anyway thanks for watching I'll see you tomorrow bye bye
Channel: Olly Blogs Agricontract
Views: 43,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XgVREH5Gz-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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