Dirtiest Day In The Field

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good morning thank you so much for being out at the field with me today I wanted to focus in on a really specific part of our planting operation so you'll see we've got two things behind me we have got a trailer it's full of liquid then we also have our planter tractor John Deere 8335r and we've made some modifications to it okay we added the little box on the front to pick things up put things in but the big modification we've made is adding these two big tanks on the outside there are support s that hook up straight to the tractor's frame and each one of these guys holds 500 gallons so when we're going through the field we are carrying at any time around 1,000 gallons of liquid so today we got out to the field and we knew this when we finished up late last night we are out you hear that that is empty so we need to refill it we do not own this trailer this comes out we buy the 1034 that's starter fertilizer that's the liquid in here from the local co-op and so they pull out a trailer to us so when this is empty we can return that straight to them there's a little fill point up here so we'll attach the hose from this trailer onto our tanks and then the plumbing goes underneath the tractor and back here back here we have our John Deere 1720 planter it is a 16 row so we've got a fertilizer in these tanks it comes back and runs through pump back there runs through more hoses and each of them are getting consecutively smaller and smaller and smaller finally they go through these rate controllers which is talking to our computers in the cab and runs each line individually to each row so the starter fertilizer is coming out at the specified rate right through here comes out right there and that is right next to the seeds that we are putting in the ground oh bumblebee little bumblebee oh my good oh my goodness so we need to fill up our day I it likes all the bright color nature my goodness we're really out here aren't we yeah all right let's get this thing fired up stuff is still fertilizer so it's pretty corrosive so I'm going to avoid getting this on my clothes at all costs little Quick Connect right here it's being pumped from that trailer into these tanks and the tanks on either side are plumed together so when we're filling this one the other side is filling as well they're filling just about evenly but if this one starts filling a little bit faster then we'll just shut that valve down a little bit so that this one can get just as much I was just standing here watching it Go in making sure everything was okay and all of a sudden that little motor decides to sputter and dye and what do you know it is completely out of gas Reed if you're watching this really you couldn't have filled it up with gas for me planting is satisfying but in a very very different way than harvesting when you're going through the field and you're driving the combine and you are harvesting your crops it's very much the Fulfillment of an entire Year's worth of work and you are seriously seeing exactly the benefits of all of your labors pile up in the window behind you whereas the in the window behind me when I'm planting I know all of the work that is yet to come in order to make this a successful crop so in that sense it's a little bit stressful but it's satisfying in the sense I can look and I know that I've planted from that tree line all the way to here and I just need to go to that road and I've got monitors where the colors are filling in nicely like let's zoom out for just a second here the colors is everywhere that I have planted isn't not nice it did the end rows over here and we'll just go back and forth and back and forth until all of this is colored in I ran out of seed and while I'm back here refilling the planter I thought I would show you exactly what I'm planting so we're corn right now and you probably have never heard of this brand it's prie Valley and this is corn that was grown specifically for my area I have never tried this corn before usually I grow different brands but Grant and I like to try new things out and see what works best for our farm and this corn was specifically grown in this area to be planted in this area so meant for these conditions metant for the soil metant for our weather and so I'm really excited to see what this corn does so thank you pre valy and thank you roora Co-op roora Co-op does our spraying they spread our dry fertilizer and they also help us with crop scouting that's who uh owns this trailer here and we could not be the farmers that we are today without them so thank you and I guess stay tuned through Harvest to see how prie Valley seed does I realized that that sounds kind of scripted and like that was paid promotion but it's not I paid for this seed with my own hard-earned dollarss paid for this 10340 starter fertilizer and I pay for them to apply all of my chemicals and my fertilizer they're just really helpful and I really like the guys that work there so not sponsored we just really like them look at this all filled in there's where the pivot goes we plant at a slightly lower population where the red and the Orange is because the pivot doesn't hit that but we got the field done now it's time to fold up and move on it is my watch dyed I think it's like 6:00 p.m. right now and I think the plan is to go until we run out of seed or fertilizer tonight we still have plenty of fuel so just time to fold up let's get the wings going up and move on I always feel when the wings are folded up I must look like some kind of flying insect so we planted until about 10:30 last night went home finally ate dinner and came out here about 6:00 this morning because we had to adjust our row cleaners like like I said we started on a new field last night and this field we did something a little bit different with and I actually filmed what we did to this field so this was about a month ago so I'm going to cut you back to what we did to this field that's totally different than anything else we've ever done to any of our other fields we have an exciting day ahead of us we are out on Grant ny's new Fields New to us this Dirt has been here long before us we just started renting it last year this is the field that we came out we disced everything up and we have not ridged it there is no rose like this out there we planted corn here last year and we're trying out something a little bit different on this field we have our neighbor out here and today we are strip tilling this field he is out here in his 8270 R series John your tractor with LSW tires that our good friends at Titan put on I believe Harvey the man himself with those and he has an Orman one Tripper I believe it's called uh we've worked with Orman on a couple other different things Grant and I do not own this setup this is his setup we are paying him I believe $24 naker to do this for [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] how many gallons the acre are we putting on 35 and we're hitting that Target pretty consistently oh yeah yeah what are you using for fuel on a job like this what are we what are we burning per acre sounds like uh little little under a gallon an acre little under a gallon of fuel an acre okay yeah like9 maybe it's not too bad that's not too bad not too bad at all now that was just straight up cool what a fun operation to watch I definitely want to be a farmer who is always trying new things and this is a new thing for us and so I'm really excited to see if this works well for our operation and uh only time will tell so we'll revisit this field uh the next operation that we're going to be doing in it is planting so we'll see how this works out also thank you Logan for the ride and for your services you are a good neighbor and a really good equipment operator and I really enjoyed talking to you so since the conditions were very different on this field than any of our other fields because it had been strip tilled we had to do a lot of adjustments to our planter this field had also been dis last year and so just a lot fluffier soil conditions on top and so we took out a lot of our downforce which is how much pressure that the planter is applying on the bar we just don't need that much force to get the seed that 2 in into the ground and then we completely raised up our row cleaners so the row cleaners are no longer scraping a bunch of stuff off the top cuz we've got a very clean place to put our seed in but now it's starting to rain it's not raining enough to even really call it raining but it is raining enough to make everything very dirty we're still kicking up dust but water water is dripping off the front of the cab in theory we can continue planting in these conditions especially since the ground is still technically dry dry it's so dry outside it is very very dry outside we've been in a drought for the last couple years we do not get a lot of rain so on one hand we would love if it would just downpour if we could get like a solid inch especially because we had to start up pivots yesterday to start watering in our pre-emergent spray but on the other hand if it rains any more than it is right now we will not be able to plant anymore because stuff's going to start balling up behind the planter she sets ball up that means like so we have all those little things turning in the ground and they just start this mud starts taking on like a snowball and like then the depths are wrong and everything's not getting deep enough or Too Deep or shell it can really mess some stuff up but look how dirty the tractor is [Music] the tractor and planter is going to be in need of a serious bath after today it looks horrible dirty day out in the field this morning this is already I don't want to call it a budget setup because I am very grateful for our tractor and planter it's it is pretty nice all things considered but compared to the the latest and greatest it's really not that nice but when you make it dirty like this it looks so much worse it's kind of funny little splatters of rain coming down yeah this is exactly what I was talking about we cannot continue planting in these conditions H that's so frustrating so it's now rained enough that the top layer of dirt see that was all wet sticking to your boot so it's dry underneath but it's just tacky enough on top to be a problem those gauge wheels right there that's what's making sure that our seed is going at the right depth not too deep not too shallow when dirt Falls up on those it's not letting the seed get all the way into the ground it's putting another inch onto those wheels and we just can't plant like that so I think we're going to have to call it for today you hate to quit but man it's just so dry we need that moisture so badly the rain cleared up and unfortunately the wind also picked up but it means that we were able to get back in the field which is really nice wind dried the dirt out because the wind straight just blew the rain away and blew that top layer of moisture that we got just dried it right up we're watching rain clouds way over there in the distance but none for us but that does mean that in the next couple passes we are going to be done with corn planting that doesn't mean done with planting we still have many acres to go because we haven't put a single soybean seed in the ground yet so we ran out of seed dumped a bag of corn in we still have another bag waiting so we're good on our seed supply should be able to finish up Grant how are you feeling good um Planter's been working great we last year we lost a bunch of gauge wheels and stuff was falling off the planner so I got everything extra tight this year and I've had no problems besides wiring we've had a couple wiring issues but we've gotten them resolved fairly quickly and it was user error so turns out you don't tuck the wires up in there and they rub on the wheels they wear through and then they show it out and then stuff doesn't work it's funny funny how that happens so stay tuned in the next 20 minutes we're going to be done with GN [Music] planting Chief is a family-owned Nebraska based company comprised of seven diverse brands F Chief trusted tested true coming to an end oh this is so satisfying to watch you get to pick you can watch it in yellow and red or green or blue or in real life or oh yeah or in real life you can't just look out the front window here and see we planted all the endros and we my favorite part ready ready ready oh that's satisfying that's nice okay here it is are we going to run out of SE she did it yellow we're running out made it through there it is that's corn planting for 2024 folks on to soybeans it has been quite the roller coaster of a day thank you so much for sticking with us through this if you want to see how corn planting went last year you're going to want to watch this video right here I really appreciate you guys riding along with us GR you did a good job we make a really good team and uh we'll see you guys in the next one bye bye you're kidding [Applause] me ah Grant's folding up the planner what is that a cylinder you're kidding that was nice it's all over the window you thought the day was over I guess we've got stuff to fix Now Grant what could you explain to the audience what just happened here perfect timing well I mean if it was to happen anywhere I'm glad it's happening now but the uh I don't know if the hydraulic hose fitting just came loose or it somehow ruptured but I got it folded up so we go home cuz this when it's folded out I can't drive down the road so it would have been stuck here until we got it fixed so hydraulic fitting is just leaking but it's up there but we got it up so now we can take it back to the shop and fix it yeah well it's going to make a giant mess when we unfold it oh my goodness what a mess we might I might try to fix it oh it's probably the hose and anyway stay tuned for the fixing once we get a field planted it's time for the co-op to come in and do a pre-emergence spray this video clip that you're going to watch next was filmed after we planted this field but before the rain in this video came good morning everybody we are starting the morning out one of our fields and we are doing some pre-emergent spraying on it so all of our work that we've been doing on the pivots has been leading up today we got this Fiel planted we got this kot serviced and ready to run and so we are going to have the co-op guys come out and spray it they're filling up right now they're going to go over the Acres that we just planted and we're going to be preemptively getting rid of any weeds that could be stealing nutrients and sunlight valuable soil space from our crops we planted corn out there the only thing I want coming up out of the ground is corn paid a lot of money for this ground for the seed for the fertilizer for all the irrigation that's being going over it and I don't want any nasty noxious weeds coming up so we going to be going over every acre with this sprayer here and I think they're going to let me go for a ride if in the cap this sprayer that you see behind me is a John Deere r4045 these things are very pricey is why Grant and I don't own our own we hired a co-op to come out and do it for us so that we don't have to take on the risk associated with owning this machine and we don't have to pay for it it's got 120t booms as you can see spread out behind me here so we can cover so much ground at one time you can also go pretty fast in this thing I'm pretty sure you can go over 10 m an hour when your spraying field those big blue tanks you see on the semi-trailer hooked up to a semitruck up there this is their mobile Filling Station most of what gets sprayed through this sprayer is water there's a very very small percentage of what's going on the field is actually chemical those big blue tanks are water and I would venture to say about 90 to 95% of what's in that tank right there is water as well that's just our agent to get the small bit of chemical that we need out through the booms right here if you don't take care of weeds right away they will take over your entire field and eventually will be left with no room to plant our crops especially since we don't do any kind of tillage we just do that root slicing if we let weeds take over our field eventually we would have to move to those more deep tilet versions and we're just trying to keep our soil as undisturbed as possible [Music] so the cab that you guys see in here is going to feel pretty familiar John Deere does a really good job at making their cabs borderline interchangeable between all their different machines but we're sitting in a sprayer right now this should look a lot like the dry fertilizer spreader machine that you guys saw me ride in just a couple weeks ago it's got those booms out the back like that the tank on behind us nice big cab with a lot of visibility and all those same monitors that you see in the tractor and the combine once you learn how to run one John Deere machine they're all pretty much the same I hope you enjoyed today's video and we will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 193,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck, informational, learning, work
Id: wprA6pKuCeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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