Graphic. Lancing an abscess on a goat buck. Very disgusting.

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hey y'all we're here with Ryder and um long story short he has a couple of abscesses on his neck that were taken care of one burst and oozed and we irrigated it with hydrogen peroxide and then we're just going to walk you through uh actually Lancing an abscess because there's another abscess that needs to be lanced so I'm going to localize it with some local anesthesia just some lidocaine in his neck and then Lance it with a scalpel and irrigate it with hydrogen peroxide so here we go which side is it it's with that side that you're facing that's the side that's not done yet okay oh that's nasty I know oh poor guy oh I know it's terrible it's really really bad you want this first oh the the yeah so we're just gonna use some iodine Betadine mix the abscess just gonna rub it iodine and of course it's already infected so like it's already not a sterile procedure right and then you need a local I'm just gonna give him a numbing shot and point the needle away from you and then I want to feel on the abscess we want the dependent part so I'm just going to localize oh it smells so bad you're gonna have to help okay you have to hold his head oh it smells so bad right there he got attacked by our our mini jack that we took to the sale barn he's done he attacked my buck and he and he localized it needle cap he beat up a couple he beat up a bunch of does too so it's the abscesses are from a bite a donkey bite and we told the people at the sale they he doesn't do good with goats he does fine with sheep hold them it's gonna it's my spurt hurry up okay don't stab yourself don't put it don't push it in there with your other hand okay yeah you gotta be very careful with the scalpels use the scalpel guards when you're using needles you know use needle guards all right so it's oozing nasty horrific smell and puss so bad and then we're gonna irrigate it peroxide oh Jesus help me oh it's oozing oh yeah see how it's filming I'm sorry buddy that's bad all right so this other one pretty much bursts on its own which is not ideal because then it's a big wound it's really oh we can show in a second we opened it up so then we open it up in a dependent position meaning it's low on his neck so on the abscess we go basically at six o'clock as low as we can so that it promotes draining oh so much fun this is really gross that was horrible smelling well I didn't realize it was an abscess until yesterday when it burst yes I thought you just had like a neck injury I thought it was just swollen from being kicked in the neck I didn't have any idea until it burst and it got all over the place yeah with the most foul smelling if you can't get a hold of you know lidocaine or local anesthesia that's fine um but it's painful for them anyways I just add some lidocaine basically all you need is a you know a scalpel and some hydrogen peroxide and you know a syringe to pull up the hydrogen peroxide and a little better you stick the syringe like in the in the scalpel hole that you made and push the fluid and it'll come out as you're pushing it and tons of foam and nasty abscess oh I'm starting to gag and then um you're gonna have to have to spray this off the one that's open and also he's in quarantine by the way he's not he doesn't have access to his friends right now so again when you feel a big old abscess ideally you get to it first before it bursts because that is so much fun when it bursts that's a bad it takes it just takes longer to heal you can show and I'll bring the camera around in a second to see how him with the fly spray he's doing really well he's holding still I'm not gonna give him much of an option how much more are you gonna need is it still filming yeah that's gross so we're just irrigating hydrogen peroxide cleaning out this abscess poor guy he's gonna feel so much better yeah and the attack the donkey attacked him like has it been a full week it's been it's been a while yeah and his neck has been swollen I just I had no idea I thought he just had you know can I let him go or yeah would you do one more I can on both sides yeah I'm just want to tap out these bugs and everything oh let's finish up this last syringe because you gotta make sure it's not foaming okay it looks like just blood now that's good yeah make sure you get the other side I did a few syringes here you go last one and then just I'll just dump this okay all right oh you want to show me the other side of him he's not gonna let me get close to him I'm sorry buddy we're trying to help you out though there's there's that abscess that burst on its own so that's a little bit messy that'll take a little bit of time all right viewer discretion is advised we're going to show you the foam pile of pus that's disgusting alrighty how's that for being for being pregnant you're a good uh assistant there yeah I'm pretty impressive myself all right well we just wanted to give you a raw you know look at taking care of an abscess animals can get abscessed from bites from I mean it's just an infection I mean barbed wire getting stuck in a fence um there's so many things that can cause an abscess so um you definitely you know come across an abscess eventually when you have enough animals and enough animals going around just like a person if they get you know an infection in their foot they go and get antibiotics and sometimes they have to go get it lanced or something and so it happens to people too um alrighty we will see y'all next time
Channel: Hubbard Homestead Georgia
Views: 77,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OghVFEswitw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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