Abscess or Cancer?? (please do not watch if you have a weak stomach)

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we got a cow I believe that has looks like cancer he's got a lump up on its head up here and it's growing every day it's growing so I got to get her in I fed the whole herd down below we gotta feed the cats and feet I got another cow that I posted was with me that has foot rot we're going to take a look at that so life come goes on come along today try to sort out everything at the great Old Branch stay tuned [Music] foreign [Music] there's going to be a lot of people who don't appreciate this but tell me what you would do a veterinarian can't make it here until Monday they're coming Monday to preg test calls look at this cow here I don't want her to run away you can see the large growth on the side of her face I'm not sure if we know it's growing so much the last few days it's behind her ear I'm not sure if it's cancer or an abscess so we're gonna get her in and deal with it but the way that she's been run down foreign I wouldn't be surprised if she has she does have cancer we're gonna go grab a needle we're gonna see if it's got if it's a hard lump or else if it's actually has pus in it because pasta we gotta relieve that before she is dead it gets in pressure into her brain it gets pressure into our brains up all over Dan boom right now some people might say that thing's going on right the problem is we have all the room to work out oh yeah yuck pus this is what you want to do first and see what we got out of it no there's gonna be some solid stuff it was pure you can see the pus in the end of it there okay I want to get it at a low spot [Music] foreign who he that feels better doesn't it girl now just because the area that it's in yuck just because of the area it's in we're going to be careful how we open that what did you get in there girl hello yuck yuck and this is what you guys want to watch oh that stinks that's worse than your Coyote's foot there uh Colston yuck look at that Big Hollow now if that wasn't the biggest set ever though it heals up quicker than you believe actually but man that's we're gonna water it out rinse it out and then we're going to give her an antibiotic to fight that infection but unless it can continue to drain if the whatever was in there that caused that didn't come out then we're going to have a big time problem yeah she's retaining some fluid down there okay I'll put you guys back up over here and it's gonna be time to try and rinse it out start coming out this doesn't always happen you guys now it's time to give her her antibiotic and kick her out we're gonna put her in with the we don't want to get any of the other calves with any of this bacteria so we'll keep them away from this we're going to always clean everything up here um and then we will uh hose it into the dirt bury it and the dirt here all this stuff so what we got here now is oxyvet 5 30 35 45 50 . [Applause] foreign there you go you go this way go this way yeah okay come here turn around okay now turn around right now [Music] oh my what did I just do this is the real footage now I didn't break the camera to puzzle over it I personally the way that was growing and how high it was I did not think that was going to be an abscess I was sure that that was going to be hard a cancer growth through the bone but got lucky and that's why we get them in to take a look thanks for coming along today um you guys probably aren't going to see in any more of that but if you want to come along with us on the Great Hope Ranch make sure that you subscribe I'll put the Subscribe thing up there and uh stay tuned for every Friday 6 a.m have your coffee ready more life on the Gradle Branch may the Lord be with you and God bless
Channel: Great Hope Ranch
Views: 1,197,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GHK9tfBpDgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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