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foreign hey guys my name is Andrea and I am starting this channel to hopefully educate and bring understanding to chronic illness but first I want to share my story and what I've been through so this is going to be a uh part one to a part two Series so I wanted to kind of explain the concept of the straw that broke the camel's back so a lot of people they end up getting sick or getting an infection or something and then their whole life spirals out of control and they blame it on that one thing I don't believe that it's just one thing I think it's a multitude of things that add up over time so some people have bigger buckets than others that's why some people can get an infection and heal and others can't my health Journey actually starts from in the womb my mother had continued to smoke cigarettes while she was pregnant with me so when I was breastfeeding and things like that I started having withdrawal symptoms and scratching my face I do not have any ill will towards my mother I love her and I do wish the best for her and continue to encourage her to do the right things but it definitely impacted my health because I ended up having to get formula fed now most of you probably already know that formulaism is good as actual breast milk so it really starts there my immune system was not primed from from pretty much day one so fast forward to second and third grade I ended up getting some symptoms like separation anxiety that just came out of nowhere separation anxiety uh panic attacks as well as my eyesight started to go really bad and this is actually pretty funny my mom she didn't believe me that I couldn't read the board so she ended up taking me to the eye doctor and they're like [Music] no I'm kidding I'm not blind but um I do have astigmatism and I do have to wear glasses oh moving forward to fifth grade I ended up having a menstrual cycle super early on so my hormones were super messed up I have to say surrounding all of this I had a very very poor diet I ate a lot of processed food grains and I never really ate a whole food until I was probably about 16 I ate lots of lunch meats and pastas and Candy oh and ice cream actually my um my grandpa he used to take me to the McDonald's drive-through in the morning and I would have ice cream for breakfast so I definitely did not have a good diet to say the least so around that time I actually started riding horses as well and I'll kind of get into why that's important and how it it may have filled my bucket up in middle school I ended up getting a pretty bad concussion some girl came up behind me Slim I had the concrete knocked me out and after that I started getting more symptoms I was really fatigued brain fog and had a lot of mood swings lots of anger I remember one of my teachers saying if she doesn't stop falling asleep in class I'm going to have to give her an f and it was it was really tough because I just I was so I was so sick and nobody knew nobody paid attention so I don't really remember much of my middle school and then High School came around and I started getting more symptoms joint pain digestive issues mostly constipation cystic acne again more fatigue just so angry I was so angry so around 16 I found a local chiropractor actually had a sports injury I had dropped 95 pounds on my shin oh and this is another side note I did so many sports and I never succeeded and I never accelerated in them besides riding horses I always loved that I always did very well in the back of my mind I knew something was wrong I knew something was wrong and I kept telling people like I have all these symptoms and the doctors would just say that's normal or they would say oh well your grandmother had arthritis and this and that and they would blame it on everything else and they wouldn't put any responsibility on myself to and teach me how to live a healthy life I ended up seeing that chiropractor she was able to do some low-level light therapy on my injury and I was able to recover and I said wow if you can help me with this help me with all these other things and I gave her a list of all my symptoms and she told me to start writing down my food so I did and of course I was eating Cheez-Its and I ate out a lot like Panera Bread and Chick-fil-A and stuff like that and she when she read it she said wow no wonder you feel like garbage you're eating like garbage and it kind of clicked and I was like oh really I didn't I didn't think that food would make me feel bad so that's how I got into the holistic world and practiced for a little bit and I was able to manage most of my symptoms for for quite a while and then I I left that job life started happening and I just kind of I wouldn't say I went off the rail but I definitely strayed and was just kind of wandering for a while and I started just living off caffeine working 14 hour shifts and not eating well at all so I ended up being in a pretty stressful relationship and then in August 2021 I had well we had broken it off and around that time I had contracted a virus as well and my best friend was moving so everything kind of all happened at once but also there was a buildup of time where I just wasn't doing well and I'll explain more of that in my second video now I'm just gonna kind of share my my background so I recover pretty well from the virus and then within a month and a half I was in the gym and I started getting really really dizzy and I thought maybe I'm just dehydrated so I ended up going home hydrating you know doing whatever I knew how to do and then that evening I was having a really hard time breathing and I thought hmm this is weird never experienced this before the next day I woke up and I couldn't even sit up out of bed I ended up going to the emergency room they sent me to a Cardiologist and I got diagnosed with pots which is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome now I'm actually really grateful for the cardiologists I saw even though she didn't really seem to care at all but uh she didn't put me on meds she just suggested Lifestyle Changes now at this time I became completely bedridden I was losing weight and I had no clues going on I thought I was losing my mind in the next video I'm going to share my symptoms that I experienced as well as what I did to mitigate all those symptoms at that moment though in time I thought I was losing my mind um and it was a super dark and scary place to be I am a Christian and I love the Lord and during that time the Bible and him were definitely my rock and so were the people around me who who believed me and helped me through it but I realized that this was a situation that I wasn't just gonna wake up and be healed from I realized that this was going to take a lot of time and a lot of effort and a lot of patience it's been about two years now I can work which is awesome I wasn't able to work at the time I'm super grateful that I was able to get to where I am now so I kind of share what I found was wrong and what kind of helped me and then again I'll explain more of that in my next video so um I ended up finding that I had Lyme disease and mycotoxin poisoning from living in a moldy home and of course everything that comes with immune suppressed diseases I had candida parasites you know all those fun things and I was trying to do a more like vegetarian diet at first and I was reacting to everything I ate so I was down to one food I was eating riced cauliflower and I was I was desperate I was desperate I had some people suggest the carnivore diet I thought they were crazy and then when I got down to that one food I said there's like there's nothing else to lose this this uh guy on Instagram actually ended up messaging me and telling me to do carnivore and I listened and he's now my he's now my boyfriend but he also struggles with similar health issues I hope to have him on and maybe do a little interview with him but um within about three weeks I was completely different I still had a lot of symptoms but I was aware and I felt alive again and it brought me back to life so I'm gonna cut her off there and I'm gonna share some more in the next video so I really appreciate you guys watching I really do want to shine some light into these dark places chronic illness can be really lonely and scary and I just want you to know that you're not alone we'll see you next time uh like subscribe you know do all those things so you can keep up to date I'm gonna try and post a video about once a week um after sharing my story I will probably post some more educational videos and hopefully some interviews so so we'll see but uh thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Controlled Health
Views: 215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0vkhhYcyLEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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