Grand Theft Auto's SECRET Websites

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hello again friends it's been a while mainly because I caught the spicy cough and I'm actually still recovering even now but let's get into things straight away so beginning in Grand Theft Auto 4 Rockstar introduced the essentially an in-game internet that you could access through various internet cafes throughout the game and then later on in Grand Theft Auto 5 we were given access to the internet kind of instantaneously through our smartphone that we just carry all the time essentially the in-game worldwide web doesn't actually affect the story too much you do use it in a couple of times throughout a couple of missions in Grand offt Auto 4 that I can think of but we never really needed a reason to explore the web any further than what you do with the missions and explore things you definitely didn't do otherwise you wouldn't be well here what if I told you that you could give yourself an instant Max wanted level by trying to access certain child involved materials pleas resp we have a sexual Dev attempting to accessit images or that you could read up on some gross and disturbing ads on Rockstar's interpretation of Craigslist or that you can actually find a number of websites exposing the Deep state and its attempts to cover up the aliens living among us or about the allseeing eye which given Rockstar it's a very specific term to use considering this website exists in Grand Theft AO 4 not Grand Theft AO 5 where we we start to have things like the Mount Chiliad mystery lies damn lies. in Grand Theft Auto 4 so this website is meta as all hell and by that I mean Rockstar are they're kind of making fun of us like us the ones that you know investigate their games for Easter eggs so the website itself is kind of like a a forum with various boards about you know certain controversial topics and moreover the website mainly consists of kind of different form all dedicated to conspiracy theories specifically so the allseeing ey aliens UFOs uh all sorts of things like that and the users on the forums so again Rockstar have created these users with all these unique names but the names are based on famous grand offt auto myths such as Bigfoot from Los SOS in San Andreas the Bermuda Triangle from Vice City uh there's a theory of a troop of Cobra apparently from Liberty City and according to kind of the the websites administrators on the page it's a portal to a Subterranean race for Neo Aztec cyber punks like it's a whole whole thing and the site's description mentions the NSA conspiracy of shape-shifting reptilians uh crop circles like it's a whole whole bunch of things um but the interesting thing is that the allseeing eye and the Illuminati symbols or the Illuminati symbol are referenced multiple times and are also it kind of is used as the um website logo now I reckon this is quite interesting because Rockstar are mentioning this the allseeing I as part of a parody website so I think for them to reference it back in Grand photo 4 it's possible that we may see connections to the m chilia mystery in PRI Grand offt AO games and we just haven't found them yet or we've forgotten about them because it was so long ago what they do not want you to know in Grand Theft Auto 4 so this website is similar layout to the first website where users can post kind of it's like a forum and people can post things um but the website has several Maps marking the locations of secret items around Liberty City including you know flying RS uh stunt jumps and weapon locations and the website is actually sent to the player's email from an anonymous user who goes by the username funnily enough Chiliad 8888 which again we're referencing either Chiliad in San Andreas or this could also be a reference to the Mount Chiliad mystery that really comes about in grth offt Auto 5 now in the email he calls the player a pilgrim and makes many anti-government kind of comments and as some people think that the person that sent this email is actually uh the truth from Grand San Andreas but interestingly there is another person on this forum whose name is truth with a misspelling and people seem to think that's more likely going to be that character a post by another user who goes by the name of patriot 86 gives out the locations for body armor and makes mentions to aliens and then interesting character Edie low that I think I may have spoken about once twice before he has an account on this website and has made several posts under the username Eddie L which you know it's pretty obviously him interestingly though the website's front page also features a link to the area 53 website and this website in general does not come back in Grand Theft Auto 5 cold Stoppers now this one is the only website in that we're going to cover today that is in Grand Theo 5 actually but CT Stoppers is a website published by two seemingly unknown writers that kind of warns everyone around about cult activity around the game world now if you thinking of the Epson program you're going to be right so the Epson program is is kind of the main focus of this website but it's interesting because they make mention to other Cults that do exist so the ults the children of the mountain which I don't actually know much about I haven't heard of the children of the mountain before my guess just off the top of my head is potentially this is given this is going floto 5 this might be that group of people that are out in the middle of like the desert I think I did a short video on them about how they're trying to get abducted they're like you know they scrolled uh all the stuff on this little park somewhere um and they try to get abducted by aliens that's maybe them but given the terminology of the children of the mountain I am starting to think that there actually may be a cult surrounding Mount Chiliad but anyway that's a whole another thing to look at um but another cult that I mentions is more of a pyramid scheme they mentioned Bill binder pyramid scheme which I've never heard of before uh but yeah the rest of the website is basically all dedicated to the Epson program so they make mention about you know uh things involving the leader uh of the EPS program about being a drug crazed lunatic um you know just general stuff about how uh it can kind of convince people to join the cult but one interesting mention is and I'll actually read the content of the website here it says uh it can happen to your child it can happen to you it happened to us and we were just two normal needy l liberal arts graduates from average averagely dysfunctional white middle class families who fell for the rhetoric of a charismatic man at the end of the 1970s interesting that they mentioned the 1970s here because of the timing of Granda San Andreas and we know that the Epson program makes is at least mentioned on the radio in San Andreas what is it San andr takes place in the '90s which means the Epsilon program had to exist since way before San Andreas so Epson program would have existed since at least the' 70s most likely I would say I'm guessing either the Epson program came about in the ' 70s or it existed since the late 60s but I'm probably going to say would have been the' 70s given just based on how old um the head of the Epson program looks in Grand Theft Auto 5 he looks probably late 50s maybe so I'd maybe pined it yeah epone program probably came about in the 70s if this is [Music] correct and the Little Lacy surprise pageant in gr offt Auto 4 so this website is the one that will give you a Max wanted level four obvious reasons now interestingly this website I believe or there's there's I think in Liberty City correct me if I'm wrong in the comments it's either in Liberty City or it's in San andraus there is an ad on the radio video that makes mention to this and it's also a bit creepy but basically in Grand offt tho 4 if you access this website yeah you just get an instantaneous Max wanted level and the dispatcher on the police radio mentions it describes you or mentions you as a deviant attempting to access explicit images respond we have seemp access Imes so clearly this website is what is referred to as a Honeypot yeah you get a popup and it kind of is like the The Branding of the LCPD and it says that you know we see it all we know it all you're not Anonymous your IP address has been logged and then as soon as you exit the browser and exit that computer cuz in Grand 4 you have to go through the internet cafe uh as soon as you exit that you're just max wanted level um so good luck with that
Channel: Zephyr
Views: 15,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidden secrets, zephyr, gta v, websites, little lacy surprise pageant, gta iv, all seeing eye, aliens, ufos, internet, easter egg
Id: i1RE_xmhBmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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