Grand Theft Auto III - The Movie

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[Music] [Music] to [Music] so sorry babe i'm an ambitious girl you're just a small time liberty city is in shock today as the police and emergency services deal with the aftermath of a devastating attack on a police convoy this morning as yet no details have been released about the prisoners being transferred in the convoy and no group has claimed responsibility the convoy left police headquarters early this morning for a routine transfer of felons to liberty penitentiary the attack took place on the callahan bridge leaving few witnesses and the bridge itself severely damaged some of the convicts are thought to have perished in the explosion that followed the initial attack revelations as to the professionalism of the attack struck police hours afterward when identification of the missing felons were further hampered by an attack by computer hackers on police headquartered databases with the porter tunnel project falling behind schedule this disaster leaves portland isolated from the rest of the city come on senor dickhead there's no problem to kill you you gonna be sorry aye aye get lost [Music] so i know a place on the edge of the red light district where we can lay low but my hands are all messed up so you better drive brother this is the place right here let's get off the street and find a change of clothes i know this guy he's connected his name's luigi me and him go back so i can probably get you some work come on let's get over here this is luigi's club let's go around the back and use the service door wait here man while i go in and talk to luigi [Music] got some business upstairs well maybe you could do me a favor one of my girls needs a ride so grab a car and pick up misty from the clinic then bring her back here remember no one messes with my girls so keep your hands on the wheel you don't mess this up maybe there'll be more work for you now get out of here hi i'm emily luigi said to to give you this so here here take it there's a new high on the street goes by the name of spank some wise guys been introducing this trash to my girls down portland harbor go and introduce a bat to his face then take his car re-spray it i want compensation for this insult oh is hey i got to talk to you all right mick i'll talk to you later how you doing kid the don son joey leone he wants some action from his regular girl misty go pick her up at hepburn heights but watch yourself that's diablo turf then run her over to his garage and trenton and make it quick joey ain't the kind you keep waiting remember this is your foot in the door so keep your eyes on the road and off misty uh it's trust me joey am i gonna get to play with your begins again i'll be with you in a minute spark plug hey i'm joey luigi said you were reliable so come back later there might be some work for you all right some diablo scumbag has been pimping the scuzzy bitches in my backyard go and take care of things for me if you need a piece go around back of ammunition opposite the subway luigi said you'd need a piece so go around the back of the shop i left you nine in the yard okay the policemen's ball is being held at the old school hall near the callahan bridge and they'll be looking for some old school action now i got girls all over town walking the street get them to the ball they'll make a bundle get as many as them as you can before the cops drink away their grain [Applause] damn fully many hey i'm bored when you're gonna drill me in a moment sweetheart i got a little business to take care of i got a little job for you pal the pharrelli brothers have owed me money for too long and they need to be taught some respect lips ferrelli is stuffing his fat face in the saint mark's bistro so steal his car and take it to eight balls bomb shop up in harwood you know eight ball right once he's fitted it with a bomb go park the car where you found it then sit back and watch the whole show but hurry up he won't be in forever foreign oh chunky lee chung is pushing spank for some new gang from colombia or colorado or something i'm not really sure who needs details anyway he's got a noodle stand down in chinatown that rat is sold his last stir fry i want you to take him out if you need a piece go around back of ammunition opposite the subway sort yourself with a nine you know where it is right well remember just watch your back in chinatown it's triad territory joey told me to tell you up so go around the back of the shop i left you 9 in the yard oh all right we're gonna hit the payroll van it leaves the edge of chinatown every day bullets won't even dent the van's armor so get a car and ram it off the road now hit it hard and the punk ass security guard should bail and take it to the warehouse at the docks and my guys are going to take over from there now i won't be doing its rounds all day so don't hang around jesus what's that noise oh oh is the guy i was telling you about i listen this guy he ain't italian and he's no mechanic but he could get things fixed this is pops coppo tony cipriani hey i'm tony cipriani take them to mama's restaurant and say marks all right now listen to me i'm planning a job that needs a good driver so drop by sometime later okay okay kid drive me to the laundry in chinatown first i got a bit of business to take care of those washer women ain't been paying their protection money and watch the car joey just fixed this junk heap so no fancy crap okay wait here keep the engine running this ain't a social caller get us out of here kid the triads think they can mess with me the triads with me drop by later and we'll give them something to launder their own blood-stained clothes beautiful just beautiful all right just the guy i need to talk to all right there's a car stuffed with a stiff at the cafe near callahan point one of the pharrellis thought he was a wise guy so he got what he had coming to him take the corpse to the crusher in hardwood all right [Applause] brick yes what a ride she's gonna be huh all right listen get some wheels to the safe house at st marks and pick up a few friends of mine they're hitting the bank and they need a driver i gave my word that you were the man so don't screw this up get them to the bank before five o'clock not a minute after get us to the bank on the main drag keep the engine running we'll be in and out in no time [Music] get us out of here [Music] the name jocks marty jocks i run the bitch and dog food factory around the corner i got money troubles but hey who doesn't right i'm meeting my bank manager later he's a crooked bastard that keeps bumping up the loan repayment so he can cut a slice take my car pick him up and bring him back here i got a little surprise for that blood sucking leech [Music] oh mr trump sent you did he let's go and pay the fellow a village get your hands off i hired some thieves to break into my apartment and steal some stuff so i could claim on the insurance as you do the thieving bastards are threatening to tell the insurance company if i don't give them a cut can you believe it i left the car inside the factory gates use it to go pick them up from their turf in the red light district then bring him back to the factory so i can make him see marty's point of view okay easy that partner wow got a the business is going to go under unless they got a hold of some serious cash soon my wife has an insurance policy and all she's ever been to me is a hole in my pocket i've left the car in the usual place go and pick up my wife from classic nails and bring her back to the factory because i have to get my hair done patty stop damn i'm in trouble turns out my wife was seeing some guy i owe money to he's got real angry and he's looking for payback i've agreed to see him he thinks i'm gonna pay him off but my guess is liberty's dogs are gonna get yet another flavor this month party picture huh okay i'm gonna show that quickly another word carl hi uh i uh i need more time to get your money but if you just step into my office it's far too late for that marty you had your chance but now i'm taking over the business this is el burro at the diablos you are new in liberty but already you are gaining a reputation on the streets there is a street race starting by the old school hall near the callahan bridge get yourself some wheels and first through all the checkpoints wins the prize [Applause] okay i started my exotic entertainment business with nothing but the sizeable contents of my leather bands a gang of no goods has threatened to remove my starring member if i don't pay them a cut they threaten the wrong man amigo they have a weakness for the ice cream pick up the bomb i've eaten in hardwood hijack the regular ice cream ban on its rounds and lure these fools to their tomb with the jingly jingle they hide in a warehouse on atlantic key come on [Music] some insulin triad stored my beautiful car last night wrecked it and left it burning some of my most precious donkey memorabilia was in the trunk real collectibles that are irreplaceable my friend i've hidden a throbbing weapon on the edge of chinatown take it and teach these triad vandals to fear their photos well in that rough arriba hey a thieving opportunist has stolen a van of my latest publication hub of the press but that spanked up idiot has left the rear doors open and now my beautifully produced tastefully photographed adult literature is being dropped all over liberty take the van and follow that trail of donkey does dallas volumes one two and three collecting it as you go when you follow the trail to that peeping spank head waste him then deliver my donkey derby to triple x max in the red light district [Music] portland area [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] take a seat kid take a goddamn seat so the laundry won't pay any protection huh the triads think they can mess with me let's teach these would-be tough guys what it means to be a tough guy i want you to destroy their laundry vans and mangle any triad gimp that gets in your way eight ball can supply you with what you're gonna need watch it or trying to he'll never be as tough as his pop but he left you a note on the table the laundry has agreed to pay you did real good kid go collect the cash and bring it back here watch out for the triads they may be shoving a firecracker up your ass but don't take no crap nobody i mean nobody messes with tony capriani okay fuck i need you to collect the limo and his boy joey from the garage then get luigi from his club come back here and pick me up then we'll all drive over to the boss's place together those triads they don't know when to stop they want a war they got a war now get going how you doing uh how you doing kids loser no fancy crap you did good back there kid real good come on let's introduce you to the don hey luigi oh my girls have been missing you so long salvatore you better wait till you tell them once this unfortunate business is taken care of we'll all go down to the club and celebrate okay here's my boy how you doing pop you got yourself a good woman yet hey your mother god bless her soul would be turning over in her grave to see you without a wife i know pop i'm working on tony how's your mama she's a great woman you know strong fiorenza she's good fine terrific terrific now listen you guys you go inside while i talk to our new friend here i see nothing but good things for you my boy oh it's you tommy ain't here but he left one of his sugary love letters for we're at war the triads have a fish factory as a front most of their business goes down at the fish market in chinatown the laundry still owes us protection they reckon the triads are protecting them now so i say we exact a fitting punishment take those boys over and whack the triad warlords hell if you get a chance pop some of their soldiers too oh come on okay i've had enough of this shit we're gonna finish the triads and liberty once and for all eight balls rigged a dust cart with a bomb it's on a timer so if you mess up there'll be no evidence go and pick up the dust card careful eight ball says it's real sensitive the slightest bump could set that thing off their fish factory will open its gates for a dust cart so you can drive right in park up between the gas canisters and get the hell out of there i want it to rain mackerel we're talking real biblical here nothing low budget trap [Applause] me and the fellas need to talk business so you're gonna look after my girl for the evening hey maria move your butt dumb bro does this every time and here she is the one and only queen of sheba what were you doing up there whatever it was i bet it cost me money well you don't think i hang around here for the conversation do you get in the car and keep your big mouth shut take the limo but bring it back in one piece you hear me and watch her she can be trouble yeah yeah yeah i'm sure your new laptop has everything covered and isn't he big and strong a fighter let's go visit chico and get some potty treats he's at the rail station at the chinatown waterfront i think [Music] i'm mira is my favorite lady you're looking for some fun a little some spanx hey chico nah just the usual there you go lady hey maybe you should check out the warehouse party at the east end of elena keys thanks chico see you around gracias and enjoy that's good stuff come on let's go and check out all right friday you wait here and look after the car but i go and shake my butt right [Music] foreign you know i enjoyed myself for the first time in a long while and you you treat me really good with respect and everything i better though i'll see you around leave us alone for a minute the colombian cartel is making spanx somewhere in liberty but we don't know where and they seem to know everything we're doing before we do we got us a rat there's a guy named curly bob works the bar at luigi's he's been throwing more money around than he's earning he ain't pimping or pushing so he must be talking he usually gets a taxi home after work so follow him and if he's ratting us out kill him [Music] here comes our little friend mr big mouth himself were you followed you know what goes on here it's our little secret no no i wasn't followed you got my stuff here's your spank screen not talk okay so the leones are fighting wars on two fronts they're in the turf war with the triads with no sign of either side giving up meanwhile joey leone has stirred up some bad blood with the farellis every day they're losing men and influence in the city salvatore is becoming dangerous and paranoid he expects everybody and everything and with loyalty like yours what has he possibly got to worry about we should take these colombian bastards out but while we're at war with the triads we ain't strong enough the cartel has got bottomless funds from pushing that spank crap if we make an open attack on him they'll wipe the floor with us they must be making spank on that big boat that curley led you to so we got to use our heads or rather one head your head i'm asking you to destroy that spanx factory as a personal favorite to me salvatore leone if you do this for me you will be a maid man anything you want go and see eight ball you'll need his expertise to blow up that boat [Music] yo my man salvatore phone to head with a job like this is gonna need a lot of fireworks i need a hundred thousand dollars to cover expenses but you know with me you get a lot of bang for your buck come back brother when you have the money okay let's do this thing i can set this baby to detonate but i still can't use a piece with these hands here this rifle shall help you pop some heads [Applause] get a good vantage point then i'll head in when you fire the first shot [Applause] aah harbor vicinity portland hover investigate report the gunfire exclusions so it's my favorite cleaner i'm proud of you my boy you kicked the shit out of those grease balls i just got one little job for you before we can all celebrate there's a car on the block from luigi's club the inside is covered in brains we had to help some guy make up his mind and it proved a little uh messy take it to the crusher before the cops find it so listen salvatore thinks that we're going behind his back so he was offering you to the cartel in order to make a deal i couldn't let him do that i mean the worst thing is it's all my fault because i told him we were an item and don't ask me why i don't know look you're a mark man on the mafia turf and i've got to get out of here too i've seen too much killing too much blood i this is a friend of mine okay she's an old friend it's so good she's someone we could trust come on enough of the speeches we better get out of here before we get more hysterical italians wanting less friendly reunions asuka and i are gonna have to talk uh why don't you go cruise around you'll need a place to lie low there's a warehouse at the edge of belleville that should suit your needs come back here to my condo when you're ready and you and me can have a little chat we have certain issues to clear up before we continue any form of relationship business or otherwise let's lay our cards on the table i am yakuza and i know you worked for salvatore leone's family i can give you work with our organization but first you must prove to me that your ties with the mafia are truly broken salvator leone will be leaving luigi's in about three hours time make sure he doesn't reach his club alive meanwhile maria and i will catch up on old times oh a sukkah you've got a massager that's not a massager guys salvatore's death comes as pleasurable news you're an efficient killer i like that in a man ah this is my brother kenji asuka has a little job for you but when you're done drop by my casino and we can talk just like kenji always trying to play with my toys my police source indicates that the fbi has mounted a surveillance operation at key locations around the city it is too late to contact anyone and avoid incrimination take out these spying cups but be careful they're bound to have backup i'll kill you [Applause] so a reporter has been nosing around marie and i have taken a little holiday together until you can get rid of this perverted voyeur he's probably out in the bay as you read this steal a police boat and sink his career [Music] it's my handsome handyman maria's all tied up at the moment but i'll tell her you call you know i know i've been a naughty girl but i really need to pee okay it's time you met our man inside the lpd here's a payment for the last little job he did for us he is understandably cautious get to the payphone in taurington as quick as you can and await his instructions hill park get to the phone on liberty campus get to the phone in south belleville park pc is the toilet clock in the park you must be azooka's new erin boy you got the money is it all here i know what you're thinking another bent cop well it's a bad world just because i lost a few partners those suckers from internal affairs have started sniffing around reckon they can smell me well this city is one big open sewer but i'm gonna need some non-union help and if you're interested you know where to find me maria and i have gone shopping our source in the police has informed us that one of our drivers is a strangely animated undercover cop he's more or less useless out of his car so we've tagged it with a tracer make him bleed undercover my sister speaks highly of you though i'm yet to be convinced that a guy jin can offer anything but disappointment perhaps you could help deal with the situation that has me at a disadvantage of course failure has its own disgrace ayaku sarcanbu is in custody awaiting transfer for trial he is a valued member of the family break him out of custody and get him to the dojo at bedford point [Applause] [Applause] true uh is [Music] foreign it is impossible to overestimate the importance of etiquette in this line of work to my eternal shame a man once did me a favor and i have never had the opportunity to repay his kindness the man's weakness is mother cause and he has requested that we acquire him certain models for his collection needless to say we must give him the cause as a gift to repay the debt that i owe him you must obtain the cars on this list and deliver them to a garage behind the car park in newport my honor demands it [Applause] so when trouble looms the fool turns us back while the wise man faces it down the colombian cartel have ignored repeated requests to leave our interest in liberty well alone now they are negotiating terms with the jamaicans in order to humiliate us further they are finalizing a deal across town take one of my men steal a yanika and go pay your respects to the colombians our honor demands that you leave no one alive what theme uh oh thank you to be truly strong it is important that you never feel weakness the businesses fortunate enough to have our protection settle their accounts today go and collect the money immediately so we can enter it into the casino accounts anymore i can't pay you and i wouldn't pay you if i could some young gang just tracked up the place they took everything you guys are useless what kind of yakuza are you anyway hey oh my god you how fitting you should choose this moment to store your worthless face it would appear your attempts to dissuade the jamaicans from becoming bedfellows with a cartel were wholly inadequate yadi pushes line liberty streets selling packets of spanx like they were selling hot dogs those cartel pigs are laughing at us at me i will give you one last chance to prove my sister's faith in you to be well-founded run these scumbags into the ground and wash your shame in rivers of our enemy's blood um this is king caught me me yada pass i could do with them rude boy driver and people is saying you demand get to the waste ground opposite the stadium in a car and wait for the other office i've got been watching checkpoints all over stopping first driver to a checkpoint gets the bling bling then it's on to the next stop if you get more checkpoints than any other driver i can have me a little work for you uh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i need to see if you're capable of doing my dirty work see if your family or not don't you know two of me boys will be there any second to take you for a ride see if you as the article or a sister or something we're going for a little ride into a burn heights kill me some filthy diablo boo-boos been batting up my lady queen lizzy you do the driving and the shooting and the dally in a will make sure you don't get cold feet here you'll need a piece try every night let's kill me some filthy diabolos remember when you win this to the end oh so we can do some naughty thing on our enemy turf i want me a mafia sentinel a yakuza stinger and a diablo and furnace so we can eat up anything in liberty drop them off at the garage in newport and hear this they're no use to me all broke up now [Applause] oh is [Applause] oh there it is get your little silver with the best point there's a stash in an old jalapeno quick smart now [Laughter] tick tock special delivery special delivery there you go i got a present for you here you go i got a friend come here there you go come here he took more bribes than anyone he thinks he's going to get an honorable discharge if he turns dead evidence he just squealed he's under arm protection in which that property down a newport some apart behind a car park tops that place that's at flusha martin you put them down make sure he never talks to nobody follow cards officers required hey chick over here an old army buddy of mine runs a business in rockford we saw action in nicaragua back when the country knew what it was doing anyways some cartel scum wrapped them up yesterday said they'd be back for some of his stuck today he's gonna need backup and in return i'll give you a knockdown rates on any hardware you buy i'd go myself but the ultra attic is playing up so uh good luck [Applause] great phone to head but i thought there'd be more of you can't believe those yellow belly bastards left me without proper cover again well three arms are better than the ones so grab whatever you need those columbias will be here any minute [Applause] dude teamed up with you nicaragua maybe i still have my arm if you need any firepower just drop by and take what you need from the lobby leave the cash under the bench now get out of here i'll handle the cops i know a real important man in town a soft touch with uh shall we say exotic tastes the money to indulge them he's involved in the legal matter and the prosecution has some rather embarrassing photos of him at a morgue party or something the evidence is being driven across town you are going to have to ram that car and collect each little bit of evidence as it falls out when you've got it all leave it in the car and torch it we're both gonna do pretty well out of this kid [Applause] is fucking i think my partner's a rat we gotta shut him off permanently he goes fishing out of his boat near the lighthouse on portland rock most nights steal a police boat make sure his backstabbing plans are sucked i want him sleeping with the fishes not eating them [Music] [Music] you useless you're totally messed up my ass is on the line and you can't even kill a goddamn fly i paid you good money to kill that witness and he ain't dead but today he's going to make a federal deposition he's being moved any second now from the carson general hospital up in rockford if he squeals i squealed [Music] you weren't followed good this is it i'm way over my head and i'm starting to drown here the cia seems to have a vested interest in spank and they don't like us screwing with the cartel i'm a mock man so i'm getting out of here get me to my fight at the airport and i'll make it worth your while hey starting goodbye here's a kid in the lockup you'll find some cash and some supplies i stash in case things got tight see you around [Music] [Music] first of all let me thank you for dealing with that personal matter people will read something into anything these days experience has taught me that a man like you can be very loyal for the right price but groups of men get greedy a valued resource an old oriental gentleman i know has been kept hostage by some south americans in espatria they're trying to extort additional funds from me but i don't believe in renegotiation a deal is a deal so they'll not see a penny from me go and rescue my friend do whatever it takes get off there oh i really escaped nothing drives down real estate prices like a good old-fashioned gang war apart from an outbreak of plague but that might be going too far in this case i've noticed the yakuza and the colombians are far from friends let's capitalize on this business opportunity i want you to kill the yakuza wakagashita kenji kassen kenji is attending a meeting at the top of the multi-story car park in newport get a cartel gang car and eliminate him the yakuza must blame the cartel for this declaration of war run away though oh report ah in these days of moral hypocrisy certain valuable commodities can be hard to import on its approach to the airport tonight a light aircraft will pass over the bay it will drop several packages into the water make sure you pick them up before anyone else does [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for retrieving those packages but they were only a decoy sorry about that but that's sometimes the way in business my real objective was hidden on the plane all along unfortunately the port authority seized the plane and were stripping it down until i intervened at great personal expense across the bridge to shoreside vale and go to francis international airport i've paid off the officials my property will be waiting for you at the customs hangar in the aircraft fuselage [Applause] watch the wheels [Applause] is hey let's get this out of here god knows what it is but he seems to want it badly enough so it must be worth something i left you pouring your heart out into the gutter hey don't shoot amigo no no no problem we all friends pussy hey we got no choice baby yeah no he's got a choice you dumb bastard i'm sorry about the crazy bitch man they're all the same please but so the whore got away but you've done me a favor you're not the only one that has a score to settle with the cartel this worm killed my brother i never killed no jacuzzi yeah we all saw the cartel assassin we are going to hunt down and kill all you colombian dogs i'll be operating on our friend here to extract information and a little treasure you drop by later i'm sure i'll require your services please amigo don't leave me here with her man she's she's psycho chico man please amigo hey hey amigo you are proving to be a safe investment a rare thing in these days of falsehood my oriental friend will need an escort while he takes my latest acquisition to be authenticated i want you to follow him and make sure both he and my package get to pike creek unharmed [Applause] oh [Applause] uh a lesson in business my friend if you have a unique commodity the world and his wife will try to wrestle it from your grasp even if they have little understanding as to its true value swat teams have cordoned off the area around my associate in the package get over there pick up the van and act as a decoy keep them busy and he should make good his escape suspected armed [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yo this is the ice of the red jacks i got a problem they trying to play me these young punks they come onto the streets and they got nothing but guns and spank on their minds knives their tags and purple is their flag each day they rock their colors it's another day the jacks looks soft i want you to show these punk ass bitches how a real drive-by works take these nines off of here watch your back though they'll be jacks on the street who'll think you're trying to blast them too those nines are pressing me these bitches got armored cars and now they're running spank and slinging it to brothers with no fear there's a car parked up the way there's some stuff in there to put these sissies on blast and wreck all their armored stuff yo baby if i lose those wheels my rep on the street will be dead pick up my car and take it over to the garage on st marks all right yo let them diffuse that let them take care of that bomb the clock's ticking and the wiring is messed up one pothole too many and that thing could blow now move it [Applause] oh david yo a federal reserve flight just smashed down at francis international there's platinum all over the strip get a car and snatch up as much as you can you can drop the bling off at one of my garages this platinum is mad heavy and it'll slow your wheels down some so make regular drop offs at the garage okay all right them knives down to a few scabby herds but they still want to bring it they agreed to go toe-to-toe a gang of them against two of us or rather two of y'all i join you but i ain't doing my parole here for another three months now i mean go and meet my baby brother he'll show you where they're fighting it all right son yo i said you was coming there are rules bats only no guns no cars this is a battle let's go crack some skulls miguel seems to think i'm mistreating him still he's revealed the extent to which catalina fears your quest for revenge she has three death squads started around liberty whose sole job is to hunt you down act as the bait and get the death squads to follow you to pike creek where some of my men will be waiting for them ah [Music] oh miguel certainly has some of that famous latin stamina i'm quite exhausted we underestimated catalina's plans for spank it reaches far beyond the yardy selling it on the street corners the cartel have a front company the kappa coffee house they've been selling spanx through the street stalls we have no choice but to put these drug stands out of operation smash them to splinters going down is do we tighten it someone now or just wait for turn black and fall off give it a quick prod oh what is that gooey yellow stuff hey babe my handyman i was bored so i came over to keep a secret company she's got the makings of a natural this girl she's managed to extract this little gem from our guest there's a plane coming in to francis international in two hours time it is full of catalina's poison you can avoid airport security by getting a boat out to the runway light buoys and shooting the plane down on its approach collect the cargo from the debris and stash it oh you be careful now okay baby now try the chili oil international wow [Music] idiots the real question is did you turn up to rescue maria or to get me back well i got news for you shooting you will be a pleasure but then you was only business you are muy pequenito amigo throw over the cash you have been a busy boy but you haven't learned i'm not to be trusted kill the idiot [Music] yankee boy you move don't forget i need a sticker get this thing airborne [Music] god [Music] residents in cedar grove have been coming to terms with the emotional aftermath of a full-blown war that hit the area yesterday [Music] local resident clive denver described to police a single gunman that he saw fleeing the scene with a dark-haired woman we're gonna have such fun because you know i love you i i really do because you're such a big strong man and that's just what i mean anyway what was i saying oh you know i forget but you know what it's like don't you the sound of explosion shook nearby homes as people ran for cover several citizens were injured in the panic as gunfire was exchanged between ground forces and a helicopter circling the dam yeah we got a good view from down here in the gardens when the copter finally got taken out better than the fireworks on the 4th of july with the death toll already over 20 police are still finding bodies there have been no official denials concerning rumors that the dead were members of the colombian cartel and still no leads as to the cause of the massacre [Music] i broke a nail and my hair is ruined i mean can you believe it this one cost me 50 times [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] great two uh [Music] [Applause] um so so so so so so [Applause] uh um [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Waldreth
Views: 1,224,029
Rating: 4.8122191 out of 5
Keywords: GTA, Three, Vice City, San Andreas, 1080p60, 60fps, 60, Five, four, Mods, Movie, Film, Game, Grand, Theft, Auto, Vice, City, San, Andreas, FPS, 1080, 1080p, Liberty, Stories, Series, 4K, UHD, Full, HD
Id: bGWTTCmk_M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 5sec (6185 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2016
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