Grand Designs UK S22E02 - Grand Designs UK Season 22 Episode 2

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[Music] you know over 10 000 years mankind has been practicing the art of carpentry it involves taking bits of raw natural material wonky trees and turning them into things of beauty and utility the aqueducts needed timber cranes and scaffolding the great medieval cathedrals needed giant formwork constructed in heavy timber on which the stone arches could be built so carpenters are the unsung heroes of engineering and construction when a carpenter looks at a problem no matter how challenging all he sees is a solution [Music] quite proud of that [Music] there are some people in this world that don't follow the well-worn part of convention rebellious spirits that embrace the unorthodox [Applause] and resist the pressure to conform [Music] people like fritzer and olaf i met olaf on tinder i thought i can't swipe right because he looks too wild and i promised my dad i would have no more wild boyfriends but then by the third date i was totally like head over heels my life before fritha was a little bit a little bit hectic yeah she's different from any other person i've ever met pretty much knew from the outset that we were going to be together we really want to live a different kind of life we don't want to follow the patterns of fathers and things like that she does make me laugh a lot [Music] fritha runs an ethical business importing hand-stitched fabrics from india while olaf named after his icelandic ancestors is a carpenter joiner and crafter of precise high-end interiors now he wants to use those skills to build an entire house on this quarter acre site in west sussex that they bought for one hundred and sixty thousand pounds oh look at train he went at me this compact piece of land is far from ideal it's hemmed in between a really busy a-road and a mainline railway the decibels on this site would deter most but fritha and olaf only discovered the biggest obstacle to building here after they'd bought it when i found out about the sewer it was a bit demoralizing the sewer has dictated the shape of the building seeing as it's impossible to move we've had to work with it we're stuck with it we've paid the money so it was kind of screwed there has to be a three meter distance between the sewer line and any foundations so the buildable area on this scrap of land has been halved people walk past it all the time and when we're on the land they call over and they say hey do you realize that you bought a plot of land that you actually can't build on there's like a main sewer in the middle of that we're like yeah we know we did that we know in early 2020 britta and olaf begin clearing the site not on the survey and uncover even more underground surprises like a defunct septic tank but there's no turning back now probably been thinking about building my own house all the time i've been a carpenter so 20 plus years so now you need to say is i would never be building this house if i hadn't met fritz look at me gaze in lovingly i definitely wouldn't be in this situation if i hadn't met pritha you make sure that's in our pay you olaf has now begun building a boundary wall from old railway sleepers a brazen chunky line of defense to resist the adversity on every front [Music] i would not choose to put my house right next to a railway right next to a really busy main road wow there's another thing too the house is triangular [Music] and cornered by the sewer this will be a very constrained home well there's one thing i don't like about triangular buildings and that's this problem the fact that you get these corner spaces which are useless look what's good for it's good for standing in the naughty corner it's the useless corner the prospects for this project aren't grim frankly maybe that's why olaf and fritha drive around in an ambulance oh look it's our plucky self-builders i like your van [Laughter] so you're next to a road next to a railway yeah i can see why somebody would look at the site and think actually it's challenging the biggest challenge is the sewer huge nine-inch main sewer that runs right the way through the side presumably that means you can't build over it what you're saying is the house is as big as it can be on the side exactly that man alive you're gonna build this yourself predominantly yes so although the house is constrained there's no constraint on the craftsmanship that's going into it the energy there's no compromise no compromise we've both lived in rentals all our lives we only met three years ago with this is just our dream we can we can do whatever we want here of course they can't do whatever they want because all they have are restrictions the road the train line and the main sewer which alone threatens the viability of their plans the three metre exclusion zone and the need for their own soak away means the foundations utilize every inch of buildable space on top they'll build a meaty hand-crafted timber frame that'll support two upper floors poured in concrete these heavy floors thick insulation and 21 triple glazed windows will work to keep the noise and the vibrations of the heavy traffic out of the interior an eye-catching sculptural sloping roof at the front will be clad in zinc and then covered in cutting-edge low-profile solar panels inside the house won't be big the ground floor will house an open kitchen and a triangular snug an acutely angled first floor will squeeze in a study bathroom and two bedrooms upstairs in the slooping eaves the main bedroom with a large bathroom will become olaf and fritha's tree top floor the building will be clad in white render black engineering bricks and olas favorite wood olef plans an outdoor kitchen and a sunken circular fire pit this is an unconventional house on an unforgiving plot to build it will not be easy so their budget had better not be as constrained as the site [Music] so how good are you both with cash with money you know have you drawn up spreadsheets and cash flow forecasts for the project uh no no no how much are you spending on the on the project 100 it's 190 is the mortgage 190 000 yeah so there's a mortgage you've got there so how much you've spent so far 20 30 grand we've we're knocking on the door of 100 at the moment good what did you say that's included yeah that's including getting out of the ground with the concrete and everything and the windows windows and doors okay how much were the windows 37 37 and that includes the front door okay that's good but you said 60 000. in foundations like this should cost about 20. 30 tops you spent double that making this land buildable yeah has cost us a fortune that we didn't realize it was going to cost and that leaves you with 90 000 to finish the house everything you can do it olaf he's going to have to wow this budgetary revelation is yet another giant hurdle for a project besieged by compromise this magnificent great powerful sleeper wall is beautiful and it's finished whereas this lightweight timber stud work that olaf started is is weedy this wall actually speaks of craftsmanship and skill this one well it's all to play for here isn't it and going forward i just hope that all the qualities of this somehow magically transfer to the work olaf has to do because everything falls onto his shoulders everything is his responsibility it is in every way down to him frither and olaf want to finish this unlikely house in just 12 months so olaf and a trusted colleague don't waste any time in getting started i'm in my element here and then you know i was born to do it i have go mode and that's it that i don't have a sort of half speed of course it's not long before those spiky angles make themselves felt can't fit that window in pretty pissed off this pitch on the forward roof is one of the steepest angles on the building i was two degrees out two degrees out doesn't seem much but it's about about that much missing out of the top floor yeah i mean it's a pain in the ass because it's a triangle one tiny error in degree will now mean several hours of reworking part of the roof my brain hurts and on this build every moment is critical i've got the brick layer starting in august so he's four weeks away i think three and a half weeks away and i go back to my page of in september as olaf races to get the timber frame up in just four weeks [Music] fritha heads to their allotment a short walk from the site i love the allotment very much it was my idea to get the allotment before we got planning because i felt that we needed something to get us over here building a house is just one part of fritha and olaf's brave new world they also want to start a family i hope that this place provides the opportunity for some of our children whoever they might be to get more into country living fritha and olaf have been trying for a child for over two years they're currently staying at fritha's parents in guildford 20 miles away have we got lighter and they've turned to ivf the first important step of that journey begins tomorrow this is what we've been working working for for two years basically we had one pregnancy and it ended up in a miscarriage building a house you can control it to a certain degree but this is completely uncontrollable so so there's there's an air of uncertainty that is quite daunting really early the next morning fritta and olaf are in london so today we're going for egg harvesting [Music] yeah we're gonna go and get five gt eggs out it's just just one step at a time i think these two aren't just taking on the stress of building a house they're actively pushing for new responsibility and whatever the outcome they both know that great change is coming so you on the flip side [Music] the strain and the pains of building are already being felt by frith and olaf in west sussex their house is a tiny complex triangular puzzle there's so much stress involved in building this house it's quite all-consuming project managing and building at the same time as well as a house they also want to make a family it seems the ivf process has worked so far so we've got five embryos fertilised which is really really exciting their lives are moving like whirlwinds with only one impediment in the path of their pursuit of happiness money there was quite a tremendous overspend on the groundworks you know it was unforeseen circumstances it's going to go over probably by about 50 grand we'll run out of money and then we will be in a situation where we need to beg and borrow more a new 240 000 pound budget will mean going back to the bank to ask for a larger mortgage but the mathematics of the budget are simple compared to the geometrical riddle of the house itself olaf's next challenge is the frame for his trianguloid roof a bit tricky um very technical compound angles and um not really looking forward to doing it but um it's part of the process i guess as the roof goes up it becomes clear why most of us live in cubes for olaf even the drawing stopped making sense on the one side of the roof it says on the top it's 31 degree pitch so what i don't understand the 18 from vertical why would you have that that's what i'm up against mind-boggling geometry slows down the work olap has to slave every hour god says but after four weeks his great skill and experience triumph the roof has been a bit of a pig but it's um we've we've done the majority of it now um it's looking good i think their hopes for a child have also progressed and frith is now on site to see if their ivf treatment has worked okay i'm going to go in there and do the pregnancy test and i'll give it to you okay okay fingers crossed often our fates are sealed in single moments but rarely important i guess that's long enough that's two there's two lives [Music] getting a positive pregnancy test now is huge for us yeah i think this test does hammer home the necessity for this house it's definitely going to concentrate the mind a little bit more and so it should by the following month the metal rib deck for the heavy concrete floors goes down and the spaces inside are becoming enclosed this building's enforced oddity has never been clearer [Music] wow it's cool isn't it hello hi welcome back this is extraordinary guys olaf it's a house i didn't think you'd be anywhere near as advanced as this in six weeks i know it's amazing really hammering on the frame is crisp and strong but also completely nuts every building is has compromise it's impossible to build without compromise really you know you could argue that actually the triangular shape of the building is a compromise because it's constrained by the site surely you must be prepared to accept a degree of behind the scenes podging in the building um i'm not prepared to budge anything no where was the crunch point in the building if any that that bloody top corner oh i just it was that bad you referred to it as the bloody top corner i actually made a model of it so i could sit there and get my head around the whole thing this full-scale model of where the building's largest triangles converge took seven hours to make and it's a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a perfectionist to get them to meet in the right place was kind of trial and error i definitely didn't um think that that was going to be as difficult as it turned out the word is integrity absolutely and it's important to get this done isn't it i mean you have a deadline yes we do we do so our ivf process has been successful it's a very early days we're just remaining really positive olaf has created an implausible modern shell for this family home but he's used the most simple and ancient methods to get here you would think wouldn't you that to produce a building full of such extraordinary angles as this on every surface including the roof that you would need a sheath of drawings and that architects and engineers would have spent months preparing detailed analyses of every junction but no because instead olaf uses things like this three pieces of wood screwed together forming a jig which you can slide over every joystick to cut it at an angle in that plane but also in that plane he doesn't need a computer to help him design this building god he needs a pencil the timber frame of this pointy palace may be complete [Music] but olaf has now had to return to a paid job he'd committed himself to so every moment on site is precious yeah you don't i don't think you yeah i don't think you need to stop the oh on the back yeah you will need to stop being on the back now as well as running out of money change my olaf is having to trust the service he leaves on site like mark the bricklayer who he's known for over 15 years i always knew the design would be [Music] would be quite intricate it's variola very olaf means very tricky heavy block work with precise angles and lots of extreme cuts to get that that many bricks to do the job took me one day just to cut all those to to hide this steel yeah it's been um yeah quite laser intensive it's extremely important for me to have friends here that understand me understand my needs and i get on with the zinc roof is also being fitted by someone olaf has worked with before france wise is basically a genius when it comes to metal work so how many panels have we got [Music] by october there is still no news about the mortgage and funds are dwindling although francois and his team have begun fitting the expensive zinc roof and you want to put the gutter here yeah when he's not at work olaf has been insulating not just to keep this house warm but more importantly silent because of the railway because of the road sound needs to get eradicated the amount of material and different types of materials in the actual makeup of the wall is gonna pretty much annihilate any kind of sound coming through olaf's belt and brace's approach to soundproofing will make some of these walls almost half a meter thick of course that's no guarantee his plan will actually work [Music] in south london sound proofing has become more of a science in a house that is divinely detached from its urban exterior [Music] this is a house underneath a railway on a road it's exactly the same conditions that frieza and olaf have to deal with except it's much more hardcore well as if you didn't know it this is a railway arch reimagined it's like a sort of light machine at the end of the building series of really useful spaces and it's incredibly quiet [Music] enveloped by noise a mainline railway passes just inches away from the main living space [Music] dda ryan was the architect who went to extraordinary lengths to build this tranquil home in what had been a dank echo chamber when we came here this was just the railway arch and it was pretty much the worst environment you could start with so it was dark it was noisy and it was hemmed in and we had the ability on the outside of this arch to bring daylight in and bounce it into the back of that space and keeping sound down you're next to the train line which is just there isn't it yeah exactly going over but i can't hear anything so what's the deal how do you how have you sound proofed and vibration proof this building there's lots of ways you can dampen out sound the whole foundation is on a rubber rubber foundation so that the floor can vibrate but it's not transmitting into the base of the building in reality trains are much easier to dampen out than other other noise sources so for instance living next to a busy road you might have heavy heavy vehicles lighter vehicles and the frequency changes to do with traffic flow and congestion that's much more difficult to deal with because you have to attend to each of those different noise ranges and try to dampen out those sounds yeah and of course olaf doesn't have the budget to employ expensive technical soundproofing he's relying on mountains of different insulation and the insulating strength of his triple glazed windows tens of thousands of pounds worth of glass has now arrived and it's being installed by olaf's subcontractor but there's a problem and it's got nothing to do with sound proofing there is a hiccup a number of the windows with the handles have been milled on the wrong side what's this all about you know ridiculous when i saw the windows were opening the wrong way and all the handles were wrong then i'd yeah i lost it a bit out of the 17 windows nine of them are on the wrong side impossible to live with one two three olaf's a perfectionist the windows have to be right and that could be expensive [Music] three-dimensional triangular volumes are not the easiest to create something fritha and olaf are quickly discovering it's all-consuming you wake up in the middle of the night and you end up you know deconstructing the roof in you know in your brain financial pressure is mounting too the extravagant zinc roof is costing 25 grand and the window problem is unresolved yeah it does take it out of it you know physically and mentally i think if we had money i'd sleep sure rich people say that at night if the bank don't agree the new mortgage 240 000 very soon this project will have to completely stop [Applause] [Music] and then of course there's always the odd bout of torrential weather to slow things down roofers are at work outside may be damp but inside is wonderfully dry and it seems to have grown oh my word full height that's beautiful this is exciting because i haven't been up here triangular study a little bit of a landing going on here and then there's bedrooms so these windows are super high performing triple glaze and this one opens i mean quite clearly the wrong way you want it to open into that void there you don't have to kind of walk around it kind of makes this entire corner of the room useless [Music] which is a shame olaf has gone back to the company responsible for designing the windows and it's clear that there's been a miscommunication about the specifications now the company are willing to have a discussion about putting things right the window's been the biggest issue for you yeah the windows have been the biggest issue and and it's been fairly stressful as well so where do you know that they're willing to um change the sashes so you've got a result yeah we don't have to stop the job we can change them after we've moved in olaf is happy and there is even more good news we've just had um an acceptance for an extension on the on the mortgage oh that's good yeah so yeah i think we've got it covered now good that's going to kick you out as well it's going to give you furniture and fitted stuff and the whole thing would you need a building that you can't just expect to buy a wardrobe from from a shop in the high street and what this takes not this shoe i want to make the kitchen from scratch and um yeah we'll see how it all pans out nice the new mortgage must be a huge relief it means olaf can now focus on delivering some of his precise high quality joinery by winter the render is on and the sculptural zinc roof is finished and has some extremely stylish low-profile solar panels attached the whole system was six grand it's about 30 more expensive than than a standard array but they're hardly noticeable on this kind of roof beautiful the promise of greater things to come all of which are now again in the hands of olaf who's back on site full time clearly this is a man happy in his work and a happy olaf is a happy fritha i just never ever thought i'd ever have a bedroom like this in my whole life this is like a hotel there's gonna be a sofa beer fridge we're gonna have a great time up here damn right in the new year with a baby due in six weeks work accelerates the interiors are plastered and olaf has turned his attention to the external timber cladding he wants the timber to merge into the block work but once again those acute angles aren't making life easy the reason why this is a bit tricky is it double backs at an angle less than 41 which is tricky cut and we just want to make sure it looks absolutely spot on nice and crisp shaping just three fragile large boards to form a perfect sharp edge there's another piece needed there takes most of a day attention to detail is what i do made a nice niche career out of it so far this building has charted olaf's progress from carpenter to master craftsman that's how you do it even the short winter days nighttime carpentry can't hold his devotion to this project you go the extra length on your own home i think to see what it looks like in the daylight room olaf's genius is becoming evident all over this house from the finely cut cladding to the timber tiles made from cuts even his driveway is an exquisite layer of concrete blocks so earl's getting into that exciting bit in the project you know he's putting the cladding on he's dressing the building and he needs one beautiful tiny detail on the front of that house to complete it i wonder what it is that's right fritha and olaf have bought a bus [Music] [Music] that is big this is the first time they've seen it [Music] let's go upstairs [Applause] look at that sign guilty when this 1986 metro bus double decker mark ii carried the good people of birmingham they had no idea that their carriage would one day become olaf's carpentry workshop [Music] okay here we go all aboard just tell me why a bus why are you putting a bus next to the house well it overcomes the problem of not being able to build the workshop because of the sewer expensive 2 600 drunken ebay purchase people walking by walking the dogs will go i was hoping to see some exquisite pointing or some beautiful large cladding but no instead what i'm looking at is the side of a plastic bust it's going to be really urban meets rural meets really nice triangular house well what's so sad is we spent so much money on the front door and now you know you're really not gonna see much that's kind of my point really well how the hell are you going to get into place because you've got nowhere to you're going to crane you're in how are you going to do it not sure yet this thing has to go onto the drive so we will have to make it work yeah it's going to look fantastic it looks like it belongs on a concrete ring road this bus it's not glamorous olaf still needs to get his site bus ready alongside a few other jobs the driveway is still not complete i've got then i've got the fencing to do outside the rendering and the decking in here's all the floors all the second fix and then final finish including the kitchen it's extremely overwhelming i so admire this man for building this home almost by himself but there is one welcome distraction [Music] when you first hold your baby it's just amazing thing [Music] yes love you you can't start looking at them 100 live changing moments just want it all over and we can move into our house as frither and olaf come to terms with being parents another important arrival is speeding its way into their lives slightly myself about the bus arriving the whole thing is an unknown as to how it's going to go it could go absolutely smoothly it could be disastrous totally cool as a traffic jam it's a tight space to get a bloody grey bus but it's too late for second thoughts the bus is making its first pass past sight it's like i want to puke [Music] this guy says what do you come over the bridge to start oh my god i might just get need to move her car forward a bit [Music] it's right there olaf has to stop the traffic on one of the major a-roads through sussex just to maneuver this huge hunk of jug into position and it's not happening smoothly [Music] out and you're gonna hit my van [Music] the build-up of traffic jesus christ makes for an unwelcome gallery of spectators i don't know what's going on all the evident craftsmanship that olap's put into this house could all be undone so much traffic going to be backed up right now by a drunken late-night spur of the moment internet purchase stop oh christ what the have i done [Music] fifteen months ago in west sussex frither and olaf began to build on a piece of land that no one else wanted it was to be an island oasis among the trains and the traffic a place to raise a family and make a home for any lorry or car driving past here um what they always see on this side is just a brief glimpse of something there but you know even as a pedestrian it also doesn't tell you what it is it's just a a clue a hint a tease only when you enter the driveway do you get the full pointy force of this highly crafted building oh goodness me that is looking acutely sharp the clad zinc roof is exquisite it punctures the brilliant block work drive and proudly sticks acclaim to this unlocked corner ingenuity has declared that this place shall be forgotten no more every inch so well crafted but the reinvention of the site is nothing compared to the transformation of the lives within these crisp new walls hiya oh you're you are a family here we are hello this is what a sweetness how lovely lovely you look both incredibly well thank you okay so this is beautiful oh it's exquisite and the whole building is so finely tuned you know it's taut i mean that corner for example you know the way that it penetrates the paving is amazing do you know what i really really want to do stay there [Music] ah that's done it for me thank you very much no no that was fantastic and you've got your bus here not so ugly now well that's a matter of opinion if you're gonna have a workshop and it's gonna be temporary and therefore wheelable over the main sewer it's the obvious thing to do yeah so is the house done we're in yeah you're living here we're living we're living here a few you know well yeah look i can see there's an odd slab of timber yeah that's not never gonna go there olaf's precious collection now this is the timber yard yeah this front bit you know these are salvaged of course yeah it warms the heart can we get inside yeah absolutely i'd love to love to have a look because last time there was no staircase it was just plastic oh no the staircase is in it may be small but every detail is considered every step a hidden door for storage to each one of these open heats one open to get that storage space in it is just a joy because it turns it into a piece of photoshop can i have a little um peak upstairs do you mind to be coming compliant take a look around yeah yeah that's great enjoy rather than the living spaces downstairs i want to explore the angles above oh look triangular workspace that's nice oh beautiful agatha's room that is so charming you know and if there weren't enough triangles in the building let's try and get a bookcase fritha and olaf aren't ignoring the shape of their home they're embracing it but not everything is a triangle oh look at that it's the kitchen work top down below i love that along the corridor and you arrive at the pointed guest bedroom this is nice i've always liked this room because of that big kind of science fiction triangular roof it's it's comforting olaf has carved out clever interiors from this peculiar shape but the building's biggest test was always how it would transcend and defy its grim surroundings to provide inner peace the top floor was always going to be the pinnacle of that ambition this is what it's about i mean not the viking stuff that is what it's about down there is a railway and this window is the most fantastic sort of cheat view of this woodland scene up above the road you know it's quiet i can whisper here and that great big giant cheese wedge is strong or powerful olaf's robust soundproofing is doing a remarkable job absorbing the onsort from outside there's some lovely stuff going on in this house you know in the ensuite the toilet slots into the corner and there's yet more playful exact joinery for someone who is a carpenter and who doesn't claim to be a designer this is proper considered architecture the entire building is made like a piece of furniture an intricate jewelry box filled with precious treasures but the ground floor houses olaf's greatest trials that's beautiful it is so good his hand-built kitchen that's a lovely thing well it's the first kitchen i've actually made from scratch is it yeah um but um yeah i went for birch ply all the paintwork my sister's done so really yeah that's nice yeah all the drawers painted them by her yes yeah beautiful of course i would expect nothing less from this master craftsman colorful and bold this kitchen is a lesson in skill and patience off the kitchen is the small snug with fireplace uh tell me about what's going on out here this is all completely new to me through a sliding door and you're out onto an immaculate hardwood deck oh boy oh boy sunken fire pit it's a groove lounge it's outdoors it's a deck it's got a bar we're gonna party a lot out here very regularly but partying months are when now [Music] much like the interior this space may seem fashionable and fun but it's also strong and durable a space to be used [Music] do you know what i really it's the retaining wall which elsewhere is kind of pushed back behind house behind bus behind ambulance here is bully and absolutely on show like the walls of machu picchu yes olaf and fritha have built a reclusive sanctuary within wooden fortress walls every detail is a signature of the experience integrity and skill of the modest man who built it it's gorgeous olaf is it the best thing you've done is it you know how do you see it in relation to the other work you've done in your life i think it's a collection of the best work i've done like the roof when i crafted that out of cardboard to actually create it in real life was actually sort of like a you know groundbreaking moment for me to have turned something so daft into into reality it's it's our forever home so i was always going to put my all into it however much it takes out of me how much has it taken out of you um i'm extremely tired um but i'm making it for my family you know frit has been amazing you know motivating me and and also lagatha you know who didn't exist when we started i can see both fritha and olaf in this building their softer sides and their desires all wrapped up in a non-conformist rebellious shape and this seems no compromise here surprising when you consider how this building began when we first met i thought of you as children of innocence as festival goes as free spirits on the planet you know doing your thing and look at you now your parents you build a house you had a mortgage you know what's happened how does it feel um no it's fine i mean you know this is this is what we've been striving for from you know from the early days but we've you know made a commitment to be with each other and gone hell for leather at trying to make the dream you know the dream work it is so good how much will you have spent on this house 280. 280 280 000 pound building it how much have you borrowed then 240 from the mortgage people okay there's a 40 000 pounds difference so where's that come from it's been picked up by our families yeah wow amazingly supportive yeah they really believe in olaf building this house and they really believe in us as a couple you found an appropriate man oh yeah finally and he's found an appropriate one and he found it very appropriate yeah absolutely this is this is our new normal it's a great new one well done olaf [Music] well obviously i can't kiss him because i've covered [Music] this triangle has become a cornerstone of an exciting new adventure and a landmark building it has absorbed vast amounts of devotion care and artistry so it's now time for it to begin providing in return love and protection for its new occupants [Music] you know in the beginning i thought this project was doomed really had failure written all over it tiny site difficult shape overlooking issues there mainline railway there main sewer running through it oh and an a road a trunk road right next door oh not forgetting of course a couple who spent half their money on groundworks but you see every time olaf faced a new challenge a potential compromise he turned it to his advantage not just with craftsmanship and hard work but also with ingenuity and no i mean the result is a fabulous trianguloid triumph of a building and i'll tell you a mark of its success i did think that it would never sit well here now i can't imagine this site without it [Music] i mean what is it gardeners buffy on this side of the wall it's gonna be the new build bit you've got a responsibility with this place and you're mucking around with that we have to make a lot worse first before we start to fit all back together all the way along there rotted away balls see this tree here can we just lose that a bit disappointed with the state of the garden well you've trashed the garden you put a bloody great black lump in it scarlett and stuart douglas are a sister and brother property developer team on the hunt catch a special episode of love it or list it here on friday night to eight next tonight a retrospective craft for help from the people who paid the ultimate price grenfell the untold story is coming up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Grand Designs
Views: 339,779
Rating: 4.9322157 out of 5
Keywords: Grand Designs, Grand Designs UK, Grand Designs UK Season 22, Grand Designs Season 22, Grand Designs UK S22E02, Grand Designs UK Season 22 Episode 2
Id: bS6EMotqZU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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