Grand Designs Australia πŸ’š Season 5 Episode 3 - Claremont Origami House: Claremont WA

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is to go about building a house one is to engage an architect find a builder and then sign a watertight contract another could be to have a rough idea in your head and then pretty much make it up as you go along now that's a risky scenario but one rather brave architect here in perth is prepared to take it the uncertainty is she'll either end up with something quite ordinary or if she's lucky perhaps a whole new style of architecture [Music] i've been an architect for 30 years now which sounds incredibly long when you say it like that and in that time i've i've enjoyed i've had a fabulous career but i'm looking for doing architecture in a different way a happier way a smaller way or on a scale which you can actually enjoy day by day and more quietly i want to make something very beautiful something that i've made myself something where i the journey is as much fun as the destination and already i know that by the time i get to the end i would have worked out some things that the next time i do it i'll do it better again architect ariane praveau has over 100 residential house designs under her belt including the one she lives in a design she completed only a year ago but with three children now grown up she and husband neil started talking about downsizing it soon became apparent that ariane had too many ideas to wait you sort of just get comfortable and area i said well we're off which was i thought a bit soon i was thinking five years but no 12 months so here we are we're going again i told him we're having a party and they won't be sleeping that night yeah in fact i've got a better idea we can actually ask them to move out and we'll use their house for beginners i'm not tiring in any way shape or form i'm actually really looking forward to having this new house and possibly just changing what i do a little bit differently i'd like to enjoy a lot more about with my welding and my sculpting and all of those sorts of things that go with an artistic part of what i do and i'd like to do architecture just slightly differently [Music] and the place she's found to do things slightly differently is on a modest 400 square metre block in claremont one of perth's oldest and most conservative areas it's much smaller than their existing property which they'll be selling to finance the new house well good morning good morning good morning peter nice to meet you nice to meet you right here nice piece of dirt yes all clean ready and it's like a new piece of paper what are you doing what are you doing gonna build single-story residents here for the future for our new part of our lives the one after the children so what what's the relationship and who knows what in this this new building this is gonna be interesting so from my point of view um it's all a surprise and one of the surprises and neil's wanting to hear this as well i think you'll find a lot of open plan spaces um i would like to build a house that acts more like a pavilion than a house in other words it's walls or can open with a small so that i can take advantage of the 400 square meters that we have on the land in a 200 square metre house i'm also looking at complete interchangeability where in actual fact in this house we'll be able to move the kitchen from one space to another living can be the dining and all those sorts of things but also being able to incorporate the pros materials to create something really quite beautiful a little handmade treasure is what this house is intended to be and are the neighbors aboard with it well the council is which implies the council the council the council um has i i i wasn't unable to describe to them exactly what it was going to look like at the time because i had no idea myself of course not in what will be nothing short of an experiment ariane's contemporary concept will be nestled in between its two neighbors with the bedrooms and a study tucked away at the front of the building these will lead onto the all-important internal courtyard a central pivot point from which all the other living areas will radiate probably the greatest trick is that almost every wall will be movable from internal screens to enormous bifold doors meaning they'll be able to configure the house in any way they choose including opening up the entire house to the elements on top of a list will be just one room ariane's folly accessible only by an external spiral staircase the origami shape studio together with the custom built shade screen dressing the facade should quite clearly state there is an architect in residence you're building it i am how many houses you've actually overseen i've seen a number i mean i mean built not just built i've been the build for four four so far in my career and uh i've got such a good team now so this time around i'm expecting it to go very smoothly i've got uh behind every female builder and two very gorgeous strong men [Music] i've got them and i just love to get down with them and also these fellas allow me to be a part of the team in in its genuine form i'm on the tournament do you like that absolutely you're getting hands dirty absolutely love it do you understand whole wheeling process i do indeed every now and then the the excitement and the joy of that is um really what makes you go home at night and realize that you have uh built your house as an architect you pull out a new fresh piece of paper and you create it on the paper and you get the noise about enjoyment this is just doing that in one to one scale starting with the fresh side that we have here and building the first blocks so you're going to cope with the pressure of being architect owner and builder i i don't think i don't think i don't think there's anything more um exciting than actually being an architect and building your own home and being the builder i just think that combination is probably the ultimate and i've been an architect for 30 years this is having the time of my life doing it that way there's there's no pressure there is pressure but it's high pressure no client pressure so no pressure yeah no [Music] difference no pressure that's right but i could see it on this and now you've just discovered it on yours but that's where it is being architect builder and client all rolled into one will give ariane complete autonomy with the design process an opportunity she seized to revert to a tactile and fluid approach relying more on handmade models and rough sketches only using computer drawings with the help of architect student rhianne carter when absolutely necessary it's a real example of old school meets new school not to say that i don't think the autocad process is a very valuable one because you can actually put shadows on it and things like that but it means that the clientele are becoming dependent on the model fly-through when don't forget they built you know some paul's cathedral on you know watercolor drawings on three sheets of paper rather unconventional approach means that ariane is free to choose materials as they take her fancy which is exactly what's taken her and her two most trusted tradies on a three-hour journey to bunbury to check out the remnants of an old jetty but at this stage no one has the foggiest about what they're looking for or how any of what ariane finds will be used well first of all the timber has been in the water for 130 years it might have been hundreds of years old when it was cut down to actually put in the jetty so it's several hundreds of years old and it will never be repeated there will be never any more of this forest cut down so you know it's it's the certainty is that whatever ariane does with her treasure will be original and an absolute surprise she has a a more artistic view and a more creative view to how the timber or how she can use the timber oh look look at this we probably come with more of a shopping list as well we know what we perhaps what we're chasing whereas ariane will come in see a piece of timber and then turn it into something she'll make that up as she goes along down the track i came here not knowing what i was going to do with the timber i've just had idea after idea i've drawn a little sand i've purchased much more than i need but i've got some really fabulous ideas with some of it and some might have no idea it was just too beautiful i had to take it home [Music] from what i could see ariane's creating her very own style of architecture in what is a very conservative and expensive suburb she maintains she can do it for 500 grand in just 10 months but with no plans it's pretty ambitious i mean this project is all in ahead and as much as i'm totally impressed with this wonderful sense of freedom it's that very spontaneity that could bring this project unstuck [Music] the only line in the sand is the budget but the rest is a movable feast in creating her interchangeable house ariane will be shifting walls rearranging spaces and adding her own quirks beginning with three very large barnacle-clad waterlogged timber piles from the bunbury jetty i don't know how i'm going to use the posts even though they are going in on day one i've got a bit of an idea of how i'll deal with them but i'm going to let the house evolve before i make a decision and that's what it gets down to in ariane's world if it feels good and looks good then it is good and while these jetty piles have nothing to do with the structural integrity of the building she's found a place for them upright in the backyard let's not break his heart and tell him that he came two and a half too far but that'll do a force to be reckoned with and i'll be most interested to see how all her enthusiasm and creative energy shows itself in this house because from what i can see at the moment no one apart from ariana has any idea what's going on [Music] already has the prestigious perth neighborhood of claremont talking and the building and moving parts that lives entirely in its creator's head is only just starting to take shape she's there every day she's shuffling dirt up and she's supervising she's doing everything she's planted three seven metre high jetty piles in the back of the block that have everyone's attention but they're just wetting the appetite of what's to come [Music] then i'm gonna put in a dot and then i'm going to put in a three-quarter [Music] again i'm putting in the 75 here i i've always enjoyed um patterning and brickwork but in this particular instance maybe fun with what i'm calling them i don't know what they're called officially but i'm calling them fish because they look like fish scales that come along the wall and i've got these innies and these altis so i'm doing sort of a mosaic [Music] ariane's winging it in her own inimitable way calling the shots as the checkerboard pattern within the wall takes shape just putting in a few more scales up here randomly you have to be careful when you're random because random's actually quite hard to get and make it beautiful at the same time and the fun part about doing it right here is is that i'm doing it here and in an hour it will be built patent brickwork is classic mid-century and this period has a special connection for ariane this is a book um this is something that my colleague of mike showed me which is plans and ideas from that came back from the 60s and it has got the most sensational planning ideas but the part that i adore most of all is you'll see everything it's got a flat roof in it and some of these will recognize there's actually west australian house believe it or not that i spent a lot of my time growing up in which is this house here and this house was made out of castle bricks it's got a flat roof i used to sleep in this bedroom a lot and this is back from the um back in the 60s and believe it or not it was done by a group of architects which i got my first job with [Music] these are pressed in a mold and broken out with a plain side on them try and make concrete block look modern and groovy which i think they've achieved regardless of a building's purpose ariane can't go past a good piece of textured masonry and if there's some staining and imperfections well all the better my inspiration doesn't come necessary from the toilet block although i'm very happy to have found this one because i think this is a beautifully designed toilet block it's got a lot of materials that i'm actually hoping to incorporate my building they've got clear story which of course they're using it for a different thing this is a new ventilation i'm going to use my ventilation and light but that very pretty cleverly placed robust material in that lovely roof look at that it's absolutely fabulous and what's extra special about this the weeds it's absolutely perfect i'm trying to achieve exactly that same look without looking like i tried to recreate it i want it to look like it came naturally the one certainty with this endeavor is that for ariane this was always going to be about creating not just building i really admire her enormously because only architects are sort of distant so around here really doing the hard yakka the physical stuff along with her design which of course is what she loves doing so she's in her element okay i think that uh andrew you go first oh you're going pat slow down neil who's been through this process many times before has trustingly resigned himself to the fact that information is shared on a need to know basis so like everyone else on site he still has no idea what's in ariane's final plans i guess my guest room opens onto a lovely front courtyard there which is actually the spare bedroom but it's actually i call it the snoring room but no one knows that and that's where my husband goes it's really there to save my marriage to tell you the truth so when we move out together into our little small house that's where he's going to sleep but he doesn't know that yet considering the details of this building are all stored in ariane's head and nowhere else the project is progressing remarkably well the front part of the house with what are the only non-movable internal walls is almost complete but even at this stage as the finer details become more precise communication is still all verbal i'm backing it up all the way along to there as well on that side and for some things if it's at all possible it's even more organic designing in situ on the day like detailing the flat concrete roof something that will eventually be exposed as a ceiling i got the idea this morning over toast about 5 30 so on my lunch wrap um i've actually drawn my patterning with the idea of what i'll do when i get up there but um i really don't care how it turns out it's just going to be fun sort of creating a pattern it's there forever once i've got it and i'll make do with it when i when we pull the soffit it off seem that after so many years channeling ideas for other people this project is an exercise in self-expression for ariane ideas and process here are driven more by creative fulfillment then pure logic and she's clearly having a lot of fun doing it there's some totally mad and beautiful details appearing in this building in this intro entryway i think's fabulous because there's texture and originality everywhere you look i mean one block layer started at that end another one that end and they came together in the middle and they didn't know what to do so ariane decided to throw blocks in on their end upside down and grow plants out of the little recesses but if this is a sign of what's to come i just wonder how many design ideas can be squashed into one little building but despite the apparent random approach every step is explored in ariane's mind before it's formed its simplicity with so few walls and low profile roof makes it deceptively spacious given its size and makes it much easier to build grace anymore eight three point two three four there three four fantastic yeah i love the optimal concrete yeah we did we had a bit of fun doing that that was more about a bit of i i mean that was just a folly that on the day it was just actually quite nice that's actually fencing palings which we plopped on the ground and you've used the indents as a way of organizing your lighting yeah so was this on any players spontaneously no we i knew where the lights well i had an idea where the lights were going to go and then when we plunked the planks down we sort of put the lights in them the same number of lights we always have on the drawings they're just slightly different places to when we originally thought wild mid-century makes its mark in this project there's another style at play here a sort of craft-based aesthetic that's further enhanced by the trades on site it's a true collaboration of abilities that's developed into what i call freestyle modern i can see you've got your upside down pylons spear and career backyard chassis style and and tell me that's a good idea okay so i think they look totally bizarre um and i'm just wondering how they're gonna i mean they're a landscape element quite different to the language inside the house or is the house gonna be as eclectic as these objects um you know in a way it is and and you divided the landscape for house i'm very surprised peter landscaping and houses are one in my opinion the architecture goes right outside so they uh that you're you're i think concerned about you can see the incongruent look at the moment they're very rustic object wait till you get upstairs and at the moment this is a fairly well until you get on stairs a little bit of a rustic girl actually yeah i saw a bit of this in a bit of that together so you'll [Music] and it changes every day it changes every day it is beautiful you are a liberated person especially i get out of bed excited about [Music] this is fantastic where the drawings where are the drawings [Music] overlooking the pitch crews of claremont the origami pod is truly ariane's folly folded planes and angles punctuated with geometric peepholes and made from structurally insulated panels it's a concept that doesn't exist on paper just did a rudimentary handmade cardboard model is this working to your satisfaction this construction method working off these detailed drawings is it actually working yes it is i am getting my walls and my insulation and my inside finish all at once by one trade a carpenter so the carpenter's taking the place of three trays here i could have done this traditionally but there's a couple of things with that it would have taken longer i wouldn't have got the rating the energy rating that i wanted so i've got that here is this material the right sort of material to use for this i don't know but i'm going to give it a go the most important part for me is the energy rating for such a little small space up here in the middle of the sunshine hot up here wouldn't it it's very exposed so black's probably the best color to finish the building off in that's right so um i'm gonna i'm gonna want it to go grey at the moment the palettes are quite gray as you can tell and i'll see i will start introducing some flashes of color as i go along but i haven't got to that stage yet fantastic everything in this house is a one-off an experiment and even this cooling paneling which is usually made for supermarkets the way it's been put together has been invented by ariane and what's happening here is the boys are cutting the panel on an angle with a homemade garage which i'm told is made out of fishing line is that right huge bit of fishing wire trays with a bit of with a little bit of pvc pipe tied on the end yeah straight out of the tackle box so that's actually slicing off the panel on all different angles isn't it there you go all right and this sort of spontaneity in inventing tools to deal with the material that's never been used for in this form is absolutely delightful and as is just about everything in this project just invented from ground rules up and i think this type of building project and particularly for ariane her headspace is in a really wonderful spot do around praveau is both architect and builder of her clermont home in perth she's now six months into her projected 10-month schedule and somehow even with scant plans she's on track i only get one chance to get this right well once it's cut it's over because i can't put this back so i'm guessing that i'm going to make this my window here with the lower level complete all eyes are on what's on top angle panels cleverly pieced together to form what looks like a geometric puzzle and it's still a work in progress i want to be able to when it's used as a bedroom you can line back and see all the openings when it's used as an office that you can still look out and get an outlook and enjoy it which is why i now thought about that i might make that window a little bit bigger because when it's my office i could do with a little bit more more outlook i'll just go and revisit that there's a reason why ariane has chosen this material insulator panels that you'd most likely find in refrigeration units they're waterproof easy to cut and pace together and have all the attributes of a portable cool room fortunately they're being assembled with a bit more flare i'll make it work no matter what we'll make it work and i'm sure we'll make some mistakes with uh measuring because that's very hard to to measure anything like this in fact i don't have any dimensions on any drawing because nobody's been able to draw it yet so we might as well just make a couple of mistakes up here and get it up as quickly as we can incredibly it does mirror ariane's dinky handmade cardboard model cut with a stanley knife in fact she's tackling the full scale version exactly the same way [Music] fantastic perfect look at that there is the little gable roof that i've been looking at since this project started from the very side which is the typical claremont roof right in the center of that opening absolutely [Music] busy day today being held up a little bit by the rain but we've got showers who are bobbing in and out about showers i have a crane here cranes are expensive to have and i've got to hold up all of the traffic in the street so i'm going to go to about an hour before i can actually get i'm getting the staircase over today and i'm taking advantage of my crane so i'm going to bring over the trees i'm going to bring my rainwater tank and i'm going to bring some soil out the back too i've got a um 55 ton crane out there i've got to go 34 meters but it's going to be high on the pin to be able to get it down and i've got the pot in the way since we actually measured it so um no one's made any noises about it yet so i'm presuming it's going to go over okay here we are ricky ricky fellas are you happy with the space you've got here not this is absolutely a logistical nightmare here because this truck is actually too big for the street so the outriggers are going almost into the little cottages front gardens what they have to do is lift this enormous rig and somehow wrangle the stair and the landscaping over the top of ariane and neil's house to the very backyard and i just fear that some of these trees might take a bit of a battering [Music] he's got it on the full tilt that he's only just got it over there he's flicks in the boot that's amazing yeah it's actually above it's suddenly all too clear there's a shortfall the crane's 35 meter arm can't make it safely over the house [Music] but as with most of ariane's planning there's ample scope for improvisation if we put it straight on the deck and we'll just toss it over next up it's the spiral staircase that will supply the only access to the origami pod so its installation should be caused for celebration unless of course you suffer from acute vertigo i'm just terrified of myself you know once my feet are at meter off the ground it's a terrible thing it's a tough day that you're going to try and push your way through it thankfully the stairs are 700 kilograms lighter than the soil so it allows for a little extra reach have you had a smile before no is your first one yes you sure [Music] fantastic god i don't want to put any more white coming up here this is fantastic well done mick with three wells there's three there's three tack welds holding this up hanging in the air like a strand of dna it was difficult to imagine just how these stairs would have complemented the house but there's a lovely symmetry starting to emerge here it's also going to make sense kind of kind of it's coming together we'll see how it goes now with a fat spiral with the back posts we're starting to get they're getting their scale back yes they are now we're out of scale before and the tree helps as well the verticals of the trees [Music] [Music] as promised ariane has decided to add flashes of color to the grey palette but as ever she's not one for doing things by hearts i don't think i've told neil it was yellow maybe he doesn't know yet but i can always tell him once it's done it's a brave choice for what's already a prominent feature of the house gonna love it they're gonna break when they see that well i could have done it this color [Music] it's beautiful magnificent absolutely love it it was i wanted a touch brighter that's the brightest on the scale of paint that'll stay bright for life it looks like a yellow canary it's all different shapes it's artistic it's a holly at the moment it is the law makes more sense to people when i get the next layer on it which i think is a shame but i don't think people in clement could live with the yellow canary [Music] the hope is that the litmus test for just how the house will be received in the area is phyllis who lives next door it has really been quite exciting then when the building got going and the yellow went on i couldn't see it from right down by chester road and i thought oh [Music] okay i'll go and get the boys to come and bring that in now because that's going on the roof [Music] with the jared timber cladding for the yellow canary and the huge folding doors for the pavilion style living room all arriving at once the final exterior elements are now all on site we're completely on track but to be perfectly honest i've lost a bit of my mojo in terms of running ragged and running fast we were supposed to be lock up last friday we would lock up this friday but that lock up didn't didn't put the program out in any way you know it hasn't in fact we're ahead with all of this oh fantastic boys it's been well over six months of virtually non-stop work but ariane can still raise a bit of enthusiasm when her plans come together one finger well it's impacting enormously with her and the family i might have hurry on rhymes i'm tired a bit grumpy you know the whole story so i can see her behind all of that she is so pumped and so excited because every brick is hers i need to see a lot of the yellow canary i'm exhausted now i think i've had a long winter it's been and also we're going through all of these sort of the messy uh trades and things like that it's been hell of a fun but i'm looking forward to now being in the sort of the dry trades inside and the fit out trades and things like that that's the fun part that's the answer boys is looking good that's the answer [Music] while building her own house ariane's been managing her other job as an architect which has meant spreading herself thin across a multitude of commitments least of all okay what we'll do is relay like this and seal it before we go out to when you're upgrading so we don't and then we'll acid it is i'm sure to do with having too much of my plate at the moment i am run down it's the days of the season um it's been it's taking us totally 70 80 hour weeks it is but if it's only the voice and the body can keep going that's okay [Music] i shan't crash never never i will always find a way [Music] there are few houses particularly at this caliber that are built in under a year but even with ariane's free-form building style she's done just that it's 11 months since i first set foot on this block admittedly at the time feeling quite unsure about how it would all end up [Music] good morning pete how are you very well good to see you this looks fabulous did you do this i did it's totally out there this is hours and hours of work all hand cut on the entry it takes us to our secret little entry here [Music] [Music] no doors [Music] yeah it's a tight space out there and i'm looking here going oh my god this place is exploding this is fabulous it's a hot scaler area and there's this wonderful textural thing happening it's to sort of and try making the most of a really little block just be able to bring the um the extremities of the boundaries so that you can actually see them when you're in the house and it's that transparency that is so cleverly executed in this house with clear lines of sight that invite the outside in a living space that's designed exactly for that with no superfluous additions where every centimeter has a purpose both practical and visual is it too small um i'm worried about that but i don't i mean i think everybody has to learn to live with no i think i will i think i'm going to really enjoy it because no not yet but we will get there we've got less children so it might make a difference but despite their conscious decision to downsize it was always ariane's plan to cater for the kids coming and going with spaces that could morph and change to fit their fluid lifestyle i chose to just put the sliding walls on the outside and not on the inside so i can make a pavilion by opening all the walls back and just leaving the roof and they're as easy as this peter i can unlock this door here push it out and pull all of the doors along just quietly like this and it triples the space of the house with just the one easy movement where you can actually bring it all in we can actually cut through from one room to another now by the outside so it just um you know it gives us all this beautiful living space behind the locked door the real delight here though comes from the distinctive ariane touches ahead of which is snapped from the courtyard with a glimpse of the origami studio but it's the impulsive moments that capture arione at her finest and they are evident everywhere you look i know you're happy with these inset light tracks because it's pretty mad well actually when we did it um you know i was just flipping the planks down on the on the formwork before we started it so it was after that i had to work out what i was going to do with it and um so therefore i mean i was stuck with the the electrical work and i just worked it in with the various things i like i like it [Music] did you pick up on the nuances of the architectural trickery yeah i do i i think the fun of it is the fact that ariana just did it you know she doesn't bring me out the same deal what do you think you know just does it and then we cover it later and say wow oh that was great everywhere i looked into it today there's something new and fresh and that's not always possible you know so well done back to both of you thank you was there was there a cost to the way you went about it a personal cost um i think with everything that you do you always put everything in it so the more things you do if you're trying to use all your energy across all of those different things i guess yes it was but building for me and being on site with all the fellows was just a great joy i just so thoroughly enjoy that aspect of what it is that i i do the change in the difference between this bill for me was that i physically contributed to the project which at my age took a lot more out of me than i really expected and there was a human cost in terms of that engagement that immersion oh yes i i think we could see ariane was really having fun but we could see she was working far too hard and i think the family was stressed by the fact that it was taking a toll nowhere did arianne pour more of herself into this process than here on the roof there's no doubt that this feat is testament to the tenacity of its creator [Music] this is what i've been waiting for you've gone warm up here it's a fabulous looking thing lost look at this this [Music] are you happy about that it was pretty um i wanted the silver look to happen all over at the moment this is brand new so after a winter this will turn lovely silver gray but you get the little highlight poking through and it depends on what time of the day it is that you can actually see a lot more yellow or a lot more timber and around this window you've got a six panel of batons over this angled window well this is the western aspect so it's a protection from the sun i'm staggered by the complexity of this indulgence every angle defies reason an insight into the meticulous mind and skill of ariane attributes well hidden behind a modest persona i mean the craftsmanship that's gone into this object alone is mind-boggling yeah that's why that's why i'll admit that this is a very expensive piece of real estate up here because whilst it's made out of prosaic materials the fact of the matter is that there's an enormous amount of labor that goes in putting in these silly shapes up here irregular shapes equal expense but balanced out with the most humble of building materials ariane has made this live-in sculpture more than viable [Music] as a studio it'll also be a place to leave home for to come to work but separate access from the street so it can also be sort of like a little flat to come and go for other members of the family it's going to be i think a great place to just come and get away from it could be a snowman stranger should in terms of the process the making it up as you go the lack of documentation did that work absolutely perfectly perfectly but you did it i'm asking you i'm sorry because it was fascinating with i was watching the whole budget process and i think that is one of the the thrills of the whole deal is as it emerged it became something became too expensive ariane designed and you or differently more cheaply but i don't think she's compromised the quality of the whole build so that's been fun could you build a house like this in a traditional way drawing it all up detail and getting it tinted and built through the traditional procurement process is that possible in all honesty and i i have worked it out that i believe that being the builder and being the architect and also having a very close relationship with the owner so that she could make um respond to questions on the spot opportunity yes so the opportunities of budgeting could be done very quickly there would have been at least a 45 saving as a consequence of my specific arrangement there's a lot to be said for multitasking if you're lucky enough to have the skills of ariane that is 500 000 is a small price to pay for a collection of design ideas clearly articulated in a custom-built form i mean this is one out of the bag there's more look what you get up here oh my gosh this is fabulous and all through there through the river through the cottesloe and all the way through there look at you two you're on top of the world this is what it's all about beautiful suburbia this is a lovely little spot for us to while away our time in our little bolt hole here in claremont what a wonderful surprise this is i think we're going to really enjoy it you have to we have to do it again oh absolutely i'm ready now but that also comes with the fact that once you've dripped it up on a piece of paper it's just a matter of getting from that day which is from day three to this particular day when you actually finish the house but you already knew what it was going to look like well to a great degree and i'm ready for the next one now i'd just do something completely different [Music] you know technically this house shouldn't work because it's essentially a grab bag of textures materials and styles on paper at least this house should scream too much but therein lies the secret to its success arien knew that if she drew plans no one would understand it and some would undoubtedly object to it so she had decided to indulge herself and embark on a process as fluid and as malleable as i've ever seen and the result well it's something brave something inspired and just like her signature on the rooftop pure ariana [Music] you
Channel: Memoly
Views: 10,345
Rating: 4.0270271 out of 5
Id: wMMlwMKpNC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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