Grand Canyon Rim to Rim Hike in One Day - Vlog with timelines, weather, & tips

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[Music] to deep space so brave and so stupid just like the movies hey guys janet here with radiant wanderings thank you so much for joining me if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button and stay awhile and as always if you find anything in here helpful or useful please give a big thumbs up and don't forget to hit that notification bell so you get notified when additional videos drop so today you are joining me on my journey across the grand canyon for my sister's 50th birthday she really wanted to hike the grand canyon from rim to rim you can do this several different ways you can start at the north room and go to the south you can start at the south and go to the north and you could also camp or stay at the lodge somewhere down in the canyon so you're hiking down one day and then heading back out the next if you do stay overnight you need a permit and of course you need reservations so we did not do that we did these straight through one day haul which is not recommended but anyway we did it so join our journey if you're thinking of doing this and you want more details such as what to pack how to prepare how to train hit that notification bell i will be doing those videos next if you have done it before and you have comments or advice for others leave those below additionally with all my videos i always have a link to a blog post and this one will not be posted yet because it will be more of that how to train how to pack how to prepare and with that it's great because there were four of us that went we all did things just slightly differently and maybe had slightly different results so you'll get to hear about that as well but anyway join our journey and i'll see you on the other [Music] just side singing i think all right so we made it to kaibab lodge uh we had reservations at the um north rim lodge but they got cancelled due to kobe becky brought me a few more things a cooling towel which i don't know if i'll use or not and then these oral hydration salts i think they're the same as my tablets they just have no flavor we went to uh the grand canyon lodge tonight and it was cold 37 yep and somehow i'm the only person that brought a puff coat so oh you're laughing now more good morning it is what time is it three oh seven am we're supposed to head out of here at 3 15. uh we better hurry up how's everybody feeling excited nervous scared not hungry not hungry for gourmet coffee a latte oh my gosh oh that'll be our reward are you awake i'm awake are you ready yes are you excited yes are you nervous yeah very very very nervous because i've never done this before you look beautiful this is it though where's our driver my favorite driver i feel this driver didn't get up oh my god get up get up [Music] okay so we are about two hours in it's about 6 30 i think the first section until the water station had a lot of sand and our footing was quite unsure it was pretty dark and then after the water station the sand kind of went away a little bit more shale and rock and yeah i like the path better this way we crashed the bridge that was beautiful as the light was coming up [Music] keeping my eyes open [Music] okay so the first bathroom was a little over five miles in between five and a half and six miles i believe really was ready to use that when it came time um i think we have another mile to go to cottonwood campground feeling pretty good on the downhill tara and i have issues with our knees a little bit on the downhill so uh my left knee has definitely been feeling that but the temperature right now is great i don't know what it is probably maybe around high 50s low 60s so this may in fact be my favorite part of the hike because as it heats up that's not going to be as fun and it's absolutely gorgeous here i'm sure it will be later i'll just be more tired and less able to enjoy it i think um hand sanitizer i forgot to say that in my packing list get that and then chapstick with spf which fortunately these girls have some of both so i'm set [Music] okay so we are at cottonwood campground it's 6.8 miles in stopping to treat our feet no blisters yet but we don't want them avoiding them yep what is that stuff you have called becky mole tape mold table how's everybody feeling good good so far any uh aches or pains anywhere nothing to really complain about no no a little bit on the knees going down yep [Music] okay so it's already eight o'clock and we're just now leaving cottonwood campground which is how many miles in 6.8 6.8 so we're not making very good time so we need to book it it flattens out here for quite a while till phantom ranch i mean it's not nearly as steep so hopefully we can go a little bit faster we'll pick up some time [Music] [Music] so right after ribbon falls you get to go uphill for a bit which we were not expecting pretty good size steps destination [Music] here comes the sun what time is it almost 9 a.m that sun is just starting to peek over [Music] do you remember [Music] baby [Music] so we think we're in the box now is it 9 30 i think somewhere around 9 30. i took a leave about a half hour ago my left knee was killing me in the back of it um it's not super hot thankfully there's a little bit of a breeze down here and it's absolutely beautiful with the little creek river flowing through it and the greenery and the rocks it's really beautiful as long as you can get to it before it's too hot to enjoy it [Music] so we have a little bit of a breeze down here today which is really nice i was trying to eat my beef jerky and i slipped and stabbed myself with my walking pole so that hurt but other than that it's going great oh also there's been no bathroom since cottonwood campground which we didn't use because that was only a mile and a half after the previous bathroom but now we're wishing we had used it i think the next one is that phantom wrench [Music] how you feeling i'm starting to feel it here getting a little tired glad we're almost down i can start feeling myself get a little sloppier yeah i think i've eaten five things of food my bottle with electrolytes is almost gone and i think my bladder is getting pretty low yeah yep so time to get to the ranch [Music] okay so we just passed some guys and asked how far to phantom ranch and he said one cold beer away he had a glass of beer that wasn't quite gone yet so we are nearing phantom ranch i think they said about a mile so we're gonna try to pick up the pace for this last mile because we've been dragging a little bit i think the 4am start time is getting to us and our sore knees and feet so anyway here is the third bridge in the box [Music] i watch you [Music] we are officially over halfway done with our hike now we've gone 13.4 miles okay so you come down here this is where we should have gone was the silver suspension bridge and then bright angel trail is over here to the left but because this is closed we actually have to come further this way over the black suspension bridge which comes out at the bottom trailhead of the south kaibab trail and then we have to come all the way through the river trail to where we should have been right at the end of the silver suspension bridge sad sad sad sad forever okay we got here at 10 45 so about 45 minutes later than we had hoped but still not you horrible put your favorite song on just to wake you up when i dance around i can't help but feeling i'm just loving this [Music] don't you know that i [Music] okay so a couple things at phantom ranch we stopped and ate our lunch couple of us had sandwiches tara had tuna and some crackers and i think theresa had a bagel and there is a trash can down here where you can throw your wrappers away before heading back up we didn't think there was but we did ask and found one bathrooms of course um right now they're only taking credit or debit but i think that's due to covet and super exciting so we thought the silver bridge was closed and while we were sitting down here eating she just said that it has opened back up so we don't have to go an extra mile and a half which is great because we are going a little slower than we had anticipated uh the ladies got lemonade theresa got a postcard to send to lizzy it's super cute it says posted by the phantom ranch mule i think or delivered by so that's pretty pretty cute to do while you're down here all right so we are going to head back up we got here about 9 45 no 10 45 so we need to get going forever okay so it is 11 30. we are leaving phantom ranch now so we did spend about 45 minutes there um we a couple of us switch socks when tara switched our shoes we put some of that tape on some blisters that we had acquired and ate a little something refilled our bladders so went to the bathroom it all takes a little time but we are off on our way now and thankfully we don't have to go the mile and a half out of our way is to the campground down here so if you wanted to camp down here it's right along the river some trees it looks quite nice actually we continue on this way towards the south brim oh there's one of the [Applause] horses or mules he's big he is big he should be big he's gonna be strong right angel trail to the right here we go [Music] so that was not the silver bridge or the colorado river we didn't think so because it seemed like we get to a minute and you're not supposed to swim in the colorado river because it's dangerous so right don't swim in this one and yes the silver bridge is a lot longer and bigger like we had thought so yeah coming up right here [Applause] look they're just pulling down the sign that says it's closed right now [Music] [Music] all right we're trying their newly fixed fridge the engineers say it's [Music] that he safe [Music] [Music] we have one and a half miles to the rest house that bridge could creep you out a little bit if you're afraid of heights and you look down because you can see down to the river below or just look straight ahead and you'll be all right okay we've hit sand which is really not great there's a rack down there in the river you can see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so teresa just pointed out that anybody we pass if they don't have a pack on their back uh we have they have further to go than we do at this point so that's fun because that means we're winning [Music] i like to win a couple themes of our hike so far we keep reminding each other to look up because it's easy to just get focused on your feet and miss the amazing views so definitely stop every now and then and look up i just got to see the people on horseback passing by and some white water rafters in the colorado river which is great sand again which we had for about first hour and a half at the beginning and now just not fun because when it gets in your tennis shoes you can easily get blisters so fyi and the colorado river super clear super beautiful water a lot of the pictures don't do it justice so so the sand is killing us just a little bit i have a little drip of sweat coming down because it's like walking along the beach and tennis shoes and stocks and you can't get your feet wet so that's a little bit of a bummer so we made it i think this is the river rest house because you can see down there all the rafters taking a lunch break but uh that went downhill still a lot which was discouraging because we have to go back up that and also my knees are killing me they don't want to go downhill anymore could win your drink oh yeah what time is it 12 40 12 42 now okay and we're at the rest house okay oh okay because i'm slow becky doesn't like the electrolyte package so i'm not going to use the one you gave me no way where are you going that's the wrong way dude we got to go this way theresa just was like i'm getting head start because i'm slow leaving the rest house and she went the wrong way because that was up so don't do that or you'll find yourself back at the colorado bridge right up to the rest house there's the emergency phone a relief area and then you're right by the water so we just went down i just got my entire shirt wet my hat wet put them back on for the ascent and the ladies did as well so it feels really good right now nice and cool highly recommend [Music] and we are going up now which makes my knees very happy in my feet yay [Music] so the weather forecast had a high of 90 today down at phantom ranch um i think probably around 2pm is when it was supposed to get to be that hot it's about 1 pm now and [Applause] were taking bets on what the temperature is theresa said in the 80s tara and i said high 70s low 80s but i think theresa might be closer because it is almost two but wetting my shirt in the river and putting it on in my hat helps me feel a lot cooler and then it's not a bright sunday it's kind of muted which is really nice and there's been a little bit of a breeze all along which is really helpful also they're so gross but i need the caffeine the rose yeah these are actually pretty good these salt blocks salted watermelon delicious [Music] okay so we made it to indian garden it is 240. it is yes 240 and i think that was three and a half miles to here that took us a while that was a hard three my right foot is on fire and my left leg is really hurting i think um it's that trail is still pretty sandy and that kind of hurts my leg more and i feel like then i step on my right foot more but i'm going to take another leaf and not think about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so this is hurting that is hurting that's that big blister and then i had some sand here on my heel that i just needed to get off it seems like it's been rubbing that raw a little bit so take care of that and then from phantom ranch to here the water is down there so drink most of it good time to refill how you feeling tara um better than i thought i would feel but 4.5 still feels a little daunting at this point a little just generally fatigued what's sore um my left foot that's it for now that's good yeah that's good better than i thought i would at this point um i can keep going but i know it's starting to hurt with like every step so once i get in a groove it will be better we'll knock out the next one and a half but it's going to take i don't know a few steps to get moving again any aches and pains um my shoulders i can feel it in a little bit and my nose is really dry and is a little bit bloody when i blow it but i don't know otherwise no i'm fine i think i'm doing better than i anticipated at this point it's 3 p.m and we are leaving indian garden onward four and a half miles to the top becky how are you feeling good now because i ate i was feeling weak and didn't have energy but now i feel good because i ate what are your aches and pains right now nothing but it has been my left knee that's all great [Music] four o'clock we have three miles to go so we've done 20 almost 21 miles fitbit says we have walked 51 456 steps that we have burned 4 639 calories i don't know how they know that and we have walked 622 minutes of active walking time not counting our breaks ten and a half hours and in my training the most i ever did was six hours of walking on flat and then when you and i did that hike i think that was seven hours for dinner we really want a huge bowl of pasta with bread and olive oil sounds so good we're not sure we're gonna find it i'll show you a picture of what we end up already mile rest house it's did you say 4 p.m 4 p.m three miles to go everything hurts but one foot in front of the other [Music] we just left the three-mile rest house tara and teresa are pumped becky and i are a little more like [Applause] let's not talk and let's just get to the top but it's a message becky and i have stopped to get music we need music we need it and also to get to the end i most definitely stink now i think waiting my shirt was keeping me cool and then on stinky but i haven't gotten to do that since indian garden and it was dry by then so yeah we are at the one and a half mile restroom right yeah something like that and i just put my music in which was great because right now every step hurts so let's just get in the zone and keep going but look we came from all the way over there way over there somewhere up there all the way down and around and up [Applause] pretty amazing [Music] and it is five o'clock right now so it took us an hour to go that mile and a half from the three mile rest house to this one and a half miler [Music] if okay go into that building up there we're almost there i can't believe we made it i'm so thankful we didn't have to do that extra mile and a half at the bottom to go to the black bridge because i really don't know if i could have made it i'm sure i would have kept putting one foot in front of the other but [Applause] a mile seems like a blooming eternity i'm here for the last uh five miles so yeah pretty excited [Music] so much better there's chris up there between those two trees all right waiting for us yay there was so much work [Applause] no [Music] so much better [Music] are we good together you can do better feeling much better now elbow i don't think i'll be able to move tomorrow [Applause] 23.98 miles six o'clock so that took us 14 hours with all our stops [Music] you can do better [Laughter] [Music] so we showered and now we are back in the car going to dinner but we're kind of thinking maybe we should have ate first because tree and i are feeling pukey now so hopefully we're hoping food helps just fill our belly uh but maybe we should have done that first but we smelled really bad [Music] still [Music] okay so we got back to the hotel which feels so good and showered and yeah i discovered why it was hurting so much on the last five miles up i got a huge blister i didn't even know you could have a blister that big uh thankfully it didn't pop i put that what is that called bowl tape mold mold tape i think on it and i think maybe that kept it from popping but it grew a ton since i had put that on down at phantom ranch i believe so i think all of that was started by a grain of sand in my sock so you may want to wear taller socks because i mean there's just sand all over on this hike so maybe consider that tara did and she doesn't have one blister i don't think on her foot happy birthday dear becky happy birthday to you all right you guys so that was our journey across the grand canyon wow we were exhausted i couldn't walk right for several days after that every time i got up even when i got home my husband's like are you gonna be able to walk right again you look like you're 80 years old and yeah it really did a number on my body but i'm happy to report i'm fully recovered at this point and so highly recommend it it was it was just so much more diverse than i thought the grand canyon would be so that kept it interesting because every few miles the scenery kind of changed and it was really really gorgeous so if you have questions leave them below hit that notification bell so you can get notified when the next two videos drop on how to train and what to pack and how to prepare and i'll see you guys around [Music]
Channel: Radiant Realty
Views: 15,861
Rating: 4.915916 out of 5
Keywords: grand canyon rim to rim hike in one day, rim to rim north to south, rim to rim north kaibob to bright angel, rim 2 rim grand canyon, rim 2 rim grand canyon hike one day, r2r hike bright angel, r2r hike north kaibob to bright angel, tips for rim to rim grand canyon hike in one day, how to hike the grand canyon rim2rim in one day, grand canyon rim2rim hike 1 day, grand canyon rim2rim hike tips for 1 day, can i hike the grand canyon rim to rim in one day, grand canyon rim2rim help
Id: 6C_AnV68Jr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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