Gran Turismo 7: This is What Racing Should be Like

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hello viewers Super GT here welcome back to another video thank you so much for clicking for joining for watching whatever whatever you've done to get here well done and thank you um we have this Proclamation the very beginning of this video this drive is dirt and you're starting right behind me on the grid fantastic news to kick things off now let's jump in shall we Brands hatch it's a 12 lapper and it's in group four cars it's a cool little combination actually if I may say so myself I just want to say a big thank you for everyone for clicking for watching the video uh always happy to have you here it's always Pleasant reading the comments well not always sometimes it's not sometimes it's really not but uh let's take a look at this race then shall we because it's a 12 lap race you have to use the hard Tire but you can use the medium there's one of them where well do you just do the whole race on the hards and not pits or do you do most of it on low mediums and then pit for the hard right at the end you know there's lots of questions to be asked here and a key thing really for me that I'm trying to work it out as I go along because it's my first time doing the Race I don't know what I'm doing and that kind of sums me up really pick up the inside of the final corner I'm not going to go for it I'm gonna just stay in behind for the time being revving the car out really trying to get the maximum acceleration here now the main straight of Brown's hatch he's a good little battle between myself and the the Portuguese driver isn't it incredible when you think about it really guys when you think about it as we're going to look up the inside isn't it incredible that people from all around the world can race against each other in real time pretty man doesn't it so I just overtook some dude in Portugal and um you know that's about well I wouldn't want to guess how many miles away from the UK that is Maybe about 700 about 700 I'm gonna go 700 could be a lot less than that actually but that's my that's my first guess off the top of my head um but anyway that's completely besides the point because um we're racing here and you don't really hear David Croft talking about the distance between the countries of the two drivers in question really dear all you hear him saying is old Switcheroo about four million times anyway we've caught ourselves up with this Italian filet um how much however many miles that is from the UK again I don't know might be a similar amount actually it's a Portugal probably a little bit less I would have thought I'm bumping into the back of him he's going to serve that penalty I'm gonna say goodbye and I'm going to take third place so so far this race has gone really rather to plan in the sense that we started fifth we are now third third is better than fifth so we're going forward and going up the hill here you see the top two beginning to fight and that's always what you want to see if you're in third and the top two uh side by side for multiple Corners in a row okay so it's a recipe for you catching up really isn't it so let's see if we can do aforementioned catching up in the next couple of corners and I'd say we definitely have caught up on this lap alone we've already course up about half a second so we're going in the right direction this is fantastic news a little bit further around the circuit let's whip forward that straight the longest straight here are Brown's hatch as we go down towards the back end of the circuit not an easy track and I would like to know your opinions on Brands hatch it's my local circuit but it is a very difficult track to get right I think and it's not it's not an easy track to overtake around at the best of times so we've got the Austrian driver now um not not even the best of second to last Corners there how about into the final call and let's see how he does this one a little bit wider the Apex is that going to put him on the back foot it looks like it is so I'm going to sort of fake out to the left and then just open up the Gap look at that that's perfectly timed boom thank you very much I will take second place off of your hands so a nice clinical race so far may say so myself well well obviously I can say so because one is a free world two this is my video and I'm doing the commentary so I can say what I want really within YouTube guidelines of course but still that was quite a reasonable sentence for me to say um so we skip forward a little bit you see the Gap towards the leader kind of remained about the same and I couldn't really rear them in and so the kind of stay fairly level pegging this is lap seven and you see the Gap just begin to slightly increase uh not not a huge amount but um it was only by about this point here where I actually realized my fuel is not going to last until the end and this is the thing really you do have to pay attention to all of the factors involved in the race which is typically the tires and the fuel when I didn't really pay attention too much to the fuel so I was pushing pretty hard which probably explains why I was able to overtake so many cars or three cars that's not that many but I did move forward rather than backwards so I was burning fuel at quite an astonishing rate and therefore at this pistol we would have to refuel for a couple of seconds there we go leaving the pit Lane let's see where we are while we're at France hatch turn one pit exit that's where we are but it says position with Fifth and that's back to where I started three laps now on the hard Tire um I'm presuming some of the guys in the top four was to have to pick Therefore I may well be able to grab some of those positions back but we will find out in a moments in fact yes the leader goes in second place goes in third place goes in I've just realized that the Greek guy who started behind me he's been clean nothing wrong with him at least from my perspective maybe he's rammed everyone else off I don't know didn't see so that uh dirty comment at the very beginning of the video obviously uh relating to the previous race that they were in and I do not know what happened there so I find myself now in P3 right up behind P2 the Audi TT which we had a little Skirmish with earlier when he served the penalty are we going to be able to claim P2 here we have four percent of fuel remaining therefore three percent of fuel remain therefore we are pretty much on the edge here gonna be quite tricky to manage the fuel but also manage trying to overtake this guy especially because it's brand slash as I said not an easy track to overtake around we're going to do our best though into the second to last Corner we're gonna have to really try and get a good run through here perhaps take a bit too much card but you do get a good exit it's going to cover the inside I'm going to force him to the inside as long as possible and then try and perform the old Switcheroo is it going to be possible here kind of but no not really at all but it didn't matter because I ran out of fuel anyway about 100 meters before the line and finished in P3 about six seconds off the lead so that Aston Martin's Advantage doing a very good job on on that race presumably better fuel saving than I managed so we take that into account we're going to move into a bit of qualifying here I did a low 29 um in my race oh sorry my previous qualifying and then I realized in this session why why am I only doing 130s because I was on the hard Tire I did three Laps on the hard time without realizing I should have been on the medium so don't do that mistake because that's quite stupid now yes I did a 129.2 here first lap around my previous best being a 129.1 I knew I could beat that I knew I could get into the 28th that would be my aim and this lap here is my best lamb so let's take a look shall we so heading down the hill get back over to the right hand side it's really about getting the rotation on the power early group four cars are fairly grippy compared to the amount of power they have I'd say especially compared to group three cars so you can really get on the power quite early in these cars really maximize the track width see they're powering up to the outside of the track and here we are tenth and a half up on the 29.2 so we have a solid chance of beating this lap around the back end so I can now quarter of a second up so we just got to hold it hold it together a few more seconds a few more corners still a quarter of a second up here going into Sheen curve very very difficult corner for me the hardest one on the track second to last corner we're through here just fine three tents up beautiful stuff one more Corner remaining and it's not an easy one they're all pretty tricky to be fair around this track commit nice and early over the grass onto the power and are we going to gain yes we are it's going to be about a three-tenth gain over the 29-2 and we lap just below the 129 128.9 beautiful stuff I knew I could do it and I managed to do it that put me P3 on this grid uh where the fund police are the fund police joining this Lobby so I best you know make sure I'm not having too much fun in this one although I must say it was it was a fun race that previous one so let's try this let's try and have some more fun you see there put on medium tires right I definitely did that I definitely clicked medium now let's recap this race because the leader goes in after one lap he was on the hard Tire getting rid of the hard Tire nice and early there's two ways you can do it really hard and then onto the medium or medium or to the heart these two guys had a weird little fight World War III and then just go past them both thank you very much for that nice and easy double move and it was by the end of lap 11 that I realized why am I on the hard Tire I definitely clicked medium so I did the entire race on the worst tire and I didn't feel safe enough to do the entire race which would have been the much better strategy so this is a lesson how how to not do this race basically so everything you've just seen for the last minute basically just don't do that because well just let me make those mistakes for you so you don't have to now we finished the race a few moments later in P3 um kind of a weird race really because um we did it pretty much in tired on the worst Tire which we really did not need to do with a pit stop anyway the next one we joined the lobby here okay and we're gonna definitely make sure you see that there yeah it definitely says medium we can make sure of that now this guy he said he's a very big fan which is amazing thank you and then this guy says hi Dad now I didn't know I had any children but that's the first time I've heard of it it's kind of a weird way to find out that you have a child in a Gran Turismo seven uh lobby but there you go you know life sometimes throws these big curveballs at you um so I'm gonna I guess my child will now have to message me then I have to look after you God anyway more important things to worry about here in the form of going up the inside into the final corner and look at this move right I do the move and then everyone else in front goes into the pit Lane if I go from fifth to First in about two seconds which is just about the best move you've seen all year and probably will see for the rest of the year there won't be a better one than that uh signs are gonna claim overtake of the overtake of the Year 2022 goes to Super Duty Brands hatch final Corner job done anyway now that we are on P1 on the correct tire we can try and do this race properly so the first two races were really just a learning experience but that's kind of normal you know you you've got to do the races a couple of times to really understand the race understand when you have to pit why you have to pick what tires to use how much fuel savings should you do so I'm just you know tweaking tweaking those little things there just to make sure that I know what I'm doing and this is an example of me not knowing what I'm doing as I just clip the grass and that's it's very easy to do that you just run one pixel beyond the curb before you know it the car kind of wants to turn right on a straight not ideal really is it um so I've lost myself a position and about two seconds of race time not ideal but a good thing is here I can save a bit of fuel behind this guy now the bad thing is that we both get a penalty for being very very bad with track limits funnily enough those this was kind of weird we both cut the same corner but he got a penalty and he'll serve it now but I got a penalty as well but I won't serve it now even though we cut the same Corner that was kind of weird how that worked out so I'm gonna have to serve mine on the next lap which is what we're going to do right here now he he made a couple of mistakes the French driver so I I actually remained in the lead um so I'm not actually sure what went on there that penalty kind of a bit weird but we're in the lead no complaints really other than that kind of half spin which lost us a couple of seconds and was not ideal we're gonna bring the car in here we've done a fair amount of fuel saving this time around a bit more than we did in the previous two races so we have two laps remaining to do on the hard Tire perhaps over fueling a tab there losing maybe half a second I can at least go quite hard on the field here for the last two laps so find myself in P3 and it was just really mysterious to me because the guy in second the Frenchman ended up five seconds ahead and I was 11 seconds behind the leader that was kind of a mysterious one I think it must be a case of the other guy just doing an extreme job on fuel saving and it does prove to me that g70 just is not the best car for this race because of the fuel Megan trophy I think is the superior choice but um progressing forward here I thought let's choose a different car and it's always been screaming to me the BMW is typically the M4 is a good car on fuel I thought I'd give it a go and that's exactly what I did this time starting second on the grid courtesy of the 28.9 and courtesy of some other better players not logging on for this one this was the full extent of my warm-up which was leaving the pit lane and then just turning right a little bit and then left a little bit so that's uh that's me getting used to the car not very good not a very good amount of practice so I'm gonna have to learn on the spot here but I think it's fair to say that in Motorsport you know adaptability and getting used to things quickly is is an important trait to have so if you can learn the car learn the track very quickly then that's always going to be an advantage now of course in Sim racing you can just do a billion laps but in real racing you're not going to be able to do that unless you have infinite time and infinite money which I don't think anyone has um I'm getting close but uh uh in fact well I suppose everyone has infinite time really don't they but actually no no one has infinite time we all die although one day maybe that will be different again another stupid tangent what am I doing um where are we P2 lap two we're gonna try and hunt down the leader here in the BMW it turned out and that's what I was going to talk about the fact that the fuel wasn't really much better in this car I was like oh my goodness recover the car recover the car from a very tasty looking sideways moment there now this card yeah it turned it turned out it wasn't much better on fuel maybe a tiny bit but really not much um so I was using about 10 per lap but sat behind the Spaniard here I was able to fuel save quite a bit but I thought to myself as soon as I get quite close I'm gonna go for a move and see what he does so as you can see I'm getting very close and he's defending so this kind of just lets you know his intentions because sometimes some drivers will just let you go and they'll sit behind you and save fuel but this guy is really rather intent on defending as it is right but it's always interesting to know the mentality or the the tactics that each driver is going to employ to try to win the race and that's fair enough so in this case he's going to defend quite hard and that's something to bear in mind especially given that the two Renault Megan's behind are somewhat fast approaching and therefore you know I don't want to get caught in a position really where trying to attack and I can't get the move done and then I get overtaken twice so that is always a possibility so at the moment saving a lot of fuel see I've used 40 fuel or 41 no actually 40 Fuel and five laps so I've actually done quite a good job there because normally it's about 10 per lap as I've done a baby or nine percent I can't work out the mass quick enough but you get the gist I've saved some basically so now we have a four-way battle for the League this is actually a really good race very much enjoying it and I think kind of Testament to Gran Turismo 7 Gran Turismo in general when sometimes they get the combination right and there's four sorry three different cars here and we're all fighting towards the front and it's very close and this is what we love about Gran Turismo I think for me just the fact that you can jump on and have a decent race now here this is where the decent race really begins because we're gonna go side by side I felt like going for the movie cover the inside and I'm not quite able to get this one around the outside it's a very long Corner not quite able to do it we do get a bit of a run here to the next turn give them a bit of space on the inside there's a bit of contact we're still side by side this is rather Mega racing coming up into Sheen and this is really not a corner to go side by side you can see I'm going to back out almost losing position while temporarily losing position to the Megan we're gonna go side by side now through the corner on the exit can I get this move done and retake second he is still there I'm gonna move back to the left-hand side and he's going to take the position not much I can do and then again goes through so really good racing here actually I could have perhaps gained a position ended up losing one just shows you the fine margins if you're going to go for a move you really need to make it count and make it stick otherwise there's a very good chance you're going to go backwards instead and that's exactly what has happened here up the hill looking for that move from the Frenchman we're going to cover inside cover the inside and go defensive to keep the position but all the time I do that the Gap opens up in front you can see the two cars in the lead is extending the gaps lightly so I need to make sure that I defend but not lose too much time and I suppose the best defense is really offense to go quick get away from the car behind so here there's a sense there's a bit of contact there's a puff of smoke coming out either way the Spaniards defense has crumbled he's off the track and I moved back up a position and he's go he goes down to fourth in fact fifth position and now battling with the Portuguese driver who is geographically approximately seven seven hundred miles away but that I think that's an overestimation to be honest of the inside we go into Panic Hill Bend we're going to overcook the brakes go a little bit too deep and he's performed an old Switcheroo on me not a new Switcheroo an old one but we're gonna go again are we no we're gonna we're gonna hang back here I was kind of happy to sit behind him after that failed attempt but then at the end of lap nine I felt like okay we're getting towards the end of the race now I'm gonna go for this move I'm gonna take the lead and this time I will not make the same mistake I will not let him do an old Switcheroo on me and boom we have completed the move see that the duo of mcgann's fighting with each other now and that's kind of what you want you kind of want to back this guy up in second into the guy in third they start fighting start beating each other up and then I can try and Escape that is the intended plan we'll see if it actually works so through 24 actually it looks like it is working at the moment the Gap up to nine tenths of a second as we head through the long left turn four up the hill over the crest onto the back straight so that corner is crucial leading out to the longest straight on the track end of lap number 10 decide to go around once more so I did actually say quite a lot quite a lot of fuel in this car I'd say is marginally better on fuel than the g70 but it was not enough to completely spare me a refuel because I would have to refuel during this Pit Stop So coming in at the end of lap 11 one lap to go we're gonna go on to the hard Tire I'm gonna have to refuel a slight amount a good fuel save I'm just gonna put a tiny dollop of fuel in just to make sure in fact I probably put too much in there if anything and that difference has oh look at this I'm in fourth within two seconds of the lead and amazingly enough the Spaniards in the g70 has resumed the lead of the race so here's the guy who he was in the lead of the race earlier on but then had that mistake lost a handful of positions he's done a really good job there to retain the lead or get back into the lead the two mcans there line Stern a second and third and it looked like I was kind of a bit too far back to really challenge for a Podium position till they started fighting here through the second to last Corner that kind of gave me half a chance to catch up and go for a move as you can see they're going to go side by side here this might give me an opportunity on the main straight so I'm gonna have to take this corner as best I can and potentially get a move done here maybe if one of them runs out of fuel it's not quite going to happen we're going to cross the line in P4 and you know what even though I lost positions you know a side of it further forward that was a really fun race to finish only two seconds off the lead the top six there within three seconds and I think that just kind of shows actually you know what this game can produce some very good races when when it does get it right it's a bit hit and miss I would say but when it gets it right it's very very fun indeed and I really enjoyed that that last race especially but thank you so much for watching really hope you enjoyed the video get yourself subbed if you're new to the channel and have a nice day I'll see you next time bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Super GT
Views: 408,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt sport, gran turismo sport, gt sport gameplay, Gran Turismo, Sport, gt sport fia, gt sport daily, gt sport ps4, gt sport update, gt sport f1, gt sport lewis hamilton, gt sport spa, gt sport laguna seca, gt sport credits
Id: oA8W-k_JQEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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