This Race Shouldn't Even be Possible

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hello viewers super gt here so i jumped onto the daily races on gran turismo 7 this week and interestingly we have a group two race now this class is kind of a weird one because it's dominated by two cars one of which is this the clk lm98 the uh the mercedes beautiful car but also the super gt gtr nismo gt500 16 a super gt car both very different types of car but they've kind of been bung together in the same class now this race has been dominated on the leaderboard by the gt500 but i jumped onto this race and in my first one interestingly we had someone in the clk lm as you can see just in front of us and this is kind of where two worlds collide in uh hopefully not two cars collide but two worlds collide two different philosophies because as i said these two very differing cars from different areas have been bunged together into group two together and the way in which they race against each other is is quite unusual because check this out look at the absolute lack of speed or downforce of the clk through that corner now these two cars achieve a very similar lap time around this track fuji international speedway but they both achieve their lap time in very different ways and as you see here in the in the radar the mercedes is coming back straight back at me and it's going to look up the inside you can see on the radar at least on the bottom of the screen and this kind of set up a very interesting premise for this race and for this video the fact that this class is mainly dominated by two very different cars which have to be raced very differently and i was going to try and beat that car in well the g the gt500 the super gt car would be rude of me to not choose a super gt car wouldn't it then on to the main straight this is where things get quite interesting take a look at this you see the the mercedes behind and it lost a lot of time through turn three but it gains it all back actually turns what i mean but it gains it all back on the main straight look at that look at this the speed difference is kind of unreal how much more power that car has so it's a really interesting concept here trying to beat the mercedes in the nissan here and then you see free time one actually gets it gets a really tidy exit but we're going to see it again through turn three here the fast sweeping left and then it's just this this long right-hander the mercedes just look at it it's absolutely shocking it has no pace through that corner at all and going onto the grass slightly so we're going to try and beat this car it's going to be a really topsy-turvy kind of race this kind of is what happens when you have two cars that achieve their lap time very differently one has straight line speed one has the handling i'm definitely in the handling car of course we're gonna try and uh get a little bit close to this guy um but you know a couple of laps later end of lap three sorry beginning of lap three eventually he was close enough to go for the move on the leader and wasn't quite able to do it there but he definitely had the pace in that mercedes to move forward and i couldn't really do too much about it in fact they had i think it looked like a collision here telltale sign being the smoke screen being deployed out the back of the cars and but then again he loses about eight years of his life going through this corner look how slow that thing is it's amazing it really does lose all of its time pretty much in one corner and gains it all back on the straight so it'd be very interesting to give that car a go see how it performs eventually you might be able to see some of those pixels on the screen there representing the mercedes actually taking the lead looked like the the nissan defended went too deep and uh he got old switcheroo'd of all things by the end of the race lap six you can see the joy on the mercedes as he swerves to finish the race in the lead and there it was all the nissans have been beaten by the clk lm very interesting because the clk was not the fastest car in time trial but it seemed to do very well in the race let's jump into the second one let's see if we can do something better about this because i felt like i could have beaten him if i just performed a little bit better it wasn't too far away but unfortunately this race it kind of just shows you you kind of get caught in a pack it doesn't really help at all mercedes got into the lead very quickly as you can see and then it seemed like a bit of a civil war i felt as though all of us in the nissan we kind of had to work together if we wanted to get the better of the clk but that wasn't really happening as you can see there's a very big group and we're kind of all slowing each other down and this is a it should be a very tactical race when you have two very differing philosophies on the circuit but here the it's really just one philosophy of let's just kill each other and that wasn't really working it wasn't very helpful so we had some contact there for the final corner and i was trying to go for the move here on midnight pumpkin wasn't quite working you see just the time loss to the cars in front unfortunately the finished driver here managed to just nip up the inside through the final sector and i wasn't really able to do too much about that other than potentially just force him off but that's what i did here right a little bit too late unfortunately straight into the back of midnight pumpkin losing a handful of positions and yeah it just was not a good performance at all just dropping many positions lots of time so yeah not a very not very good race i did set faster lap of the race so i knew that i could get into the 29s which is the kind of pace i needed to win the race i just couldn't do it consistently enough and i need to start further forward then we had this incident with a finish driver a bit of a weird double swerve almost killing the pair of us and potentially lots of spectators thankfully it's all virtual and no one was going to die but there you go and then jimbo it annoys me that car won me too my friend we're gonna try and do something about it so i set a slightly better qualifying time which would hopefully move me a bit closer towards the front of the pack so in the next race well the clk was not there obviously it was bedtime had to go to sleep uh you know school night and everything but i'll show you this race anyway because it was actually a very good race now on the opening lap i made this mistake here it just it didn't look like much but then tcs happened to be on i don't know why the game does that sometimes sometimes your traction control was just on even though you turned it off last time and um maybe someone's been uh joyriding my nissan gt500 with tcs on they've got to turn it off when they handed it back after their joyride there you go we lost a lot of time here to the leader um so at the end of that one the gap was about 1.3 i managed to reel that gap back in by putting in some fairly consistent maps in the low 130s and i can get into the 129s we did that in the previous race but low 130s decent race pace straight back on to midnight pumpkin we're trying to punt him off we'll try to actually overtake him properly but you see here through turns three four and five this part of this off the circuit lots of very uh high speed downforce corners and it's very difficult to follow the car in front um so the strength of this car is it's it's it's high downpour speed uh it's speed for the higher downfall corners but then that's also a bit of a problem when you're following another car now here i wasn't quite close enough to go for the move at the beginning of lap five i was very close though looking up the inside here into turn three i'm gonna go for it i was kind of only half there didn't really work out neither of us crashed so it kind of worked out i suppose but later on in the lap i still remained right on his tail and kind of surprisingly coming out of the final turn he didn't really defend i was expecting him to move right here he didn't i moved right instead don't have the inside line kind of a weird one because he was defending elsewhere but didn't really decide to defend the main place on the track which is long straight into turn one and um parked on the apex drove away thankfully that was that it was really a case now of just trying to get a good middle sector here trying to pull away and thankfully that um you know had a couple had a couple of good consecutive corners throwing some dirty air into his face and you know he wasn't able to really live with the pace with that section and uh just pulled a bit of a gap there by the end of the race a second ahead winning the race it was a good battle i wanted to fight the clk but it wasn't there so i couldn't really fight someone that isn't there can i so we're going to move on if i can't race against the clk i'll have to be the clk i'm going to jump back into our garage choose the car we've used it a couple of times before we've got a nice little livery on it slap on some soft tires it's a good job they've added that menu there where you can buy them actually is very useful and we can give it a quick test drive because it's through this uh section here i would say through turns three four five where the car just yeah it's just comically slow compared to the gt500 it feels like an eternity going through there in fact i've actually aged about 13 years in the time it took me to go around that turn and so i'm now celebrating my 44th birthday anyway through this final section uh sector section it's actually not too bad on the main street of course you know this is where it gains at speed you see they're reaching 188 miles an hour through term one as well this car is actually pretty good i'd say it's better for return one than it is than the nissan uh interestingly the nissan was reaching about 178 179 miles an hour so it doesn't sound like a lot of difference but it is quite a big difference um but there we go jump into this next one and we are starting second on the grid up against the nissan i am now the mercedes clk let's see if we can try and beat the nissan inner rolls reversal so this should be quite good fun i wanted to attack nice and early i wasn't really close enough to go for the move here but we are going to see how the the dynamic of this race plays out because it is a very interesting race um when you have such different cars as i've mentioned about 4 000 times getting a penalty i'm not really used to the car turning in a little bit too early into term three half a second penalty you see they're losing a good second or so just through that middle sector they have to really try to fight that one back i kept close with him so the penalty um and luckily enough i was able to stay away from the cars behind just about enough so that i didn't lose a position and that's the thing you've got to be really conscious of you have to keep a nice gap before you get to turn three because if there's someone's right behind you going into turn three you're just gonna get overtaken this car could do nothing through that long right-hander of turn four eventually at the end of lap three you know just reeling him in managed to do a 29 nine so that's actually good pace in this car getting down to pretty much the pace i was able to do in the nissan so that's a good sign i must say that this guy in the lead he was very very fast and very consistent and this is about as close as i could really get to him he wasn't really putting a foot wrong he wasn't really making any mistakes hoping for the best but let's take a look at this right um so going into turn three i'm just under seven tenths behind so let's see how much time i lose actually quite an interesting comparison between the two cars he actually takes a very interesting line through there but he's got so much downfall so you can really just almost keep it flat out with a bit of a lift i would say in that car and then through turn five this card just it just takes a longer time to get rotated and you see that i've lost about a second i've lost one second just through those three corners alone but let's make a comparison here on the main straight going onto the mainstream 1.8 behind and then you can see the time just slowly whistle away as you really get to unleash the muscle and the power of the mercedes power unit so let's take a look at this going down the straight you know the tents are just coming off effortlessly by the time we go into town one we've gained about eight tenths and i would still say this car is quicker for return one and on the exit on the run up to turn three and we'll take another look at the time gap so as we go into turn three uh one lap later gap is about eight temps so overall that lap a lot about two tenths but you see just how different it is the delivery of speed throughout the throughout the lap now i made that mistake and it lost me about 1.2 seconds which was really unfortunate because it turns out that he had a penalty which i didn't know about and i managed to reel him right back in and see how much time he lost the gap was about 0.6 by the time i got to here so i think if i didn't make that mistake on the curb i might have challenged the lead there and finally but unfortunately it was it was a p2 it's a very good race to be fair i finished within one second of him in the end and you know he fought the same it was a it was a very good race it was an interesting race it's almost like a cold war we kind of fought the race from a distance but we were very wary of each other's presence if that makes sense hopefully it does but we move into the next one um so once again starting p2 let's see if we can do better race this time around and not get a penalty on the first lap that would help now this uh guy made a bit of a mistake there by defending too much and it kind of put him on a bad exit coming out of the turn so i was able to challenge with the power of the mercedes you see it going up the inside went a little bit too deep i was just really trying to upset his rhythm if i could get ahead of him going into turn four i could potentially slow him down for return four you can see the speed difference here is ridiculous nothing i can do uh the gt500 going clean around the outside effortlessly and before you know it i'm in p5 almost p6 i'm gonna try and challenge back for this position this car is actually a little bit quicker down this straight here as well going down towards the hairpin managed to regain uh p4 which is good um but this is going to be a very difficult race from here on in to try to wrestle back these positions um but this is the challenge we know and love this is the challenge i set myself to try to win a race in this car and we're going to try and do it here through the funnel sector this car i would say is 95 as good as the gt500 or 90 is good uh through this final sector the low-speed mechanical grip is actually fairly similar just the high-speed stuff where this car suffers but now look at this this is where we can uh it's almost like we've got nitrous oxide and it's like you're watching too fast too furious i'm in gear 78 keep shifting put your foot all the way down and boom just go past the opposition they're stuck in like year three not really pressing a full throttle a little bit deep such was the excitement of doing a double overtake and then this guy goes back past so very topsy-turvy race as you can see we're gonna look up the inside i fought better of it i'm gonna stick behind he goes a little bit wide a bit of a knock-on effect with the car behind there but we all get through just fine no penalties to be dished out so here is really a case of if there's a car behind just trying to take a nice middle of the road line to kind of half block them off you can see on the radar see as we look behind there's a there's an army of cars running away for taking me right now so through that section you're just a sitting duck there's not much you can do other than just take the middle of the road line hope that they don't go for the move um but you literally lose you lose like seven tenths of a second through one corner it really is that bad in this car it's quite funny to be fair but um we're just settling into the races lap two the leader is pulling away he's two and a half seconds ahead you can definitely get p2 back within a few laps i would have thought we're going to try and set up a nice run onto the straight and then we should have to go past this guy on the main straight here let's take a look 0.8 behind at the beginning of the straight in the slipstream as well solution assisted move boom we fly past him 188 189 190 miles per hour and then i uh just make the same mistake glitch in the matrix we have deja vu he looks like the same clip almost he goes back in front now i noticed he made a mistake here when i kind of half fainted to go up to the inside and he did the same again here he goes a bit too narrow this time gets himself slapped with a 0.5 second penalty which he serves here very fast and this time i was i had a clear run to try and challenge the leader although i must say it didn't actually matter you see the leader there some of those pixels on the screen and then boom just disappears completely into thin air just gets kidnapped by i don't know i mean this is like it's like that film looper where people just disappear through time and then suddenly i find myself in the lead of the race it's not how i really wanted to win the race by having your main opponent kidnapped through time but there you go sometimes you just gotta take the win haven't you and in this one same car same track same everything but we're starting on pole position definitely does change the dynamic of the race having to just pull away rather than overtake someone and the main thing i was trying to do is survive the onslaught of the first lap you see here on the radar there you might have seen it you really did try to get past there i just kind of held a kind of middle of the road line stopped it from going for the move and then it's really a case of just trying to put away on the straight and just extend that gap that was really the case of this race that was the really the strategy here um and then the consistency was good i was actually really pleased look at that thirty point three thirty point two three point three four point two so very good consistency i could have perhaps gone a little bit quicker but um the car behind was actually fast he did 29.7 he was half a second quicker on his best lap he just wasn't able to challenge consistently and uh this is the final sector of the race now my main takeaway from this um little experiment here is really that i think it is good that these two cars you know that you can race them against each other it is a little bit weird sometimes but i would say that this car is very good you just have to kind of ideally you need to lead from the front if you're in this car in the mid pack it is just a bit of a nightmare because you get swarmed in the middle sector is good challenge though is a very good challenge and eventually we'd come across the line to uh to win the race and this one was just a legit win from pole yes but it was just a good consistent win i mean looking at the lap times there even the final lap was a 30.2 as well so good consistency overall the first lap ignore that because it's a shorter lap technically um but it was a race win and i was very happy with that actually it was a good little challenge i i enjoyed it i hope you enjoyed the video um i'm presuming you did because you're still here thank you so much get yourself subscribed if you're new to the channel and have yourself an amazing day i'll see you next time goodbye you
Channel: Super GT
Views: 449,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gt sport, gran turismo sport, gt sport gameplay, Gran Turismo, Sport, gt sport fia, gt sport daily, gt sport ps4, gt sport update, gt sport f1, gt sport lewis hamilton, gt sport spa, gt sport laguna seca, gt sport credits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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