Grafana Dashboard Setup for your PLEX & NAS

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hey guys what's going on it's down here from Nova spirit Tech and welcome back to my channel and in today's video we are actually gonna be setting up the dashboard for our Plex Nath system and if you guys missed that video of the build or even the setup I'll leave a link right on the top left or down in the description below so let's get started so I do want to thank Marko Center for sponsoring this build and I'll leave all the links down in the description below for all the parts that I use for this build how this works is we're gonna be using Griffin ax which is a web-based dashboard that allows you to easily configure how everything looks to what data you want to display and you could use any web browser to do basically Open Graph on ax now Griffin opposed their data from a data source like influx DB now how it gets populated is that you have either Plex PI or collect D to send the information to influx DB and then Gravano will pull that information so we're going to be setting all that up today ultimately at the end I want to be able to display everything onto a monitor right over here and I have a Raspberry Pi 0 display that information so to get started we're gonna have to SSH over to our machine and start installing all this application now I did write up a little write-up over here for myself just for my own reference because I'm not gonna remember everything I have my terminal open and also a little dash but that I'm gonna be using well basically so to get started I'm going to SSH root over to mine as and from here we can start installing our applications now let me see if I can make this a little bit bigger for you guys how's that that seems to be a little bit better now the first thing we need to do is actually download some of the repositories we need so we could grab graph on ax now Griffin ax has their own website where actually I grabbed this information from how to get the key and all that stuff and I'll leave a link down in the description for everything so I do have that installed which is good I'm gonna W get this stuff grab the key okay I'm gonna add this to my repository I'm gonna add this to my repository and I will have a write-up for this actually I'll put this on up paste spin this the same thing I'll just put on a paste bin down below so you can follow along and I'll also do a write up I know I'm a little bit behind on my write-ups but I'm working on it now sudo app update now I should be able to grab griffons so sudo Pat install fun there you go now I should be able to just enable it sudo systemctl that is oh I have the starter first its graph on a - server that's service C tab always helps with autocomplete now I can check status of growth wanna and it is active and it is running awesome now I'm going to enable it so this way it will start up with the system alright now next thing is to install our database which we're going to be using in flux DB so I'm going to grab that paste that here and we're also gonna start up this database sudo systemctl start and looks oh there you go this and it is running awesome okay now that we got the two working the next thing we need to do is install collect D so sudo and install coli the now collect e will actually collect the system information like hard drive space CPU usage all that stuff and that's going to be able to send the information over to our in flux so Griffon I could pull it ok and now that we got all that set up we're gonna have to start configuring the files now if we don't configure anything right now we could actually just hop right over to our server 3000 for 3,000 and you should have a dashboard already with Cortana but there's not gonna be anything displayed because we just don't have anything going into it yet so that's what we're going to be working on right now so the next step is to modify DTC whoops in flux DB influx that configure now here we have to actually enable a few things first we have to enable HTTP right here which will allow us to pull data from in flux so we're gonna have to open this up it'll allow for any address at port 80 or 86 and HTTP enable is true now since we're also going to be collecting from collecti we need to shift all the way down to here and go to collect D and enable this to true and bind address we're going to change that to eight 0 96 it doesn't matter as long as it stays the same you could keep the address like it was 20,000 something before database is gonna be collecti and over here database type this is what you have to change so it's gonna be user share collect the slash type let me move this over a little bit type DB alright save this all right and then now we're going to have to modify the collect D so sudo nano slash et Cie collect d collect the config and here we have to enable baster baster plug-in der and database but here you see how this is has an extra line we don't need that we just need user share collect e-types DB and we have to enable network so move down you see how there's a lot of plugins you could actually pull whatever plug-in you want CPU frequency the end that's information I will like look into that later in the future but I'm just gonna get this basic setup working first now we do have to load the plug-in network and then we have to configure it by moving all the way down and looking for network here am I getting close let's use a control W and network let's do that there we go and in network over here we have to enable this whoops wrong line server and we just need to change this to eight zero 96 which is the same as what we have in the influx TV and it's going to be localhost move down a little bit and we are going to enable the plug-in and that is it now we just need to restart the services and it should start collecting all the information so sudo systemctl restart collect D and influx DB we have to restart to oh because we change the properties over so there you go now we should start seeing some information in our collect D because it's now transfer everything over now if you want to double check if everything's working we could just go to a status and it's active and it's running and the same thing goes for collect D all we have to do is hit status and that should be running awesome now the next step collect information from our plex so there's a code online that allows you to do this right over here I'm going to grab this and this is actually the dashboard the source code is actually called Plex PI but this will actually collect everything for you so I'm going to shoot over to the OP directories and I'm gonna do get phone and download Plex data collector now that names a little bit too long so I'm just gonna rename that to Plex collector this way when we write a script port it'll be a little bit easier now in here you have to modify the config to I and I so our in flux DB we don't have to change the database name Plex data we could leave and if there's any authentication right now we don't have any authentication for our database so we're fine this is what you need to add which is the username and password of your plex account and the server that you have it in so mine is 192 168 105 106 that's my server for my Plex and that's about it I just have to add this bit of information and we should be all set so now that we can figure that ini we have to grab the requirements which is the Plex pie and all that other stuff so we're gonna do a pip 3 install - our requirements that txt this will install all the requirements that I need and I already have it because I tested this once that we need to run the script so since I'm done with this all I have to do is Python 3 well for me it's Python 3 already so python and pie collector oh I forgot to put that address for my in fluff DB all right there we have it it doesn't exist so it's like something to create everything that we need and since we created the Plex it's called Plex data - data we're gonna have to remember that okay now that everything is all set up we can start building our dashboard so here our username is admin and I think it's password know if it's admin admin and it's going to ask you to change your password so I'm gonna just do something simple for now and I'll change it later and now we have our configuration our dashboard that we got to configure so we got to add data sources and because we are using in flux we're going to be able to add this attendee HTTP local host 8:08 six and the database name for this is Plex - data and there's no user or password and save and test so since there's no Plex data found I believe it's capital case sensitive yes it is alright now that it's working we're gonna head back and we got our first database called influx DB we could actually rename that's or anything but that's fine our next one we have to do is HCP local host 8:08 and this one is going to call collect D because we made another one called collect D and there you go datasource is working and we can head back so now we got to just so I don't confuse myself select e there you go I'm just going to be me name that perfect so one is called collect D and the other one is called influx DB that's fine so I'm not a professional at making dashboards at all but I do know where to get them and here we have a perfect example which I again I'll leave all the links you go to example and there's adjacent file so I'm gonna be able to hit raw copy all this head over to the dashboard area alright and over to manage I'm gonna import a dashboard paste this that I just copied load head over to influx db2 select because that's my flex data import and all of a sudden you see this I have zero Plex streams going on TV shows episodes everything is working for my dashboard are ready now this is not enough information because I want to be able to pull my CPU usage storage and all that other stuff so I'm gonna save this dashboard whoops wrong button I'm gonna save this dashboard and call this flex and I'm gonna manage and pull another dashboard in here again because I'm not that good at making these dashboards now from this is the other - but I'm gonna pull so I'm gonna download the Jason okay I could open with code or save it if I want copy all this head over to my Plex data paste this load it again now this will be pulling from I collect D import and there we have it all my information for you know disk space CPU usage load average it doesn't look like much right now because I haven't collected that much data but once 24 hour passes you're gonna see a lot of data flow into here now how do I merge the two so what I've ended up doing is say like if I wanted to use load average I'm gonna go over here more copy this and I'm gonna save this dashboard so I don't lose it so I'm just gonna call this host info and I'm gonna head over to my other dashboard right over here called Plex data example yeah which I should name that I'm gonna be able to add a new panel move this to wherever I want and paste the panel now this will start collecting the data from what I was looking at before now I do have to like move this around and edit this data because it's pulling from collect D and I do have to remove this tag and you see how it's like pulling now because it's a different host yeah anyway that's how you would get that to work now if I want to remove this too it's gonna pull that information and remove this data and there you go now I'm having I have my load average and so forth and so forth I just need to go back and forth with the dashboards and finish configuring this so now that we have all this set up it's time to put it on my wall so let's start doing that [Music] [Music] there we have guys this is our dashboard with all the informations I want to display right now I still have to work on the sizing because I didn't know well I didn't know but if you rotated the screen you get the less width so I'm gonna have to play around with that but yeah ultimately that's that's it I kind of want to keep this here and I forgot how painfully the Raspberry Pi is so slow I might have to switch that over to like a Raspberry Pi 3 just so I can load this dashboard a little bit but yeah if I wanted to switch this over to like fullscreen setting which I just did that's how it would ultimately look you could actually change the way how it displays and if I was to start streaming something you would start seeing a list of people streaming and everything over here now I have so much more real estate that I could put more information here that as far as like hard drive space my other Nazz the Raspberry Pi I just built and a couple of other stuff that I could display over here like my plex server and stuff but yeah now I could be like one of the cool kids on YouTube where people have like a screen behind them and start displaying stuff so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys did please hit that like button if you guys have any questions about this hit in the comments below and if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next vid is gonna be out as I say my nerd cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 63,998
Rating: 4.9321313 out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, plex grafana, grafana plex, collectd, plex, grafana, collectd grafana, grafana collectd, nas dashboard, dashboard, plex dashboard, plex nas dashboard, stats monitor, status monitor, monitor, display, status, status display
Id: XCdl5QRyj6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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