Full Setup Quad Sata Hat for Raspberry Pi 4 NAS Review

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hey guys what's going on it's down here from Nova spirit second welcome back to my channel and today I'm super excited to show you guys this new product that I'm reviewing which is the quad SATA hat for Raspberry Pi or rock PI's so let's get started now I want to thank all net China for sending this unit over to me for review and I'll leave all the links down in the description below to where you get the script to get it installed to what the installation process is now I also have two announcements to make one is that have a gaming channel with my friend called pandemic playground and I'm still in the works of getting it over to a thousand so please head over there and subscribe and also my second channel where I do my gaming Nova spirit gaming I'm actually converting that channel to more of a Linux game or basically any game that I could try to get working on Linux or optimizations for Linux that's where it's gonna be heading so be sure to subscribe to that channel as well now with that out of the way let's get started with this guy alright so here we have all the pieces that come shipped with the kit so the first thing we're gonna look at is this quad SATA hat this allows for two-and-a-half inch drives to go on top but if you actually wanted to use doing half-inch drives this version which is the 1.2 allows that as you can see that actually comes with the four pin connector for 12 volt input now this also comes with its own power supply so you're gonna have to connect their subcarrier supply to the top connection port over here and you also have this 10 pin that actually connects the bottom of the board to the top of the board for the top hand next we have this top hat that we were just talking about and this actually includes a little LCD screen a fan to exhaust out the heat and a button on top this button actually allows you to change the display to see what you want to display and also other functions that you can program into it now what I do like is that they have this really low-profile heatsink that works pretty well it also has a notch dug out just so you could sit the CPU perfectly in there and it works really well now this connects to the quad SATA head so there's a little pin for it it also includes the 10 pin cable we're just talking about and this really cool USB to USB connector it connects the bottom two USBs from the board to the top USBs to the top hat and they painted it white so it actually looks really good with the design now you have the base board now keep in mind you have to screw these things in yourself and I kind of like over torqued one of them and I broke it which is fine I'm gonna have to do a tap and die set and just take that out later in the future but keep in mind these are brass so if you pork it too much it's gonna just break so be mindful of that then you have this acrylic that goes on top that actually hides all the stuff internally but it allows for the screen to still display the information through this acrylic sheet got two and a half inch drive holders I would say now there's one that has the notch cut out in the front and that's where it should sit in the front of the USB so this way you don't knock into it last but not least we have the actual case itself now keep in mind this is a pretty heavy unit everything's all the attached it's got some weight to it so keep in mind when you're putting that together as well as I believe this whole thing is made out of aluminum I could be completely wrong but I'm pretty sure it's aluminum all right so let's start building everything all right so this is it we finally finished putting this together and you might have noticed I didn't put the case on there yet and there's a reason for that we still got to set this guy up now over here you have SD card slot so once you enclose it you can't stick in an SD card anymore and too because of the display adapter that I'm using which is my HDMI cable is a little bit too short so it doesn't pass the case even though the case has cutouts for the holes for the HDMI this just doesn't reach it so I leave the case off just to set everything up now I am running raspbian lights and you can download that off the Raspberry Pi or website and the initial setup that I need to do is actually enable SSH and let the initial resizing of the file this happen and then we could get into the rest and get everything set up through SSH there are a couple of ways that you go forth with this as soon as you get a set up it's either a manually setup everything which is make your own raid and set up saying before the shares and stuff like that or you can issue a one-liner command to install omv now om BIA is a way easier set up to get everything working with the raid and shares and everything and I do recommend doing that if you are new to this but if you are gonna do this and you mainly set up you're gonna see that you have a little bit benefit as far as the CPU usage it's gonna be a lot less CPU usage on idle if you're not running all MB all right now that we pass the initial boot up with this guy we're just gonna log in once and the default password for raspbian is pi username raspbian so we're gonna do a sudo or PI config now R as pi come pay this way we could get the SSH up and going and then I can log into SSH and finish everything else over there so I'm gonna head over to where is it interface options sssh and yes I would enable that now keep in mind if you are using Wi-Fi and not planning to use Ethernet all you're gonna have to set up Wi-Fi here right now otherwise we could just go and reboot the system or actually power it off and I'm gonna hook it up with that Ethernet and finish the configuration from SSH so they actually have a website for this device itself and there's a command that you actually have to use to get the board working if you notice right now nothing is on the hard drives are not on the LCDs now on the fans are not kicking in that's because this software is not installed yet so as I was saying before we're gonna have to connect our Raspberry Pi and you're gonna somehow find an RPA IP address to it through your router or something like that let me make this a little bit bigger so you guys could see now the first thing I'm gonna do is go into my PI which is an ssh PI at the IP address of it and the password is raspberry because I didn't change it yet alright now that I'm logged in oh man I accidentally clicked that I just need to grab this command paste it into a terminal and give it about five minutes it's gonna download all the stuff now I do recommend actually saving that script because in case if this website is not working or it's down you can't install this or get it working at all unless you run that script now there are a lot of settings that you could do so let's browse down the website a little bit and you could see that there's dub pictures of it the GPIO pin outs the fan controller but there's a actually config file that you could go through that you could adjust the levels of the fan speed at whatever temperature it's supposed to be so if it reaches 50 degrees Celsius it'll be at level three which is a hundred percent power it says so up here and you can also program their keys so every time you click you'll slide through the images they call it the slider so you could basically get the information of IP address and then click it once again CPU information click it again hard drive information stuff like that then you hit it twice and then a switch switch would turn on and the fans so if it gets too loud or you want to be ultra quiet you just switch off the fan and then press which I'm not sure what this is you could actually reboot or power on and power off through this whole entire thing which is really cool then you have the timer how much is it depress or if you I guess yeah press hold for 1.8 seconds it'll power it off and press it again I get some power back on then you have twice which is within 0.7 seconds you hit it twice you get the switch then you have the slider and it automatically turns around now what I do like is that the rotate feature currently it has it so it's facing towards the USB port so downward would be the USB port and that's where you're reading it now I like it the other way around so I would actually rotate it I mean to see the other side alright now that this has been done installing you should hear that your hard drives are clicking in and turning on it's still not ready yet until you reboot the system so I'm going to issue a pseudo reboot and as soon as that boots up you're gonna see your LCD display come on that means everything is all set up once that comes online that's it you are all set to the next step either you want to manually install samba and create a raid or install omv okay to check out if the hard drives are working you could do this systemctl status rock pie service and you can see it's on now if I go over to LS dev SD you should see that there's four hard drives connected that's das DB so everything's all set up everything is working as it should so the next step now that we have that all setup is to install om V now if you don't want installing the you can take it from here and install your raid and then install your Samba otherwise we're gonna issue this one line command and I'll leave it down in the description below which will grab the OL MV plug-in and install it onto our raspberry PI's this is the new method of installing it there's no more ISO images this is how you install om v now once you hit enter on that this literally will take half an hour so go and grab a cup of coffee and then come back to it later all right now that it's booted we should be able to get to the GUI and somehow the IP change by one digit so it's fine now the initial login is admin and the password is open media vault remember to change that actually in the management so this way you won't forget now that everything is accessible and this is my Raspberry Pi I should be able to set up the rest through here again remember to change your web administrative password so you don't leave it as default now as far as um braid management I do have a raid that was set up already and I am gonna be able to set up my shares so if I go over to file system I should be able to see that I have this and all I have to do is just mount it alright once I hit apply so it knows to boot it up every time I turn on the system its gonna apply those configurations and that's it now I have to head over to share folders just so I can make a share hit and and because I don't have any device selected you see how this is just I'm gonna name this share as our PI - Nass permission I'm gonna allow everyone to read and save now that I have that set up as a relative path I could just head over to my CSM B and enable the setting go over it and save it obviously head over to share add the I just created which is that our PI Nance make this public and guess aloud and save hit apply for everything just so it saves two configurations for the next boot all right now I should be able to see my share so I'm gonna head over to browse Network and here you go Raspberry Pi SMB and I see my Raspberry Pi nas an ominous is fine I should have some files in here Raspberry Pi Nez and I'm gonna transfer a file over just to see how everything works so I'm gonna open my downloads I actually download MX Linux ISO over here I'm just gonna hit copy head back over to my Raspberry Pi nas and paste it right here whoa I can't paste on that directory I got a paste in this directory okay there you go popped up around 60 megabytes which isn't too bad but overall it isn't that bad and it seems to be working maybe am I getting a little bit better speeds if I saturate the drives a little bit more just to give you guys a little bit of an update the transfer speed was actually affected because of this computer and not there has very price to set up now I managed to get up to ninety to a hundred megabyte transfer speed using my Windows transferring to the Raspberry Pi but somehow this guy was stuck around like 50 or 60 and I actually used this to transmit to my Reglan as and it was still around 50 or 60 so there's something going on over here with this guy's that I haven't had a chance to really look at yet but yeah the transfer speed was able to get up to almost a hundred sometimes it peaked at 107 just to give you guys a little bit of an update so now back to the video but it seems to be alright it's it's not doing the full speed that I wanted to right now not to I'm not exactly sure what the configuration is maybe it's because of omv like maybe taking up some processing power but overall I'm very satisfied with the setup right now now if you guys have an issue with setting up raid because the newer version of OMD does not allow you to create anything with a USB you will have to manually create this raid which I did now to do that you would have to issue a command which is this command right here now this command will actually create the raid for you a sudo MD AMD and - zv - l5 level 5 cluster at 64 n4 and then pls and then you want to call the device dev slash MD 0 and then these are the drives that you're gonna be popping on now you might or might not need the number 1 at the end so be mindful of that but once you stick this command and it'll actually generate a raid now generate a file system with that raid would make FS ext4 once you're done with those two commands your omv will pick it up over here and then you could do whatever you need to do with it now I'm running a raid 5 you can run a raid 1 you can run a really 10 whatever you want to do but yeah ultimately this is what you're gonna be able to do to get the raid going now if you're only running two drives or one drive then you won't even need this or if you want to separate the drives and have them individually with 4 different shares that's fine as well you don't need to do this stuff but if you're gonna raid and put all the drives together then that's the command you need to issue and again I'll leave it down in the links below also I'm gonna leave this on my website so I'll have a little write-up about it on how you do this so in conclusion I actually really like this unit it actually looks really good and enclosure and it gives you that little display on top to tell you like the stats on your IP address and how much space you have left remaining I also like how the front looks like with indicating with the hard drives are being used or not ultimately this is a really cool nas it's actually smaller than the other Nez is that I have that takes a three and a half inch drives obviously but ultimately I really like this product now I would recommend setting it up on your own instead of having to use omv because one me seems to take a little bit more CPU usage on idle so it creates a little bit more heat and I do notice that the CPU temperatures on this is like 5 to 10 degrees higher Celsius wise when you're running on V versus running just stock with Samba and your own raid now the wattage wise it only takes about 15 and sometimes it Peaks around 20 on the wattage usage so that's pretty good in itself but then again you all run it for two and a half inch drives now one of the things I did notice about this guy talking about heat is that yes even though it has a fan on top just for the air to come out there's really no area on the bottom or on the side for it to you know kind of suck in so it does struggle with air a little bit and it does get a little bit warm but it still maintains the temperature to around 50 degrees Celsius as far as the noise goes you could adjust the fan speed according to the temperature that you have that so it's as loud as you want to make it but the fan does make some noise if you want to keep it low just change the range around a little bit in the fan and you could kind of keep it as low as possible but ultimately the fan does make some noise another thing I do recommend is having a shutdown timer on the hard drive so the spindle would stop spinning after like maybe a 15 minute time period this way you could save the heat and the hard drives from constantly running and that's one thing I would recommend with this setup now I also really like that the top has that LCD screen that gives you the information that you need to know how much storage you have left the IP address and the CPU usage I really like that with that switch that's programmable for you to switch around the screens and also do something else with it overall I do really really like this product and I am actually going to keep this on my shelf over here possibly or maybe somewhere else as a backup unit for my videos and stuff like that anyway if you guys enjoyed this video please hit that like button because having questions about this you know you want me to test something that I didn't show in this video hit in the comments down below if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is gonna be out and as the same miner cave packed illiterate
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 824,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, quad sata hat, quad sata, raspberry pi 4 nas, raspberry pi nas, quad sata nas, omv, open media vault, raspberry pi omv, media vault, quat hat, allnetchina, radxa, setting up quad sata, setting up, setup, quad, sata, hat, omv raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, rpi omv, rp4, rpi4, rock pi 4, raspberry pi sata
Id: Eix0PCB0byQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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