GPU and CPU binning explained

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so as we prepare for the 40 series launch probably happening on the 20th of September since Nvidia is now dropping all these teasers and such uh we're going to talk about the pro the concept of binning I think a lot of people are either whether you're buying 40 series or you're buying AMD or you're buying 30 series used or whatever this all is going to apply to you so you can understand why the different product categories exist why the different product within the same tier exist so you can understand maybe where you can or can't spend your money and waste it so let's go ahead and just talk about binning today foreign [Music] what we got work to do yeah I'm playing World of Warships yeah woman worships is the free to play Naval strategy game where you command the most iconic and famous warships from World War one and World War II recreated with stunning detail and accuracy build your Fleet while participating in various game types while upgrading your ship's Arsenal along the way new 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the horizon new gpus are coming too and this is going to apply to any family not just 4D series but 40 series is where people start looking at and thinking about this again whenever there's a new family of GPU or CPU that launches gets people thinking why do all these different tiers exist when you have your your silicon wafer it's a giant it's literally a wafer then they cut those up into different sizes depending on where they're expected to to be whether that's slated hey this wafer is going to be creating 40 90s now you have different imperfections that exist in the process no wafer is perfect there are imperfections so they're able to identify those imperfections cut them out and remove them then you kind of get what's left over but sometimes even after a a perfect section of the Silicon exists and you cut it down you still might find very microscopic and professions that affect various transistors that don't maybe aren't firing properly or activating properly in CPUs you might have particular cores that are not acting right or not meeting a certain power expectation or a particular clock expectation so you have to disable those and kind of remove them so if you have something that was expected to be a top tier product not meet that standard you start looking at what standards they do fit so it may not fit in the top tier bin but it might fit in a next tier down bin or two tiers down because each one of these bins have a quality expectation assigned to each one of them so if you have a CPU that's because you'll notice there are from the same Brands whether it be Intel or AMD you might have an 8 core 16 thread CPU that exists in two different numbers right so let's say you might have like a 3800 X and A 3800 non-x both are eight core 16 thread but the only difference here is potentially between them is going to be clock speed and all core clock speed and that could be for various reasons it could be because uh maybe the lower tier product was not consistently meeting the expectation of the higher clock speed or maybe it was taking more power than expected to achieve that or it just was unstable because of imperfections that can exist so the way they make it stable and turn it into a product rather than than negative yield or waste is a slow it down or they put it into a different bin they might even disable cores on it entirely and turn it into a six core 12 thread product which would perfectly meet those standards which means if you were to like x-ray the product you might actually see there's cores on there that are dead in my dead I mean disabled turned off not doing anything this is something actually that existed for a long time back with FX and Athlon because one of the other sides of binning is artificial binning where let's say hypothetically the yields are too good this has happened it's absolutely happened and this was this was actually a great time in CPUs it was fun to go in and into your bios because some motherboards would enable this and activate cores that were turned off you just took the inherent instability and or problems that may come with that but if yields are too good you don't have enough lower tier product and you have to have a full product range so as a as a manufacturer you're going to go okay we've got far too many of our top tier product we have to go mainstream and we have to fill in that product stack so they'll take from that bin artificially disable and make changes to those cores theoretically cores will be transistors for gpus or actual cores or CPUs and then they'll place them in lower bins then back in the day like I said you could get like an Athlon X3 which is a three core three thread processor and that's an odd number to create so you know it's a four core and I did this once with my daughter's PC when my oldest daughter had her first computer is actually an X3 and I went in and I found hey the BIOS has actually giving me core control and look I was able to reactivate this core the problem was I was starting to get random blue screens and stuff and that's because that core quality but in my instance was a legit bin where it wasn't meeting the standard out of the out of box settings and bio settings um and I didn't bother tweaking it and messing with it but it had it been one of those CPUs that quite a few of them existed in this area where they were artificially turning them off to make a lower bin where there was nothing wrong with them at all a lot of people got a a whole core upgrade for free the same thing happens in gpus although with gpus there's very different core die sizes so you're going to have like let's say an amp you have like j102 you have 104 you have 106 where the number the bigger the number actually the smaller the die was to create your other product Stacks they're still cut from the same silicon it's exact same architecture whether it be you know five nanometer six nine eight nanometer whatever it's the same overall product that's chopped down so you could have right now in your system let's say theoretically a 30 60. that initially tried to be a 30 70 or 3080 but didn't meet the cut so it literally got cut into a lower product and this is how manufacturers will create less waste this is how they'll create a better yield yield means if we have a 100 bomb or build materials we have 100 of this product how much of it is going to be either defective or waste and you find ways to turn that waste into less waste and more product that way you are not just destroying raw materials now let's talk about when you have different products that exist in the same bin so for instance on the table here I have a an Asus 10 gigabyte RTX 3080 uh tough gaming which is a lower tier than the Rog strix 10g 3080. so these are both 3080s they're both 10 gig they're exactly the same in terms of the core design the amount of RAM the speed of that Ram however they're very different products and their cost is different as well within those bins you have overhead and you have additional capability of that silicon which may exceed like I said the requirements for that bin because you have to have that bin exist so these could have potentially been 3080 tis or 30 90s although that's technically a different core they they can't make the core bigger if they do really well so you create different tiers of product within the same bin so if theoretically if all the bending is done as expected from Asus and they have to do this because otherwise you I take that back I've seen instances where some cards are not performing as you would expect and lower cards are performing better whatever sidebar a strix card theoretically will clock higher have a better Asic quality than a tough gaming and a tough gaming theoretically would be better than their basic card I forget what they call their basic card what that allows them to do is turn the clock speeds up from the factory adjust the voltage wherever necessary still within Nvidia perimeter so Nvidia is very locked down on what the manufacturers are able to do in terms of customizing any of the power delivery or customizing any of the voltage limits and all that sort of stuff because like you know why it is it has to do with nvidia's own warranty with the dice so if they allow manufacturers in sidebar again to go and start cranking voltage on these things to create these super fast products and they're dying within six months well then Nvidia is the one having to actually warranty that card not the aib because nvidia's core has its own warranty so it's about warranty control as well another video coming about that don't worry so when it comes to these particular products right here you're going to pay more for the strix card although it may only boost 30 megahertz higher Maybe that goes fun fact every single card I have ever had from any manufacturer ever in the history of reviewing graphics cards will overclock 30 megahertz you can go into MSI afterburner add 30 megahertz to it or two bin two two bin boost bins because boost binning is the same thing software wise you could add two boost bins which was 13 megahertz for the longest time with Nvidia and you could get that core speed no problem in fact you'd probably get 100 megahertz in most cards so you have these products that exist independently within each bin to create um these these higher products so for instance like this is a 1080 TI Kingpin card right here a card like this is like the most expensive product stack that like ebj ever sold so among like the evj hierarchy of cards Kingpin was always the highest however these were custom cards with custom power delivery design um voltage control that was technically outside of the Nvidia control but that was something that had to be activated and you had to like actually acknowledge your avoiding warranty and all that sort of stuff to get it to activate however the Kingpin cores themselves were the highest bin so they instead of having your 1080 TI and that was it maybe not turned into a Titan which technically could have been turned into a Titan Pascal they created a new category that was even higher and had more overclocking potential and such so theoretically these were the highest Bend gpus which is what strix is supposed to be and what you know tough and all that where they land in their pricing is theoretically where the actual bin hierarchy is as well I say theoretically because like I said they still have to create strix cards they can't have all Tufts because you know they they're gonna have to create their product stack otherwise you're going to be selling One graphics card if you ever actually looked at how many skus most of these these brands have when it comes to Graphics like each brand has at least five or six different tiers of card you also can't have all strix and no less or more expense or lesser Affordable Cards so it's it's not just the cooler design it's not just the power delivery design or is it three slot is it longer is it taller is it extra power cables and stuff because here's the funny thing even the cards that have 42 power cables are still having to stay within the Nvidia power spec design and so they're not actually doing anything other than potentially delivering extra clean power so it's a way to easily waste money by by buying expense one of the biggest wastes of money you could personally buy right now is a 36 districts because the extra money of the strix name would easily pay for a 3060 TI maybe even a 30 70 basic I would take a 3070 basic card over a 30 60 strix any day of the week but that's how binning works and the same thing with CPUs like I said each each CPU exists because of the fact that the quality of the Silicon landed in the expectations of those bins this is the same reason why I'll get messages from people saying hey I followed your guide but as soon as I add any clock speed or frequency to my graphics card or my CPU whatsoever it crashes well there's is there's two sides to to overclocking and a whole nother discussion and that's not just voltage or not just frequency but voltage so sometimes you have to add a Little More Voltage sometimes under volt even because core temperature is another aspect of that Asic quality is going to affect not just the voltage leak how much voltage is actually leaking out of the Asic but how much voltage does the Asic itself require based on its own Asic quality again another video sometimes things barely make the bin if they don't have enough strix but they need more strix again I'm not saying Asus specifically does this it's just an example they they will have a GPU core that barely makes it barely meets the standard but what that means to you is unfortunately silicon Lottery you've heard that term before I'm sure which means it lost the lottery whereas it barely made the cut so as you try to overclock it it starts becoming unstable because of the quality of the Silicon itself and that might seem like a lot of information people understand I'll try and just kind of give you a too long didn't read right now binning exists because you need your different product Stacks you have bidding within binning or extra bins within a bin to create their different models if we were in a perfect world a strix card would always clock higher than a tough card which would always clock higher than a their I can't remember what they call their lower tier cards but that's not always the case because like I said artificial bending takes place where they have to also fill out that product stack you never know what the yields are going to be however as the manufacturing process goes on the yields become better because the manufacturing process becomes more refined they start getting better yields and more product and potentially better overclocking and such but that's where you start to see faster cards come out that have higher clock speeds and such and so too with them so anyway there you go just want to give this talking headpiece about what binning is there's a much more Deep dive technical discussion that could take place regarding that but I'm talking to the average consumer right now that isn't too concerned with like finfet Tech and all that sort of stuff they just want to know like why does the strix cost more than the tough which should I get if you want to save money I never ever personally shopped up here and I don't mean up here in just like the strict type of Echelon I mean I never even personally before having this channel ever owned an 80 series card of any kind I always owned like 60 series I had a six 7600 gtko from ebj way back in the day I had an 8800 Ultra but that was only after my best friend sold it to me used after the new family came out when prior to that I was running like an 8800 GTS because there's probably a whole nother video there there's that we've talked about this before there is definitely exceeding what you need and then there's what you want so just kind of finding where that intersect is anyway looks like September 20th is the day we're going to find out all the juicy details finally about 40 series so my biggest recommendation buy a new power supply you'll you'll see why don't worry
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 228,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is binning, cpu binning, gpu binning, is binning good, silicon lottery, what is the silicon lottery
Id: mmT1Kyk-1P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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