Gorgeous 28ft Tiny House W/ Full Sized Bathroom & Double Lofts

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hey guys i'm devin i'm will this is our 28 foot tiny house we call it think and grow tiny built by liberation tiny homes and we've been here for four months now come on in check it out welcome to our tiny house and here's our kitchen so we went with a three burner furion propane stove we cook every every night on it i think sometimes we go on the barbecue but for the most part we're doing fish chicken steak we had to get this because of the fish we didn't want to stink up the whole house because as you know fish can get a little stinky so uh that actually works out really great our hexagon backsplash that devin picked out we think it came out really well we have all of our open shelving here we decided to do that instead of cabinets so that it could be a little bit more open so here one of the next thing we really really wanted was a big double sink so we got a big farmer sink as deep as we can go because a lot of tiny houses don't have deep sinks and then we got these cool things here so it doubles as prep space for cutting food or doing or drying dishes or whatever it is so that was a plus and then we did do another upper cabinet just so we have more rooms for all of our dishes and cups and things so we're not bending over all the time and all of our drawers that's kind of our medicine drawer we got plenty of storage all throughout and cool things like this so we have a butcher block and it's built over the trash so when you're prepping your food you can kind of just slide it in so that was one of our cool little features that it just it just gives you more space to have things all tucked away like that the countertops we went with a quartz we really wanted to keep everything kind of neutral so we went with a lot of grays gray cabinets and then with all the black accents the quartz veins were nice and and deep and some dark colors so we tried to match that with our backsplash that's why we kind of went with the marble quartz looking uh hexagon tile and the dark gray grout so we kind of we're trying to tie it all together but not be too colorful so it's nice to decorate with color instead so in here we have the staircase going to the loft we have the fridge microwave and our little toaster built in as well as storage so we have our silverware we keep our waters and some extra stuff down there but we really wanted all this stuff built into the stairs so that it was kind of hidden and out of the way and it makes it a functional kitchen so everything's just turn around put it in the fridge so it's worked out really well first maybe we thought downsizing that we wouldn't have enough cabinet space but liberation did a great job of designing everything and making us have enough storage hey guys this is our living room uh we decided to go with this couch it has storage underneath here which is where we store most of our extra blankets and sheets and anything like that just in case we have guests over this is cruz he has his own little section everything that he needs is under his bed there so we don't really have to worry about dog stuff everywhere because it's basically all under there so we usually eat our dinners and basically all of our meals here this actually lifts up and we have our little office under here and we eat all of our meals we can watch tv we can look out the double doors our living room window we love it it's super cozy it's plenty of room for us and crews we really don't need much more room than that and this pulls out so that we have an extra basically a full-size bed so if we have guests and we need some extra room we pull it out even if we're just hanging out we like to pull it out and kind of veg out a little bit but easy enough so moving from the living room we have our double staircase which we went with because we have some extra boxes upstairs we didn't want a ladder to carry up everything but we have a crazy amount of storage now because we have the double staircase so this is my wardrobe um basically everything i need is in there probably a little bit and then some and we have plenty of storage this is will's kind of dressing room so and then we keep our shoes in that one but we have so much storage and we like that we can kind of put decorations on this extra staircase and everything like that and then it goes up into our spare loft so we just added this bookcase a couple weeks ago actually we had a ton of books and we were tired of keeping them in boxes and we thought that adding the bookcase would add in a lot of extra color because there's a lot of white going on in here so and i was excited that i had a different place to put my plants and that way people don't roll off the loft when they're up there sleeping so [Music] i think one of the main reasons we wanted to go tiny was the lifestyle just we wanted to be outside more and not have to worry about cleaning your house all day uh it takes us 20 minutes to clean the whole entire house so we're off to the beach after that pretty much yeah we definitely wanted the freedom that it gives us definitely the financial freedom um we can basically live the life that we want to because we're living tiny walking through the kitchen into our bathroom we really wanted a full-size shower that was besides the kitchen probably one of our biggest things we wanted so we did a full five foot walk-in instead of a tub uh with full tile surround and our glass doors which we love because you can go in one way out the other way and then you've got this little towel rack as well so that's good for drying your towels after and then moving over here we have a full-size washer and dryer which was another big big thing for us is uh we didn't want the small combo washer and dryer because we've heard the drying time can be a few hours so we decided to do the full size stackables which we kind of recessed in so there's a little bump out on the back of our house so it didn't take away any space in here didn't change really the layout at all which is awesome we have a real flushing standard toilet instead of a camper toilet rv toilet we do have an outlet back there to hook up an incinerating toilet if we have to so if we ever decided we wanted to go off grid then we could do it and then we've got our most of our things in the mirror so we have plenty of storage there so that's been really useful and our custom cabinets in here just with more stuff and then underneath is where our actual propane on-demand hot water heater is tucked in there so you don't see it which is really nice it's out of the way and it's quiet and it's extremely efficient so we matched the countertops with the kitchen same quartz just to keep that same feel throughout the house and went with black black accents and works for us so we're heading up into our main sleeping loft where we have a king bed originally i was against the king bed but we got a nectar mattress that comes in a box which is really cool so you just take it out of the box and it just kind of springs up but obviously the king bed fits perfectly in here we still have some extra space next to our bed and we built some really nice shelves for some some more books and some of our pictures because i i felt like we didn't really have too much space for our pictures and things like that so that's a really nice personal touch that we get to add in our windows up here are one of my favorites i we definitely wanted to make the width of them big enough so that we could see out them and it wasn't too skinny or anything like that but yeah we basically just wanted to have the mattress up here nothing else didn't want to feel cluttered or anything like that so i'm glad we went with the king and it takes up most of the space so there's really not too much other room for stuff so we built in this extra storage after we got the house i needed more room for clothes so basically this is all of my clothes we i definitely needed some space for my hanging up clothes and things like that basically i roll all of my clothes so i have more room for them but yeah we we like this added space and it gives us more privacy so during quarantine actually we had our own home gym before we moved into the tiny house and this was a mat that we bought so that we could be more comfortable working out on the floor and stuff but when it came to the tiny house it was a little too hard on our knees on the regular floor so we added in the pad so that when we're crawling in and out it's easier and not so hard on our knees i have hit my head on the beam a couple times making the bed other than that we can both sit up in bed so that's really not a problem we love our little bedroom up here so this is the loft on the other side of the house which is i guess our guest loft or as you can see our storage loft even though we've downsized and tried to minimalize we still have things we want to hold on to so we're kind of using it as a storage but there's still plenty of room for friends and family to come and and have a little sleepover a lot of tiny houses we saw only had one loft and we really wanted that second loft for storage we liked we liked the idea of having another dormer with the windows so it matched both sides of the house but yeah it's really just a bonus room [Music] for us the tiny home is kind of like a home base so we wanted more financial freedom so we basically leave the tiny house here to be able to go anywhere else and travel and things like that towing this thing all over the place all the time packing everything up again kind of tying everything down is a lot of work and very stressful i did not realize how stressful it would be to have the tiny house actually on the road it's a little weird to see your house going down the highway like like 75 yeah it's weird because it's not meant it just doesn't look right when you're looking at it i took a video of them delivering it and the guy just went flying by i'm like that's my house like i'm scared yeah but yeah it was fine [Music] moving it wasn't too bad we did hire a company because i didn't have a truck that was big enough to tow it so we called the company to come tow it for us they said it toes really nice it is a heavy house so it's 18 000 pounds about because we went with the heavy material and but it tows nice it's easy to set up and then all of our hookups are the same as an rv like most tiny houses so sewer water electric it plugs right in it's a 50 amp service so we can run our washers and dryers and never have any issues with the breakers tripping or not enough power so we kind of over built it but we wanted to be safe so around the front we just have a small propane tank for now it's easy quick disconnect and then our mini split which is the heating ac which runs off of this also super efficient i think our electric bill is twenty dollars on average and we run it all the time uh and it's it's really affordable so lifting the house and leveling the house where you need it is is really easy uh we've got jacking points on each side of the house and we've got two in the middle and the tongue jack we we still have only been down in north carolina for a few weeks now so our goal is to build the deck put the barbecue on it maybe a couple chairs uh a real set of stairs to go into the house and then maybe some more plants and things just to just to make it more homey but we're getting there we're still we're still in the moving process so we're maybe going to be settled in another month or two i would think thank you guys for coming and exploring our tiny house with us and hopefully it helps you with your design process or your future endeavors and yeah we really love to show everybody our tiny house tell people why we went tiny and basically just explaining everything because people always have questions of why we went that way why we did this and things like that and definitely our instagram page shows a little bit more into that where we go more in depth of why we did this and everything like that our lifestyle and our mindset and [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 643,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, diy tiny house, diy home, tiny house build, tiny house tour, tiny house living, simple living, cottage house, cabin plans, tiny living, tiny homes, tiny houses for sale, off the grid living, tiny house nation, architecture drawing
Id: UJKXbhsvaLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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