Family of Four Living in 399Sq Ft Tiny House - FULL HOUSE TOUR

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[Music] hey guys welcome to my house my name is hannah and i live in a 399 square foot tiny house right outside of houston texas and i live here with my husband our two sons and our dog come on in when you first come into our house you will see our kitchen one thing that was most important to us when we decided that we were going to live in a tiny house was that we had enough space to grow our family so we really wanted the house to feel more like an apartment rather than a tiny house we prioritized being able to fit full size appliances into our kitchen to give it more of like an open regular kitchen type feel so we have the fridge over here as you can see there's a lot of space for food freezer fridge living in a tiny house you have to really be diligent with the space that you have so we put our drying racks cutting boards food scale tons of stuff stored actually above the fridge over here we have the sink in our tiny house we have a well drilled and the well water is actually good quality so it doesn't need a filtration system and that's about 50 feet away from the house we have a double sink which really comes in handy for doing dishes all the time we have a lot of those with a four person family and then over here we have the oven and stove we have a four burner five burner electric stove and a full-size oven originally when we first moved into our house we had a microwave but we ended up replacing it with this which is nice for storing any of our like extra pantry food and nice fruit so we really like that and then storage wise in our kitchen there's a ton of extra storage we have all of the cabinets that you can see cabinets below and then this whole island is storage as well as all the stuff that's up there which i will talk about after going through the cabinets we have bowls and all that bakeware up there cups in here our spices are stored actually on the fridge which is really cool for tiny house anything you can you want to be stored somewhere small this is our silverware crock pot and tiny appliances for the kitchen under the sink is where we keep everything locked and child proof so we have all of our cleaners over here you will see [Music] other small kitchen appliances toaster blender hot water we keep our coffee over here and these cabinets are actually so deep you would be shocked at how much you can fit in there a lot of them are actually half empty believe it or not here's where we keep our plates bowls all things baby and bottle related more spices teas medicine see even here you can see that a lot of our cabinets are actually pretty empty baking things and this is where we keep all of our food in the house so this is our whole pantry for family of four and honestly it's a lot of space for us perfect amount right here we have spatula and cooking things containers and all kids stuff that's suitable for them this is where we hang our produce just to help take things off of the counter as much as possible that's one thing that we found is very important in a tiny house is just trying to keep things up high so they feel less cluttered speaking of that we have a lot of storage up there that we've utilized with these buckets we got these buckets from target and they i feel like they look great right there they really really give us a ton of storage basically doubling all the storage that we had in the kitchen we keep our laundry stuff in the first one more cleaning supplies that we don't want to be touched by little ones craft things dog food extra dog food and toys treats and stuff and then school books in the last one and then there's in the corner it's just a little bit of decorations and then we have all of our books up there organized by color to make it seem less cluttered and then these two wicker baskets actually hold all of our electronics and i believe extra like mason jars as i was saying under this island we actually have a lot of space as well we have our junk drawer which i'm not too sure it's very narrow and small but these cabinets actually give us a ton of space we utilize boxes to help make it more like drawers where we can stack as much stuff as high as possible without falling out little buddy needed his mama okay so when you come over here we have our my toddler's kitchen helper which is a bust for us but under here my husband actually created this little flap to utilize as a table we don't use it that often but we do use the space underneath for storage for like if we do wholesale shopping like costco or anything just anywhere extra to put stuff is always something we're looking for you'll come over here and you will see the living room so it actually took us a long time to buy a couch for this space we didn't know what we needed or wanted but we knew that we wanted to make it as efficient as possible for tiny living so it does pull out i can't do it right now with him but you'll just pull out the bed and i believe it becomes like a full size so not only is that helpful for us but if we wanted guests or anything but we also utilize the behind it as storage as well as underneath so when you come over here actually just turn around you will see that this is where we have the tv as well as more storage we keep our shoes in there more electronic baby safe stuff in there dog food keys mosquito repellent school stuff and like i said yeah this is where our tv is it's actually a very big tv for a tiny house i've gone back and forth between wanting to mount it but we right now use behind that is storage as well so we have another vacuum back there and random things and then we have more shoe storage over here even though we have stairs in this tiny and not a ladder it sometimes does get hard to go back and forth between down here and up there so we do like to keep all of our extra shoes right by the door over here you will see my husband's guitar a little bar area and essential oils and then we get to the washer and dryer so we have a stackable washer and dryer this was very important to us living in a tiny house with two kids i actually end up using it almost every day we have storage above it where we keep extra towels and extra sheets and then all of the laundry soap detergents in this crack right here we have the ladder for inside just to access all of the storage that we have up above in the kitchen and then we have a bath flower for my children and you'll see why we have that and then when we get to the bathroom over here you will see the bathroom and we have a full full-length mirror right here one of my favorite things about our bathroom is that it honestly feels like a regular-sized bathroom to me we my husband is 6-1 and he's able to shower comfortably in here standing here like normal we have um a pretty big shower one thing we don't have is a bathtub though which does get hard with kids but we have that black bath flower i was talking about and then they're just used to showering by now for hot water we have a 19 gallon hot water tank i take long showers and it has not run out for me yet we have a lot of storage in our bathroom with a medicine cabinet another one these are deep as you can see and then drawers this bottom drawer is actually empty and then we also have under sink storage which is a lot for the toddler and when you come over here we have my toddler's room we have a food bed right here and a second one under there for when he gets a little bit bigger and then we have two closets in here we utilize this little wall for his books and some toys that he can play with here is when you see the closets so this one we use for baby clothes extra diapers stuff like that this is where we keep more toys and toddlers clothes we have buckets behind these we ended up putting two different cube sets up in here this was originally a space that was made for a tv but we figured double stacking this would be the best use of space so we keep all of our toddler clothes back here and then this is my husband's closet so my closet's upstairs in the loft but because he's tall we didn't want him to need to talk to get to all of his clothes that's really all in this room and now we will go upstairs and check out the loft right here is where we have the stairs and they're actually storage stairs so we keep things like more workout equipment we have [Applause] diapers and stuff that we use every day that we don't want to go upstairs for this is really essential i'd say for a tiny house otherwise all of the space under the stairs is not being used so let's go up up here is the loft this is where my husband and i sleep and where my closet is we have a california king size bed which is huge for a tiny house that was really important to us to make it feel like we could be comfortable my husband works from home so he has a little work from home station over there with printer phone all of the things that he needs for his job and then when you come over here you will see all of my clothes this is my closet everything above and in these cubes we use buckets a lot in this house as you can see just with limited closet space my husband built this shelf for us and i could not imagine this tiny home without it it creates so much storage when you come over here you will see little buddy truman this is where he sleeps he's three months old and he has all of his clothes diapers swaddles in this little corner one of the most important things for us in this loft was windows as you can see there's windows on all sides and that's because we wanted a lot of natural light we live on an acre of land in a forest so we wanted to be able to see all the trees in sunlight which is something we really love and helps brighten up the space for sure that's about all the space that we have inside the house but now we can go check out outside so as i mentioned earlier we live on an acre and a half of land about an acre and a half in the middle of the forest so we have a lot of trees which we love to see because of that we don't have a very many neighbors which is super ideal for a tiny house one of our favorite features about this house was actually the porch so when you come over here you will see a huge porch area this is kind of something that we've turned into an outdoor playroom for our sun and then i'll just bring you guys over here so you can see a view of the house from the front where we have our well i forgot to mention the septic but we do have septic it's great because it means we have regular flushing toilets the front view of the house you will see the loft boyfriend kitchen and then the porch so our house we purchased from recreational resort cottages in rockwall texas it is 36 feet and 8 inches by 15 feet including the porch so without it i believe it is 30 feet 8 inches because of that it is not road legal so you do need a permit in order to transport that that is something that they did for us for free which is very nice so this house we purchased as a model display so we did not go through the building process for this house but we knew that it was exactly what we were looking for with the open floor plan in the kitchen the high ceilings the one bedroom loft the little master bedroom area for our kids and then the porch so it's exactly what we were looking for if you have any other questions regarding tiny living tiny living with children feel free to follow my instagram it's tiny home stone s-t-o-n-e i'm an open book when it comes to tiny living so thank you for following along on our house tour bye guys you
Channel: AlternativeHouse
Views: 178,462
Rating: 4.9171386 out of 5
Keywords: 2 story 399sqft tiny house tour, tiny house tour, tiny house, tiny home tour, tiny home, the hare house, small house tour, small house, small home, family of four living tiny, big family living in a tiny house, 4 people living in a tiny house, tiny house walkthrough, tiny house on wheels, small house on wheels, tiny house usa, jenelle eliana, how we fit a family of 4, worlds smallest house, godownsize, downsizing family, no mortage, 399sqft, 65k house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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