Gordon Ramsay Teaches A Black Cab Driver How To Cook Shepherds Pie | The F Word FULL EPISODE

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hello gentlemen hello mates how are you here no bags no Gordon James gonna sue anyway and this is statement Steve thanks for saving Richard Bridget how are you welcome the most important thing about the food tonight is straightforward and easy but the real key is cooking for 50 times yes if they're not happy the food they've got the right not to pay for it that makes you look stupid that's my reputation go down the [ __ ] pan that's not gonna happen you know I don't care quite friendly whether you hate my guts but between now on the 11 o'clock I want it right yeah nothing more than that let's go this star tonight it's a very simple seer the prestige China with a watercress salad okay guys here we go Richard James and Steve now your work in the city yes yeah you'll handle pressure yeah yeah now it's time to [ __ ] prove it yes first order four covers away Table four core said tuna for sea bass for Apple doughnuts thank you the brigade have been showing how to make the starter but to ensure they know what they're doing I'm gonna run through one more time yeah goes in the soy sauce first yeah that starts to season it yes then from there we get out what's Harvey we brush it on all over then get your seeds and sprinkle you seeds over there we've got a sesame seed crusted loin of tuna pans really nice so it will sear it I'm not pointing it okay focus on the tuna yeah nothing more so no ground see the curler seeds oh yeah nice toasted color so watch not too thin nice light ease down look at that the water tuner goes out like that yeah I guarantee we'll have 50 customers now let me ask you a question all of you yeah yeah now you may be from Essex and [ __ ] tight and too interested in [ __ ] drinking however would you pay for that yes I would [Music] listen to it that's searing the children yes what's the matter the olive oil for always lift it off anybody everyone on that stove is [ __ ] piping on yeah we do it again the whole [ __ ] place is gonna go up in fire okay you guys work on the pressure each and every day get organized yes it's cuz it's cooked to [ __ ] that's why in the bin I need two seconds so second would you need more olive oil it's bad man you just follow me yeah yeah and you ask me questions I'm there with every step of the way that you're going through okay but you know quite frankly that's nearly twenty quids worth of sugar in the [ __ ] bin yes so start the gun yes out of the way please yes because that's gonna be like a [ __ ] limp dick let's clear down review the whole [ __ ] thing again yes my name's Richard and I'm a greedy bastard therefore I love the cook I'm half Italian so I tend to cook a lot of Italian food I'm Stephen I enjoy cooking Thai Japanese classic English dishes we like new twist you know maybe a bit of horseradish in the match just to flare up a bit you know nice James I can't say the stress in the kitchen be any worse than what we've already used though I get called a pretty cool golden a musical little freak I really kind of affected by being in a pressurized environment isn't anything new to any one of us has got a dog that's gotta be down there in bed and if you might take stock of it can be costly resume school mr. mennis says you boys have done a good job I'm proud of you that's gonna make me happy we're from Essex Oh clearly we're better than everyone else yeah oh we've got now it's four portions each to do that's all what Oh Chris needs be shoots in there yeah some coriander yeah spring onions in there yeah yes add a touch of ginger honey and sesame all dressing and place it on a bed of thinly sliced radish because it's so thick yeah ball do put two nice slices on there now you have to close yes yeah because I am a little fantastic Table four go please yes do down and start again yes this is stunning [ __ ] beauty cook tuna that has to be served properly yeah let's go sit your [ __ ] down hello hey big boy yeah cutters that's it away from the hot plate we may be slow but at least the food's going out looking [ __ ] fantastic yes our joint place up forget the mate guys Gordon yeah um [ __ ] you now guys we're not down the [ __ ] Boozer now let's go service please oh yes I don't like fish but this was pleasantly surprising I love this sesame seed and on the belly merely gave it a nice crispness so I'm very impressed okay guys here comes JP with the results obviously slow how many customers are gonna pay for this stuff give you very good news everyone everyone everyone it's big yeah that's [ __ ] good news yeah what's not good news to me on a personal front without the customers known is what when in the pinch that's nothing to be proud of however well done now that doesn't mean to say we got to start pissing up pants and packing up the sleeve ass because 50 customers can refuse to pay for the bass yeah it's a good start but you'll get [ __ ] harder let's get next on the menu a delicious sea bass with soy sauce is easy to cook but will it be too much for the brigade it's time to get to grips with my pigs and I get some expert help to judge sled C chefs recipes right easily get you big [ __ ] chops in there I'll get back the f-word tonight the brigade are getting a taste of what it's like to be a real chef and believe me it's not about poncing around launching [ __ ] cat food or washing up liquid mark appear why my ex mentor is actually judging the daily mail dog food competition how [ __ ] sad is that they're asking readers to send in their favorite recipes for homemade dog food it's official septa chefs have clearly gone to the [ __ ] dogs pathetic some looking for dogs ranging from short fat dumpy little sort of granters I can't resist I'm entering your recipe into the daily mail competition I just can't decide whether it should be one of Gary's Ainsley's Anthony's or Marcos so I'm going to get the four dogs to make the decision for me and I want the dogs to look like the chef's definitely stupid Mike's mentor guy called mark appear white now sort of a chairman of what are you certainly [ __ ] ugly no friends new you know that look each dog has got to dine on one dish taken from their celebrity chefs cookbook and I've wrote in some of the staff from Battersea Dogs Home to do the cooking [Music] chops with apple tart topping we want to short the dogs in the wake of that one you know what is that in there but it looks like vomit we are in a dog home [Music] first time I actually seen one of the waters recipes actually put together let's hope the [ __ ] book didn't sell that well so porkchop Chester chowmein tuna with bathroom vinegar the [ __ ] why is that beau thing cheesy chicken grater and crunch yes judgment time which espresso people re-enter into the day email pet food competition the winner will be the mill wolf down in the fastest time please enjoy your dog's dinner yes be careful when you eat it don't slobber yes Anthony a path for being the [ __ ] ugliest try somehow to keep the food on the plate ok let's cut that [ __ ] French crap out Marco Pierre White Mark Peter White from now on we're in South [ __ ] London so we keep it real this is the confit of tuna with a pepper art and a bowl spoon vinegar dressing happy with a crease on nice and pink right easily off you go come on give you big [ __ ] chops in there alright Gaza let's go pork chop with apple pie topping and hello hey Anthony sit nice please and just try to look happy for once cheesy chicken Gratton crunch as time ticks by all the dogs are tucking into their grub well all except one who's turning his nose up and the posh nosh please eat some salad or something and today come on I'll leave you in peace be your dinner and today gary's pork chop isn't exactly benwolf down marker can't keep his food on his plate but Ainsley's chow mein on the other hand is going down a storm and it's hard to believe but was as chicken brick has been rejected outright Ready Steady munch quick ate easily you have the best and the fastest dogs dinner in town at 1 minute 35 and well Anthony I always knew it not even a [ __ ] dog would eat your food cooked chicken shredded 165 grams sake news hundred grams of bean sprouts yes hazing is official the dogs gave your recipe the paws up so I'm sending it the Daily Mail dog food competition let's see what my wife thinks about it [ __ ] good luck I think it's time to do something to show these celebrity chefs enough is enough so I've decided set up a celebrity cookbook amnesty send me all the celebrity cookbooks that you think of crap and I'll dispose of them next of course I want faster yes and better imagine 50 customers paying for the [ __ ] sea bass as well as 50 customers painting the starter with 2/3 of the way there if that happens right there's a spider there yeah yeah watch me you've really got to watch me now yeah [Music] sends on the plate against a nice and tidy yes so easy time for the main course a delicious sea bass in Seoul sauce [Music] see best for me absolute delicacy there's flavor not just of the flesh but the skin is extraordinary fill it come down the backbone nice long strokes every time I fill it a sea bass this a certified pleasure because they're extraordinary fish look at it absolutely beautiful three nights portions score and skin and the beauty of this fish is that is so robust but so delicate in flavor source lot of butter shallot and salt pepper shut down the slots with no color as absolutely crucial Burma see that is very sweet and rich so therefore we need a really nice dry white wine to find that balance reduce this token reduce cream in bring it back up to boil sieve the flavor it gives to the fish sauce is extraordinary peppery a little bit like Rockettes it also has this really nice acidic Tang in us to it in its the cream just to infuse lovely hot pan olive oil season the best stop ever just before the olive oil starts to smoke sea bass in skin side down [Applause] turn it over I just placed over the bass keep that skin really nice and crispy broccoli cooking for about three and a half minutes maximum drain still got a really nice dark green color seabass out they can't hear that skin cracking on it the song has done this magic crispy skin the sea bass the real earth and flavor of the broccoli and then this wonderful peppery vinegary sauce the perfect way starting somewhere delicious sea bass with sorrel sauce done don't burn the [ __ ] boat okay nice two minutes to disaster Brown oh yeah nicely covered you just touch and see back on their familiar it's too good yeah don't laugh at me I'm not lying no I don't know the basses waiver comes it's gonna take three and a half four minutes to cook maximum yeah yep start again yes yeah come please don't flip that fish until there's a really nice golden brown bin it okay what's going on guys and you're not here just a spectator and photo go back and tell your mates what hard on you had let's go yeah gotta get in there you know that you're not think [ __ ] difficult let's go you know and burn my enter [ __ ] right Steve just we're info it's a third time in this table it's your first table right we've only sent two tables twice about both you'll see passes have been cooked - [ __ ] yeah you stop calling me [ __ ] mail yeah yeah Gordon's find you thank you James yeah and if I give you respect call you bye [ __ ] James at least call me [ __ ] Gordon yes Father I don't mind but [ __ ] mate forget about it yeah James yes at least come back and send the [ __ ] thing yes that's right now this whole [ __ ] thing's on my shoulders sorry [ __ ] if he's standing next to me with me it makes me feel that you care about it yeah yeah do you care I don't care what [ __ ] you show me something then yes Thank You chef thank you [ __ ] mate it was my first time ever having sea bass I was impressed I liked it I'm really not a fish eater so for me to say that is really it was ten newest moist it also been cooked slowly for the flesh but the skin of bean pan fry quite quickly have we got anything best left as I amended I've come round here you can yeah he's burnt three pans full now you burnt it we started with seventy-five portions of bass we've got half the dining room not served yet we've [ __ ] so many bass so early we've ran out I'm gonna finish some more bass but when I fill it these bass when we get them can we [ __ ] cook them properly Richard yes yes hello quickly to portion care listen to me on top of 75 to thunder 100 portions of fast hello don't [ __ ] it I know you're not a professional chef you know who you are a [ __ ] bright spot blow I'll beg for for one hour it's just a little bit of [ __ ] intelligence sorry sorry [ __ ] did you enjoy your makers medgar's was good yes you sound French yeah unfinished not like Raymond Blanc banging on about how [ __ ] our British food is again did you enjoy your bats enjoy my bass bad yeah where the sea bass was here properly cool sorry I'm just nodding off two seconds did you enjoy it not as much as this another Frenchman it's working washed up like that we don't it's a very delicate sweet sea bass could you put your tongue out for me please people buried on the end of it seriously when you call that Shack go in there jump up this please wait [ __ ] what do they say JB yeah I'm too long far too long that's an ankle pain that's a big big problem on this one Steve that first table you cooked four times yeah what are the results how many customers out of 50 want to pay for their dinner 21 uh none thing 21 yeah why but we long to receive the members and as well some of them find aesthetically bland its online course sea bass yeah roses olive oil it's the best quality [ __ ] sea bass 21 customers refusing to pay for the main course I don't know why you keep on laughs I think you find it a joke don't you let's get our priorities right yeah yeah [ __ ] the super [ __ ] laughing sniggering okay because it's not you looking good right now yes you give me that vibe not gonna tell you you got those vibes whether you don't mean it inside that's going to come back this is important for me as it is for you yeah so on your finishing on a high yeah okay are we ready yeah - it's clear that olive get ready for dessert yes next other menu to detox like Janet Street Porter is back in my kitchen and I'll find out what touch the drivers really think of me he won his cab [ __ ] off walking back the f-word now jealousy portal our shared beat me in the challenge only because we had a [ __ ] panel of blind tasted their work so crap no taste and upset the low-fat food so I lost the challenge is back for more and this time she's got [ __ ] no chance right the rules are simple the Challenger picked their best dish and I have to try and beat that with my version the winner this time I'm determined to win a low fat suit this is fish well whatever you want to call it golden right the thing about making this yes is that you make the fish stock the day before which you get the fishmonger to cut the fish into Phillips and remove all the bones and you just got to get a carrier bag full of bones right sounds a bit Chevy that you know that golden it's practical so you make the fish doctored a lot by using onions you sweat onions celery maybe a bit of carrot a lot of herbs thyme and so on in a massive time the biggest pain you possibly can right I'm some white wine moist are you but not getting very excited so Jan is making a fish - and I'm doing something sort of almost like a little classic bouillabaisse we're very quick bouillabaisse because we haven't got time to do a long-winded three and a half for our classic French bouillabaisse so it's a very simple fish too but then with red mullet fennel carrots sure lots a touch it white wine but the secret ingredient today of course is the Pernod and that goes brilliantly with the fish just like the good old days we used to have the Pernod and black you got no idea the hard time I got after losing against the challenge you last time you know that what happened you get your part I mean no just in the kitchen the same [ __ ] you know chef you lost a jealous reporter yeah beat bar woman will not put up with fanciful food things in piles Marisol said do you know what the last challenge I actually let you win you know that you tried your hardest Jenna your I my darling yeah I just had a slightly barber okay fish straight in and I mean really straight in guts have been taken out and straight in know that then with the pans I'm going to do now it just glaze the pan with a touch of Pernod and white wine so you're all that flavor from the bottom of the pan the wash out of the pan and she goes in there again nice [Music] I don't know if you got fish heads there or prawn heads can I have it I'm gonna put them in my soup no use shellfish [ __ ] right that's [ __ ] our board I'm sorry because you asked me for my head then I shot these vegetables as fine as I would have done I would have wiped them all in the blender and that's a bit of a top tip then the slugs at home yes we can't chop a small as you know supersonic Gordon I'm now putting my fish in okay good first take the cook well I'm gonna put in first the scallops because they're the thickest unlike these recipes you're that this is such a simple recipe I think when the safranin is key because some colors the potatoes they look fat yeah so I'm gonna put my little bits of fish in a pan and unlike Janet and we'll cook them separately okay because they cook very very quickly because there's small little bits of fish are you in favor of my cookbook MSC what to make people send in useless cookbook yeah unwanted cookbooks you have said a lot about this the people in Britain by cookery books yeah but don't cook yeah it's like porn they just go over bait every night instead of having a shag they read a cookery book they cook they cook cookery books that would do both that treat it like a dinner in between courses read right Janet yes this is looking fantastic yeah start getting nervous please yes how you doing I'm doing fine okay I'm just doing a bit of sipping do you panic when things go pear-shaped at dinner parties in terms of what you do you give dinner parties do i [ __ ] you can't charge him to come home can you I don't give parties I call an aspirin environment so I'm cooking chicken pie I want to come round I'm cooking fish go week on Saturday not chicken by a pastry Janet Shirley well people the gaze and calorie Watchers sorry pastry Jays don't eat pastry you're having a laugh aren't you I've got lots of friends that gay and they love pastry [Laughter] that's a nice color it tastes great does it be scared be scared be very scared you think I'm gonna lose ya to challenge on the trot you got another thing coming right seems almost ready you can leave them both to simmer now between eight and ten minutes and then later on Janet loses [Music] crispy doughnuts yeah so it's a nice huge batter yeah now the most important thing with these yeah it's just keeping submerged under the oil just easy out into the sugar so with the donut we're gonna serve a really nice slice of apple fritter yes yeah okay yeah in there like that off and yeah okay right watch fresh yogurt yeah maple syrup and that's a really nice fine apple puree in there you look out with your fritter again out get it dry yeah and look nice slice bingo finished yeah okay what a warning these are deep fat fryers be [ __ ] careful be careful under no circumstances do we get this and start running around the [ __ ] kitchen with that Stevie I'm [ __ ] serious don't laugh just for five minutes don't laugh yeah yeah let's go guys move up let's get dessert out yeah and let's get 50 [ __ ] desserts paid for I'm sorry terminally get everyone cooking something lunch even if that means taking on some of my least favorite people come on come on that's it good more how are you can't get a cab I wonder why the London cab drivers what was he done to upset you and I think they are perhaps now the most frustrating drivers on the planet they give you the big one and the little one on your bike son you will niche cab back off a couple of years ago I upset these guys on telly and ever since that night that refused to pick me up some here's a make amends ones in trouble you can't cook to save his life I just hope he's in a good mood because normally they are miserable [ __ ] I've always relied on my wife for 10 years that when I get in from work on one of them there'd be a nice dinner on the table I've never been out to take that image cook I've always hated dinner I'm not worried about where it came from or ever anything from cookies a sandwich a hot cross buns I can cook that bacon then that wasn't you but not let a proper big dinner possibly my wife and then I've got the two kids I'm forever getting on sideways whenever I've got um they're not eating healthy food cool [ __ ] off how old are the kids Alfie's nine olivia is nearly seven uh huh so born ago yep and you've never cooked for never you can't even do beans on toast because wherever you do those kids now is the reflection of you is there yeah I think every time we get to cap the meters always off yes no wonder you guys are so rich it's gonna take a lot to get this light and let out the dark ages and comfortable in the kitchen with the dish that's got nine or ten uses start off with a shepherd's pie lovely but the most important thing about that is the mince I'm making a really nice savoury mince lovely because on the back of that once it's been used for shepherd's pie they can just evolve it spaghetti yeah then you've got your lasagna curried mince with some seasoning gel on the stove though yeah I love this spot I might say you're making me too though you're making me nervous turn the [ __ ] stove on I'll kill the onions yeah you pull the carrots let the knife do the work not just lift the knife up and just push the carrots down okay wait a second nicer so nicest thing voila voila there's only chance of working Makena yeah so far no no the hot plate stands as high so everybody see a little head come in hot plate by the garlic chop it nice and fine for in the man do a good mix all over fresh thyme take a little bit like that yeah I tried it but it's so so nice mmm what spice to it at the end looking at it no there's nice and mellow right now that sweaty down add some tomato puree half a blast red wine and lamb mince [ __ ] without putting it on the floor Johnny now you got him on the [ __ ] spray Gucci buckles and beef stock and what's the sauce then turn down the heat to simmer special time with the kids that weekend yep yeah this give me frozen and that's a way of sort of just getting organized yeah are there new towels he does just put down yeah and back on the stove Johnny please yep ready yeah that's a little much thank you into the latex almost like icing a cake yeah so I spent cheese on top Golden's it hi guys Knickerbocker glory Jerry the bottom you know get them involved like that they've got these memories of the go up so you are I looking at shinobi process and they get to eat for their manga [Music] do these fade away when you got that yeah really one crucial question do you want dad to cook this again guess what your Fink mummy would think that this is how something lunch should be 100 yen but I mean you can make the effort you're the only person can do this you know well there an age where they're gonna remember everything thank you very much and bid on it he's never had to cook in his life before now he's got no choice because he's gonna look after his two kids and you know that's something lunch there has to be 10,000 times better than a [ __ ] takeaway for your kids sexy Stevie for Portia's away come on let's go Table twelve Stevie they swam very quickly be very careful get you spider in there and keep them dunked under the oil so they cook evenly so let's cast out why'd you sell yeah oh come on and over there you go right listen listen you stop okay get rid of that [ __ ] bird charcoal first yeah you take care of the applejack oh yeah what really scares me if we're gonna giggle and laugh and [ __ ] make this it's too dangerous guys yeah cuz I'm gonna look a [ __ ] idiot if one of you scolded yourself with first degree burns [ __ ] sake I'm not [ __ ] money out down everyone out of these we're [ __ ] by the way ya serve two weeks from now on okay so you don't run out guys yes cat meows oh [ __ ] on it where's the sugar got it we're doing like the say to come here sugar please what's your hand put it down I shed too hot why'd you put me on the spider like that that's what [ __ ] them over bollocks man no just I don't need to stop everybody have some cold oil please Joe mr. chairman it no I don't any jamming [ __ ] anywhere Richard yes Richard Richard look at me the reason I was doing this is can't [ __ ] trust you guys with a pan of [ __ ] ATO we know that seriously then when I actually get serious it's just a [ __ ] bunch of giggles yeah and you know I'm not you're not professional chefs but I just want a little bit of [ __ ] hey safety nuts now and that's why I'm standing here before some [ __ ] called themselves badly yeah okay finish what you're doing yeah no it's a I've asked for about ten times yeah so I don't I don't I'll cook them you just put on the plate I'm just letting you know let me finish and let you know because you're the best one here so hopefully those little to get the [ __ ] message okay just put on the plate for me and send the [ __ ] things okay yes chef thank you let's [ __ ] argue always like the knowledge a great ok yeah and for the last three hours you've been calling me mate Harry okay sorry II Japan why are you so [ __ ] chipping I'm not shipping right Gordon go to James something greatly appreciated for the next twenty minutes Gordon go I'm not your [ __ ] mate okay go next on the menu it's judgment time in the recipe challenge you know what breakers free to to manage the end of the fairy berry lull night I felt there's a big [ __ ] monkey on my back this evening because [ __ ] me what I do a lot welcome back I can't wait to see Janice tree pull his face when she loses this challenge john baptiste tastes that taste what real fish soup should taste like not your finger Janet [ __ ] know where that's been you just put your finger in my soup hey hurry up yet I put madam Porter out of a [ __ ] misery please yes yeah no guys how are you hey buddy definitely watch really delicate vapors superb ever had false way but you can see the fish in it worse it's just like a pasta sauce this is very fish a lot of chilean air okay where's that lazy frog okay difficult yeah but was a very classic quick bouillabaisse maybe but the more than that watching spicy tuna you know what honey is no words break us free to to what we'll see I can you win coordinates and it's too [ __ ] hot Janet's foregone say no yeah the perpetuates it was delicious it was meaty paw dude we got no good like your [ __ ] [ __ ] did because now get out yes oh [ __ ] [Music] right now time to some posh totty trinny and Susannah the pigs have been here a week now they take a lot of looking after but the kids have really rising to the challenge okay what they're doing is they're catching the clip on the fence so when she's scratching her ears that clip on the back of her ear is pulling so it's bleeding called in Christine and Kevin to get some advice the breeders who have bought the pigs from last week this hollow tree stump should satisfy the pigs natural desire for a good old scratch thing I want to talk to Christine about their ears no could see the blood where they've been catching if we don't clean it up it's gonna get infected so you've done a really good job in spotting that so we just clean it up with some cotton wool with some warm salty water which will make them squeal but at least it will have the antiseptic effect and these little piggies squealed all the way home it may sound harsh but it really is in the pigs best interest squeal I mean they squeal as if they're being murdered and they fight I mean they don't want to be turned upside down on their bottom so even though it's it's not actually that much of a discomfort for them they don't want to be there cool they don't like there is being clean do they I think we should give them a little treat now with an apple or something don't you konjac feed them and I think one each the pigs certainly let you know when they're in any discomfort so I'm gonna make sure these girls live a life of luxury I'm ready yeah let's go guys please yes it's take mops Richard James I should be there and you should be here yeah I saw the first [ __ ] pan of donuts charcoal yeah send the [ __ ] place yes [Music] thank you let's table I'm seriously I'm happy with that because out of those 50 customers you managed to cook for one table but when I saw the way they were overcome to the beginning there's no way no you guys are ready to step up and [ __ ] cook doughnuts you cook one table out there I hope the [ __ ] okay they're paying for them well that was a bit of a letdown okay yeah and thanks for calling me chef that's all I wanted to bum me out thank you very much clear down as crispy and sugary and it was everything I wanted appearance-wise I wasn't addressed to kind of look like to ground booms so I prodded it and then nice kind of the apples kind of came drooling out I love the fitting but I don't think it does make up we did wait a long time for many that was a tough call okay Gordon okay feedback for the doughnuts please pull their points up pointing the border to waiting time few people think that the donor it is a bit Gracie that's a so they're supposed to be cooked in [ __ ] fat how many customers are gonna pay for their doughnuts okay we having 12-month a year for the minutes there's a fresh apple compote injected into the donor yep all the way to the table let's start off with the starters for seven of tuna yeah pretty well done all 50 customers agreed to pay for that [ __ ] starter the negative side we wasted along the positive side we'll pay for it for seabass 21 customers refused to pay for it a lot of waste a long way and dessert 12 refused to pay so a total well done 117 dishes paid for yeah more importantly you [ __ ] hung in there yes the challenge was for you guys to cook for every [ __ ] table and make sure those customers paid I felt there's a big [ __ ] monkey on my back this evening because [ __ ] me was I doing a lot I think you can see that Richard would you like your own restaurant now piece of piss face of finish well done can we get a drink near you get a drink cool [ __ ] Essex boys yeah now [ __ ] off and get a drink I wasn't born in Essex [Music] you
Channel: The F Word
Views: 133,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F word, f word uk, gordon Ramsay, f word gordon Ramsay, gordon Ramsay cooking, gordon Ramsay recipe, gordon Ramsay food, f word full episode, f word recipe, f word watch online, f word online, Gordon Ramsay F Word, Gordon Ramsay F Word Full, Gordon Ramsay F Word Recipe, Gordon Ramsay F Word Compilation, Gordon Ramsay F Word full episode
Id: uvXoDs9PsE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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