Google Earth Studio for Real Estate Workshop

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I got Amanda Daniel and meal and Bali's in the house - that cool so I kind of kept this one a little bit quiet because it's the very first one that I did but I wasn't entirely sure if it was gonna be possible to do over a workshop number one but I beta tested it with my nerd group yesterday and we were able to most of them were able to get through it completely and be able to put together an animation so I know it's possible it just might take a little bit of finagling especially if you're on a small computer that was the only the only drawback was being on a really small screen it works better if you have two screens we're gonna talk about that a little bit first though so a couple things couple little housekeeping things number one thanks for coming thanks for showing up thanks for joining me I realized after I put this on Eventbrite and I think I had somebody from across the country who doesn't live in Vancouver Washington sign up I think his name is Neil is it Neil I he's on the call here today but I was like that's weird if he's a local real estate agent I haven't seen his name before and then I realized oh it's a public it's a public thing on Google Earth or I mean on Eventbrite and here's the interesting thing is in some doing some research and putting some ideas together for this I did a Google search for Google or studio for real estate to see if anybody else was using it or having any examples of how they were using it there was nothing the only thing I found was my own content that I was putting out on on Eventbrite so it was kind of kind of strange and exciting at the same time that maybe this is a groundbreaking thing and then so it got any second guessing I was like does that mean that this isn't right as exciting as I think it is because everybody that I showed it to thinks it's one of the greatest things ever so kind of got me second-guessing but I'm going on the track that this is a really cool tool really cool technology that's something that you guys are gonna be able to use for sure and when I showed it to some commercial agents yesterday they were blown away so now I know for sure that this is gonna be a good strategy going forward so first of all Who am I i my name is Larry Hales I am a marketing technology director for West which stands for Williston enterprises solutions in technology we are a division of Williston Financial Group which also happens to own a title company here in banker Washington I'm gonna pull up my chat right here yeah Neal's from Ireland I thought so because I looked it up I was like sounds like somebody from Ireland is on my webinar that's great I'm glad to have you on man it's just fantastic anyway more about me so I'm a marketing technology director so basically what that means is I help real estate agents utilize technology customise their marketing strategy around it and hopefully increasing their brand awareness ultimately more business for them and I get to teach these classes all the times one of the funnest parts of my job is taking all this new technology and kind of developing it finding a way to incorporated into your guyses marketing strategy so I'm really glad that you're here and Niall okay so it's pronounced Niall great you've got it Thanks no don't play darts with anybody from the UK and it's a lesson that I learned a couple years ago ok so first what is Google Earth studio so Google Earth let's start back with Google Earth so we're gonna go back to 2001 Google Earth was created and I remember the first day that I saw Google Earth and I was like completely amazed that they were able to take all of this satellite in the tree and put it into a mapping program I'm a nerd of course and I'm not only that but I'm a map nerd I love maps I can stare at maps for hours and hours and hours and the the mere fact that I could travel anywhere in the earth in this 3d world and spin it around and zoom in I remember looking at the mountains and just thinking like how absolutely cool it was so what they what Google Earth did is they took all the satellite imagery and they incorporated it in to a to a program that gives you a 3d representation of the earth and then they did it for the moon they did it for Mars they did it for Google sky I mean it's lab all these other products too so that was really cool so fast forward to 2019 they introduced Google Earth Studios so this was a collaboration between Google and Adobe After Effects in fact this program interacts directly with Adobe After After Effects and allows you to do some of the most cool stuff I've ever seen in mapping and marketing and aerial views and everything it's fantastic so they what they did is they took all of the imagery from Google Earth and they put it into an animation tool so that you can actually create these animations and use them for all facets of marketing and when I say all facets like your your listing presentations you know property research you can look up and use it for like valuation of a property as well and you know great for visualization but like put together marketing videos because what it does is it actually stops the thumb scroll and that's how I found it is I was scrolling through and I saw this video and it said Google Earth down in the bottom corner it was a video of those like this fly by and I was like I have to figure out how they did that so fast forward a couple weeks later I'm teaching a class on Google or studio so what the great thing about this is is I learned in this animation platform I went through all these steps and all these processes and all this pain to learn this animation program to figure out what was the easiest part what was the hardest part so that's what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna walk you through the visualization part and the animation part of Google Earth studio and it's so because if you're looking at the animation the interface right here it's it's a little bit daunting but it doesn't have to be and I'm gonna I'm gonna walk you through just a couple of things to help you create these animations quickly and easily because I know that's what exactly what every real estate agent in the area wants they want something that they can do quick easy and if possible free right so quick note as well all of the images used in the 3d images used by Google Earth studio need to have the Google Earth attribution on it as well so that's going to happen automatically when you go to export the animation and export the video it's going to have that that attribution down there in the bottom right now you can move the attribution anywhere you want around the outside edges of the animation so but here's what I'll tell you and I know somebody who did this and what they did is they actually cropped out that Google Earth animation on it and got a lot of flack for it because they didn't have the attribution on there so if you're gonna if you're gonna do these make sure it has the attribution on there as well oh and also a quick note I watched a video the other day on how they created all this 3d imagery in this 3d data they took the Google Earth images and then they put them put them in and then the 3d data came in because they actually took a plane like you know the cars that drive around with the cameras on the top they're really cool the Google Street View cameras they took Google Street View and put it in an airplane and then they went and they mowed an area kind of like mowing a lawn and took all these they took like five different images of the same area from different angles and the superimposed them to create this 3d data so it's really really cool I'm gonna show you why that comes into play here in a little bit as well so now why I was like a default - why maybe it's cuz the book that I read you know by by Godin you know let's start with why or not go to crap I can't remember his name now simon Sinek start with what so every home has a story every property has a story and this is this google or studio is gonna help you tell that story the overhead view gives them cross streets proximity of locations like parks schools recreation golf courses freeway access and that's that nice 30,000 foot view that you just can't get with a drone and then it allows you to do a flyover tells you proximity to other things you know shopping centers parts you know those kinds of really things that people who are prospective buyers are going to look for in a property before they buy it so and its attention-grabbing that's the number that's the main reason that we're here right now this video the video that I saw grabbed my attention I was like I have to figure out how to do that it stops the thumbs girl I have a couple of ads running right now with these videos in it have a couple of agents locally who are beta testing it for me and the the views are off the hook they are just they're off the book right now as far as like how well they're doing so I love it I think you're gonna love it too so we're gonna get started with the with the actual demo and the workshop now if you've already signed up for Google or studio great I'm proud of you for that if you if you haven't you can go back and we're gonna record this I'll go back and send it to all of the all of the attendees that are on right now so that way if there's something that you missed or or you know maybe you want to create your own animation but you can't remember how to do you can always go back and watch this video at the end so if you're on a smaller screen it's gonna be really difficult so what you might think about doing is taking my zoom screen and putting it down in the bottom corner and maybe or maybe splitting your screen and into to something along those lines because it's gonna be really important and I'm gonna unmute you guys during this process so if I'm going too fast or you have a question feel free to pipe in and say like whoa you know I've been caught up yet or I haven't figured this out you can even get to the point where if you're stuck on something you can share your screen and I can walk you through it as well so I want to make this workshop as interactive as possible I want you guys to come out of this on the other side with an animation of something that that you are interested in today whether it's your own home or a listing or the Eiffel Tower I don't care what it is but that's the goal today okay so first thing I need you to do is we are going to call up your Google Chrome so you have to have Google Chrome in order to do this if you do not have Google Chrome installed Google Earth studio will not work it's a Google product and of course Chrome is a Google product as well so that's why they want you to use the Google products so I've unmute you guys as well so if you have any questions you know feel free to chime in read it all right just go to forward slash birth forward slash studio is gonna take you to this page of course if you've already logged in and you've art you already been approved when you hit try googler studio it's automatically gonna send you to this page right here I wonder how long it takes to load the entire earth just out of curiosity says loading earth my own and that's really slow today for some reason are you on YouTube blame it on the kids working from home has its advantages right okay so we've got earth loaded we're ready to go first thing is a little interface overview first blank project we hit blank project right now it's gonna take us to a blank project we have to create the animation ourselves if you've never created an animation Oh yours are still waiting for approval Leslie okay I'll just walk through this when yours is approved you can come back and revisit this or we can do a one-on-one and you know what it used to take like two days it took me like two or three days to get approved the first time but I I talked to somebody the other day and he said that you know he put in an approval a week ago and and he was still waiting so maybe there's a CO vid stuff going on I'm not yet I'll just watch along and cool no it's like Mitch make sure it piques your curiosity I'm sure it's going to pique your curiosity by the way so so if you hit blank project right here it's going to it's gonna start with just a blank project no pre-built animations now if you've never done an animation before not familiar with keyframes it's really difficult and I'm gonna lie uh I spent hours and hours and hours trying to figure it out before I found quick starts and what the quick starts worth so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to put this little pull down and go to quick starts and watch this so they have these pre-built animations they have five of them pre-built for me the first one is zoomed to where it just starts off 30,000 foot maybe way out like in space and then coming down to the next one is orbit so the orbit what the orbit does is it just goes around in a circle around you know it doesn't change elevation or anything it just goes around in a complete circle I think this would be really really cool if you just wanted that you know quick circle around a property and that's it and you could even if you timed it right you can even make it a complete loop so it just keeps going around in the circle forever and ever and ever in perpetuity the point-to-point is pretty cool as well what that does is it just shows you so if you wanted to showcase like hey here's the dog park and then we're gonna fly to the listing and then we're gonna fly to the park you know type of thing so it's just like flying from point to point to point there's definitely a use in that one but the two that I think are the most interesting for me are the spiral what I like about the spiral is it starts way up overhead and then spirals down and actually comes down in a loop changing elevation and coming down and like almost like flying to that location first so that one could be really really useful in real estate but this one right here the fly - in orbit I think is probably the best one because it starts off way outside you know thirty thousand foot view and then flies to the location and then orbits around it okay so that's what I'm going to start with just for argument's sake we're gonna do a fly to an orbit today so hit fly to an orbit and then start so yesterday when I did this for my nerd group I I said you know just pick an address and the feedback I got was why don't you just have everybody do their own address like all yeah that's a great idea I never thought of you just having them do their own address doing the flyover their own house that kind of makes a lot more sense so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna put in our address on this next screen it's asking us for a point of interest now here's what I'll tell you not all of the points of interest have the 3d data the flyover you know Google Plains the thing that they that they did not all of the areas have that 3d imagery yet and some of it hasn't been updated in a couple years so if you're looking on something that's new construction at home that was just don't like wait maybe within the last couple of years when you fly to that location you're not gonna find a house you're probably gonna find an empty field okay so there are some applications where this might not be quite as good as you think so here's what here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put in just two I'm gonna put in this address right here you can put in your home address or whatever address you want and then actually I'm gonna use this address right here we're gonna use this one this one's near a golf course I kind of like this listing because it was right here in golf course so it's gonna find the the place first and it's gonna point to it on a map now if this is not the location that I want I can always drag it around and say like no it's that's not the property I wanted this one right here I wanted this one right here okay so you can move that around first when when you when you're done with that we hit the green next arrow right here so this one it took me a while to figure out this is the fly to an orbit and the approach angle is the first thing that I look at because our default nor our normal default is to go south to north when we're looking at a map we're always putting north first right so the approach angle on this one would be 90 degrees and what that's gonna do is when the when it starts out it's going to approach from the south looking north okay now if I go the opposite and I say Oh 70 the approach angle is gonna go from the from the north and head towards the south okay so that's your approach angle and I just defaulted it to 90 degrees just for argument's sake uh and altitude is what we're gonna cover next so the end altitude is when when the poor bit around the actual property and the altitude that you want to orbit now it's gonna default to I think it's 298 meters which is I think a thousand feet right around a thousand feet if you keep it there you you you'll be happy when you start messing around with this and altitude but you'll notice is you're gonna start getting into the way of some trees or some other buildings or maybe even some mountains okay but feel free to play around with it and as you can see because the the property that I'm trying to feature is behind the trees you can't really see the property so that's where the end altitude of 298 kind of stays nice and good because it gives you a good well-done overview now the target altitude is where you start off at so and you can see it changes the horizon pitch on this one up and down I just leave this one default too and try not to edit too many things and make it too you know crazy and then the orbit radius is the distance to the actual subject how close are you going to get to the actual subject itself so you can you can go in a little bit tighter and you're gonna notice like right here if I change the orbit radius you see how that changes right here okay so if you if you get too close what you're gonna do is you're not going to show the proximity to a whole bunch of other stuff around the outside specifically if there's like shops restaurants gas stations things like that okay now as you can see my my target right here has changed a little bit so watch this if you if you start messing with these and the property that you want to look at is no longer in the field of view I've got a family trick and here it is right here I'm gonna right-click on this house I can right-click and say set camera target oh I can't do that yet sorry that's a little bit later sorry what - why would you fast okay so I have my animation set my orbit radius my approach angle all that I'm going to hit this green arrow and hit the next button this is duration so how long is my is my animation going to be so this is key because if you're going to use it in my facebook ad it needs to be 15 seconds you can't have it longer than 15 seconds we're going to use it as a pre-roll Facebook ad if it's if it's just a regular ad on Facebook it can be anywhere up to like a minute and half two minutes do a 5-minute one for you wanted but I think the standard animation that I've seen is about thirty seconds so I'm gonna hit thirty seconds if it goes too fast by the way a 15-second one is gonna go so fast it might make people dizzy so just keep that in mind a 15-second video would be good for just an orbit that they're just orbiting around a 15 second fly-in video or a spiral it's probably gonna make people to fall on there on the ground if it's going too fast so I'm gonna use 30 seconds I'm gonna hit the good button no or the checkbox and it brings me to the animation screen itself right so I don't want you to look at this animate the first thing I did when I looked at this animation screen I was like oh yeah this is gonna be way too complicated I don't think I can do this and I was totally wrong it's it's it's way easier than I thought it was but just give you it like an overview of the of the interface here really really quick what you need to know what you don't need to know so the two panels on the top here this one is the camera target so the red indicates the camera and this little area in front think of that as like the light looking out at the camera where the camera angle is at pitch yaw and roll okay and then the the white is the track line of where the cameras going to go so it's going to zoom to and orbit right here the little target in the center is that's your property that's where you're actually you know creating your animation to now the panel to the right of that is the actual camera itself what the the the field of view of what the camera actually sees okay so over here you have a couple of different options number one is you have the ability to take out that camera right here so you can go to a one panel or two panel and there's a play button up here at the top so I can play my animation and you'll start to finish and you see how it's kind of choppy it hasn't fully rendered yet but when it's fully rendered it won't be choppy like this so this just kind of gives you like an overview of the rendering itself okay so below that is the animation panel and this is probably the scariest part for a beginner is looking at this animation panel because if you've never seen keyframes like this before this is why the quick starts were so important you don't have to animate any of it if these keyframes are already created for you but what's what's interesting to note is I can grab a hold of this red slider and move to anywhere that I want okay move that animation and I can preview it that way you can go in and adjust the longitude latitude altitude things by grabbing these sliders and moving them around I would encourage you probably not to do that if you're not you know super advanced animation just keep it simple and and and don't even worry about it we're gonna undo that just just keep it simple going to come in pick your pick your subject do a fly to an orbit export and you're done okay that's the beginner version right a little bit more on the menus up here at the top you have the ability to save these animations as well and when I say save you can go in what it does is it actually saves it to your Google Drive folders what I found out so when you come back to Google or studio all of your previous animations you can open up those previous animations as well so long as you actually saved them so you can use this and say like this is my baby boy Drive sewer let's save that project it's saved to my Google Drive now I can actually close this and come back to it later if I wanted to or I can finish animating it and and if I wanted to tweak it later I can come back and tweak it a little bit later okay so that's the save other than that there's really not a whole lot of stuff you're gonna need to know unless you're getting into Adobe After Effects that's where these come in handy so project settings this is your dimensions as far as like whether you're gonna do a 1920 by 1080 or if you wanted to export in 4k you can change these as well if your frame rates they hate Nile for you in over there in the UK I think you're at 24 frames per second I'm not entirely sure but over here in the states we're at 30 frames per second but this tells me my duration is 900 frames so this is gonna rule end a render 900 frames over 30 seconds so that's 30 frames per second okay so that is something that you can change in the preferences here not saying that you will but just showing you that you have the ability to actually do it there's nothing in here that you need to know other than undo redo maybe copy/paste but under the view there is some things you need to know under view so this is the multi view right here and this is the same as this button down here in the right hand corner it just gives you the ability to take off the multi view or turn it on guides I haven't really figured out how the guides work yet other than you know showing this little crosshair in the center I haven't really figured out what the guides do so nothing there preview quality yeah I keep mine on high sometimes you'll see a little bit of a low-res in there and what that's doing is it's actually taking some time to update from from the Google servers so if you're if your preview looks a little sketchy it just might be your internet connection or just hasn't fully updated yet but I keep mine on high toggle fullscreen I don't really mess with that viewport mask use the viewport mask and you can see if I change the opacity of these masks right here that's what the viewport mask does so if I can change the opacity and save you can see now this is the area that my video is actually going to be clipped at right here so it's masking out the area behind it that's the viewport mask and then so this one is really really important the map style I'm show you the difference between all these different map styles if your map style is on clean watch that all the labels are gone there's nothing so no street names no businesses no landmarks no nothing so it's just a basically a blank map boring boring ya know so we're gonna go to map style I'm gonna show you exploration so exploration does is it puts in landmarks highways freeways rivers lakes those kinds of things that's what exploration does but watch this if i put in map style everything it's actually gonna map the location it's gonna map the streets it's gonna put in points of interest businesses post offices freeways everything so i keep mine on on everything just for the sake of making sure that everything coming out of my video has a description and gives somebody the ability to guesstimate where that location is so when they're looking at this thing go oh oh it's right over my main event Sports Grill I know exactly where that is oh I didn't realize that this house was that close to made of it Sports Grill or I didn't realize it was that close to this park or this school or this beach right here okay so that's an important facet to to have when you're on the view and you're going to the map style everything a couple other things so the available 3d areas I'm going to cover that in just a second so let's go to overlays so this one is kind of cool and now what you'll notice like on something like this you have a lot of homes in here and it's kind of difficult to tell exactly which home were showcasing right because there's no location no pinpoint on it at all so I'm gonna show you guys a pro tip that I think is actually really really easy I'm a nerdy guy don't forget I'm a nerdy guy I'm pretty techie so for me it's relatively easy I had a couple of you know beginners try this and they were actually able to carry it out yesterday on the zoom call so I was pretty happy about that so here's what I want you to do I want you to open up a new window in in Google Chrome and I want you to go to maps and then I want you to add the actual location of that place right here in maps now if you've never I mean we've all used Google Maps a lot but what you probably don't know is you can actually save these locations in Google Maps for future use so I'm gonna show you where that is so you go to this little menu up here in maps that little hamburger called a hamburger it should be styled a pizza though in my opinion would go to your places right down here and then we're gonna go to the maps tab right here and this is all the maps that I currently have in here but I'm gonna go down to the very bottom down here at the bottom and hit create map so this is going to take me to the create map section in Google Maps where I can actually create my own Mac and I'm going to put in that address a point drive okay so you see I have a green icon right here I'm going to add that to a map so I know it's a couple extra steps but trust me when you figure this out and it works well you're gonna you know gonna do a Google map or a Google or studio without this in the future so here's the map right here here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna name this map Bay Point Drive you can name it in my home you can name it Eiffel Tower whatever you want to name it but I'm gonna name mine Bay Point Drive and that's all I need to do now this one is a blue you can see the map icon is blue this map icon it will carry over to Google Earth studio as well so expert tip well kind of a advanced-intermediate tip I can go in and change this icon right here by if i zoom in on that right here this little this little doohickey okay if i zoom in on that I can actually change the color so if I want it to be red instead more indicated my brand or orange in my case I can create it and make it Orange I can also go in and go change the icons and say poem or was it house there's house so now instead of that icon just being a map icon I actually have an orange home on the top of that listing how cool is that all right so now we got to get this map over to Google Earth studio and we do that by hitting this little to read button up here a little mini hamburger it's a slider we're gonna go to export KML KMZ so what that is it's a think of it as just like a little tiny data point a map point and we're gonna take that KMZ we're gonna import it into Google Earth studio so that right there is now in my downloads folder alright so let's go back to google or studio and watch this we're gonna go to overlays import KML upload from computer I'm gonna go to my downloads there's my bait drive right here and I'm gonna open that up and import it and watch what it does it puts that see that house icon right over the top right here puts that icon right over the top of my of my listing that I want to feature that's awesome um and watch this when i zoom out it gives me it gives me the bigger icon when i zoom out now gives the the viewer a better more accurate representation of where it is from that thirty thousand foot view imagine if you're flying in an airplane at 30,000 feet and you're like there's a house right there like we're like see that little orange icon oh that's where it is okay Jasmine yep so now we can go in here and watch when it when it goes behind the trees the icon the icon fades away when it goes behind the trees haha that's cool I'm sorry that's just so cool I know it's probably probably my nerdy thing coming in right here alright so cool that's pretty much our animation is almost done right you can tweak it that's pretty much all I'm going to show you an overlays oh there is one more thing I can show you down here in the overlays panel I can go in and and add that key frame opacity and what it does this is another advanced-intermediate tip but let's say that that icon is really really you know you can't really see through it I can actually go in and change the opacity of this okay and if you're really advanced you can go in and say like hey I want to change the opacity when it's zoomed out I want it to be a hundred percent but when i zoom in I want it to be just ten percent you get really good we can do that in another workshop if you guys want okay animation okay so now we're getting into the animation part of the whole the whole experiment that we're working on here so nice out animation render is where we're gonna go now now there's also a render button up here in the top corner okay they both do the same exact thing in fact this one even gives you an image right here so if you want to save the current frame to a JPEG what it does is it takes a snapshot of that and exports just that one frame and sends it to your downloads folder just kind of cool if you just want to you know save a JPEG for maybe a listing presentation or something like that I didn't realize the capturing snapshot was gonna take this long sorry guys I let it go or do I cancel it I'm canceling it oh finally down ok so now we're on to the rendering part of of our of our animation so here's what I've learned about rendering a couple of things one let's just hit the render button I'll show ya alright hit render and it's gonna show us a preview on on the left hand side this is a preview of our render and then on the right hand side gives us some options it's gonna give us the what frames we want to frames we want to render from 0 to 900 the dimensions that we want to render so if I want to do this in 4k and do it in 4000 I could change it to 4,000 right here so 4096 oh sorry 4,000 goes here 4096 there it is so that's 4k video right there I can render it in 4k interesting to note the higher the resolution the longer it's going to take to render I did a 4k video one time and it took several hours just to render it and your computer is almost completely useless during this render so just FYI so for argument's sake what I'm gonna do on this one is I'm gonna change this to 360 640 by 360 it's gonna render really super fast okay you don't have to you know you can do it in standard 1080 if you want some advanced features to note you can go in here and and change your texture quality if you haven't done so already you can also change it if you forgot to go from if you were on clean and you wanted everything you forgot to do that you can change it right here okay now it's gonna render this effect here's I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna hit start and it's rendering the JPEG sequence here's what it does think of this as like a time-lapse video its rendering one JPEG 900 times and putting them into a sequence from 0 to 900 okay it doesn't render a video for you that's the bad news it doesn't render the video for you you have to actually convert this into a video I have a couple options for you so don't work now while this is rendering you'll notice watch if I if I if I go off of this and I go like hey I'm gonna go check my Facebook feed and you know see if anybody's got anything going on over here in my facebook and I think it's rendering in the background guess what it's not you can't you can't do it pretty much you can't do anything else in chrome until this is done rendering I made that mistake several times before I figured out like oh yeah I can't do anything else so I'm gonna hit continue rendering and you can see down at the bottom there's a little little slider it's telling you how many are rendered so far and then the estimated time remaining is three minutes and 34 seconds approximately so while that's rendering let's talk about some options for converting your image sequence to a video now here's what I found out I'm on a Mac I love my back I own nothing but Mac's in my entire house I don't even own a PC anymore so for me it was really really easy I have on my Mac I have QuickTime Player and QuickTime Player gives you the ability to take these image sequence and convert them into a video really really easy it's not quite as easy on a PC though unfortunately I don't have a PC so I couldn't I couldn't beta test any of these pieces of software I had a couple of my friends try several of them to see which one was the easiest I found one the other day and I'm having my good friend CJ down in California is testing it out for me to see if she can create an image sequence but here's here's my here's my take if you're on a Mac you've got it easy if you're on a PC we have to find a solution for converting a time-lapse video - or time-lapse images to a video and there's a hundred different software's out there none of them are really super easy to use unfortunately and I need something that's really super easy I found one yesterday so if you're on a PC and you want to give it a shot maybe you're an advanced amateur I'll show it to you but I gotta wait until this thing is done rendering really won't let me do anything until then so so far any questions so far is this something that kind of peachy curiosity can you guys see this actually something that you might use oh yeah yeah especially now right now huh yep yeah for a listing right you know that work for so you have to have a laptop this only works I haven't tried it on an iPad honestly but it needs Google Chrome I haven't tried it I've only tried it on a laptop or a desktop computer nothing else well if I do my complete rendering and everything on my PC and I want to turn it into the video oh yeah so late for that nope there's I haven't found I look for an app that could convert an image sequence to a video I haven't found it yet so um here's here's what I'm offering everybody like if you export this image sequence find a way to get me the zip file it it really it takes me like a minute one minute to convert an image sequence to a video I'll do it for you like I have zero problems doing that I could do I can do you know 30 of them in an hour if I needed to but the trick would be you'd have to create the image sequence export it and then get me that zip file which I'm going to show you guys here in a minute okay almost done so it's so you can see down at the bottom it's generating Bay Point View Drive yeah Bay Point Drive towards its hey Larry I've got a question for you there yeah here and I've been making a few of these now on I render all of my videos in after-effects outwards yeah I love after all it's great and but what I've been doing is I crate I do did the the usual and zoom in and orbit video but what I do is I create 3d text and I sort of like aligned with one of the nearby streets you know within the text or you tend to put like two bedroom corner loss and maybe the price of the other thing is if it was done four or five different lines of this treaty text beside beside a and listing on the video what would be the ideal details to put on those if ifs in space is gonna be limited what are the most hearted which what do customers want to see yeah I think more than anything the address number one mm-hmm even if it's an abbreviated address like just the first portion of it I think it's a great opportunity to put your brand on there to maybe even you know float your logo over the top of it and after effects you know this in and honestly that would that would really be it if you had a single property website of where somebody could you know maybe click on something the problem is it's a video so you can't really put a call to action on it but you might be able to you know throw your phone number over the top of it the odds of somebody seeing that video and calling your phone number from it are pretty slim okay so I I think you know just the address and maybe maybe your branding over the top of it would probably be more than sufficient yeah done what a price a price yeah or price that would kind of be a really good one - okay great thanks yeah you then okay so my image is rendered and it's down here it's in this point drive towards if okay so here's I'm gonna do I'm gonna share my finder screen with you hang on just a second new share so here's the zip file now if you're sending this to somebody to have them render the video ie I me you have to find a way to get this zip file to me in order to do that but here's I'm gonna do I'm gonna open that bay point drive tore up it's gonna unzip it and put it into a folder all by itself so you're gonna save a point got two or folder and in the folder is the footage so this is where we want focus right here this is the footage folder and it has all of the JPEGs from zero to nine hundred in there and they're all independent and I can look at any of them I can I can use one I can use you know as many of them as I want so but my goal is to turn these in front from a image sequence to a video now I have a Mac so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna open up QuickTime Player and let's share QuickTime Player here's a second my Master's doing weird things today guys - here we go so here's I'm in QuickTime Player I go up I say new open image sequence and I go right to Google Earth studio go to downloads then go to bay point drive studio a point drive tour footage here's all my JPEGs from 0 to 900 I do a select all and I select all of these JPEGs in here make sure they're all selected and if you guys have a better software a better piece of software that you found that does this all it is is a time-lapse video you're turning into an image sequence which I've done a hundred times on my on my GoPro so that's pretty easy the next thing you're gonna see is you're gonna see resolution I'm gonna keep it the actual size you can't change the size anyway but you can change the frame rate here now if I did if I exported this 900 frames at 30 frames per second is 30 seconds if I did it at 60 frames per second it's gonna double my speed and actually make it faster so I'm gonna go from 30 seconds down to 15 just the same if I if I change the frame rate and I went down to something smaller like a 24 so I have a 30 second video I'm gonna and that was like a 36 second video so just for argument's sake I'm gonna keep this as easy as possible we're gonna go to 30 frames per second I'm gonna hit okay and what it does is it grabs all those images sequence and it puts them into it from an animation into a video in each frame it's going to be part of the video it's pretty cool there it is right there now I can play it you see what it looks like and see the cross streets you can see the river government island all of this is and by the way I thought it was pretty easy to do myself not too challenging from here I'm gonna go up and hit the Save button and now I can save this to that same footage folder right there of course I spelled it wrong so well and my video is saved ready to go now it's a matter of like okay what do I do with this video now that I have it and that we can do in a totally separate workshop because I think there's all kinds of ways that you guys can use this video in your marketing and listing presentations um I think if you did a listening presentation and you showed an overhead view if you created one of these for a listing before you went on the listing presentation imagine the wow factor when they walk in they're like dude he already created like an overview animation for us like that's gonna automatically raise you right up to the top of their interviewing five of their agents you're you're right up towards the top on that one at least I think so okay one more thing I wanted to show you guys so in this over here we have this available 3d areas and I want to show you this is what what this means so the available 3d areas and if i zoom out you can see this little this highlight right here going around the outside this is what is already available in 3d okay so if I if I'm doing a listing and it's say like it's out in Sandy Oregon here or the gorge I'm still gonna get 3d as far as terrain is still gonna look 3d but none of the properties and the buildings are going to be 3d and none of the trees are gonna be 3d either so here let's let's do this I'm gonna zoom out to an area right on the edge and show you so here is Washougal there's my three learners so you can see the difference right here between the 3d data and the non 3d data so and you can really tell when you when you change the altitude or the or the camera target up and down come on camera rotation and pan tilt here we go so that's where you can really tell what the difference is I mean there's a huge difference right there so if you're and again if you're in a rural area or you know like I had somebody yesterday on the call say hey I had my backyard remodeled you know two years ago or two and a half years ago and the imagery that's in here is an indicative of what's in my backyard so there's there there are some inconsistencies with it I can't tell you how often the data is updated but I will tell you that it's it's within the last couple years that the data is currently in there I would imagine it takes a long time to do a 3d flyover of an area so anyway questions comments feedback was that easier than you saw it harder than you thought or or just like yeah cinch he's cake I've got another question yeah what was a software user with a quick time quick time player yeah okay do you know is there a is there an equivalent for that on PC on PC so here's what I found yesterday or two days ago I found this two days ago it's as a Microsoft Store it's called time lapse creator okay I've had two people tested out both of them were able to get it installed no problem yeah one of them she was she was like I'm having trouble adding the video I'm like no no no you got to add the photos not to videos so I don't haven't heard back from her yet I think she's been on the zoom call today so I was hoping to have that done today I think this is probably the fastest and easiest willing some fun yeah yeah it's definitely a lot faster than 10 after-effects after-effects his grades boots it's time-consuming but like what you did was that was no time at all yeah have you have you done any of the 3ds that's been after-effects yet yeah mapped it to the camera angle and had it like floating and you can do it you have like images bouncing on the top yeah yeah yeah there's a guy who on YouTube called Boone loves video yeah I watch the same way yeah and yeah so I follow a lot of his of his stuff and I haven't done what you've done earlier yeah yeah you make them up in my mouth earlier and equals the icon so I might start doing that originally I thought as well that I that did the overlays should be clean but I'm not I'm not in real estate okay what is good here and it's good hearing from a release agent such as yourself and this is what they client wants to see ya in a in a in a more detailed one it is that's that's kind of where why people are looking at areas you know where they want to live like proximity to beaches recreation golf courses shops studios or maybe they want the isolation and they want that forty acre parcel out in the middle of nowhere that now you can use that so I took it one step further with After Effects as well and created an actual border of a property and and put that in the 3ds on a 2d level so they could actually see where the property was bordered that's really cool too I think if you know somebody created a business saying like hey and I saw a couple people on fiber that'll do this for you too by the way a business where they would just say like hey I'll create these 3d animation tours with you with you know your your logo and images and rendering and it's you know I'll do it for you know 25 30 bucks whatever you probably get a lot of real estate agents that don't want to learn how to do this that it just be like yeah I pay somebody else to do it for me if it was easy there might be a marketing opportunity for you there yeah yeah anybody else something that you can add like your logo and yes I'll show you what happened fix fix does its you see I've got one in here I know I've got one in here somewhere fair with me there it is try this one this this is after-effects you have the ability to put these like 3d words on you could you could incorporate your logo over the top of it you know you can you can change out this now this was not in an area that has 3d because it's up in the center but I thought it was still pretty cool you could you can put an overlay and say like this is lesan or high school right here you can put like there's a trail head right here you could actually put that there's a trail system in these in these woods you know just giving somebody like the overview so that's what After Effects gives you the ability to do but it's not at all user-friendly in fact it's it's After Effects was kind of challenging I know I can probably agree as well it's not it's not particularly user friendly yeah there's a big learning curve to it it is very powerful at the same time yeah so you know actually so what it does is it renders a script with the footage and you import that script in the after effects and and then you have an ability to render and animate anything you want from there yep yeah it's way way advanced though almost too advanced for me yeah I love it I think it's a fantastic tool I think there's so many other ramifications that where you could use this tool it's it's mind-boggling so cool well if nobody else has any questions I'm just gonna I'm gonna cut it right there Niall thanks for joining us from the UK man yeah yeah quick question for you there and absolutely you mentioned them so it's it's 30 feas in in the States and then I guess 20 you don't ever be in 24 FPS in Ireland and the UK what's what's is that a standard or what's the story with that I'm not sure I think it has to do with the NTFS format a video format versus P al okay but I read somewhere and I think it was on another website that the framerate in the United States was different than the framerate over in the UK or in Europe okay I'll look into that yeah so cool well thanks guys thanks for joining me that was fun if you guys have any questions you have my contact info I mean you signed up for this too so I'm gonna send you guys a replay of this I'm actually stop recording right now see
Channel: Larry Hales
Views: 2,028
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: google earth studio tutorial, Google Earth Studio Real, google earth studio real estate, Using Google Earth Studio for Real Estate, real estate video marketing ideas
Id: XVm5lXMrHck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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