Google Analytics Tutorial For Beginners - How to Set-Up Google Analytics on WordPress

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all right what's up everyone welcome to this Surfside PPC youtube channel today we're gonna be going over Google Analytics before we get started just a quick quick shout-out to our Channel please subscribe share videos comment if you have any questions even if you like a video that helps us out a lot if you don't like a video please leave a comment let us know why our goal here is to help you with PPC advertising and really all forms of digital marketing trying to help you drive more sales more conversions more leads whatever your goal is so today we're gonna be going over Google Analytics it's gonna be more geared towards beginners it's gonna be we're gonna cover a lot so it's gonna be a little bit of a longer video I recommend taking out a notepad taking some notes while you're going through maybe taking screenshots however you want to like keep track of everything we're gonna be going through a ton the goal is to teach you how to feel comfortable in Google Analytics and how to make sure that you know you know what you have for your website is set up properly how to use the data to your advantage how to know you know where sales are coming from and different things like that so without further ado so I've already gotten here I've gone to slash analytics and what's gonna happen is it's gonna open this page here or at least something that looks similar to it and up in the top right hand corner you're gonna see sign in so if you have a Google account it'll automatically sign you in to your Google account if you don't have one you want to create one now so once you click sign in you want to click on analytics up here so I've already opened it so I have it open here Google Analytics and you're gonna see start analyzing your site's traffic in three steps so what we have to do here is click sign up so you could do website or mobile app we're gonna cover websites mobile apps not as popular in terms of you know people using them for analytics so we're gonna use websites more people kind of are tracking our website I do want to create a mobile app analytics tutorial I'm actually working on kind of building a mobile app now just for tutorials so something to keep it keep in mind for the future so account name so everything you're naming you want to keep kind of similar to what your website is you can name it exactly you can name it something where you know how to identify it the way it works is you have your account so your your overall you know Google Analytics account and then you have a property within that account you could have multiple properties within your account so what we're basically doing here is when you're naming your account our website is over here I have a wordpress website it's called relief for headache calm pretty new website I'm trying to install I already have Google Analytics installed on it but I'm gonna show you how to do it whether you have a WordPress website or any other website so here's we're gonna go through and name this so I usually name my account name and OOP I usually name my account name and my website name similar if it's the same thing you know so primary URL - relief for headache com industry category whatever your category is just pick here so healthcare you can adjust this timing reporting time zone I usually just keep it whatever mine is keep it easier I usually keep all these checked so you can uncheck all these if you want to but it just shares data with analytics it help helps them use more of that data so they can improve the product and then sometimes if you need technical support or you need an account specialist they'll already have access to your data Google's not do anything negative with your Google Analytics data they're not sharing it with anyone they just use it to collect and understand people better it really only helps you in the long run there's no you know there's really no downside to sharing your data with them so once we click get tracking ID you just have to agree to the Terms of Service here okay so now two things to know here so now your you have a tracking code here and you also have a tracking ID usually with WordPress you could use either or to set up Google Analytics so what we're gonna do I'm gonna show you an easy way to do it and then how you would do it if you have a child theme installed so we have our WordPress website over here relief for headache and under add plugins I search google analytics and I found this or I use this all the time but you'll find this if you search at Google Analytics dashboard for WordPress GA DWP I already have everything set up here but what you would want to do is come down to Google Analytics so let's go to general settings and I already have mine authorized here but I'm gonna clear authorization all right so right now it's showing I have no Google Analytics set up on my website it's saying token reset and revoked so once I click authorize plug-in you need to get your access code so what you do is click here click get access code okay so you're gonna have to go through and select the Google account that you created the analytics account within I skipped a couple steps here I don't wanna show you all my accounts but you have to do that and then you have to click allow for them to share data all you do is copy this code here you paste it in click Save access code and now it's saying plug-in authorization succeeded we have our Google Analytics account set up here if you want to double-check you'll see your unique tracking ID and you could double checks ours is 108 181 251 so I could see it's the same thing here so now it's connected click Save Changes so that's basically it now we have Google Analytics set up on our WordPress website the other option you have is if you go into appearance and then editor this works if you're using a child theme and a parent theme so I'm not I just have like kind of a basic theme installed so I'm not going to use it this way but you can see the other way to do it is copy and paste this code as the first item into the head of every webpage you want to track so what you do is copy this code down here come up to your WordPress website or whatever it is and you want to go to your global header file so no matter what you're using you should have a global header file and what you want to do here is right under head what you want to do is come under and add that in there again you want to use child themes and parent themes if you're doing this because when you update themes it's gonna get rid of your global site tag so unless you keep making sure that you have it updated there every time you update your theme so that's why I like to use the plug-in because it makes it a little easier I'm not gonna save this but once you go down here and click Save then you'll have Google Analytics data tracking on every single website when you add it to your header.php file so how you add Google Analytics to your website okay so now we're all I mean we're all good to go now so we have this here I probably might not have much data here at all because I just added it so yeah once you add it you're not gonna have much data it should start collecting sometimes it takes an hour to really load but you can check different ways to make sure it's on your website but what if you just follow our steps it'll be fine if you're not collecting data here at all then you probably have it on your website wrong so now let's get into our Google Analytics tutorial so I'm gonna open up a different analytics account that I use for another website that I have and I'm gonna go through each of these different things along the left side so you can kind understand how to use Google Analytics so let me open that now okay so I've opened up a new Google Analytics account here one with a lot more data with a lot more website traffic so it's kind of easier to go through everything a couple things to go through here so account if you want to adjust your overall account settings you can in this page I'm not going to go through much here trash can this allows you to delete the account change history change history is good if you have a lot of people working in the account or if you make a change that you're not sure what kind of happened you can always go back and air change history and revert things all filters you can adjust different filters for what you're seeing and user management this is probably the most popular in here if you click user management you can quickly add other Google accounts to your campaign or to your Google Analytics account so I usually have like three or four emails that can access this so I can always kind of see everything no matter what what account I'm using property settings this is a little bit more so your property's gonna be like your website or your mobile app so if you come into property settings you can see some different things in here property name you can adjust you could change your default URL you can change your view you can change categories different things in here first thing I would do if I were you is I would make sure this is on enabled demographics and interests reports and also on for enhanced link attribution so they can see more you can see more data basically so enable users metric in reporting I don't keep this on but you can do it and it adds the users metric to your standard reports so don't you don't really have to worry about that too much you can connect your search console to this so I have my search console connected so a couple things you want to do here so tracking info if you go to data collection I liked it make sure these are on remarketing and advertising reporting features if you're getting weird traffic so usually all remove referrals from my own website and then you'll have some weird kind of some weird referral traffic sometimes come in from different URLs so you can just add those as a referral exclusions so they don't come in as traffic a lot of times it's just BOTS or just it's kind of fake traffic it's not you'll see you can kind of tell right away some of these things they're not you know good websites so if you come into organic search searches you can add search engines here so we don't have that so over down here so AdWords linking so you definitely want to link to AdWords accounts if you're using it I don't know I'm not running AdWords here so but what I would do is click continue you want to make sure you have an AdWords account associated with your analytics login I don't have an AdWords account under this email it's under my business email so I don't worry about that if you're if you have Adsense on your website so I do so you can link that here so I just unlinked it so let's come in and link so this helps you see more data with your Adsense within your basically your Google Analytics account so you could see more if you come into all products what you want to do is definitely link your search console I'll have adsense linked and then you want to link any of these that you're using regularly so I usually have AdWords link but I'm not running AdWords from this account at all so I don't need it linked but once I do I definitely want to do it pretty simple once you click the link AdWords you just saw me do it with Adsense it's the same thing you just click a checkbox okay so now down here audience definitions this is good for if you're using remarketing so again you want to link your AdWords account first but if you come in here to audiences you can create different remarketing audiences okay so I'm now I'm gonna get away from the admin screen all these things are things that you're going to use kind of as you go but I spend very little time in the admin screen and it's mostly over in the data so different things you have here home is gonna be what basically just your overall view so users how many users right now how busy or during the time of day so very high-level overview on the home screen users it's gonna show so basically it's saying I'm down 14% in the last seven days sessions are down bounce rates actually a little bit better and session durations a lot a little bit better so you can adjust this different time periods so there you go I can see I'm kind of trending down here I'm over the past couple weeks which isn't the biggest deal in the world a little seasonal for the way this business is you could see some of your top pages here by pageviews so I have some different pages here so just a lot of different things in here if you have any goals set up on your website so I just have a duration set up and then a newsletter set up so customization is good you can add custom dashboards here I'm going to do a separate video about custom dashboards just something good to know you can create dashboards if you're running a Shopify website they already have templates created so you could do import from gallery and they have all sorts of things usually ranked by how popular they are so sort by most popular so this is pretty cool it's collection of top segments that people have people have created these and then you can just import so let's say I do content analysis dashboard so I got an unexpected error but see maybe it'll alright looks like it worked so pretty cool you can just import these things you could also create things you can add all sorts of segments you know organic traffic paid traffic new users returning users you can track different campaigns so just looking at this one it's showing average time on page for different pages you can see what some of the top page views are so for the goal you can see you know the landing page people came in page views by country all sorts of things here so you can kind of learn more about your visitors definitely helpful but that's dashboards under the customization something kind of more advanced so I'm not gonna go through it too much I want to do a separate video on that now the reports is what I really want to cover the most first let's come into real time so real-time shows exactly what's happening on your website right now I have zero people on my website but if I had someone it will show what page that are on it'll show where they came from it'll show you know if they came from social if they came from keywords if you go to locations you can see you know where people are located that are on your website currently traffic sources again you can kind of narrow down for different traffic sources how long and look if you will get pageviews last thirty minutes so now I can see okay there's zero people on the website right now but of the 22 pageviews over the last thirty minutes so it's saying sixteen came from direct traffic two came from Google organic two came from Facebook social to game from Pinterest social so content this will show what the most popular content has been last thirty minutes so beach wall decor you know lamps different things here that we have wood signs so if we go to events if you have custom events set up you can see some of the different things here so if someone maybe fills out a newsletter they they do something like that and they hit a goal then it'll show what events they have currently so this is good if you're driving a lot of conversions and conversion screen similar to events so I can see you know if anybody's hit the goal in the last thirty minutes nobody's click you know nobody's hit any of my goals so real time is for what's happening on your website right now good for if you're driving a ton of traffic and you want to see what people are engaging with if you want to make it change to your website if you want to adjust certain pages on your website you can see what people are engaging with the most currently so now that the last four down here is we're gonna spend the most of your time so audience I'm gonna show you kind of how to think about this audience is who is visiting your website who is on your website who visited your website so if you're thinking about a store so think you have a think about a storefront audience is everybody who walked into your storefront acquisition that's how did they get there so in terms of this you're gonna see search engines maybe someone got there from a Google search from a Bing search maybe someone's using Pinterest they click on a Pinterest pin and get there so maybe someone sees a Facebook post so now you could see real time someone just visited the website they came in a nautical area rugs they came from Pinterest so pretty cool were able to see that and it's gonna show that this person's on the website until they're off so pretty cool with real-time but coming back to audience so audience is anybody who's been in your store anybody who's been at your website anybody who's visited your blog anybody who's visited your website is your audience and I'm gonna compare this to a storefront think of like a Walmart a grocery store whatever it is if you come into acquisition that's how they got there so let's you know if you're thinking of a storefront maybe ten people walk there twenty people took the bus 100 people drove you know that's your acquisition so in terms of this you're gonna see search engines social media direct traffic referral traffic maybe someone wrote an article about you so now I can see someone is now on the bedding and comforter sets page so they came in through the nautical bedding sets and now looks like they're on bedding and comforter so acquisition that's how everybody got there so behavior if we think about it in terms of a store it's what aisles people are walking down what products people like the most and on a website we're thinking about what pages people visit how many page views do they have what are the top pages on the website what's the visitor flow so someone just came in it's not I can see this person here so in terms of behavior we could actually bring you through all this so audience so this one person is in my audience maybe they're a male or female maybe there's a certain age group maybe they're in a certain location acquisition they got there by Pinterest behavior so they started on I believe it was nautical bedding or nautical area rugs then they went to a betting's page and now they're on a product category trellis area rugs so that's behavior so behaviors what they're doing on the website conversions now if this person is on the website for a certain period of time they count as it converted for me if this person clicks on a newsletter they count as a conversion for me or if they sign up for the newsletter so if they convert at all it'll show here under conversions conversions is great if you have a website with sales and you're tracking all sorts of e-commerce data so let's come in here to audience so tons of things in here so overview the first thing you're going to see is you can adjust dates up here so we're just gonna go with the entire month of October so it's going to show audience here and it's going to show sessions day for the month of October how many users there were how many page views the pages per session here's percentage of new visitors percentage of returning visitors bounce rate average session duration a pretty cool thing you can do so if I take this time period and I say let me compare it to the previous period so it'll compare it to the previous 16 days and I click apply it'll actually show what might growth or at least in this case you know what's going down a little bit so it's gonna show okay over the last 16 days I've had 33,000 78 sessions over the last 16 days before that I had almost 3,600 so you can see things are going down a little bit it's good for trying to figure out where you're losing traffic if you're looking at different sources of traffic it's great to compare but just good to know I use compare a lot especially week over week and month over month so let's go back to just October 1st through 16 so overview is just gonna be a high-level overview of how many people have visited your website how many pages they visited and on average how many they visit different things like that active users is gonna be people who kind of visit your website often so seven-day active users is 1047 so these are people in the last 7 days that I've had at least one session so you can look at seven-day active users 14 day so it's how many people have had at least one unique session over the last however whatever the time period is so lifetime value and cohort analysis these are different things you can look at to see how valuable people are I'm not reading revenue but you can see reverent new per user if you're looking at lifetime value cohort analysis is good for looking at different you know user retention data so I could see 150 users you know visited on day one or day zero and then came back on day one and then there's a certain amount that come back even more it's a very small percentage so cohort analysis is good to see user retention data so user Explorer you can see they'll have an ID for each different user and you can see that there's some users that are that'll visit your website a lot so this user right here you can't really see too much data about them but you can see some of these types of things okay this person all right so first you could see they came in October 5th direct traffic and they viewed my homepage came in October 9th direct so they came in organic search again it looks like they just typed in beachfront decor different wedding favor articles so there's different you could see they've kind of come 49 sessions over the past's during these dates total session duration different things like that they use a desktop web first acquisition was July 19 direct different things like that if you have a campaign it'll show here so user Explorer is good if you have like very users that are very engaged with your website you can see maybe what where they come from and different things like that you can also see something like this so if I have had seven sessions from here with the four second session duration you can see what's causing people to drop off so maybe someone comes in you know they're on one of my products pages you can kind of see what what makes people drop off the most this one is in mobile looks like average session duration so they got in here and they never really did much seems like they were here for a second then just left so again starfish Christmas ornaments same thing so user Explorer good to kind of look at different audience members who are visiting your website the most now here's a little bit more interesting data demographics so I'm gonna go through some of this a little quickly you could look at overview it's pretty cool so you don't really need to go into age and gender as much if you're looking at overview but just a quick look at so we turn on demographic data when I installed it the most users I'd say are 45 to 64 definitely within this 25 to 64 range but obviously an older audience here majority 84 percent female only 16 percent male so that'll just give you some data you know if you click on gender you can see kind of the trends over time you can see total sessions bounce rates pages per session so gender date is good for so let's just say for example I'm optimizing for average session duration I can see males are on the website a little bit longer they do a little bit less pages per session but it you know if you see like a drastic difference here maybe males are on for three minutes and 30 seconds you could say ok let me target males a little bit more here say much with age data and again I have a conversion rate of duration so I like to see how long people are visiting my website so let's just use that as an example so my goal conversion rates so fourteen point six percent for sixty five-plus so I would say okay people were 65 plus it might not be my biggest audience but you know they have they spend the longest time on the website they have the highest goal conversion rate they have the most pages per session so it's a good way to look at how to segment your data especially if you're targeting with advertising and then you can see top things here so 55 to 64 it looks like my biggest audience okay so interests so if you look if you're not familiar with interests there definitely definitely more for Google AdWords purposes but you can see what categories people fall into affinity categories are very broad broad categories that people could like for example I like football I like investing I like business I like marketing so I'm probably in these broad groups of business investing I might be in this I like cooking so I might be in this cooking one I'm probably not in some of these other ones but basically affinity audiences are these huge huge overall Cod interest categories that they have where if you're targeting people on AdWords you can kind of see some different things to target so this is a good one probably a home and garden home decor enthusiasts again you can look at session duration you can look at how long or you know conversion rate what's high so thirteen point five nine percent here people engage long but the interest really is not great so it might just been a few people who engage a little longer a little bit better for interest is in market segments these are people that are ready to buy so if you enter an in market segment you've at least shown you're somewhat ready to buy something so these all make sense everything's home and garden home improvement home and garden services so interests are good if you're targeting on Adwords and you want to target specific in market or affinity categories so for other categories I don't really use this that much I like to stick to affinity in market these are really broad as well you can just kind of see home and garden home and interior decor this is also a good example so one thing I can look at is so the websites beachfront decor comm I could say okay maybe if I add more cooking and recipes food and drink articles that's my website maybe I can increase engagement and traffic a little bit because people are interested in that you'll come to my website maybe I do seafood rusty food recipes for for it that might be a good thing for a beach website so geo let's look at languages and locations that people have so majority of my people are English from the United States some English for Great Britain English Canada Inglis lost raelia you'll see French down here Spanish Spanish United States so pretty self-explanatory with here with lingua with language if you're targeting different languages I know some web sites do they set up you know hreflang tags they're called and they'll target different languages like Spanish French things like that and this makes more sense to visit this more often but for us we just really target United States could break down by location so you can go in country you'll see here if we click on United States it'll break it down by state so for the majority we have Florida if we go to Metro we can see what the large metro areas are where people are coming from so and usually it's it's almost always kind of ranked by what the largest metro areas are but we do have like Orlando in here send different you know Tampa st. P so Florence Myrtle Beach these things are beach towns that maybe wouldn't be the top on other areas so Gio is good if you're targeting ads if you just want to know where people are coming from so behavior again we're looking at new versus returning behaviors again more like audience retention type numbers so in the last 16 days we've had this many new users this many returning users frequency and recency so this is how many people have visited once this many sessions led to this many page views how many people have visited twice it's this many sessions 297 and then this many paid views how many people have visited three times is eighty nine sessions you'll see when you come down here so fifty one two hundred we have twenty two people who have visited 51 two hundred times and they have 126 total pageviews so that's just in the last 16 days engagements gonna go over how long people are on the website and how many page views they have so usually longer session durations obviously the more pageviews people have been on longer you know twenty eight eight thirty two compared to you know here we're at seventeen seven six three three six nine so if you're on the website longer you're gonna have more page views this is good for you could also click page depth here to see how many pages people usually visit so that's behavior this is just good for engagement data technology if you're interested in the browser people are using their operating system maybe what network they're on there's different things here so this is good if you're really adjusting your website for certain things but what you're gonna find is people use all sorts of different browsers if you look at excuse me if you look at operating systems we're gonna see iOS so iPhone Android Windows Mac I've become in a network we could see some more data on the service provider people are using so time warner you'll see MCI verizon charter communications quest a lot of them are not set you could look at hostname so that's all gonna be our website it's gonna show so if we go to mobile overview it's a little more helpful I like to look at mobile data sometimes so you can see your split between mobile and desktop so we're not actually a huge split compared to some other some other websites I've seen things where the mobile would be maybe up at 3,000 and desktops only a thousand so it's not a huge split for us we're almost even in terms of mobile and desktop if you'll get devices you can see what devices people are using when they visit your website what's good about the mobile I mean you need a mobile-friendly website no matter what but what's good to know is you can say okay a lot of people were visiting or have an iPhone you know for the most part people have iPhones we need to make sure our website is you know iPhone friendly we need to have accelerated mobile pages installed so that's what's good to know about mobile coming down to custom here if you have any custom variables or things like that we don't really them set up so if you have custom variable set up maybe someone visits a couple different pages things like that so benchmarking and users flow you can see some different things here with in terms of changes with benchmarking you can benchmark certain data and try to increase things like that users flow you can see all sorts of things so if we look in the United States the starting page usually home 217 go through 601 drop-off so that's something you can try to improve most people go over and click shop some people click on you know certain product categories or popular betting in comforter sets so whatever it is this is good for so I could see my drop-off percentage is lower here than it is when someone goes to the home page users flow just good to see where people are going on your website so that's audience that's a way to look at everything that's happening with the visitors who have visited your website acquisition let's look at how they got there so this will be a little bit quicker an acquisition the overview screen is actually really helpful so we could see our percentage of traffic so 48 percent from social 24 percent from organic 15 percent from direct we have a little bit of other a little bit of paid search traffic we don't run too many paid ads that's probably from Pinterest and you could also look at referral here so referral will show whatever websites are linking out to you and sending you traffic so DuckDuckGo ascom a couple of these are fine amp project is accelerated mobile pages so if you go back to acquisition overview if we click on social we can have it broken down by the different social channels that are sending us traffic so Pinterest is our big driver because we have a beachtek or website so we have a ton of Pinterest pins instagrams driving some traffic twitter drive some traffic you can see the engagement data same thing here if we come back over to overview let's click on organic search so this will first show keyword again it's mostly gonna be not provided if we come into source here we can see mostly from Google we get some Bing traffic our Bing traffic performs really well same with Yahoo traffic so that's something where you kind of say okay this is performing great these people are probably clicking off they're probably spending a lot of time on our website let's make sure we're optimizing for Bing so that's kind of the overview screen if we go to tree Maps it's gonna show more of how valuable your data are your data is so this is basically going by our duration so it's showing all these are pretty similar the other traffic is showing it's not great so if we go into overview and click other we can try to see maybe where that traffic's coming from all right so just some things coming from Pinterest social that maybe aren't tagged correctly just good to know tree maps this is really good when you're using AdWords because you can kind of see where or at least when you have better conversions installed you could see where the most valuable traffic is coming from so if it's really valuable it'll be lit up like bright green or like a green like this if it's not valuable it'll be red and sometimes even like a brighter red if it's less valuable so if we look at come down here to source medium you can see everywhere that you're getting traffic from so Pinterest we get a lot of just organic referral traffic Google organic direct just direct traffic Pinterest so not set so this millions we probably have a tracking URL but we don't have the medium set social again we probably have a tracking URL somewhere but we don't have a medium set so you usually want to kind of try to find these and get rid of them so the data is cleaner but it's not a huge deal for us social CPC probably Pinterest ads maybe Facebook Ads Facebook referral so you could see kind of where traffic's coming from with source and medium sources where it's coming from and medium is you know referral organic social CPC if you go to referral so you can see who's sending you the most traffic so you could see were very strong on social media if you do a deal with like a website and maybe you buy advertising you can see where you know how much traffic they're sending you down here with AdWords we don't have our AdWords stuff linked if you do you can see everything with campaigns you can see any AdWords campaign you have you could break it down by ad group here you can come in here to keywords and look at your top keywords if you look at come to tree again we don't have data but if you come to tree Maps you can see again you can rank it by what your primary metrics are and if you do like conversions for example verse conversion rate it'll show what you know the best best performing campaign are in your AdWords account keywords we just went through that so search queries that'll show a lot of what people are typing in this is good for negative keyword ideas you can see match types word count so search query is good for negative keywords ideas and also to find search queries that are very valuable and the ones that aren't valuable hour of day so if you want to segment by hour of day that's good finally URL is good for tracking but I don't use really use this too much so AdWords if you're running AdWords campaigns you can see everything in Google Analytics as long as you're sharing data so search console search console is good because you can unlock the data that you have from Google Analytics so you can see we've kind of taken a hit we I think Google just had an update but we're coming back up looks better if you see nothing here for the 15th and 16th it usually takes a couple days so I'm doing this video on the 16th it usually takes a couple days for this data to kind of complete and show so it's not that I'm not getting any data here it's just that it hasn't populated yeah it should populate at some point today so for landing pages you can see this is impression so this is impressions in Google search clicks so my article about mermaid bedding has 610 impressions and 31 people have clicked on the article pretty good click-through rate the average position in Google is 7.9 just kind of where you're showing on each page it's a total number of sessions it'll show bounce rate pages per session search consoles like really really awesome to see how many you want this data to be growing over time impressions clicks you want your average position to improve you want to optimize for click-through rates so search console will show you all the data you need to know about your website in Google webmasters or on the Google search engine if you click countries you can see a breakdown of where you're getting the most impressions and clicks from make sense for us so United States UK India Australia Canada if you go to devices you can see where you're doing well so getting most of our impressions on desktop we could probably this the way I would interpret this data is to say we need to improve mobile a little bit our average position isn't too high but it mobile is also a little bit different so the way I would look at this is we need to to really hone down on mobile and improve that because more people are gonna keep searching in mobile than desktop so it's something we really want to optimize if we come down here to queries you can see what search queries so I have beachfront decor mermaid bedding you can see um and you can see your average position for some of these things so it's good to know what search queries you can be targeting a little bit better so maybe I look at coastal bedding in a bag I get seven clicks my average position eight point three maybe I improve this a little bit try to get that up to like three or four the coastal betting on a bag and I can drive more clicks every week same thing with mermaid comforter set Beach decor shop keep going over nautical chandelier mermaid bedding different things here beach themed decor beach themed kitchen so these are things that I would want to keep trying to improve as we go if we go to secondary dimension here this is something that's pretty cool if we look at acquisition you can look at source medium time of day where the users come from so different things like that it's that search console you could look at landing pages or queries I like to look at both of those and see you know where what landing pages are driving a lot of traffic for me so the way you can kind of look at you know let's just say I pick out kids Beach bedding down here I have 285 impressions and four clicks recently average position 33 so I could say okay there's a lot of opportunity here maybe I come into this article let me open it real quick so maybe I come in to my kids beach bedding article and I try to add that's not loading maybe I try to add another 500 words of content another 20 products all sorts of different things like that and then you try to keep improving these so that's what's good about linking the search console here so social I kind of went over social a little bit before so overview it's gonna show Pinterest is my main driver it's gonna show sessions sessions via social referral conversions so different things like that Network referrals so just different things to narrow down your data landing pages you can see where social is sending the most traffic so for me I have I do pretty well with wood signs on Pinterest and then I do pretty well with lamps on Pinterest so just so you know where where some of that traffic is being driven you see mermaid it betting sets so if we come over here our conversions so my conversion is duration you can see a percentage so of 159 conversions most come from Pinterest you can see conversion value if you're setting up sales here you can see more of this data it's always good to know so plugins if you have any plug-in set up I don't it'll come in through here just something to know users flow similar to before you can see how people kind of move through your website campaigns this is important here campaigns so I've set up campaigns in the past and what you can do you can see my traffic's dwindling a little bit for my campaigns but what you can do just for example so I have a campaign called pin betting so if I click on it I can come in here and look at source medium I can see some of it I just have as social and some of them I have as promoted so these are promoted pins these would be consider not promoted for the way I have them set up campaigns are really good because you can see how good your data is doing and I'm gonna do a separate video about how to track your campaigns properly but it's good to know so then you can kind of see you can see you're different so 5,000 is a campaign I'm running so I can see how much traffic I'm getting from it how well they're performing my conversion rate total conversions and then conversion value if I had it set up so campaigns are awesome I'm in here a lot at least for different clients because you can see your traffic and your advertising data so that's acquisition last couple of things you want to go through here our behavior and conversion so behavior overview so I'm gonna go through behavior a little bit quicker so behavior is going to show what people are doing on your website so you can find your top pages down here behavior flow you can see kind of how people navigate throughout your website so most people come in through would signs and then they come into category would signs different page then they go to page two or are they going back to shop people who come in to mermaid betting in comforter sets let's highlight traffic they're here so they come into all sorts of pages sometimes a lot of times they drop off so you can kind of keep breaking these things down and look at group detail summer made comforters people look at some different things here so behavior fellow good for trying to find different pages where people are falling off a lot so site content if you look at all pages you can see what top pages are in terms of page views content drill down you can look at similar to similar to your top pages but it's gonna break it kind of more into categories so it's gonna show product category for the most part people are spending a lot of time in our shop and not as much in our blog and our blog posts so landing pages I can see what pages people are landing on the most so for the most part people are going to that would signs page like I showed before and exit pages is something I really like so you can see where people are dropping off the most so usually one of your top exit pages is going to be your top traffic pages because they're gonna have the most exit so what you're looking for is exit percentage for example best wooden Beach signs pretty high eggs a percentage so I could try to find something to keep people more engaged and keep him on my website nautical area rugs again pretty high so this is where you would try to find if I went into nautical bedding sets a nautical area rugs wooden beach signs and I improved all three and got people to be engaged more so it comes down to 25% that's more page views that's less eggs it's probably more sales sets site content site speed so you can see if your website is fast slow if you need to improve on things my websites a little bit slow honestly so average page load time thirteen point four nine seconds pretty slow average server response time pretty slow you can see Safari is my slowest thing will chrome actually but Safari is pretty slow Android Internet explorer a little bit better but you could also go to pages so I can see you know what pages are the slowest so product category betting in comforter sets if I come to you know some of these different things here if I want to keep improving my page load time site speed is good for SEO so you want to have fast site speed I used to be a little bit faster my hosting isn't as good as it used to be so here's another way to look at it so product category lamps so my average page load time is 65 percent higher for this page twenty-nine percent higher for this page almost similar to this page but you see these other ones they fly so you can try to find out maybe what I'm doing here and product category lamps it's making it go so slow and try to optimize a little better for it so they'll have speed suggestions if your website slow they're gonna collect data and make sure that because Google wants your website to be fast too because ultimately they want good websites to serve in the search results they'll have Paige beat PageSpeed suggestions here if you click on them they'll open and it will analyze it and let's give it a second here to complete okay so what its gonna show here is my desktop optimization is poor so optimize images so what I need to do is compress some of my images here so we'll hide that so you can minify my CSS my JavaScript enable compression leverage browser caching so some things I need to do after this video for sure same with mobile so it's saying page is not optimized so just good to know you can kind of see some different things you can do to improve your page speed I should go ahead and do that after this video is done so use your timings I don't have this set up but you can look at different things with how long people are taking on your website site search so this is pretty cool they actually track the search data on your website as long as you have it set up so I'll have it set up here what you want to do is set up a Google URL so it's gonna show visits without site search I don't have it set up properly it's pretty cool I have it set up for other clients I don't use it as much for this website but another thing I can set up here and it'll show different search terms on your website so if you have a search bar you can see what people are typing in always good to know so events I don't have events here but if you have events set up on your page it'll have them so events can be something that you set up through Google tag manager that you know monitors different page views different clicks to different pages things like that top events pages events flow these are all things that you can look at for your events and break down so I'm not going to go over publisher and experiments just kind of more advanced things it's coming here to conversion so I don't have ecommerce set up but what you would want to do if you have like a Shopify website is make sure you have ecommerce tracking setup very simple they have tutorials on their website but what I have here in goals and I'm just gonna show you my one goal is duration that I use a lot so duration will show how long people how many people visited my website and we're there for at least a couple minutes so what I kind of want to go for is the more the better because that's just showing people are engaging with my website the most pretty steady here but you have the thing you can look for our newsletter so I have my newsletter set up when people enter my newsletter they go to the Thank You page which counts as a goal completion so someone and then these other ones are counting as duration so if I'd say let me click on newsletter goal six completion and I go to source medium so so we're gonna see here is different how many goal completions from all these different source and medium for newsletter goals six and the other end hour duration here so newsletter I get a couple a day one one or two per day sometimes zero but conversions are good because you can see where people are coming from how often they're you know they have reverse gold path you can see what pages people are visiting so nine goal completions came from people that started on the wood signs page and then just keep going through it some people are on the beef steam bathrooms page and they just stay there for a while but it's good to know conversions you can see where they're coming from it's good to know how to optimize your data if I go source medium I can see Google Pinterest you know Pinterest very valuable traffic here most goal completions they've sent me I've sent a lot of traffic from Pinterest so that's somewhere where I want to keep focusing alright so if I come down here to multi-channel funnels couple things you can see so you can see what percent of your conversions come from different traffic sources if you go to assisted conversions you can see you know 41 assisted conversions from direct and then last click direct conversion so assisted conversions means let's just say for example someone comes on my website through organic search and leaves and they remember my website they typed erect in and they convert so what that would mean is organic search gets an assisted conversion for originally driving that traffic and then direct it's a last click conversions because they were direct when they drove that conversion so just good to know where your conversions come from I like using assisted conversions because you can see how everything plays a role so you can see social plays a huge role in last click conversions for sure top conversion paths so if you have certain funnels you're trying to set up or certain ways to drive traffic to your website so for the most part mine goes social network direct so someone comes in through Pinterest then they come back someone comes in through you know Google and then they come back someone goes through social network twice some people just type it in a lot I got a lot of direct traffic here time lag will show how long between conversions in terms of days so 283 conversions happened on that day two conversions happened you know after 11 days 28 with between 12 and 30 different things like that path link will show how many pages someone visited before they converted so for the most part someone just stays on a page for all they count as a conversion you know maybe someone visits seven pages that counts as two conversions so down here to add attribution it's going to show last interaction conversion so this is good to know you can select different things here so maybe I do glass interaction verse first interaction conversions so last interaction social network has the most again just some different things to look here so first interaction is down for direct compared to social organic some of these other things so that's kind of a high-level overview of Google Analytics I kind of wanted to go through each of these tabs here definitely a lot to go through this is more of a beginners tutorial I just want to show you every every capability you have with some different data that it shows
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 71,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google analytics, analytics, google analytics tutorial, google analytics tips, google analytics tutorial beginners, google analytics tutorial for beginners, google analytics wordpress, google analytics for beginners, google analytics setup, google analytics basics, google analytics dashboard, google analytics dashboard for wp, google analytics how to, google analytics introduction, website analytics, web analytics, google analytics tutorial 2019, analytics tutorial 2019
Id: v42sV_FX2DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 42sec (2922 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.