How To Ask Consequence Questions To Build Massive Urgency With Your Prospects

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all right welcome to closers our losers i'm here with my co-host matt ryder ceo of seventh level and the chairman of seventh level and uh thank thankful uh to be on here with you i'm in arizona matt so i'm getting the sun we've got this nice little vacation property here we come out here april get some sun you know before it gets really hot out here and roasting in in sydney it's kind of cold right now right yeah it's getting yeah it's kind of getting towards winter so it's starting to get starting to get a little bit chilly it doesn't get missouri cold but you have to wear a jacket i guess yeah nice little jacket for you so welcome to the show so today i want to go over so just real quick if you this is the first time on this show we are an organization that helps people just like you listening to us that you are watching us sales people coaches executives business owners and we help you by transforming the way you and your sales teams sell by learning how to use human behavior in your sales process like techniques questions that work with human behavior rather than against that now we call that nepq so if you hear us talk about nepq stands for neural emotional persuasion questioning and we teach you the right tonality put your prospects at ease eliminate sales pressure get your prospects to persuade themselves that's what the show is all about in our facebook group and training [Music] today i wanted to go over consequence questions i wanted you know a lot of people i get random people that message me on facebook all the time and always say can you help me like i always get these objections like they want to think it over or they want to do this in six months from now or a month from now or call me back later and it's like they don't know how to build urgency in the sale have you seen that on your end yeah absolutely i mean like i guess i guess what happens if we don't talk about consequence questions and nothing changes in this podcast over the next three six or 12 months jeremy what what happens then [Music] well our listeners don't get to learn how to build urgency to be able to sell more of their products and service no but you know there's going to come a point in the conversation where you have to get your prospect to think about the consequences of what if they don't do anything about solving this problem that they just told you they have like the what if consequence you know all selling is i was i was doing a live you know in our in our private facebook group sales revolution right before this and i was talking to to our members of that group about what selling actually is all selling is is about change it's how good you are with your questioning skills and going under the surface not surface level questions but it's how good you are with your questioning skills and your listening skills with your tonality that basically help your prospect and their mind believe and think that it's far more risky for them not to get the money and to stay in their situation and stay in the status quo than it is to actually get the money to solve the problem and actually get where they want it's far more risky and that's not us telling them it's ask us certain consequence questions that allow them to empower themselves and tell themselves like if i don't do anything like all this is gonna happen i think there's a couple things like i think i think as salespeople sometimes we take for granted that you know because there's no consequence without a goal yeah right so like we have to get the real goal i think if like and that's a skill in itself which we could probably do in the podcast which is identifying when someone's i don't believe the whole buyer's a liar's thing but i believe that like people will only tell you information when they feel comfortable telling it to you so i i learned this like when i used to sell a lot of weight loss and people would come to me saying i just love to lose 10 pounds and a lot of traditional sales people then the moment they hear that they go why 10 pounds what is it about 10 pounds when was the last time you were 10 pounds lighter right but i know that in the first five or 10 minutes of a cold that is probably only part of the story they're not lying to me but that's just what they feel internally one potentially telling themselves because it's a lot easier to tell yourselves do you want to lose 10 instead of 50. right right that's just they're just rationalizing in their own head so once we get the real goal and i think as we take for granted sometimes the salespeople we're usually very goal-oriented people and we have genuinely thought and discussed about our goals whereas a lot of people have not especially people in just general population not entrepreneurs or whatever like they have never really they never really discuss and detail their goal and the tangible and emotional benefits of getting the goal and so we have to set that up first and then give the person the opportunity and have some techniques in order to actually be able to get that then from there we need to have them have a genuine contemplation of failure because they're you know one of our clients ryan sirhan he calls it the wall you know and his wall moment is something that he's forever running away from yeah and it was a moment in 2006 i think it was he was a young guy in new york sat on a um he was on the subway didn't have enough money to buy his dinner yeah and he started crying right there and then in the subway and he had two decisions he said i can go back to texas which is where his family is and he would have had a fine life but he knew what that would be or he could just man up and keep going yeah and it was that moment where he thought about if i fail and i give up this is what will happen this will be the next 50 60 years of my life yeah and he was like i'm not willing to settle for that so i'm going to move forward and i think like that's a really important concept for people to understand because that's really what is the catalyst for change in most instances well and you got to look at ryan ryan was an easy prospect because he already knew like he already had that internal drive and that motivation to want to change his situation but what all of us have to understand is that most pros prospects are not like ryan siron they're not internally motive they don't know what they don't know they don't have that drive so it's up to you the sales professional to be able to ask them certain questions that allow them to internally get to where ryan's at but they can only do that with your questions you're asking them that's caused them to really open up and not just tell you their why like you talked about but really tell you what's behind the why that's the difference between a good sales person even a great sales person compared to like the legends like if you want to be a legend or like a savage in sales as we call it you have to be the best at not just finding out their why anybody can find out why but it's you're finding out what's behind the why like what's driving that why like what problem what happened in that prospect's life or their situation or whatever depending on what you sell b to b or b to c that caused the problem to really drive them wanting to change wanting to change and to be able to do that with you so it's all about your questioning skills that allow your prospects to visually see that and feel that in their mind and get them internally motivated to want to do something about like ryan got himself to yeah exactly so consequence questions for me and in particular like the kind of i guess the the way that i sell because everyone we all use any pq as a framework you know what i mean but everyone's obviously going to have their own individualistic way of doing things and i think for me i i lean very very heavily on consequence questions i pretty much plow through the rest of it and sit there and consequence for as long as i need to until what i consider what i i like to call it like the contemplative side it's just like well that would not be good you know what i mean then it's like okay now i know they're there right because one of the things like from the industries that i used to sell is used to get a lot of people going i'm gonna do it no matter what yeah and like that can be a good sign or it can be a bad sign because it can be a red flag in my mind yeah exactly it's like well you haven't contemplated because you know i would love to have a flying car but i live in a reality of where cars do not fly so i need to make my decisions based off that so i'd love to be able to just you know bank on the future but i need to look at the here and now and what's in front of me and yeah like if nothing changes what will happen and i want to know the day-to-day the nitty-gritty everything that's going to happen about that then that person is genuinely contemplating what happens if they don't succeed and then i know that they're ready to hear my solution then and only then yeah 100 and we're going to talk about in a second but it's it's it's you know there's two parts of constance questions consonants questions can be used in any part of the conversation to help prospects overcome their own concerns to challenge them right that can happen in any part of the conversation and the second format is it's asked right after your solution awareness questions so let's take them through the process for a second situation questions we help them find out their present situation you and them right your problem awareness questions help the prospects find out what their real problems are maybe even problems they didn't know about before the call or the zoom call or the meeting if it's in person what the root cause of the problems are like how it happened what's causing it and then how it's affecting them that's the key there how it's affecting them then our solution awareness questions the first half or finding out what they've done about it in the past to change that which helps them realize like oh crap i could have done something about this i never have right and the second half is we're getting them to see what their future state or objective state will look like once their problems like here's their situation here's where they want to be their future state here's the gap you know all these problems they have that's caused them not to get here but it causes the back half of solution awareness questions causes the prospect to view what their future is going to look like once the problem solved and then you go to consequence and you just rip it away that's what consumes questions do what if you don't do anything about this and the situation gets even worse now that's a generic nfpq consumer's question we would type you know if it's a different obviously different industries we're going to tie in different parts there but that's the format what if you don't do anything about this the problem and your situation gets even worse you know or you stay stagnant so that gets them to think and it like rips out what they just said they wanted and it forces them to like pull you in like oh no no i'm going to do something about this so at the end after you've gone through the presentation feedback what they said they wanted showed them how we could solve it and you ask your commitment questions it's almost extremely hard or impossible for the prospect to then come back and say well this sounds good but i think i need to wait two or three months to get involved you just don't have that because they already told you and themselves why they have to change it now from your consequence questions yeah a lot of people ask tactical questions but they need strategic answers like what do i do in a prospect says this well it's like well it's probably an upstream effect of you not effectively getting their problem or getting their goal or getting their consequence like that's that's first things first you can have all these pre-loaded lines to deal with stuff but you know at the end of the day you know you have to sort of you have to deal with the upstream effects of what you're doing what did you say or not ask that triggered that objection to happen so we talk about objection prevention you know when matt and i are trainers trained companies and organizations it's more about objection prevention than it is objection handling because if somebody says well i keep getting this objection well we can give you some lines and some questions asked to help them overcome it but that's just the band-aid approach like yeah how is that happening like you know it's like going to a doctor right and the doctor's like here just take these drugs it'll make you feel better well what's causing your bad health in the first place you got to get that fixed so what's in your sales process or what are you saying or not asking that's triggering these objections to happen and once you fix that within epq those objections get reduced 70 80 so much easier to sell yeah and it turns from like difficult objection handling to relatively simple problem solving right like a lot of the sales that we do are relatively objectionless but there are there is a logistical conversation around like well i need to do this this and this and then it's like we might just take him through a very very simple money objection handle or even a timing objection handler or a partner or whatever it'd be very simple but it really becomes it's more semantic because we've got the buy-in like i think a lot of people don't realize the way that we structure the presentation phase like the entire goal of it is to get buy-in on specific parts of that product or service with such detail that like well like they're they're they're telling the story themselves yeah right and it's like well does that make sense okay cool and is there anything in there that's of most benefit to you is this the answer for you do you mind telling me why being skeptical having that curiosity and then it's like you're making them dig in on their ideas right and it's like people don't realize how they don't realize how clever it is this is kind of fanboying out but when i realized how it was put together i was like oh that's genius i was like i was like okay i see what's happening here because it's like you have the problem once you uncover the real problem you uncover what do they get when they solve that problem then you uncover why that's a like what the emotional driver is behind the what so i get this this and this how does that make you feel to get that you talk about that you future pace it consequence questions you take it away right and then you get a commitment question which is a commitment to change yeah right which is then like which is the catalyst for them to want to move forward then when you present you get multiple buy-ins on the way not the yes train but you get buy-in from the prospect with detail yeah about which makes them solidify the idea even harder in their own brains and then you can go through some relatively simple objection handling techniques and that's how you can close at 70 80 90 in any industry yeah for sure i mean in in your presentation you're basically going over their problem repeating back the problems they said they had and maybe even other problems that you know prospects in their industry have that maybe they didn't come up with once you're asking the questions and then you're showing how your product or service solves each one of those challenges and problems so at the end it's just it makes complete sense because you're feeding back the problems they said they had and how you solved them and once it's solved here's where it's going to take you or here's what it's doing for you and it's very hard for them to come back and be like uh i think i want to think it over like uh you know i'm not sure now even if it's in a b2b sale you know average b2b company has 6.8 decision makers in that organization that's not even enterprise it's just normal smb usually so even if it's if it's b2b you know and it's it's a two or three month sales cycle you're at least getting these little smaller commitments that are leading to the larger decision of them actually committing to purchase your product or service to solve their problem now might not be in the first call or the second call but you're getting you're asking some of these commitment questions here towards the end that get them to take smaller commitments that lead to that sale yeah absolutely yeah like it's it's funny like it really doesn't matter like what what like what the industry whether it's b2b b2c whatever enterprise smb like these these principles ring true um throughout them some of the delivery mechanisms might be somewhat different and then the time frames are all different but like you're taking someone through the same process and like the consequence questions if anything are sort of for like for especially like decent size companies you know like you get up to you know 50 60 million dollars a year their consequences are actually far greater because like one percent changes create huge differences especially the bottom line of the owners or like directors who are on say you know bonuses and stuff like that if you can increase profits by one percent that could be 50 to you know 150 000 in the pocket of like of one of the directors you know per quarter per year i mean it's the same thing so you know this is before you were with you know us at seven level in the ceos before i even knew you but three years ago when i first started seventh level one of our first clients our first company client b2b client was google adwords right so they brought me in to train for their divisions and after i took them through the discovery process they're like if we can get a 5 increase in sales over the next 12 months it's worth you know we're talking tens of millions of dollars in those divisions and i'm like i i set back i'm like five percent i actually said that i'm like five percent is is that all you want or would you rather be higher if you could and like oh my gosh i mean of course we want to be higher but even we got five percent like we would qualify for these bonuses and and i'd like what would it do for you though besides getting bonuses to your team well i mean off the record like i would get promoted and blah blah blah so i found out advocacy decision makers in there she was the vice president of something something and google has like different they have like 35 different divisions and like one billion decision makers it seems like that's a whole different conversation but we we came in and i did like an eight i think it was like a six day training this is before a virtual training course or anything over the next three months 244 increase in sales in those four divisions and they said they went back and audited that four times because they didn't believe that that was even possible like i said they thought if they could get five you gotta you should've got a rep share you should have gone you've gone in for hey or anything over five percent i'll take one percent well i'll tell you what if we would have done that i would 70 million from that so uh so it's it's all about you know like you said these big organizations like these consequence questions and what we train them can have such a massive impact that even a one percent increase or a five percent or even if they they don't do anything about the problem and their revenue goes down by two or three or five percent the next year and then they start losing shareholders and their stock becomes not as worth it i mean it's just there's a lot of effects there and that's why the decision-making process is so critical for them and that's why they i want to think it over i need to meet with 10 different companies or whatever you sell b2b but that doesn't have to be the case if you know how to ask these questions we're talking it really speeds up your sales cycle i mean there's another company that we we trained here three years ago medical device sales and their average sales cycle with the hospital and doctors was nine months long taking them you know taking the hospital administrator on golf and i think this was before they made some real changes in that i don't think you can do that now taking them you know bringing in lunches to them like whining and dining them to maybe get a proposal and nine months later i'm like you guys people don't buy because you you take them out to dinner you take them golfing like anybody can do that any sales people from all your competitors are doing the same damn thing what separates you from anybody else they all say they have the best product they all say that they have the best cost they all say they're the best customer support the only difference is is you being able to learn the right questions that help your prospects these doctors hospital administrators build urgency around the problems that you're helping them uncover that they didn't even know they had and we took their nine-month sales cycle down to about three months that's a massive difference in revenue huge huge the turnover of money is just so much so much quicker yeah and yeah it's a it's a it's a it's interesting like a lot of people get the objections like when you think about it or partner or money or like now is in the right time or even like you know i'm speaking to some of your competitors or can you send me testimonials like all those things and the people like oh how do you how do you handle when people ask testimonials and i was like well i can never get it ever i don't have ever had anybody ever ask me for testimony yeah i used to i used to get it and i used to just say well are you looking for a reason to buy or not to buy like what are you what are you looking for because i can just send you to my most successful client you know i mean like it's a it's a stupid it's a stupid idea oh can i talk to one of your clients okay i'll send you to my most successful like oh no don't do that okay what do you want me to send you to my least successful the guy who never showed up did any work well no i was like so who do you want to speak to like it doesn't make any sense right but anyway like it's just a symptom of a lack of urgency that's all it is like and so it's always i give i must frustrate people when i give them the same answer i'm like there's no point learning how to deal with that that's just it's a throwaway like you're gonna first yeah first of all you're barely ever gonna get it right and if you do maybe it's a problem with the marketing or maybe just send them testimonies before your sales call like if you get that a lot right but also like have a look at the upstream like you're clearly not uncovering certain things because like since doing any pq and selling in this methodology i don't remember i literally don't think i've had can you send me to a client can i have a testimonial because it's like it doesn't happen the only reason why they even say that is because they don't trust that what you're saying is going to get them the results that you said it could be that's why they're saying can you send me testimonies that is the only reason so like matt saying if you're getting that objection a lot it's because you haven't learned the right questions asked in your sales process that creates urgency where they start to view you as the trusted expert or the trusted authority rather than how they view most sales people over there in the corner just another sales person trying to sell me something and they try to get rid of you right so if they do ask you to send you a testimony you just ask them yeah sure um so just just so i know kind of what you're looking for what would you like to see from those people oh i want to ask them about this or that or this okay um well what i can do and that tells you their concern right so you can you can help them resolve their concern yeah i can do that possibly i'm just just so i know um who to send over to you what would you like to actually speak to them just so i understand well i'm nervous about this or i have this question okay well what i can do is i can reach out to them you know to see when when they would be available to talk to you now let's pretend that you you talk to these clients of ours and they talk to you about some of the same problems that you're having that they have that we saw for them at that point how do you want to proceed from here so you have to get a commitment after you actually send those testimonials like before you send to them otherwise you will never hear from them again you'll send them they're gone yeah never and then even like no matter how good i've sent them to like friends of mine who have done the program right they're like they're good friends of mine got good results they're like yeah i'll sell the bagees like i'll tell them it's the most amazing thing on the planet they're like yeah dude it's amazing i remember one guy goes he goes you would be you would be not to do this that's exactly what he said right it's a quote it's like this is the best thing ever guys still didn't do it [Music] it's like because like that wasn't the problem that was not the problem that was just certain they had a different concern and the can you send me some testimonials was just a way to like cover their real projection exactly yeah exactly and if you guys are listening to this podcast and you are struggling with objections like that make sure you go over to the sales revolution facebook group we go live all the time jeremy's constantly asking answering questions we're doing interviews with clients we're doing live stuff we have a five day challenge coming up there's lots and lots of free resources there like if you enter that group you should be able to get better at sales for free and start to get into the to our little ecosystem where we're trying to teach people how to sell you know in what we consider to be a better way yeah 100 and you know consequence questions you know one one person that does extremely well with this that i've watched a lot is tony robbins so tony robbins is like an advanced psychologist right that's really what any pq is like it comes from behavioral science comes from neuroscience and it's basically working with human behavior and i see somebody that does this really really well tony robbins so he goes out on stage and he he goes on the crowd and he starts asking whoever stands up to say their problem he starts asking him some questions and you notice he always asks a consequence question like what if you don't do anything about the something like that and then what does the prospect in the audience do they break down it's like they cry because they have he's helping empower them to help them realize that they themselves have the power alone to change their situation their decision making on what they're going to do from that point forward will determine if they solve the problems they just told him and themselves they had he's empowering them so we're doing that in the process we're in the sales process we're teaching you how to empower your prospects to question their way of thinking and realize that they can change their situation and all these problems here's where they're at their current state here's where they want to be their future state here's the gap all these problems you've helped them discover it can all be solved by what getting the funding together to purchase your solution i think people don't realize money like spending money is really easy i want you to sit down right now for this and this and raise your hand if you spend money today right you had a problem what did you do i was hungry there was food over there i went and bought it like my car was running out of gas i went to a gas station i got gas like you have a problem we are conditioned to solve it with spending money like it's not a big deal it's just not so like it's fine like if you have a problem and you need it solved like okay that's like this person needs money in exchange to solve my problem like that's fine it's just a totally normal transaction so like if someone has a problem and you can help solve it like it's yes it's just it's fine don't freak out about it and you gotta you know everybody has to realize that most of your prospects you talk to unless they are running out of gas don't realize they even have a problem in the first place or maybe they don't know how bad their problem is or what the consequences is going to be if they don't do anything about solving the problem you know one other way you can use consequence question that we haven't talked about is let's say that and i did a training on this a couple weeks ago in our facebook group let's say that you have an existing client so let's say that you're in a business or in b2b or whatever or insurance right you have an existing client that's thinking about leaving your company to go with a competitor how do you stop that you just say oh you shouldn't go with them because they suck and blah blah blah that's going to go in one ear out the other you simply say well john can i make a suggestion sure go ahead jeremy have you considered what could happen if switching to a different company doesn't get you the results that you're wanting ah now at that point do you think he's back no i haven't considered it i'm just going to do it no they're not they're like well what do you mean well and i'm not i'd have to know a little bit more about this because i was going to ask you something but if there was a way that you could get the same results that you want without having you to do all the work of changing companies would you would you be open to looking at that as a possibility now do you think you're going to say nope i would not be open of course they're going to be open and then you can discover a little bit more about what's going on and help them stay with your company so that's a way you can use consequence questions as well that's not even in the structured format with that type of thing yeah i love it that's great whenever you need to it works in everyday life yeah like i use it all the time my wife hates it what do you do tell us what you do to your wife with your poor wife i just i just try and sell her into stuff all the time like that she's like don't you use your mind tricks on me but i talk to my kid i talk to my kid very napq like when i'm trying to teach something you know like how are you why are you feeling that way like i obviously use simpler words because there's only five and two but you know essentially like is that impacting you what way how explain you know what i mean and then like kind of push them through a process when i'm trying to teach him how to like how to articulate his feelings because like napq probing clarifying questions all that kind of stuff like they're very good at getting someone to articulate emotion yeah and so like teaching a young child like my kid gets super angry for like all kids do they get really angry because they don't understand what they're feeling they don't know how to articulate it so if i can just take him through talk him through a process and he articulates it very well and now at five he can articulate his emotions very eloquently like he he just you can talk to him like he's an adult you know he's like i'm feeling angry because of this or i'm feeling upset or i'm feeling scared like we've been moving around a lot so he's been having some anxiety right because we've been moving so much and so he's it's been coming out his anger and i finally just sat down and talked him through it he said he was scared and then i understood okay that means he has anxiety that's that's anxious he just doesn't know how to articulate it so just by just by communicating him with more effectively and taking the time to sit down and taking him through a process where i can uncover and probe and clarify i was able to then go oh i know what that is i can help with that you know but i can't help with a five-year-old rage i kind of can't help that stop or whatever you do you're not finding anything yeah i even asked my 18 year old daughter who you know one of the reasons why we have this house out here is because i have two daughters now in college that go to school here right so arizona state is is local here and so we wanted to have a place where we could come out you know blah blah blah blah we wanted to visit with them so i asked her she just moved out here she doesn't have a lot of money and i'm like hey if you move out here six months before school even starts because she graduated school early i'm not gonna pay all your rent like you're gonna have to pay half i'll pay half you pay half she's like okay deal and she moved out and i'm like hey so have you have you applied for jobs or what are you doing like no i haven't really done anything i've just been hanging out with cammy your sister and hang out with my friends i'm like well what are you going to do to pay your rent in a month if you don't go out and find a job because you know i'm only paying half consequence question and she's like oh i i i don't know well i'm serious like what are you going to probably ask mom for the other house what are you going to do what are you going to do if you don't find this job and then your rinsed you and i'm only paying half of it what are you going to do then consequence question so now she's out looking for jobs internally motivated instead of me telling her she has to i get her to tell herself like here are the ramifications if i don't do anything i'm going back to missouri i'm not going to be able to stay here go to school yeah exactly it's great all right i feel like we've kind of nailed where we need to nail without without going on for too long but um any sort of final words no i just you know join the facebook group i mean that's really the start of learning nepq neural emotional persuasion questions we like i said matt and i go live in there about five times a week on average either you know us probably i go live like three times and that's about once or twice we have trainers that go live as well and we do a lot of uh resources in there that you have access to that we don't even uh have you pay for now obviously that's just the tip of the iceberg if you want to be great at sales if you want to crush it make 20 30 40 50 000 plus a month in commissions in any industry we i mean we train i mean hundreds if not over a thousand industries at that point industries that i didn't you know exist sometimes but i see that i'm like i didn't even know that existed that's so weird i never knew i met a guy the other day he's a coach and they teach people how to invest in mobile homes that industry i did not know about they buy cheap and flip that's interesting and that's cool man that's a whole program wouldn't you have known about i go does it work and he goes unbelievably well i was like okay buying buying a caravan for five grand selling it for 12. yeah like that's a good return for sure so you know join the facebook group sales revolution if you haven't yet that's going to help you you're going to get in there you're going to hear some lives you're going to you're going to start seeing stuff and then you know get in there take some of our sources message us in there we have myself you know our team in there messaging people about what they're learning those type of things and jump on a book call sometimes we have tons of people that want to jump on book calls with us we kind of go through their sales process find out what their problem is and like here's where they're at commission wise per month maybe they're making three four or five grand a month i really want to make 10 15 20 but there's something i'm missing and we have you get into like our our training programs like our npq 3.0 2.0 our advanced inner circle where we have you go through our virtual training our live role playing and to really get massive results you've got to learn the right skills and it all starts by joining the facebook group and then progressing through that process 100 all right hope you don't freak out there i'm going to go outside here in arizona where i'm at today some bacon 92 degrees i'm going to get a nice tan thanks absolutely enjoy now if you're serious about joining the top 1 percent i mean the top 1 and you want to experience more training content just like this click the links right over there right over there there exactly what you need to see next you see i released new episodes featuring top sales people and sales authorities multiple six figure high six figure even seven figure earners and if you're new here do yourself a favor and smash that subscribe button right below right below and join our new facebook group sales revolution you see it's free and there's a link in the description below just for you we put it there for you finally i make posts on facebook and instagram each and every day with more tips and training so be sure and follow me turn on your notifications so make a comment in the first seven minutes to any of my latest posts share this episode and there's a very real chance that you're gonna win some killer prizes and here's the thing don't sit on the sidelines don't be like everyone else get into the game join the sales revolution stay active get involved learn the right skills and we will show you how to take your life and income to a level that most only dream about
Channel: Jeremy Miner
Views: 13,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Miner, 7 figure sales training, sales training, sales training courses, sales courses, sales training programs, how to close a sale, sales techniques, selling techniques, sales tips, sales skills, closing skills, closing techniques, cardone university, grant cardone, brad lea, brian tracy, matthew ryder, matt ryder, sales sniper
Id: arWeeWx1t-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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