Google Ads vs Facebook Ads ... which is better?

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which one is better for your business facebook ads or google ads now this is not going to be one of those videos where it says it depends on your situation and maybe give both a try and see how it all works out because i'm going to be giving you some very clear reasons for why you should be focusing your time in learning one of these platforms and why that same platform should be the one which gets the vast majority of your marketing budget now i do agree that if you're an established business you need to be present on both of these platforms however if we're in a world where you could only choose one of these platforms their clear winner for me would be all i'm offering is the truth nothing more google ads now i know what you're saying of course you would say google ads is the best option aaron because you do call yourself the 15 000 hour google ads master but i want to make it clear that is not the reason for why and the reason for why i've solely focused on google ads over the last 12 years is because i truly believe that google ads is the better option for my business and also for your business and i'm not alone in this belief because if you look at the financial records for both facebook and google for 2021 and only look at their advertising revenue so the money that they're getting from their ad platforms google ads was the clear winner in terms of percentage growth with facebook's revenue growing by 37.2 and google's ad revenue growing by 42.6 and before you say well five percent isn't that much what you need to remember is that google's ad revenue was already nearly double that of facebook so five percent growth is huge and when you break it down to the actual increase in revenue it looks like this when you look over the 2021 period google's ad revenue grew by 62.5 million dollars while facebook's ad revenue only grew by 31.9 million dollars meaning that google got double the amount of new ad revenue coming into the industry and the reason for why this is so significant is because both google and facebook are well established channels in the digital marketing space with google ads launching in 2000 and facebook launching in 2007. so you can't attribute this growth to new trends or facebook being newer or google being more established because they've both been around for more than 10 years so this leads us to one main reason for why google is quickly outgrowing facebook in ad revenue and that main reason is results like it or not the pure facts are is that google creates more relevant sales and inquiries than what facebook does and we know this because money trails don't lie when it comes to advertising businesses money follows where there are the most results so the reason for why google grew quicker than facebook is because many businesses saw that they were fast getting far superior results on google rather than facebook so rewinding back to 2010 why did i choose to focus on google ads rather than facebook ads now like many businesses when i started my first business i only had the spare money to focus on one channel being google ads or facebook so i looked heavily into the differences between these two channels because i knew this decision of whether i invest my money into google ads or into facebook could literally make or break my business so because this business was so important i spent a lot of time looking at the different pros and cons for each platform and today i want to share with you my top five reasons for why you should be using google ads and not facebook ads to market your business and the first reason for why i chose google is because it is based on search the core difference between these two platforms is that google is based on search so you're targeting people who are searching for specific search terms related to your product or service and you're showing your ads when they're right in that mode of buying or actively researching which product or service they should use whereas at its core facebook is all about targeting so you're targeting different people based on their demographics or audiences or recent life events or pages they like or pages they follow and the benefit for google is this is that your ads are reaching people right when they are ready to buy or they're actively researching your product so there's no interruption factor you're not having to grab their attention you're targeting the people as they are already looking for you so the roles are reversed because in facebook you're trying to get their attention when they're scrolling through their facebook or instagram feed or looking at funny dog videos and this is the power in google is because the person is actually finding you what you're making sure is that when they're looking for the answer that they choose you as opposed to facebook where you're interrupting them and trying to grab their attention so you can see with google versus facebook with google as the advertiser you have all of the power as opposed to facebook where you're trying to interrupt and gain some power from that customer and the second reason for why google is the better option is because you actually get the best of both worlds because with google advertising it's based on search plus audiences and demographic targeting now i know just previously i said before is that google is built on search and yes that is true but one of the biggest misconceptions with google ads is that it is only based on search and that is completely incorrect because with google ads you have four core targeting options firstly as we said you've got keyword targeting then you've also got demographic and audience targeting and then you can also target people by their location and then finally by the device that they are using whether it would be mobile a tablet or a computer so with google ads you're not just targeting someone who's looking to buy a new nike hoodie you can actually target someone who's looking to buy a new nike hoodie who's between 35 to 44 years old who lives in brisbane and has many interests including running and walking so with google ads you're not just targeting the keyword you're also targeting the type of person and their behaviors who are searching for that current keyword and that is something that facebook just simply cannot offer you now it's getting pretty hot under these lights so let's uh let's take this off all right i'm back and that's a bit better now let's now get into that third reason for why google ads is far better than facebook ads and the reason is is because google ads is data driven not ad copy driven my belief is that one of the reasons why facebook ads is so popular is because people love to write the ad copy create different images and also create videos and because as marketers and business owners they like to think that they have the power that they are the ones that created those results because it was their funky ad copy or their attention-grabbing headline or their great image or their funny video or their engaging video whatever the situation is and it speaks to and it appeals to the desire of we all want to be the hero of the story we want to know that it was our ad copy or our images or our videos that made the difference and without them that the campaign would fail and that's where google is different is because success in google is driven by data and let's be honest scrolling through line after line of data looking for different data points looking for different interactions sometimes isn't very sexy and it can actually take time for a business owner or a marketer to actually work out what is going to be the best keywords to target the best demographics and locations and times and different headlines that are going to work for that particular business but the great thing about google ads is once you've gone through all that data and you actually find out what works for that individual business you can then manage your google ads campaign for under an hour a week and easily scale that campaign with no further work going above that hour a week whereas with facebook ads you're entered into an endless cycle of having to create new ad content of having to shoot new videos shoot new images or so that you stay relevant and that your ads don't lose any relevance and that's the other big change that i've seen between facebook ads and google ads is that with facebook ads your results can go up and down because it's based on an individual ad or an individual ad copy and now we come to the fourth reason for why google ads is so much better than facebook ads and that is that you have much better retargeting and remarketing options on google ads one of the major drawbacks for facebook ads is that you actually have to be on the platform in order to see your ads so the user actually has to be actively in facebook or instagram in order to even see your ads and that's just not the case with google and the reason for that is because google just has a much wider net in fact the google display network targets up to 90 percent of all internet users and it doesn't stop there because you can even target people when they're checking their email through gmail advertising or even when they're watching youtube videos like this on youtube ads and then i come to my fifth and final reason for why google ads is better than facebook ads and this one is probably the most significant and the most important and probably the most controversial because i believe that in the next five to seven years this discussion will actually be irrelevant and the reason for that is because facebook ads will no longer be relevant with my prediction being that the core marketing channels to use within the digital space will be google ads and then possibly amazon marketing and another social platform and the reason for why i believe that facebook will no longer be a main channel in five to seven years is because i believe facebook suffers from the i'm getting away from my parents effect in my early twenties when facebook first launched everyone was on facebook and then people my age started leaving facebook and going to instagram because they were sick of their mum or dad or grandparents ruining a perfect post and that same trend is now happening with instagram where younger people are moving off the platform because they're just feeling that there's too many karen's and darren's on instagram at the moment now with that first transition from facebook to instagram facebook were lucky in that they were able to actually buy and acquire instagram and my prediction is that this next time around facebook will not be that lucky in that they won't be able to buy or acquire any of the new emerging social platforms which you're going to eventually overtake facebook and for me that is the core issue and i think it's the most important issue that you should also consider if you're going to spend your time mastering a channel that you can use to market your business you'd better invest in a channel that is still going to be around in 5 10 and 20 years from now and as i said my firm belief is that google will still be there but facebook ads will not so there you have it my five reasons for why you should be focusing on google ads and not facebook ads and if you are really serious and wanting to learn how you can use google ads to grow your business or to grow the business of others because you're wanting to become a google ads freelancer then i want to invite you to join my google ads 10x community because in this upcoming community i'm going to be sharing members only advanced google ads teaching and master classes there will also be monthly live group coaching and q a sessions and then finally it'll give you a chance to connect to other people who are passionate about google ads from all over the world so that we can encourage and also share the latest strategies that are working in google ads right now and if this is something that you'd be interested to be a part of why don't you go through and pre-register right now by following the link in the description once again thank you for joining me my name is aaron young and i'm your 15 000 hour google ads master and if you want to stay up to date with what is working in google ads right now why don't you consider giving me a quick subscribe and then finally if you're currently running some google shopping campaigns and you'd like to know more about how you can optimize those shopping campaigns why don't you go through and watch this video right here or if you've got some performance max campaigns and they're not getting the results that you'd like to see go through and watch my optimization video for performance max campaigns right here thank you again see you next time
Channel: Aaron Young | 15,000Hr Google Ads Master
Views: 1,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads vs facebook ads, facebook ads vs google ads, google ads, facebook vs google ads, google ads 2022, facebook ads vs google ads 2022, which is better facebook ads or google ads, google advertising vs facebook advertising, digital marketing, google ads or facebook ads, google or facebook ads, google adwords vs facebook ads, paid advertising
Id: PlmgzYOff0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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