Google Ads Keyword Match Types Explained

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all right what's up everyone welcome to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel today I'm gonna be going over Google Ads keyword match types so I'm gonna go through the four different keyword match types that you need to know about and I'm really only gonna be focusing on targeted search keywords so I'm gonna do a separate video for negative keywords here I'm only gonna be talking about when you're targeting search keywords in your search campaigns for Google Ads so what I've done first is I've opened up one of my search campaigns here and we're targeting a couple keywords here so we have an exact match keyword right here and this is a modified broad match keyword so what I'd like to do first is go through the four different keyword match types and how you can use them how they work and then over here some different search queries that would actually trigger an advertisement based on the match type so first I'm gonna start with broad match but before I go through keyword match types one thing you need to know about our close variance so when it comes to close variance oh I pulled this from Google you can see the source at the bottom so this is a quote just from that page and it says so that you don't miss out on potential customers we may show your ads for close variations on broad match modifier phrase match and exact match keywords close variations of these match types can include misspellings singular or plural forms acronyms abbreviations accents and Stebbings such as floor and flooring and for exact match keywords this includes queries with the same meaning so basically what close variance is gonna do is expand the search queries that your targeted keyword will match to other things like misspellings like plural forms of the word and I'm gonna go through that a little bit more as I talk about the targeted keywords but just a quick example here is we're looking at an exact match keyword so you could see dry dog food so some of the different keywords that might match for dry dog food is obviously the exact match version of the keyword then we have one over here so if someone misspells it and does DRI dog food Google is gonna assume that when someone types in this it's gonna mean that they're typing in this dry dog food so it's still gonna match your targeted keyword so that's just an example of close variance and it's gonna impact your modified broad match keywords your phrase match keywords and your exact match keyword so even if you're targeting something like dry dog food it might match for dry dog foods dried dog food so just some different ideas that your ads will show for and close variants are an important thing that you need to keep in mind because if you're targeting some exact phrase and modified broad match keyword you can't turn off close variants you used to be able to but now you can't Google is gonna match them it doesn't really impact your campaign negatively in my experience it's just the way to expand your keywords a little bit so you don't need to worry about adding plural forms of some of these exact match keywords because Google is gonna match them anyway so if you have something like dry dog food for example you don't need to add misspellings you don't need to add dry dog foods or anything like that because Google will match them automatically so now I'm gonna do is go through the four different keyword match types so you can understand how to use them and when ads will show for them now before I get started with any of this I never use broad match keywords it's just something I never do I think they're a little bit too broad I think the problem with broad match keywords is they're gonna show for synonyms related searches similar keywords so if you're targeting a broad match keyword like dry dog food you might have ads show for things like dry pet food best dog food it might even show for wet dog food so it's really gonna be too broad in my experience and when you're trying to optimize your ad campaigns for quality score for ad rank and to make sure that you're really serving targeted ads for each individual search query I think broad match makes things a little bit too broad so I have here ads my show for search queries that include the targeted keyword so we have that up here similar keywords so something like dry pet food synonyms related searches misspellings so it's really gonna be a little bit too broad in my experience I never use broad match keywords because you're gonna have synonyms show up you're gonna have all sorts of different ads showing for keywords that you're not even targeting and what's gonna end up happening is your campaign is gonna be impacted negatively because your ads are just showing for too many keywords and there's gonna be unrelated keywords that show up even when you're targeting something like dry dog food you might get something like wet dog food so then you're sending people to a landing page that has dry dog food on it you have advertisements that are geared towards dry dog food so you want everything to match and line up especially when you're working with Google Ads because that's the best way to improve your quality score over time now the better way instead of using broad match keywords is to use modified broad match keywords so what this means I have here ads will show when search query includes words with a plus sign modifier in the targeted keyword so what that means is we have dry dog food with a plus sign in front of each word so for this one for modified broad match if you look across so now we have what ads will show for for some of these different options here so let's just say you have the plus sign in front of each individual word in your targeted keyword here so this is a modified broad match keyword then ads will show for something like best dry dog food or dry food brands for dogs so because we have dry here we have dogs here and we have food here then it will show for this as well now if you're doing something like dry dog food and you don't include the plus sign modifier in front of dog then what you might match for is something like dry pet food because you have dry and food in there which are the two words that you said you want to include when someone has that in their search query to target them with your advertisement now the next one down here is dry and then we have the plus sign modifier in front of dog and food so it might match for something like best dog food so you can see those two are included but we don't have dry here we have best and then another example is just food brands for dogs so that will match this as well because you have dog and food and then food and dogs here so you really want to include them in front of every single word in your targeted keyword so I use modified broad match keywords a lot this is probably my favorite type of keyword matching to use because you're gonna match a lot of different keyword types and you can use negative keywords which we'll go over in a separate video to make sure that your ads aren't showing for unrelated searches but something like dry dog food I think if someone types in best try dog food or dry food brands for dogs any of those types of keywords are gonna be very relevant to dry dog food and it will also match the exact match version of that keyword as well so if I've tried dog food here it will show for something like dry dog food so it really matches for every type of related keyword in my experience so the next thing here is gonna be phrase match keywords so it is exactly what it sounds like so anytime this phrase is in the search query then it will target that search query with your advertisements so just some examples over here so best dry dog food 2019 so since we have the phrase there dry dog it will match and then brands for dry dog food will match as well now if you have a phrase dry dog food like this and someone does dry food brands for dogs then it's not going to match because that phrase is not included in the search query so it has to be something like best dry dog food this exact phrase has to appear in this order otherwise it's not going to match and your ad will not show for that individual search query now exact match is really the easiest to understand so you type an exact match keyword and it's gonna match for any type of cure that is exactly the same or close variants just like that now the main thing to keep in mind is when you're targeting phrase match keywords you're gonna put quotes around those keywords and when you're targeting exact match keywords you're gonna put brackets around those keywords and then for modified broad match you just include the plus sign in front of every word you want to make sure includes in the search query for your advertisements to show so now I'm gonna give you some quick examples so we're gonna open up google eyes here so we have our farmhouse goal search campaign open and we're in our farmhouse shelves at group so you can see here we're targeting the exact match version of a keyword and the modified broad match version of a keyword so if we take our data here and I come to the search terms report you're gonna be able to see some of the different search terms that have been matched based on our targeted keywords so you can also see the match type so you can see something like farmhouse shelving so that's an example of a closed variant so we're not targeting the keyword shelving anywhere but since they include shelving and shelves as the same keyword then that's gonna be an exact match for a closed variant so you don't necessarily need to include these in your campaign but one thing you can do is come back to your targeted keywords and I can target something like farmhouse shelving now I've had a lot of questions recently about whether or not you should target exact match keywords altogether because if you're using an automated bid strategy and you're using modified broad match keywords then this keyword will match the same things that this matches as well so it's an interesting question it's something where you don't necessarily need to target an exact match keyword but one thing that I like the reason why I like to do it is because it will separate out your statistics a little bit better you can see your click-through rate you can see your average CPC for this individual exact match keyword and you can also optimize for quality score because any of the keywords that you're targeting with the exact match version are only gonna be the most searched keywords so you want to make sure that you have the highest possible quality score for this keyword but it's an interesting test to run so it's something that you can test on your own so maybe if you just pause the exact match version of the keyword and this only works for automated bidding strategies so I'm using automated bidding strategies for this campaign if you're still using manual bidding strategies I generally bid higher on exact match keywords I bid so the way I would look at it is I bid the highest on exact match keywords I don't really target broad match keywords altogether but I'd bid the absolute lowest on them I would bid the second highest on phrase match the third highest I modified broad match I don't generally target phrase match keywords all that often either so usually I'll target exact match keywords and modified broad match keywords because I think that's gonna give me the same exact reach and it's gonna make sure that I'm targeting all the right keywords really for that campaign in that individual a group so stagnant farmhouse shelves here if I come over to search terms again you can see all the different keywords and search queries that have matches matched to my keywords so something like farmhouse floating shelves so this is a keyword that I could add as a keyword right to this ad group because it's very relevant and I want to make sure that people are seeing my ads when they search something like farmhouse floating shelves I could probably actually separate this out into a different ad group and make sure I'm sending people to the proper landing page so that's kind of how I think about landing pages and ad groups is making sure if I have a landing page for something like this farmhouse floating shelves and I can create a brand new ad group here to make sure that when people go on my website they're seeing only farmhouse floating shelves because there's a lot of different types of farmhouse shelves now something like DIY so if I'm trying to get someone to actually buy farmhouse shells for me I might want to add this as a negative keyword so that's just another thing to keep in mind as well so we come back over here to our search keywords and let's just say I want to add new search keywords to this campaign so first they're gonna pull up some related keywords over to the right hand side but just so you can see down here at the bottom it says match types help control which searches can trigger your ads so to add new keywords all you need to do is to go into your ad group and if I did something like this farmhouse shelves then that's just going to be the broad match version of the keyword if I type in farmhouse shells then that's gonna be the modified broad match version the keyword if I type in farmhouse shelves like this with quotes around it's gonna be the phrase match version of the keyword and then if I do it like this farmhouse shelves that will be the exact mount regime that keywords so just some different things to keep in mind the way I think about keyword match types and how I should use them in an ad group is really related to my landing pages so something like farmhouse bookshelf I consider that completely different so if someone's looking for a farmhouse bookshelf I want to make sure I'm sending them to a page that only has products similar to that something like farmhouse wall shelves I think that's very similar so I could actually include this right in my ad group so I'll come over here I will do farmhouse wall shelves included over there now you want to make sure you either add modifiers to it or quotes or brackets because I don't like to target broad match keywords I don't really want to match with things that are a little bit too broad here so what I'll do is I'll add this as a modified broad match keyword will take farmhouse wall and shelves and it's that simple all you need to do is click on save and now it's gonna add that keyword to this ad group and I'm gonna start getting more data about when people type in farmhouse wall shelves now this keyword will match for this modified broad match keyword so I don't necessarily need to add it but you can always add them especially more popular keywords because it'll break out the clicks impressions click-through rate and you can see more data about how those keywords are performing now the other thing you can do is when you come into your search terms report you can see which keywords are actually driving conversions for you here so the exact match version of farmhouse shells drove a conversion for us you could see a good conversion rate if you're seeing certain searches here that are driving up your cost and aren't driving conversions then that's when you want to add them as a negative keywords and then anything down here that you see that's really not related enough you want to add as a negative keyword as well or something like farmhouse shelves DIY maybe I separate this out into its own ad group and make sure I'm sending people to a landing page that's about creating your own farmhouse shells rather than a landing page where people can buy farmhouse shelves so just some different options when it comes to keyword match types hopefully it all makes sense if you have any questions them in the comment section thanks for watching our video today and make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 19,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads keyword match types, keyword match types, keyword match types google ads, google adwords keyword match types, keyword matches, broad match keywords, modified broad match keywords, phrase match keywords, exact match keywords, keyword match types in google adwords, keyword match types adwords, keyword match types google, keyword match types explained, google ads keyword types, adwords keyword match types, keyword match types examples
Id: sfyxS6686bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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