Google Ads Bidding Strategies Explained ... [I tell you when to use Maximize Conversions]

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using the correct bidding strategy in your google ads campaign can be the difference between your google ads campaign making your business lots of money or by using the incorrect bidding strategy for your google ads campaign means that your campaign is nothing more than a donation to google where you are endlessly paying for clicks but getting no sales or no conversions but never fear because you're in the right place because in this video i'm going to be clearly explaining the different types of bidding strategies that you can use for your google ads campaigns show you which bidding strategies can be used on the different types of google ads campaigns but more importantly i'm going to show you when you should actually use each type of bidding strategy and then if you stay around to the end of this video i'll show you how to correctly use the right bidding strategy for your new google ads campaign or if you've got an existing google ads campaign i'm going to show you when and how you can actually change your google ads bidding strategy if we haven't met yet my name is aaron young and i'm your 15 000 google ads master and all of the information that i'm sharing with you today has come from actual real-life google ads campaigns that i've been managing since 2010. and i will be focusing and teaching you what is actually working right now in google ads so if you want to learn more about the strategies that are working in google ads right now why don't you quickly subscribe to my channel thank you so much let's get into today's teaching so let's start by going through the different types of google ads bidding strategies that you can use on your campaigns and there are three different categories of bidding strategies and the first one is bidding strategies that are targeting your impression share then secondly it's bidding strategies that are focused on clicks and finally there are groups of bidding strategies which are focused on getting more conversions or sales for your google ads campaign so firstly let's start with impression share now if you're not sure what the impression share metric is this is purely a percentage of the amount of traffic that your ads are showing for the keywords which you're targeting so for example if you have an impression share of 70 this means out of every 100 searches your ads are appearing for 70 of those search terms so with the google ads bidding strategies for impression share you actually set your desired impression share which you want but further than that you can actually dictate whether you want that impression share to be gauged by whether your ads appear anywhere on the page meaning that you appear anywhere in the top 10 position so that's either the top four positions at the top of the page and then the bottom six pages below all of the organic results or you can also dictate saying that you only want the impression share for the top of page results so this is for positions one through to position four or finally you can actually say that you only want the impression share to be counted versus your top position so the absolute top of page meaning position one so for example if you want your ads to appear in the top four positions at least seventy percent of the time you would set your impression share goal at seventy percent and google will try and ensure that your ads appear for seventy percent of the available searches for the keywords that you're targeting in positions one two three and four now if this is not possible because your daily budget is too low google will actually give you a pop-up recommendation saying that you need to increase your daily budget now this type of campaign bidding strategy is actually available for both search and display campaigns in google and i find this ideal for branded campaigns competitor campaigns or specific campaigns so for branded campaigns i do use this especially if you've got a competitor who is actually bidding on your own brand term and you do see a drop in your sales or in your conversions what you can actually do is go through and set up a branded campaign where you're targeting only branded keywords and set the bidding strategy to your impression share and depending how aggressive you want to be on this you can actually set an impression goal of 90 saying that you want to appear in the top position 90 of the time and that can be really successful in stopping your competitors by taking advantage of your branded keywords but then in reverse if you built a really good brand awareness and you want to start attacking your competitors you can actually set an impression share goal for specific branded keywords of your competitors and in this case you're actually doing the opposite and that you're saying that when someone searches your competitor's brand name you want to appear on either 60 70 or 80 or even higher of those search terms in either position one or those top of page results and then finally i will also sometimes use this impression share bidding strategy for specific products and then especially if this specific or individual product has very good keyword data in that the specific search terms which relate to this individual product i find that this is an excellent strategy to use so that you can make sure when people are searching those specific search terms that you're always at the top of the page now the second type of bidding strategy which you can use in your google ads campaigns relates to clicks and the first option here is where you can actually use the maximize clicks now as the name suggests is that this tells google that you want to focus on generating as many clicks as possible using your assigned daily budget in google ads and then there's a slight variation to this bidding strategy which is maximize clicks with a click bid limit now this looks to focus on the same goal of generating as many clicks as possible using your daily budget however you put a cap on that you're saying that you only want clicks that are not over a certain cpc limit that you set so for example if you set your cost per click limit at two dollars and you have a daily budget of ten dollars google will get as many clicks as possible as long as they are under that two dollar per click and this type of google ads campaign bidding strategy is available for search and display campaigns and i find it ideal for new accounts where you do not yet have any existing conversion data now before we go any further i want to stop right here because that is a very important point and i want to emphasize if that you are using a brand new google ads account you should be using maximize clicks first instead of maximize conversions and buy new accounts i mean new accounts that don't have any active conversion data in other campaigns or other ad groups and the reason for this is because if i'm running a google ads account and i know that there is no previous conversions in that account i found that i've always gotten much better results by firstly using the maximize clicks betting strategy before i move on and start using the maximize conversion strategies so for a new account i will start by using the maximize click speeding strategy and then after the campaign is launched i will complete google ads search term audits every 72 hours where i go through every single search term that has triggered my ads and then add in new negative keywords and then over the first couple of weeks of that campaign i will look to add in as many audience groups as possible with the goal of having at least fifty percent of my clicks and impressions coming from those added audiences that i've added to the campaign and then finally over those first three to six weeks i will look to run regular split tests on my ad copies to find out which headlines and descriptions are working better and getting the highest click-through ratios and conversion rates now by using the above strategy and taking the above steps you are helping to speed up the learning process from google and you're doing three main things by running those regular search term audits every three days or 72 hours you're stopping google going down keyword themes which you know are not going to be successful which means that you're stopping keyword tests before they waste any more of your budget from google and you need to remember that even if you are using exact match keywords is that exact match keywords don't exist and they do not operate like they did previously and this is because google has now changed over to a meaning based keyword targeting and if you stick around to the end of this video i'll share with you a link to where you can see my teaching video where i discuss this in greater detail and then by adding in those extra audiences and detailed demographics you can start to add in some bid adjustments very early to your campaign which means that you're focusing more budget on the audiences and the detailed demographic groups which is showing higher click-through ratios and higher conversion rates and then finally with the ad copy split testing you're making sure that the correct headlines and descriptions appear which have the highest click-through ratios and the highest conversion rates and this is a really important point because even with responsive search ads google needs 5 000 impressions in a 30-day period to even complete one round of testing for a single responsive search ad so by running multiple responsive search ads in the same ad group having some of those with only three headlines and two descriptions you can very quickly complete the required split testing so you know which headlines and which descriptions are going to give you the highest click-through ratios and conversion rates so by completing these above steps you're going to be able to move much quicker from those maximized click strategies to those maximized conversion strategies because you're then using your own business knowledge or the knowledge of your clients business to speed up google's automated learning and once you've completed those above steps you can then move your campaign into one of the maximized conversion bidding strategies and it's important to note how these actually work by using any of the maximizing conversions bidding strategies in google ads you're giving google extra power to adjust your cpc bids the amount that you're willing to pay per click giving google greater powers to split test your different headlines and descriptions or which ads appear and google will even go through and automatically update any bid adjustments to your device targeting your time of day targeting and also your day of the week targeting so for example if you've got a daily budget of 10 a day but google knows that you get most of your conversions or your sales on monday tuesdays and wednesdays especially at night time google will actually focus more of your spending and increase your spending for those periods so on monday tuesday and wednesday evenings you could be spending anywhere between 15 to 20 dollars which is above your ten dollar daily limit but then what google will do is it will actually reduce your spending down to below five dollars for some other days so that your total average throughout the month is that you've only spent that ten dollars a day or the 300 for the total month so now that we know how your maximized conversion bidding strategies actually work and when you should be using them let's go through the different types of maximized conversion bidding strategies so firstly there's maximize conversions and this as the name suggests will focus on generating as many conversions as possible using your daily budget and then as a variation you can actually use the maximize conversions bidding strategy but add in a target cost per action or cost per acquisition and this will focus on generating as many conversions as possible for your ideal cost per conversion so for example if you set a target cpa limit of five dollars with a daily budget of twenty dollars google will get as many conversions as possible for under that five dollar mark and this type of bidding strategy is available for search display shopping and performance max campaigns and this is ideal for existing accounts where you have existing conversion data and you are getting regular conversions but you want to increase the number of conversions you get each day so in this situation you would have been using the maximize clicks bidding strategy and you're now happy with the regular amount of conversions that you're getting but if you want to start allowing google to do some extra testing and adding those extra bit adjustments also around the time that your ads are showing and also the day that your ads are showing this is when that you would start to use that maximized conversions bidding strategy and then the other type of bidding strategy around your conversions speaks to maximize conversion value and this will focus on generating as many high value or low cost conversions as possible using your daily budget to achieve the highest total conversion value and then similar to the maximized conversion value you can actually add in a target row as or a target return on your ad spend and this will focus on generating conversions so that you can achieve your target return on your ad spend so for example if you set a target rows at six hundred percent google will target search terms and users that are likely to return six dollars in revenue for every one dollar of ad spend and to be clear this doesn't necessarily mean that google will target your highest priced products or your highest price services it's more looking at targeting the users and the search terms and the products and the services that will generate that six dollars in revenue or conversion value for every one dollar of your ad spend so you could have the situation where you have a low cost item which also has a very very low acquisition cost which means that you can achieve that target ross at 600 and this type of bidding strategy is also available to your search display shopping and performance max campaigns and this is ideal for existing accounts where you have existing conversion data with set conversion values and you are happy with the current number of conversions you are receiving but you want to focus on those higher value or low cost conversions to increase your total ross so now that you know all about the different types of bidding strategies that you can use in your google ads campaigns but more importantly you also know when you need to use each of those i want to go through and quickly show you how you would set these up in a brand new campaign or if you have an existing campaign how you actually go through and change your current bidding strategy so if you're in the process of setting up a brand new campaign you'll actually see these bidding strategy options come under the budget and the bidding section so once you've gone through and added in your budget you'll then get the option of adding in your bidding you can then go through and either click on your click option your impression share or your conversions or conversion value now for the clicks you'll see it through here is that once you've selected clicks this is where you can actually then go through and set up that maximum cpc bid limit if you want to do that and the same for conversions once you've initially selected that conversion it gives you the option and same two for conversion value is this is where you can actually go through and set up that target roast so if you wanted to get a profit of six dollars for every dollar of ad spend you would add that in at 600 and then if you're using this for impression share this is where you can actually change those results that you want it to be the absolute top or the top of page results which is those top four positions and then if you want to appear on 80 of searches you would write this in 80 and then once again if you want to set in that maximum cpc bid you can do that right here so that's how you'd go through and do it if you're setting up a brand new campaign but if you've got an existing campaign running you actually need to go in and select the individual campaign that you're wanting to change and then when you're in that campaign you then go into settings and then this brings up this bidding option where you can actually go through and click to change your current bidding strategy or if you want to use the same bidding strategy but update your current targeting you can do that here when it comes to updating your current bidding strategy that you're using on an existing campaign i do want to stress that that's an optimization that you only want to be checking to see if you need to change it every 90 days and the reason for that is because if you go through and change your bidding strategies every week or every month you're actually not giving google enough time to go through and actually find the right users using the right search times at the right time of day on the right device so that you can get the full value out of those more advanced bidding strategies which are focusing on conversions or conversion value and that's the reason for why i've put together my google ads optimization checklist because this is a checklist which lets you know exactly when you need to go through and check every single optimization action including your campaign bidding strategies and if you would like to get your very own copy of my google ads optimization checklist so you know what you need to optimize in your google ads account every 72 hours every week every month and every 90 days i want you to go through and follow the link in the description so you can get your copy today now you will remember that earlier in this teaching video i told you that google ads has actually changed its keyword targeting and that is now actually focused more on a meaning or an intent based and if you want to see the latest trends for this and what you need to do i want you to go through and watch this video right here as always thank you for joining me and i look forward to seeing you on my next training video see ya
Channel: Aaron Young | 15,000Hr Google Ads Master
Views: 26,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads, google ads bid strategy, maximize conversions, google ads bidding strategy, google adwords bidding tutorial, google adwords bidding strategy, google ads smart bidding, adwords bidding strategy, google ads bidding explained, maximize clicks, maximize conversions bidding
Id: GBB68hx_waU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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