[2023] How to Make a Google Ads Campaign Ultimate Tutorial

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all right in this video I'm going to show you how to set up a Google ads campaign inside the expert mode dashboard now in order to do this you're obviously going to need to have a Google ads account and you're also going to need to have done the keyword research so that you know what ad groups you make and then put the keywords in those ad groups and the ads appropriately so in the previous videos I showed how to make a Google ads account convert it to expert mode or convert your smart campaign or smart account into expert mode and then how to do the keyword research so if you haven't watched those videos already go watch those videos I'm putting a link to those in the description below watch those videos get that stuff done and then you come back and carry on with this step you can theoretically make a campaign first and then do the keyword research but if you've done it already it's going to make the process a lot easier because you're going to need to know what ad groups to make and so on so once you've done that you can come back here and then we can click right into this so I'm going to make a campaign in this account it's just a test account to show you but I'm going to use the file that we made in the last video which is dealing with a lawyer who offers estate wills and probate services so I've got the keyword research done in this Excel file like I showed already and I'm going to use these to make a campaign so what you would want to do to make the campaign is obviously log into the Google ads account and go to ads.google.com to open this and then the first thing you want to do is go into campaigns so you'll see a dashboard like that now this is you won't have all these because it'll be a brand new account but you'll see a dashboard asking you to make a campaign so what you will do is you'd hit this plus button or you might have a screen that says make a campaign Google's constantly changing it you want to click that and you'll get taken to this screen here hey guys real quick if you run a service company and you'd like to add at least 100 to 300 000 per year in new business guaranteed or you don't pay just hit the link below to book a call of this and we'll show you exactly how we'll do that for you back to the video right so now what I personally recommend doing is just hitting create a campaign without a goal's guidance you can go through these and Google's going to try and guide you through stuff but honestly I'm not a big fan of all their automated processes and those things I I'd rather just have access to do it myself and I'm going to show you what to do so I highly recommend just clicking create a campaign without a goal's guidance and now you're going to get this so now for the purpose of this video I'm showing you how to make Google search campaigns so therefore you want to click search now if you were making something like shopping or whatever display ads you would click one of these other ones but um that's not what I'm covering in this video so you'd hit search now you've got here to use uh connect conversion goals now these are just ones that are set up before in a subsequent video I'm going to show you how to connect ga4 and Google tag manager import your goals from Google tag manager and then put them in here so that you can actually set the conversions in the Google ads account so that's going to be covered in another video later in this series so if you want to set that up which I do recommend doing go watch that video for now we're just going to leave it as is you're probably see none if you haven't set anything up so just leave it as none leave it empty and just hit continue and now here I typically just hit website visits so now I'm going to just put my website just for the sake of this example and then I want to call the campaign something so in this case I usually use the template of what the campaign is and what area it's covering so what location is coming so for example it would be like all services if you're putting them all within one campaign and then Auckland uh sorry in this case it would be Melbourne which would be the area they're targeting and then I would put clicks and clicks just means it's targeting maximize clicks if you're targeting maximized conversions I would put conversions here as well you can also use other naming conventions like a date if you want to know what date you started this campaign typically this works the best for me so now we'll hit continue and I'm going to cover something to do with with the campaigns and AD groups when we get to the ad groups as to how to split them up so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to click clicks now the reason why is because maximize conversions can be finicky sometimes it works really well and sometimes it doesn't work well and what I found in my experience is that if you set it to maximize clicks first maximize clicks is almost like a neutral Baseline so that you get an idea of how the campaign performs so like if maximized clicks is doing terrible odds are the maximize conversions is not going to do a whole lot better but if maximized clicks is going well and then you switch it to maximize conversions it can improve it even further that's what I've found in my experience so what I do is I start off campaigns and maximize clicks I've run them for a while usually around 30 days sometimes longer if if I want to try and improve something first and then after those 30 or 60 days which is the typical time period I'll duplicate the campaign make another one on maximized conversions pause this one and let that one run and then I'll compare the two and see if the maximized conversions is actually doing better than maximize clicks after another 30 to 60 days and if it's doing better I'll leave the conversions one running if it's doing worse which does happen sometimes I will stop that one and I'll start running the maximize clicks one again and so by having the maximize clicks one you've got a baseline to compare the conversions one two because the clicks one is pretty consistent but the maximize conversion one you'll find sometimes that the clicks one does real well you'll put maximized conversions and it actually just completely falls out and and does rubbish so that's why you want to have this Baseline now you could say to maximize maximum cost per click bit if you want I usually start off without this but if you find that your cpcs are extremely high and you want to try and lower them then you can you can set the cost here and then set it to like you know a little bit less than what you're paying and then keep bringing it down until you just you know run out of traffic that's basically how you do it you could like once you're maxing out your traffic um then you need to raise the CPC basically to get more so um what I'm going to do here this I think you can leave this typically you could experiment with this but I would just leave it for now now here on this section Network you want to exclude Display Network and I typically exclude search Partners as well now the reason why is because the highest quality traffic is going to come straight through Google search so you're going to get most of your actual conversions coming through there this is typically not as high quality traffics you want to get is much better but what you can do is test it out so for instance if you're not getting enough traffic through Google then you could come and add the search Network as well if you're going to run display and you want to test it out I would make a separate campaign and then split test them so make a separate campaign that's running just display because then you'll see if that is actually worth the money and whether it's performing well because you need to be able to tell what's actually working what isn't if you push all these into one campaign it's just going to be a bit of a blur and it's going to be very hard to tell if the display Network's working if it isn't and you know so so that's that I would untick those at least to begin with now in locations you want to set the location so here I'm going to select enter another location and for this one I'm going to put Melbourne Target now what you can do here is it asks people interested in or actually in so the difference here is that this one will Target people who are not actually in Melbourne if they're searching for something in Melbourne so if somebody from like you know Perth or America is searching for lawyer like a state law in Melbourne it's still going to show it to them but the problem with that is it's less likely to actually turn into a conversion so I typically like to at least start off with this one because this is going to be a much higher intent like people searching for a lawyer are typically going to go to that lawyer's office most of the time and so if they're not in the same city they're not going to go there um so this is going to depend on the nature of the business if your business is not that location dependent and people deal with it you know online and you don't actually have to go to the office or they don't have to be in the same area then you could test out interest but in this case I'm just going to do presents now you can also exclude locations so for instance if I want to exclude Sydney you could exclude by hitting exclude and then let's add um Brisbane as well that's another one we can exclude that one too so now people from Brisbane and Sydney let's just go both as well I'm not going to see this ad so that's going to eliminate people who are not actually in the area that you want them to be from actually seeing this ad and that's going to help to minimize wasted ad spend now again that's very dependent on that's very dependent on what the nature of the business is now one other thing you can do is you can actually do radius now I have found radius to be a little bit finicky again so you're going to have to test it and see if it's going to work so what I mean by that is like you could put a suburb like gay long in Melbourne right and then set a radius around the that suburb or that City and let let it just Target people within that radius sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't you'll have to test it out sometimes you're going to find that you don't get enough search volume and you just don't get anything from that campaign or very little or you just don't get conversions so again a lot of this is just testing and seeing what works you're just gonna have to test it out but in theory you could add that and then just set like what radius you want it so see like you could put five miles or five kilometers depending whatever measurement you want to use hit save and then you see now I can get really specific so that's how you would do that and then you hit save for this I'm just going to do what I already showed Melbourne and now we can keep going down languages I just said English you can usually just leave that audience segments I won't do anything for now you can play around with that later but to begin with I would just let the thing run and now one important thing that I like to do is do this under add rotation you want to go do not optimize and the reason why is because Google will try and optimize your best performing ad but there's two issues with that one is that you don't get the chance to see what ad works it just doesn't and sometimes it's wrong and so it'll actually start putting an ad that doesn't necessarily perform better than the other ones but for some reason Google thinks it does so that's an important point and two it doesn't allow you to split test yourself like if you if you know what you're doing or you're following this guide and you want to test and see which ad works so that you can improve it and make the next one you need to be able to um get decent amount of actual data on all of the ads to make the decision the problem here is that Google's gonna sometimes very often does it too quickly optimizes too quickly and the other Adder will have had like three clicks you know and then if you actually had let it run it would have been fine and it actually done pretty good so I put do not optimize and then I go in there and optimize it myself it's going to try and you know convince you to do it but I'm telling you just don't do it now here you can add a start and end date to the campaign I usually don't touch this because I just let it run and then I'll go in there and stop it when I want to stop it now this is an important one here add schedule so what you want to do here is if the business is only open certain hours of the day you want to make and they're taking phone calls that's usually the most important thing here you want to make sure that you only set it to the days they're open so for instance Monday to Friday from like 9 A.M to let's say 5 PM right if they're open only those times and you're actually got phone calls on the website or on the ads and you want people to call even if you still want them to email what you want to make sure to do is add the ad schedule here and make sure that the ad only shows to um during these hours so that when people actually click the ad and they call somebody's actually going to answer the phone otherwise if you if you show after hours it's just a waste of time if you're showing a phone number now there is a way you can do this which is very clever you can make a separate campaign that only shows after hours and goes to a specific page that doesn't have a phone number it only has an email that's a clever way of getting after hours leads if you want to go through and do that it just means you have to set up a separate landing page without a phone number on it but that's a clever way you can do it so that's at least go and get you something um now these the rest of these you can usually just leave like campaign URL and things like that if you want to track certain things you can add like UTM parameters but honestly unless you actually know what you're doing there just leave them you don't really need them now you hit next so now we go into the ad groups so this is where you need the keyword research that I said earlier because you need to put the keywords in here to actually continue So in theory you could just make a quick generic ad group and add and then just like set this up and then come back and edit it but if you have it already done then you can just make your first one so now comes in the discussion of whether you should add the different ad like whether you should split up all these different categories into different campaigns or whether you should put them all in one campaign as separate ad groups now there's an argument for both of those the simplest way that I've found to differentiate these is simply that if the campaign the total budget for the campaign is a thousand dollars or less just put them all in one campaign and separate them as ad groups and so what's going to happen there is Google's just going to attribute whatever the like the money automatically is it sees fit and over time you're just going to see what works better and what doesn't and then the ones that don't work you can drop them off and the ones that do work you can you can keep them running or you can put them in another campaign and then put a set amount of budget to that the problem is if you've only got a small budget and you split these up into like five campaigns um a thousand dollars a month is like 30 bucks a day and so if you split them into six campaigns it's like what would that be about six bucks a day or something it would be very very small it's five dollars a day it's not a lot of money to put towards a campaign and so it's going to take you a long time to get enough data to actually decide which one of these is actually working or not whereas if you're just Bunch not together Google just can put the uh put the budget into the areas that are working well and then you'll get a much quicker idea of whether it works or not that's just been my experience and that's how I do it if you have a bigger budget of a thousand dollars or more uh ideally like two grand or more then you can split these up in separate ad campaigns and and make like you know you could have an estate campaign and then you have like estate lawyer as a keyword a state attorneys another keyword and get really really deep into it so it's basically just going to depend on your budget even if you have a lower budget you could split it into different campaigns but I I wouldn't recommend it that's just my experience from doing this for a long time so what we're going to do here is I'm going to make the first ad group and for the first ad group I'm just going to put all of these keywords together um this is based on the keyword research I did in the previous video so like I said if you haven't watched that go and watch that one I'll put the link below in the description and basically each of these is an ad group of its own and so what happens here is it allows us to make ads very specific to these keywords ideally containing this keyword so I'm going to copy all of these and I'm going to paste them into this keyword section now there's an important Point here when you're pasting keywords in here you need to make sure that you've got the match type right and you'll see this here below so you've got broad match phrase match and exact match so these match types are how similar does the person have to search a search query in Google for your thing for your ad to come up so if you set it to Broad match what happens is Google will start showing it for anything it thinks it's related even remotely to things like real lawyer the problem with this is you're going to start showing up for all kinds of random keywords that have nothing to do with what you're actually offering you'll probably find it's going to show up for keywords like lawyer then you're going to get like real estate lawyer because it's similar to a state and all kinds of weird stuff and basically you're just going to waste your ad budget so I would never re there are very few instances that I would recommend using broad match honestly and the only time that would be is if you have a such a big budget and you don't know where to spend it and you're just trying to get as many key as many conversions as possible for whatever it costs then I would use broad match if that's not the case and 99 of businesses are not in that situation don't use broad match it's too broad you're going to waste a bunch of your ad budget instead I would recommend using phrase match to start now as you can see here to change the keyword match types you need to input the keyword with either the apostrophes or the square brackets so if you put the apostrophes around each keyword like this that keyword is now phrase match and this keyword is phrase match and now you can put square brackets around this one and now that would be exact match and then the same thing here as well exact match so what's happening now is these two are phrase match these two are exact match and these are all broad match right now so you would want to go through and make sure that all of them are the broad are the match type you want I typically start off campaigns with phrase match on all the keywords see what kind of results I get and then go from there usually you can just leave it and then with negative keywords you can cancel out any keywords that are not related but sometimes you can do exact match if you find that even even with phrase match it's too broad which it sometimes will be um so like I said you want to make sure that you keep the keywords as similar as possible and this would go into an ad group that I'm going to call Will Warner and I'm going to put that in Brackets uh in apostrophes to signify the fact that it's phrase match and that's the key word that it's around them so all these keywords are related to will lawyer so they're in this in this ad group that's called will lawyer and that's how I organize my campaign and so that allows you to to split them up into similar keywords now you'll probably noticed that it says Testament lawyer here um the reason I'm putting that under Wills is because it's very similar to will lawyer but it doesn't get enough search volume uh for it to Warrant me making a new ad and add group and everything specific to it the search volume is low but I still want it included so I'm just going to Chuck it in with the lawyer because it's not that important if that makes sense like there's a level of importance with these keywords depending on how much search volume they get whether you should bother making an extra ad group and in this case I've decided it's not worth it now if I find that we get a lot of clicks on this keyword and especially if it's getting a lot of conversions then I might as take it out put it in its own ad group and see if I can raise that conversion rate so now the keywords are done now we can make an ad so what you would want to do here is write the ad now there's a couple of things to note with writing the ads so first off you want to put the URL that you actually wanted to go to and you wanted to go to the page so in this case let's pretend I have a page wheel wire you want to make sure that you have the actual URL of the actual landing page you wanted to go to here this is the one the URL that it's going to go to okay so that's the page you want to put in now the display path allows you to put a different path in that displays something other than what the actual URL is so for instance I could put here Will solicitor and then Melbourne so now what's going to happen is on the ad it's going to display the URL slash will solicitor Melbourne even though is going to the URL slash will lawyer so that allows you to just put in the keyword and get the keyword and add more times that's basically what it does so what I would always recommend doing is in this URL get the keyword that you want to show for in this in the URL and that's going to help make this ad more relevant and get people's attention more and they're more likely to click it so in this case I'm going to put will water slash Melbourne and the reason why is because now somebody searching for Melbourne looking for a will lawyer is going to say that this is extremely relevant to what they're looking for because it's they think and it is taking them to a page about real lawyers in Melbourne because that's what the URL says so that's how you do that now the next thing is the headlines so you've your problem this is called a responsive search ad what's what Google is showing us here and it allows you to put up to 15 headlines in which it's going to rotate as it sees fit and display however it wants to display and then try and optimize in my experience Those ads don't necessarily perform better than if you set a an ad manually in the order that you want it so what I recommend doing is Google allows you to make up to three active response search ads in each ad group so my recommendation is to make at least two of those ads ads that have been set to fixed headlines and I'm going to show you what I mean by that now and fixed descriptions and then if you want to test out a Google's responsive search ad to do a split test and see if it really does perform better you can make one with the variations that it's it rotates so what I'm first going to show you here is how to make the the fixed ad which is essentially the old expanded text ad which you can control what order everything displays so what you want to do is set your headlines here you want to make three for this ad because you have to display three at least now when making headlines you want to make sure that you include the keyword first so in this case would be will lawyers Melbourne because that's going to get the attention of the person searching because people look for the word that they typed in so you want to make sure that you the first half of the or the first section of the headline always contains the keyword that they search um that's basically that's going to get you the highest click-through rate if you test it you're going to see that that typically will get you the highest click-through rate simply because people are looking for the words they search then when you put it in there they see okay this ad is exactly what I searched for and then they're more likely to read the rest of it and then click it now once you've got that in there what you want to do is hit this pin button and go show only in position one and so now what you've done is you pinned this to position one so this can only show in position one Google will not show it in position Two Three or anywhere else and it's not going to rotate it and so by doing this you've dictated where you want this exactly to show now if you make a second headline so let's say for instance we're going to go free 30-minute consultation let's say you wanted to offer that and you want that position two you would pin and go only in position two and now your ad has to show in this order Google can't move it around okay and then what you do here is now for number three you have to put a third one in so you could do call us now um books and then let's just say well experts and then you would pin this to position three and now your ad has to show like this with this headline it can't show in any other order and that's how you force Google to show the ad the way you want it to be and so now what you can do is you you would make this and then you can make another ad which I'm going to show you how to do after we save this one and then switch something around usually one of the headlines and now you can split test the two ads and see what works better because that allows you to dictate how it shows and so now you can see by the data of the clicks and the conversions what actually works better what doesn't which then allows you to further optimize it so this way you're doing the optimizing you're not just letting Google do whatever it wants and the problem with Google doing whatever it wants is sometimes it works in many cases it doesn't whereas this way you're forcing it to do what you want so then you can make it work and this is the way that I like to do it so now the same thing you would do with the description you would want to write out the description actually I want to just make one quick note about the headlines you always want to include a call to action and some kind of offer give them an incentive to click the ad and give them a call to action so free 30-minute consultation is a is an incentive to click it you're offering them something it's like a tangible thing it's a benefit and then call us now is a is a call to action call us now like take the action now you always want to make sure that you include those two parts in the headline because that's going to increase your click-through rates astronomically now what you can also do is go on Google and actually see what the competition is typing in and I'm actually going to do that I'm going to hit the incognito mode I'm going to hit the incognito mode and I'm just going to go to google.com.au and I'm going to search for Will lawyers in Melbourne let's see what shows up so now we can look at what the competition is doing so you see like these guys just have Wilson Estates lawyers Wilson Estates lawyers so our headlines are already way better than this simply because yes they've got the keyword in there but there's no incentive to collect this at like what is this actually saying so most people just quickly skip that and scroll down so these guys have no hidden fees guaranteed so that's better than this one because now there's at least some kind of incentive to click this ad these guys have Decades of experience and let's be honest like we won't really click the ad because they said that I mean every lawyer under the Sun is going to save Decades of experience it doesn't really mean anything but no hidden fees guaranteed is okay it sounds good even though it's like not necessarily the best offer they could have made but you know it is some kind of incentive makes them seem more honest to you of these three I'll most likely click this one and most people probably will you'll probably find that they have the highest click-through rate um so you would go down and just see what the competition is actually doing you can go to page two if you run out foreign consultation and state Administration so the problem is they haven't done the keyword targeting well or this is probably a responsive search ad that's just rotating their headlines and so you can see what happens here they don't have the keyword in the headline now because it's rotating and this is exactly why I don't like doing it that way but it does have three 30 minute consultation uh right you're well online get a legal will 459 so that's interesting that's a pretty good incentive it's giving you a price as well so price is a possibility you can always put a price in there as well um contest and well well dispute lawyers this one's not that great I mean it's just saying what it is but it's not giving you a reason to click it they've got their name in there which is don't put the name of the business in the headline because nobody's going to click the ad because of the name of the business ever like unless you're some massive name and people are specifically searching the name of the business then it's fine but if you're just writing an ad nobody knows who you are yet before they've click this ad they don't they don't give a so they're not gonna they're not going to click it just because your name's there you'll be better off having like you know free consultation because at least that's a um an incentive to click it so or no fee so you know when no fee that would have been much better off putting that headline um so that's that's how you want to do it so now we've got an idea of what they're offering so you can do the same thing here so let's say for this one we could do three 30-minute consultation for the next one we can put a split test no one noted and see what happens although in this case and Willis will lawyers you wouldn't have no win no fee because it's not necessarily a contest but you get what I'm saying um now same thing with the description you know um experienced so in the description you want to do a couple of things you want to hit the hit the search intent and explain to them why they should click this ad just give them more incentives so for instance like you want to concentrate on whatever the regular problems are of that particular service that you're offering or the product you're selling and and address that so for instance like experienced will lawyers who writes who draftables that hold up in quartz now I'm just making this up as I'm typing it but basically the problem I'm addressing here is that that writes that dropped valid Wills legally valid so let's say for instance the big problem is that a lot of worlds are drafted they're not legally valid and so therefore once the person actually dies and the will goes there people challenge the will and then the people they wanted to get their uh stuff don't actually get it because a bunch of other people challenged that they didn't want to get the stuff and legally succeeded because the will wasn't written properly so if that's a big problem then you would address that problem like here which then when somebody reads this they and they know the problem they go okay so I'm going to select these guys because you know they can solve this problem that's basically what you want to try and do here now now what you would do is hit pin show on position one and now this has to show in position one and then you would do the same thing for the second description so call us today to discuss your will um our friendly um you can actually change that just bear in mind this is not necessarily the the thing it's going to go with I'm just typing this up as an example friendly and um experienced well lawyers transparent things okay we've got it just within the character limit now we would pin this to position two and now we have a complete ad with the headlines pinned and the descriptions pinned in the order we want them now there's a point I want to make here two two points one if you see I've included the keyword here once twice this says layers the reason why I've done this is because when you include the keyword in the description it actually shows up bold and I'll show you what I mean if we go back here you see this it's bold now yes it's the word of state but Google obviously thinks it's related and so it's highlighted it but you can see here Wells is bold will is bold lawyers is bold and I'm going to go down to the ad you can see in the ad same situation Wills the word lawyers so any keyword that's the keyword you searched and then it's in the ad it's going to be bold and so by putting that here you can see well lawyers this catches your eye a lot more than not having it because your eyes are automatically drawn to this so it's going to go straight to that and then you're more likely to actually read the rest so the more times you can get the keyword in there the more times the more likely someone is to actually notice that so that's why I did that and the second reason why I did the capital case like the title case of every first letter is simply because that also helps to grab your attention more I'll see if there's an example here yeah these guys have done it these guys have done it these guys have done it like they've all done you see how okay if we compare this one to this one you see how this one it just takes up more space visually than this one and so you're more likely to look at it and that is what the capital case does so that's why you want to do that so now we've got those done now we're on to the part of adding extensions so now extensions are fantastic and the reason why is because they make the AD stand out a lot more and they obviously give you a chance to add more information into the text now the reason why you want it to stand out is because it's more likely to click so let's take for instance these ads I just noticed them so I'm going to show you something compare this ad to this ad you see how this one is just a lot more visually appealing it's got the stars that are yellow that you look at it's got It's bigger it's like twice the height almost it's got a bunch more bold letters it's got links down here which take up more space it's got the address here which takes up more space and you see how your eye is just drawn to this one over this one like if you were scrolling quickly down the page you would see the stars but you wouldn't really even see this one so this is why you want to add as many extensions as possible because that's what they do they catch your attention they make the ad bigger it takes up more space people are more likely to see it and therefore click on it so you want to go through the extensions and add as many as you possibly can so you can even add images like if you hit add images you can upload images and sometimes they will actually show in the ad itself like you see how that image is here you can get that in your ad by uploading the image so all you do is just upload an image Google has some criteria that you need to follow regarding images so when you upload it you see here it says here like it must meet the quality standards logos are not allowed uh text organelle is going to allowed Jefferson not allowed blurry or poorly cropped photos are not allowed so you have to upload a specific photo that doesn't have text it's no longer and those kind of things but if you upload relevant images that relate to what the topic is it's going to really help get more attention for your ad so I would recommend doing that now same thing here you can add business logo so you'd have to click get access and now you're you're probably going to have to verify your add account in order to actually do this now site links I always use site links because they're really good basically what you would want to do is link them to different pages on the website so for instance these are site links so you see how this links to this day Administration page and then the contact page and then you see here online will pricing about us so basically what you want to do is add the site links and try and get them as close as possible to whatever the topic of the ad actually is so right now I've got a bunch from before but if you add new site link you can add it here you would write so for instance with Will lawyer I would add a site link to estate lawyers and then you would add the final URL so it'd be like whatever.com estate lawyer or whatever the ad whatever the URL of the pages and you can also write a short description one description too and the reason why you want to add those descriptions is if you go into here you see this these are the site links these are the descriptions so that's why you add a description because it'll show up here when when when you end up on I think probably number one gets these but it'll show up like that and they'll obviously take up more space and give you more reason to get them to click it so you want to make sure that you do that so you know like we specialize in all areas called estate uh we specialize all the state law concept our estate experts today for instance and then you would link it and then you would go do the same thing so like probate and then you write the same thing from probate and then you'd write the same thing for um let's say State planning and you just go through and add as many as you can you need at least three but you can add as many as you can just go down there less than add them hit save when you're done and it's going to add them to everyone let me know because I've got these I don't have a URL but basically you hit save it's going to add them to this list then you just want to tick them and then you want to hit apply so you got to make sure that you make these relevant for each ad group there and they usually set the ad group level so go through each ad group when you copy this ad group to make another one you want to make sure that you change the site links Now call out some similar sort of thing you can add it's just a bit of text that you can add I would also recommend that so like for instance um it's just a bit of text with no no description so I'll just see if I can find one on on the ads here there's highlights that's not it but usually it appears here basically similar to this it's just just like an added section on the description so you just want to add more information that you can like whatever call out you want to add to give people more thing like get a free quote now you know free consultation nowhere no fee those kinds of things you would want to add them just hit them and and then tick them and click apply and it will apply it um I'm just going to not say for now and now you can add more as well so you can add promotions so if you're running a particular promotion you can add a promotion so just go through and fill this out like pick what the promotion is you know you can select it from the list here add what the promotion is just fill out these these forms they're pretty straightforward uh again same thing with price extraction Snippets are also good to add so I'll recommend you do that uh for instance if you've got different brands you have Brands and then you would have like you know Nike Adidas Puma or whatever and then it's going to show up here as Brands and then show you a brand so you could do like Services I think as what types you know Services models types so you could do types and then you could do like Estate Planning in this case uh testamentary Trust Wells um for instance and you can just add those kinds of things or whatever the different types are and add them and then so all these things the more you add the more chance there are more of them showing and then as a result it's going to be more likely to be a bigger ad and get more attention so you can go through and add these as well you can add a lead form if you want to add that you can add an app if you have an app most average businesses probably won't but you can so add as many as you can of these there's also an option to link uh to show your address and the reviews as well so that's in a different section I'm going to in a bit but basically this is how you would do it and now this is the ad complete and you would just hit done and so now we've got the ad we've got the keywords the ad group and now we're just going to hit next you now you want to set your budget so you can pick from their presets you can set it custom budget so I'm just going to put the dollar a day because I'm not actually going to run this campaign okay and now so the campaign is ready to publish once it's checked for errors so as long as you don't have any errors like too low traffic or anything like that it should let you publish the campaign so now you would just hit publish campaign and now it's going to publish it so now we've got this campaign running and now what's going to happen is it's going to go in for review and Google is going to review it and then it's going to once it approves it should happen within a day usually happens pretty quick and then once it happens it's going to start running so once you start seeing Impressions and clicks then you'll know it's running so now what we can do is go back in here we can find the campaign we just made which is this one now I'm just going to quickly pause it because I'm still working on it and I don't actually want to run this anyway but we've got it here and now what I'm going to do is going to go back into it and now we can continue making the rest of these ad groups so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to highlight this one green because we've added it already and now we can go through and add all these different ad groups so I'm not going to add every single one of these in this video because it's going to take hours but what I'm going to do is I'm just going to show you how I would do it so once you're in here you've got Willow I would take this highlight it edit copy paste and now the next one you want to make sure you select the correct campaign here hit done and then you can pause new campaign if you want after pasting or not depends just whether your campaign's actually running let it paste and now what we want to do is go estate lawyer so I'm going to copy these keywords and the next ad group is going to be your state lawyer so now the campaign is copied so first thing I'm going to do is change your name to estate lawyer and hit save all right so now we've got the second ad group now this ad group is exactly like the real lawyer one so we'd have to go in there and change everything and update it to be what we need it to be so I would hit this first of all the keywords if you click and it'll take you to the keywords select them all edit removed and now you can paste in your new keywords that you actually want to add now the thing to remember here that's important is the negative keywords as well so if you've added any negative keywords to the other campaign to the other AD group sorry you want to make sure that you go in there and edit those so that they don't cross over into this campaign if they're going to impact this campaign so that's just an important thing to keep in mind so you'd want to paste these in and obviously do the match types damn that's so and now it's going to add your keywords now your keywords in here as well and now you're going to go into ads and assets and you want to go and update this ad so you've also got assets as well which is all the different extensions that I showed you the site links call out so you want to go in here and just make sure that these are all appropriate to the ad that you're actually shopping so in here you would have like site links you would want to hit that hit edit and then put the appropriate ones for this particular campaign so now let's say we're in here we want to make a different ad so first of all you go in here and you change this one now you have to go and change the final URL let's say this is a state so I'm going to put a state lawyer I'm just going to put slash estate I'm going to change this to estate lawyer Melbourne because it's an estate ad and you'd want to go through here and add a state make this a state appropriate so either rewrite it completely or just you know you obviously want to make the ad appropriate to the keywords in this case because it's kind of similar I can leave most of it and just change it to a state lawyer or estate experts right and then same thing expert estate lawyers um now we'd have to change the description um visualizing in all areas of estate law planning wills and more for instance in this case and then contact our friendly experience estate lawyers pretty good in this case you could actually add a different keyword like solicitors to try and get one of your other keywords as well in Melbourne contact our friendly experiences State sisters there's an album today for instance this is a little bit generic but it's okay because it's kind of a call to action I would try and make this stronger personally but I'm just showing you for an example of this video because copywriting is an entire different topic I'm just showing you how to set up a campaign and then you would go through and obviously adjust all the site links extensions so on you'd hit save add and now you've got the updated ad for the estate lawyer campaign so now what you would do is to make another variation is copy this and paste it in here make sure you've got the right campaign make sure you've got the right ad group and hit done and then you're going to have to hit this if ad already exists create duplicate otherwise it's just not going to copy it's just nothing it'll load and then nothing will happen and now you've got the copy of the ad so now what you would want to do is go in there and edit it and I would make something to split test on this ad so I wouldn't go through and change everything entirely although you could uh you could theoretically make one variation and then another completely different variation to see what works what I like to do is just change one aspect of it so that we can see what is it that's actually working better so for instance we've got estate lawyers in Melbourne free 30-minute consultation what I'm going to do is remove that and I'm going to put the call to action in the middle and then here I'm going to do ball Estate Law Services so you see how this is different now so first of all to tell them estate lawyers in Melbourne call us call to action estate experts or you could do like fixed fees if that's a big problem like if the fees are a thing you want to Target you could do that course now fix fees all Estate Law Services saying that they cover all the different areas or you know you could do like planning Wills probate and more if it fits our one key right away planning will you can do that planning will probate and more for example that's one thing you could do so that people searching for one of these other areas it might grab their attention so you could test this so now I've changed two things which is which I've shown you yeah that that kind of intends what I just said but there's an example of how you could do it and then you could either leave these or you could change them you could put them like you could not pin them and let it just rotate I personally prefer to do it but and then hit save so now you've got to add variation yes I changed to the headlines but the first half is similar so it's kind of the same and then you could do what you could do now is go back and then copy it again and make a third variation and now the third variation I typically still use the fixed ad like I showed you I don't typically do the responsive ad with a lot of variation but sometimes I'll test it out if I just want to see if it's going to work but I would I would always run three variations at any one time and then drop off the one that doesn't work and then add another one that does but there'll probably be a separate section here for optimizing later on so now we've got the third one so now you go in there and just add the third one and now what I'm going to do is change change the first section so um estate lawyers Melbourne uh how else we could do like a state you could change the first line like some let's just say for instance specialist estate lawyers I'm just saying hypothetically as an example and then leave the rest and just see if that headline on pin one works better so if it doesn't you create another variation with that headline pin one and a different headline in pin two and three so that's how I would test them now you got three ads now you can let these ads roll and then that's basically it so you just make sure that this other campaign has all the everything set up correctly like the ads and assets that are appropriate the keywords that are appropriate the last thing I'm going to show you is the negative keywords so if you want to add any keywords that you don't want your ads to show for in this case estate lawyer you definitely want to put the word real so that real estate lawyer doesn't show up you want to go here under keywords and negative keywords and then right now this is going to be empty because we haven't put any but what you'd want to do is hit add and then now you can select whether you want to do you can make a universal keyword list if you want and use it across your whole campaign then you can also add campaign level keywords or ad group specific keywords so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to highlight that green and I'm going to go into the negative keyword list which is the one that we made while doing the keyword research and now I'm just going to go through here and I'm just going to remove the words like lawyer attorney so basically we can just remove all these I'm just going to put property and then as long as these are in here as either phrase match or or Broad in terms of negative keyword which is slightly different to normal keyword it's going to eliminate like real estate lawyer real estate attorney um so you just want to make sure that none of these keywords are actually going to show up so like nobody's going to search residential estate lawyer for instance so I'm going to put the word AI robot and then I'll remove that easement to do with property tenants Canadian International don't want that oops for now we don't want tax commercial we don't want interstate Long Island transferring property so you see we just go down the list and just add all the the specific word that you don't want in there so land home Mexican house deeds politician conveyancing because we don't want all these in these ad groups because they're nothing to do with any of this stuff we've already got German we've got AI can do is regularly realtor and then doing this is just going to make sure that um we've already got real estates it's fine litigation we don't we've got that ready eviction tax tax real estate tenant easement boundary property transfer property contract we want to make sure that that's phrased I'm going to put these ones as well that I added later as well so I'm going to remove real estate closing I'm going to leave closing lawyer for house buying so buying a house put that buying a house the state tax oh I'm just going to remove that one because it's got the word estate we've already got taxed through lawyers keep copies of Wills I'm going to put this as an exact match just going to do it now so don't forget commercial I think we've already got that one I'm just going to make them A to Z now to just filter them out okay so now I can just filter out any duplicate yeah we got commercial twice we don't need commercial property because we've got commercial and property got easing them twice okay property contract realtor twice robot twice all right so now we can copy all these and put these in the negative keywords list so this right off the bat is going to make sure that we're not wasting money on keywords that have nothing to do with anything okay so now we just hit a negative keywords and I'm going to add them to the ad group specifically and I'm just going to paste them in here now like I said you want to make sure that the the matching types is correct so what I would do here is just paste them in I'll show you a fast way to do it so hit save now these are all broad match right negative broad match just select them all accept that one that that we added and I'm just going to go edit change match type and that's just much much faster than going in and adding the bracket so from broad match to phrase match and then hit apply and then that's just going to change the balls it's way faster than just putting apostrophes on every one of those keywords and that's it so now you're done now your campaign is actually made and it's ready to go and so now you've got the different ad groups that you need to add uh for the different topics if we go to ad groups you go will lawyer estate lawyer obviously you'd add the rest of them from the list as well but this is how you do it you just go through this process again and again add them all to the different for the different keywords the different ad groups the different ads and the negative keywords in each one that you need and that's it that's how you make the campaign and then it'll go through review and usually within 24 hours there's no problem they'll approve it and you'll start seeing Impressions so that's how you make a Google ads campaign in a following video I'm going to show you now how to set up conversion tracking from ga4 and Google tag manager into Google ads that you can actually track the conversions in Google ads so I'm going to put the link below this video if you want to set that up go watch that video catch you next time
Channel: Dominate Marketing
Views: 441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads tutorial, google ads tutorial 2023, google ads 2023, google ads course, google adwords tips, google ads optimization, google ads tips, google ads for local businesses, google search ads best practices, how to run google ads, google ads search campaign, google ads campaign setup, google search ads 2023, how to setup google ads for local business, google ads tutorial for beginners, google adwords tutorial, google ads for beginners
Id: lsPY3Ig8ASk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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