Goodbye Overwatch

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[Music] foreign October 3rd 2022 after being active for six and a half years the OverWatch servers closed down it's a weird feeling when a game that you spent a lot of time with suddenly ceases to exist unable to be played in any capacity but it's a feeling that's becoming increasingly common lately I fell off of OverWatch a few years ago though I put a good amount of time into it before I've stopped playing some people might scoff and point out their own much higher play time but I drift between games a lot and there's not many that I've put more hours into however with the threat of servers closing me and my friends went in and played one final time [Music] considered the dawn of the hero shooter genre so long as you don't count Team Fortress 2 OverWatch stirred up a storm at its release and became an instant cultural hit with a wide range of characters to play and carrying a fresh art style the game born From the Ashes of the canceled project Titan made bank for blizzard over a billion dollars in its first year and attracted over 50 million players across its first three but never mind all those Wikipedia factoids it was just a really fun game slick and Polished it was a game that really popped and and sucked you in to play just one more game do another round get that win get that loot box but it was also really easy for both casual and competitive players to jump into there were so many ways to support your team and have a good time rather than just to focus on getting the most kills but if you wanted to you could still compete for gold medals except objective time that one's mine OverWatch receives many updates big and small and they shifted the game and the meta in various ways on top of that players themselves simply got better and better at the game eventually the game wasn't hitting the same sweet spot for me anymore the honeymoon magic had faded it might not have been entirely overwatch's fault how many games can hold my attention for just this long don't ask my time with OverWatch was done until we rode into town for one last Rodeo I think time away from the game really helped me it hadn't changed much since I last played because they'd been such a drought of new content so I slid back into Diva's comfortable shoes once again and went back to dropping nukes on people I was comfortable I played as a few other Heroes going between tanks and healers but at my heart I will always be a diva Mane I will also always get that gold objective time baby it's an objective-based game play The Objective you idiot we had a good stretch of matches playing until like three in the morning I even managed to get play of the game on my final time with it that's great [ __ ] yes I was happy with this some other people were also very proud of their skills but all good times must come to an end someday I wasn't playing when the plug was pulled but sure enough the pronouncement was sent from the highest towers that OverWatch had been taken down forever tributes were posted memories were shared Britain went back into a morning period some pointed out quite rightly how messed up it was for a game to close its servers after such a short period of time especially when the game was still active and popular Dead game it really wasn't you know Splatoon 1 and the Wii U is still playable Nintendo didn't get rid of that game for its sequel or the sequel sequel but such observations mean little in the grand scheme of Corporations operating in the interests of massive profit to the destruction of the ethical and qualitative standards of everything and everyone they touch the decision was final OverWatch is dead and so Begins the reign of OverWatch 2. OverWatch 2 the sequel to OverWatch allegedly free to play aggressively free actually your OverWatch 1 game was patched out and replaced with OverWatch 2. apparently this is some semi-early access launch but they killed the old game to bring in this one season one has grandly begun and the store is asking for business so frankly [ __ ] it's a new game and it launched and it launched without half the content that was promised oh boy there's no end of controversies I could pull from leading up to the game's launch not least of which needing to hand over your phone number to play they've reigned in that one a bit now don't think that affected me though as I'm pretty sure blizzard already swiped my phone number from the days of My World of Warcraft addiction they took advantage of me when I was at my weakest now here we are oh sorry we're still in the queue now here we are does OverWatch 2 and its many changes bring the Disneyland magic back to the game no no it does not actually the whole experience now feels anti-magical like the animatronic robots aren't even wearing their skin anymore I'm not an expert on the OverWatch meta so I don't really want to talk about micromanaging balance changes in a game that to me will probably never feel balanced go talk to someone who has 10 times the amount of play time as me they're on this website somewhere and I'm sure they'll tell you exactly why Hanzo needs to deal even more damage per Arrow I also don't want to talk about it because I'm sure this game is going to get so many updates that in a few years it won't even resemble the game I'm going to be talking about here the ship of Theseus lives on in Live service games I'm not even talking about adding in the PVE stuff I'm saying I think think that blizzard will probably change things to try and quell some of the hostility pointed towards it what I will say is that OverWatch 2 was made several deliberate decisions to just feel less fun less like the game I actually liked okay so some changes are good I like that the game is taking steps away from the shield Madness that the first game evolved into I know everyone's praising that but it was a problem getting harassed because I wanted to have fun and play Diva and not hold right click as Reinhardt was a big turn off for me in the first game there's a more robust ping system now though I really wish people would use it more the graphics look sharper although the game feels jerky at times at first I thought this was because it loaded the six and a half year old games video settings I had before the update almost like this sequel was actually just a patch it was all on Ultra okay let's change that wait in the queue again and it's still not great weirdly the frame rate counter always said 60. I don't want to hop on it too much because it doesn't show up in this video very well but it just didn't always feel like 6D I think it might be frame pacing but I'm not an expert on this but I don't think mine are technical Hang-Ups are as important as the issues I have with the game's presentation I do not like a lot of the map redesigns many of them have had their time of day changed it's left them feeling not just soulless but several old maps are now quite soupy and indistinct I assume that these Maps were originally designed to be the time of day they were for a reason so why are all the nighttime Maps now all either sunrise or Sunset everything just feels like it Blends together now as you play it's all just bathed in Orange even Elios elios's design was incredibly striking with the sun white houses contrasted against the natural green foliage and put in front of a perfect Blue Sky could clear strong visuals now it's all just orange they've completely changed how the map feels with a visual overhaul and frankly I don't much care for the change the whole game feels like someone spilled chicken soup onto it it's like the opposite of the Halo 1 remake orange instead of its incessant blue it's a change that feels like it was done to mask how little content this sequel actually has and it's one that makes the game just feel worse sabotaging your art in a game known for its meticulous visual design I just don't understand that and if things have to be different for a sequel changed for the sake of change then why are some of the maps relatively untouched again the art is sharper but that's basically the only change it's faithful to the original Vibes here kind of what I would have wanted elsewhere well the reason is probably blizzard wanting to show off their new feature for OverWatch 2 a time of day system with areas being able to be played at either morning noon or night what an amazing feature it's like we have two or three times the amount of maps now a feature that is not actually in the game yet all maps are currently locked at a single time of day they detailed the system extensively at BlizzCon 2021 where they talked about it in regards to PVE along with weather effects apparently those are staying PVE exclusive but the time of day system should be in the full games PVP modes at some point whenever the game is actually ready for release I suppose from the sounds of things blizzard is weighing these day night cycles into the balance of these Maps accounting for visibility changes in different areas so I don't think there will be an ability for everyone to choose their favorite time of day and everyone to see that for themselves sort of like Street Fighter 6's stage system though it's hard to tell because they haven't really communicated very clearly on the matter from all the research I've done we have no idea what this system will actually look like but regardless I'm not a fan it doesn't add variety it's going to make me wish I was playing the variant of the map that actually looks right we don't even know how it all work will it be random or oh God I hope they don't tie this to the actual server times it's a stupid gimmick and I hate it when games do that some people can only play games at certain times of the day because of their other life commitments so for those people the maps will always be that time you might be stuck with the ugly time too oh joy that's just speculation though the bottom line is I'm not a fan of the art Changers I don't like the way they look and I think the change was just unnecessary are five full surface level presentation stuff though but while OverWatch still controls well and I still had the muscle memory to perform okay the gameplay itself feels like a step down in a lot of ways for a start I hate how they've just completely dumped so many aspects of the matches that the original game was praised for no leaderboards here just do your best people can share medals and that's okay having a good streak you're on fire now now there are no medals you jump straight from seeing how the enemy killed you best to experience points earned no medal for healing eliminations or objective time huh it's a downer honestly why aren't they here I don't care if they didn't matter so much they felt nice to see a little feel-good brag that you succeeded the most in this particular field in the match some Fields were very particular but it felt nice anyway now the only people being celebrated is the single person who got the most kills in a clippable format it's much less enjoyable on top of this the old system gave a breezy competitive feeling within teams itself it was fun to poke and prod your friends as to who had the most healing or if they had gold eliminations so you could set yourself a mission to surpass them and be the coolest friend on the Discord server well now there's just a straight up leaderboard so I can look at it and see those numbers those are definitely some numbers on a table we've gone from gold medals to Excel spreadsheets not only that but it's almost entirely kill focused kills assists damage and a bunch of different variations of killed tracking on the side which makes sense because this is a Death Match Game right isn't that why it's called overquake yes I know there's a death match mode too don't be a patent objective Contest time gets its own slot in the corner but it feels out of the way separated from the rest of the stats I didn't see this there until I re-watched my own footage later are they ashamed of it oh wait that stat in the corner is different for every character Mercy has people saved and pharah has these kill focused ones so we're de-emphasizing objective time even more we will share all sorts of info like how many kills everyone has or the precise number of damage dealt even for the healers and damage mitigated by Shields or defense matrixes which not every hero can even do but we won't tell you how many members of your team are actually playing the objective in this objective focused multiplayer game I cannot fathom why is it to prevent people from being salty and picking on those not contributing well that was the entire reason you didn't have a leaderboard originally and honestly I preferred it when you didn't the old UI was so much easier to read at a glance as well hit Tab and you see how shiny your medal is or isn't and you're good so many numbers did they have to be so precise when you're a game with damage numbers that spiral into the thousands this level of granularity is overwhelming rather than helpful also no on fire system anymore I don't know maybe they'll add it back but it's not here now but weirdly the characters still have the voice line triggers why would you just snip out this feature but still leaving The Voice lines that make its absence more noticeable is it because you didn't actually have time to finish the game but had to launch it anyway to appease the fans or the shareholders even endorsements feel worse than OverWatch one their streamline to just be a general thumbs up which honestly is an improvement but you can't endorse the enemy team anymore you might ask why you would do that anyway well sportsmanship but also because you can't endorse people you're in a group with so I might as well tell my enemies they did well but now if you play in a full group your endorsement level will never go up because you cannot endorse one another nor can the enemy do so and you know you get free levels on the battle pass when your endorsement level goes up so in a way you're being punished for playing with your friends in this team-based multiplayer game how bizarre also don't worry we'll talk about that battle pass in a bit just put a pin in there now these are ancillary changes that just bring down the mood especially compared to OverWatch 1 which this is meant to be a sequel to and features are getting ripped out and downgraded in comparison but second by second the game isn't the same either I understand it was done to switch up the murder but I'm not really sold on five Heroes instead of six that might be because I usually play a tank hero and I feel I'm not synergizing as much much with other people in interesting ways anymore I'm now the sole big obvious Target for enemies to shoot at sure that's what the tank roll is for in these games but I had another tank originally and I missed them tanks in the game serve as anchors that can end up directing the flow of combat they're the big Central pillars for everyone to orbit they're the biggest and can take the most damage so healers often Focus around the area with them drawing Focus From the enemies is also the big Lifeline for damage Heroes but the tank can also use abilities such as Shields to keep them safe now making it so there's one tank One Soul pillar on both teams has turned many skirmishes into two indistinct blobs just blasting each other from afar a second tank could have led a flank now it's up to another more squishy hero to take that flank risking them and their team or someone to break the stalemate with an ultimate diva is a mobile tank who's perfect for flanking just flying away and Diving on people but now she has to babysit everyone and keep them safe I could just go into the middle of things and break them up but that seems a good way to die very quickly another fun aspect of the blob meta is that I found it's much easier to push people back to their spawns and keep them there literally being unable to leave the spawn room without dying I've been on both sides of this and I don't remember this happening so much in the first game sure there were hot points on the map that were often where lines were held but it was never in the spawn room it all feels messy I found this Blobby Madness happening in most matches and it's probably going to be my enduring memory of OverWatch 2 a collection of scuffles playing out like Naked Gun shootouts also doomfist is a tank now you can say that blizzard and buff him up to make him as stocky as a tank but people aren't going to be playing him as one I also play healer after all somebody has to Blizzard has to bribe people to play healer you see that flexible roll selector that's a lie that means you're actually going to play healer every single time part of it might be that it can be extremely stressful playing healer staying on top of the two blobs pinging each other lacking the second tank healers are much more vulnerable now it's a thankless role anyway even without the bullying Sombra please however it could also be that people want to get those sick kills and playing Hilo won't let them do that so much yeah that might be why I see kiriko and Moira picked so often and doing so little for their teams it's now also a struggle to tell Heroes apart at a glance not helped by the blob situation years of Cosmetics have just muddied the visual playing field Silhouettes don't matter anymore if you thought TF2 got bad the state OverWatch is in is ridiculous granted they do at least sound distinct but not being able to tell who someone is until they shoot me isn't feeding me information when I need it it also doesn't help that characters receiving healing now have an awful tacky glow effect smearing their character model who is that is that Soldier Widow that new girl and yes the aura happens to be a swirling flaxen ball of light while the maps stay Awash in Golden hour sunlight because orange and yellow colors are in such short supply in this game on top of that there's so many visual effects now that forget recognizing Heroes it can sometimes just be hard to tell anything is going on as for the new game mode it's not terrible but all I remember is walking they made these Maps so weirdly intricate to give them space along the rail for fighting over the robot but also so that there's many shortcuts through the level to get back into the fighting after you die but there's still a pathologic amount of walking here it's all I can remember when thinking about it also when I said it's not terrible that doesn't include Colosseo which is terrible that map takes the crown from Horizon lunar Colony for the worst map in the game in my opinion well Horizon lunar Colony isn't in the game anymore so I guess that spots empty regardless then there's the battle pass take the pin out of that why does every game need a battle pass just a constant uphill battle to grind and grind forever so that you'll maybe get something you like at some point you know once you plow past all the junk that you will never ever use most of what you're doing is tied to challenges daily weekly seasonal so have fun with people passively sabotaging matches because they need to grind out specific challenges don't blame me we're losing I needed to play healer for my daily and once you have all your challenges done you're only going to earn a tiny sliver of actual experience oh make sure to come back later do your dailies every day [ __ ] off with this [ __ ] I'm so tired don't worry if you can't earn it though because we have currency if you don't want to spend your real money however you're going to be in it for the Long Haul why do I earn less money the more weeklies I do and it's already a pitiful amount just look at these prices you need close to 2 000 for the Epic and legendary skins which is just under 17 pounds for each skin I can buy a whole game for that hell I can buy several portions of some wonderful British Cuisine with that money it contains 100 of my daily recommended allowance of Greece and salt twice over even oh that's a right bargain that is oh boy while I was making this video the Halloween event started I've been here before I know how this works just play during the season and try to earn whatever rewards are up for grabs oh wait no it's just the regular battle pass all right do I have to play the special event mode then it's a bit different to the old mode this time time but it's still the same enemies we just mixed up the heroes a little bit and there's a weird air of playing a Warcraft 3 custom map back in the day but at least I'll get some rewards wait no the rewards for doing challenges in the event are just piddly voice lines and bits of XP the grander award to earn from the whole event is a little weapon charm where are all the skins in the shop of course and only the shop including skins from previous events didn't earn the one you wanted before this new and improved game deleted the old one from existence blizzard wants you to know you're a chump pay up did you like kiriko's new skin which we've been advertising this whole event with oh you bet you gotta pay for that as well oh and it costs just a little bit more than the threshold to buy it at 17 pounds so I guess you'll have to pay for the next tier up at 43 pounds that's like 11 chippies there's a Perpetual argument across live service games too ignore these systems and focus on the fun already a challenge here but when the game makes this system a core feature tying your wins losses kills and deaths to the number that represents your character you can't help but feel emotionally burdened by such a system oh unlocking Heroes behind the battle pass is actually insulting this is exactly the sort of thing battleborn did when it first launched hiding away parts of itself behind grindy unlocks in contrast to the Pepe OverWatch which lets you play with all of its toys from the word go remember our idea of evolution is to take ideas from failures because we certainly can't think of any good ones ourselves blizzard has said this is to help balance the new Heroes before they hit the competitive scene but locking them behind the sisyphian climb of the free battle pass or instantly accessing them via the paid premium battle pass does display their true intentions if they want to keep the heroes locked for balance reasons then how can those willing to pay are granted access to these new and possibly overpowered Heroes why do I pay you to be to test your content this Rings especially Hollow when you remember that OverWatch has a horrendous track record of new Heroes needing heavy Nerfs in the weeks and months after their release sometimes they even break old Heroes if you feel the need to rush to a mega corporation's defense and say that blizzard is a company and needs to make money especially now that the game is free to play remember that none of this had to be the way it is OverWatch 2 did not even need to be free to play their need to make constant streams of cash every day is completely irrelevant to me the player the fact is the system sucks I think that's the big innovation here wizard has managed to make a less rewarding system than loot boxes oh it's less predatory than loot boxes granted and I don't want loot boxes to ever come back but it's also just completely unfulfilling they killed the game I actually purchased and are now restricting how much I can get out of the whole experience unless I pay up outstanding I have a feeling that blizzard is pushing super hard on all this just to see how much they can get away with that's what every single one of these stupid companies do remember when Halo infinite did it remember how people reacted to that why are you taking inspiration from Halo infinite but don't just take it from me OverWatch is a game of dizzying variety from its diverse pool of Heroes and you can have a vastly different experience from another person because they play different characters to you such as those who play Hanzo who feel pride and accomplishment with their lead game skills their aim is true I have a friend who's been a tracer main since launch has much more time on the game than me hell more time is Tracer than I have in the game total and after also having a break until this return to OverWatch he too has been massively disappointed in this reunion I'm going to read this but these are his words cheers love the cavalry's here oh yeah down for the count tricer here my ultimate's ready bombs away she shoots she scores tracer's pulse bomb is indicative of the tension blizzard has with its own hero design between theming mechanical interaction balance and The elusive mysterious game feel while it can be very strong it's a fundamentally unsatisfying ability that lacks personality and Panache which is even more disappointing when the one thing Tracer cannot be accused of is lacking personality beyond that there are so many mechanical issues with the bomb which contribute to this lack of satisfaction it has a weird Arc it can't be thrown from much of a distance and with such an emphasis on speed and Mobility along with several shutdown abilities such as Zaya's Bubbles and Baptist immortality field it means that the ultimate is often ineffectual the damage Nerf to the bomb a few years ago left it feeling even more impotent now many characters can merely sidestep or hop away and will barely be tickled this is made even more baffling now that Cassidy has ostensibly the exact same ability transposed into a regular ability it doesn't do close to as much raw damage but it's far more reliable and frankly easy to use along with the perk of having a disposable nine second cooldown just toss and forget while tracers risk to reward ratio is skewed in favor of risk she can even blow herself up with her own pulse bomb whereas Cassidy is comfy and Safe in His blast proof uh cow wrangling gear to clarify tracer's ultimate does not need to be more powerful per se but OverWatch 2 had the opportunity to make it more engaging and immediate and changed absolutely nothing there's a real goofy Joy when you leap into a pit of enemies as Reaper and activate your emo Beyblade then Cassidy strolls up to a Ledge in high noons it's slick and Charming Reinhardt smashing his hammer to the floor has such heft and drama and power Tracer still being burdened with this weird droopy sticky grenade is depressing especially in the game full of characters who can take her head off accidentally the issues here aren't necessarily ones of balance and a demand to please buff my dashy English lesbian although her damage nerve has sucked so much life and intensity out of her playstyle what it does reveal is that OverWatch 2 is a game which had the opportunity to return to that chaotic graphic novel Joy it once had and instead chose to be the least interesting version of itself oh foreign I can't comment on how balanced the game is and as I said I don't think it ever will be the game has to cater itself to not just casual and competitive players but across both roll cue and open role games both of those play very differently and I just don't see how you can keep both of those not just fair but enjoyable too frankly I don't care about Esports meta rubbish I'd wager quite a few people trying to play this game also don't care all I want to do here is play a video game and to have fun and I can't help but feel that this whole game is a downgrade that blizzard have decided that they should just make their game significantly less interesting than what came before and I feel that they've been at that for a while now so I'm a Diva main right do you remember Diva's original backstory that she was a Starcraft 2 Pro who was so good at the game she was qualified to defend her home country of Korea that was a fun backstory and a cheeky nod to Blizzard's history and then it was retconned saying that it wasn't actually their intention with her character and de-emphasized the whole Pro Gamer angle oh she maybe played a bit of Starcraft too but she actually played unnamed Mecca games and Shooters and whatnot because that's more realistic for her to be good with her Mech you know yeah because this world screams realism with its Sapient gorilla a giant hamster and a British person who isn't miserable I don't understand the mentality behind the change years later it was just less fun than what they did originally but the real letdown came when Diva got an animated short you remember that right oh it was so exciting to find out the character I play as is getting their own short full of that wonderful blizzard acid cutscene magic oh it's like I've won the lottery or something except Diva's short is the worst one it's certainly the worst one at the time I fell off watching all of them after this I even prefer the junkrat one over Divas I think people are a bit harsh on it being in engine there's some personality in there after all unlike Diva's short which feels like the fun playful character that I loved playing in the game has had all her personality sandblasted off and replaced with someone's bleary recollection of the plot of Pacific Rim her Pro game angle gets one line and the rest feels scraped from the most mind-numbing MCU film which isn't how I remember her they won't be back for months you need a break [Music] is this easy mode is easy mode we barely won last time [Music] the enemy is out there adapting and getting stronger if I make a mistake in the kitchen get through us we lose pan [Music] I I need your help you claim you are skilled that remains to be seen what's that I wondered why they would do this but the answer seems obvious looking back blizzard saw positive responses detailing tragic backstories of other Heroes such as the traumatized Bastion or reinhardt's old comrades so why not give Diva a tragic backstory too you know the quirky Esports player full look at us two superstars out in a bat uh what we should keep our heads down but I want the paparazzi finding us right it's probably risky for us to talk at all there's an argument to be made that these shorts don't represent the game at all being so saccharine and morose a lot of the time while the matches themselves feel like two clown cars in a road rage incident ah you know but there can't be a game that would be able to represent that in video shorts oh wait thank you Diva's short is boring cliche and Stark a huge step down from the character that I knew and that that right there that is OverWatch too OverWatch 2 is just a sand blasted version of OverWatch there's no single reason I can't find the joy in it anymore but a mix of little Cuts tweaks and a subtle change in the game's Vibe here and there until it no longer feels like the game I knew and nor do I really want to engage with it as it presents itself it is a malaise of dissatisfaction that hangs over the whole game and makes you think twice about whether or not you want to be here which is fatal for a game that demands all of your engagement all of the time sometimes I think I see the soul of the game I liked but it might just be a memory of that maybe I wouldn't compare it to OverWatch 1 so much if I felt the game Justified itself and removing OverWatch one but no rather than the game captivating me with its own tricks I feel completely turned off by the whole experience and none of this is a even talking about the black cloud hanging over this game yeah this does bear mentioning you can't escape it do you really want to buy a seasoned pass from Activision Blizzard with years of abusing its employees trying to stifle investigations and silencing the people wanting to speak out and constantly jangling its keys and announcing things in time with all the horrible news that keeps pouring out of its disgusting bloated Mass why would you even want to give a single penny to Blizzard give blizzard a dollar and it can be spent harassing employees stealing breast milk from their fellow colleagues and covering everything up for years how do you represent that on the game's [ __ ] meta score we've seen seen them say they've made changes they make conciliatory gestures towards the camera and insist all the bad people are gone now that it's all contained but we know that isn't true we know for a fact that can't happen oh don't worry I'm sure Microsoft buying them will solve everything they promised isn't this a face you can trust laughs shouldn't shouldn't we be looking somewhere else you know anywhere but here it's not like there's a shortage of hero Shooters on the market after all each with different things going for them you are served in so many respects if you want to play a game like this you don't need to come back to OverWatch oh what's that they just don't feel like how OverWatch did frankly my dear neither does OverWatch [Music] okay we did it thank you for watching such a big long video this got way out of hand right on to the patreon questions what is your profile picture it's Chloe price from life is strange specifically before the storm uh she's wearing sunglasses because this is actually taken from a thumbnail I made ages ago for an old video when I was like coming back to life is stranger bridged after a little bit of a break I thought about changing it but I've had people say that they really like it so yeah I guess I shouldn't forget my roots also it's not too far off my Twitter profile picture what's your favorite obscure unknown underrated game I'm gonna focus on obscure and unknown cause underrated I'm not even sure how you can Define that anymore like I really like God Hand and you can say that's underrated but people know about it now so yeah obscure and unknown the first game that's coming to my mind is GarageBand dream Adventure it's on Steam it is a weird weird point-and-click Adventure game and I kind of absolutely love it I don't know whether I'd say it's my favorite game but that's definitely the most obscure game I can think of that I like I mean no one needs to hear about dreamweb okay that'll do for now thank you all and I'll see you later the only skin I want is the batter on my sausage I could murder a chippy
Channel: Power Pak
Views: 530,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, Overwatch 2, Overwatch Review, Overwatch 2 Review, Overwatch 2 Gameplay, Overwatch 2 Gameplay PC, Overwatch Blizzard, Blizzard, Overwatch 2 Battle Pass, Overwatch 2 Store, Overwatch 2 Halloween Event, Overwatch 2 Event, Over watch, Over watch 2, Overwatch gameplay, Overwatch gameplay pc, Power Pak, Power Pak Review
Id: dtyjJMHyQCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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