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hallelujah praise the lord tonight is a night of sacrifice we are travailing you see you have to see what is more than your pain for your pain to not mean anything until you can see the bible says who for the joy that was set before him and due to the cross if there is nothing set before you you can't endure endurance is not generic it is based on a revelation of something higher they say they look forward to a city whose builder and her that revelation made everything here to not make sense again until you see a dimension higher than what food can do for you until you see a dimension higher than the pain of your sacrifice you will not have the stamina to stand let me tell you sacrifice is a covenant psalm 50 and verse 5. just before we sit down psalm 50 please give it to us quickly and verse 5 it says gather my saints together unto me those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice you don't have to say lord i entire covenant your sacrifice has a voice lord let it rise as a memorial that whoever mocks your grace upon my life let this sacrifice speak are we together now these are some of the things that will make god to rebuke kings for your sake that there is a sacrifice there is an altar that rises as a memorial he is a man approved she's a woman approved are we together who for the joy that was set before you there will always come a point in your life where you will need to build capacity capacity it says if you turn aside in the day of battle there is only one explanation your strength many believers are wonderful people but are spiritual stamina is small anything just blows you and you are out of the way god you didn't do this and that's it but it says be steadfast immovable there is a level of balance stamina that was one of the blessings of the men of david among the men of david one of the blessings was that one could dig his feet on the ground in other words no matter what you do i will not move i can't defeat you from one spot are we together now please sit down for a while good evening everybody ephesians chapter 3 and verse 9. we still get back to our discussion these are nights of encounters ephesians chapter 3 let's start from verse seven paul is speaking whereof i was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of god given unto me by the effectual walking of his power unto me who am less than the least of the saints was this grace given that i should preach among the gentiles the unsuchable riches of christ nine and to make how many men there is a grace given that when you come under the influence of that grace you must see i hope you understand the story he's saying a grace was given to me and that by the privilege of god's power the effectual walking he gave me a grace that when people come under the influence of that grace he can make all men see there is a grace that can take away blindness regardless of your level of education listen carefully regardless of your level of exposure you see there are things in life that you have to be educated to understand there are things in life you have to be wealthy to understand there are things in life you have to be poor to understand there are things in life you have to be ignorant to understand but there is a grace that can make all men see regardless of your level regardless of your background whether you can speak english or not is not the issue the grace has capacity to quicken your understanding it says and it shall make him of quick understanding if the matters of the spirit were left to educated people then those who didn't have the privilege of formal education will be out of god's program if it were left only to the rich then the poor will not have a chance are we together if he was left only to the exposed and enlightened then those that did not have that kind of privilege will not have anything but thank god for his grace that when he pours his spirit is upon all flesh and that this grace can make all men see what is the fellowship it's the word coinonia partnership the sharing drinking from the same vessel of the mystery so you can partake of a mystery not just an anointing you can partake of the grace that has made a man to see and you will see the same thing the lord began to deal with us yesterday on hosting his power was still going to explore along power and impartation god began to adjust our understanding to see and understand the dynamics of true spiritual power isaiah chapter 35 my assignment tonight is first and foremost to help us by the spirit understand the value of spiritual empowerment because until you recognize the value for a thing the energy to pursue is not there isaiah chapter 35 we read the first six verses the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as he rose it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing the glory of lebanon shall be given to it the excellency of camel and sharon they shall see the glory of the lord and the excellency of our god verse 3 he says strengthen ye the weak hands he says and confirm the feeble knees verse 4 say to them who are of your fearful heart be strong fear not behold your god will come with vengeance even god with a recompense he will come and save you as a result then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the years of the death shall be unstopped then shall the lame man leap as an heart and the tongue of the dorm shall sin for in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert the bible pains a picture of what can happen to a person and an environment when the power of god is introduced many believers have not been trained to see the value of spiritual empowerment for many believers spiritual empowerment is is is an elective that you choose if you are interested in doing ministry so if you do not have any passion for ministries or necessarily say new zealand all i need is just the word but the word did not make any meaning until the word was empowered you are not a blessing until you are empowered spiritually you read from genesis to revelation there was no one who had capacity to do god good without god anointing him god will make a man build that man teach that man the systems of the kingdom and then when all is said and done among the many things he will grant access to his anointing i hope you know that god's power god's anointing is not the same anointing that god works with is what he gives you so that your possibilities can match because man does not have in himself the capacity to produce god's dimension of results if it is the lord's doing then it is marvelous if it's not marvelous it was your doing you don't clap for me for walking it's human to walk there's nothing supernatural as it were about walking but when you begin to manifest a dimension not given to men it proves that there was an energy that was outsourced no one was allowed to serve in the temple without empowerment no matter how silly the responsibility was you need that empowerment no matter how skilled you were every time god would call a man out of whatever it is that he does they must be empowered including mary the mother of jesus her carrying jesus for nine months did not empower her she had to join the 120 to wait until the spirit was it not the same spirit that put jesus in her womb but that did not empower her the bible is full of stories of people who were absolutely weak their humanity was so glaring but not for too long at a point in their life and in their experience they had a strange encounter with the spirit of the living god then they were anointed and things turn around in their lives there is no man of god who can produce god's dimension of results and be a blessing just being a wonderful humane human being there has to be a translation by the power of god are we together it is very very important zechariah chapter 4 please and verse 6 the prophet is speaking here zechariah 4 and verse 6 then he answered and speak unto me saying this is the word of god unto joshua salman saying not by might human strength nor by human power but it is by my spirit excelling in your business not by might nor by power but by my spirit doing the kind of ministry that will bring glory to jesus not by might nor by power getting a job not by mouth nor by power being favored not by might not by power are you getting what i'm saying breaking a chain that was there before you were born there were people stronger than you that chain kept them there it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit you must learn early to give up on the strength of the flesh it will embarrass you and continue to recycle pain to your life for by the arm of flesh shall no man prevail when a spirit is oppressing you there is no machine that will diagnose it machines don't diagnose spirits they diagnose the effect of their presence but there is a word that is a dishonor is sharper than any two-edged sword in isaiah chapter 61 the messianic prophecy we know this theologically to be he says the spirit of the lord is upon me because in other words this is the object the motif the motivation behind that he has anointed me to preach glad tidings to the mick then he says he had sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives the opening of the prison to them that are bound every time i read the scripture when i get to that prison party touches me who are these men in prison because they still walk around yet the bible says they are not only tied they are in prison to open the prison to them that are bound but too to proclaim the acceptable of the lord and the day of vengeance of our god then to comfort all them that mourn three to a point unto them that mourn in zion to give them beautiful ashes look at this you can give a man beauty you can say bring your ashes i will change it for you like you tell somebody bring dollars i will give you naira you actually can be anointed to see a man's life you are not praying now and say god change his life it is within my power there is an agency that can turn your life around that men can receive something from heaven that stops them from being human you can look at a man with ashes my brothers and my sisters and within your power according to the measure of grace you look at that man and say bring these ashes i want to give you beauty like an award like an exchange and you say go you've had beauty he will doubt it until his result shows he steps out of that place and all of a sudden the scenario of his chains and all this begin to change and all that he sees is the glory of god to give them beautiful ashes the government of praise for the spirit of heaviness look how men can become blessings to men that something can come upon your life when you see men mourning you don't counsel you don't sympathize you tell them i see you wearing a garment it's only expressed in your tears let me take that garment away and you can give them a comment of praise that they might be called the oaks or the trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he might be glorified god wants to be glorified through the empowerment of the sage please listen to me it takes spiritual power to reign it takes more than good intention it takes more than good preaching it takes more than a sincere heart the days that we're living are evil days jesus himself revealed to us that there is something called the hour of darkness the hour of darkness psalm 63 the value showing you and then we'll tie up a few things and pray tonight you must desire sincerely the power of god oh god you are my god only will i seek thee my soul tested for thee in my flesh long for thee in a dry and dusty land where there is no water why am i seeking you to see thy power and thy glory in my life as i have seen in the sanctuary lord i'm seeking you there is there are things around my life that i know only your power can answer i've tried to use human wisdom i've tried to use certain things but i know that i need to outsource an ability that is higher than me happy is the man who is trusted with god's power will watch life come on down obedience to christ but when you are not empowered you can watch your family members go through the things that let me tell you this let me tell you this you see everything that happens in our lives can be likened to movie actors behind every movie i don't i don't do movie but at least i know a little about it that when you are acting a movie or drama there's someone called the director correct you may never have the privilege of seeing him he's at the back scheming things what you watch is the action but there is a director you slap this one twice no no according to my script you should slap him three times that means that behind the various scenarios of our lives there are systems and spirits orchestrating it the disfavor the closed door the unnecessary hardship the lack of church clothes regardless of grace we focus many times on the events the events are like probabilities they are infinite behind every one of them are these spirits and the bible says how all inspiring are your ways it says through the greatness of thy power shall thy enemies submit themselves hallelujah i once counseled an elderly man very old man and while i sat down listening to him he barely spoke and he started crying and i said sir just talk to me what is the issue and then he told me that all through his life he has not known what people call victory that this thing they call victory is strange to him it's like a man being pregnant he says i don't know anything about victory i said why he said he was never taught some of these things and he was angry because his life refused to change this kingdom is a kingdom where in many cases it is the power of god that speaks and until the power of god speaks like the roaring of a lion some challenges will not let you go please listen very carefully shared with you in this place koinonia about a woman who was pregnant one time and then this woman would go to bed and literally see monkeys all around her pastor monkeys and she gave birth to a child and the child came out very physically like a monkey dead how many people have been prayed for here with hiv asked them how they got it they said they came to me in a dream with an injection said this is hiv he injected you in the realm of the spirit and it appeared physically that means you can change something in the realm of the spirit and then wait for it like a movie to to happen physically if it started in the realm of the spirit it must be adjusted there it doesn't make sense to come from the realm of the spirit and then you adjust it physically some things will never change with counseling hear me some things will never change with time some things will never change with advice you will need a head-on coalition with the power of god there are families where nobody has risen to any level the last person who tried to rise there because of the little revelation here and there that he got when he was almost crossing he drew him back power the power of the holy ghost jesus knew the necessity of this he said in jerusalem don't make a mistake of leaving jerusalem to start anything without empowerment i've given you the lecture but all that lecture will be nonsense if there is no power i just gave you theory but what you are going to be seeing there or there had they not listened to jesus you would meet a man called by jesus you would meet a young girl who was a sorcerer and she will show you word of knowledge that you have not seen listen let me tell you the word that is out there is not exactly ignorant it's just that the knowledge is demonic and diabolic you know many times when we teach like this even me i get uncomfortable sometimes because everything i say looks like a lie except that it is true it is true it is true bishop gave a story that one time the church would not grow for a long time regardless of the prayers that were offered and then they were fasting just like this lord why is the church not growing and according to him he said the spirit of the lord asked him to go out and then he checked and saw that there was a blindfold over that ministry and he cast it in the name of jesus and it rolled like a cotton from that time increase began to come there are people every good thing you do is misunderstood it's not normal a man was begging the king called it rape there are spirits that make good things evil you come for somebody's program to help him decide they have come you don't come and they say something is wrong he's a spirit let me tell you when the devil wants to trap you down only god can deliver you because anything you do will lead to the same result they box jesus with a question that both yes and no will put him in trouble it was not the issue of answering correctly or not i believe in the power of god i believe in the power of god listen let me tell you there are many things you have discussed it's time to bring them face to face with god's power you need the empowerment of the holy spirit micah chapter 3 and verse 8. but truly i am full of power by the spirit of the lord i am full of power by the spirit of the lord i am full of power for exploits in the kingdom and that by the spirit of the lord i am full of power by the spirit of the lord this is what happened to jesus he was filled with the holy ghost but not with power and when he was done fasting the bible says and he returned in the power of the holy spirit this conference would not have done us justice if it leaves us with just information without power it takes power to change your situation it takes power to birth the purposes of god in your life just because god said it does not mean it will happen there is an energy there is an agency behind it says his divine power has given us his word authorizes his power to move the power will not move until the world authorizes it but when the world authorizes it and the power is not there it will still be of non-effect the dynamics of manifestation is this listen it is not just the union of the word and the power alone it is that the word is what gives authority and then the power is what manifests physically to create the change god's energy god's ability turning people's lives around changing people's situations in acts chapter 10 and verse 38 the bible says how god anointed don't get too used to the scriptures how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about as a result of the power doing good and healing all they that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him this is a generation that needs the power of god there are so many things that continue to challenge believers we need a manifestation of the power of god in one day the issue of loyalty to god was settled when power came elijah said let's stop arguing go up the mountain let's go to mount carmel that the god that answers by fire let him be gone and then he gave the prophets of bear room to begin to do everything that they were doing the bible says from morning up until night do you know the highest dimension of their prayer was sacrificed when everything failed they started cutting themselves he said pray louder maybe he's sleeping and bell could not answer them and then when it was the time of the evening sacrifice there was a time when the angel of the lord will come to the earth angels are not on the earth just all the time they will respond to prayers but there are activities on earth that make for the manifestation of the angelic do you know how haman got the date to destroy israel i hope you know there was a date a man did not just say to destroy god's people carelessly through divination a spiritual permutation was done and the exact date was there that means every day is not conducive for everything this is where spiritual intelligence comes in a man through divination found out the exact day the same way there are divine appointments there are also appointments of darkness i heard a man of god share a very touching story and when i heard that story it really really blessed me he said there was a lady who was about to travel she missed her flight she felt so bad and cried that she missed her flight only for her to find out about maybe a few hours ago that the plane crashed the family members were perplexed when they published the names of the people the name of the daughter was not there and they said so what happened she missed the flight and so she went to a train the train still crashed those kinds of people were appointed to die so it doesn't matter whether it's too plain or too this the devil will haunt you until what happens happens just when you think you are done with one breakthrough here with something else but then it says to appoint unto them that mourn the same way that you can put a date to a man's breakthrough and call it today you can call something that should happen next week and give it a date today by the anointing samaria was never supposed to be delivered the prophet gave the date for the deliverance it was listen elisha was not revealing something that would happen anyway and maybe he was just privy to an advanced information no he said by this time tomorrow by this time tomorrow if he didn't say the tomorrow will come and the cry will continue and they will eat the child the other child that they were arguing about do you know how many people's lives you will save when you are not dead do you know how many people you will see from going down the grave do you know how many people you will lift for going down the grave there are many people today in the grave who had no business going there if you're a minister here please listen to me when the days of his power if you lack genuine spiritual power please leave ministry just quietly leave ministry you can find another ministry and help them but i'm telling you the days that we live in will require genuine spiritual power the distinguishing factor will be the power of god because people will come with burdens that no level of intelligence can solve paul said and i when i came to you he said remember paul was not a dull man so he was not trying to trivialize knowledge he says but when i came to you i did not come with the excellency of speech but in the demonstration of power that your faith may not rest upon the wisdom of man but upon the power of god that you carry the power of the holy spirit like a drug an entire house with it you don't need to pray just enter and all of a sudden the foundations of your family begins to shake what is going on in this family there is a shaking what dreams are we suddenly having is because someone who represents the ark entered that house one week after your coming suddenly three promotions without your prayer one week after you're coming a strange infirmity that each people in your family gives way this is proof that god is with you let me tell you this the world is truly tired of our stories are we together now and the impatience continues to grow we need a generation of men and women not just preachers men and women who understand the power of the holy spirit many of you are seated here right now profited by all kinds of challenges and for many people they think that the answer to those things maybe is just some nice discussion with an intelligent man of god now there are times that you need the power of god some of you joined the queue sometimes to see me and while you are talking i just say it's okay don't worry you're trying let me explain i said this okay i know what the problem is no matter what other examples you will give is the same spirit like you tell a doctor the other day i fell down let me tell you the scenario that he said no it's epilepsy say no let me tell you i've found the problem is even if you say you fell from a bridge it's still epilepsy it's working in me it's working in me [Music] it's god's ability ability it's working in me it's working in me it god's ability [Music] hallelujah this is why we're gathered tonight this is why we continue to press listen joshua salman cannot be in every home joshua salman cannot be in every office joshua salman cannot be in every school joshua sermon cannot be everywhere there is a problem if he is everywhere you are supposed to be an extension of the possibilities of the kingdom within the region that you are in that means that when someone from the regions you have come from is contemplating and say ah i should come for coinonia but maybe i'm challenged financially and the rest you say i bring you good news that which is there is here here by the spirit he said this is that that that that the prophet spoke about this is it again this is that what is the problem i've been trying to see apostle why because things are not working in my family and then one word one word from you will open the gates this is what god is making and it has nothing to do with being a man of god or a woman of god by the time you carry the grace for favor and someone just comes and shakes you good morning sir and he thought he just shook a man and then he leaves and for that day he records breakthroughs in his life he will look for you and say please shake me again i don't know what you did i don't know what happened but you are like the act of god in the house of obed adam it was dropped there just to let it be under the care of obed adam and in three months 90 days the life of a man changed because something was introduced jonah carried a spirit into a boat and people were about to die jonah didn't pray jonah didn't preach jonah didn't talk he was even sleeping you don't have to be awake for grace to walk jonah was sleeping yet the anointing was walking that you can turn a man's life around by the spirit bringing glory to the name of the lord as an evidence a testament of the power of god but ye shall receive power acts chapter 1 and verse 8 after that the holy ghost is come upon you you shall receive power not stories power i'm a businessman yes sir power i'm a politician yes sir you need more power as a politician than a preacher a preacher has prayer ban a politician does not have it they can cover for you before you go for a retreat but you are a politician they hit you once you are gone listen very carefully let me tell you we are living in evil days it is true and you must sustain the stamina the spiritual stamina the empowerment how about wealth and increase remember the teaching that i did that you want to prosper and even your soul to prosper the devil says no way you choose one you can have both either your soul prospers or your pocket prospers and you say no in god's economy we prosper as our souls prosper you don't sell your soul to prosper the world's way is that you sell your soul to prosper that was the exchange that was happening at the mountain give me your soul what shall he profit when he talks of profit the commodity of exchange is a man's soul and the world like pure water and hundred naira what shall it profit you if you use this to buy this the world soul trade by batter give me your soul i will give you access to the cosmos is god speaking to someone let me tell you something it takes the force of god's power for things to change the force of god's power and yesterday we spoke about one of the keys let me just talk very briefly one area and then we will pray blessed be the name of the lord we spoke about one area death if you remember very carefully that the price is death proverbs chapter 23 and verse 26 thank you my dear proverbs 23 and verse 26. my son first instruction give me your heart we dealt with that yesterday so we're switching to the next one and let thine eyes observe my ways he's teaching a man a secret here your eyes your heart your eyes your heart let your eyes observe my ways listen to me it's an anthem in this ministry that there is a relationship between your spiritual understanding and the manifestation of spiritual power you know most times people say there is power in the word of god and it's not a lie but the dynamic most people do not understand they think that the word of god is just like a charm or a genie and the moment you have it all recited it has power no no in the parable of the sower satan came and carried the word and he was not shaking he didn't die he carried the word only god knows where he went with it when jesus finished fasting the word finished fasting satan appeared and was talking to the world with power on him he didn't shake under the anointing he even held jesus and took him to a mountain he held the world with power on it that the word of god can be made of non-effect there is a system that releases the power of the world are we together now the word of god is a compendium of his ways his methodology his systems hidden in the systems when you understand and engage accordingly then you release the power that lies there in this is very very important for most people we just think that the word of god is in the recitation of it like a memory verse or in the chanting of it like a charm you know how traditionalists would chant something in front of a masquerade no no the sons of skiva were speaking what would be in the similitude of scripture but the demons did not leave you have to understand this and let your eyes observe my ways that means that every part i walk is a pattern you should pay attention to observe my ways how restoration came observe my ways how speed came observe my ways why satan could not defeat me he said be observant before you speak ponder sealer think by the wisdom of the spirit obtain grace and understanding to desire you can successfully replace the word observe there with the word discern descend my ways we came from the same background what did you do that suddenly brought favor observe my ways there was something i did that the natural eyes cannot see we were born the same day what has happened to you that you have such an investment of the spirit observe my ways when you give me your heart observe my ways my path are the paths of pleasantness observe my ways there is a way that cement writes the bible says unto a man he says but the end tier of other ways of death jesus said i am the way the authorized methodology for results it is my path when you follow it the results are guaranteed the primary assignment of any man of god after getting people saved and filled the holy spirit is to stimulate spiritual enlightenment and understanding by opening them to the ways of god the methodology the modus operandi please listen very carefully things don't just work because they are written in the bible things don't just work because god said they should walk behind his speakings are his systems listen to me beyond words you have to see the lines that connect this is where the spirit of revelation of wisdom and of understanding comes you have to pray for understanding utopian enoch had his bible open he was just coming from church on a chariot on his way to go back home and the spirit of the lord took phillip and says to join that chariot and then he even saw that he was reading the messianic prophecy he said who is this man he was led as a sheep to the slaughter was it he more about someone he says understand this what doubt he does how can i accept some man teach me and then he began to explain to make all men see there is a grace that as the exaggerations of scripture is as the bread is broken your eyes suddenly see this is it this is where my family is i've seen it the word of god becomes for you like a compass it shows you where you are and where you need to be and when you have eaten and found it it shall be a joy and a rejoicing to your soul behind the results that we seek is not only the word of god but an understanding of the system allocated for it please listen to me just because the anointing produced result in an area does not mean it will produce result in an area the anointing flow through the channel of your understanding to produce that result and so the same anointing will be profitless if you are barren of spiritual understanding imagine with me for a moment that you have a tab that has potentials to gush out a lot of water and then you have a host you can use it and you can guarantee that a garden will be watered what waters the garden is not the host but without the host the water will not reach the garden that host is your understanding that is the basis of your faith faith is the confidence that you get based on god and integrity of his word and the action you take to validate that confidence it comes through understanding understanding is a real miracle is greater than rising up from a wheelchair and he breathed upon them he opened their understanding need to have a lot of understanding for the results that we seek to command and i have this mysteries upon mysteries in this kingdom one of the strange mystery the mystery of praise the secret to exemption paul and silas prayed they prayed they prayed they prayed they prayed there is a kind that goed by praise there is a kind that goes by fasting there are many kinds there are dynamics of their operation and the bible says paul and silas after praying they pray and he says all doors open not some all doors open praise can open doors that a man can he says glorious in holiness fearful in praises we've had testimonies in this house where people will lock themselves and write challenges that only god can solve and sing praises and dance like fools in the presence of that request and by morning god will say you can't do this for me was it not a girl's dance that removed a prophet's head what jezebel could not do herodias the daughter did it in a dance dance during a man's bed they say what will you want even to half of my kingdom consulted with that evil and wicked mother who said remove the head of that prophet and his head went for it do you know the mysteries allocated for the results that you seek praise praise praise praise in advance not in a complaint praise any dance ah madam you're going to lose this pregnancy from what was seen there is problem praise in a dance your certificate everywhere you have taken for a job they say sorry sir is too late sorry you are too old sorry you are too young sorry is women we are looking for you a man sorry is men we are looking for a woman sorry we are looking for your people what tribe i'm household sorry it's not the nuns we're looking for you carry that thing and bring it before god and say where is the god of israel where is my job oh god let my dance bring it you can dance like someone in a bar there's no miracle for that one but you can dance the dance with understanding lord i'm dancing before the god who can change my life i'm dancing before the one who has all power how about the mystery of prayer god's authorized system of legislature over a territory you don't legislate by discussion now when you want to enforce the value system of god over a spiritual climate the mechanism allocated for that is prayer you fortify a spiritual border through the ministry of prayer he speak a parable are you learning something now that men ought always to pray and not to faint the mystery that gives you direction over affliction is prayer is in prayer that you understand what is going on you don't pray after you have understood what is happening whatever you understand can be operated by your pain it is prayer that purifies the revelation is any man afflicted not let him understand let him pray lord i don't know what is happening but let prayer filter this thing and you lock yourself and while you are praying suddenly the maze the purity of the revelation comes to you prayer when it was time for esther to deliver the people she said set yourself israel fast i will also fast with you as i go to the king it was a matter of life and death there are mysteries in this kingdom one of it is the mystery of your seed the mystery of your seed now i know that it may have been abused here and there but very few believers understand the power of seed faith it's not just some pentecostal gibberish to collect money out of people whoever manipulates people he has god there to judge him but let me tell you there are times you are tired of a dimension and you can connect the seed to your faith and smash every goliath down to pieces with your faith seeds have worked wonders in my life seeds have walked wonders in this ministry there was a year i've shared with you where god gave an instruction to sow everything to empty every morning in this ministry everything that's suicidal for a man of god to do very suicidal if your ministry is just a prayer group you can afford that risk because whatever it is the people will understand and with careless reckless abandonment we did that and in one week it didn't pass seven days god did a wonder that he forever will not recover from let me tell you no matter what you do a time will come when you have to keep quiet and let your speed continue speaking it's a mystery in the spirit the prophetic is a mystery that you engage under certain circumstances every time the bible talks of restoration it does not talk of anything other than the prophetic read your bible every time there was a loss in the bible it was the ministry of the prophetic that brought it back whether it was the axe head whether it was the bones in the valley of ezekiel no matter what it was the moment the prophetic came then there would be restoration believe in the lord your god so shall you be established believe in his prophets so shall you prosper is god speaking to you tonight so every challenge that we have that we stand with tonight is at the mercy of the power of god but released to the host of your understanding listen to me it's not just about power power fall on me when power falls on you is the same thing like splashing water everywhere it must be coordinated through understanding to be channeled to the area where the results are needed just wanting power at random without understanding is the same way you fetch water and just throw it everywhere and expect it to coordinate itself into your mouth there is a cup that fetches that water and it doesn't go to your head it doesn't go to your legs you direct it where that water needs to go when you are buffing even if it's a shower you don't stand anywhere and it touches you you position the water it is not water but assignment to know where your head is or to know where your face is or to know where the soap is is their assignment to release water is your assignment to walk with your plumber and make sure that water is in a position that can get to every part of your body so the situation happening between that bathroom the water body is not aware there was something about the way you turn the whole thing and it's not reaching you understanding gives value to power most people have power but they don't have understanding so it cannot be coordinated to produce results we like power because of the charismatism that comes around it but the efficiency of the power of god is produced on the platter of understanding there's water in a well please help me with this look at this every well has water but you don't stand in front of a well and bend your head down to drink it you do that you are going to fall down and die the water that was supposed to bless you is now the reason for your death but the water was packaged in a bottle and the bottle the person that designed this bottle designed it to enter your mouth that's why this is not where you came from are we together he looked at the size of your mouth and made sure that the bottle will be able to enter there now the water can benefit you because the channel gave it coordination please understand what i'm teaching you there are many people what you may need may not be more power truly the power is resident within you but understanding is what will give it will channel it accordingly to produce a breakthrough that you need and i have seen this again and again with many believers they are not knowledgeable on spiritual things they lack spiritual intelligence and yet they want the power of god the divine power of god is like electricity but you channel it to do the things for you that it wants to do trying to receive fresh air from a keyboard is not profitable yet it's the same power that powers a keyboard that powers this so i must understand the dynamics of his conversion to know if i want fresh air it's a fun i look for it's still the same divine power it is the same divine power but sometimes it is not expressed in prayer is expressed in a dance sometimes it's not just expressed in a dance it's expressed in agreement sometimes it's not just expressing agreement is expressed as you quote scripture and speak to the air sometimes it is expressed through submitting to a prophetic grace regardless of the dimensions it is still his divine power that makes for that result listen to this tomorrow is a miracle service and many of you see the things that happen in the miracle service and sometimes you wonder why do you have to do this there are times that i may call on specific people and minister and then at the same time minister to everybody over the same case again you see it is his divine power but the system of operation there are others until the worship team raised the song they will not be blessed the nature of their challenges will require worship the power of god will flow through the instrument of worship there are certain people that god's divine power will flow through creativity when it has to do with wealth his divine power does not flow through the channel of prayer so if all you know is prayer you will heal the sick but remain poor his divine power is trapped by your bankruptcy of knowledge you must give his power channels to flow through understanding the more you have spiritual understanding the more you are giving his divine power channels to flow to the various faculties of your life it matters that we have understanding i am powerful i don't doubt you but show me the understanding and i see how far the power can go my understanding is limited to the healing ministry that is the only area you will see the power of god you will continue to fast and more power will come but it will be directed towards that area the day you learn the economic principle of the kingdom you will see the power released there it was always there but your bankruptcy of understanding trapped it please get what i'm teaching you it will not do as much to just pray and pray and do impartation and then the area where you are trusting god for maybe his area of speed and promotion but the only spiritual understanding you have is for restoration the more you pray the more you see things being restored but promotion you will not get it and you wonder god can't you promote he says my power wants to move to the area of your promotion but the host call understanding that would direct it is burying unfruitful and where that light came from was the hiding place of his power i learned this in life and it changed my life there were things i didn't know and i didn't see the power of god in those areas and for a long time i would pray and fast and say god why until the lord granted me understanding to know that the issue was not more power the issue was the bankruptcy of spiritual enlightenment that will give it more capacity is god speaking to you imagine with me an octopus right that sea creature with many channels that's how god wants your understanding to be his divine power should not only touch your finances alone it should not only touch this aspect listen to me let me tell you the truth i believe with all my heart that there is enough power and grace to produce what you are looking for connect that power through your understanding to the problem you are looking for solution from if what you want is restoration then use the understanding of the prophetic to channel the power of god to that direction if you keep praying and god has mercy on you he will bring a prophet to help you that's his way of having mercy on you but he would not violate the system allocated for that breakthrough are we together you want to be promoted in a job the power of god will not only flow to favor it will flow through competence cs thou a man diligent in his business not prayerful in his business diligent in his business he said she shall stand before kings there is power in so when you become diligence a dimension of god's power that never flows will now start flowing through diligence if you understand what i'm sharing tonight you will see the knowledge dimension the understanding dimension of the power of god otherwise there is no need for knowledge when the anointing comes what then is the value of spiritual enlightenment if the anointing just generically solves problems why should you anoint me with oil then i study the bible again what am i looking for i know what i'm looking for i'm giving that grace channels those who you call wonders when you see them they are not like an octopus they are like an animal with many many hosts so almost every area of their life can be touched with understanding and the power of god you see possibilities that's what we came to do tonight first to receive more grace but second to say lord this side has received your anointing but decide i'm trying to get this thing there it's not working what is the mystery that channels the power of god to this other area naman was the king and the captain of the syrian army he was a valiant man his discipline and diligence as a military man allowed certain levels of might to flow but but if he knew that the prophetic would solve his problem he would not be a leper till that time it was because there was an information he did not know that kept him there so god uses small slave gear to say sir there is a way out of this tell somebody there is a way please prophesy to someone say there is a way it may not yet be captured in your curriculum of knowledge but there is a way there is a way do not use your limitation to conclude that god cannot move in that area because he can because he can because he can everything god says listen to me listen to me when he releases it the spirit of revelation will take that prophecy and the power i need and ensure that you have the understanding that connects you to that prophecy this is how it works this is how it works so the more spiritually enlightened i am it is not the enlightenment that produces results the enlightenment activates my mind and gives the power of god a channel to flow through listen to me medical people will tell us many times that when a part of the body is beginning to deteriorate sometimes it could be that there was a pinched nerve is that true sometimes it could be that something happened that is not allowing blood to flow because the distribution is that blood should flow all over your body but for some reason the heart is still pumping blood but something may happen to your vein or your artery or something and just try to create an interference it's an inhibition and for a long time a part of your body will not receive the supply of oxygen and blood and as a result it begins to die the heart is pumping but that leg is dying so it is the doctor's assignment through his knowledge to now create a system and sometimes the relief is instant this is how it works we went for a crusade many years ago anointed but poor yet his divine power was on us that power was healing the sick but the police station was waiting for us are we together couldn't the power stop the police station it could except that the knowledge we needed to allow it get to our finances it was not there and then by the message of god he brought that side look when light comes to you is a miracle when light comes to you now the power of god can flow through you let me tell you why certain people's results become very powerful there are many people who may not have the level of anointing yet but while they are waiting they continue to get vast knowledge it's like you are preparing the host in advance the day that anointing comes miracles in different areas because they were prepared i have not met a man of god that can anoint me but while i wait what is the key to wealth while i wait what is the key to speed while i wait so everything is prepared waiting for the oil to come why did he tell the woman borrow vessels borrow many borrow a financial vessel borrow a speed vessel a fair vessel borrow a restoration vessel if you return pour the oil the oil will come on the speed vessel the oil will come on this vessel you see and when there was no more vessel the oil not died not changed not became powerless the oil limited by the containers the prophet saw the woman he said your husband didn't know what this oil could do even as a prophet and he died you can be a prophet but when you don't have vessels you can die please hear me we're going to pray i came with a word from god to tell you by the grace of god this is a place of god's power but power just resting you can roll from that door to that door and the power will be there and the only channel you gave that power was your prayer life so you see increased prayer you are praying again like never before and you are saying but god thank you for the grace for prayer but i said that i want something in my family and then you fast again and then more prayer comes and then when god wants to help you he will do to you what he did to mother sit down and listen look at how jesus do you know jesus did not do an importation service every day but he did a teaching service his entire training was 99 percent teaching and then one day when they had created channels he said now with the holy ghost hallelujah when the holy ghost came on them they prophesied there was word of knowledge there was salvation there was healing because the channels were ready my son give me your heart and observe my ways observe my ways observe why two people were anointed and yet they could not manifest certain possibilities this kingdom walks through knowledge the knowledge is not a charm the dynamics of the operation is that every result is governed by his divine power but his divine power flows through the horse of understanding the prophets desire to know some things the power that was on them was enough to help them do certain things but they were denied god stopped them and limited them by hiding certain levels of knowledge so the anointing could not take them far to see some things that's why god says we are a chosen generation in other words people the prophets long to see these things they had the power but the understanding that will allow the power take them that far was not there man of god my church is not growing yet people come and get healed and blessed through my life and they leave me it is because his divine power is walking through the dimension of understanding you have that allows for healing and allows for deliverance but there is something about the grace that keeps that you do not know all that you have given me i have kept by what mystery did he keep them none is lost except the son of petition and that that scripture may be fulfilled there is a grace that keeps if you have it you will keep money if you have it you will keep children if you have it you will keep blessings if you do not know the mystery that keeps things you will have them and lose them you can have breakthrough and lose breakthrough you can have good things and leave them apostles every time they pray i get the result but it leaves after two weeks i know what is wrong his divine power is still there but there is an understanding you need to know about how things can kept let me tell you how you keep things in the kingdom you hand them over to god when you hand over things to god but i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded that he is able to keep that which is committed unto him you can't keep that which is committed to you by your power if they give you a bag of gold you are running to central bank tomorrow whether the road is busy or not you will smuggle your gold and run regardless of whether cb and keep it for me i trust my may god but not with respect to this goal please understand what i teach you our time is gone but we are going to pray for many years i continue to ask why are anointed people limited i got one of the revelations that the anointing is in decrease and levels and they are nothing just like currency can only purchase the spiritual realities below its value every level of grace has a spiritual value akin to money what one million will do is not what hundred thousand will do if what you have is hundred thousand you can only buy things from hundred thousand and below if you say card you will not even buy hundred thousand you must keep something small so if all the anointing you have is to help people be healed some can have ten problems come some look at this please sit down we're going to pray let me teach you something let me have your attention please look you have to get this thing i'm teaching you now look at this sam has headache just as an example sam has headache are we together poverty number two number three delay are we together number four is what ah demonic oppression now i come as a man of god some lists all these problems when i lay hands on sam watch this now the level of anointing i have will scan through the problems and only the situations that are below the level of anointing that will be solved he may fall but you will find out that when he rises up only headache will be healed the rest will not be touched because the level of grace anointing is not anointing is a lie go and read your bible how god anointed not just that he anointed so the level of the anointing can make your challenges relative or otherwise i used to think anointing is anointing it just came from the holy spirit not so sir not so there are levels there are dimensions of the anointing and then when i grow further i can now come to sam again and i said sam what couldn't i solve last year he said sir i listed five cases only headache went i said well i've come back with an upgrade let's try it again i lay hands on some and suddenly a miraculous will enter and all this will enter but that delay will not be solved so you are a blessing when you are very anointed so anointed that most of the cases that come to you there is grace to solve it listen let me tell you this i can tell you this from experience as a man of god there are there are situations i know that the grace that god has put on my life is by far higher than that situation that's why when i see people come with that thing i don't even bother wasting time to pray for them i say go it's done it's within the liberty of my grace to produce that solution there are cases that when i see sometimes i know that i've met a match for my grace and i need to return back to the secret place because when god wants to lift you he brings people with serious issues lord at church members then he brings someone deaf on both ears and who is not even smelling he stands before you can you hear no even small not at all you pray for him he falls down he wakes up richard but not healed because the grace that you released was for wealth are you seeing why balance is powerful it's true i used to wonder why kenneth hagin will have meetings 21 days stretch and sick people will come sometimes he will not pray for some he will leave them like that he will continue studying and growing one day he will come back and say you come and that would be it i now know what he was doing he was honest with himself he had a system of getting was he not was he not jesus and even the disciples that will discern whether this situation is doable by me if he was not doing with the one called certain apostles they were not ashamed when it has to do with this one i'm still growing please come so the disciples pray for an epileptic patient in the name of jesus and nothing happened and jesus came and said i know the problem two problems one the level of anointing is not there almost nothing number two your spiritual understanding because you saw me heal the sick effortlessly i casted out the devil out of the gathering but this kind goeth not he was introducing them that there is a level where praying fasting will introduce a kind of power to you that will help you do certain things i've shared a revelation with you that every time people fast and pray it's like a spiritual energy it's like fire that rises from within them do you know what that fire does i will tell you when a spirit leaves a man it goes through desert regions it's in your bible isn't it and when it goes through desert regions it becomes uncomfortable because a desert is a hot place and it compares the desert to the body it left if the body is colder than the desert it will prefer to return back to the body so that when a man begins to engage spiritual energy and that fire bonds within you by yourself that spirit will leave you the bible lets us know that anything in the similitude of fire is uncomfortable for spirits that's why they like water that's why water is a major part of their habitation because there is restfulness there he makes me lie down in still waters we're going to pray the power of the holy ghost is upon you but this night we must cry for understanding understanding understanding we'll pray for higher dimensions of power but superior dimensions of sight and understanding rise upon your feet please thank the lord for the word you just had tonight lift your voice and thank him your voice and give him praise while praying someone lifting their voices i found my way to a higher level found my way greater power [Music] if someone pray please lift your voice and pray sha allah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] holy spirit you are welcome [Music] [Laughter] holy spirit you are welcome feel the stamina we wait on you lord we wait on you [Music] we wait on you [Music] lord we wait on you [Music] we wait on you [Music] lord we wait on you [Music] two prayer points number one lord weaken my understanding quicken my understanding grant me access to light spiritual illumination a comprehension of your methodologies tired of blessing tired of shadow boxing tired of hoping [Music] are you praying [Music] for [Music] we're still praying look our place hallelujah listen mention the area where you need a miracle and say lord what is the understanding that connects your power to that area lift your voice and pray mention the area [Music] lord i desire breakthrough i desire a job i desire the spirit of revelation i desire increasing ministry what is the mystery what is the key that will allow your power to be channeled in that area please pray for my [Music] a great captain of the syrian army but what is the cure for this leprosy revealed to me by your spirit there is a way there is a way there is a way there is a path which no foul has seen the wealth of the lion has not gotten there [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] listen please look at me believers if you're a pastor here listen to me that is why communion service is not powerful because most people think is about sobo and waffle so they said eat the bread and swallow the drink and then they smile no when you understand the power you will not even be able to hold the communion set understanding they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover there is more to it you have done it the way you saw it there is more to it was he going to pray father i'm crying to you let my eyes throw a line between your word my eyes and my situation connect something show me a key connect a mystery by the spirit i need speed in my life open down my eyes i need restoration in my life open down my eyes i don't doubt your power my understanding is limiting your power [Music] hallelujah listen to me listen to me and be very sensitive listen this is why many of you even after an encounter nothing happens then you go and buy some books and sit with them and then get up and see results no new impartation happened in that book there was a new host that connected a new channel for the power to flow for a long time you've been anointed but you wonder why good things leave you and then suddenly the law of honor comes to you you learn that honor is a law and that when you honor gracious it gives you access from the length of that understanding you will start seeing the power that brings favor flow i don't have to pray for you for fresh grace for favor your understanding connected you the power is at the mercy of which channel of understanding will allow me flow is not a different power that brings healing that is a different power that brings miracles is the same divine power but the system of operation is what makes the difference hallelujah understanding these are mysteries about the anointing that are found by the spirit questions that i asked for many years what is the relationship between knowledge and understanding because some people choose knowledge the word the word other people choose anointing power and i said lord there is confusion here i need you god said no there's no confusion sir the word gives you understanding the power flows through your understanding representing the might of jesus in the face of your situation that's the power of the holy spirit prayer point number two some of you have understanding already but like something can happen from the water board how many of you have seen that because your house is uphill even when they bring water have you seen that kind of thing you open you stun the knob to the last and it just comes in droplets and you want to buff you in a hurry so there is something that can help you buy a pumping machine and interface it between water board and your house and when you put that machine and switch it on suddenly the water can even enjoy your head because of the speed that's what many of us need to do a multiplication of the same thing that i have it all but lord a higher dimension i have a one thousand naira word of anointing but i have a one million narrator problem of great grace upgrade the grace lift your voice and pray there is no doubt lord i am a prophet but of greater grace i have received the anointing for wealth but of greater anointing a higher measure [Music] please pray believe in what you are praying and pray [Music] my head with oil my cup running over my run it over [Music] [Music] a higher level of grace a higher level of anointing a higher investment of spiritual power for signs for wonders extraordinary results strange results [Music] and [Music] [Music] acts chapter 19. from verse 11. there are a class of miracles called special miracles a miracle in itself is spectacular but there are miracles called special miracles and they are wrought by the hands of men not angels god wrote special miracles by the hand of paul read on so that from his body this is what makes it special because the rule is that you have to make contact with the sick and now from his body were brought to the sick you had our mother's testimony handkerchiefs and aprons and diseases departed when your handkerchief has a voice is a special miracle because a handkerchief is not a living thing special miracles it is not everyday anointing that produces special miracles now in acts chapter 2 they were filled in acts chapter 4 they were filled father i have seen yesterday's glory i have seen yesterday's results but before this first end lord shift me to a new level of anointing i have prophesied i have seen the sick healed i spoke to people and their lives changed a higher dimension is someone praying a higher dimension i've seen the graceful world but a higher dimension i've seen the revelatory gifts the revelatory grace but a higher dimension i have seen influence and honor but a higher dimension someone pray someone pray [Music] eva shalom [Music] [Music] [Music] pray don't be tired [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah let me share with you something [Music] second corinthians chapter 12 we're rounding up second corinthians chapter 12 please give us from verse 8 we're reading three verses eight to ten for this thing listen carefully i besought the lord thrice that it might depart from me let's see how god answered this prayer this is the prayer of a man who was tired of his situation listen to how god is answering a man's prayer he did his best to handle that situation in his strength and he could not handle it now he's asking god for assistance and god says my grace is sufficient but you don't know how it works my grace is sufficient but you don't know how it works if it is strength you want then it must be in exchange for weakness if there is no darkness nepal is useless listen to me very very powerful if there are no sick people dr mecca is not needed are we together if you are not thirsty even if there is a bag a drum of pure water here it doesn't matter to you so he says for my strength is made perfect in weakness let me tell you what this happens is a mystery every time a human being becomes weak something starts happening to the power of god coming to that direction listen carefully weakness is powerful because it attracts the strength of god so when you set your soul too fast as your body begins to become weak the same spirit there is something about your weakness that is calling the power of god when jesus stayed for 40 days the weaker his body the more the holy spirit saw the need to stay is a deep spiritual mystery jacob wanted a blessing and god looked at him from head to toe there was no weakness he said how do i help you i have to touch something there has to be weakness for my strength to be valuable the treasure cannot be stored in golden vessels the fact that the vessel is ethan makes the power comfortable so that the excellency of power might be of god so when you set your soul too fast god who allowed fasting knows what food does to the body listen carefully if you don't have this revelation you will not understand what you are doing tonight why are you doing a marathon faster from wednesday you are not eating down till friday do you want to kill yourself what kind of nonsense is this they say you watch what happens there is a level you will get to where you almost want to collapse then watch what happens suddenly like the eagle you will pray and you will be tired have you not noticed that there is a switch every time when you are weak you want to pray you plan to pray for three hours after seven minutes you are tired you don't even know how this will happen but you continue and continue and continue later an agency takes over you and even three hours you can't finish listen listen the power of god hardly starts things he allows you to start and then the power comes and takes you to the flight that's what happens these are very deep spiritual mysteries so this night that you are not eating now your body is already frustrated there is a level of life and health that the body must have for the mind to walk it's true when you fast your mind also is subject to fasting because your mind feeds off the health of your body that's why when you die your mind does not work so you set your soul too fast every time the nation of israel were about to be overwhelmed by their enemies they will keep their weapons down and declare a first plus goats plus everything while they are in sacrament ashes the spirit of god comes through a prophet this is what god is saying and victory comes i besought the lord twice take this away from me and it seems like there is a strength in myself that is limiting the power of god so i set my soul in the similitude of weakness through fasting and suddenly his power comes and picks you up many of you will be surprised what will happen is not hunger starvation it's a mystery that's why i said a joy must be set before you to receive the grace to endure you're going to cry for grace the grace that will keep you through my brothers and my sisters listen let me tell you this let me tell you this if you don't learn this technology you will break down a ministry you see when i left this place i had a meeting till evening it was when i was done just few minutes to the program starting i had to tidy up some other things before coming here and i've been standing here you have to learn to exchange your weakness it's a technology you must learn you are more powerful than you are but until you are weak you will not know if a terrorist comes here right now and starts chasing everybody you can run three days without food and you will not be hungry that ability was always there but there was a level of weakness that when your body how do i explain this now holy spirit just believe with me that subjecting you to this spiritual discipline is not a ritual of men my brothers and my sisters i hate the traditions of men and vain religion that has no power we will never practice anything in this ministry that does not have power and spiritual significance he won't stop till your strength looks like him he won't stop no he won't stop till my life looks like him god is raising mighty man in this place god is raising people of power in this place god is raising sons and daughters in this place he won't stop he won't stop till our lives look like here it won't stop it won't stop till my life looks like it so when the fast is done then you will see that your prayer request of 10 years comes in one day and then you say lord what happened my strength your weakness called for my strength your weakness called for my strength why does the bible call fast in humility because it's proof that you are weak and so you call his strength that they humble their souls in fasting lord if you don't come to help me i cannot help myself he says that's the language i want listen our first officially ends tomorrow by one and then we come for the miracle service fire will burn in this place tomorrow that everything that has not been planted by our god he must let us go god declared that it is extraordinary fruitfulness that is the grace that you must carry there will be a strong impartation in this place and god will shift us you are a ministry come with your heart open and come rejoicing because things must change hallelujah whatever challenge whatever has refused to bow come with it commit it to jesus and let us see the power of his grace at work in our midst don't forget tonight's teaching understanding allows the power to flow to the area where the breakthrough is needed and that you will need greater dimensions of spiritual power to purchase certain possibilities in the spirit so let this be your prayer all through tonight just because you are weak does not mean you should snow yourself till morning till one find a corner even in your weakness if you have to kneel kneel you are allowed to drink water but please trust god for grace to wake up and pray if you have a neighbor you have a friend tap the person say in jesus name your destiny is calling you wake up pray the virgins slept and there was a call and they didn't have the time to go and buy extra oil and because of that they were in trouble you have to be a lot you have to pray and listen for what you will say there are certain things you cannot think about now your body is too weak to allow your mind think it so your spiritual focus is accurate you can trust your hearing the weakness in your body will not allow you to think of the cares of this world you will be surprised you try to think about it and see your mind will give up because the body is weak the life of the flesh is in the blood so you can focus and pray and your mind will be stayed on jesus and you travail and push through till victory is established father we give you praise tonight we honor you and we love you we thank you for your word thank you for teaching us your ways the way of power the way of the anointing the way of strength the way of grace lord we decree and declare that we are determined for our profiting to be made manifest in this generation we're not ashamed to obey you we're not ashamed to be stretched until scripture is fulfilled in our lives father i pray for your people let there be a supply of grace let our humanity not catch up with us tonight in the name of jesus the strength to push through until tomorrow afternoon we release it upon you in the mighty name of jesus christ amen they are new every morning always new every morning [Music] oh [Music] great is thy faithfulness hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah listen to me the greatest asset of the believer is the holy spirit hallelujah the greatest asset that a believer has is the holy spirit see if you are in business and you want to start a business what what do you need capital is that true let me tell you something the holy spirit is the ultimate capital hallelujah you know people say i need capital i'm not talking of business now the capital to do anything in life you do not know why we celebrate the presence of the holy spirit and we treasure his presence so much because he is the only one who is able to open up the word of god to make the word of god potent to make the word of god living and active and is the one who anoints our lives and makes us amazing wonders the bible says no man can receive anything except he'd be given to him hallelujah holy spirit we thank you thank you oh my father for giving us your sun and leaving your spirit your work on earth [Music] thank you oh my father for giving us your son and leaving your spiritual your work on earth [Music] i have come to treasure him [Music] if you are a wealthy man there is only so much money can do money cannot heal a sick body hallelujah money cannot cure barriness money cannot drive demons if you are educated education does not scare demons education does not cause a man to live long if you are handsome or beautiful beauty does not give people food otherwise the beautiful ninja children roaming around who have no reason to be staying under bridge is that true if you can speak english that's very good but there are many intelligent people who have not been able to do much in their lives but when you have this great spirit of the living god you can solve the problem of the greatest man in the earth ah this makes you more than a conqueror see treasure the spirit of god this is called koinonia if you do not value the presence of the holy spirit see the holy spirit will make you a much desired personality they turned to jesus and they said all men seek for you why because there is this treasure in earthen vessels the poor will look for you the sick will look for you the oppressed will look for you those who are confused will look for you it's impossible to have an honor the ministry of the holy spirit in your life and remain a failure is impossible this world is too dark for his presence not to be recognized in the life of any man the darkness of the world is a big advantage for the believer because the the smallest spark of light makes you an enviable object and every week we teach on different topics but then we always take time to let us understand that our intimacy and fellowship with the holy spirit is the greatest asset we have in this place [Music] he's the only one who can make this bible come alive you can go to theology school and confuse yourself and not even be blessed again [Music] but when his presence comes upon this word and it opens you up now come on [Music] see let me tell you something the holy spirit can take you from where you are please pay attention pay attention stop trying to look for only what his presence can give see that we are chasing after things that only his presence can give do you not see that if you take the spirit of god and his ministry in your life to be filled with the holy spirit does not mean you are led by the spirit [Music] you allow your life to come under this governing influence i'm telling you he will make you a wonder beyond your imagination [Music] take me to the place the secret place that holy place that's where i wanna be [Music] take me to the place the secret place [Music] holy spirit make yourself real to everyone in this place make yourself real [Music] make yourself real make yourself real you are the keys of david you are the one who can anoint the head of a man and turn an ordinary man to become a global wander [Music] lord this is our request [Music] let my heart be the temple of your spirit let my spirit feel the worth of your embrace just a symbol let me be a holy habitation [Music] where your spirit is pleased to dwell [Music] i want to [Music] is [Music] [Music] lord fill this vessel fill this vessel feel this vessel feel this vessel take your place take your place [Music] take your place [Music] take your place take your place [Music] take your place oh [Music] take the place [Music] take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me [Music] take my body my soul my spirit read on me take my body my soul and my spirit breathe [Music] take your pace [Music] take my body take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me with my body my soul my spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] i desire your presence you are the fountain of life [Music] [Music] of your glory take your place take your place take your place take your place take your place take your place take your place [Music] feel my life feel my take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me [Music] take my body my soul and my spirit breathe off me take my body my soul and my spirits breathe on me take my body my soul take my body my life [Music] lord we desire you more than life itself [Applause] [Music] take my body my soul and my spirit [Music] breathe on me take my body my soul and my spirit put it on [Music] foreign [Music] take your place [Music] take your place take your place hallelujah see listen let me tell you there is nothing you are truly looking for that you will ever find if the holy spirit does not lead you there are you hearing me there is nothing i don't care what it is there is nothing you are truly looking for success prosperity husband wife job you will never find it if you disregard the holy spirit let me tell you in advance you will never ever find it until the holy spirit leads you there hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah please be seated you will never find it if it does not lead you there you can pretend you have found it you will never find joy you will never find fulfillment all of these things people chase after no you will never find it disregarding the holy spirit [Music] he has become my all he has become my all he will pawn an ordinary person see let me tell you something listen this chase for recognition this chase for fame this chase for greatness will keep ending people in utter frustration until the holy spirit leads you there please take what i'm saying seriously i'm yet to see one man that truly found life and all it can give with the true joy and satisfaction without the holy spirit it's not true it's not true i needed to understand that um these things are not just done as a religious jamboree some of us have never paid attention [Music] to the things of the spirit we think if i just come it's possible to be here right now and your heart is not even with god you are just here and then you will find out that you will never get that blessing are you not tired of trying to find fulfillment outside of him why don't you settle down camp be on his side and see what you will make out of your life be magnified oh [Music] and there is nothing you can't do oh lord my eyes are on you be my [Music] see we said this thing years ago and many people thought we were just talkatives and jokers are you hearing what i'm saying this thing i have been saying this thing for years [Music] but when you don't pay attention to the things of god your suffering has just begun because there are many people after 20 years 30 years 40 years of a meaningless life of utter frustration they find out that everything they have put their confidence on has failed one by one the dangerous thing about that kind of failure is it all does not happen in one day it will keep happening again after one cycle finishes another cycle secular failure will start but the way of the lord is the way of wisdom choose that way now i choose the way i know for the way for the way of the lord [Music] his presence can guarantee you anything in life when you honor god's presence for you success is an issue of when not if it no longer becomes magic hallelujah i'm teaching tonight a very powerful topic and i like your heart to be open look 14. [Music] [Music] luke 14 hallelujah say after me my christianity must produce an evidence say it my christianity must produce results say it like you believe it my christianity must produce results i forbid you from this resultless christianity that frustrates you and frustrates those around you when there is an evidence in your life that god is real and that the truth in his word are real let me tell you the truth you will compel men to come to the saving knowledge of jesus christ and you will turn many to righteousness hallelujah there's gotta be more gotta be more there's gotta be more than these four desperate people do desperate things we press in me it's gotta be more gotta be more healthy it's gotta be more than this [Music] hallelujah [Music] i can never be a failure in life never never never i've left that circle forever till jesus comes i told you last week understanding everybody say understanding when you have he said in all that getting get understanding [Music] come mike come climb these tears no just stay down climb up climb up did you need to think to climb this because you know how to do it go back and do it again this is we call predictability your life can be that accurate and that circumspect that you know that you know that you know that you know that you have come out of certain realms forever your life can be that predictable that you can become a success so for you is a matter of when not if there are some of us success is still at the realm of if because we are still hoping that one day bless you god will see what i'm doing and then maybe he would just bless me let me tell you in advance you don't need to wait till after 10 years let me tell you now you are wasting your time it will not work that way there are keys he said and i will give you the keys of the kingdom said by reason of that kiss whatever you bind in the earth will be bound in the heavens whatever you lose until you have this keys you cannot command authority in this realm [Music] many of us have been listening but we have not been paying attention today is an opportunity again why don't you tell yourself look i want to settle down let me understand this thing once and for all hallelujah i'm preaching tonight on extraordinary accomplishments the cost extraordinary accomplishments column the cost what does it take to be a sign and a wonder what does it take to be a living wonder what does it take to function in this earth realm as if you are not a normal human being what does it take to write towards the things that force men to bow to [Music] we have been throughout last month we're taking a series on success and i thought we had rounded up until i was praying and the lord told me no there's one more [Music] extraordinary accomplishments the cost [Music] tonight i want to open you up to the cost dimension of accomplishment in life the cost dimension hallelujah this word cost and price these are two words that many believers hate we hate that word the moment you say cost or price people just resent it and they get angry but when you say gift or reward people say aha this is what i want but the moment you say cost we hate opening up ourselves to the cost implication of life unfortunately let me tell you the truth get it straight and get it this night i don't care who preaches what for you don't mislead yourself you will never never enter the realm of true greatness and extraordinary accomplishments if you deny the fact that there is a price and there is a cost so the first thing i want you to know this night is that extraordinary accomplishment is very costly it's very costly it's not just costly it's very costly [Music] number two ignorance and failure is also very costly so whether you embrace the life that will bring supernatural accomplishment or not you are going to pay the price in this life period hallelujah outstanding success had it a huge price tag it's very costly failure also has a price tag it is also costly the difference is this for accomplishment and success you pay the price before it comes for failure you pay the price after it comes you get that but you are going to pay the price in any way [Music] so you can choose to pay it now [Music] you don't need to say i claim success no you don't need to claim it if you pay the price now that is your act of faith to show that you have chosen you don't just choose by saying i choose alone [Music] he said if you call yourself the sons of abraham you would do what abraham did hallelujah people hate the word cost they hate the word price and so many people especially preachers have tried to create nice messages to explain away the fact that there is a cost implication to supernatural accomplishment let me tell you something go and ask any man whether in the secular world or in the christian dome who has risen to and made any level of supernatural accomplishment of whatever sort ask them and they will tell you there is a price to pay hallelujah the one-time wealthiest man in america was asked a question he said what is the secret of success and he laughed he said secret number one know what the price is number two pay the price period know what it is pay the price [Music] and tonight i pray for you that the fear of paying the price for a supernatural life let that fear leave you because let me tell you something you are afraid of what must come so it's better to develop courage and face it once and for all remember we preached a message give me this mountain in every mountain there are giants if you find a mountain that there are no giants run away every mountain there are giants life is full of men who paid several prices defied certain things and today the world is celebrating them and if you must do much for god there is a price to pay don't let anybody fool you there is a price to pay hallelujah and tonight we will look at the cost factor the cost implication [Music] hallelujah if we do not want to end up like many people that we have seen or many believers frustrated humiliated then it's important to pay the price right now [Music] i will always quote this scripture lamentations 3 27 he said it is good that a man bear his yoke in his youth now that you have strength why don't you make up your mind to flog it out with destiny [Music] so that you can enter the sabbath and rest once and for all the bible says and on the seventh day god rested i've said it again and again if you have not entered your seventh day and you are rested let me tell you life will kick you out of that rest in a painful way you only rest when you have entered your seventh day some from day one they're already seeking rest we live in a generation of comfort we like comfort hallelujah a lot of people like come we love comfort we hate inconvenience no no don't keep me standing for 10 minutes i can't take it [Music] the sun is too hot go and buy umbrella for me we we we are addicted to comfort to a to a a degree that it is robbing us of paying the price for a glorious destiny [Music] hallelujah someone starts a business the first prophet that comes is buying jeans and shoes and buying one one rickettica that you keep maintaining it for the next how many years until everything eats up his money but to pay the price and say oh let me just wait let me end no i want to prove a point i want to prove a point comfort comfort has destroyed a lot of people comfort is good but you see let me tell you something when it gets to a point where it stops you from paying the price then you are you are eating your future in your today and this is the case with a lot of people hallelujah this is what has better this false and fake life that people live they try to pretend realms of success they have not yet come into and so they put themselves under unnecessary pressure hallelujah [Music] brother it's very important self-tammy i will pay the price please say it i will pay the price look at me don't you think this message is not important this night because i i'm going to be attacking some ugly religious spirits that always think that when you are teaching about success and accomplishment they think it's not spiritual enough i thought we just came and we should be praying oh i thought we should come and do this sooner or later your lack of paying attention will punish you to a point that you backslide spiritually without knowing hallelujah when you become a father and you know that you cannot be praying from morning till night you have the fees of children to pay is that true you have responsibilities at that point you will know that one kid does not open every door in the spirit it takes keys and opening up yourself to them [Music] may your children never look at you and say daddy what is what is the benefit of all of this christianity may people not look at you in the village and say you are you are an unbeliever i am a christian what is the difference see let me tell you something the kingdom of god is a reward system are you following me now the kingdom of god operates on a reward system so you are rewarded for complying with kingdom principles [Music] i made up my mind years ago that i was going to end some things in my life forever [Music] and i knew that to do that comfort will be out of the way [Music] and this is my first encouragement for you this night take this unnecessary spirit of luxury and comfort is not bad pack it up and keep it a day will come when you will be comfortable indeed not now the bible says the vision will speak at the end no vision speaks at the beginning it says it in the end it will speak hallelujah another deceitful approach to success [Music] is waiting for god to do everything have you seen people like that i know god will do it i know my god will do it are you not the king of the heavens you can do anything you want to do you can bless whoever you want to bless you can cause whoever you want to cause let me tell you straight to the point if that is your philosophy then your suffering has not yet begun the bible says the heaven of heavens belong to the lord he said but the earth has he given to the sons of man if you do not take charge of your destiny you may be very surprised hallelujah i'm going to be talking about three aspects three levels of the cost number one we will quickly look at the spiritual cost the first cost is the spiritual cost you want to live a life of extraordinary supernatural accomplishment no matter who you are the first prize to pay is your spiritual life the spiritual cost hallelujah there are many of you right now if i ask you what are you doing towards your success you say i'm trying to look for money i'm looking for capital may god just bless me let me just get money and see what i would do oh somebody's running somebody say i'm just trying to look for a job i'm trying to look for this and we pay very little attention if at all for some of us our spiritual lives we wake up in the morning 5 30 stand at the junction outside and you see everybody waking up in the morning hurrying running from morning until night ask them what they are looking for they tell you i want to move forward i want to make progress i want to make meaning out of my life but the bible says except the lord builds the house he said the word there is not except the lord build it for you except the lord becomes the architect of the house it says the labor in vain and except the lord watches over his city said the watchmen watch it in vain he said it is faint to wake up in the morning and to sleep late in the night only to eat the bread of sorrow but he gave it to his beloved sleep [Music] hallelujah let's look at the scripture quickly second chronicles 26 2nd chronicles 26. second chronicles 26 if you're there say amen [Music] verse 5. [Music] are you there verse five it says this is speaking about the king josiah listen please he said and he sought god in the days of zechariah who had understanding in the visions of god and he said oh i thought he was projected he said as and as long as he saw god what happened god made him prosper is that in your bible as long as he sought god what happened so his prosperity his accomplishments in life were directly tied to his passion genuine passion for god many of us do not have a passion for god we only love god because we have been told that he is mighty and if you come close to him maybe he will drive demons away from your life and then success will come quickly [Music] if you want to be blessed and to do much for god in this kingdom the first requirement is your spiritual life usaid he sought god he says as long as he sought god god made him to prosper let's read on shidaba and he went forth and word against the philistines and broke down the wall of god look at his accomplishments look at the mighty things that he did because god was with him and the wall of ashdod and built cities about ashdod and among the philistines verse 7 and god helped him did you see that now god did what god helped him against the philistines and against the arabians who dwelled in gubal and in myanim and the ammonites gave gifts to usia look at all the things that happen in his life because he sought god let's read on and his name spread abroad this is the fame many people are looking for and his name why he sought god he sought the health of his spiritual life first he was not just seeking fame and power [Music] in the bible everyone who truly sought god made a mark in this life listen to me the first cost is your spiritual life let's finish up [Music] for he strengthened himself exceedingly nine moreover usia built powers in jerusalem look at this accomplishment at the corner gate and at the valley gates and at the turning of the wall and fortified them also he built towers in the desert in the desert he built towers in the desert do you know how the desert sand is the desert sand is not solid whatever you build if you are not careful but he said he built towers in a desert extraordinary accomplishment because he sought god hallelujah and he dig many wells for he had much cattle both in shepella and in the plains husband men also and vine dressers in the mountains and so on and so forth reid verse 11. it's a moreover usaid had a host of fighting men who is this strange man that was just breaking records smashing records again and again defying the things that have been done in his days the bible tells us his secret he said he sought god he sought god look at this kind of exploits this is a year of supernatural exploits it doesn't just happen by magic [Music] let's finish up urith verse 15. who went out to war by bands according to the numbers of their reckonings by the hand of jail the scribe hallelujah and then let's read verse 14 and usaid prepared for them throughout all the hosts shields and spares and helmets and coats of mail and bows and slings to cast stones verse 15 and he met in jerusalem what engines the first person in the bible recorded to invent engines this guy broke through in several circles the bible says that he invented them invented by cunning men to be on the towers upon the bulwarks so that when they came to attack them they used engines to defend themselves [Music] extraordinary accomplishments because of the quality of his spiritual life he said to shoot arrows and great stones with that listen he said and his name spared where notice the bible in the previous verse said his name spread abroad now see another dimension his name spread far abroad he said for he was marvelously helped the first time he was helped now he was marvelously helped until he was strong have you been paying attention have you been paying this spiritual price oh there is a spiritual price to pray for success and the beautiful thing is that at any point in your life you can't start are you hearing what i'm saying so for adventure your spiritual life has not been an issue for you you just believe that somehow you can navigate yourself through life let me tell you right now hear the voice of the lord he said i wish above all things that ye prosper and be in hell to the proportion to which your soul prospered [Music] we have neglected the spiritual prosperity of the soul our intimacy and our relationship there are many things that can distract us looking for money looking for success wanting connection wanting to go here and there wanting to go abroad germany italy dubai everybody wants to go let me tell you something if you pay attention to your spiritual life first you will be helped the holy ghost is called a helper and the bible says usayah was marvelously helped he enjoyed a rich dimension of the holy spirit let me tell you when god backs you you must succeed it doesn't matter what the odds are [Music] say i take my spiritual life seriously [Music] the spiritual cost under the spiritual cost the first price you need to pay is revelation and wisdom everybody say revelation you want to accomplish much spiritually in this kingdom [Music] we're talking about your spiritual course now revelation and wisdom paul prayed to the church especially in the the church in in in ephesus ephesians 1 from verse 17 down he said i pray to the god of our lord jesus christ that he may grant unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the heart of your understanding the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know [Music] revelation [Music] and wisdom what is wisdom wisdom is the ability to take the truth of god's word and put it into practical application to deliver results for you anything you claim to know that is not useful in your life is not advancing the kingdom is not improving the quality of your life dump it it's a waste of time wisdom is not just the right application of knowledge is the ability to take the truth of god's word and offer solution to life's problems [Music] and the bible says daniel 12 3 it says undead that be wise shall shine like the firmament of the heavens daniel 12 he said undead that be why shall the lord shall shine as the brightness you want to be a star you want to rise above get wisdom get revelation understand how things work in the spirit when you understand the spiritual laws that are responsible for delivering certain results i promise you life will bow to you hallelujah are you listening to me so pay the price let your spiritual growth be constructive it's not just coming to church and learning all the nice spiritual languages go for revelation this is what we seek to teach not revelation of stories principles keys keys keys i will give you the keys of the kingdom [Music] when you find the key to this door you can open it when you find a key to this door you will open it when you find the key to that door you will open it if you do not have the door you can pretend the door is open but sooner or later life will demand you to go outside and it will be evident that you do not have the key there are many people pretending to have found it rather than humbling themselves to say no look let's take this thing can i tell you something no matter how long find it he said the kingdom of god is like a man who is searching for a bear when he found it he sold everything he had to buy that land when you pay the price to get revelation it will reward you please listen to me finance in the kingdom has spiritual laws health in the kingdom has spiritual laws victory over sickness and death and failure has spiritual laws success in life has spiritual laws faithful has spiritual laws they don't just happen a good marriage is governed by spiritual laws hallelujah longevity in life is governed by spiritual laws how many of these laws do you know that is how you can measure the quality of your life i want to ask you a very practical question how many of these laws do you know [Music] hallelujah very important revelation revelation revelation revelation revelation when you love the lord with all your heart he will open you up to revelations first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 the bible says i has not seen nor hear her neither has it entered the heart of any man what god has in store not for them that speak in tongues for them that love him when you love god he will open you up to secrets and brother when you find it you have found it forever [Music] when you truly love god and for as long as he sought the lord god made him to prosper have you been seeking the lord in your quest for accomplishment have you been paying is god part of your success equation i love the lord with all my heart the bible says in first kings three verse three it says and solomon loved the lord solomon love that's what that that was the basis of everything that he did and solomon loved the lord do you really love the lord enough to seek him with all your heart to seek to know his ways [Music] and how do you know those who love the lord it's very clear john 14 21 so don't just say i love the lord we are going to see it now john 14 21 hallelujah it says he that keeped my commands he it is that love at me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father so who is the one that loves god please listen who is it who is the one that loves god if he says the one who claims i love god i love god i love god if you truly love him he will abide by his commands he said and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and i will love him and i will do what manifest reveal myself god is not revealing himself to everybody there are certain people that attract him with their passion for him this is a big secret let's look at verse 23 of the same verse same chapter sorry jesus answered and said if a man loves me he will do what he will do what so have you been keeping his words if you have not been keeping his words you do not love him period [Music] if a man loves me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come to him are you seen there and make our habitation our abode this is the secret of intimacy love for god the bible says the secret things of the lord are with them that fear him and he will show them his covenants many people let me tell you the truth many people want to serve god but they don't love the lord they respect god though they are christians they are not doing but that passion for god they don't have it and then they wonder why god seems to make himself real to other people i've shown you the secret of intimacy if you truly love the lord you will attract him by creating the atmosphere that brings his presence [Music] love for god hallelujah let me share with you under revelation just three keys that will guide us we are still under the spiritual cost and under that we're still under revelation so love for god i've told you love for god is one key to intimacy the presence of god you can have power without loving god it's impossible to have the presence of god without loving him no number two obedience obedience is very important everything in the kingdom is tied to obedience everything everything everything in the kingdom is tied to obedience just one scripture so that we'll put it under their deuteronomy 28 from verse 1 and it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently hacken to the voice of the lord to do and observe all that i commanded this day he said this blessing shall come upon you and shall overtake you hallelujah said you shall be exalted above all nations and this blessing shall come upon you and overtake you deuteronomy 28 verse 1. so obedience obedience obedience doing the word faith is not just saying what god has said faith is doing what god has said [Music] so love the key to the presence of god the key to deep secrets in the spirit obedience the key to committing god in anything you are doing the bible says you are only willing to judge all disobedience when your obedience is complete he told ken ken was angry because adele's sacrifice was being received and his own was not being received he told him he said if you do what your brother did with your sacrifice not be accepted so obedience anytime you want god to show up and to perform in your life make sure you obey his principles the last key that i'll talk about quickly on that revelation is the law of tithing let me show you very quickly tithing has nothing to do with money look at me tithing does not bring [Music] money the bible never tied tithing to money let me tell you what tithing does [Music] hallelujah sorry [Music] many people tied because they want money wrong tithing as a principle and as a key in the kingdom has nothing to do with financial prosperity it is your giving that brings financial increase are you hearing me tithing opens the heavens see listen listen look at me there's no time we have to touch other aspects and i want us to pray please look at me the bible says god created many trees in the garden of eden is that true but god kept a tight in that garden of eden i want to show you where titan started from so long as that tight was not touched the heavens were open god could come in the cool of the day is that true please answer me tight thing is one of the spiritual laws that is responsible for open heavens so whatever you do under that open heavens will now prosper that's why tithing does not just affect finance alone health longevity different aspects of our lives [Music] the reason why we preachers only reduce tied to money is simply because we want the money period the day man touched the tide what happened the heavens were closed and they sent him out of the garden of eden look at how important tithing is to god so long as man did not touch the tide he could enjoy any other tree he touched the tide god sent him out so every many of us are operating under close heavens you are giving but under close heavens you are serving god but under close heavens let me tell you something i don't care whatever you do see the devorah is not a demon a devorah is a principality he operates on legal grounds principalities operate on legal grounds are you hearing what i'm saying that means you come you don't pray them away you don't pray them away there are kingdom principles that keep them at bay please understand this he said in my name they shall cast out what but he said they overcame them by it is in my name many of us have been praying trying to cast away principalities in our lives no it is your obedience of kingdom principles that keep them far that means if you are not a titan even god cannot stop the devorah it will take only the blood to speak for you are you hearing me please in the series that are coming i will teach you about the mystery of the spirit the water and the blood because the bible says there are three that bear witness in heaven the father the word and the spirit he said these three are in agreement he said but in the earth realm there are three the three entities that can open any door in israel the spirit the water that's the word of god and what the blood is said and these three agree anything they agree on that door was open hallelujah these are very deep spiritual principles there are many of you you have prayed and fasted about some things it didn't change that's to tell you that your spiritual approach may be wrong [Music] hallelujah [Music] let's continue tithing the heavens will open over you everybody say in the name of jesus i receive grace to be faithful i need my heavens open see when your heavens are open you will know you will know your heavens are open one time i was praying i think around chapel and the lord showed me a visual i looked up and i saw like two ancient gates they were closing and opening closing and opening i said lord what is the meaning of this and the lord told me this is the heavens opening and closing over people and this is the faithfulness of tithing please take this serious tithing does not bring money tithing opens the heavens when the heavens are open anything done under that open heavens will succeed you see why some of you have been given you have been given to the poor you have been given to the needy things are not working because the heavens are closed the devoted just needs to look at your heavens and know whether he is permitted to come to your life or not [Music] this is a powerful key that many many ministries there are many ministries who love god great preachers but they are living under close heavens so they don't know why members don't come have you seen people complaining like that members come and go members do this and that i will train people and then they will leave let me tell you something check it if you are not careful the heavens are open the heavens are close sorry when your heavens are open you will see extraordinary things that you know only god can do [Music] you can't negotiate this principle god is not a politician there's no back door no shortcut [Music] hallelujah so have you been faithful in tithing if you have not been faithful in tithing stop saying god is responsible for what you are in you have permitted the devorah there are many of us who are in business you don't tithe many of us god blesses us you don't tithe see if you do it out of force it's not by faith and whatever is not of faith is sin you just wasted your time it is a product of a revelation how can i eat the title of god here is my heart my might make up your mind lord not touching your tight if you are faithful you will live in eden when you touch the tides you are sent out of eden when they sent man out of eden toilet and all kinds of things there are many of you truly it's not like god is not blessing you but it does not work the bible says and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper take this tithing thing seriously the number one key you need to teach people about open heavens is tithing don't think this is a gimmick by preachers if you come and pay the tithe and the preacher eats the tithe is god that'll punish him but you do your part do not allow anybody's negligence to stop you damn i sure it's not that usher thou carry my money what is your business [Music] make up your mind buy envelopes many of us are owing god you say god let me touch these five thousand please this is an emergency i must respond to it immediately and the devotee saying go ahead please go ahead the moment you take it you are just convinced that because you took communion or they made cross with oil on your head the devourer goes and you just fall down and stand up and say thank you jesus the devourer is waiting for you the moment to come out the oppression continues i'm telling you kingdom principles supernatural accomplishment starts with an open heavens he said you will see the heavens open the moment the heavens are open angelic activities begin in your life when jacob saw the heavens open what happened angels started ascending and descending and jesus told nathaniel he said you are you are chatting because you have just seen these things he said you will see greater things what are the greater things you will see the heavens open and the angels every time angelic activities has cast in your life check your heavens may be closed [Music] hallelujah number two prayer so revelation 1 and then prayer prayer you must pray you must pray it's one of the greatest spiritual investments now i've heard preachers even on tv talk against prayer and they say pray pray pray pray you pray you don't pray all you just need is the word word word listen let me tell you the honest and sincere truth the bible says we will not leave the ministry of tables i mean the ministry of i will not concentrate on serving tables will focus on the ministry of the word and prayer hallelujah a prayerless christian is a powerless christian period whatever destroys your prayer life has killed your christian heritage is a dangerous spiritual investment that you must make it will build your spirit you will build sensitivity the gifts of the spirit will find expression the anointing of the spirit will be at work in your life and the anointing itself is capital everybody say anointing is capital yes we only know naira and carbon dollars and pounds to be capital anointing is big capital are you hearing me the anointing can open doors for you that nothing else will open [Music] anointing is great capital all men seek for thee that's what they told jesus why were they seeking for him because he had an anointing do you know that if you have an anointing the uncle you are trying to talk to that is neglecting you he needs something that the anointing upon your life can solve you concentrate and build that capital [Music] i have entered places today that if i was not anointed there is no way on earth at this level of life those dots would have opened impossible impossible [Music] hallelujah prayer let's look at the second cost [Music] spirit moves [Music] over me [Music] spirit move over me [Music] intellectual cost everybody say intellectual cost say intellectual cost so the first cost is your spiritual cost for supernatural accomplishment second cost is intellectual cost help us holy spirit isaiah 5 verse 13 everybody be while you are opening i like you to shout knowledge is power not not that school a long hand say knowledge is power say it again knowledge is power hallelujah knowledge is truly power [Music] if you value knowledge and you value information you will do wonders in this earth please listen this is where i want everybody to give us our attention because i know for many of us the spiritual cause we are paying it very well but probably we are not paying the intellectual cost knowledge is power isaiah five are starting everyone read one to read therefore my people are going into captivity because they have no knowledge and they are honorable men are famished and their multitude dried up with tests why knowledge everybody say knowledge say information [Music] what you do not know can destroy you ignorance is not an excuse in this realm in the world of champions [Music] you don't give room for ignorance many of us are spiritually serious but we are mentally lazy we are not willing to pay the price preachers hear me emoji wake up many preachers are intellectually lazy and they wonder why they are not commanding results hallelujah [Music] sustainable success is guaranteed by quality access to information your access to quality information about any area of life that you are trusting god to be an ambassador whether business whether your job there are many people who may never be promoted till jesus comes because they are praying in tongues they are paying spiritual prices but they are neglecting their intellectual price look at me see honesty is good but that's not the only thing that is required in delivering results competence is key and competence is a product of intellectual prowess are you listening to me many nigerians have dreams and visions there are many books dream big have a great vision that's wonderful but just having a dream or a vision may never bring it to pass you must you must get the knowledge and the information it takes to push that vision from being a dream until it starts walking on two legs everybody say intellectual cost [Music] ignorance is very costly i told you very very costly he said i daniel understood by books this book of the lord the bible says this book [Music] not this chess magazine not this pointless novel this book many of us do not invest in building our intellectual capacity somebody comes and say god is calling me i'm going to be a public speaker i saw it in a vision i saw myself wearing suit like pastor femi you may die and never enter that revelation if you are not ready you think we are going to bring you to come and present a paper for us when you don't you've not read any book on public speaking you don't know anybody hallelujah you're not opening up yourself to learn from people who have gone ahead of you you will never arrive there this is what will frustrate you more many christians are frustrated because they cannot understand why although they are praying although they love god they see that they are lazy intellectually go to the house of many believers you don't find anything somebody is working in his job he's never read any book to improve him does not understand anything about people's skills does not understand anything about leadership many pastors are governing churches all they know is how to pray in tongues and preach well they have no knowledge of corporate leadership they have no knowledge of corporate financing hallelujah principles of conflict resolution they do not know these things they don't care principles of church growth they don't care [Music] hallelujah praise the lord it's very important many of us do not pay the price to build ourselves intellectually you believe god is calling you to be a reality a tv show a hostess or host or marriage and whatever and you sit down people ask you what do you know about marriage is the coming together of a man and a woman to be a husband and wife [Music] do you know listen listen see no matter how tough talking you are are you hearing me if i want to employ people and i see that you are going your your intellectual deficiency is a disadvantage to my corporation do you think i will employ you please answer me so why you angry with god there are many people who are not interested listen this is important they are not interested in building themselves they don't build capacity how many books do you have in the area you believe god is sending you to see let me tell you we live in a world where the basic knowledge you get from university is not enough are you hearing what i'm saying listen there must be an added advantage the difference between the five virgins who were wise was that they took extra oil [Music] there are many people who go into business they don't know anything about the business they're just here somebody went to dubai i went and brought containers you two you stand up carry everything you have woman abroad they want throw you away from the airport say you are going to dubai they cease all of your goods now you come back god is not faithful i'm a titan no no everybody say intellectual prowess [Music] psalms 45 verse 4 can we look at it quickly we're going to pray psalm 45 verse 4. [Music] god is doing something in this place he said listen and in thy majesty right prosperously because of what truth information write prosperously because of the truth that you know write prosperously [Music] bishop uh said something that touched me in a very powerful way he said most restaurants you can go abroad and see certain restaurants and they tell you this restaurant is 50 years old is that true this restaurant is 70 years old the owner has died yet the restaurant is still on in nigeria somebody opens a restaurant after two two years he has fought with everybody in that community till they close the restaurant and the person is a christian everybody self-taught me your intellect your mind must be transformed for you to accomplish supernaturally [Music] i tell you i feel the fire of god in this place i must bond this enough buy books buy books not trainers buy books not refund but books not mary kay the books will buy you mary kay see he said by the truth sell it not there are certain things i do every day before i sleep every day some of you sleep from morning till night you are just happy lazing around you come and see people reading i say oh boy you said now what are you reading you keep distracting people there is a name for those people they are called enemies of progress [Music] how many of us pay attention there are many of us visitation hopping from house to house hopping to people's office gossiping and discussing things that have no bearing to your future great men jeremy are men who have learned to settle down and build their minds [Music] that you are a christian is no guarantee for you to allow yourself to be mentally lazy [Music] they give you a speech to prepare you didn't prepare for it you are not serious about it god has brought favor lack of intellectual preparation kill the favor out of your life hallelujah there are many of you oh god is calling me into decoration what do you know about decoration how many books show me the dvds you are watching about those who are who are champions in decoration and you come and just keep sleeping dirty pieces of paper for people please give me a contract i am a christian i'm your member so what so what oh i can make hair don't patronize that person is a non-believer patronize me the person patrol he said plot be all back you plot like this yet you think that the person would just say okay you are a nice christian are you contending to improve yourself i improve myself every day i'm not satisfied with where i am in every area of my life show me what you are doing to build your mind show me the investments you are making mentally and i can tell you whether you will be part of the world changers or you will be part of the storytellers are you listening to me [Music] very important lay your hands on your head and save time in the name of jesus i receive grace to build my mind i will buy books i will buy dvds i will build myself in the area of being called to function i will be the best i will not relent until i am the best say i will not relent i refuse to be a local champion i'm a global champion hallelujah yes make up your mind refuse to be a local champion [Music] a brother is is getting married and all he has woman abroad is 200 000. so they called you and gave you ten thousand for decoration you just did every kind of ugly thing and they said who did this he said you listen well done you just believe that another time you say i'm carrying a proposal to abuja you carry your file and you're moving to one disgrace yourself in abuja when you go there you will see other people who have walked upon themselves when you see their designs you just stand there as if god failed you [Music] please take seriously what i'm saying believe us build yourself every day there are four things i don't before i sleep i must build myself spiritually i must build myself corporately i must build myself in leadership [Music] what are you doing what do you do with your 24 hours many of you early in the morning they saw you in summary later on you are nine to go later on you are around and you just call myself i had a busy day doing busy but doing nothing nothing you went to one gossip jake's kajikwa you now run to another person you did this stop it if you have been doing that great leaders are not like that if somebody comes and is disturbing you don't be afraid to tell the person sorry i'm doing some studies i'm praying some of you are embarrassed you don't want to be bad [Music] create a protocol around your life let nobody just jump in and out of your life because they think they want to see you you are studying at that point illumination is coming somebody just bashing over editing for the boys tell the person i'm in a period i'm burning something that can take my family from where they are to mount ararat and take them to a place where they will be great do you not know some of them he says ideas rule the world there are many of you if only you pay attention the truth is god tried for you you are very intelligent you are just not serious you can't sit down and pay the price and you know something listen the truth is if you really really want to be great god will open the way for you the reason is many of us do not want it bad enough that's why the wear is not open i don't care what it is you want if you desire it truly he said you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart there is a level of passion when i want things i get them oh yes i get them i will pay any price to get it for me pain is not an issue [Music] hallelujah when i travel and people who have gone ahead of me in any area of life are talking i get a viral i'm just listening to them ardently or i'm just typing on my phone i'm listening to the wisdom they are bringing while i'm listening i'm reaching out to my pocket finding any seat there to connect you see let me tell you i i thought this already in commanding results the law of oh no things do not just happen are you hearing what i'm saying things are made to happen the truth is whatever area it is you are trusting god to go to there are people who are careers of that grace there are people who have that knowledge you want to plant you believe you want to start a saloon have you gone to somebody who else who has a saloon and tell the person see i have two thousand era can i give you this two thousand error and be coming every day and be learning for one hour i played with you see me i started planting somebody this all these people this arrogance is what has kept a lot of people humility if you do not humble yourself you will never build your mind don't wait for people who have solution to come and meet you doctors don't look for sick people they establish an institution called a hospital and the sick people look for them passionately and even in the hospital there are different kinds of words according to your desperation there is a word called emergency world when you really need help badly they take you to that world life has emergency world there are many people who you can get tired of your life that you say no i'm not going to anything i'm going to an emergency world build yourself kill yourself oh god wants to make me a pastor and god showed me a vision i'm going to have 1000 branches my brother start getting going for knowledge before you die early the trouble of managing yourself is even killing you and you want to manage 1000 branches full of members see this is why god does not answer the prayer of a lot of people the the one crowd they do not know the complexities that come with managing people every day there is a case somewhere somewhere this is what was wearing moses away and his father jethro in law and his father-in-law jethro began to give him a key on how to he would have died for nothing there are many men of god who are dying because they are doing everything everything because they do not understand the principle everybody say i receive grace to build my mind jordan bookstore is there you can start let me see how many of you believe that you're going to do business let me see your hands business people whether potentially or presently what are you doing in that line of business keep your hands lifted so that what are you doing are you doing anything or you are just confessing other people who have gone ahead and say hi god dude this is lucky hell [Music] please drop your hands take it seriously you want to do business behave like a businessman don't behave like a thief how many of you believe that god has called into one form of leadership or the other whether corporately almost everybody should be lifting their hands you are either a father or a mother at least what are you doing to be no i'm serious what are you doing to build it i build myself every day i interact with the brightest of the brightest of the brightest i love everybody but i will not learn from everybody i want to shorten my journey as much as possible so i'm not ready for anybody to bring his mediocrity and make and punish me then after many years go for the best say go for the best tell your neighbor go for the best don't let loyalty and sympathy make you just camp around people you know your brother is good but the truth is he cannot sing very well you want to be a musician collect his own tape so that he will feel angry but go and look for people who have earned the right to command authority in that field loyalty has stopped a lot of people from moving forward a man of god who is not a businessman doesn't know anything about business is organizing a business expose and preaching all kinds of messages that don't make sense he's a good man of god but a bad businessman and a lot of people carry all of those principles and life flocks them back love your pastor or know your pastor if he's not a businessman look for a businessman and listen to him [Music] hallelujah finally the third cost is the physical cost [Music] if you're angry with me that's a sign that god is walking on you seriously [Music] you know i won't stop no way [Music] physical cost the third one it takes diligence and work not necessarily hard work but work to bring forth extra ordinary accomplishments look at me everybody say laziness say one more time laziness for the last time laziness is not my portion in jesus name if you want to accomplish things supernaturally extraordinary accomplishments three things must suffer momentarily your life number one your time number two your energy number three your resources [Music] the proof of love the clearest proof of love is the investment of time you must have time for anything you love or you consider serious enough how much time are you putting on ground how much energy energy everybody say energy see great people in life are workaholics are you hearing me they walk their life out until they enter that realm of greatness [Music] praise god [Music] i've been ministering in the last three weeks traveling ministering doing a lot of things but it does not stop me from doing the things i have to do hallelujah from this place i have another trip again traveling up and down yet you must give your energy everybody say energy some of you like sleep once it's 9 30 you're already naughty even if you are talking with somebody you just do like this and the next thing you are sleeping no no if you love sleep you will kill your your future [Music] put your legs inside cold water and set my eyes you can sleep if you want to sleep but my life must move forward if you make that determination no devil in existence will stop you physical efforts there are some of us who are lazy you hate pain you hate anything discomforting you you hate embarrassment right now i'm talking affiliates why are you embarrassing us see every great man in life is one who has been able to kill embarrassment where you open up your heart and say flock me just lash it let it come to build me many of us have lived in a place where everybody has lied to us either because you're a pretty lady or you're a handsome guy everything you do is right i tell you the truth if what you are doing is wrong i will tell you change [Music] proverbs 14 verse 23 we'll look at a few scriptures and we'll pray [Music] your destiny must move forward in the name of jesus proverbs 14 verse 23 let's read together one to read [Music] in all what in all labor there is profit but the talk of the lips cheap talk [Music] there are many people that talk talk talk talk talk but the bible says in all labor put your talk to work in all labor there is profit but the talk of the leaves turn that what [Music] back your talk with tremendous efforts and tell yourself no matter what it will cost me say in the name of jesus no matter what it will cost me i am prepared to pay the price to be the best in my field in the area god has called me i will be outstanding i will pay the price the price of time the price of energy the price of my resources [Music] some of you are on scholarship students a few of you god is blessing you fifty thousand or seventy five thousand or your five or ten thousand is coming every time you get it you are always running to the restaurant every time you get it boys you don't land you can be great that way [Music] you can be great that way so you create a momentary feeling of being successful why don't you pay the price and create the real one stop pretending like you are there when you are not there if your capacity has not reached for endometri and use them are you following me now if your capacity has not reached for big beans get the normal one shake off all those things from it and cook it giving thanks knowing that it will change there are too many people living fake lives fake lives you create an impression you do not have the resources to defend somebody comes you see my watch now you say i must buy this kind of watch you go and pack your whole finances and frustrate yourself and you are suffering alone and god will say sow it when you buy it that's frustration for you see let me tell you self-taught me there is time for everything say it be careful what you covet about people and don't put yourself under pressure you don't need to prove a point to anybody if you have only one trouser that has stone sow it honorably away let the people laugh very well so that when you become great they wouldn't they wouldn't say it's magic they saw you some of you who chatted a car from samara to sabo you say i'm in a hurry hurry for what 259 that you can buy a book you have not gotten to that level be patient the jeep will come nobody is arguing it but it won't come now pay the price [Music] sister you will buy the human hair for now use what is available use what is available carry 10 000 and spend it and you're just moving around fake lives use that product resource to build yourself say amen if your owners not reach for sugar link go to zinc house go to come market go anywhere be honorable about it there was a time it was think house we used to go to that was that was our level and let me tell you in non-sincerity even at that level we were better than a lot of people by that means it's just that we decided to push our lives down because we knew there was there were higher there are many of you if you get one million today today you will buy a cloud of seven hundred 000 a phone of 150 000 and a suit of hundred thousand that's all and you just come and then give a testimony say the heavens open and i'm here my car is there my suit is here from that day you start suffering nothing else about your life stop pretending it you will get there one day for now invest in yourself [Music] don't waste your time you think people are looking at you let me tell you they are not looking at you they have enough problems in their lives to face don't deceive yourself they are not looking at you at all they have serious issues about their own lives [Music] proverbs 10 verse 4 we're rounding up a lot of [Music] 10 verse 4 he becometh paul that deals with what a slack a lazy a slothful hand he said but the hand of the diligent will do what the hand of the diligent will bless him and with that resource he will be able to do big things for the kingdom next scripture proverbs 12 24. [Music] the hand of the diligent again god sees scriptures about hands about hands the hand of the diligent shall bear who in other words shall lead the hand of the diligent will take him above he will take charge he will dominate he will break record he will set the pace but the slothful hand shall be made to pay price shall be under tribute [Music] one last scripture proverbs 20 verse four [Music] the slogan will not plow and what is his excuse [Music] there is cold therefore shall he do what therefore shall he do what now is the time to sow many people let me tell you thank god you are sharing this now because there are people who think you are wasting your time i promise you they will pray in tongues and still beg in the days to come it's not a false prophecy it's the truth about life many of the great people in this country are the classmates of some of our parents two of us where were our parents when they were paying the price and they get angry when they see them [Music] this is what happens to poor people when they don't pay the price and they see others that go ahead see every time you accomplish supernatural things you create an effect that agitates people because of the frustration [Music] you respond to critics not by replying by producing more results [Music] are you ready to take your life from where it is to the next dimension i've shown you how these are keys your e3 can be the best god didn't lie when he spoke to you are you hearing me your business can be the best your ministry can be the best your life that book can be a bestseller you just need to find out find out from those whose books have been bestsellers you wrote your book it was great but it was not a bestseller yet find out [Music] god has told you that he's putting the word of the lord in your mouth and you will be a prophet to the nations as it is nobody knows you go and get this spiritual capital of the anointing pay the price and i tell you if if i were a prophet if that god called me into the prophetic ministry i would have done things that would shock people many people are not ready to pay the price everything is available but there is a price tag on it if you can pay it carry it the best kind the world is still on sale if you have the money today you can go or diet nobody will stop you all the packages in life according to the measure of grace and your sacrifice and ability every time i stand before koinonia i don't see see let me tell you a time will come the people you see today will be the ushers in eni just the ushers because i know there is a world dying that cannot resist the solution we are bringing impossible our job is to contend for greater grace [Music] oh my god i'm a success hallelujah i have the capital of the anointing i have the holy spirit the wisdom of god in me and i will pay that price rise up on your feet man [Music] i bring you words of comfort it will not always remain like this your life will change lift your voice and begin to pray in tongues supernatural accomplishments extraordinary accomplishments like usayah [Music] make sure you are praying you are shining like the brightness of the farmer you may start from zarya but i see you going far don't say i cannot get here walk by the principles they will open you up to those gates the nation will stand and give you an oppression the nations will reward your sacrifice inspire yourself i cannot be a failure and david encouraged himself hallelujah very quickly we are going to pray three prayer points first is your spiritual life how many of you know the anointing is capital i've shared it with you now the anointing can make somebody come and sow a seed in your life that your your business for for 10 years cannot give i why are you neglecting it and one river came out of eden it battered itself into dimensions you're going to pray say lord i value your presence i value your anointing that anointing i take it like a capital co lift your voice and pray [Music] the prayers calabash said that process hallelujah the anointing my head is exalted like the horn of the unicorn and i am anointed with fresh oil power to heal the sick power to deliver the oppressed accessing the spirit that will give me a seat among the great i refuse to be an ordinary preacher i'm full of the holy ghost working in signs and wonders that will confront men and stepping into deep dimensions of power of grace i respect your anointing i respect your anointing oh god pray you need the capital of the anointing you need the capital of the holy ghost the greatest gift and the bible says the gift of a man the gift of the holy ghost the gift of the anointing they told jesus all men seek for thee all men seek for thee rich men seek for blessed people sick for you because of what you carry if you carry christ they will look for you if you carry power they will look for you if you parry they will look for you if you carry fire they will look for you they will invite you they will sow into your life they will bless you [Music] my spiritual life i receive your fire oh god it's not a waste it's a glorious investment that will separate you regardless of your lineage regardless of your barrier regardless of any factor there is a world lying out there they need the anointing they are willing to honor it they are willing to invest in it they are willing to reward it when you become anointed you will be approached hallelujah [Music] hallelujah praise the lord [Music] during my birthday i was amazed at all the gifts that i got from people all around this nation and even from people outside of this nation many who have been blessed by the grace anointing is capital get this revelation when you pay the price if you get authentic grace there are hardly any families that invite me today that may not package something there are some of you right now you came here you left different places you packaged seeds some gifts in kind in cash you are waiting for the grace to sow years ago you were still alive but you did not come to me because there was no grace that means if i increase the grace a time will come i will start attracting a kind of people anointing his capital hear me he said because thou love has righteousness and hated wickedness therefore god even thy god has anointed you with an oil of gladness that makes you above your fellows [Music] i hardly pay for things in my life right now i hardly pay for anything because everybody is closing to pay something for me that's what the anointing can do in your life stop struggling go for the anointing go for grace go for fire go for power and see the way to raise you all other factors notwithstanding there are people who would never listen to me but they have been compelled by the power of his presence upon my life my age notwithstanding it has opened doors for me my age notwithstanding my level of exposure notwithstanding do you know that the anointing is capital it can end inferiority in your life when you have something man will come to drink of it he said gentiles will come to my life prayer point number two you're going to say lord i've been intellectually lazy i don't buy books i don't read but i repent this night and i begin to build myself i study by books lift your voice and pray lord i go for books i go for trips i sit down with relevant materials along the area that i'm trusting lights to break short for me i pray shall your life break forth then shall your life break forth the power of information if you know what to do greatness is yours for the [Music] [Music] my mind is blessed i am not god i study books i buy exercise books i study every day i sit under mentors i see other men that carry the things i need whether in business whether in leadership there are men who have gone ahead already listen to them receive mentorship from them through books prophesy to yourself i'm an extraordinary leader i'm an extraordinary entrepreneur i'm an extraordinary business businessman i will shake this country with my ideas i will shake this country go ahead and prophesy last prayer point last prayer point look at me last prayer point you're going to pray and ask the lord you're going to say lord give me such grace that i will not be afraid of pain and embarrassment these two things if you can conquer pain and you can conquer embarrassment i salute you because you must be a world champion pain embarrassment these two things if you are still conscious of pain whether in the cold weather you will invest time you will invest energy you will invest resources leave your voice and pray shake it take care [Music] let me know god not be an issue for your people no nobody [Music] in the eyes of the enemy man of faith fearless courageous strong [Music] but aside say i can make it i can make it yes i can burn that idea great man adjustments survive much pain great men are those who have survived what ordinary men cannot survive great men and men were enjoyed great men are met didn't stop they fell didn't stop they were weak didn't stop until their image hallelujah i speak a message of hope some of you are like samson hear me for whatever reason your hair has been caught some even your eyes have been plugged and your family members are laughing at you to scorn but i tell you something when samson stood near those pillars his hair began to grow again the bible says is there hope for a tree or two he be cut short i bring you a word of hope if the devil hit you and he did not hit you from the root he only wasted his time because god will take that as a pruning and he will shoot you above and beyond hallelujah [Applause] so get books get tips get serious you know any of your friend that is not serious don't criticize them encourage them in love for many of you who satan is using your yesterday against you right now i silence the voice of that accuser of the brethren because the bible says that judgment has been declared upon him your mistakes of yesterday cannot follow you into your tomorrow there is a brand new day you can rise again you can glow again you are still that champion nothing is missing nothing is broken the miracle is not in what you have lost the miracle is what you have left if you have ears to share and two legs to walk again again you will become a mighty tree [Music] everybody remain standing all of this will happen only when your spiritual life is put in check and i know that there are many of us the lord brought you here tonight some of you have never truly made a decision for jesus you've heard preachers again and again and again and again one of the secrets of our lives is that we are committed to turning many into righteousness daniel 12 3 it says there that be wise shall be like the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars even forevermore it's an opportunity that you will become a star some of you have given your heart to the lord but honestly you have derailed from the part of the spirit and you have failed again and again and again and tonight you are hearing the word of the lord listen whether you are inside or outside there is love for you this is a place of hope are you hearing me the bible says there is hope for a tree you are that tree because the bible says you will be like a tree the lord is about to plant you tonight by rivers of living waters so that with any season you will still be fruitful i like you to leave your seat right now and come out here there are many people go ahead go ahead and take that step go ahead and take that step inside and outside don't wait for somebody else to come you are the first to come there are many people inside and outside appreciate them as they are coming [Music] lord i need you keep coming don't let any people stop you this is the beginning of the new season once everybody knows my face there's no time for that right now come and stand before his presence i can do nothing i can do nothing without you so i need you in my life today jesus said come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden the lord is still ministering to me that there are two people who are supposed to be here as i'm talking to you the holy ghost is telling you leave your seat and come out what are you afraid of there are two people the lord is showing me two people honestly speaking the lord is showing me two people two people leave your seat and come the holy ghost is ministering there is one more person left god cannot lie impossible god cannot lie hallelujah lift your hands those of you in front be proud of it this is not a mortuary don't come as if no it's so if i give you a gift you will rejoice when you want to give people speech on price don't they come out you call them out this is the same thing god is giving you a gift hallelujah mean it from your heart don't recite it as a point recitation does not bring you birth it's a sincere desire from your heart say after me lord jesus i have come to the end of myself and i love you with all my heart i know you are the only one who can help me and tonight i have heard your word take my destiny mold me make me a wonder i denounce sin and satan i declare old habits are gone bad habits are gone i am a new creation in christ according to the truth of god's word i have eternal life in my spirit i am saved i am a child of god holy spirit come and live in me grant me grace to live a victorious life my generation will hear my voice from today forward ever backward never in the name of jesus let me pray for you father look at these ones they are your children your sons and daughters they have come in response to your call lord let their conversion be authentic may they never go back to the things that they are coming out from right now i impart upon you grace in the mighty name of jesus christ from today you will be extraordinary and you will do mighty things for the kingdom in the name of jesus christ hallelujah praise the lord please look up god bless you thank you for this great decision would like to follow you pastor jakes would like to meet with you personally and to talk with you and pray with you hallelujah praise the lord i want you to follow the usher he will have your detail the gentleman waving their hands just turn back and follow them they'll have your details and when they have your details they'll have a personal time with you and they'll discuss further and bless you god bless you please follow them i appreciate them calling you hallelujah very quickly those who are worshiping with us for the first time now please i needed to understand this is not a ritual we call people out to recognize them to honor them and to bless them these three things to recognize them to honor them and to bless them so all the people who are coming if this is your first time of worshiping with us in koinonia i'd like you to leave your seat if you came with somebody and the person is not coming tell the person i want you to be blessed you must be blessed push the person forward god bless you i appreciate all of them thank you for coming outside is this the best you can do [Music] thank you [Music] may god bless all those who invited them may god keep inviting your destiny help us to your life in the mighty name of jesus for those who leave your homes your offices and watch a lot of people and don't invite them grace for you in the name of jesus the bible says the work of an evangelist we believe you have been blessed by this message for additional information you can visit us on facebook on slash carenunya eternity network international or follow us on twitter slash koinonia underscore eni [Music] you can download our messages on eternity network international replicating the fullness of god's life on earth [Music] you
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman sermons, apostle joshua selman 2021, apostle joshua selman worship songs, apostle joshua selman prayer, apostle joshua selman live, apostle joshua selman midnight prayers, apostle selman 2021, apostle selman live, joshua selman, koinonia apostle joshua selman, koinonia abuja, koinonia abuja live, koinonia live stream, apostle joshua selman praying in tongues, apostle joshua selman songs, koinonia global live, christocentric message
Id: 6XjOlCEfpoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 13sec (14233 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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