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one more time sing it from your heart [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] father you have dedicated tonight to be an extraordinary night and we say amen to it we decree and declare may your hands be so stretched oh god your people have come they have come believing they have come because they heard that you are alive and are mixed in this place many have traveled from far and near many are connecting from all over the world i pray o god that you will reveal yourself tonight as the god that do it wonders give us testimonies strange testimonies [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus christ amen god bless you please be seated just help us under the anointing we really want to celebrate the media department praise the lord the number one challenge of many people as far as our messages are concerned is having a system that will be able to grant them the ease of access i i acknowledge the fact that it's been very difficult especially for people outside of this nation having to use for shared for many years and what's the other one the google drive and all of that we again want to thank all of the people who have been part of this family allowing our messages to be available across various blog pages download sites and so on and so forth and getting it across to people and i believe that this will really bring a lot of ease um coinonia is the site for it and we're really really very happy just a few things [Music] i apologize i would have called the head of department to just say a word or two but we don't have that time now i understand that the page has um links to know a bit about the ministry and then the downloads and then from there you can access coinonia radio and then you can also give i think it's secured enough for you to be able to give the information of the ministry's account and then if you want to do any payment online is secured we have tried to make sure that it's secured and then you can also register your testimonies there there's a column for your testimony and then our official lines for contact is also there [Music] i'm also told that the downloads contain all our messages to date and will be updated every week and it's been arranged according to date according to category according to alphabetical order and then the miracle services so everything has been done praise the lord hallelujah if you are not happy about this leave this place this night because we are where people who rejoice hallelujah why are we dedicating this the same reason why we dedicated the baby dedication is not for dedication is for anything that came by god anything we're handing it over to god like we handed over everything and said lord it's yours give it wings let it bless people and it's also a way to help us manage some of these very ungodly these karmas that continue to go around parading as joshua salman parading us as you see if you claim you are me what fights me will also look for you this is this is what people don't know there are there are all kinds of revelations when god calls a man he knows what fights that man and he puts a grace it's like a vaccination so when you claim you are me i don't mean like in this in the spirit in the physical to deceive people you are announcing the realm of the spirit that whether they see me or see that person any one of them you see that is the same mystery in marriage and so some of these foolish people don't know what they are doing to themselves you bring attacks upon you maybe your wife your children just because of falsehood let me say it again and again please especially for international community do not please do not entertain anybody whatsoever whether as joshua salman or anybody connected to this ministry asking you to transfer money through any charity account there is only one account in the name of the ministry and in my name for any personal seat that has been made available ministerially speaking so any charity name or whatever it is for prayer and so on and so forth please and please i want you to know that you are dealing with this karma praise the lord and we have asked the lord to help us fight them and i'm telling you god answers prayers here praise the lord so father stretch your hands please and let's pray we thank you you have done this for your glory you have done this to bring honor to the name of jesus you have done this to lift up your name and father we sincerely sincerely thank you you are god you are king we love you we honor you we bless you lord we thank you for this opportunity you have given us to make the message i'm structurally available to bless all and sundry we declare that it will remain a blessing let this download portal remain a blessing in the name of jesus let millions around the world access it and get the resources that will provide supernatural solutions for them let people be saved through this portal let people be healed through this portal let people be changed transformed in the name of jesus father we bless you and we honor you therefore we dedicate this and we release it tonight let it bless everyone let it be our contribution to kingdom come let it be our contribution towards establishing the purposes of the kingdom as committed unto us therefore father with all humility and gratitude we dedicate this in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit amen and amen praise the lord so please make it known let the whole world know that this is available as we improve on it will continue to let you know the improvements that are there are you ready for tonight thank you jesus pray one prayer lord that which belongs to me must enter my hand tonight lift your voice and pray the grace belonging to me the dimension the anointing everything that belongs to me [Music] holy holy holy [Music] holy [Music] and the people say holy [Music] and the people say holy [Music] is the lord god almighty is the lord god almighty my life is full of your glory my life is full of your glory and the people say holy holy [Music] and the people saying holy holy is [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah acts chapter 5 thank you jesus acts chapter 5. let your heart be open tonight acts chapter 5 from verse 12 we'll read from verse 12 to 16 and by the hands of the apostles where many signs and wonders wrought among the people and they were all with one accord in solomon's porch and the rest does no man join himself to them but the people magnified them 14 and believers where the more are dead unto the lord by reason of the mighty things that happen multitudes both of men and women 15 in so much that they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at least the shadow of peter passing might overshadow some of them the last verse 16. there came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto jerusalem bringing sick folks and them which were vexed with unclean spirits and they were healed everyone praise the lord it is god's desire that continually a territory and a people continually that they continue to experience the wonder walking power that is back of the name of jesus the name of jesus is powerful the bible says god has given him a name please listen and he said that name has been exalted above every other name and the bible demands not as an option that that name sustains the ability to cause every need to bow and every tongue to confess acknowledging that jesus has now become not only christ alone but lord the bible says he has been made both lord and christ he became christ when the holy spirit came upon him he became lord at his coronation when he sat at the right hand of the father so he occupies those offices as the christ of god and lord the owner of the earth one of the ways that the kingdom was designed to advance please listen is through the the wonder walking manifestations of the power and the glory of god through men to men within a territory that means that when a territory continues to experience the multifaceted dimensions of the christ in miracles signs wonders healings strange manifestations of his power the bible says that everywhere this kind happens an entire territory will always come towards where the hand of god is finding expression and that many multitudes both of men and women will come to jesus i came in and i met a gentleman sharing his testimony i was so blessed when he said in the dream remember that the demand and now he's waiting for the altar call that one is the power of god are we together ministry is easy when there is results you see let me tell you anything is hard when there are no results so we are a people of results consistent results anything will be difficult when there are no results tonight several people have come several others connecting from around the world why number one because we all together as a family love jesus but number two because we have come believing believing number one according to hebrews 11 verse 6 that he is he exists and then true that he has the ability to reward god is called a rewarder he can reward them that diligently seek him there are families represented here trusting god for all kinds of things holding in their hands dead sentences situations that only the power of god can solve what then is ministry if it cannot culminate to the lifting of men what then is ministry if it cannot draw men to jesus what then is ministry if it does not provide a platform for people to experience a dimension of god that is higher than science a dimension of god that is higher than medicine a dimension of god that is higher than economics see listen let me tell you this when you come before god it is important that you respectfully acknowledge that men have understanding but when you come before the god of the universe please find a way of indoctrinating yourself that you are operating um you are dealing with a god that operates in a realm and a dimension that is higher than the scope of man he will use men but he does not walk by men he walks through men so it is not unusual that you are here right now and scientifically speaking there is you put one two together and it does not make sense how you will come out when i was meditating on what i'll be sharing just a little chat before we pray i i had a vision and in that vision i saw what would be a similitude of the experience of jesus remember when he was going to gagara and there was a storm and i saw not the exact thing in the bible but i saw like a raging storm and i knew that this would probably refer to a category of people seated here and outside and following online who are having all kinds of storms around their lives it may be to go back to that scripture and just study it very carefully because if jesus came the storm then you should study what he did are we together can we look at it for just two minutes before we pray luke chapter eight let's look at luke's account i love the scriptures luke chapter 8 verse 22. now it came to pass on a certain day listen that he went into a ship with his disciples and he said unto them let us go over to the other side of the lake and they launch forth let's continue but as they sailed remember it was vision that brought this struggle if they were not moving forward there will be no need for a storm sometimes a storm does not mean you are wrong it could mean you are right they were on their way to the other side sometimes not having a storm does not mean you are all right there are times that it means you are not doing anything you are not moving they were on their way to the other side and then the bible says that a storm arose but as they sailed jesus now fell asleep and there came down a storm of wind on the lake and they were filled with water and they were in jeopardy 24 and they came to him and i woke him saying master master another version says cares not that we perish and he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and they seized and there was calm leave it there leave the scripture there look up a storm is made of two things number one wind number two water every storm is made of wind and water the bible says to come the storm jesus dealt with two things he dealt with the wind and he dealt with the water that a storm does not just happen until these elements are present the wind and the water the wind in scripture always talks about the spiritual impute the realm of the spirit all through consistent from genesis 1 breathing upon them the breath of god ezekiel 37 are we together right everywhere the bible talks about wind it has to do with the spiritual dimension of anything and then number two the bible talks of water water in scripture especially with this kind of reference refers to men multitudes the voice of god is mighty upon the waters so the bible says you have no business having a storm until there is wind and water there has to be a spiritual dimension for every storm to be called a storm and then there must be human factors that can work in partnership with the realm of the spirit to make a storm real so jesus is on his way going we see that there are spirit we know that this is true because as soon as it gets to gadara we see a man and we see spirits so this condition was fulfilled are we together now that a storm cannot be a storm until there is wind and water jesus gets open with this intelligence he knows what to rebuke the bible says look at the bible says he rebuked the wind one side and then the raging of the water was it not the man in gadara who was raging with anger are we together now the bible says they would bind that man and put him in grave and i mean at rocks and he will break the chains he came to jesus and said what is all this you have come to destroy us do not torment us and jesus rebukes the spirit jesus corrects that man and when you read down here the bible says he came and met the man in his right mind in his right senses so that means that every time humans go through storms is a combination of two things one the physical body the situation that looks obvious but that in the realm of the spirit there is a wind that gives that water life that the water does not move on its own it is sponsored by an agency that the family problem is more than just two people are we together now that the financial storm is not just about money naira and kabul every storm is made of wind and water jesus did not only rebuke the wind the bible says he rebuked the raging of the water and the bible said they like two living things ceased and there was come jesus is teaching us how to calm storms that every time there is a storm number one know that it only comes because you are moving forward let us go to the other side you know we have this mindset that every time storms come sometimes they mean you are wrong it may mean you are right jesus never said let us go back he did something about that situation there are times that going back is not an option you have the power to calm the storm and that the first thing he did just to encourage someone that the first thing jesus did was to rebuke the wind in that order because according to james 2 and verse 26 a spirit without a body is dead behind everybody there is a spirit component to it behind every situation as a body there is a spirit component to it so he rebukes the spirit this is the same thing jesus did also when you read the 12th chapter of luke the bible lets us know that one time he met a woman who had been stood for 18 years he said and he said woman thou had lost from your infirmity and then when the woman was loose he now laid hands on her and straightened her and said oh not this woman being a daughter of abraham ought not this woman she shouldn't be in this condition as a daughter of abraham there are storms that continue to rage when god showed me that vision i knew exactly what you were saying there are many people who will focus on what is obvious the financial issue the marital issue the career issue you are just looking at the water the raging of the water but that the water in itself has a wind behind it there is a spirit that is sponsoring that family catastrophe there is a spirit listen very carefully this our generation that continues to ignore the reality of the spirit realm it's amazing how we try to ignore we find a way of convincing ourselves that there are no spirit influences in the world of men and if any is just mind no there are real spirits they are alive they influence people's finances they influence marriages they influence ministries they influence results every time jesus was going to handle issues he dealt with the spiritual dimension first and then he corrected the physical dimension are we together that means adjusting things from the physical is a total waste of time there are people who the solution to their problem is not counseling the guy is not a thief as a habit he's a thief as an influence that's the reason why no matter where you hide what you hide the spirit walks like a prophetic spirit with word of knowledge he will know where it was kept that's not a habit there are people like jonah who are carrying all kinds of presence that continue to program difficulties in their lives even something that should be easy when it gets to your tongue it becomes horribly difficult it's a spirit when there is a raging storm that the way to deal with it is to rebuke the wind then rebuke the water then both of them will become you rebuke your child and you leave the weed you are in trouble imagine that jesus met the guy at gadara and said that's all right no problem just dress well and behave yourself next time when you see me no legion legion of devils in one man and jesus said go out of this man now and they left and then the man imagine the man taking his birth a sound and a sad man coming back and you look at him and say yesterday you were you were not like this and the man would say yes because it was me plus other entities see i have learned by experience and by scripture the the power of victory when realities in the realm of the spirit are settled is a total waste of time i am telling you to approach things purely from a scientific point or from a sociological point at best it can just provide temporary support but if it's a result you are looking for all realities must first be settled in the realm of the spirit the bible says in hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 starting says now faith is the substance of things hoped for it caused faith the evidence of things not seen and then it says for by it the elders obtained a good report vastly says to faith we understand that the walls were framed by the word of god the second part is my interest it says so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear that means the physical realm does not give back to the physical realm the physical realm is a child that comes from another dimension every good thing has an origin from the realm of the spirit every evil thing also has an origin from the realm of the spirit are we together when a woman gives birth to a child sorry to use this analogy the child comes out and you notice there is an umbilical cord that connects into the woman that obligate is a testimony that that child started from within is that true this is the same thing listen carefully every situation you see is like a baby when you trace carefully you will trace the umbilical cord and it will disappear you will have to be spiritual to know where it extends to and some spiritual umbilical cords are long because they come from regions that are very far [Music] hallelujah but what does the doctor do to have the child completely free he cuts it off period for as long as that umbilical cord is there that connection remains and then he cuts it off this is exactly how it is stop approaching life just from the physical standpoint i am telling you this is a waste of time it's a waste of time i have read my bible and i have learned every flourishing ministry does not start just by an anointed man and cheers and members and keyboardists and intelligent speaking no sir it starts from the realm of the spirit there must be a testimony in the realm of the spirit that reflects in the physical the book of job how did it start the bible says once upon a time the writer of job gave us the duality of realms we were able to see things from both realms and the bible says the whole story did not start just on earth that the discussion started in the realm of the spirit in the heavenlies and a man came and was proposing all kinds of things satan going to and fro and god said have you considered my servant job and satan testified and said well i came to him and i found him fortified and he said is it for nothing that you covered this man while that is happening in the realm of the spirit job gets up in the morning and he does not know that he's one week left for his tragedy to start he's on earth imagine the night before all his children would die and all his cat he was still the greatest man in the east but overnight when the realm of the spirit finishes something it will take only god to correct it whatever happens in the physical realm is just acting believe me the same way from the foundations of the earth the lamb was already slain and so it would be impossible for it not to happen in the physical realm regardless of what satan did all the manipulations are we together the bible says that god hath blessed us already with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ is already done that means the the reality that these things have been established in the realm of the spirit should give us confidence that for as long as we partner with god ineffectively it must find expression in the physical realm this i believe build the ministry from the realm of the spirit and watch what happens in the physical realm build the business from the realm of the spirit and what happens in the physical realm build the children from the realm of the spirit the dedication i did for our little one here that's what they did for many people they dedicated them to idols and immediately the next week they went to america and never came to nigeria again yet their lives continue to parallel somebody in the village although they're in america why because there was an authorization that the realm of the spirit would should feel free to continue to create scenarios that draw people back we are thriving and excelling because what you see is only a reflection it has been finished already the miracle service has been finished already in the realm of the spirit the rejoicing version of you is already a reality in the realm of the spirit are you seeing that now and that's why for as long as your heart is open and your faith can connect inevitably you will see the hand of god he said who has believed our report to him that man the arm of the lord has been made manifest why do we call for these kinds of services they are not just moments to while away time there are several people outside everywhere thousands of people all around this ground and many more connecting around the world god is not stupid to gather a people some of you left this journey from maybe outside of this nation within this nation traveling risking your life to come and sit down would god be joking with you to bring you here abba i believe in jesus i believe in his power i believe that god can turn things around listen to me please i want to shake off unbelief from you i believe that god in a moment in a twinkling of an eye that a whole family can come and just sit in and say lord can you turn our lives do you know as a man of god i've been around this thing for a while and maybe a little while and i'm telling you myself even as a man who god has helped sometimes i am in awe and shocked at the way god moves that someone can just come and sit in the presence of god my brothers and sisters and the anointing of the holy spirit comes like a drug and that's it you step up and doors open just like that it's like a dream [Music] everything you are looking for is also looking for you please hear me believe what i tell you everything you are looking for is looking for you if it has not gotten to you something stopped it i desired once and again to come to you but satan hindered us everything you are looking for is looking for you the breakthrough the lifting the anointing the new levels the increase the expansion it is god's will his testament already tells us there's no need going to pray and say is it god's will no the will of god is revealed through his word i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosperity and then scripture says let god be true and that every man a liar if you believe this about god then you will also know that the bible says while we look not at the things that are seen but the things that are unseen why because the things that are seen are temporary what does temporal mean subject to change fading but the things that are unseen are eternal that means everything that does not represent the counsel of god can change can change is a miracle that my life of luck can change are we together now my life of living from drug to drug from death sentence to death sentence can change so the question tonight is not can god do it no no no the ministry of jesus captured all of this he preached he thought he healed the sick listen carefully he casted out devils he made for the provisions of people that there be supplies so i know god is able to do it please don't come sitting here tonight wondering i've gone to many churches you may say i've been prayed for by several people apostle you don't know the amount of vigils let me tell you something and i submit to you respectfully every challenge is at the mercy of the grace that confronts it listen very carefully don't generalize troubles every challenge is at the mercy of the grace that confronts it the anointing is like money if you have 1 000 you have money but that money can only buy to the limit of one thousand and if what you need to buy is ten thousand you're in trouble you need to add nine of what you already have in addition to what you have to make that a possibility so then death walks in us that life will walk in you my assignment is to continue to grow in the anointing and to continue to grow in the revelation of the truth why because it is in that growth that more people's testimony is resident that means the testimony that the level of grace i occupied three four five years could not produce if it cannot produce that result till now then i'm not growing the problem is never with those who are having the challenge you see i continue to say this the problem is not with members it's not with the sick people no the problem is the limitation of the grace that is upon the person who is dispensing the word it is true why do you call one doctor consultant and then you call another a resident doctor what is the difference they are all doctors is that true are they all doctors i believe in the power of god i truly believe in miracles i believe in miracles number one because the bible allows it number two because this is how men know that jesus is lord listen to me the demonstration of the power of god in miracles signs and wonders no matter who argues around it is the authorized signature sign el shaddai this is how he walks when he moves upon the lives of people he leaves his signature there where the carcasses are they say that's where the eagles will gather please let me encourage you if you're a man of god here and you are here in this meeting please desire more than receiving a miracle desire a solid impartation of a real grace that is provable provable provable provable provable no amount of poster will do the work of a real miracle no amount of hand bill now i'm not being sarcastic will do the work of a real miracle a transformed life is a real miracle a healed body is a real miracle hallelujah we have come here tonight to celebrate the hand of god resting upon people resting upon families some of you are here for the first time because through the messages and through testimonies you have heard that this is what god is doing now you are seated like somebody who is ready to watch a movie and you are wondering okay is my case too big will god be able to visit me you know reminds me of how patients talk to doctors they believe that the doctor has never seen their problems say doctor you don't know the pain there when i'm turning the doctor i already know the situation don't just be patient don't allow me let me let me explain to you let me even try to turn and it's looking and the man says i was immensely before you were born i've met this kind of thing before i know the solution and sometimes the solution is funny he can just give him a prescription and he said that's all i thought i would be on admission i said no he doesn't call for that kind of emergency just because you are threatened by the situation does not mean the situation is a threat [Applause] no apostles you don't know the kind of financial trouble that is on my head that brought me here no it's a threat to you but it's not a threat find a way of believing what i'm saying because it is true the son of righteousness is here with healing in his wings yes the sun of righteousness is here with lifting in his wings [Music] [Applause] the son of righteousness is here it's speeding his wings for someone's destiny the son of righteousness is here with fire in his wings [Music] the sun of righteousness is here with healing in his wings listen when the lord called me i told him something i said lord i know how unfair it is to gather a people and not have the power to allow your might to be revealed in them you know most times there are people who just act as if once the people here the revelation of the world is all right if they are not changed that's okay no i believe in miracles i believe in the word becoming flesh god reaching down to people i believe in situations changing with proofs proofs your account proof your destiny proof everything with proof and we will continue to thrive and push through and sit with that by the grace of god almighty that we grow to realms in the spirit where every challenge that comes is within the jurisdiction of the grace provided to provide answers that's what god does you come and sit down in this atmosphere ladies and gentlemen and you are wondering can god step into my situation i love jesus with all my heart i've read the scripture i have seen what god can do can god give me a job can god open a door can god put this anointing upon my life can god lift the dead sentence over my life can god bring to end this age-long captivity that has tied the family the answer is yes let me repeat the answer is yes god is able before god gathers a people like this he will check first whether he has the power to do it it is based on that conclusion that he gathers a people he will call his solemn assembly and say come and experience god hallelujah praise the lord so tonight i like your faith to be fired up don't don't allow the devil to reduce you to the realm of the flesh when you are wondering how can god make a way in the wilderness there are many ways god can deliver you from the wilderness he can leave the wilderness there and carry you that's method one number two he can scatter every rock in the wilderness and make a road out of it three he can leave you there and carry the wilderness it doesn't matter how he does it the most important thing is you are separated from it look at the size of your challenge the heaven is his throne and the earth is his footstool [Music] hallelujah it is fruits too please help those here the power of god i just saw light just flashing here two people just here the power of god is touching them the lord straight up is visiting them and for one i'm seeing god remove something that looks like a growth around the stomach i command that growth to go now in the name of jesus there are two of them there's two i saw two lights so just this way and it's a ministry of the spirit you see two lights there is there is one something is coming out of the stomach it's what i'm seeing i don't know what it is looking like but it's looking like a thread just coming out of the stomach [Music] lord we believe in you lord we believe in you there is a man of god here the power of god is coming on him you are a ministry you are a man of god i just saw it by the spirit let me tell you why these things happen look up please let me teach you something don't worry about the time i just want to show you something in two minutes i just failed to digress you see all you see is not all there is when god calls a man there is not only an anointing there is an office and there is a throne that defends what he represents there are certain operations of the spirit that are not only products of the anointing no there are certain operations that are legislations it is not the anointing that makes it happen there is an office in the realm of the spirit and credited by god are located for that grace and that office please listen understand what i'm teaching you so that when words come like this i'm not trying to transfer the anointing to the person to make it happen no no no no no no there are times that that happens try to understand what i'm teaching you there are things that are they are governmental legislations you see let me tell you there is growth in the spirit and people can grow to realms where certain privileges are given to them what was the privilege of the man with the parable of the five two and one talent he said i set thee over kingdoms what kingdoms that was a reward he got a ranking in the spirit that means i extend your dominion that these other kingdoms they also come under the influence of your speaking that means you can declare things when i started out in ministry i would not minister that way because it was not by this this grace for legislature it was just about the anointing being properly channeled but now that's not just the issue now no at that level you will not be able to minister to a crowd like this you see that [Music] so when i declare and i speak sometimes it is not just an anointed man speaking no there are speakings that come from the anointing but there are speakings that come by reason of the office that speaks the centurion said i am a man under authority authority there is a government there i am a captain i have an allocation in the army there are people who must hear me because i'm under that grace that means there are things that can be called listen if i am walking if i am walking in a restaurant and i am the manager in that restaurant now whether i can cook or not i am the manager do you understand what i'm saying and that means there are certain privileges that can happen is that true it is within my power to tell you come and sit down in that restaurant please serve him you see that i cannot cook physically but i occupy a position that has a cook under me i can make his grace work for you this is what i'm saying i'm not the one who prepared the food but there is somebody who can cook but both the cook and all of this is within the restaurant was given to my care let me tell you what this means please listen and i'm careful to say this because many young people once they get these kinds of things they usually would not understand what the man of god is saying and they will go online and start writing things that are an erroneous let me tell you this there is an office you can occupy that the grace must not be on you to reach people that means if pastor femi has a grace for prayer and you need it i can grow to a point in the spirit whereby the power of submission i me a man i can take the grace on him for prayer because it is needed and it is part of the apostolic duty to see that this guy's prayer life is on i can partner with the holy spirit and take the grace for prayer that is on him i may not have it as a person but because he needs that grace god can use me to take that grace and place it on someone it's true [Music] we remain humble before god and we thank him for the things that he continues to provide but let me tell you my brothers and my sisters men are not just men this is a revelation that is very is very difficult to understand but it's powerful when understood so when god gathers us like this god will not bring you to a place that cannot bless you no god does not work like that he will first check your problem before directing you so if he allowed you to come it is because he has checked it's like a checklist and he said no no the grace for your problem is here go you can go the same way you apply for admission you first check whether the course you want do they or fight just because they don't offer your course does not mean they are not a university there are times that only one university is offering a particular course and you will travel and go down the air why because you want to access it this is how these things are spiritually too sometimes doesn't mean that we're the only ones doing what we are doing that would be pride and that will be untrue but let me tell you something that as god continues to engrace us then he provides a platform and an opportunity for the anointing to step i know that not many of us are sick crippled and all of that so it's difficult because you may not see visible signs immediately but the anointing comes on you and then you can go as you go you you know what is on you by what starts to change so you're a man of god you go back ah i came to zaria it was a powerful meeting and then god leads you to certain people and for the first time you are surprised you are talking to the person and you are hearing names that you don't know you are saying okay i used to just think these things are intuition so the speakings of god can be declared i can know it this much tonight is not only a night of deliverance tonight is not only a night of healing tonight is not only a night to calm storms tonight is a night of receiving i really believe that impartations to receive to receive you have to add to the grace that is upon your life already grace and peace be multiplied if you stay where you are you will not grow in results grace and peace be multiplied you are a prayer warrior you are the you are a leader in a group you remain at that level everybody will go and leave you there and they will not listen to you again that's the truth because they have exhausted the level of grace it's not that they don't want to love you you have to grow so take away your mind from anything that can distract and focus on god place something upon my life lord you have come put something upon my life put something upon my destiny and if you came here as a family put something of god upon our family son of righteousness is he with fire in his eyes [Music] the son of righteousness is he with healing in his wings [Music] hallelujah who is the borah overflow one just we're going to be very fast tonight deborah someone in overflow one deborah we're going to pray the borah she's at the back you are wearing something on your head you are tying something on your head outside overflow one [Music] son of righteousness is here healing in his wings [Music] suck up [Music] i'm going to pray but the person i'm seeing is wearing traditionals it's like it has a little of maroon touch on it traditionals this is what i'm seeing i will pray for you the son of righteousness is he when you find such if there's if there's nobody like that no problem [Music] my dear where are you coming from zaria i want to pray for you look at me your life will so change this night it will surprise you there is a god in heaven i'm seeing you crying and the lord is wiping your tears completely just by his spirit he's wiping where are you from the mic is not working find out why please can i pray for you father in the name of jesus christ [Music] i release you my dear deborah is your name in the name of jesus i stretch my hands i release you from captivity i set you free by the spirit of the living god i'm seeing something that has tied you from head to toe but the lord is sent to release you and i declare to you by the spirit of the living god that god now is releasing you completely by the spirit of the living god releasing you right now my dear where are you coming from outside your name is deborah can i pray for you in the name of jesus who is that her name is the borah where was she outside what's wrong with her [Music] why how long madame [Music] madame you feel pain in your back severe pain whereas [Music] we're going to pray for the sick so when we pray for the sick he will come out and i'll pray for you okay you came with her you are her daughter who are you just a friend that came very nice lady come what do you what i trust in god for [Music] ah a life partner i love you you are very honest and sincere lady and i'm going to pray for you hold my hands father honor your word in the name of jesus christ give this lady a very godly man by the spirit of the living god find somewhere for her let her sit down we're going to pray i want to pray we're going to do a very quick walk tonight the power of god is coming on someone around the worship team here i just saw just like light i don't know who that person is but i just saw light around the worship team [Music] we're going to pray please lift your voice in one minute and cry lord visit me please pray quickly [Music] lift your voice and pray make sure you pray something must come upon your life tonight [Music] so [Music] hallelujah where are you coming from come this lady you yes where are you coming from you're schooling here from where your state you are from cardona state where are your loved ones tell them the month of november is a month of breakthrough for your family huh that's what god is telling me to tell you november is a very strange moment of breakthrough [Music] that's what i'm saying something would have happened to someone this november but the lord is saying november is a month of breakthrough for your family in the name of jesus i declare and i prophesy to you let it come to an end now the spirit that kills people by november it comes one and now i command by the spirit of the living god the bible says now the lord is that spirit it says and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty there is liberty there is liberty there is liberty let it end let it be over right now let it be over right now [Music] father i pray tonight in the name that is above all names that your mighty power in the name of jesus the son of the living god that it be made manifest across this place let yokes be lifted let burdens be lifted let all kinds of yokes be broken in the mighty name of jesus now listen please i want to pray for you please pay attention focus on jesus it is not just a call to have people fall under the anointing no [Music] i want to pray and minister the power of god that if there is anything at all within this circumference that is not of the christ that as we pray the power of god comes upon you please will have would make it very fast and the ulcers will bring them out we're going to shout that name that is above all names it's not a ritual wherefore god had so highly exalted him and given him a name father in the name of jesus i pray that you will honor your word and honor your name at the count of three together as a family of faith we are going to shout that name already i'm telling you i see fire just like rain but it's a rain of fire coming on people to end all kinds of oppressions at the count of three one two three shout jesus that every power that is not of god god now in the mighty name of jesus christ in the name that is above all names i decree and declare the forces of ancestry yokes of darkness [Music] please bring them out quickly quickly quickly [Music] telling while praying again hear me the bible says even the lawful captives shall be delivered you are going to shout that name again not just for yourself not just for your family that everything that is not by the christ it must give way right now i speak to principalities and powers and throngs and dominions and every name that is named are you ready to shout now at the count of three one two three show jesus [Music] release them now release them now now now now release their destinies by the blood release them now the bible says even the captives of the mighty shall be delivered [Music] hallelujah was you praying you're going to shout two more times this is the second to the last time the lord wants to end patterns something that happened to someone your mother is now happening to you your mother was raped you are now being raped your father felt you now felt in the name of jesus i declare now this one i say fire coming on several people inside and outside lord i pray everyone here who is a victim of patterns strengthened by spirit at this shout of god let there be deliverance one two three shout jesus be free now be free now repeatable patterns that tie people down outside inside be free now everyone who is under the influence of any strange spirit whether here or any of the overflows i declare to those spirits the bible says now the lord is that spirit and that where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i speak by the anointing in the name of jesus that this spirit let them go and release the families all those in front here at the count of three release them release their families one two three go now go go go [Music] [Music] the woman holding photos there's a woman here holding a picture there's a woman holding a picture calm madam [Music] let every other name fade away come on let have the other names till there's only jesus take your place jesus [Music] i want to pray for you i'm seeing a stronghold of witchcraft across your family but the lord is saying these are your children where are they [Music] your children i'm seeing two of your children in the u.s is the mic working it's not working is it working please help us let there be someone who is huh i'm seeing two of your children in u.s how many of them are u.s okay three of them in u.s who is in uk where is the one in uk there's one in uk listen to me madam god is going to come upon your family and bring rest round about rest round about in the name of jesus madam i lay my hands on you and upon these requests turn every captivity my god to become like the streams of the negev be free now in the mighty name of jesus christ over now the power of god will touch them in the u.s in the uk i bring liberty to this family right now in the name of jesus christ um my friend this man please just clear the way for me the man with gray hair just near this one come sir [Music] let every other name fade away where are you coming from sir from niger state are you a man of god what do you do you are a pastor where i have a ministry you have a ministry i have to pray for you i'm seeing a serious embargo first on your life and then on your ministry i don't know you sir i've not seen anything around you but i want to pray because i'm seeing number one god is taking away this embargo upon your life but number two i'm seeing that god is granting you the spirit of revelation the revelatory grace revelatory dimension of the anointing and then i'm also seeing god raising financial support help us with very strong pillars for you in the name of jesus christ can i pray for you sir is it all right i pray for you i hope you're not embarrassed that i pray for you i hope you're not embarrassed that i pray for you father in the name of jesus christ i pray for this servant of god sir in the name that is above all names i speak to you because you believe may the lord shift you to a new dimension of ministry let the grace for revelation rest mighty upon you in the name of jesus christ and i declare to you god will raise strange financial helpers to attend to your needs in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ hallelujah who is i'm hearing [Music] who is ezekiel ezekiel we have to hurry up but i'm hearing a name ezekiel of course i can imagine that there will be so many people with that name but we have to hurry up because i want to pray ezekiel i'm hearing a name ezekiel and the lord wants to minister to that person now please every foul spirit [Music] there is a family here you are from zonkua so what should be southern cardona is that zonkua where are you please verify let's let's make sure that you are a family oh it's not just one person i'm not just saying one person who came there are many people who came who are from song when kaduna state i'm saying a family this is what god is revealing to me let me pray for you you came up for ezekiel i want to pray for you what do you do my friend [Music] your brothers ezekiel i will pray for you of course i will pray generally but it may not necessarily be for everybody my friend let me pray for you in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah now please hold on i hope i hope this that's why they are coming out why why all of you out for ezekiel okay i'll pray for you the lord is asking me to do something except that the lord said so i wouldn't have done it there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven i'm seeing at least eleven people when i pray for them please don't be embarrassed the addiction of smoking either drugs or this [Music] all these things that they smoke that i'm seeing at least 11 people and the lord is saying he wants to deliver them now now in this place i'm going to pray for this gentleman but i'm going to ask those people listen there's nothing to be embarrassed about like i said i would not call you to embarrass you but god is showing me both men and women not only women are addicted to smoking this codeine or cocaine or whatever it is drugs the lord wants me to pray for those people so i'll immediately i pray for this i will call you please leave your friend live whatever you are doing and you come and stand and i'll pray for you my friend let me pray for you in the name of jesus i declare that god is lifting you in the name of jesus christ god is lifting you by the power of the holy spirit and that everything that does not represent the counsel of god let it live your life right now and for all of you who stood in for the name isakel i pray for you my friend look at me god is visiting your family yeah you is visiting your family in a very strange way this it will not reach weekend next week before you start getting testimonies this thing i'm telling you is less than one week write it down i speak to you by the spirit of god may the lord honor this world and for all of you who are standing in for ezekiel's in the name of jesus everything around your life that is not the planting of the lord be delivered right now by the power of the holy spirit in jesus name god bless you was well from zomcua sir are you a family yes we are the same family this is our father we cannot speak english no problem he is welcome please come let him come no don't don't let the children who cry is it the same family don't worry i'll pray for you and this one soon and your children madam what do you do man you are a nurse i will pray for you in the name of jesus father turned this woman's life around amen and turned the life of our children around in jesus name god bless you um who is what he speaks your language you okay when i talk to you don't worry you don't have to give up when i talk to you you interpret to him tell him that i'm seeing something that looks like a shrine and that this thing has been responsible for the retrogression of everybody within this family [Music] that people rise in this family just when they should sit down they either die or go down [Music] from school before he died that's what i'm saying i'm seeing that this is what happens just when people should settle down before he died he's your father is he your brother yes he's my brother okay oh please someone help us and attend to these children please this is don't worry my dear there's no need to shout please tell him that there is a name that is above every other name and that i'm going to pray right now and no matter how long it has stayed this entire family must be set free [Music] can i pray what do you do [Music] you love jesus i love jesus you are going to be an evangelist thanks to him if mercy tv prophesy that is going to be a man of god i don't know him i don't know anything i'm just i'm just telling you that this man i'm seen by the spirit this this boy you are saying is going to be a mighty man of god an evangelist hold my hands i release you into this grace may this anointing take you to dimensions untold in the name of jesus christ fresh grace for prayer fresh grace for the word i shift through by the spirit into these dimensions now i pray for this family and every other family that has this kind of thing that there are forces that sit on people's destinies just when people should sit down they crash down in the name that is above all names i declare be free now be free now help this girl be free now every spirit look at the children i curse this spirit now now out of this family in the mighty name of jesus i release this family from the spirit of death and the influences of the grave be free in the name of jesus christ and let me prophesy to any other family here that is under this kind of yoke in the name of jesus come out of it now hallelujah god bless you thank you so much sir god bless you please they can go back to your seat now i want to pray our time is gone we must hurry up tonight but the lord is showing me people who want to be delivered from this addiction to drugs and smoking listen no everybody here is a product of god's mercy there's no such thing as anybody there are not many times i do this but i have to obey what god is are you here for that case [Music] okay may the lord bless you in the name of jesus christ may the lord bless you in jesus name so please i'm going to give one minute whether you're an overflow three overflow two b two c four wherever or in here you know that some people are not bad they are not bad people they just need to be free please run and come and stand here right now you are addicted to all of these drugs don't be looking at anybody to say so this one is none of your business please celebrate everyone it takes a lot of courage for them to come [Music] are you clapping for them everyone please there are still more people because i saw a number of people in my vision as god was speaking to me you love the lord but this addiction [Music] see these addictions are spirits it's not about somebody being good or bad look at them coming it's not look let me tell you the truth addiction is something that is there is a spirit behind it please keep coming be bold and come and stand god will set you free from it son of righteousness is he with healing in his wings [Music] righteousness is he [Music] healing in his way [Music] please hurry up i'm about to pray for them now so if you belong to that category if your friend is stopping you leave that friend and come and stand nobody is condemning you it's an addiction it's a spirit [Music] when you see the kinds of people coming some of them are better than you in terms of character is a spirit [Music] we have to deal with this thing because it's killing people everywhere some of you just have dreams and right from the realm of dreams you cannot resist it again i want to pray serious prayer for you jesus is here some of you were doing well you were excelling even in life academically until that spirit just came and it just brought you down i want to pray for you some of you were introduced to it by friends friends they brought you together gave you those things look at people coming let's celebrate them young and old this is not an issue for young people young and old all together god is setting people free listen let me tell you sincerely i love every one of you and i know that many people would not have one tenth the courage to come and stand this is a family nobody dares condemn you we are products of his grace the lord wants to set you free once and for all hallelujah now listen let me tell you this remember the teaching that i gave you i told you that every storm is calmed by rebuking the wind and rebuking the water it is not what you hold and smoke or what you swallow that is the issue there is a spirit no amount of guidance and counselling will solve the problem you will need to be delivered and i want to pray for you praise the lord there are two things i want you to do for me one when i pray for you you have a responsibility to let some of the association because i know how addictive these associations are tell them that apostle joshua salman prayed for you and trust god for grace to leave them alone come to the house of god and make good friends are we together you are not free when your association is not free because some of you you probably have made attempts before but you will go back and you will meet those people and they will laugh at you and say forget about that nonsense so you have to trust god for grace but let me pray for you please lift your hand if you can some of you are here some of you are standing for your children some of you are standing for your loved ones i know that not all of you are standing for yourself father you gave this as a revelation [Music] there are many people under the addiction of strange spirits and lord i stand right now by the anointing of the holy ghost and i declare that in the frontier from my left to my right let the angel of deliverance move right now across this place and cut they help them please my god and caught this change i'm praying for all of you in front now the legal basis upon which these spirits operate by the blood of the eternal covenant i break that legal hold now i break that legal hold now the spirit of addiction to drugs be free from it now be free from it now in the name of jesus christ listen i pray for every one of you hear me i'm saying it again i don't care how it came into your life it leaves you now and forever it leaves you now and forever any association that the devil uses to keep you here in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost i set you free from them forever i declare by the anointing of the holy spirit that you are free self-taught me all of you in front say in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus i stand by the blood of jesus and i declare that from tonight and forever i am free from any and all forms of addiction i declare that from tonight addiction to drugs addiction to anything that is not of the christ it lives my life now and every spirit behind it i command you to let me go now i declare my liberty i declare that i am free in jesus name let it be so for you by the power of the holy spirit i'm speaking to you by the anointing of the holy ghost no one condemns you we stand as a family we stand by you and we agree as a family of faith you are free from this nonsense this night in the name of jesus christ please return back to your seat rejoicing let's celebrate them return back to your seat rejoicing let's celebrate them [Music] hallelujah now don't be embarrassed i'm going to pray from here but i'm seeing a spirit on a lady it is only married men that look for you charlize cabarrus only married men a young gentleman who can settle down with you will never be interested in you but a man who is already married that's the one who will look for you in the name of jesus whether in this auditorium over one two three whoever is standing under the influence of that spirit i'm declaring right now by the anointing of the holy ghost be free now shout out amen be free now please help that girl be free now i'm still praying i'm still sensing this anointing he still is like he's moving and searching for people i say it again that anointing that grace whatever it is that makes only married men to look for you in the name that is above all names be free now be free now [Music] the lord is showing me a door in the spirit and i'm seeing that dog closed before we pray for the sick the lord is saying to open that door i believe that there are many people it represents the next level of several people's lives i stand right now my god i'm seeing rain just coming on people my god the king of glory i declare everybody who is standing in front of a closed door i speak to that dog be open now [Music] [Applause] be open now [Music] bring this woman for me oh yeah [Music] oh [Applause] who came with this woman who came with this madam she came on our own because the kind of breakthrough i see god bringing for this woman will surprise you madam i don't know you but in the name that is above all names you came with her from where here in the name of jesus madam i don't know you but i speak to you by the power that raised christ from the dead every closed door before you i command that door to be opened now in the name of jesus be open in the name of jesus christ be open in the name of jesus as i pray for her in the name of jesus christ i command every spirit that is not of god to leave this lady look at her tearing her clothes you see how these wicked spirits work listen let me tell you something deliverance look at me deliverance is not just the issue of shouting and demons rolling up and down no now you can see this girl imagine that she's your fiance and your wedding is next week you see what you are saying i'm not saying she's a bad person please don't but you their spirit will not shout when they are joining you is when you have gotten married you see these wicked manifestations now the lord is that spirit and the spirit where the spirit of the lord is are you looking for a job who is looking for i'm saying hold on please listen i'm my sister please shift for me this fair lady where are you coming from kaduna come and stand here i'm seeing someone shaking your hands that you got a job are you looking for a job are you looking for a job yes sir to hear the word of the lord i'm telling you i'm seeing god giving you a job that will surprise you there's no need to cry god is here to roll away reproach and to take away shame i prophesy to you in the name of jesus according to this that the lord has revealed he will come and stand here and you will testify of your jaw in the name of jesus let the power of god come upon you and set you free right now now very quickly we're going to do two things please if how many of you have written your prayer requests if you have written your prayer requests please bring it out if you have not written it take time to write very quickly now um [Music] what is i'm hearing baba silas what is baba silas baba silas i don't know if that is a name or that's the name of somebody's father barbara silas this is what i'm hearing if there is such a person let me just talk to the person now quickly please submit your prayer requests there will be ushers pr help them or whatever department ah what give him the mic what's your name what's your name your brother is silenced what i'm hearing is barbara silas i will pray for you why are they coming out please your father is silenced we'll pray for you let me just touch you and then you go back let it be over in jesus name whatever i teach you are standing in for let it be over in jesus name forever in the name of jesus christ by the anointing of the holy spirit over forever in the name of jesus whatever the challenge is over forever in the name of jesus christ i set you free from sickness they will not say you have fibroids i cause that devil that lady you are carrying i rebuke that spirit in the name of jesus christ all right please all those listen please we are going to pray for the sick now um there are so many people tonight and we have to be fast our time is gone but let me say this whether you are an overflow one or two or three if you are coming here particularly trusting god for fruit of the womb whatever overflow no matter how far i want to come into this main auditorium because i will pray for you um alongside them all those who are trusting god for healing please come and stand now overflow one please move to your projector stand um protocol will have to help me how many overflows do we have tonight [Music] [Music] please rise up on your feet stretch your hands to this place cry from the depth of your heart you don't have to live please stand cry from the depths of your heart father this egyptian that i see today i see them no more forever is someone stretching your hands pray pray don't look around pray [Music] practice unto you that answers prayer shall all flesh come in the name of jesus turn situations around in the name of jesus wipe tears in the name of jesus let impossible situations turn around [Music] declare it those online followers as we pray we prophesy upon this request we pray over your request in the name that is above our legs [Music] the god of miracles we cry our father halloween [Music] halloween [Music] [Music] this part of the miracle service is a very powerful part people have recorded unspeakable testimonies torn around by the hand of god father i bow my knees in the name of jesus by the privilege of the grace that you have supplied i bring before you all god the pain the tears the requests of your people they have brought this as a token of their faith as proof that they believe you lord you do these things because you love us but you also do it to honor our faith therefore lord i stand in agreement with the spirit and i declare that every situation represented here turns into a testimony now every situation represented here by the god of heaven turns into a testimony now whoever must lose sleep for this prayer to be answered we declared so whoever must hear instructions from god for this request to be answered we declared so whoever must be lifted for this prayer to be answered with declared soul whoever must go down for this prayer to be answered with declared soul [Applause] father i cry in your name let this not just be a ceremony tonight your people have waited your people have prayed honor the faith of everyone here with strange results in the name of jesus there are situations here that need creation it does not yet exist in the other realm we call it from the realm of the spirit to appear in the physical realm in the mighty name of jesus christ lord there are situations here that only you can solve some of them are death sentences some of them are issues that relate to life and destiny we cry to you o god of heaven arise tonight and do strange miracles that by this time next miracle service some people will only right to intercede for others [Music] in the name of jesus christ please keep standing everybody keep standing i want to pray for you now thank you for your patience but i want to speak over your life and i want you to believe every word blessed is she that believes for unto her there shall be a performance i prophesy to you number one does be open now does be open now gets be open now let's be open now everyone here in ministry i stretch my hands towards you the fire the grace shall i katowski the unction for a new level the operation of the gift of the spirit the operation of revolutionary dimensions step into it now in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] step into it now in the name of jesus [Music] let me pray over your finances this is a year of extraordinary fruitfulness i stand by the god of heaven and i declare by the power of prophecy supernatural supplies for you supernatural supplies by the wisdom of god every pit you have found yourself in in the name of jesus come out of that pit now come out of that pit now come out of that pit now i pray for every family here that has not yet seen the goodness of god in experience this year i speak to you by the power that raised christ from the dead you will return here with strange testimonies [Music] everything that is yours but is not yet in your hands i stand by the god of heaven and by prophecy wherever it is i command you to locate your hand and your destiny i command you to locate your hand and your destiny [Music] i pray for those trusting god for jobs father you are the one who gives jobs i declare that between now and the next one month oh god of heaven let us have strange testimonies of miracle jobs strange testimonies of miracle jobs [Music] i'm praying for everybody but this prayer particularly is for the man the grace that establishes a man that can grant you stability whether financially structurally may that grace please believe it may that place land on your life now structural establishment in the name of jesus christ [Music] every dying business in the mighty name of jesus hear the word of the lord i speak by the spirit let it jump back to life now [Music] i pray for your prayer life the fire you have not seen from january even up until september the grace to fast the grace to travail wherever you are let it rest upon your life now [Music] i pray for you access to the mysteries of the kingdom the grace that can open a man's eyes to scripture that you will see may that grace rest upon you now every opportunity that once came to you but was not well utilized and has left you in the name of jesus and by the mercy of god i stand tonight and i call for a repeat of it a repeat of that opportunity a repeat of that opportunity may god restore time may god restore opportunities in the name of jesus christ every one of your family members that has been grounded for whatever reason in the name of jesus as you are standing here may the angel of the lord wherever they are across this nation or around the nations of the world may the angel of the lord and sure that in this season they are lifted i declare that they are lifted [Music] anyone called barry whether biological barriers financial buriness ministerial partners i speak to you be fruitful multiply replenish subdue i said again be fruitful multiply replenish subdue [Music] every helper of destiny that must show up in this season for you to rise wherever they are i cry unto my god who is your god in the name of jesus may they appear before your destiny [Music] hallelujah some of you have been at the same level you have not gone down but you have not gone up either in the name of jesus this night i push you by prophecy step into the next level help them please step into the next level of your life this is the month of september when a woman is pregnant after nine months she's supposed to give birth and if she does not give birth the doctors have a way of inducing the bad in the name of jesus everything in the launch of prophecy are located for you to be born in this season i speak to you as a spiritual midwife delivered in the name of jesus [Music] everybody who spoke evil to the ears of your destiny helper that people who should lift you but because they had an information about you in the name of jesus by the blood i declare a reconnection i declare a reconnection [Music] our time is gone but please believe this these are not empty words they are not empty words at all let me pray for your finances again this is what is squeezing people down squeezing families down people are giving up on god because of tea and praying because of the necessities of life listen calendar i put a mark of exemption in this season over you hear me i command poverty to leave you like the day leaves the night in the name of jesus christ this is the beginning of the ember month where the spirit of death moves upon families people who are labored when it's now time to reap they will say obituary survived by i forbid the act from receiving your body i forbid the earth from receiving your body [Music] listen and for those of you appointed unto death whether for you or your loved ones by the name of jesus christ we extend your life in this place [Music] i pray for every student here i don't know what may be happening around your academics but if it requires change we change it now if it requires upgrade we upgrade it now if it requires justice we administer justice now if it requires mercy we provoke mercy now and everyone who is in final year here we graduate you in the name of jesus christ [Music] two more prayers and we're done everything that represents delay stagnation or limited progress the chain that will allow you move but not so far i break that chain now in the name of jesus i release you make progress i release you make progress i release you make progress [Music] last prayer point listen to me oh no it's better than money you can have money and not have honor all know is better than education you can be educated and not have honor the bible says and champions not was more anointed was more unknown than his brethren the grace that makes for honor that can pick you out of a crowd and separate you in the name of jesus may that grace rest upon me now [Music] the lord is adding one prayer point to my my my spirit and we have to pray and the sons of issachar that they were men who had understanding of the times listen i want to release chris for discernment it's important to know you can miss seasons just because you are not alive you can they will come back but it will take a long time but i pray for you the grace for discernment to know seasons receive that grace now maybe i should add one more prayer point some of you are praying lord where do i go from here should i travel out of the country should i relocate to abuja should i go to lagos see destiny decisions are never to be taken carelessly please hold on hold on relax with this thing without praying listen there are destiny decisions in life that you need the help of god who to marry where to live how many children to give birth to it looks natural but is spiritual you can give back to what will fight your blessing who to associate with and lord went with him and jonah went with them their experiences were not the same i pray for you that in the matters of destiny may the fail the haziness let it be turned into pieces tonight i know a gentleman who had an evangelistic call sincere person with an evangelistic call he went to open a church and he began to struggle to pieces as if god did not send him no offering no support no open door he was struggling because the pastoral grace was not there well intention but no discernment again i pray for you whatever you are doing now that is not in the blueprint of your destiny whether ministerially speaking business wise maritally speaking i declare correction now i declare correction now elijah was asked to wait at bucharest for a season not forever and a raven brought bread food for him and he drank from the book but a time came when the book dried god needed to change strategy if elijah did not know you would die there the same god can help you for 10 years but by the 11th year you will change strategy and if you cannot discern what bless you before can kill you i pray for you the grace to know when to switch the grace to know when god is saying something else receive that grace in the name of jesus thank you jesus we bless you let the name of the lord be glorified forever and ever jesus remains lord [Music] hallelujah psalm 8 from verse 4 to 6 what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visites him verse 5 says for you have made him a little lower than the angels the word there is god elohim [Music] and has crowned him with glory and honor six thou made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands that thou has put all things under his feet bless our hearts in the name of jesus now please look up everyone we have limited time god is a god of times and seasons he dwells in light but his dealings with men is fragmented into times and seasons listen carefully that means for every season there is what god is doing are we together and the character of his operation is that there are graces and distributions of spiritual possibilities allocated for seasons that follow his word it looks like he's following men but it follows his word is because the men receive his word that's why it follows them the power of god does not follow men it follows his word and if that word is in man it will seem to follow men are we together now so for every season there is what god is doing it is important for you to understand this because this is where many people miss out if good to see you guys let me start using you up front now watch this in 2019 there is a grace and a spiritual allocation are we together now in 2020 watch this it does not cancel this grace in addition to it there is now a supply of another dimension that necessitates that this season reflects the word of god you get what i'm saying now so god is a god of times and seasons i'm saying this because um now i love the body of christ but there are people who believe that prophetic words are just a just thing it is not true but it's not true prophetic words guide operations of the spirit in the earth on the fifth day of the seventh day god did this the word of the lord came entire time to it on the seventh day of the tenth month the word of the lord came hallelujah so god is a god of times and seasons now the way god works please look up again globally there is what god is doing oh my god i'm seeing a dog resting on five people one two three four five you're my glory the lift turn up of my hands please sit down we have to rush now understand this globally there is what the spirit of god is doing across the earth and then territorially there is what god is doing the hand of the lord is upon this fair lady my dear i'm seeing an angel pour oil on you and the lord is saying to tell you he's giving you beauty for ashes he's giving you a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness [Music] please bring for me the person who will run out by the anointing now just the hand of god is resting on someone i just saw an angel of the lord move don't worry we are going to walk with time will not stay unnecessarily i saw a grace just one person running by the spirit [Music] the lord is bringing restoration for you my dear the lord is saying he's bringing restoration restoration restoration by his spirit hallelujah now watch this because the program of god is based on covenants now watch this this is where the concept of spiritual tribes come tribes are spiritual and locations watch this is not just a group of people following men no god the way god operates is that he distributes his dimensions by covenant so when he wants a dimension of his spirit to find expression in a generation he will find a man then enter a covenant with that man not all the new testament the covenant becomes the authorized allowance that will be the ordination for the activity of the spirit with respect to that dimension are we together now this is where the concept of tribes coming that means in god's global assignment there is an allocation for people groups spiritual people groups because there are graces that represent the covenant of every tribe and there are times that god is doing something in the earth and he will need it are carrying that this is where prophetic words come it looks like man of god all over the world are speaking nonsense but it's not so there is an operation of the holy spirit synergizing the dealings of god so when god speaks it is important that hallelujah the lord declared to us by his spirit that 2020 is a year of dominion and truly speaking believe me it is not a cliche it is not just a wand for a theme it is what god is doing in this season through us as a family of faith write this down please very quickly and then we pray our time is gone dominion means sovereign control sovereign control someone is going to begin to prophesy [Music] the word of the lord is upon a people please don't mind me do the things that i'm doing the word of the lord it's not it's not it's not something that is we see prophecy is not these things that people do it comes from the boil of the spirit the speakings of god through vessels for the edification of the saints [Music] now watch this please dominion means sovereign control it means influence dominion means government a system of legislating the will of a man enforcing the will of a king is dominion hallelujah praise the lord so believers are corporately called into the life of dominion it is true that in christ all believers are corporately called into the life of dominion however however there are seasons where the spirit of god seeks to enforce the purposes of christ upon the earth and within a territory and dominion i wrote something down here the dominion of the saints in the earth is the only way the name and the purposes of god will be enthroned in the hearts of men it is through the instrument of dominion that will enforce christ across territories this is very important so when god says it's a year of dominion he means it's a year of influence it means it's a year of control a dimension of spiritual power like never seen before a dimension of the operation of the spirit the investment of heaven upon men like god upon the earth hallelujah praise the lord over principalities and powers the cry for dominion is a cry to see the fullness of god find expression within a territory this is very important please write this very quickly there are four keys that the lord gave me that will control the operation of the dominion of the saints even in this season number one and i've been teaching this a bit as i travel around is the restoration of the ordinances of priesthood priesthood is a dimension that believers do not understand is more than prayer the priesthood dimension of the saints is a lot many people pray but few people understand priesthood and we have insulted our forefathers we have insulted the altars in our regions and instead of us to be able to learn spiritual lessons the operation of darkness has prevailed for many centuries in territories through the mystery of priesthood to the point that even when the custodian of the altars went their presence or their absence did not affect the continuity of those programs it may have been invoked by diabolic powers but is still a principle the ordinance of priesthood that believers can come to a point where we sustain an intelligence to stand upon our watch like habakkuk and make things happen upon the earth at a corporate scale not just healing of one head not just prophesying to one person no invoking things from a point and having the effect within a territory that's priesthood a priest does not go around the city but he controls the city a priest will stay in a shrine and manipulate the elements of the supernatural to communicate a language everyone must hear elijah was not in a radio station elijah stayed in a position and commanded that there be no rain it was not prophecy that was pursued so the first key that will establish the dominion of the saints is priesthood it just so happens that the foundation of priesthood for the believer is prayer but that is not the only dimension of priesthood hallelujah jeremiah 33 and verse 3 says call on to me and i will answer not i will respond i will answer i will answer by showing you great and marvelous things which thou knowest not number two let's hurry up very quickly the second key to the dominion of the saints is light the mystery of light that means this year will be a feast of light dimensions of spiritual illumination listen we must trust god in this day to step into a dimension of egg of uncanny spiritual exactitude that means that we understand the operations that are responsible for the results that are desired job 29 the first 11 verse the first 11 verses please let's hurry up joke 29 moreover look up please job continued his parable and said too all that i wear in the months past in the days when god preserved me three this is a mystery when his candle shined upon my head and when by his light i walked through darkness while reading to 11 as i was in the days of my youth when the secrets of the lord was upon my tabernacle 5 when the almighty was yet with me and my children were about me when i washed my steps with butter and the rock poured me out rivers of oil when i went out to the gate through the city when i prepared my seat in the streets the young man look at the effect of access feasting upon these truths the young men saw me and hid themselves the agent arose and stood up nine the princes refrained talking and laid their hand on their mouth the nobles held their peace and their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth eleven when the ear hurt me then it blessed me and when the eyes saw me it gave witness to me dominion the dominion power of light john chapter 1 and verse 5 the bible says the light shines in darkness the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not there are truths that are responsible for every result in the kingdom please look up i believe that we are going to step into truth that the bible calls the hidden truths that were kept and now are revealed by his holy apostles and prophets are truths that have been kept not because the ancient could not access it it was not their season when he gave john the vision he says seal it is for an appointed time in other words there is a generation where this will be unveiled to the light of god number three the third key to our dominion is the power of results productivity results i believe in results it is the end of all arguments result is powerful it compels results compel it is true we must trust god for a grace to step into dimensions of results that defy argument hallelujah exodus chapter 31 will read the first five verses the building of the tabernacle the lord spoke unto moses saying to see i have called by name bezalel the son of yuri the son of hell of the tribe of judah i have filled him with the spirit of god in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship look at this first four to devise corning walks to walk in gold and in silver and in brass and in cutting of stones to set them and in carvings of timber to walk in all manner of workmanship there is a grace that makes for productivity there is a grace that controls results look at the kind of hard elements this man worked on gold brass timber there was nothing cheaper nothing mediocre yet he had the ability to coordinate them to produce something valuable there is a grace that must come upon the saints in this season to be productive all wise in dimensions a defy argument number four and this is very very important very very important micah chapter 3 and verse 8 but truly i am full of power by the spirit of the lord now if you description holy you can be full of power falsely it says truly i am full of power but that power came by the spirit ministry of the holy spirit in this season must be a perfect treasure in the life of believers please listen to me not just the pursuit of power not just the positive miracles signs and wonders we must rest all the fellowship of the spirit this is where this ministry is founded upon the grace of our lord and grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the qurania fellowship of the spirit i am full of power not just by prayer but by fellowship with the holy spirit the evidence of his presence in your life known to all and sundry but truly i am full of power by the spirit of the lord the power of the holy ghost is important there is no dominion without power and authority not assumed power not proported power power that is valid and is provable here and now hallelujah it is a manifestation of the power of god commanding strange results in the lives of the saints that will compel the hidden and anyone around to know that there is a god that god in the midst of his people is not present is mighty the lord in the midst of his people is mighty the might of god is a dimension that by god's grace we will experience this year in unprecedented portions to the point that they looked at paul and barabas and they they they called them zeus and hammers greek gods what manner of grace what manner of spiritual investment many people pray but they do not have a relationship with the holy spirit in fact many people hear god but they don't have a relationship with the holy spirit there are three things i know about relating with the holy spirit number one intimacy with the holy spirit is atmosphere dependent your first sacrifice is not to call him your first sacrifice is the labor to culture the atmosphere that makes his presence conducive but the hardness dimension of walking with the holy spirit the sacrifice of creating the atmosphere simulating heaven in your environment to allow the holy spirit comfortable it says now arise oh lord solomon was speaking it's come to your resting place not come to a house i have built i i have simulated heaven within a physical structure find comfort in it you can turn your house into a habitation conducive for the holy spirit you can turn your prayer alter you can turn your bathroom you can turn anywhere to a place of real fellowship the presence of god is atmosphere dependent number two you want to walk with the holy spirit the holy spirit only relates with people from a standpoint of brokenness and contriteness you will never truly walk with the holy spirit until you are willing to be broke ever broken not once broken ever broken death walks in you daily that life will come out of it to walk in others brokenness so the atmosphere number two brokenness brokenness nothing i know that attracts the spirit of god to the life of a man like brokenness and contriteness number three the third key to enjoying the ministry of the holy spirit is obedience to his voice and his instructions the holy spirit is an extension of the will of the father through the christ and ignoring and trivializing his instructions will close up the continuity of that lecture that healing process this is the year that god will speak to you and say oh go on a fast three days drop a sacrifice do this the grace to hear his voice and to be prompt in obeying it intimacy with the holy spirit so dominion is not just an impartation you will need to open up yourself to the ordinances of priesthood you will need to labor in the spirit to access light light enough to shine out any darkness number three you must trust god to be productive command results all wise and then number four the ministry of the holy spirit that brings power truly let me tell you god desires like never before to empower the saints before the things that we have seen are only bits and pieces there are only tests there are higher dimensions of real graces that are coming this grace is not for churches this grace is not for cities these graces are transgenerational but god is beckoning on men and women who will stay to know him enough that his presence will be more than gold his presence will be more than reputation his presence will be more than career it takes time to know god there is no knowing god in a nutshell it does not happen you will have to label and stay one course in the school of the spirit can be two months the next course can six months you must a till he's done hallelujah the ministry of the holy spirit and for us as a family of faith as a global family of faith it's important for us to heat to these instructions because these are instructions that are scriptural and a reflection of the voice of god that means that you return and begin to find your prayer altar to flames lord grant me the grace to pray i conquer spiritual laziness no excuses i pray in season and out of season not just give me prayer oh god do this no no no the kind of prayer that transforms the kind of prayer that molds you into a newer and superior version of yourself if your prayer is petition driven you are not doing much in the spirit and then light light will require the labor of study the spirit of revelation works when there is an atmosphere of meditation and contemplation proverbs 18 1 through desire a man haven't separated himself he is secret and intimate left with all wisdom the spirit of wisdom does not come to busy people you must be able to isolate yourself lord open my eyes show me what the ancients saw shackaparoscata and you are searching and you are searching you are sleepy but you are searching and then light comes from heaven a chapter is open and you will see something you have always looked at but never seen you stand and run in the strength of that light and you will watch darkness move productivity will require learning learning you must be willing to upgrade your mind you must be willing to upgrade your intelligence upgrade your understanding this is the year to not be embarrassed about your ignorance when you find an area of ignorance do not be embarrassed stay and insist till it leaves hallelujah i'm going to give us a few books i had a revelation and i saw four books and the lord said read it and ask the people to read it i asked jordan to get it you can get it from him four books that contain very prophetic road maps into the season that we are entering as a church for the next 10 years number one the final quest rick joyner please write it down number two the call rick joyner write it down number three rediscovering the kingdom dr miles monroe please write it down and then number four divine revelation of the spirit realm mary catherine baxter four books i saw them in the spirit number one the final quest please i also speak to our global family do well to get it number one the final quest joiner j-o-y-n-e-r rick joiner two the call the same person very prophetic classic is a road map to guide the church into the seasons that we're entering number three rediscovering the kingdom dr miles monroe late rediscovering the kingdom one of the most concise books i know that introduces the kingdom in an intelligent way and then number four divine revelation of the spirit realm the spirit realm there's divine revelation of heaven mary baxter there's divine revelation of hell but there's divine revelation of angels but divine revelation of the spirit a rare book not many people have it but i'm sure that we should be able to get it please write these four books and by the grace of god we will walk along these materials very intricately as the days praise the lord now please i like these are instructions that are unique to our global family and it's important for us to listen every year we bring forth instructions that help us and to give us a direction of where we are going as a ministry let me start by truly appreciating entire coin on your family you will never imagine how far god has taken this ministry and taken what we represent across the earth it is no exaggeration when i say we're a global family god has done great things he's given us a global reach he's given us global honor and we truly truly thank him for that and i appreciate yes go ahead please go ahead i appreciate all across nations regions that have contributed uh in making this happen taking our teachings you know um yesterday i was in a meeting and someone just reached out to me with a seat from saudi arabia and said someone sent me to give you this and say thank you for changing my life and changing the believers there i said can you imagine that yes sir praise the lord the bible says every house is built by some man but god is the builder of all that means that he supplies the intelligence and the wisdom per season the way that the lord walks with me is that he does not always speak but his word comes there are people that god works with them in different ways god's word always comes in seasons and when the word comes it shifts us to dimensions in life and in ministry praise the lord now um at at a at a workforce level during a retreat by god's grace we have the opportunity to just deal with some of these things but this year by the grace of god god is granting us the grace still part of the dominion mandate and he's expanding our reach across the globe by the spirit of the living god praise the lord the lord is expanding us we're looking at um building teams across six regions and and i'm happy i'm happy that that our global family is listening by the grace of god these are instructions that have come from god of course we'll continue what we are doing here but by god's grace we're building teams so that we can host major meetings in u.s in uk and canada it's going to be once every year beginning from this year praise the lord and we're also going to strengthen our african reach by the grace of god a minimum of three nations he's granting us the grace yes praise the lord working starting with south africa and ghana so those in south africa and ghana god is speaking to us praise the lord um now let me talk a bit about the school of ministry please we're still suspending it for now and and it's a very serious reason why we're doing that um you cannot believe the demand in a particular nation there are 50 people 50 a group of 50 people willing to come into the country for the school of ministry and the demand that is in various places to establish centers across but um we're walking by the spirit amen it's easy to think it's expansion but when you go on your own you fail and let me say this we are not ashamed to grow we are not ashamed to metamorphose gradually sometimes you have to be careful as you grow because people can put pressure on you and if i follow the pressure that people are putting on me i think will establish a branch a school of ministry everywhere in every state and then you find out that god will only be in the ones that are consistent with this program praise the lord and so um we're still hanging on we have to we have to be very fair on the people and then we're consulting and coming up with the wisdom strategy on what to do now the third instruction please listen this is very very important the third instruction is this is concerning our international guests we have an average of at least five to 20 international guests that come in every week [Music] and it's been a concern that we're not able to see them we're not able to talk do the things we're doing so by god's grace and then also for security reasons by the grace of god um we continue to develop our security outfit but as we're growing the dss and the military will continue to demand that we upgrade our security infrastructure to be able to host the kinds of people that we're having and receiving and so because of that and all of that by god's grace [Music] we're going to start holding a special time with all our international guests in abuja it's going to be once every month it will not be in zarya it will be in abuja hallelujah yes so it's going to be a special time where i will meet with the guests myself who have the time to talk teaching sessions and then i can counsel and pray and then they can take their flights and go to save the rigor you can always come if you want the coin on your experience we're always open but for the specialized sessions and it will be based on registration it's free free not paying anything but to be able to coordinate the people in teams already we have several people who are building teams across these regions so that we'll be able to host them i think you should be happy for this place the law so all our guests i know that we have some of them here today um i came in from lagos this morning and i was surprised to meet someone who was on his way to zaria i'm sure he's somewhere here he came in from ghana i don't know if he's a pastor or he's a leader someone also from ghana okay i think he's outside praise god and so to that effect we will every week we'll continue to announce this is just to open us up the few that will come at a leadership level but god is really helping us to build structures he's moving us and we thank god for what he's doing it's truly a year of dominion and we'll see the power and the glory of god in the name of jesus christ praise the name of the lord now for your life you must insist please write out right now just prophetically the various areas of your life where you seek to see the power of god manifest this year we're going to pray i wanted us to finish on time so that we can um i actually came in from a conference through a meeting and i'm here tomorrow i'm back so just trying to gain time very quickly please write it down prophetically this and that and that is the area of my life that i seek to see the power of god manifest my finances my marriage my spiritual life please write it down write it believing you're not just obeying a man you are obeying god i want to see ministry step into another dimension this year i want to see the hand of god upon my life in mighty ways i want to see restoration in my life this year you are the covenant [Music] you are the covenant keeping god yahweh the covenant [Music] the confidence keeping up one more time you are you are the covenant [Music] you are the covenant [Music] [Music] have you written it we're going to pray shortly on it but just one more project nehemiah chapter 2 and verse 20 by god's grace we're going to start building our facility with immediate effect and um yes we build a zarya facility god has shown us grace he's shown us mercy and then answered i them and said unto them the god of heaven he will prosper us therefore we his servants will arise and build the god of heaven he will prosper us therefore we will arise and build praise the lord and so please pray every day pray speak over the structure lord we declare you are giving us a place that will be a habitation of your glory and um truly god has been faithful he's granted us great opportunities more of this will come i'm talking to our global family so i may not go into all of the details but just for you to know what god is already doing is a year of dominion praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord are we ready to pray lay your hands on what you just wrote while you are seated and i'd like you to give it life give it life through the power of prophecy give it life in the name of jesus please believe this is a year to believe childlike faith childlike conviction [Music] foreign [Music] in the name of jesus i give you life in this year of dominion arise arise you will not remain as letters i speak life to you in the name of jesus outside make sure you are praying inside make sure you are praying paper [Music] foreign [Music] over every darkness you were causing lights to [Music] shine every time [Music] over everything [Music] you are blue [Music] the bible says i will walk a walk in your days i will walk a walk in your days i will walk a one time in your days see listen to me my brothers and my sisters this is the season to be believers to believe god lord i believe you are a wonder working god and you are coming up to me with speed you are shifting me to another dimension lift your voice and declare lord i believe my faith is alive i believe you i believe you i plunge into prophecy i plunge into prophecy i punch into prophecy [Music] and someone play supernatural manifestations of your word in my life one that working dimensions of your brains wonder what dimensions of your hand [Music] so [Music] hallelujah praise the lord you're going to pray that all through 2020 i receive a fresh baptism of the graceful prayer the spirit of priesthood the ability to stand upon my watch lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray pray inside pray outside pray online in the name of jesus christ you are praying the grace to pray the grace to be consistent [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah hallelujah prayer point number two lay your hands on your eyes and say eyes open open to the mysteries of the kingdom open to the revelations of the spirit lift your voice and pray that god is able to wash my eyes with myself that i may see that i may see that i may see someone is praying lord open my eyes open my eyes that i may behold my justice from out of thy law open my eyes to the mysteries of dominion open my eyes to the mysteries of speed open my eyes show me the secrets of the kingdom show me the wonder working power of your world [Music] are you praying open my eyes oh god [Music] illumination illumination [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] prayer point number three i'd like you to lay your hands on your head command your mind to open open up to creativity open up to excellence at a global scale at a global scale at a global scale open up to a higher dimension of dominion results by the spirit of god little [Music] the inspiration of the almighty [Music] open up to creativity with inventions [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] you're going to cry for a deeper dimension of the ministry of the holy spirit please listen the holy spirit is not an option to the believer the holy spirit is not for pentecostals the holy spirit is god's advantage to us i have many things to tell you but ye cannot bear them now how they eat when he not eat he the spirit of truth is calm listen he is the only one who truly brings beauty and glory out of our lives outside of him we are not worth much but when the holy spirit invests himself upon your life he will turn you into a wonder did the bible not say until the spirit be poured upon us from on high isaiah 32 15 then the wilderness will be counted for a fruitful vine and then a fruitful vine be counted for a forest i'd like you to pray until holy spirit may my life and my environment be conducive for fellowship with you in this season intentional fellowship called for my environment intentionally someone is praying not inviting just for ministry don't inviting children's success inviting for life i need you as a matter of life and death [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah listen the thing about the ministry of the holy spirit is that the holy spirit can wake you up in the night while you are sleeping my son wake up i want to show you the mysteries of your destiny and if you allow slumber sleep is a blessing but slumber is a cause god does not give slumber he give it his beloved sleep are we together walking with the holy spirit requires sensitivity there are times you're on the road and you can just say don't enter that car stand not because the car will have an accident i want to show you something working with the holy ghost requires childlike flexibility when you become too organized you will never know him you will need a measure of of um that childlike attitude the holy spirit can ask you to sit down quietly in the place of prayer and just play worship and for the next 30 minutes you are like a madman do you have the flexibility to allow his ministry manifest hallelujah many times we do not experience the ministry of the holy spirit because we are too conscious of ourselves our reputation i am this i am that and sometimes we want him to fit into the mood of our religion and because of his love he will make do with the allowance giving him but there can be more this is a year where it doesn't mean that you just do stupid things in the name of the holy spirit no but that you will require flexibility flexibility you can be working on the holy spirit to tell you go to that market woman selling corn and tell her mama pray for me it doesn't make sense it may look stupid you may look too dignified but if you can submit to the foolishness of spiritual things that can be the impartation that shifts you to another dimension hallelujah the wind blew it where it listed john 3 and verse 8 you cannot tell where is going or where it comes so is one who is led of the spirit the character of the spirit is like the wind sometimes it looks half hazard but it's achieving what he's achieving and you will need to sustain that flexibility we're going to pray for the grace for influence what is influence the ability to compel people to buy into your ideology without using force or cruelty is called influence is one of god's major kingdom advanced strategy it takes evangelism and influence for the manifestation the continuity of god's kingdom advance program to happen hallelujah there is a grace for influence that can come upon people corporately and they will say come let us go to the house of god to the god of jacob and he will teach us his ways they will tell themselves let us go that grace when it comes upon you comes upon your business comes upon the works of your hands it will transform you you will become a model you will become a wonder even to yourself are you ready to pray that prayer lord turn me into an influence for the sake of your glory for the sake of your glory not to build an empire for myself but so that as men look at me i can point them to jesus [Music] as they look at your life you can point them to jesus lift your voice and pray cry from the depth of your heart [Music] influenced by the spirit of god grace over systems grace over structures grace over the hearts of men prayed i received that grace cry from the death of your heart [Music] hallelujah are you tired of praying can i give us a few prayer points let's pray a few more and then we're done tonight i want us to corporately cry for this grace for favor please listen please listen please find a way of believing that your life will never make substantial progress until the favor of god is upon your head the wonder of god's favor upon a man upon an organization upon a business is a mystery that very few people have understood believe me the fortitude to become the delight of people when no amount of investment channeled towards you is perceived as a waste because you have become dealer you have become happy [Music] we're going to pray listen you can tell within a moment that this life is operating just based on hard work and strife and hustling but you can tell when the favor of god picks you the difference is climbing a ladder and entering a lift the energy of the lift is what picks you i know what the favor of god can do [Music] i know what the hand of god the favor of god please the next one or two minutes find a way of praying from your heart look upon us with favor this year look upon my family with your favor this is the year of the favor of the lord this is the year [Music] the favor of the lord [Music] amen [Music] is [Music] you can easily [Music] [Music] [Music] job 38 from verse 34 and 35 let me show you what favor can do job 38 cans down lift up thy voice to the clouds that abundance of water may cover the next verse can thou send lightning like a messenger that they may go and say to thee here we are you can call lightning to come and it comes you can speak to the cloud and abundance will meet you where you are there are dimensions of favor you must pray the grace to command resources the bible says strong men retain wealth their grace to command the loyalty of nations not men not cities territories lift your voice and pray relief upon me of god that place release upon me oh god that grace the grace that speaks to the crowd to release upon that the grace that sends the lightnings and they say here we are [Music] inanimate objects [Music] [Music] let's take one last prayer now listen the bible says let it not be that when you have built houses let it not be that when you are increased in cattle let it not be that when you have all these things you will say my power [Music] is [Music] there is something in scripture called the deceitfulness of riches that means wealth can be like a preacher it can preach a summon to you and redirect your passion redirect your loyalty you are going to pray and say lord in advance i surrender my achievements in advance i surrender the exploits in advance i surrender the name to fame the increase it is for your glory and it remains for your glory as you glorify the sun the sun will bring you glory lift your voice and throw that vow before god [Music] [Music] listen to me please look up the uploads of men can be deceptive they clap for you because you are the one they see but you must be wise enough and bold enough to let them know that there is one who is mightier than i there is one who is the basis the backbone of my life he is not just your support system he is the basis for everything that comes listen god in this season is ready to stretch his arms unrestrained to those who are not ashamed to tell the nations if it means to stop clapping for me so you can have the time to clap for him let it be by the time you are obsessed with the uploads of men by the time you are obsessed with a good name by the time you are obsessed with the mundanity of achievement in a way and manner that it becomes difficult to let christ be seen directly don't say god knows men must know that he's the doer that's where he's glorified when men do not know he's a doer you have robbed the testimony that brings god glory you must be intentional create all kinds of strategies to force men to see god when they see you they will not see him through you ordinarily you have to find a way of manipulating your image to reflect christ [Music] listen i told you you've heard me say it many times that many years ago god spoke to me and said son if you will let men see me there is nothing i will not give you he didn't lie this year from january till december you must perpetually cry every day and say lord my desire is to be a mirror that when they look at me they must think about you if they look at me and think about me something is wrong they should look at me and strangely and mysteriously begin to think about you galatians 1 24 and they glorified god in me and they glorified god in me and they glorified god in me apostle look at this wonderful thing through your life and then you tell them i appreciate it but let the glory go to him and you are not careful listen if giving god the glory does not embarrass you get ready for surprises god will do things in your life that will cause you to stand in awe because of our various backgrounds and because of many times our upbringing and our experiences there's usually an obsession to want to be the faces around achievements i want to i want everybody to know this came from me and there is a healthy dimension to that but we must be very careful the people that god wants to use in these days are people who are not afraid to hide their face so that you will be seen can you sacrifice to veil yourself so that you will have no face and the only face that comes upon your veil is the face of his majesty that when men see you by what power and might do you wrote this by what grace do you move in this dimension and then you hide your face oh i need to know the face behind it no it's not as important as the god behind the face the god behind the face should be the end product not the face hallelujah listen it looks like it's just a simple charge but it's a very serious issue to god if there's one thing i know about god is his obsession to see that anything that comes from him to you returns glory to him and it is difficult because we can forget hallelujah yes wow you did this wow you organized this meeting wow look this unprecedented dimension of exploits and sometimes you just enjoy the moment and you feel you'll be cheated if you invite god into that moment and you can almost say god wait let me suffer the moment when i'm done whatever is left i can call you and he stands because he gave you a will when your life becomes a reflection of his majesty when everything about you becomes an inspiration for people not just to follow you but to follow him they only follow you because you too you're on your way to meeting him please this year make up your mind money will not possess my mind power will not possess my mind achievement will not possess my mind i remain contrite and broken and humble while they celebrated to enjoy it but don't keep quiet that is the time to say ladies and gentlemen i have something to tell you you have celebrated me but i am absolutely nothing without you the god who represents my possibilities and then god is glorified and he's motivated to continue to open greater doors many people have short-secreted the continuity of the lifting of god in their lives because they got to a point where it now became shameful to tell the nations without him i am small i am nothing john got it right that i may decrease so that he will increase it's not self-condemnation my brothers and my sisters it does not rob the fact that you are one with him when the great go on your knees god rises on his throne and he can stand and say who is this defying your achievements defying your accolades defying the upload to let men see me and he will swear a vow with his integrity that as fast you are concerned you will continue to rise for as long as the sun remains in the sky there are covenants that god makes with men listen very carefully please listen to my last message last year there are covenants that god makes men that are not all covenant new covenant they are personal covenants that brand his relationship with them by reason of the way they have chosen to work with him there are people god has vowed a vow that even if the nations even if the earth stops producing they will never beg is a covenant it's not an impartation it's a covenant there are people god has vowed a vow with his jealousy that for as long as the earth remains they will continue to prosper and increase there are people god has vowed a vow that they will live longer they will fulfill their days listen it's time to come out of the general relationship with god this year move so far with god that he has to look for a name to define your relationship it no longer just becomes everyone come to god he says no i isolate you your sacrifice is worthy of note your commitment is worthy of note your death your brokenness your contractness your insistence to see me glorify the pursuit of friendship with me necessitates that i define my relationship with you and suddenly he will call you a name that only you can be called and that becomes the name the title of his jealousy upon your life and he will protect it with his might please the song of surrender must be in your ears don't mind all this nonsense you hear people stay around and say no no no no a surrendered life is not a weak life i've taught you that weakness is one of the most powerful weapons in the realm of the spirit weakness is greater than strength so when you are weak you are strong lord who am i to do this great thing if you do not help me can i ever deceive myself that i can be helped and you are attracting his strength lord this project that is before me now do i have the wisdom in my power and leave not on my own understanding and his coming lord my academics this year if you don't arise will it not look like last year i surrender everything to you hallelujah please let's hold hands all over around him this is going to be a very spectacular year it truly is going to be a year where in spite of the onslaught of darkness territorially speaking and over the regions of the north and so and so forth god himself will grant the saints grace to prevail not a prophet of doom and i don't just come out and speak nonsense but we're going to pray i saw an onslaught of darkness across the north a massive multiplication of kidnapping strategic kidnapping where they just pick people like chickens and this one is not just asking for ransom again it's just destroying people to be able to inflict fear to discourage the saints and so on and so forth and if we do not pray especially because of the regions that we are in are you getting what i'm saying the bible says pray for the peace of jerusalem they shall prosper that love you do not say like esther when mordechai was beckoning on her to speak to the king concerning the threat of her man she was comfortable for the moment in the palace and mordecai sent a message and said look young lady they may destroy us outside the gate but be sure they will come for you too so don't wait on the day they kidnap your son or your daughter or your wife or your husband or your pastor or a leader we can stand as a global family of faith and lift up our voice and say lord first we declare a shield and a covering over everyone connected to this family and then we extend it to the body of christ and especially the body of christ across this region we silence wars and rumors of wars we silence it within our borders this is not to scare you but there's no point lying to you i saw this i have prayed it and i've been praying it on my own but it's important that the saints pray praise the lord it's important i saw a list of specific people that were being hunted for to be picked and we must pray our city is our business i told you when you are born again you are saved but when your territory is secured you are safe first of all we have to pray especially because we have people flocking in every week this is part of the reasons why we are also making adjustments on our programs with visitors because the horse is prepared for battle even though safety is of the lord there is a mandate upon us to communicate responsibility especially in this season but we are going to pray nothing missing nothing broken the covenant of peace lift your voice and pray and the god of peace shall give you peace always by all means and the lord of peace shall give you peace always by all means and the lord of peace shall give us peace always by all means we fortify our spiritual borders in the name of jesus we speak over zaria we state we speak about just we speak over canada we speak about material we speak over yola in the name of jesus we speak over the northeast we speak about the north central we speak over the entire nation in the name of jesus we command peace we let peace we establish peace we are blessing our going out blessed in our comedy in the name of jesus the lord of the wicked shall not rest upon the lord of the righteous lest they dip their hands in iniquity [Music] please pray it's a sacrifice this is priesthood it's a spiritual responsibility [Music] thou shalt not be afraid of the arrows that fly by day lord annoy some pestilence not the destruction that wasted in noonday [Music] please hold your hands together but download our shield for me my glory [Music] me [Music] two prayer points while we're holding our hands we're going to pray over every expansion of the ministry this year and all the projects to the region of the earth here in nigeria across africa uk us canada lift your voice lord we are taking the fire we are taking the dimension of the spirit committed to us by the spirit by the spirit pray for all our teams in these regions are you praying lift your voice and pray by the spirit the lord gave the word great is the company of them that published it [Music] thank you for access to these regions thank you for the ministry of your spirit thank you for signs and wonders the establishment of the lordship of the christ thank you for the dimension of your grace committed to us that were taken to the nations [Music] last can now give the nations to you oh god [Music] that's [Music] as it rises [Music] to you oh lord [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah place all hands together i'm praying and pray for everyone father in the name of jesus we thank you for the privilege to represent your purposes you have exalted my life you have exalted this ministry you have made us a praise and a wonder to the nations and fathers standing and holding hands from zaria to the ends of the earth i bring before you a global family everyone following online and the millions around the world connected to this grace and to this vision from asia to europe to us to the caribbeans the angel of your presence has continued to herald that which you are doing in and through our lives and we thank you and so far like paul the apostle i bow my knees to you the father of our lord jesus christ and i cry and i pray dear lord god almighty you have declared that this is a year of dominion i dedicate this year i stand as one you have trusted with leadership over this ministry and i pray walk wonders in our midst walk wonders in our midst father thank you for all that you have done in and through my life and this ministry but lord let us experience your glory at another scale your glory in another dimension we thank you for the opening of the two lift gates these regions of the earth we thank you for the ministry of the spirit the communication of the life the power the majesty of the christ we declare with our blood and we declare with our life that the nations must know you we declare that the nations must see jesus for who he is father we thank you for this year thank you for our building project you will grant us speed thank you for the effectual walking of your grace thank you for all of the structures you have given and put across this nation lord we thank you for our international guests our visitors from across the world that you continue to bring lord may this be a season of encounter for them thank you oh god for all of our expansion projects across this nation and across africa and the ends of the earth we declare that our desire is to see you lifted may the angel of your presence go with us may the grace that backs the covenant go with us may the throne that commissioned and anointed this vision go with us father i pray for every leader every walker that this year we will experience your grace in unprecedented dimensions no death no limitations we are a family of love and power and grace and impact in the name of jesus may the angels that signify the words you have given to us excel in strength excel in light in the name of jesus now i pray for you everyone here and as many who are following online in the name of jesus and by the god of the heavens i pray that this year may you experience god in a new way my first prayer sincerely is for a refiring of your relationship with god step into a deep dimension of intimacy with the holy spirit i pray for your appetite for the word you will desire the world even more than your necessary food i pray for the spirit of prayer and supplication that it will rest upon us corporately the grace for favor and that for influence let it rest upon us in the name of jesus in advance i thought every operation of darkness schemed against our lives we are escaped like the fowler before the snare in the name of jesus father i pray for every family represented here this year is your year of testimonies [Applause] i pray for every man of god and every church every ministry across the globe connected to this grace and this vision in the name of jesus new dimensions fresh fire genuine kingdom impact in the name of jesus and father i declare take away the sound of mourning in the name of jesus and all through let it be the sound of rejoicing in the name of jesus i agree with you that everything you desire that you wrote down i release my faith with you even from tonight's speedy answers [Applause] father everyone connected to this grace and this vision may humility and love be the signature of their lives may passion for god be your rear guard may an unprecedented dimension of the anointing be like a helmet upon your head may speed be like the shoes on your feet [Music] be graced with fresh oil and i prophesy upon you the covenant of peace i declare upon you that the god of peace will give you peace always and by all means in the name of jesus therefore father on my knees tonight and standing before your people standing before all who are following i dedicate this year we truly call it a year of dominion in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit amen and amen give jesus praise god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman sermons, apostle joshua selman 2021, apostle joshua selman worship songs, apostle joshua selman prayer, apostle joshua selman live, apostle joshua selman midnight prayers, apostle selman 2021, apostle selman live, joshua selman, koinonia apostle joshua selman, koinonia abuja, koinonia abuja live, koinonia live stream, apostle joshua selman praying in tongues, apostle joshua selman songs, koinonia global live, christocentric message
Id: Kmuwtgo6094
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 1sec (12301 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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