Good Samaritan Stops Child Abduction with Jiu-Jitsu! | Crimes Gone Viral | ID

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this guy tried to grab a little child oh my god did you just get somebody out here monday november 9 2020 new york city's madison square park it's a lovely park my girlfriend and i are meeting up with one of our friends and we're sitting on the park bench talking to our friend and i hear commotion hear yelling i hear screaming and i want to check check it out make sure everything's okay brian walks away to see what's going on i'm thinking that he'll be gone for a couple minutes and then he'll return but neither brian or mandy have any idea that he's about to walk into a dangerous situation i walk up and there's a man and he's playing tug of war with a mom with a baby in the stroller behind the crowd of bystanders a frightening altercation is taking place and she's pleading let go let go please let go this man um tried to grab this lady's stroller is the baby in the solo she is pleading for him to let go of the stroller and he is saying things like how do you know this is your baby i want to identify the kid right i want to identify he's very aggressive this is a parent's worst nightmare she's trying to wrestle away her own baby from this maniac people quickly surround the mother trying to help her pry the stranger's hands off her baby's stroller so as this crowd is forming around them they're screaming at him he's screaming at them and this woman is terrified but he won't let go of the stroller he says let go of the stroller let go of the stroller i'm going to knock you out we're talking about an attempted kidnapping here we don't know if this person's armed we don't know what they're capable of i hear people saying call the police call the police that's when brian a trained martial arts coach decides he has to do something before that moment i'm just observing i don't want to escalate the situation but at that point i feel that it was only a matter of seconds till it was going to come to blows [Music] so i walk around the man i put my hands around him and use a jiu-jitsu move to bring him to the ground i transition to what's called a seatbelt grip you're behind them essentially they're wearing you like a backpack your legs are around them your arms are around them and you can really limit what they are able to do i want to keep him restrained keep myself safe keep the crowd safe and also him away from the mom and the baby it really allows me to be able to control someone without hurting them i'm just holding him until police show up or someone shows up to take care of the situation he doesn't have to do this but he jumps in to try to help this young lady and the baby out of nowhere is the good samaritan of the day no i'm not man you try to take it but now that he's pinned to the ground the man only becomes more angry as others try to help brian even sitting on the man's feet the crowd grows larger there's an angry mob forming people are walking by asking what's going on and bystanders will tell them this man just tried to take a baby from a mother the crowd is angry they are calling him all kinds of names and this is becoming an even more dangerous situation because now we don't know if the crowd wants to exact some sort of street justice against the perpetrator [Music] an attempted kidnapping in manhattan tried to take a stroller with a baby inside as the man who tried to steal a woman's baby angrily thrashes his arms the crowd loses control people will get mad and the more the crowd is antagonizing him the more he's fighting back he's just lashing out he's screaming he's shouting obscenities trying to wrestle away he's trying to headbutt him and it's taking a while for the police to arrive one of the guys was about to get hurt if somebody doesn't show up really fast this is the crazy guy he's going to hurt everybody he's going to probably kill somebody so we need help in the midst of the commotion brian never loosens his grip on the man but he starts to worry it's only a matter of time till my grip gives out even though these moves these physical moves are effective you can't do something forever it's only a matter of time turning muscle gives out there are times where i actually look up and ask people in the crowd if they could call the police and they tell me that they already did they're waiting for the police who's already for 10 minutes they're waiting for the police for so long and the police are not here and the first thing that starts going numb was my left leg so that's only a matter of time till i have to let go brian can't see where the mother and her child have gone but his reasons for wanting to protect them are personal i was involved in an incident where i got jumped in 2010 and when i got out of the hospital i kind of just immersed myself in martial arts and initially it was to protect myself but later on you learned that you can help others as well this is not out of character for him there have been instances where we've been traveling together or we've seen a bar fight where he will step up to help somebody in need but this time it seems brian may not be able to save the day he's holding down this perpetrator for over 15 minutes which is an eternity when you're trying to hold someone down who doesn't want to be held down finally after 17 minutes park rangers show up to help subdue the man and 30 minutes after the frightening attack first begins police arrive and put the agitated attacker in an ambulance i don't know why he wanted to take the baby but it was definitely very clear that he was not all the way there someone like this needs treatment needs help with the situation now under police control brian walks away as i leave the crowd starts clapping and that was the moment when i um felt like i did something good as brian comes up to me he's trembling he's shaking and first thing my girlfriend says to me is where were you where you been i'm actually limping because my right leg got hyper extended because of the weight that was on it we find out that he has subdued potential kidnapping i definitely thought about all the ways this could have gone wrong the mob mentality if someone had a weapon who knows who could have gotten hurt what brian didn't know is that after he stepped in to help the terrified mother made a break for it with her baby and dialed 9-1-1 just like grabbed onto my stroller and said this is my son why are you taking him and he got really violent i think he's hallucinating people start referring to this young man as a hero and he truly is the definition of a hero he put his own safety at risk for someone he didn't even know a good samaritan is speaking out tonight about how he used jiu jitsu to take down a man who's accused of trying to steal a baby a new yorker is being praised for using his training in martial arts to stop an alleged attempted kidnapping the press requests were coming from all over the world from china to mexico to the uk it seems about just about everywhere 33 year old kemsley was in madison square park when he heard screaming telling everyone it was his baby i got him to the ground where's your cape and your superman shirt i think it's funny to hear things joking that brian's a superhero but he really is very brave brian is modest about what he did and says he doesn't feel like a hero the bar for being a hero should not be set this low when you hear a woman screaming and see a man trying to take a baby away from a woman everyone should jump in and of all the attention he got after the video of the incident went viral it was one letter that touched him most so two months later the mother wrote me an email i needed some time to digest the shock i do pass the park multiple times every single day so there isn't a day where i don't thank you it was very brave and kind of you to help a random stranger and it really warmed my heart and reinforced by faith that people are genuinely good the man who tried to take the woman's child was never publicly identified after a mental health evaluation he was deemed unable to care for himself and no charges were filed wherever he is i just hope he gets the treatment he needs my take away from this situation is that when something like this happens you don't have to react violently it is still possible to get through it all with the mother the child the crowd the suspect and myself all unharmed [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Investigation Discovery
Views: 11,749,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime, crime news, real crime, criminals, local crime, ID, investigation discovery, ID full episodes, ID videos, crime videos, true crime, crimes gone viral, attempted sex trafficking, vancouver, stalker, creepy, true crime daily, evil lives here, true crime documentary
Id: PcYNxmzt3CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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