Good News Today! September 8, 2021

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we're so glad you came to worship with us this evening can we just invite you just to put aside anything you might have came in with [Music] that you would just be able to focus tonight on how good your god is regardless of what you're going through regardless of the struggles you might be having what you brought in here this is about jesus it's about focusing on him believing that he is still a great god even to you even right now he's still great and he's still worthy of praise so god we bless you this evening be honored with our worship you've given life you are love you bring light to the darkness you give hope you restore every [Music] it's shall we [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and all the earth our hearts will cry these bones [Music] our hearts will cry [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] come on can we sing that one more time let's declare sam take all he heard we'll shout your prayer our hearts will cry he's born we're saying bless you god [Music] yes jesus christ [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter what we're going through no matter what we're going through we're we speak of your greatness god will share your word that you'll be praised [Music] uh if you know he's great [Music] if you know he's great come on put some red in the comments great are you lord put some red in the comments god you're so good you're so great we thank you so much for your goodness and your kindness would you go before us today uh would you be with us uh father marcus by your presence in jesus name amen yo good morning good morning good morning welcome to good news today let's go let's bring it in we ain't playing let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] forgot so loved the world y'all ain't see this coming get ready to catch this understand your righteous mind not your energies god is the goal and then that the period this thing is serious intentional the original god is in control do it for your soul gotta let the whole world know [Music] yo we gonna hear some good news today hey cause god's gonna make a way hey let the people say hey everything's gonna be okay everything's gonna be okay good morning good morning good morning so good to see y'all tell somebody in the comments everything's gonna be okay be encouraged to my teachers out there working it out be encouraged to my single moms out there working it out be encouraged to those couples that are navigating hard seasons and rough times be encouraged to my single folks all my single ladies what's up my single fellas we need to do a singles retreat a good news today singles retreat and hang out and kick it with some single folks how y'all doing y'all holding up it's fall time the seasons change know that god is with you god is with you yo um yesterday was a mile marker if you didn't see yesterday it's probably one of the most powerful episodes we've ever done so if you missed yep yesterday go back and watch it uh yesterday was significant if you missed yesterday go back and watch it i'm telling you share it with your friends we're talking about really uh the biggest the big theme is from brazil brazil in the hills maybe that's where we go up for our uh singles uh retreat we all go to brazil and kick it in brazil come on now come on brazil in the hills um hey what are we doing with what god is entrusted um with entrusted with us and and i asked a question yesterday and we went oh we went all in um about i i was thinking about myself and the reality that yo i believe a lot of things that i don't believe because to believe it is to embody it for it to shape and form you and i i i just it it's it's amazing to me the difference between what i'd be leaving and what i'd be living yesterday we was all up in that one way would i be leaving and what i'd be living in in the between that is what i'd be feeling and i'd be making decisions i'd be making now i was just shaping everything i'd be making decisions based off of what i be feeling not what i believe and then that then shapes how i believe how i be in my living what if here's here here's here's the invitation here's the question i don't even know if you want to even answer it what if we lived what we believed and what if we just begin to walk through our life and just align our house oh i just felt a shift in the holy spirit i don't know if you all felt that but i just felt it's just align our house ah my god take the values of what we believe and bring our house into alignment some of us we go too long without aligning and it creates friction and tension and it shapes the quality of how we live take anything take your car your car has to be aligned you you can still go from a to b you can still get from your house to your work but if that thing ain't aligned it shapes the experience and how you be writing it shapes it shapes how you experience in an inevitably it will begin to create damage in areas that are absolutely unnecessary it will create unnecessary damage because you can only go so long with the certain level of quality without alignment just because it can still crank up and it can still move does not mean that you're experiencing the quality and the problem with life is we still cranking up and we're still moving but there's significant things in our life that are out of alignment and it is impacting the quality of our life in who god has called us to be some of you got back problems you know there's something powerful about getting your back aligned what's interesting about getting your back aligned the first time you do it you experience an ease that you didn't even know was yours to have i said it again the interesting thing about getting your back a line especially one of the first times you do it getting your back cracked in the line and stuff it it releases something that you didn't even know was tight because the other dangerous thing about living outside of what we believe and not being aligned is you begin to accommodate tensions and discomfort in your living and you think that that's just life and it's like no you just out of alignment and satan's greatest desire is to get you cuffed as comfortable as possible while being unaligned as possible at the same time let me say it again his his he wants to get you as comfortable as possible with much with with as much misalignment as possible so he'll release the misalignment and he'll invite you to step a line out out of the line he'll invite you to step outside of line out of line with god slowly and intentionally slowly and strategically so that you just look up and you are out of alignment but you didn't even see when it got out of line so he he wants you to just kind of drift you know what your car does when it's out of line out of alignment it doesn't just go straight oh do y'all fee do y'all see do y'all feel that's a that's an anointing god does it do y'all see this thing coming together it doesn't it doesn't go straight when a car is misaligned it automatically drifts someone just said it it just drips and that's what satan wants you to do he wants to see you just drift sandy that's right wake up and you're in the far left lane just drifting just drifting you dress drifting and the thing is if you ain't paying attention you didn't even see when you got you didn't even see when you crossed lanes because he's gotten you comfortable with adrift you got all these beliefs but you've accommodated satan and his invitations in and if you're not careful you'll find yourself comfortable with the drift and that's what happens when we live outside of what we believe we get comfortable with the drift and we have what we say with our mouths over here but what we believe in our heart is over here and it creates this dichotomy in this huge invitation for hypocrisy this huge invitation for hypocrisy because you know that your declarations in your va that you're what you're saying you believe is over here uh which was what you're saying out of your mouth is over here uh and what you're actually embodying is over here and you will see the chasm and see the gap and just keep rolling with it now you've accepted the invitation to her to hypocrisy you said i'm just going to live outside of what i say and believe i'm just gonna i'm gonna live over here but i'm gonna believe over here and i'm just gonna put on a facade so it looks like i'm here but in actuality i'm here i don't live what i believe but i believe it and i'll argue with people about my beliefs i'll argue in comment sections i'll defend my beliefs i'll stand up for my beliefs but i don't live out my beliefs we we do this all the time in all kinds of areas and this is the work of the holy spirit to bring my house into alignment with god's word this this is the work of the holy spirit this is this is spiritual formation this is daily investing in my spiritual growth because it's bringing my house into alignment bringing my words my mouth into alignment with my heart so that my out of the abundance of my heart will mouth my mouth will speak not out of the abundance of my belief my mouth speaks but out of the abundance of my heart that means your beliefs have settled in your heart and it's shaping in trent it's shaping who you are it's shaping who you are so we have these exposed values and beliefs but it betray but we betray them with how we live but yet we won't credit for the belief because we think it's enough i i i'll touch this i won't dig into this i'll touch it though ev everybody wants to fight now about abortion and a woman's right to choose hello come on it just got real didn't it so so everybody's saying it's like it's a woman's right to choose and they're fighting over that belief and abortion is wrong is murder we're fighting over that belief i i just think the whole conversation is an indictment of our consistent hypocrisy i just think the whole conversation is an indictment of our consistent hypocrisy because let's just tell the truth these are a set of beliefs and the convictions that have not shaped how we live because if the sum total of your frustration with abortion in your response is just you going to vote once every four years for a supreme court hope then you're not living what you believe with abortion if you really hate abortion get in the neighborhoods and the communities where these young ladies are in positions where they have to make this life devastating uh decision and look at the systems around the contributing factors that consistently create these tensions that these young ladies feel where they feel like they have to make these decisions because usually their economic decisions their mental health decisions their sociological decisions it's it's because of factors that are there so if you really care about abortion at some point you ought to say what's causing this these aren't just hateful people that just want to go destroy their babies they are i've said have you said with women who are wrestling with this decision who have chosen either one these are very devastating moments for their life and they i mean you and you've got some people you got a small percent but most people it's an excruciating decision that they're wrestling through and it's not that what are the factors how did you get here let's look at the steps behind that and let's see if we can help that let's see if we can come alongside let's see if we can do that and everybody's like well this is pro-choice detroit said i got the right to choose i got the right juice that don't mean we get to celebrate your choice just because you got the right to choose don't mean we get to celebrate the choice and it don't mean it's the right choice well let's look at the foster care system in those that that make the choice that is life how do we come alongside of them does our love stop for the unborn when they're born i just think the conversation's filled with so much hypocrisy on all sides on all sides but here's the here's my point though here's my point we spend so much time debating the belief in the conviction what if we all just said you know what nobody wants nobody wants a woman to be in that position to choose well very few um and very few of us like the idea of abortion even those that are that feel like the woman has a right to choose you know most don't like the choice of abortion so let's come out of this this argument about our beliefs and let's say how do we just live out in a way that helps keeps this issue or that minimizes this issue from being an occurrence that minimizes this issue from being occurrence how do we rise up above the debate and actually make some decisions that make life better and that creates an experience for babies and moms who who who are navigating this does that make sense it's like it's like but that's a it's a classic example of we got these beliefs but how we believe we live out those beliefs in the voting booth and if that's all you do as your contribution to the conversation then you really don't believe it you really don't believe if it really broke your heart it'll break it it would really break your heart well we went there today all right six minutes i i guess what i want to set up and what i want to begin to dig into is where the areas in your life where you believe where the where the areas in your life where you don't believe what you believe by the very nature of the a lot the lack of alignment in your body in your choices in your behavior whether areas in your life where you don't believe what you believe and there's a lack of alignment i i won't go here today so devon you don't even have to put it up but we're gonna spend some time in in first corinthians um paul reminds them as they're navigating uh sexual sin and moral sin and different things like that he says do you do you not know that your body is the temple of the lord do you not know that god resides in your body that the spirit lives in your body i'm gonna go on record i struggle to believe that now cognitively intelligent in my in my intelligence and my mental ascent i believe it but i don't embody it as though it was the temple because if it did if i did my care for the temple would just be at a higher level and what i indulged in the temple would be a higher level i i all i'll just be honest this is my my little confession day i don't i don't always treat my body like a temple oftentimes i treat it like a garbage disposal oftentimes i treat it like a garbage disposal but if i if i start to really believe and that's what i've been practicing i've been trying to walk in it and i've been saying your body's a temple and if the lord is in here what am i mixing company with the lord what what what am i inviting to sit in mix company with the lord it deals with eating it also deals with sex with with sex and it also deals with the issue of abortion see how i wrapped all that up all that came together see how if you align your belief to who god is and i'm not going to force my belief on you but i am going to try to influence you i have an agenda don't get it twisted i got an agenda i want everybody to experience the fullness of what god has for them in their life so i ain't trying to force nothing on you but i would love to influence you by my love by my affection by my compassion by the way that i live the way that i show up in the joy and the peace i hope that who i am will influence you to question who it is that is shaping and inspiring me if your body is if your body is a temple and the holy spirit dwells in your temple if you're single brothers ladies who are you allowing to fondle your temple [Music] who's in your who's in your bed it's it's you holy spirit and who else in there who else are now doing that from married folks too who you you you watching what is you the holy spirit in your iphone and what video huh who you who you didn't invited it up and then and then sitting around there now with jesus i i i you know i'm i'm just saying that there's grace for all of us but i'm just saying what if we begin to be intentional in saying i'm a walking temple the holy spirit resides where the holy spirit resides if i really believed and embodied that how would that shape the care in which i provide for this body of mine something to think about i'll see y'all tomorrow
Channel: Fellowship
Views: 275
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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