Good News: New Job Added In New Zealand's demand list 2024 | Apply For Direct PR In NZ With New Jobs

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New Zealand just announced changes to the immigration system effective from May 2024 this changes involve adding more jobs to their green list what is green list well it's like shortage occupation list like we say in the UK so this green list makes it easier for people with those specific skills to get permanent residency which is PR in New Zealand but what is the best part if you have those skills mentioned in the green list and by following the process you could settle in New Zealand and get permanent residency in Just 2 years which is not the case in the UK and as we know UK is making some drastic changes to cut down net migration and adding more strict roles for immigrants but there are other countries like New Zealand which is still welcoming immigrants in fact there are several ways to settle in New Zealand like straight to residence visa work to residence visa and the last one is highly paid residence visa categories so in this video video I'll break down everything you need to know about moving to New Zealand this includes the new Visa changes eligibility requirements and even some helpful job search websites to find work in New Zealand so if you're looking for a welcoming country with a clear path to permanent residency within 2 years keep watching this video till the end as I'll guide you through the process of moving to New Zealand but before that let's do a quick introduction hey guys I'm Sara and welcome to your knowledge budy if you guys want to connect with me on Instagram for quicker update my ID is your knowledge buddy and if you want to connect with me for onetoone consultation my links are also provided in my description but big news is that if you want to study abroad my team can help you free of cost so process is simple just fill the form which is provided in my description and if you want to study in this listed countries for bachelor's Masters or PhD we will reach out to you very soon so let's begin with the first agenda today which is the latest announce announcement in New Zealand so from May 2024 Secondary School teachers are moving straight to Residence pathway on the green list of in demand roles so what does it mean if you guys remember only those jobs which are listed on green list can apply for direct PR and in this list secondary teachers were missing so from May 2024 this will be added to New Zealand's green list which means if you get a job offer from a licensed employer which is called aggregated employer you can apply for newand direct permanent residency now this is exactly what is mentioned on the government website the reason why they were moving secondary teacher to Green list is because of huge shortage of Labor and they think they will be able to fill this Gap by making it easier to invite immigrants to apply under this scattering now remember this is only for secondary teachers and not for others and hence only secondary teachers are moving to Green list jobs I'm going to leave the link in my video description so that you you can go ahead and read it for yourself now let's move to agenda two and understand in detail what is this Visa category that we are talking about which is called straight to Residence well as the name suggests straight to Residence means you get a direct residence permit this is given to those people whose occupations lie in the New Zealand shortage occupation list which is called as green list which I mentioned in my introduction now this is a points based Visa which consider factors like age work experience your qualification and offer letter from skilled employment now let's quickly understand the eligibility criteria criteria number one to be eligible for this resident Visa you must be employed by or hold a job offer from an aggregated employer which are like licensed employer because not all companies can sponsor you but only those with a license which is the same like most of the countries like in UK and Netherlands now if you're thinking how to find those employees well the answer is easy you need to basically go to New Zealand Government website from my link and then scroll all down at the bottom till the time you find this where you'll be prompted to enter your employees name or their 13 digigit New Zealand BN company number if you find your employer's name it means they have license else not also I can share the full list of aggregated employer in the PDF format but you have to do something you need to comment PDF and I'll share the link now moving to criteria number two Your Role must be under tier one of the green list so secondary teachers are added now so you will be eligible and few other examples of jobs which falls under this High skills category are for example all engineering fields are in huge demand medical jobs and if you're in it then you're in huge demand examples are like information and communication technology ICT managers like software engineer ICT security specialist and multimedia specialist now other examples of jobs under high demand are shown on your screen so I'm going to leave it for a minute on my screen so that you can take a screenshot or you can find the full list from the link given in my description now moving to criteria three you must meet the specified requirements on the list for your role like salary requirement work experience and English language requirement for English language remember you must score is 7 each or PD 65 each now moving to criteria four Your Role must be full-time at least 30 hours a week genuine and permanent at least 12 month fixed St contract now under certain circumstan es independent contractors are also eligible now let's move to agenda number three which is how to find jobs if you have to apply for jobs in any country you have to Target their job sites right so same is the case in New Zealand so for New Zealand my recommendation is to use LinkedIn seek careers. government. New Zealand which is New Zealand's Government website let's move to agenda four use the right CV format now in one of my video I already did a demo of how to make a CV and showed you my CV which you can use and the trick was which I shared never use the same CV everywhere make sure to customize your CV before you start applying for the jobs so before I wrap this video for you guys to be eligible for any of New Zealand's Visa category you need a job offer to make sure you start applying for the jobs and once you are successful your company can apply for your Visa don't get disappointed if your job is not in the green list there are still people who are still getting successful in the other Visa categories as well now good news is is that your dependents are also allowed to come with you and they can work full-time so what are you waiting start applying for the jobs without wasting any more time and if you need any help my team can help you just email us on yourn knowledge bu@ thanks for watching my video till the end and I'll see you guys soon with my next video till then keep learning
Channel: Your Knowledge Buddy
Views: 123,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermarket jobs in new zealand, jobs in new zealand for indians, jobs in new zealand, new zealand work visa 2024, new zealand work permit, new zealand work visa, visa sponsorship jobs in new zealand, unskilled jobs in new zealand, new zealand work permit 2024, supermarket jobs, cv resume new zealand, move to new zealand, Newzealand work visa, Work permit in newzealand, Work visa in newzealand, Jobs in newzealand, International students in newzealand, Life in newzealand
Id: enkK-vo-ljk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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