Germany New Opportunity Card Visa Starts in JUNE To Tackle Labour Shortage | 2 Million Vacant Jobs

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Germany's labor market is shrinking fast in the next 5 years the country's working age population is expected to decline more than any other G7 economy there's several articles on how Germany is battling with labor shortage and an official estimate suggest Germany's aging Society will be shot 7 million skill workers by 2035 in fact the reports also suggest it's not only about skill labor but is also about unskilled labor as well so German government are already aware that they won't be able to bridge this labor Gap without inviting migrants from other non-european countries like India Pakistan Nigeria or any country and hence they constantly looking at ways how to attract migrants to Germany by making Germany as immigration friendly quick Visa procedures more language courses and digital access to German companies from abroad which means you can apply for jobs in Germany from your own country and from the comfort of your home so for my new audience I would like to let you know that there are already plenty of Visa categories which are offered in Germany to attract migrants like job Seeker Visa language learning Visa artist Visa freelancing Visa through which you can move to Germany but even such Visa categories are not helping Germany fulfill those labor shortage and hence they're starting a new Visa category from June 2024 which is called chansa where you don't require any job offer to move here so if you're interested to learn more about this Visa category make sure to keep watching the video till the end as I will explain you the eligibility criteria documents needed how you can get six points and how to apply this Visa hello guys I'm Sor and welcome to your knowledge buddy I make videos to help people move abroad either to the UK or any foreign countries however I have good news for students who wants to study abroad in this listed countries my team can help you free of cost just fill the form which is provided in my video description and pin comment and we are waiting for your application so without any further delay let's get started with today's video where my first agenda is what is this new Visa category which is being launched now in order to fulfill this skill Gap and labor shortage which I was talking about Germany's launching a point based immigration system which is called as chanate which is a German word in English it means opportunity card which is similar to us green card now you can move to Germany on this Visa without ordinating any job offer and you can use this visa to search for job in Germany candidates holding the opportunity card are allowed to stay in Germany for one year and during this time the focus should be on only finding a job the opportunity card is issued to candidates recognized as skill workers or those who score at least six points using the points system now moving to agenda two which is eligibility criteria for chanak or opportunity card in order to obtain the opportunity card you must fulfill the necessary requirements and if applicable you need to provide proof like number one the prerequisite is that at least 2 years of vocational training or University degree is needed say your bachelor's or master's degree remember you need to check your anabin database if your degree is recognized or not number two sufficient knowledge of German A1 or English B2 is needed number three you must also prove that your financially secure hence you may have to show aox 12,324 in your blogged account number four age should be under 40 which I'll explain you as part of my agenda three which is how to get six points under this Visa categ now I'll divide this in terms of Education skills age and spouse so start making your notes now as I'll start first with education so how do you get points under education you will get four points if you have diplomas and qualifications partially recognized by Germany you will get three points if you have five plus years of work experience in the past 7 years in your qualified Feld you will get two points if you have 2 plus years of work experience in the past 5 years in your qualified field one bonus point is awarded if you vocational training in one of the Germany's bottleneck professions which include education nursing and other health professionals crafts Craftsman professions metal and mechanical engineering and information technology which is your it now let's move to points for language skills three points if you know German level B2 and above two points if you know German level B one one point if you know German level A1 to A2 one bonus Point English level C1 and above now let's move to points for eight now like I said two points will be given if you are under 35 years and one point will be given if you are between 35 to 40 years points for ties to Germany you'll be given one point if you prove previous stays in Germany of at least 6 months in The Last 5 Years now there's another point for spouse so you'll be given one point if you plan to move to Germany with your spouse who is also eligible and planning on applying for chanera now agenda four is how to use this calculator there are two websites which I found during my research which you can use it and see whether you are eligible or not the links are in my video description so let me show you a quick demo so that you can calculate your own point so I'm going to take you straight to two websites which I found during my research the first website is and if you scroll down here at the bottom you can see opportunity card calculator which you can use and it's completely free and the second website which I found is n wonder and here if you scroll down at the bottom of this page you will see can you get the opportunity card you can start so I'm going to show you a quick demo so let's say what's your nationality I'm going to just select here India and then do you have a foreign qualification the reason why I like this demo they will give you a description and detail about it and also how many points you get so here do you have a foreign qualification I'm going to say University degree here the moment you select your option is your qualification fully or partially recognized in Germany and like I mentioned you need to go and check on anabin database yeah here you can see the link and then see whether your qualification is recognized or your degree is recognized or not once you check the details on anabin database which looks like this by the way and uh make sure you check the details which I mentioned in my introduction so coming back to here if your degrees is recognized you get six points if your vocational trainings recog you get six points and if your training is partially recognized you get four points and if it's not recognized you get zero points and if you don't know you still get zero points so I'm just going to say it's recognized because I have already checked mine do you have work experience related to your formal qualification and can provide evidence so I'm going to say yes because I did my degree in bachelor's agary science and then I'm working 90 for 15 years so for me yes so I'm going to say yes and then you see I get three points and then you can see if you have 2 years with 5 years experience you get two points and less than two years you get zero points and if you have no work experience related to your formal qualification you get zero points remember so I'm going to say this and how old are you I'm going to put 35 years up to and including 39 years is one point now do you speak German and can prove it with language certificate so here you have option here you can see what points you get I will say no I don't speak German so I get zero points are you proficient in English and can prove it with a language certificate I don't have a proof at the moment because here you see they are looking for C efr say like Isles or something so I'm going to say no I'm unable to provide then I proceed to the next one does your profession belong to one of the shortage occupation list like I said here already if your job falls under this you do get one point so I'm going to say yes because I'm a 90 so I get one point have you decided legally in Germany for a continuous period of at least 6 months in The Last 5 Years for me no so it's zero for you if it's yes you get one point now moving to the next one do you have a spouse register partner who also meets the requirements for opportunity card and intents to apply as well for me I'm going to say no and then see if I get z. what happens how do you find this calculator I'll say web search move to next one and I'll just say here submit so I have got 11 points which means I qualify for opportunity card remember you need only six points to qualify for this chanard so if I have to apply I will be eligible so you guys go and check this calculator yourself to see if you are eligible for this or not now the second website as well it is is good you can use this the reason I did not use it to show you demo because it doesn't tell me how many points I'm getting based on the answers which I'm providing you can use both but this was my favorite because it tells me how many points I'm getting and also it tells you your result whether you elig or not so that's all for the demo guys now agenda five how to apply opportunity card you can apply for the opportunity card from 1st of June 2024 at the relevant German Mission abroad in your country of origin for example at the German Embassy or German consulate if you're already in Germany simply submit the application to their relevant local foreigners registration office so start keeping your important documents ready such as your passport as well as proof of language skills and your vocational training Etc and apply from 1st of June 2024 if you guys are struggling to find job in the UK I'm going to encourage everyone to apply for this chanat card so are you excited about this news and planning to apply for this visa do let me know in the comment section below also remember guys to settle in Germany you don't need sponsorship like you do in the UK in fact you just need a job offer which is also called as job contract and you can apply your own Visa I hope you found this video useful thanks for watching my video till the end and I'll see you guys soon with my next video till then keep learning [Music]
Channel: Your Knowledge Buddy
Views: 51,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moving to Germany, Germany jobs, Germany employment, Living in Germany, germany travel, moving to Germany, life in Germany, lifestyle in Europe, working in Germany, germany jane ke tareeke, Jobs in Germany, Easiest and Fastest ways to move to Germany, Opportunity Card Germany, Germany Green Card, Skilled Workers, Job in Germany, job in germany, best ways to find job, indian in germany, job situation in germany, germany visa, working in germany, how much do germans earn
Id: Phmrz-C1GBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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