Good Deeds & Sins on the Day of Judgement - Wahaj Tarin

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my beloved other and most respected elders mothers and sisters if you were to imagine two young people two people two persons and as an elder you give them a thousand pounds each you say here take a thousand pounds and you take a thousand pounds and go and spend it as you like if I'll mash it do as you please buy whatever you want you know eat whatever you want write whatever you want but when the money finishes when the currency expires when the funds run out come back to me and tell me what you did with the money that I gave you to spend so the to go and sometimes later they come back so you ask one you say sweetheart what did you do with the thousand pounds I gave you so he says I bought chewing gum so you okay good what else did you do he says no I gave the shopkeeper a thousand pounds he gave me chewing gum so you go a thousand pounds and chewing gum kid there's something wrong with you you know has a snake bit your head what happened you you're a thousand pounds in you bought bubble gun to your head you think miss keen you know he's got a few screws loose upstairs is the calculations aren't working well for him and then sometimes later this other jet person comes the other young lad and you say young man you know sweetheart what did you do with the with the thousand pounds I gave you so he says I bought a mercedes-benz 2016 so you go you finance that he goes no I took the money bargained with the person negotiated wheeled and dealed until he was happy to give me the Merc for a thousand pounds so in your eyes the child grows in respect you go subhanAllah you're you're intelligent you're a sharp you you're a businessman you know how to bog and you gave something small and got something big by the same token a lot of Belleza gave me new a currency and he called it life live as you want when it finishes come back and tell me how you spent it did you buy Jannah or did you buy Johana and life starts as in where you become alive according to the Sri the hadith of imam bukhari rahim allahu taala after a hundred and twenty days after inception rooh comes into the fetus you become alive from that time on you're born into the world you live you strive you struggle you work you get married you all of those is a test allah subhana a levee high apple motor well hiya liya blue become a you come a sonoran Allah the one who created death and life to test you examine you trial you to see which one of you will come with the best of deeds Allah Ta'ala well n a blue one a khumba che Amin al hafi well jewelry one ox Imanol am worried well unfussy with tamarod and i will test you with different aspects be che Imanol how with a bit of fear well Jew and hunger and maxximum word and loss of materials and property and personnel in people and at the end were bashira slobbering give glad tidings to those that bore the tests patiently do you see that life in its entirety is a test life is a test at the end of this test you go to your master to account for what you did how did you spend the currency that allah rabbul izza gave you and for while Abner al rahim allahu ta'ala was one of the righteous of the Salaf that passed us he saw a man elderly man so he asked him he said how old are you so the uncle said he said I am 60 years old so for Doyle said so for sixty years you've been journeying towards your Lord because you go into the meeting of your Lord yeah so for sixty years you've been journeying to meet your Lord waiting to reach your destination so the man realized can you imagine 60 so 60 years have passed there's a little bit left ahead of you you don't know when the agile will come so he thought back you know when your retrospect you look back as the point of sovery Buridan was a dealing you believe on e walk away t benefit well mo to your polo pony lollipop I adieu new builders to Alamo her on La Joya Alamo her history well Eleni my journey is long to the meeting of my lord so free by in my preparation so little and my strength has gone weak old age scum and death is chasing after me and I have all these sins left no one knows that except for my lord how often how many sins Subhan Allah and Allah is Halim how much do you sin in Allah covers imagine he removed the cover or a bull Kaaba if Allah were to shout show our inside outside you wouldn't say Salam to each other so yeah soft so now the man that Foley was talking to he looks not physically you know metaphorically looks back and he said in earlier who in LA he rajim do you know when you say in l11 Ilayaraja when a calamity strikes so calamity sixty years have passed so he said in earlier were in LA he Rajan so forth and said do you know what it means this inner Leela listen to it in hell in there were in LA he Rajan we are the property of Allah we belong to Allah and to Allah we will return so he said do you know what it means that I belong to a sovereign and to that sovereign I will return he said yes it means I belong to Allah and I would return to Allah so he said if you know that you are the milk of allah you know you're the property of allah and that you will return to your owner you must also know that the owner will question so what have you prepared for the questioning of your Lord so the man cried you see the Salaf spoke different he cried so he goes one less difficult the realization has come you know they came to Imam Ahmed humble the Salaf of the Ummah used to you know they didn't involve and poetry too much yet they had the linguistic capability to get involved that I wanted to so Muhammad used to you know skipping the island and did not get involved in in in the poetry so a person came to him and he said 'mom i have prepared a poem i want to recite it to you you tell me what you know what you think and this is the poem he recited an imam they say I'm a muhammad cried until his beard was with and it goes like this he then Kylie Rob be a mystery at a Sunni and when my lord and if my lord were to ask me won't you embarrassed when you used to disobey me but to fit them behind cultivable area and it a teeny and you used to hide your sins from people in with your sins you came to me can you imagine even a Europe be a mystery at our scene II were to fit them burn country will be Nicean it a teeny fake a 4gb away he woman de Sophia Meany Oh Celine of Sybil ma limonene in Allah Heaney once a muara Almaty mother bardotta fini koneko lament Alicia LaSalle Matheny was at Sakura told me she determines I mean II Navarro to Elwood you he Eliza mean Holman say of Deanie what will I say my lord were to ask me didn't you feel embarrassed when you to sin against me and you hid your sins from people and yet you are not ashamed of me can you imagine a young lad sitting in front of a computer sinning he's locked the door he's shut the gate he's alone in front of that he's hiding from mum dad uncle auntie relatives yeah but the one that owns everything is not shy of that Allah sees everything so because I musta hated acini didn't you have any higher when you used to disobey me were to fill them back healthy and you hid your sins from my creation will be lasya any tattini in with your sins you came to me okay for yugi-boy yeah where he will be on to me what will be my answer how will I respond to my lord what will I say I used to trick myself with with fake hopes I will live till I'm 60 how many of you died at 20 I will go to Hajj five years from now fake hopes to sell ineffable MLM in Hainan illa Haney just prolonging the hair graze the beard graze you know you plucker to your diet or you know you cut it or you shave it because you don't want to face reality that it's coming death is coming and then he says Roger at Sakura tell machete the two men say a meanie and then finally one day will come subhanAllah lock for boss or Okalahoma Hadid with the eyes peers like the blade meaning they pierce the hijab between our world and the next you sit and you see the angel coming you know of because of where we are in the community people tell you certain stories an elderly person died our part a righteous man well LaGrant him gender he was on his deathbed and his family's around him and then they say he said son make way for the guests so they said dad there's no guests so you see the shadow la la shadow no mohammed rasoolallah the guests came and the guests took him my younger cousin 24 years old she passed away from cancer a fuzzier time she said mum that give me my scarf I want to pray Fajr at the last day his last moments and then as they camp to put the scuff she said there's no time a shadow Allah a light on for basalt rock a glioma Hadid is that day piercing and you see the eyes fixate because they fixate on a world that you do not see so when when the reality comes whether at Sakura Tuamotus shadi determines a meanie the pangs of death is coming who will help me so the policies in order to Ilyn wooju I looked at the faces around me who was around your son your brother your nephew your knees your wife your daughter I looked at the faces who will ransom me you know who will bear the death in my place who will say I will take the no.1 when death comes your dearest nearest are the first ones that put sand on you so the man realized so he said what light is difficult to for the Lamia so forth I said no it is easy live the rest of your life into obedience of allah rabbul izza Allah will forgive you your sins and change the bad deeds into good deeds ha Allah will this a toll but it is accepted a toll where that is accepted Allah doesn't only forgive he changed the say yet into hasanat the verses in the Quran decision you know we don't speak without the real well a toll enough silletti haram allahu allah bil Haq and don't ever take a life that Allah has made sacred except in the path of justice as an except where legal body as in a judicial system orders the execution of someone without that don't ever take a sacred life well it has noon and never commits adultery woman elderly Kalka therma whoever does this he will fall into sin you were a fool a hula either boy yo malama the punishment and the other will be piled upon him on the day of judgment why loot fee him Ohana and he will be there for eternity and then the conditional clause LLL accept so he's committed the wrong he's done the Zener and he's done the you know the capital crimes but then he found Toba so the quran says l lamented except for the one who makes Toba what Amina Ramallah ammidon Salah ha and believes and follows that sin with good deeds for awliya Iike you but dhillullah who say here to him has a net for those people allah will transfer their bad deeds into good deeds so i my brothers I along with you let's introspect for a second and decide then this jalsa insha Allah Allah Allah and may Allah make it Mubarak and Maqbool that we are robbed today in this one in this gathering I have left my sins I walk out of it in u-turn Marseille at into hasanat wellness ellika Allah he be aziz this isn't something difficult to allah rabbul izza the hadith the one who forgives the sins while they are you barely and he doesn't even care make the intention my dear brothers my younger brothers might say Arab whatever I have done in the past you know when I know but today in humility and humbleness I can be robbed forgive the sins yeah Rob give me the strength to come out of it yeah Rob give me a true Toba so I don't return to it and if Allah accepts and he is the one who accepts Toba then you're successful and the hadeeth and the day of judgement a person comes for his you know the accounts are presented so allah rabbul izza tells the angels he says remove the big sins from there from the records from the scrolls from remove it so the major sins are removed so he looks at the other sins in 99 C gen each you know scrolls each so far as the eye can see and then he doesn't have a good deed it's all sins all sins so he comes to the Lord of Honor and grandeur and his his account is like that so he thinks he's doomed so a lot of belies then one of the hadith this is called hadith a batata the hadith of the parchment so allah rabbul izza says my servant we also have a good deed recorded in your name the one I was telling you about I will finish that hadith first the one where all the bad the major deeds have been removed so this person sees that all the my so a lot of Balasa says my servant do you agree to this to this record he says yes they are up because in his heart he just wants this to finish why someone tell me because the big deeds are not there the big bad deeds so he goes how lost they haven't seen the other one I can you know this is good if I just get away with this I will accept the punishment for this alhamdulillah that those big ones on our here so he cuz I accept the arab arabe our if i know so a lot of will exercise but i have forgiven you your sins and turned the bad deeds into good deeds so he says you are up but there was bigger sins than that in the record but since you changing it to good deeds change those ones as well so that the white becomes war in another hadith this is the one I was at hadith Baraka the scroll is opened in 99 sigils 99 Scrolls each one so far as the eye can see can you imagine every utterance you've uttered is recorded so this is for everything you've seen it is recorded every step you take it is recorded your hand moves to take the bottle it is record yeah in the day of judgment Malley had El Khatib what type of book is this Europe you are the Rosary rotten welaka be rotten Allah ha ha it doesn't miss the small or the big everything is recorded so the sages open ninety nine and this person doesn't have a single good deed it's just all sins so allah rabbul izza tells him he says my servant there's a good deed recorded in your name for us like in our records there's a good deed you have as well so the man thinks I have 99 scrolls of bad deeds what's a good deed gonna do so allah rabbul izza says level emilion there's no room today today is a day of justice so put the 99 sigils on the scale of say 8 and we will put this bill taka this little parchment in which you have said la ilaha illaallah once more listen on one side so a lot of belies the orders for the one husana for the Eman for the la ilaha ilallah to be put on the one side and the 99 sigils on the other and la ilaha illallah defeats at all so he says enter my servant into my Jannah do you do you see the value of a man do you see the value of a single utterance of belief with the with a pure heart and a la belleza and another hadees Abu Abu the referee is sitting so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Mancala la ilaha illa llah mullahs on the Halal Jannah whoever says la ilaha illaallah with full class full belief in allah herbalizer he will enter paradise so the Sahaba the sahabi of the Rasul is because were ins on our Syrah kya rasool allah o prophet of allah what are you saying even if he commits adultery and steals so the rasool said in xenoverse Eric oh yeah better eat even if he has committed you know the sin of adultery or stolen so the Sahaba be repeated if even if he has committed adultery in sin and done the you know sin of zina he was eat again the Prophet sallallahu wasallam repeated and the third time he said Allah were in then our surah Tyler Oh me unethical abathur he will enter paradise even if he has committed the act of zina and stolen although you don't want that other but Allah will enter him into Jannah allows me an thicken the Arabic means in dust beyond your faces and you know when you want some when you keep on pushing for something and you know when you lose the ground that's embarrassing so it goes even although you're pushing and advocating for this Allah resume and figure out your embarrassment it will still happen so my my dear brothers we are living in an abode of testing every step in life is a test remember this your wealth is not a blessing unless it is used in the path of Allah your wealth is a test your poverty is not a curse it is a test sickness doesn't mean Allah has you know taken away his it is a test every step of life as a test some are tested with wealth some are tested with sickness some were tested with poverty some are tested with fear some are tested with a woman some are tested with with gambling some what everyone's got there the good is the test and the bad as a test the good will you be thankful the bad will be abstain and at the end of it death will come the unanimous consensus there's not a scientist on this planet there's not a rabbi in the synagogue's there's not a priest in the churches there's not any Imam in the messages there's not a scientist in the universities that have any differences in this that every person will die unanimous consensus : have sinned the epital mode every soul will die whoever has lived will die the young will die the elderly will die the ritual die the poor will die the king will die the servant will die : f sin : f sin the epital mode every soul will die now I want you to imagine this I want you to imagine a group of criminals 20 or so criminals they send you a little note we are going to kill you do you know how you will live you'll barricade the house you know when you go to sleep you'll push the Wardrobe next to the door so no one opens it your wife loses white you will go gray you know the criminals have said I don't know what criminals you guys have here but you know I just hollows go there the criminals have said they're going to kill me this gang has said they're going to kill me forget about Hollis imagine a government tells you you're on a hit list of some government and I kill you you know secret intelligence is coming you you shiver you you'll go gray oh my goodness death is coming imagine you're due for execution yeah they don't tell you the date when they're going to execute you they say Hollis this person should be executed I don't know if you have capital punishment in this country don't have it anymore so if you're in America and so on they have capital punishment so you're on death row you're waiting for death you know what's coming every day it's it's a difficult day because why a few humans have told you you're gonna die now no human a lot of bullets that tells you : of sin that you will die I will kill you yeah and you're living like you're not gonna die a Jeep that don't you think ah if a human tells you you're gonna die you'll do a doctor tells you you got three months to live you go three months just three months do you understand now a lot of bull I said oh this is cool enough seen you you will die : ops in the epital mode you're oblivious to it but you will die there's no escaping of death allah subhana palainian fara cumin ferraro say running away will not help you in for 2 min al moti I will uh delivery the letter matter una ilaha illa if you run from death or you hide from it you one gets far away where you going to run from from death ah there's no running from this you drip kumamoto Allah kuntum fee guru Jim Maceda say death will catch you even if you make fortified towers and put yourselves in the tower and surround yourselves by gods and surround yourselves by infrared and put rockets and missiles in ya death will still catch you there subhanAllah can you imagine an aeroplane is flying thousands of feet above the ground and the man got a heart attack dies that man tells me he had a heart attack i said 'no the angel came and got him Pali Ottawa circum Malakal moti levy would Killa become say that angel that secret assassin assigned for you will come and get us no hiding from death if you could hide from the aeroplane would have been a safe place why is the person dying there if you could hide from the air if submarine would have been a safe place why do you die in a submarine if you died if you could hide from death hospitals would have been a safe place why are they dying there you've got everything you need there yeah death will come animator Kuno wherever you are you drip kumamoto eloquent invivo rudi moshe ada so remember this life starts the test starts when the rooh comes in the body you become accountable for that at the age when you reach maturity for your deeds it ends the day you see the angel and death comes to take you this is the first step of the journey of the soul it comes to you at inception you know 120 days after that it leaves you a death from this and sha Allah onwards you know where you're in the grave and then the Asura and so on and so forth we will cover in and the rest of our lectures and charlotta Allah but my dear brothers it has been a pleasure to come in and be amidst you a lot of Glaser accept our efforts in yours and I pray that this little reminder first of all benefits myself and then and then my dear brothers the brotherhood remember yet regularly death is the death is the examination pipe do you understand it's like a student doesn't recognize this an exam coming so he lives in fun but when when you see it the you know you want to you want to play you want to muck around you want to do this and that but you go no exam is tomorrow you understand me when the realization comes very close you will become a better student the more you remember the exam so what we used to do when we were kids we start a calendar and to cross days off you know ten days to the exam six days to the exam because used to motivate you to study more yeah the scholars tell us and the hadith tell us remember death regularly it will regulate your lives don't think you will live forever that's that's a very silly way to live to live thinking I will live forever it's a very inefficient way to live live remembering death that will maximize your efforts on righteousness and in life amidst amidst the stories of the Salaf they used to remember death in abundance one of them and this is not an encouragement to anyone he had dug a a hole in one of the rooms of his house in the shape of a grave so whenever he used to feel that his distance too far from the memory of death he used to go and lie in that grave to visualize death and then he used to come out of it and say Thank You Arab for giving me a second chance do you see how it was very important for them to to keep death right in front that any moment I could die I must be ready for the meeting of my Lord that type of person lives a very different life compared to the one who is oblivious of death so the hadith told us increase in the remembrance of the destroyer of pleasures you know this is a guild you're chasing in Haram and you your whole focus and mission has become that yeah and to all that you might commit a doesn't how long visualize this bring death it will make it very clear for you what you need to do you're in a Haram business yeah you have money on the imagine death just visualize it put yourself sigh I'm in the grave they're putting sand on the mi ready for this is this is this good for me it will make things very life will become very clear if death is staring at you in the face so remember death regularly parts of the things that will help you is to go to the to them to the graves once in a while especially when you make graph with him and just look see what type of graves are they in the graveyard some are there 14 year old person 16 year old person I just heard from my brother 32 year old 32 Z young 32 year old man fell down did no warning healthy alhamdulillah well good family everything death comes what's the guarantee that you will leave here I will leave here and I won't have a heart attack down there or a car won't hit me or a rock won't fall on me or the ground won't swallow me or something do you understand what guarantee do you have over your lives Kings Kings lose this young young son I was watching ya beautiful hands and handsome young man died son of a king young man like use the sparkling out of him and the father what all the kingdom can't stop the death what guarantee do me and you have that tomorrow will be ours so my dear brothers any opportunity that Allah has given you rejoice and celebrate in it user to its maximum repent to your Lord regularly you will sin Kulu bani adama' hapa we will sin we will sin this is you know we are weak but as soon as you've sinned fall down in sajda and start repenting to Allah make tawba in over in Esther fast they are up to play like you're up to all I'm sorry and understand this water Bukavu rose or Rama and your Lord is oft-forgiving most merciful this is enough for you when a lot of bull says of a blob you'll see will be her mania water Hammadi was that good Lachey my punishment will reach whoever it chooses but my mercy will cover everything that's say enough for you you enough hope to turn and tell vulnerable Elsa were you read one year to buy alaikum and Allah wants to accept you tawba so just just like Tova and at a woman Adam become 11 Bela the one who repents from the sin is like he has never committed it isn't that sufficient so make your toe bent over and my a lot of Balasa granted hobble and in your doors remember this poor soul as well in my a lot of Blaser forgive me in you and overlook our shortcomings and forgive our sins and join us together and Charlotte out and Pharaoh Salalah what the blessing is will be to see your faces day and we meet each other and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is there the Arab say a beautiful things I say no kalbi letter Zul had the uber sharable Kabul water Akita b-billy amine with a car I need ur Rasool the anxieties of my heart will persist until I am given the glad tiding of acceptance my book and my right and my eyes on the result imagine the joy your book is given in your right in the Rasool is there Harless my adorable eyes they resurrect us with the Prophet but are for us because of our love for him although our deeds are short focal to Napoleon Turkish an item from inna llaha interpose a yet anthem in f-zero shaitan wa salaam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 91,142
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, lecture, khutbah, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Wahaj Tarin, Good Deeds & Sins on the Day of Judgement by Wahaj Tarin, Al Huda, Bradford, Good Deeds & Sins on the Day of Judgement - Wahaj Tarin, Day of Judgement, Good Deeds, Sins
Id: iergMF2yy9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 9sec (2349 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2016
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