Good Bad or Bad Bad #2 - Good Cop Bad Cop

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Nutter Butter last one hello and welcome to the second episode of good bad or bad bad the show where we watch terrible movies and tell you if you should - I'm Bryan Schilling oh I'm joined as always a Kyle Hinton on today's episode of good bad or bad bad will be watching good cop bad cop a film starring daytime TV star Lorenzo Lamas or Lamas or Lamas or whatever his last name is let's get a little bit of info on this brilliant piece of cinematic history so here's the here's the the tagline it takes one to know one two worlds one okay there's two tag lines I'm not sure which one's good cop bad cop it takes one to know one two worlds one border no boundaries so that's exciting when retired cop jake kilkanin is lured into infiltrating the illegal operations of Chaparro Chaparro I don't remember how they say it in the movie you know Chaparro uh Mexico's most notorious drug lord he discovers his enemy's strength is rooted in the powers of a deadly ancient legend and all hell's about to break loose just by that description Brian yeah I'm sold hi I'm sold that's why I bought it go go ahead and give a little brief of you as you remember it of what happens and as I remember it all right so we have this cop that's detective who is undercover and taking photos of this illegal drug operation he is within about five minutes pretty much shot to death which a bottle on you're dead no Ramon you are and then what is not I get is it LAPD or was it San Diego or something like that some border city let's say that a surprise I think they're in like Texas or something but I don't know but like they said our undercover cop has been killed so they go to Jack kill cannon Creek kill Jake he'll get it right my bad uh who is apparently the best cop ever had I've ever in history of cops he's so damn good that he went into early retirement with full pension yes the Laguna Salada well how stupid was that the federales won't even go out there the Renegades own that country we need to discuss his character the introduction his character is he's he like it's a very interesting character to plop into a like this sort of like shitty 90s like T direct-to-dvd action movie he wakes up in a bed with Jack Daniels and a dog yeah yeah as all great protagonists do it's it's like but they play the dog part as if it's a girl but everybody knows it's not like cuz this is the lump in the bed and then he's like he's like come on girl get up yes and you're like oh it's the dog they're gonna make destroyed a dog and then he blows the dog whistle and yeah dog is that right yeah it's great setting up a later moment oh what a little foreshadowing with dog whistle there's foreshadowing in this movie shirt is yours just for shadowing let's break this down let's let's break this right now and just kind of this shows about terrible movies that are either good bad it's so so terrible they're good or just bad bad and we figure out which is true but if this one kind of defies classification on our scale because it's neither and both it is shitty production meets unbelievably fantastic first act writing yeah and actually the production while not great was not it's not terrible there are some vile dunzo writing in this film completely blew me away especially the first half fish first act of the movie it was it was fan it was fantastic we're sitting there like 20 minutes and just looking at each other being like it is this seriously happening like what it is Road baby the sense yeah like this makes sense and like them it's paced well and it's quippy and like there's funny part I was weird like simmer like what it this looks good everything written in there is not throw away everything in there is there a reason I have the lines that yeah and they set things up like the dog whistle and the [ __ ] Nutter butters which we'll get to there are so many things that get set up that actually pay off what you're like this that's not supposed to happen in a movie like this this is supposed to go kill people and then it's totally like we will vampire yeah they were supposed to be it's supposed to be anything it's just supposed to be as dumb action movie where a daytime soap opera star kills a bunch of people like Ed but it's kind of better than that for summer somehow and we're not sure how that happened you um you mentioned the Olmecs they lived in the Yucatan some three thousand years ago created the very first North American civilization did you know that of course they were cannibals but nobody's perfect that kind of goes off the deep end towards the second half of the movie and it loses some of its it just yeah it does seem like they're like they got they started hitting a dead line at some point yeah like I get this moving um I would have loved to have seen this completely die as it was intended because clearly they they took a left turn something yeah somebody they like brought in they're like this is making so I think what happened there's apertures like this is making too much sense bring in a different writer director we have a second hat was gotta be let's love let them first half of this film I'm just gonna say it I thought it was brilliant I don't know brilliant that might be a little strong but it's good as far as as far as like gruff cop films go he could easily be clinics wooden yeah yeah I know it it yeah no it's good it's weird it's not what you think he'll can and I was a little crazy as a kid fell in with the wrong crowd messed up with drugs is that a crime only in 50 states so yeah so learns Oh Lamas actually does a like a great job is this character and maybe he's a good actor I've never seen I don't watch daytime TV so I've never no idea any frame of reference on how good of an actor he is but I feel like he watched Unforgiven a couple of times and we just decided to go from there he plays it just almost uh silly and not silly but like it's like MacGyver yeah yeah and he's he's self-aware enough but it like he's real gruff and but it works and he's almost like he doesn't care that he'd like he that he's there like but it works so perfectly first I don't know I think I think he lucked into it it seems like almost like he just kind of like man of Ellen kill what are the feds doing here well you throw a party at the beach you never know who's gonna show up story two minutes hey off the Bellas Prentiss bozo City we will have more details my flower take a word my flower whoa other characters yes let's talk about the police lieutenant was it who brought him back in the captain I believe County the captain that guy is a dick that guy's awesome he's one of my other favorite characters in the movie because he's just he's the perfect like the the cliche captain who's like you're off to full you're off the force you're off the case you're outta line get your badge give me your badge give me your gun you're off the case is yelling at him the whole time right it smells like you've been swimming in this stuff yeah matter found damn I don't be here I said discreet remember is that why you called in the FBI wise up Jake this is an international incident not some street corner dope deal I got enough problems without you adding two more body bags to my caseload you're off the case off active duty go back to your books he shows up for literally one scene yeah this yells at him and tells him he's off the case and give me the goddamn badge gladly dependin and then takes his badge ruined I like his introduction because he's walking up Lorenzo Lamas is stairs this also pays off and hey up at the end but yeah he's walking up the stairs to kill cannons plays and it's just like falling through the step yeah that's all like equity rickety is falling apart and that does come back in the very final scene of the movie which is great all right so there's a hit on this very rich guys I was he an investor he's like a banker thank us there's a coma tech nerd doesn't hit on his house and they kidnapped him and may kill his ex-wife yeah thinking that it was his curse yeah because the vitals were revealed later dresses yeah there's two women wearing red dresses so we are then thrown into this this woman so then his current wife basically higher there's kill but it was I in it it's like said she go to the police a bit initially it's part of the case yeah and then after he gets thrown off the case then she privately she's like basically privately hires him to do it to he'll figure out I'm really convinced to her character sexual assault get seven to ten and not by the shysters to make it twenty get in yeah she's she's like Hispanic no it's blonde isn't long you have blonde hair her hair looks so strange yeah I it distracted me every time she was on screen and it shouldn't cuz she's a beautiful woman and then she looks like she's wearing a wig but she's not it's very strange I was laying on what's going on with your well intuition and trying to track down who put the hit on her husband they head to this strip club Brian oh yeah there's a scream the strip club there's Hurley from lost hitting a bucket of chicken and watching strippers yes Oh 100% you're like is that Hurley and I was like and then I saw his like holy [ __ ] that's Hurley and he's eating fried chicken just like his character does but it's not actually her illusion the guy that it's not actually is like a 400-pound dude yeah with like curly blond dark hair and he's sitting there eating a bucket of chicken yeah which if you watch lost her he's a [ __ ] ton of chicken and then eventually buys a chicken restaurant because he loves it so much I believe I haven't seen it forever but it's it it's a hundred percent him it was like what the [ __ ] that holy is in this movie is so strange hey you got one-on-one with a police dog oh yeah like that dogs gonna rip my throat out throw [ __ ] your balls ha ha the next the next stripper that comes out sees kill cannon and just books it out of it yes [ __ ] you Brian who was that actress Dwight did I forget whose person was is this somebody we know Lorenzo Lamas his wife oh that's right that's right Lorenzo Lamas wife is in this film I don't know her full name it's like bonnet tits McGee great tits McGee like sits with Magill eat it's I believe is their name I guarantee you they were like well she really wants to be in the film do we have any role for you play a stripper well she was in real life she's a playboy it was a Playboy Playmate so we're not exactly a stretch yeah exactly it's right in our house basically it takes them to pretty much the border where this this organization or a cult even someone it's a drug cartel who's pretending to be a cult to like scare all the locals so they don't [ __ ] with them I think this is going on people who are trying to go over the border they scare the [ __ ] out of them and say here take these drugs they're using they're using illegal immigrants to smuggle drugs into the u.s. yeah and they're forcing the immigrants to do this by like pretending they're somewhere where's supernatural cult thing or something Brian what did they call this phenomenon I don't know man I don't remember this what black dawn no that's not what what exactly what they call this the phenomenon was black dawn that's exactly what they like I could have swore black dawn what maybe I'm remembering directly but black dawn is which is the original title of good cop bad cop we didn't mention I don't know according to them according to their little cult black dawn is the event worthy spirit of death goes about and hunts down is that it will doers yes cuz what I thought it was let's get it all right anyways we both came out with completely different because I don't remember that at all I remember black dawn being when Lorenzo Lamas his character uh when he's was a DEA agent they talk about like before the movie ever took splay it takes place when he was in that like part of that force doing shady [ __ ] that like operation Black Dog yeah isn't that what it was it wasn't it like operation black dawn maybe this double meaning maybe it was both yeah maybe because as I read as I recall like they use the Mexican name for it but then somebody like translated it yeah sure maybe I don't so his character is into literature say Mack why don't we get together when you're not so busy and talk great lit Chaucer Erasmus Aquinas Mickey Spillane Camus how move hasn't cow what's it about in a nutshell man is pathetic and the universe absurd don't know where I got that idea Nutter butters Nutter Butter last one and and drinking but not not drinking but like cuz the at one point he's offered a drink but doesn't take it like he says he's giving it up hey I think your milk oh I'm not thirsty anymore then early in the movies and later in the movie riddle he has bottles of Jack Daniels everywhere it's a little inconsistent in high regard but the Nutter butters is what the important part is he has a package of like six of them like a normal Nutter Butter package how long how long does that last you about 5-10 minutes you know until I'm done II how long does it last Laurens a lot uh at hour and forty minutes over the course of this whole movie life like over the course of like a week yeah I wonder if like if the beats when when he eats a cookie like line up with like end of Act one in the back - time for another thing weird such a weird cuz he literally like there's there's like four distinct moments throughout the film where he eats a Nutter Butter any every time he eats it holds it up just so you can see that he's eating Nutter butters but and they they eventually come into play they're not just there for like a weird character quirk oh if they were if they were there because Nutter Butter paid to be in this movie I mean name maybe who knows but they literally wrote it into the plot because let's just jump right to it doesn't matter when I spin when I go through this whole garbage movie though so the main bad guy at the end is in a mine chap yeah mine in the dark because he's got the the bad guys got the night-vision headset so he lures Lorenzo Lamas into it like a mine so that he can kill as they're doing this little shootout the heat main bad guy sees a dog he picks up the dog and he throws it like down a flight was the most random and ridiculous part of the there's two parts there's a part with a knife but we'll talk about but this part was so random and redic they're in they walk into a mine shaft or in the mine tunnel and then all of a sudden as they're shooting at each other there's a dog yeah there's no setup for why there's a dog there and it's a little like dog it's not like a feral but it's like a little like yeah I'm Iranian there's my bag I just picked you up in Chuck's EOCs it and then it doesn't they don't address it until later it comes back but when it happened we were like what just what just happened why did he just he's shooting at our good guy sees the dog picks it up and we I thought he literally is just like so we're like this guy's really a bad guy he just took that dog and threw it off a cliff like I had no idea like reversed shave the cat it just picks up a dog it just Chuck's it down a mineshaft and then the scene continues what's so weird but Lorenzo Lamas he he tries to use his dog whistle which has worked previously in tricking those helmets into miss reading or or hurting the villains yeah he drops it yeah he gets in a situation where he can use it so he gets out with a Nutter Butter package which I was all gone except for line what little and Nutter Butter I believe 100 but I know it might even be empty I don't know but I thought there was one regardless he puts it down on the ground and the dog stars but they set it up they pay it off this way because we go into like a first-person mode it turns into like the end of Silence of the Lambs where it's like it's like when uh Buffalo Bills chasing a her around basement yeah chasing Clarice around the basement in like night vision mode um it's like exactly that so here's like panting you think that's yeah so the bad guy here is this dog pant or not dog we don't know so he's here breathing yeah and so he's like that's got to be yeah and so he goes around with his silver plated sole shotgun and then he's like season sees the dog is like oh [ __ ] and then Larissa Wawa's pops out from behind him and right in the back shoots him right in the back I was like [ __ ] live it at that moment I was like yes it doesn't matter the [ __ ] out of that guy I have to do like like Arnold Schwarzenegger I'm gonna mow down 40 people nope things just some guy with a package a Nutter Butter just used a Nutter Butter and a dog to save the day I love MacGyver and then when he shoots the guy in the bag so it's a little different oh no you are not thinking I still got one bullet left so there's there at this hideout there's this hideout where all the drug cartel hangs out and in the very first scene of the movie this is a random thing I thought it was really funny though in like the very first scene in the movie when they kill that guy they kill him in is where they end up using this place as a hideout they shoot the [ __ ] out of him with a shotgun later in the movie we come back to this locations assuming I'm assume she's like weeks later yeah they show they pan across the the same room it was in and the blood is still on the wall when they nobody bother cleaning it not even a little bit it's just completely and you know I think this is it's not because nobody bothered cleaning it up I think it's because it when they shot the movie they shot that scene and they only have like two or three days to shoot the whole movie in this location yeah so like we don't have time to clean it we got to keep going look let's go just left it on the wall eventually it all no spoiler the the old white guy who got kidnapped is in on it and had and intentionally got kidnapped and actually tried to get them to kill his wife because she knew about stuff but they ended up killing but they killed the wrong person because they were both wearing red dresses so we get to the end of the movie or towards the end before they actually there's like they're doing this weird cult ritual ritual to I don't know why they're doing it but so her husband the old guy comes in wearing like a cloak alright they like put him in a cloak and he's gonna become like the head of the cult or something and he has do this by sacrificing this girl but again this plot makes no it's so out of control at the end it just doesn't make any sense but so he has to kill his ex or his wife and he walks out of the room with the cloak on and there's the end there's all the members of the drug cartel are standing around in the room and one of the guys in the drug cartel just starts laughing because it's just some old white guy I guess that's why he's laughing like he calls him like he calls him some title and then one of the Mexican guys is like nah and this hard cut they cut back to the main bad guy he pulls a knife I was but--and it's just rosin and all this and murders are done and then I just continue on it's just like nothing happened what yeah oh man that's my favorite part so that was so good it was so good also in that scene Adam Duritz makes a cameo what I want to talk about one random thing that I have to little on his film after he murders and breaks into the the drug cartel place he's going to save the the female lead in this movie who's tied to thing gonna be sacrificed uh he goes to save her and he's literally just murdered like hundreds of people and but it's real good time to swipe out of banister it's like a little bit what did such a random silly moment I was like why did that just happen he's just like whoops coming in to save the day Brian the ladder the ladder the ladder so so early in the movie when they break in his apartment or not breaking it apart when the cop come to see him his gang breaks yeah well let's break this down first because his apartment was broken into by Hurley from lost and a couple therapy right any one of which one of which he shoots and then the guy starts continuously raging with a nutty oh god he shoots that guy like eight times it just blows a limit I was like how did this guy and the guys like still raging it's like anyway so his stairs are broken and he gets out of his apartment he needs to get back into his apartment so he steals a ladder from a cop passing by yeah it's such a perfect like I felt like that scene encapsulated his character and how perfectly he played his character that scene is so weird or that little part of that scene is so weird to make any and random but it works and it's funny and like he plays it perfect and I was like this ID I'm on board with this movie cuz of this like it's so perfect it's weird but it works you can come here how am I supposed to get home it's your problem it's the very top of the community so let's uh let's let's sum up this this this one cuz this is a tough one this is a weird one ah it was good good up until about halfway through and they got into that stupid cult thing yeah and that kind of went on took a left turn so that no we're like I'm gonna say writing writing and character alone good bad I loved it not even good bad here's where I'm going with it I'm gonna go good bad but not in like the normal way we would go good bad I'm gonna say it's it's good slash also bad it's literally both it's not like the first half of the movie is just good like it's just they're not even for half me the first quarter or third of the movie is just good like it's just I was like I'm enjoying this it's paced well it's written well it's funny it's interesting character I want to know what happens in the story and at some point it just becomes but then they're like then but but in the second half of the bad part there's actually good bad moment yeah see there are moments so like just watch the first part to like enjoy it and look this is good this is funny this is good writing and then watch the second half because then you can laugh at it because it's it has those moments so it's both good and bad and good bad and bad bad this movies this movie is the Alpha and the Omega this movie is everything this movie is love this movie is life good cop bad cop starring Lorenzo line let's remember people this may or may not have been brought to you by Nutter Butter s1 oh my god under butter left so until next time keep eating Nutter butters
Channel: Good Bad or Bad Bad
Views: 24,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good bad or bad bad, gborbb, good cop bad cop, B Movie (Film Genre), bad movies, Black Dawn (Film), Black Dawn (Video Game), Best Of The Worst (TV Program), red letter media, good bad, Lorenzo Lamas (Film Actor)
Id: TO-q8WHB4qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 22 2015
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