Gomer Pyle USMC 2023 ⭐ - Full Episode - Gomer, the Welsh Rarebit Fiend - Best situation comedy

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[Music] Gomer Pyle USMC starring Jim Nabors as Gomer Pyle also starring Frank Sutton as Sergeant Carter [Music] excuse me Sergeant private Slater reporting to pick up a pass Sergeant huh oh yes later hey uh late too sergeant heel pile you really think you deserve a pass after what happened out on the infiltration course this afternoon sir the Bob wire pile the Bob wire them big wire fences with all the sharp little things or maybe you don't remember I had a crawler 100 yards on my belly to Turn You Loose oh diet yeah that and that and that and that the police Sergeant you know how sorry I am I didn't mean to get you hung up too yeah take your pass pile the further away from here you are the better I like it in Sergeant all those things you said to me out there today about being an awful terrible specimen of a soldier I deserved it I deserved every word of it look I beat it with you before I changed my mind yes sir I just didn't want you to think I didn't appreciate your criticism because it's not every sergeant that pays that much attention to one man well if you're not out of here in exactly one second see there that's just what I was talking about well so much for the tender farewells where you have to go oh well I just thought I'd go in town to investigate something that's all oh yeah what's that gosh Duke I really ought to say right now huh well but if it's any good you'll be the first to know about it and that's promise come on go now you gotta be curious give me a little hand no do you it's just that I want to make sure about it first myself before I say anything you're certainly turning into a man of mystery well it's not bad to you it's just that there's a lot of difference between a rumor and a fact and so far all I know is just the rumor well at least we can take the bus into town together oh uh Gomer if it's the new coffee cake out at the YWCA you don't have to worry I already know about that oh it's something different get something entirely different ma'am don't tell me you're ready for dessert or to tell you the truth ma'am I thought I'd have another order of the very same thing another wall shrimp it ma'am you're looking at a Welsh rabbit thing I just can't help myself it's so it's just awful ain't it I don't know when I've been so ashamed of myself it's gluttony just pure gluttony for not being able to control my craving for Welsh Rarity I can eat it till the cows come home if it's good and yours is good just like I heard it was well thank you my sister and I can always do with confidence like that I'll let you in on something else too Welsh rabbit is my one Vice in life no matter how hard to try to stop myself no really young man I don't think that's such a terrible thing all it is it's terrible terrible terrible my goodness you weren't joking when you said you was a Welsh rabbit fiend and it's terrible ain't it just terrible oh I don't no you're a marine you're supposed to eat just as long as it doesn't affect you or fake me how could it affect me do you know at night they say that Welsh rabbit gives you bad dreams all by it I've heard about that I suspect it's just a big fairy tale oh I don't know about that I'll never forget what Happened One Night to Mr Jennings he was my first husband poor man anyway he it was rabbit for dinner just like you're doing and you won't believe what happened what I woke up at two o'clock in the morning there he was painting the kitchen walls in his pajamas two o'clock in the morning and his eyes wide open I mean he was a sleigh sound asleep I had to shake the ladder to wake him up really yes indeedy I never did feed him Welsh rabbit again and you know what what he never did finish painting the kitchen oh whatever [Music] what's that I don't know coming I'm coming I'm coming get that boy I get it all right what is this do you know what time it is yes Sergeant it's hot time you and I said things straight about what happened out there on that infiltration course yesterday Sergeant Carter I just want you to know that I think the punishment you gave me was unfair you had no right to talk to me the way you did no right whatsoever why I resented it Sergeant you talk to me like I was still wet behind the ears well let me just tell you one thing a man's got a right to make a mistake now and then any man I mean it Sergeant don't try to make up with me now you pushed me too far yesterday and you know it if you I don't want to hear it Sergeant I heard all I want to hear from you you just remember one thing I'm a human being with human feelings you just remember that Sergeant remember that you got it foreign did you hear that did you hear that yeah I'll kill him out you have a dishonorable discharge on his throat so fast wait listen what for you heard him I know I know but did you see his face yeah and for the last time I don't know I maybe had a kind of a glazed look so what he always has a glaze look he was born with a glaze look come on we're gonna sell his ice right now starts with you wait a minute I'm telling you there was something funny about pile not to me Sarge when you listen he was asleep sound asleep huh so help me Saji was either a sleeper out of his mind I'll give you that one not one argument he's out of his skull all right okay go ahead I bet he's back in his book right now foreign [Music] [Music] enough is enough hi Sergeant yeah pile it's me in the flesh it seems we have a little difference of opinion about my methods of running the platoon don't it huh it seems you don't like the way I handle things out on the infiltration course it seems I'm picking on you too much where in the words you get an idea like that file just tell me one thing what time did you hit the sack about 9 30 9 35 been sleeping laptop ever since you didn't leave your bunk well no sergeant you mean you didn't leave your barracks is that what you're saying Paul no sergeant and positive where would it go you've been asleep you really been asleep all this time well absolutely why what's wrong nothing yeah forget about it go back to sleep [Music] I don't get it you know what I think huh I think we got a sleepwalker on our hands sleepwalking well what else pile storms in at one in the morning tells you off walks on again and then we find him sound asleep like nothing ever happened yeah he really looked like he was asleep all right right a case of some namuelism If Ever I heard of one that too [Music] hi Mayo don't tell me you're back for more yes ma'am one order a Welsh Rarity please I take it no bad dreams last night no ma'am matter of fact I never slept better by the way will you be wanting more than one portion tonight oh I know I'm gonna want more but I don't think I'm gonna have time you see we're going out on night vivac and the sergeant wore me I better not be late or else right but I'll make up for it tomorrow night you can be sure that oh wash rabbit Feed plus Nick let me gluttony you say Pi checked in on time 10 minutes early to be exact well thank goodness for little things huh what do you say we call it tonight hell everything looks like in good shape to me fudge it's me hi I want to talk to you then you just listen to me Sergeant you're always complaining I'm never on time well let me ask you something have I ever been late Sergeant ever in my whole life come on speak up Kev got your tongue I'll tell you Sergeant no and oh I've never been late for anything and you know it so if you've got any ideas about fussing in me just forget about it you got that just forget about it that's all I gotta say just the same as last time he's asleep again his eyes are wide open right just like last time that's what they say about Sleepwalk is they do everything with their eyes open only they don't know it but I know it's right there's very things you can do about it then I'm gonna find somebody who can do something about it you say you've never noticed this behavior before no sir he's always slept like a log as a matter of fact it usually takes a 21 gun salute to wake him up I see you don't think it's anything serious do you see no it's not likely occasional sleepwalking when there's no prior history to such behavior is usually due to some temporary stimulus say well sometimes the body's chemical equilibrium can be thrown off balance by a reaction to some specific type of food or drink do you know anything about his off base habits lately where he's been going no sir not really I mean he don't talk about him I'd look into it sergeant especially since it could affect his future in the core say if there's no improvement in this condition we may have no alternative but to discharge him discharge him that's right you know a sleepwalker can be a hazard in a combat unit why he could jeopardize the safety of every single man in his outfit isn't that so oh yeah that's true sir and if there's one thing a combat outfit don't need it's jeopardizing that's why I say keep an eye on them for everybody's sake oh I will say I will Sleepwalkers have to be discharged huh I would say so hi Sergeant goodbye Pyle what was what you said goodbye oh well I was just thinking pile just thinking [Music] that's what I thought just what the doc said pile sleepwalking is probably caused by something he ate it's just a temporary thing yeah right which means all you got to do is find out exactly what it is he's been eating ah what do you mean that's what I mean ah you mean you don't intend to investigate past sleepwalking we're for what's to investigate come on Serge you can't have been bounced out of the car just because of something he ate look I can't have a sleepwalker in my outfit when the doc says it ain't safe that's it it ain't my decision anymore right but according to the doc maybe you could just snap him out of it if you find out what it is that doesn't agree with them so what if I do find out I gotta think of the platoon's Jeopardy platoon's what Jeopardy Jeopardy that's a medical term for what's going to happen soon on the field of fire starts the Sleepwalk come on sarge aren't you taking an awful lot for granted for all we know it may be too many strawberry sodas well that's his problem so much you've got to investigate you're not the type of guy that tossed a fellow Marine aside like an old shoe I think you owe it to a guy who's been in the outfit as long as Pyle what I owe him I owe the platoon more if he's going to be a threat to the platoon then there's only one thing to do get rid of him like the doctor said but the doctor also said it could just be temporary and maybe you could find out the reason for it but then I guess you can use that as your excuse for getting rid of pile which is really what you want to do right look boy I'll excuse me Sergeant oh pile what do you want well I just came by to pick up my pies for the night that's all right for you huh well uh all right Pyle hey uh thank you Sergeant thank you Candy pile yes sergeant you know while I've been meaning to ask you what have you been up to lately all of a sudden you're running into town every night nothing much just the usual movie and strawberry soda well not exactly you mean you've given up on the milkshakes no Sergeant I still like him as much as I ever did uh-huh well good night boy you sure seem to be in a hurry like you've got something special going on oh no Sergeant it's just that I didn't want to miss my bus well good night wow you still haven't told me where you're going well it's it's a new place Sergeant you mean for dinner that kind of thing yesterday I see it well good night oh well don't let me hold you up but you run along before you miss your bus well tonight Sergeant Carter corporate ball you all have a nice evening a new restaurant huh you know the doc said it he's reacting to some temporary stimulus that must be some pretty good temporary stimulus if you know what I mean come on let's find out what it is before he gets arrested you know what I think Boyle it looks like a front to me a front for what who knows it could be a lot of things and just how do you figure that smile let's smile on plans kiss it strawberry sodas don't put you in seventh heaven like that come on sweet innocent pile look I only know one thing sweet innocent pile has been yelling at me for two nights in a row and that kind of Courage you don't get from sniffing ketchup bottles he's paying a check tomorrow night it takes me a good week to eat myself out of a taste for something I like as much as Welsh rared it good see you then ain't she gonna say what you usually say what's that oh pleasant dreams thank you now same to you I don't know Sarge Pasha looks okay to me sure he does and that Dame's serving him she looked okay too sure she does you mean you suspect her well what are you uh babe in the woods don't you read the papers what she looks like a nice old lady who runs a tea room and you never heard of nice little old ladies who hold up Banks nice little old ladies who commit murder huh that nice little old lady I don't know I can tell you better if I see a seller I really think that this joint is a front what else whatever he's getting here don't take effect until around bedtime come on Now's the Time to find out what it is he's taken oh oh come in boys and sit down make yourselves comfortable thank you uh would you boys like to see a menu no no thanks why don't you just bring us the usual you sure you know what that Marine had you know the ring that was in here oh you too yeah me too well so you're another one yeah I have another one do you think you can handle it as well as that other Marine oh yeah sure even better YouTube oh uh no nothing for me thank you ma'am uh you know I was wondering where do you serve it where do you want it right here that's where I'll have it what do you think it is I don't know but I figure it's gotta be something you eat drink or smoke but if it's what you think it is what are you gonna do she's coming right back with some right so all I gotta do is wait until she turns her back then slip a sample into my pocket and rush it over to the dock to have it analyzed hey I never thought of that what's that that's what you ordered Welsh rabbit what's so funny so that's it so that's what that's what's giving Pyle the nightmares haven't you heard the old story about Welsh rabbit huh well yeah it's supposed to make your dream like crazy didn't you know oh come on boy you don't expect me to believe that do you this is the 20th century remember look all I know is I've been hearing it for years and it looks like piles proving it true you know you've been fighting pretty hard for a pie lately you've been leaning over backwards trying to defend him like he was a relative or something I'm just trying to be fair that's all look the fact remains pile has turned into a sleepwalker and if you think this stuff is all it took you're crazy and I'll prove it to you I'll prove it to you just to show you that I'm as Fair as they come watch Boyle I'm gonna eat some of this stuff just to show you that we know only two facts for certain one pile is a Bonafide Sleepwalker and two this is a plate a Welsh rabbit and three is very hot [Music] hello [Music] both [Music] [Music] here and now here and now sure sure you say what you have to say and I'll just wait till you finish it's time I straightened you out about the way you've been treating me I know and I'm sorry about that you said you was gonna wait till I finish I know but I just thought [Music] you some right here and now you better start having a little more confidence in me because I've had it with your suspicions and mistrust do you read me well yes I do what was that Sergeant what did you say I said yes I do I can't hear you let's hear it Carter you just gonna stand there oh well no pile I just want to say I I really appreciate your criticism every private that would go to all that trouble and I just want to say thank you thank you thank you you said it so head on back to the duty Hut go on move it move side filed hey wake up what you yeah me at three o'clock in the morning look at you hey Corporal ball what is this what's going on here you don't know what am I doing out here how did I get out of here I'll tell you what got you out here a plate of Welch rabbit that's what huh yeah a new two pile boy that Welsh rabbit was working great tonight I can see that what yeah you two guys were doing a little sleepwalking and Dreaming Dreams you'd never believe you mean it's true about the Welsh rabbit it's really true Sergeant you mean you had a plate of that Welsh rabbit I never did believe that story either but I guess it's true on account look at us well how about that I never would have believed if I do get back to your quarters this minute Jeremy but Sergeant knock it off if you think I'm gonna stand out here in the middle of the night listening to you driver away you're crazy now move oh let's go move that's more like it [Music] all right let's go you Knuckleheads on the double go go go you Knuckleheads that's the way you fall out for Revelation you're underwear what are you stupid well talk and talk I'm sorry sir I'm sorry sorry you're sorry I'll give you something to be sorry about you get some clothes on you on the double you hear me all right sir right away Sergeant I'll do it by second well what are you standing there for like a dumbbell you need some help okay I'll give you some go go go go go go go go go touch you all right I thought you were feeling sick so I let you sleep but I heard you yell a couple of times you okay you all right oh pile of zero pointing for those extra duties you said you want them to do just say something huh I want him to talk say something and say good morning good morning sergeant good morning Pyle are you all right yeah I'm okay [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Vi Vivian Makeup
Views: 7,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B2nZ3ps5xQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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